pakistan vs india

Pakistan vs. India Leah Rohde And Justin Simerlink

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Post on 06-May-2015




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Page 1: Pakistan vs India

Pakistan vs. India

Leah RohdeAnd

Justin Simerlink

Page 2: Pakistan vs India

India and Pakistan

• Tensions grew between India and Pakistan because of nuclear tests in 1998.

• India launched military strikes against Kashmiri in May 1999.

• Kashmir was a result of the 1947 Indian Independence Act

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Two states were created..

• India and Pakistan were created after the independence struggle from Britain.

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In 1971..

• India’s military created conflict in East Pakistan.

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Pakistan had close relations with the US

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Islamic fundamentalist

• Began to spread their control to Kashmir.

• India claims that the Pakistan government supports insurgents.

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• Chose to be an Islamic republic

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India and Pakistan..

• Have been long-time cricket rivals as well…

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Pakistan possesses

• Missile capabilities to hit India.• Their IRBM launchers are more

vulnerable to and Indian attack.

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Indian IRBM launch pads..

• Can be kept out of Pakistan range.

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India declared

• A no-first-use policy.

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Indo-Pakistani War 1999

• Pakistan was forced to withdraw its troops.

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All Indo-Pakistani Wars

• 1947• 1965• 1971• 1999

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• Siachen Conflict ’84• -India launched Operation

Meghdoot that captured most of the Siachen Glacier.

• Other conflicts in the glacier area happened in ’85, ’87, and ’95.

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Kashmir insurgency

• November 1986 to March 1987• India began Operation Brasstacks• It lead to fear of another war• Tensions were high in 1990• December 13, 2001 there was a

terrorist attack on Indian Parliament.