paleo lifestyle a quick guide

Paleo Lifestyle: A Quick Guide Josh Singer

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Paleo lifestyle  a quick guide

Paleo Lifestyle: A Quick Guide

Josh Singer

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Components of a health life

2 Important Parts: 1. Paleo Lifestyle 2. Paleo Nutrition

+ (80/20 Principle)

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-Not a "diet" -Not "temporary" -Needs to be done day-in day-out in order to

succeed -Lifestyle--> for LIFE

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1. Lots of Plants & Animals

Vegetables: -Look for rainbow color -Essential vitamins and minerals to everyday

health -Fiber Animals: -Free-range poultry, grass-fed beef, wild-

caught fish, seafood

2. Avoid Poisonous Things &

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Quick Word on Fats

Saturated Butter, Coconut Oil -Myesitic Acid, Lauric Acid--> Improve immune health, nerve signalling, Protects liver, bone strength, reduces lipoprotein (a)- correlates strongly with risk for heart disease

Unsaturated Healthy fatty fish (Omega 3 fatty acids) EPA, DHA--> brain and neuronal communication Omega3- Anti Inflammitory Omega6-Pro inflammitory (Inflammation is associated with Arthritis, ashma, celiac disease, cancer)

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The Importance of Fiber

-10,000 years ago= 100 grams of fiber per day -Today= 12 grams -Today also= heart disease, hypertension

(HBP), metabolic syndrome, OBESITY

Fine, but what does it do for me?

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Fiber (cont.)

Dietary Fiber: Soluble vs. Insoluble

Sol- slows digestion, absorption

Insol-latticework in gut for soluble fiber to lay over

Hair in drain-- stops up water from going through

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Fiber (cont.)

Dietary Fiber:

In the gut, you want to inhibit the rate of flow from intestine crossing into bloodstream.

WHY? Allows time for liver to FULLY process what's coming in, so no overflow occurs

That's not all . . .

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Fiber (cont.) -Majority "enriched" grains today

are stripped of natural fiber

-Refined grains are stripped of both germ and bran in milling process (WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT??)

-Turns out milling gives finer texture and extends shelf-life


examples: white flour, rice, pasta, potatoes, some cookies, crackers, etc.

Companies replace nutrients in "enriched" grains, but you can't replace fiber!!

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Fiber (cont.)

-In order to benefit from fiber of grain, the digestive enzymes of intestine must slowly strip away layers of kernel

-Meaning the kernel must have a full shell to reap benefits

-When you strip away the bran, you're left only with the starchy endosperm (glucose, a carbohydrate)

-You must ingest the ENTIRE kernel to reap full nutritive benefits of "whole" grains.

Take home message: -Slow stripping of bran in intestine, serum glucose rises slowly, reaches lower [peak]. -Removing outside bran via processing, liver hit with INFLUX of glucose and rise is much faster, higher [peak], higher insulin rise, more stored fat. **Try eating actual whole grains. Pretty dry and unappetizing

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Fruit -Fruit contains 50% glucose, 50% fructose -Fructose is trouble maker in absorbtion WITHOUT fiber

Fruit Juice -"Juicing," blending action, keeps some vitamins and minerals, but eliminates

the crucial fiber

-Remember: usually fiber keeps flow of fructose to the liver slow and controlled (how nature intended, that's why fruit has fiber in it also), liver keeps up, mitigates most negative effects of fructose

-Blending destroys cellulose, eliminates insoluble fiber, leaves soluble with no "lattice work" to help form barrier in intestine

Fiber in Fruit, Fruit Juice

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3. Move Frequently

4. Lift Heavy Things

5. Sprint

Exercise is just as important as nutrition (nutrition is about 70% of your body composition)

Weekly: Move Frequently at a Slow Pace- 5-6 hrs Heavy Lifts- 1-3x Sprint- 1x/week or 10 days

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3. Move Frequently

4. Lift Heavy Things

5. Sprint

Biking, swimming, rowing, running, ultimate frisbee, basketball, tennis, etc.

Full body, functional movements

100% max effort, all out sprints (could be during basketball or other activities)

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6. Sleep

8. Sunlight

You need sleep. No argument there. That's the time when your brain regenerates dead neurons and rests your body. (~8 hrs)

Sunlight- ~15-20 minutes exposure per day

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7. Play

Perhaps the most important ENJOY LIFE, go out on a date, watch a movie,

walk the dog, do a puzzle

Sudoku, scrabble, study, activate brain, don't just sit around and get wasted. When you do get wasted, don't be an idiot. Use common sense.

9. Avoid Stupid Mistakes

10. Use your Brain

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The food pyramid:

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The 80/20 Principle

Allows wiggle room

Not a cheat day.

Not planned, just happens.

No guilt, but you're aware of what you're eating (ex. ice cream).

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The 80/20 Principle

Still doesn't mean go on a crazy sugar and pasta binge.

Applies to special occasions, unexpected situations, vacations, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities

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