pakistan donor directory


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Youth Allaince for Relief and Rehabilitation is an NGO/NPO working for the relief and rehabilitation of Youth of Rural and tribal areas of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjba. This book is dedicated to the youths of Pakistan read it and to think to play their positive role in the betterment and development of their respective communities. If you want to be an indepandant Social Worker we will train you, groom you, fecilitate you and assist you to work as an indepandant social worker with your own identity. so become YAR of your community with our association. Just contact. MOOSA - 0344-3118911, or e-mail ur details + CV to [email protected].


Page 2: Pakistan Donor Directory


The NGORC Donor Directory collects and disseminates information about donors that are providing financial and otherassistance to the non-governmental sector in Pakistan. This is the third edition following releases in 1994 and 1998.

This edition reveals some interesting new trends. International private foundations appear for the first time. Indigenousfoundations are also gearing up their efforts. Many of these prefer to retain their anonymity, however, and discouragepublicity of any sort. NGORC is engaging with these publicity shy grant makers to encourage them to recognize that through amore transparent style they will increase their effectiveness. Pakistan’s corporate sector is also poised to divert more and morefunds towards social development.

I would like to thank all those that have participated in putting together this directory for taking time to fill the questionnaireand helping make the directory a useful publication. I would like to put on record the work done by Mr. Mohammad Anwar,Research Assistant, towards collection and processing of data, Ms. Rabia Baig, Manager Information and Research for leadingthe study, and Ms. Kamyla Marvi Tapal for writing the overview of the donor sector in Pakistan.

I sincerely hope that the citizen sector and other stakeholders would find this humble effort of NGORC useful and relevant.We are optimistic that this small initiative will go a long way to promote a productive relationship between NGOs and donorsfor sustainable development in Pakistan.

Qadeer Baig Deputy Director

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List of Donor Organizations Page #

1. ActionAid Pakistan (AAPk) 1

2. Acumen Fund 4

3. Aga Khan Foundation (Pakistan), [AKF (P)] 7

4. Asian Development Bank (ADB) 10

5. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) 12

6. Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI – CIDA) 15

7. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) 18

8. Church World Service – Pakistan /Afghanistan CWS – P/A 21

9. Concern Pakistan (CP) 24

10. Department for International Development (DFID) 27

11. Developments in Literacy (DIL) 30

12. Embassy of Japan – Grassroots Assistance Programme (GRA) 33

13. European Union – Delegation of the European Commission in Pakistan (EC) 36

14. Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO) 40

15. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) 43

16. Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNS) 46

17. Gender Equality Project – DFID funded, British Council managed (GEP) 49

18. German Technical Cooperation (GTZ) 52

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List of Donor Organizations Page #

19. Global Environment Facility – Small Grants Programme (GEF/SGP) – UNDP 55

20. Governance and Gender Unit (UNDP) 58

21. International Labour Organization (ILO) – Specialized agency of UN System 60

22. Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) 63

23. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 66

24. John M. Lloyd Foundation 69

25. Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau Bank (KfW) 72

26. Micro-Finance Social Development Fund (MSDF/CIF) 74

27. National Trust for Population Welfare (NATPOW) 77

28. Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) 80

29. OXFAM – Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM) 83

30. Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) 86

31. Programme for the Advancement of Gender Equality (PAGE - CIDA) 89

32. Royal Netherlands Embassy (RNE) 92

33. Save the Children – UK (SC-UK) 95

34. Save the Children – US (SC-US) 98

35. Shell Pakistan Limited 100

36. Sight Savers International (SSI) 103

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List of Donor Organizations Page #

37. South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK) 106

38. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through Civil Society

HID Programme (CHIP) 110

39. The Asia Foundation (TAF) 114

40. The World Bank (WB) 117

41. Trocaire 120

42. Trust for Voluntary Organizations (TVO) 123

43. Unilever Pakistan Limited 126

44. United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) 129

45. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 132

46. United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) 135

47. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 138

48. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) 139

49. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) 142

50. World Food Programme (WFP) 145

51. World Health Organization (WHO) 148

52. World Population Foundation (WPF) 151

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

AAPk ActionAid Pakistan

AGE The Advancement of Gender Equality

ADB Asian Development Bank

AKF (P) Aga Khan Foundation (Pakistan)

AKDN Aga Khan Development Network

AusAID Australian Agency for International Development

BHC British High Commission

CIDA Canadian International Development Agency

CFLI Canada Fund for Local Initiatives

CBOs Community Based Organizations

CHIP Civil Society HID Programme International

CIF Community Investment Fund

CRS Catholic Relief Services

CWS – P/A Church World Service – Pakistan/ Afghanistan

CP Concern Pakistan

DFID Department for International Development

DIL Developments in Literacy

DO Donor Organization

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

GRA Embassy of Japan – Grassroots Assistance Programme

EC European Commission

EU European Union

FAO Food & Agricultural Organization

FES Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

FNSt Friedrich Naumann Stiftung

GEP Gender Equality Project

GTZ German Technical Cooperation

GEF Global Environment Facility

ILO International Labour Organization

JBIC Japan Bank for International Cooperation

JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency

JHU Johns Hopkins University

KfW Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufban

MSDC Micro-Finance Social Development Fund

MNC Multi National Corporations

NATPOW National Trust for Population Welfare

NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

NGORC NGO Resource Centre

NORAD Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation

OXFAM OXFAM – Oxford Committee for Famine Relief

PAKSID Pakistan-Canada Social Institutions Development Programme

PPAF Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund

RO Recipient Organizations

RNE Royal Netherlands Embassy

SC –UK Save the Children – UK

SC – USA Save the Children – US

SGP Small Grants Programme

SSI Sight Savers International

SPDC Social Policy Development Centre

SAP-Pk South Asia Partnership Pakistan

SDC Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

TAF The Asia Foundation

TVO Trust for Voluntary Organizations

UNICEF United Nations Children Fund

UNDP United Nations Development Programme

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

UNDCP United Nations Drug Control Programme

UNFPA United Nations Population Fund

WB World Bank, The

WFP World Food Programme

WPF World Population Foundation

WHO World Health Organization

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NGO Resource Centre is a non-funding support organization that provides management education related services to buildcapacity of citizen organizations. On the basis of credible data on the citizen sector, it undertakes policy dialogue to promote anenabling policy environment. The objective of the NGO Resource Centre is to (a) enhance capacity and professionalism in citizenorganizations of Pakistan and (b) promote an enabling policy environment for private voluntary initiative in the public interest.

For accurate and authentic collection and dissemination of information, NGORC develops directories on themes relevant to thecitizen sector. Over the years NGORC has produced directories of Donor Organizations (this version being an update),Intermediary NGOs, Training Organizations for the Citizen Sector and Social Research Organizations in Pakistan. Earlier theCentre conducted a census of NGOs registered with the Social Welfare Department.

This directory encompasses five kinds of donors – namely bilaterals, multilaterals, embassies and high commissions,international/ local private foundations and the corporate sector. This updated version of the directory also includes an overviewof the donor sector in Pakistan as important partners in development.

Annex II offers tips on how to contact donors and a specimen of project proposal form (Annexure III).


The first step towards the compilation of this directory was to update the list of donors. The earlier list of donors available withNGORC was revised and enhanced. Based on the information collected in the earlier directories, a questionnaire (Annex IV) wasprepared to elicit the required ‘organizational’ and ‘procedural’ information from relevant donors. The questionnaire was pre-tested with two potential donors in order to ensure clarity of thought and clear understanding of the tool.

In August 2002, the questionnaires along with introductory letters were sent out to the 102 organizations in the list (Annex I).Data collection (via mail and email) and data entry continued through the months of September and October 2002. Of the 102organizations contacted fifty-two responded within the stipulated time. Information sent to NGORC was transferred to templatesand sent back to respective organizations for verification. By November, the data had been verified, processed and statisticaltables had been generated. Soon after, the first draft of the report was ready along with the article on Partners in Development: Anoverview of donor funding to NGOs in Pakistan.

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The recent developments in Afghanistan and its repercussions on the international and national scenario had lead many donororganizations to temporarily suspend non-essential activities. It was for this reason that the donor directory project waspostponed till later in the year 2002. Also most international foundations were difficult to locate as they did not have local offices;however correspondence was managed through email.

Indigenous donors – both private foundations and corporations - were also not easy to reach. Some craved anonymity and otherswere not able to furnish the required information.

Data collection is always a daunting task. Often for participating organizations, it is not easy to visualize the benefits of partakingin surveys and therefore have to be cajoled and ‘nudged’. This often involves intense follow-up.

Definition of Terminologies

Technically a ‘donor’ is an institution or person who donates resources to another individual or institution. The resources that aredonated may be financial, physical, technical, material or human. In the development sector, donors are often institutions thatprovide monetary grants or aid to government and NGOs1.

In Pakistan’s social development context, the term ‘donor’ usually means a foreign bilateral or multilateral agency, UN agency,international NGO or the Banks. It does not usually refer to indigenous philanthropic organizations, corporate sector donors orindividual donors. However, in the broader sense these do constitute ‘donor’.

For the purpose of this study, a donor is defined as “an organization, government or private funding projects or organizations ofthe citizen sector in Pakistan, through which the people of Pakistan directly or indirectly benefit. Furthermore these must have acommitment towards funding social development (as opposed to welfare, relief and charity) and future plans to continue doingso.

1 Kamal Simi, The NGO Donor Axis: Suggestions Towards Codes of Conduct for NGOs and Donors in Pakistan, UN Pakistan.

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Partners in DevelopmentAn Overview of the Donor Funding to NGOs in Pakistan

Over the last decade or so international donor agencies have increasingly given greater prominence to the role of NGOs in socialwelfare and development of the civil society. This prominence has not only been in the form of greater financial amounts beinggiven in grants to NGOs but also as a proportion of the total aid given to countries. This increase in funding both in real and relative terms has seen a substantial growth of NGOs all over the world and especially inthe developing nations of the South. Pakistan too, which has a relatively young NGO sector has seen growth in the number ofNGOs over the last decade. Today, over three hundred intermediary organizations provide social services through a network ofgrassroots, and many more local community-based organizations (CBOs) are working to address basic social needs at thecommunity level. According to the SPDC/JHU/AKF Report of April, 2002 there are almost 45,000 active organizations in the non-profit sector. These organizations vary greatly in terms of their size, competence, and transparency, focus and impact. Theyaddress a varying range of issues from education, income generation, micro-finance, irrigation, and health, to democracy andrights.

Similarly the last decade and a half has also seen an increase in the number of donors in Pakistan. Over 50 percent of the donors inthis directory have begun operating in Pakistan after 1980 and now a number of UN agencies, CIDA have offices and staff basedin Islamabad. This local presence enables them to better understand the local scenario as well as more easily interact with theirrecipient partners. Yet with increasing possibilities through the Internet to develop relationships many donors, small and largeprovide funds to Pakistan without being based in the country. Examples of such are the Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundationand the Bill Gates Foundation. Who do Donors Fund?

A review of the mission statements of donors (included in the directory) suggests some common threads. All donors statephilanthropic reasons for their support, most of them emphasizing poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Many alsoidentify improvement in the lives of vulnerable groups such as women and children. In this directory 87 percent of the donors areworking for women, 73 percent for low-income groups and 69 percent for children. Many reasons are cited for why donors provide support to NGOs: the donor–NGO relationship is a mutually beneficial one. Infact the reasons may be as many as the donors; Some common cited include:

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• Governments as well as civil society organizations in the donor countries feel a social responsibility towards the developingcountries. Colonialism is seen as being a reason for the North-South divide and many seek to redress this balance throughassistance and aid. Those providing support targeted at vulnerable groups such as children and women increasingly seeNGOs as being more efficient, cost-effective, better able to hit the target of vulnerable groups.

• With increasing globalization most countries of the North have developed strong commercial interests in the South. The South

not only provides them with potential human and natural resources but also potentially expansive markets. A strong civilsociety can bring about a stable environment for business. In addition a developing nation will provide a market with greaterpurchasing power.

• Through development sector relationships, the North increases its understanding of the South which advances its

geographical outreach. • The North has a political and ideological commitment to democracy. More and more so, development ideals such as

participation, equality, empowerment, and good governance are being promoted. Moreover, there is an increasing trendtowards supporting advocacy within the civil sector.

The Donors – An Overview

It must be remembered however that donors, like NGOs are not homogenous in nature and consists of various different types oforganizations - from vast multilateral donors consisting of substantial funds from several member countries such as the WorldBank and the Asian Development Bank - to embassies like the Dutch, the British, and the Norwegian that have projects fundsusually for innovative activities executed by NGOs. International NGOs also contribute substantial amounts of financial supportto local NGOs and unlike multilateral and government funding agencies, seldom provide assistance to governments. International philanthropic foundations such as the Ford Foundation and the David and Lucille Packard Foundation are alsoextending upon the tradition of philanthropy from the private to the social sector and are increasingly contributing vast sums ofmoney towards philanthropy in the South.

While local philanthropy is also a potentially vast source of resources for NGOs it remains largely based on individual initiatives,and is only beginning to get organized in the sense of organized philanthropy in the North. Yet some local donors such as theRangoonwala Fund and the Infaaq Foundation do provide funds to CBOs. Corporations such as Unilever Pakistan Ltd, Engro andShell and business association such as the Rotary and Lions, and the German and British Women’s Associations also providefunds to smaller NGO initiatives.

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Funding amounts vary depending upon the donor policies and the capacity of the NGO to utilize funds. NGOs having a soundtrack record and an effective organizational structure with proper accounting, monitoring and evaluation systems in place aremore likely to receive larger and repeated grants. NGOs that are able to show the effectiveness of their programs are also morelikely to receive grants. Yet many donors have windows with small grants for organizations just starting out. Similarly differentdonors have different policies on whether or not they will support an NGO beyond one project cycle. Some donors prefer to workwith seed grants encouraging recipients to find alternative sources of funding, while other donor-NGO partnerships tend to belonger term with an emphasis on organizational development and institution building. Sometimes donors also provide loans to NGOs. This is particularly so within the micro finance sector. Recently the World Bankand the Asian Development Bank provided a loan to the Khushali Bank so that they in turn could provide small-scale loans forthe development of micro-enterprise. Similarly the Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) set up by the Government ofPakistan in partnership with the World Bank, extend loans to NGOs. These loans are often given in conjunction with grants thatsupport capacity building of partner NGOs. Apart from financial support, donors also provide technical assistance through provision of expertise in special areas,contribution in kind (vehicles, buildings, machinery etc.) and providing capacity-building opportunities to recipientorganizations. These may come as part of the financial assistance package or may be requested for separately from the donors. Forexample UNAIDS will often provide support for members of NGOs working within the HIV/AIDS sector to attend internationalconferences. The donors are increasingly becoming more stringent on monitoring and evaluation. This can range from the submission ofreports by the NGOs, to ‘missions’ (visits) by the donors to the project area to see the utilization of the grant money or to moreextensive evaluation missions where programs and projects are evaluated by external evaluators. Donors too have at times playedan active role in advocating an enabling environment for NGOs as in their advocacy efforts against the NGO Bill in 1996. Similarlythe Country Assistance Strategies of the World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank have encouraged participation ofstakeholders during the strategy formulation process. So what is the role of the state within this NGO-donor relationship? The state plays an important role in the creation of anenabling environment for the civil society. In addition, the government provides benefits (such as tax or customs dutiesexemptions) to NGOs. On the other hand, International donors, based in Pakistan, do sign protocols/ Memorandum ofUnderstanding with the government and when they give funds to an NGO they are required to inform the Economic AffairsDivision (EAD).

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Operating partnership combing donor, NGO and government are also becoming more common. Donors finance the relationshipso that the government and the NGO can derive mutual benefits. Donors sometimes provide money to the government or tocredible NGOs to set up social investment funds, which then provides financial and technical support to other NGOs. Twoexamples of such social investment funds are of CIDA providing money to the Aga Khan Foundation for Pakistan SocialInstitutions Development Programme (PAKSID), and of USAID who provided an endowment for Trust for VoluntaryOrganizations (TVO). Changing Priorities

Most donors have their own sectoral and geographical preferences (please see thematic matrix on page xii). Over the years,development ideologies and priority areas continue to change and adapt. Development funding has moved from a morecharitable approach, to one that aimed at economic betterment to more recently, an approach that promotes empowerment. So,for example, work with women has moved from a ‘include’ women-in-development approach to one of gender empowermentwhich focuses on promoting gender equality. Population reduction theories and strategies have shifted their focus to familyplanning, to now a wider and more empowering reproductive health approach. Donors not only change their priority areas butalso how much they will give and their preferences for partnership (directly to NGOs or through government, long term or smallprojects). Sometimes donors will entirely close down their program in one country while new donors are always coming in toidentify new areas of support. There are multiple reasons for these changes. Always, to some measure donor country foreign policy affects its development aid.Thus the Labour government in the UK saw a substantial increase in grants to developing countries, while the present Americangovernment’s policies regarding organizations who provide abortion services has seen a substantial decrease in funds to manyreproductive health organizations. The donor’s changing financial or economic status also affects their ability to fund. Following11th September, corporate sector donors whose stock values fell had to reduce the amount that they were able to commit in thefuture. International conferences such as the conference on sustainable development in South Africa influence and shapedevelopment agendas and governments and donors make commitments which they later strive to meet. Southern countries areincreasingly beginning to effectively mobilize and lobby donor agencies towards the agendas of the South. Thus, for example, theInternational Forum for Capacity Building aims to provide greater voice to NGOs to negotiate with donors. Recipient country politics also influence donor funding policies and procedures. Donors sometimes use funds as political leverageand increase and withdraw assistance to influence policies of the government of the time. Following the testing of nuclearweapons in Pakistan in 1998, the donor community came down strong on the funds that were not only being provided to theGovernment but also to NGOs. Finally, international tools for monitoring development such as the Human Development Indexand other social indicators too influence which fields a donor will prioritize. Similarly donors will often commission in-countryresearch or needs assessments to assess new strategic directions.

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The NGO – Donor Relationship – A Critique

Without the substantial funds that have been received by NGOs from donors it would perhaps have been impossible for NGOs tobecome providers of social and economic services on the scale they do. There is no doubt that donor funding sometimes doesallow NGOs to work on issues which are at times not prioritized on the domestic agenda. The vulnerable are often marginalizedwhen there are so many conflicting demands on limited resources. Foreign funding can give voice to interest groups whootherwise would be stifled in a closed political environment. NGOs also tend to prefer raising funds from international donorsbecause they are better organized through a systematic approach to facilitate the relationship (69 percent of the donors within thisdirectory state that they have specific guidelines and forms). But the NGO-donor sector has its weaknesses and both must be aware of their limitations so that both strive to continuallyimprove. There is no doubt that while international donor agencies can be strong proponents of transparency and democracy,sometimes their own systems can be inflexible and not entirely transparent. What is right for the recipient of aid must be right forthe donor. Donors must meet the standards of performance that they expect recipient governments or organizations to achieve. International agencies have a tendency to support projects rather then programs, which makes it very difficult for NGOs tomaintain and build upon their human expertise over time or for them to secure their administrative costs. This weakensinstitutional learning as well as the NGOs chances for institutional growth over the long term. Official funding compromises theperformance of NGOs in development activities such as institutional development and advocacy that require long-term strategieswith few short-term outputs. Donor agencies are sometimes criticized for policies that in reality only serve the economic interests of their own countries. Thuspolicies which only allow for vehicles to be imported from specified countries or technical assistance to be secured fromconsultants of specified countries may not be the most effective way to meet the local needs as they may cause delays and othercomplications.

Several successful NGO initiatives have suffered because of their over-dependence on foreign donor support. The NGOcommunity and development sector in general has not yet been able to tap into the vast financial and voluntary resourcesavailable within the local communities. This is especially the case in Pakistan where recent studies by the Aga Khan DevelopmentNetwork (AKDN) show that during 1997-8 Pakistani’s gave Rs. 30 billion in money alone, for philanthropic purposes. This is 5times more than Pakistan received in outright grants from foreign aid. The NGO sector must become better adept at includinglocal philanthropists into the NGO-donor partnership. It is in this way that we will move towards greater self-reliance andsustainability. Therefore, it is essential for NGOs to diversify their sources of funding not only between different donors but alsobetween different types of donor.

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The acceptance of increasing amounts of donor funds, which usually come with complex requirements for project appraisal,reporting, evaluation and accounting, presents even larger NGOs with difficulties. This official funding and its requirements cansometimes skew the accountability of NGOs away from grassroots and other internal constituencies. Donor agencies usually are convinced to support development NGOs, as they can reach people and places that governments oftencannot and their bottom-up approach helps communities to express their needs and use their own abilities. However, manygovernments in developing countries feel that with the vast amounts of aid money flowing through NGOs, these organizationsare becoming competitors to what would normally be government’s responsibilities. NGOs often, rather than addressing theselegitimate fears - usually respond by being very critical of the government. For the future development of the country, it isimperative that the NGO-government relationships improve so that they are partners in development rather then competitors forresources. Finally the NGO sector must realize its own social responsibility. With the changing political scenarios in the world, internationalagencies cannot be seen as an unending source of funds, nor must the sector fall into the trap that it is only the internationaldonors to whom they are accountable. The NGO sector is ultimately responsible for the impact of its work. It must change lives, itmust contribute towards changing the future of our country and it must be driven by vision. We must build upon the windows ofopportunity that external and local donors provide us today so that tomorrow we are able to do the same for others.

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Thematic Areas – Matrix


Thematic Areas








F, P






















1 Advocacy/ Research _ _ _ _ _2 Agriculture/Food _ _ _ _ _ _3 Arts/ Culture _ _4 Children _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _5 Communications/ Media _ _6 Democracy _ _ _ _7 Drug Abuse _ _ _ _ _8 Disaster Management _ _ _ _9 Economy _ _ _ _

10 Education _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _11 Emergency Relief _ _ _ _ _ _12 Energy _ _13 Environmental/NRM _ _ _ _ _14 Forestry _ _ _15 Gender _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16 Girl Child _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17 Good Governance _ _ _ _ _ _18 Health _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _19 Housing _ _ _20 Human Rights _ _ _ _ _ _ _21 Humanitarian Relief _ _ _ _22 Industrial Relations/Labour _23 Information Dissemination _ _ _ _24 Information Technology _ _25 Infrastructure Development _ _ _ _26 Institution Strengthening _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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Thematic Areas





um F



F, P






















27 Legal Aid _ _ _28 Micro Credit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _29 Poverty Alleviation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _30 Rape and Violence _ _ _ _31 Religion _ _32 Reproductive Health _ _ _ _ _ _ _33 Rural Development _ _ _ _ _ _ _34 Sports & Recreation _ _35 Trafficking & Migrants _ _36 Vocational Training _ _ _ _37 Water Supply & Sanitation _ _ _ _ _ _ _38 Women _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _39 Youth _ _ _40 Others _ _ _

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Thematic Areas F




























1 Advocacy/ Research _ _ _ 2 Agriculture/Food _ _ 3 Arts/ Culture 4 Children _ _ 5 Communications/ Media _ _ _ _ 6 Democracy _ _ _ _ _ 7 Drug Abuse _ 8 Disaster Management _ 9 Economy _ _ _ _ _

10 Education _ _ _ _ _ 11 Emergency Relief 12 Energy _ _ _ 13 Environmental/NRM _ _ 14 Forestry _ 15 Gender _ _ _ _ _ _16 Girl Child _ 17 Good Governance _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 Health _ _ _ _ _ 19 Housing 20 Human Rights _ _ _ _ _ 21 Humanitarian Relief 22 Industrial Relations/Labour _ _ 23 Information Dissemination _ _ _ 24 Information Technology _ 25 Infrastructure Development _26 Institution Strengthening _ _ _ _ _

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Thematic Areas





























27 Legal Aid 28 Micro Credit _ _29 Poverty Alleviation _ _ _30 Rape and Violence 31 Religion 32 Reproductive Health _ _ _ 33 Rural Development _ 34 Sports & Recreation 35 Trafficking & Migrants 36 Vocational Training _ _ 37 Water Supply & Sanitation _ _ _ 38 Women _ _ 39 Youth _ _ _ 40 Others _ _ _ _

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Thematic Areas
































1 Advocacy/ Research _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 Agriculture/Food _ 3 Arts/ Culture _ _ 4 Children _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 Communications/ Media 6 Democracy _ _ _ _7 Drug Abuse _ 8 Disaster Management _ _ 9 Economy _

10 Education _ _ _ _ _ _ _11 Emergency Relief _ _ _ 12 Energy 13 Environmental/NRM _ _ _ _ 14 Forestry 15 Gender _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _16 Girl Child _ _ _ 17 Good Governance _ _ _ _ _ _18 Health _ _ _ _ _ _19 Housing 20 Human Rights _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 21 Humanitarian Relief _ _ 22 Industrial Relations/Labour 23 Information Dissemination _ _ 24 Information Technology 25 Infrastructure Development _ _ 26 Institution Strengthening _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _27 Legal Aid _ _ _ _

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Thematic Areas
































28 Micro Credit _ _29 Poverty Alleviation _ _ _ _ _ 30 Rape and Violence _ 31 Religion _ 32 Reproductive Health _ _ _ _ _ _33 Rural Development _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 34 Sports & Recreation 35 Trafficking & Migrants _ _ 36 Vocational Training _ _ _ 37 Water Supply & Sanitation _ _ _ _ _ 38 Women _ _ _ _ _ _39 Youth _ _ _ _ 40 Others _ _ _

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Thematic Areas



































1 Advocacy/ Research _ _ _ _ _ _ 202 Agriculture/Food _ _ 113 Arts/ Culture _ _ _ _ 84 Children _ _ _ _ 225 Communications/ Media _ 76 Democracy _ _ 157 Drug Abuse _ _ 98 Disaster Management _ _ _ 109 Economy _ _ 12

10 Education _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3011 Emergency Relief _ _ _ _ 1312 Energy _ 613 Environmental/NRM _ _ _ _ 1514 Forestry _ 515 Gender _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3316 Girl Child _ _ _ _ 1717 Good Governance _ _ _ _ 2218 Health _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2919 Housing _ 420 Human Rights _ _ _ _ _ 2421 Humanitarian Relief _ _ _ _ 1022 Industrial Relations/Labour _ 423 Information Dissemination _ _ _ _ 1324 Information Technology _ _ 525 Infrastructure Development _ _ _ 1026 Institution Strengthening _ _ _ _ _ _ 2727 Legal Aid 7

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Thematic Areas



































28 Micro Credit _ _ _ _ 1629 Poverty Alleviation _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2630 Rape and Violence _ _ _ 831 Religion _ 432 Reproductive Health _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2533 Rural Development _ _ _ _ 1934 Sports & Recreation 235 Trafficking & Migrants _ 536 Vocational Training _ _ _ _ _ 1437 Water Supply & Sanitation _ _ _ _ _ 2038 Women _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2839 Youth _ _ _ _ _ 1540 Others _ 11

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ActionAid Pakistan(AAPk)

House # 7, Street 17, F–8/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2264689, 2282954, Fax: (051) 2260678E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: London, UK Operating in Pakistan: Since 1992 Contact Person: Mr Shahab Qureshi, Manager HR/OD Geographical Focus: National Projects funded in 2001: 11

Mission and goal of the organization: To work with poor and marginalized people to eradicate poverty by overcoming the injustice and inequality that cause it.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchAgriculture/ FoodArts / CultureChildren/ Girl ChildDemocracyDrug AbuseDisaster ManagementEducationEmergency ReliefEnvironment / Natural

Infrastructure DevelopmentInstitution StrengtheningLegal AidMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationRape and ViolenceReligionReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentSports & Recreation

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsResource ManagementGenderGood GovernanceHealthHuman RightsInformation Dissemination

Trafficking & MigrantsVocational TrainingWater Supply and SanitationWomenYouth

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focusg) Consistency, stability

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise f) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Not fixedRO eligible for another project after one year -RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to caseLevel of funding Minimum PKR 4,473000

Maximum PKR 7,950,000Duration of funding 1 YearTime lag between application and approval DependsTime lag between approval and disbursement As per contractWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Timely disbursement of funds

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Study AAPk country strategy • No Consistency; and• Low or no viewed impact

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Acumen Fund

74 Trinity Place, 9th Floor, New YorkNY 10006

United State of AmericaTelephone: (212) 5668821, Fax: (212) 5668817

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: New York, USA Operating in Pakistan: Since October 2002 Contact Person: Mr Asad Azfar, Portfolio Manager, Economic and Civic Enterprise Protfolio Programme Staff: 8, [Male: 6; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: Acumen Fund connects philanthropists with organizations that are developing innovative solutions to social problems around the world. We bring together the resources, ideas, and people needed for these organizations to create long-term, measurable impact. We invest in selected projects grouped around a strategic theme or “portfolio.” Our first portfolio supports healthcare technologies that improve lives in Asia and Africa. These initiatives alter market dynamics by reducing costs of treatments and increasing access to previously unavailable products and services. Our second portfolio, to be launched in Fall 2002, expands opportunities for the underserved majority in Egypt and Pakistan. Selected projects will promote emerging civil society leaders and the economic and civic enterprises that they create.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAgriculture/ FoodDemocracyEconomyHealthHousingHuman RightsLegal Aid

Micro CreditPoverty AlleviationVocational TrainingWomenYouthEconomic EnterpriseCivic Participation

Low income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Past track recordb) Innovation, potential for broad socialimpact, outstanding leadership,significant problem with unmet need,path to sustainability, acumen valueadded

a) Grants/ Loans a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Different for each projectRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project NoLevel of funding Maximum PKR 21,000,000

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 90 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reportsd) Audite) Adherence to proposalf) Financial contributiong) Sustainabilityh) Investment stages against achieving milestones

a) Assistance in networkingb) Planning and designing supportc) Timely disbursement of funds

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Aga Khan Foundation (Pakistan){AKF (P)}

House # 12, Street 84, G –6/4Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2276812-4, Fax: (051) 2276815E-mail: [email protected] g

Type of Organization: International Private Non-Profit Foundation Head Office: Geneva, SwitzerlandOperating in Pakistan: Since 1969Contact Person: Mr Munir M. Merali, Chief Executive Officer

Programme Staff: 11, [Male: 8; Female: 3] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 19.4 Million Project received in 2001: 19 Project funded in 2001: 19

Mission and goal of the organization: In every undertaking, the goals are essentially the same:

• To make it possible for poor people to act in ways that will lead to long-term improvements in their income and health, in theenvironment and in the education of their children.

• To provide communities with a greater range of choices and the understanding necessary to take informed action.• To enable beneficiaries to gain the confidence and competence to participate in the design, implementation and continuing operation of

activities that affect the quality of their lives.• To put institutional, management and financial structures in place to ensure that programme activities are sustainable without

Foundation assistance within a reasonable time-frame.• Building self-reliance and forging new attitudes, skills, and organizational

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsChildren/ Girl ChildEducationGenderHealthInstitution Strengthening

Micro CreditPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentWomen

WomenChildrenLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise f) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins After Approval and Finalization

of ContractRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to caseLevel of funding Depends on case to caseDuration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 120 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal NoWill donor inform organization if project is not approved No

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Quarterly Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Asian Development Bank(ADB)

Pakistan Resident Mission, OPF BuildingShahrah-e-Jamhuriyat, G-5/2

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2825011-6, Fax: (051) 2823324, 2274718

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: Manila, Philippines Operating in Pakistan: Since 1989 Contact Person: Mr Tahir Ali Khan Programme Staff: 32 [Male: 27; Female: 5] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: Assist government to reduce poverty and improve living condition of Pakistanis

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAgriculture/ FoodChildren/ Girl ChildEconomyEducationEnvironment/ Natural Resource ManagementEnergyForestryGender

Good GovernanceHealthInfrastructure DevelopmentMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentWater Supply and SanitationWomen

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistance

Note: Asian Development Bank primarily works with the Federal and Provincial Governments, through which NGOs are also involved.

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Australian Agency for International Development(AusAID)

Australian High Commission, Diplomatic Enclave 1Sector G-5/4, PO Box 1046

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2824345, Fax: (051) 2820418

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Canberra, Australia Operating in Pakistan: Since 1989 Contact Person: Ms Noreen Hasan, Programme Officer Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 2; Female: 1] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKR 9.5 Million approx. Projects received in 2001: 193 Projects funded in 2001: 08

Mission and goal of the organization: The objectives of Australia’s overseas aid is “to assist developing countries to reduce poverty and achieve sustainable development”.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsDrug AbuseEducationEnvironment/ Natural Resource ManagementHealth

Human RightsMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthWomen

WomenChildrenLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Past track record

a) Loansb) Information sharing, advisesc) Provision of equipment

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins 15 July DeadlineRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project NoLevel of funding Minimum PKR 290,000

Maximum PKR 3,000,000Duration of funding 1 YearTime lag between application and approval 2 Months

Time lag between approval and disbursement 2 WeeksWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal NoWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Sustainabilityf) Auditg) Community participationh) Adherence to proposal

a) Monitoringb) Technical advisec) Assistance in networkingd) Timely disbursement of funds

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website Not as yetAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Improvement in the quality of the proposal;• Clear project design;• Community participation; and• Sustainability of benefits

• Selection criteria not addressed;• Sustainability doubtful;• Not registered;• Project information inadequate;• Rationale unclear; and• Weak design

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Canada Fund for Local InitiativesCanadian International Development Agency


House # 18, Bazar Road, G–6/4PO Box 2934

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2279138-41, Fax: (051) 2279137


Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Ottawa/ Hull, Canada Operating in Pakistan: Since 1950 Contact Person: Ms Attiya Hidayat, Coordinator Canada Fund Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 1; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: Varies Projects received in 2001: 650 Projects funded in 2001: 20%

Mission and goal of the organization: The purpose of Canada's Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) is to support sustainable development in developing countries in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchChildren/ Girl ChildDemocracyEducationGenderGood GovernanceHealth

HousingHuman RightsInstitution StrengtheningPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthWomen

WomenChildrenMinoritiesLow income groupsMen

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Thematic focusb) Capacityc) Governing bodyd) Past track record

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill development

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins April 1RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding VariesDuration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval Depends on case to case

Time lag between approval and disbursement Depends on case to case

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reportsd) Evaluatione) Adherence to proposalf) Community participation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Planning and designing supportd) Timely disbursement of fundse) Human resource development

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Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website Yes

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language (Urdu & English) Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Project implementation plan;• Project budget; and• Analysis of the problem/ need

• If they lack donor requirements; and• Geographical focus changes every 2 years

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Catholic Relief Services(CRS)

House # 4, Street 35, F – 8/1Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2254336, 2261706, Fax: (051) 2262507E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International (Private) Head Office: Baltimore, Maryland Operating in Pakistan: Since 1954 Contact Person: Mr Luc Picard, Country Representative Programme Staff: 15, [Male: 5; Female: 10] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 5 Million Projects funded in 2001: 150

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAgriculture/ FoodChildren/ Girl ChildDrug AbuseDisaster ManagementEducationEmergency ReliefGenderHealth

Human RightsHumanitarian ReliefInstitution StrengtheningMicro-CreditPoverty AlleviationRape and ViolenceWater Supply and SanitationWomen

WomenChildrenMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, inputs

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Any TimeRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding Minimum PKR 50,000Maximum PKR 5 million

Duration of Funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 4 MonthsTime lag between approval and disbursement 5 MonthWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

a) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Auditf) Financial contributiong) Community participationh) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Assistance in networkingd) Planning and designing supporte) Capacity building

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Clarity in Objectives; and• Lack of indicators

• Lack of funds; and• Reputation of NGO

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Church World Service – Pakistan/ AfghanistanCWS – P/A

74 Garden Road, SaddarKarachi

Telephone: (021) 7215604, Fax: (021) 7226055E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: International NGO Head Office: USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1954 Contact Person: Ms Shama Mall, Programme Manager Programme Staff: 168, [Male: 120; Female: 50] Geographical Focus: Pakistan & Afghanistan Size of support in 2001: US $ 2 Million Projects received in 2001: Numerous Projects funded in 2001: 30

Mission and goal of the organization: A community that is just, fair, rational, peaceful, equal and independent.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchChildren/ Girl ChildCommunications and MediaEmergency ReliefGenderGood Governance

Human RightsHumanitarian ReliefInformation DisseminationInstitution StrengtheningPeace and WarWomen

WomenChildrenMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track recorde) Good governancef) Having wide impact

a) Financial assistanceb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advises

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins On-going

RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to caseLevel of funding Depends on project to projectDuration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 60-90 Days

Time lag between approval and disbursement 30 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Depends

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Community participationg) Financial contribution

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Assistance in networkingd) Planning and designing supporte) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Trainingg) Capacity building

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines -Available on Website -Are proposals accepted through the Website -Accept proposals in Urdu or other language -

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Not viable;• Not having wide impact;• Non innovative• Prior commitment to on-going projects;• Non-availability of funds

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Concern Pakistan(CP)

House # 54, Street 3, E–7Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2827169, Fax: (051) 2820723E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]:

Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: Dublin, Ireland Operating in Pakistan: Since 2001 Contact Person: Mr Phillip Miller, Country Director Programme Staff: 14, [Male: 10; Female: 4] Geographical Focus: District Size of support in 2001: UK £ 1 Million Projects received in 2001: 5 Projects funded in 2001: 2

Mission and goal of the organization: To enable the most vulnerable and poor people of Pakistan to take initiative to bring positive sustainable change in their lives by reducing the contributing factors to vulnerability and poverty.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Disaster ManagementEmergency ReliefHealthHumanitarian Relief

NutritionPoverty AlleviationRural DevelopmentWater Supply and Sanitation

Low income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track recorde) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise f) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins N/ARO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to caseLevel of funding N/ADuration of funding DependsTime lag between application and approval N/A

Time lag between approval and disbursement N/AWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly reportsd) Monitoringe) Adherence to proposalf) Community participation

a) Monitoringb) Technical advisec) Planning and designing supportd) Capacity building

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website N/AAre proposals accepted through the Website N/AAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Note: We are not purely a funding organization but seek local partnerships to implement programmes

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Department for International Development(DFID)

Development Section, British High CommissionDiplomatic Enclave, Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2206071, Fax: (051) 2823017E-mail: [email protected]

Website: k

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: London, UK Contact Person: Mr Malick Zulfiqar Ahmad, Programme Officer Programme Staff: 14, [Male: 9; Female: 5] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: The elimination of poverty in poorer countries

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchChildrenDemocracyDrug AbuseEconomyEducationEmergency ReliefGenderGood GovernanceHealth

Human RightsInstitution StrengtheningMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationRape and ViolenceReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentWater Supply and SanitationWomen

WomenChildrenLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Capacityc) Past track recordd) Geographical focus

a) Technical assistanceb) Training/ Skill developmentd) Information sharing, inputs, advise

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins April

RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project -

Level of funding Depends on case to case

Duration of funding Up to 5 yearsTime lag between application and approval 3 Months

Time lag between approval and disbursement 1 Month

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Yes

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

a) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Community participationi) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Timely disbursement of fundse) Capacity building

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website -Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Not linked to strategic areas • Not linked to strategic areas

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Developments in Literacy(DIL)

House # 2, Street 16, F –6/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2875230-2E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International Private & Local Nonprofit Head Office: California, USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1997 Contact Person: Ms Afia Aslam, Programme Coordinator Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 1; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 0.25 Million Projects received in 2001: 7 Projects funded in 2001: 5

Mission and goal of the organization: Education of children, mainly girls, mostly in areas where they have no access to schools.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups


Girl Child Children (Priority is girl child)Low income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focusg) Potential for project sustainability,h) satisfactory accounting andmonitoring systemsi) regular and comprehensive quarterlyreporting

a) Grantsb) Training/ Skill developmentc) Provision of equipmentd) Information sharing, advisee) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and Procedure

Funding cycle begins Different for each project

RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding Minimum PKR 4,473000Maximum PKR 7,950,000

Duration of funding 1-5 YearsTime lag between application and approval 30-45 Days

Time lag between approval and disbursement 15-20 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Community participationg) Financial contribution

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Assistance in networkingd) Planning and designing supporte) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Trainingg) Capacity building

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Documentation;• Audit reports;• Details of other donors; and• Constitution

• Availability of funds; and• Not meeting DIL’s eligibility criteria

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Embassy of Japan – Grassroots Assistance Programme(GRA)

Embassy of Japan, Diplomatic EnclaveIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 2279320, Fax: (051) 2825307E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Embassy Head Office: Tokyo, Japan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1989 Contact Person: GRA Unit, Economic and Development Section - EOJ Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 3] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 1.3 million Projects received in 2001: 483 Projects funded in 2001: 24

Mission and goal of the organization: Providing support to NGOs and CBOs that are working specifically in the social sector development to provide timely support to small-scale development projects, which aim to improve the social well-being of the people at the grassroots level.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Agriculture/ FoodChildren/ Girl ChildEducationEnvironment / Natural ResourceManagementForestryHealth

Infrastructure DevelopmentReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWater Supply and SanitationWomen

WomenChildrenUnder privileged communities all overPakistan

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Geographical focus

a) Grantsb) Training/ Skill developmentc) Provision of equipmentd) Transport and vehiclese) Infrastructure development

Depends on case to casea) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins April – MarchRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding Minimum US $ 40,000Maximum US $ 60,000

Duration of funding 1 Year

Time lag between application and approval Any timeTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal NoWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluation

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Community participationi) Sustainability

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website Yes

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Project details; and• A concrete outcome for future development is


• Incomplete GRA application forms; and• Not fulfilling the desired requirements

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European Union – Delegation of the European Commission in Pakistan (EC)

House # 9, Street 88, G –6/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2271828, Fax: (051) 2822604E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Diplomatic Mission Head Office: Brussels, Belgium Operating in Pakistan: Since 1985 Contact Person: Dr Shahina Waheed, Development Advisor Programme Staff: 58, [Male: 29; Female: 19] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: Euro 60 Million

Mission and goal of the organization: Asia represents one-third of the world’s total population and has been acquiring an increasing economic and political weight. The EU has been seeking to strengthen its economic presence in the Continent & to develop a stronger political dialogue with it. This aim is to be achieved through a partnership of equals, leading to a constructive and stabilizing role for both parties in the management of international affairs.

Within the overall framework of the EU’s assistance programmes, a clear distinction is to be drawn between Economic Cooperation and Development Cooperation. Development Cooperation consists of grant aid from the Union to its partners, directed towards poverty alleviation, the fight against illiteracy, the improvement of health standards and the promotion of human rights. Economic cooperation on the other hand aims at developing partnerships between the private sectors of the EU and its partners for the mutual benefit of the participating parties.

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchAgriculture/ FoodArts / CultureChildren/ Girl ChildCommunications/ MediaDemocracyDrug AbuseDisaster ManagementEconomyEducationEmergency ReliefEnergyEnvironment / NRMForestryGenderGood GovernanceHealthHousingHuman Rights

Humanitarian ReliefIndustrial Relations / LabourInformation DisseminationInformation TechnologyInfrastructure DevelopmentInstitution StrengtheningInternational RelationsLegal AidMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationRape and ViolenceReligionReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentSports & RecreationTrafficking & MigrantsVocational TrainingWater Supply and SanitationWomen/ Youth

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Page 63: Pakistan Donor Directory


Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins First Quarter of YearRO eligible for another project after one year NoRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding Minimum Euro 300,000Maximum Euro 1.5 M

Duration of funding 1-3 Years

Time lag between application and approval 8-12 monthsTime lag between approval and disbursement 2-3 monthsWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal No

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved No

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website Yes

Are proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Activity description and budget preparation • Thematic focus not relevant to Pakistan

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Food & Agricultural Organization(FAO)

FAO, UN House 5th Floor, Saudi Pak Tower61-A Jinnah Avenue

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2800086, Fax: (051) 2800054

E-mail: [email protected]: o

Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: Rome, Italy Operating in Pakistan: Since 1951 Contact Person: Mr Syed Mohammad Ali, National Professional Officer Programme Staff: 4 Geographical Focus: National Projects received in 2001: 7 Projects funded in 2001: 7

Mission and goal of the organization: To raise levels of nutrition and standards of living, to improve agricultural productivity and to better the condition of rural populations.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Agriculture/ FoodDisaster ManagementEconomyEnvironment/ Natural ResourceManagement

ForestryGenderHealthInstitution StrengtheningPoverty Alleviation

WomenLow income groupsFarming Community

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, inputs, advisesf) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and Procedure

Funding cycle begins ContinuousRO eligible for another project after one year Yes

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding -Duration of funding Up to 5 yearsTime lag between application and approval Varies

Time lag between approval and disbursement Case to case basisWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal No

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of accountsb) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsc) Monitoringd) Evaluatione) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Timely disbursement of funds

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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House # 3, Street 10, F –8/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2254112, 2261074, Fax: (051) 2260676E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: Bonn, Germany Operating in Pakistan: Since 1989 Contact Person: Mr Abdul Qadir, Programme Coordinator Programme Staff: 7, [Male: 7] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: Improve citizens democratic participation in the public affairs through civic education, influence policy decisions for the benefit of common citizens, establishing network among civil society organizations

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchCommunications/ MediaDemocracyEconomyGood GovernanceHuman Rights

Industrial Relations / LabourInformation DisseminationInformation TechnologyVocational TrainingYouth

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsConcerned governmental departments,universities, research institutions,political parties, trade unions, pressclubs, national and regional NGOs

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Past track record

a) Technical assistanceb) Training/ Skill developmentc) Information sharing, advise

a) Operational

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Activity basedRO eligible for another project after one year Yes

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to caseLevel of funding Depends on programmeDuration of funding 1 Year

Time lag between application and approval -

Time lag between approval and disbursement -

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Yes

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Incompatibility with our objectives

Page 71: Pakistan Donor Directory


Friedrich Naumann Stiftung(FNSt)

House # 40, Street 27, F –6/2Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2278896, Fax: (051) 2279915E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]


Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: Potsdam, Germany Operating in Pakistan: Since 1987 Contact Person: Mr Arno Keller, Resident Representative Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 3] Geographical Focus: National Projects received in 2001: 102 Projects funded in 2001: 12

Mission and goal of the organization: Ideas on liberty and Training in Freedom.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsChildrenCommunications/ MediaDemocracyEconomy

Good GovernanceHuman RightsWomen


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Past track record

a) Training/ Skill developmentb) Information sharing, advise c) Support seminars and workshops


Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins JanuaryRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding Minimum PKR 10,000Maximum PKR 2.5 M

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 30 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 15 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Evaluation

a) Evaluationb) Assistance in networkingc) Timely disbursement of funds

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines No

Available on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Page 73: Pakistan Donor Directory


Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Lack of clarity that what will be the outcome of projector process; and

• Activities without follow-up

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Gender Equality ProjectDFID funded, British Council managed (GEP)

House 15, Street 62, G – 6/4Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2826726, 2826942, Fax: (051) 2826942E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Umbrella Project Head Office: UK Operating in Pakistan: Since June 2001 Contact Person: Mr Ibtesam Qaisrani, Project Coordinator Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 1; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Projects received in 2001: 100 Projects funded in 2001: 13

Mission and goal of the organization: A sustainable reduction of the gender gap in Pakistan

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsGenderGood GovernanceHuman RightsInstitution StrengtheningWomen’s legal empowerment

Women’s political empowermentWomen’s economic empowermentProtection of women from violence


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Thematic focusb) Capacityc) Past track recordd) Projects have to be innovative andstrategic

a) Grants for activities, research andpublications, participation in conference,workshops, seminars, study visits

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins QuarterlyRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project No

Level of funding Maximum Approx £ 100,000

Duration of funding 1-2 YearsTime lag between application and approval 3 MonthsTime lag between approval and disbursement 1 MonthWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing support

Page 76: Pakistan Donor Directory


Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

f) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Sustainability strategy

f) Timely disbursement of fundsg) System developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website Yes

Are proposals accepted through the Website YesAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Projects need to be more innovative and strategic, whichcan be up-scaled and replicated, not simply acontinuation of on-going activities

• Do not conform to the laid down criteria in the projectguidelines

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German Technical Cooperation(GTZ)

House 63 A, Street 5, F– 8/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2260131-2, 2250187, Fax: (051) 2264159E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Frankfurt, Germany Operating in Pakistan: Since 1972 Contact Person: Dr. Gabriele Boehringer, Country Director Programme Staff: 5, [Male: 3; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: To improve the living conditions and perspectives of people in developing and transition countries.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsDemocracyEducationEnergyGender

HealthReproductive HealthWater Supply and SanitationDecentralization

WomenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Thematic Focusb) Capacityc) Governing bodyd) Past track recorde) Geographical focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Provision of equipmentd) Information sharing, inputs, advise

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding -Duration of funding Up to 3 yearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement DependsWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoring, impact monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Community participationi) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Advisory serviced) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) System developmenth) Capacity building

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Global Environment Facility – Small Grants ProgrammeUnited Nations Development Programme


9th Floor, Saudi Pak Tower61-A Jinnah Avenue

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2800133-42, Fax: (051) 2800031, 2800034

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: New York, USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1993 Contact Person: Mr Fayyaz Baqir, National Coordinator Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 3] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKR 38 Million approx Projects received in 2001: 45 Projects funded in 2001: 21

Mission and goal of the organization: To address issues of global environmental concerns at local level

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsBio-diversity conservationProtection of international water

Mitigating climate change WomenLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grants a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins All year roundRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project No

Level of funding Maximum US $ 50,000

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 90-180 daysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 days

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Timely disbursement of fundsd) Systems developmente) Capacity building

Page 82: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website YesAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Involving stakeholders in project design, monitoringand evaluation; and

• Understanding and linking local environment issueswith programme themes

• Lack of NGO capacity;• Credibility of the organization;• Lack of sustainability of proposal activities; and• Lack of community participation

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Governance and Gender UnitUnited Nations Development Programme


SDEPP c/o Election Commission of PakistanIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 9212181, Fax: (051) 9211476E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: UNDP Headquarters Operating in Pakistan: Since 1949 Contact Person: Mr K. M. Dilshad, National Project Director Programme Staff: 4, [Male: 2; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsGood Governance Women

YouthLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Channeled through Government ofPakistan

a) Technical assistance a) Operational

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Varies from project to project

RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved -

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of accountsb) Quarterly/ Annual reportsc) Monitoringd) Audite) Community participationf) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical assistanced) Planning and designing supporte) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website -Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language -

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International Labour Organization (ILO) – Specialized agency of UN System

ILO Building, G-5/2 (Near State Bank)P.O.Box 1047

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2276456-8, Fax: (051) 2279181-2

Email: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Multilateral Contact Person: Mr Johenes Lokollo & Ms Samina Raoof Hasan, Senior Programme Officer Programme Staff: 2, [Male: 1; Female: 1] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: "All Human beings, irrespective of race, creed or sex, have the right to pursue both their material well-being and their spiritual development in conditions of freedom and dignity, of economic security and equal opportunity".

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchChildren/ Girl ChildCommunication/ MediaDemocracyDrug AbuseEconomyEducationGenderGood GovernanceHuman Rights

Industrial Relations/ LabourInformation DisseminationInstitution StrengtheningMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWomenYouth

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsLabour, Employees, Government

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track record

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -

Duration of funding Upto 5 years

Time lag between application and approval Depends on case to case

Time lag between approval and disbursement Depends on case to case

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing support

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

f) Timely disbursement of fundsg) System developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines Case to caseAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Japan Bank for International Cooperation(JBIC)

5th Floor, Evacuee Trust ComplexAga Khan Road, F–5/1, Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2820119, Fax: (051) 2822546E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Tokyo, Japan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1990 Contact Person: Dr Naila Azhar, Project/ Programme Officer Programme Staff: 8, [Male: 6; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: Japanese Yen 15 Million

Mission and goal of the organization: The Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) has a statutory mandate to undertake lending and other financial operations for the promotion of Japanese exports, imports and economic activities overseas; for the stability of international financial order; and for economic and social development as well as economic stability in developing economies, thereby contributing to the sound development of the Japanese economy as well as the international economy.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsCommunicationEducationPower Sector

TransportationWater Supply and Sanitation

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistance

a) Capitalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Different for each project

RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 30-45 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 15-20 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

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Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines No

Available on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)

3rd Floor, Comsats Building, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat,Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2829473-8, Fax: (051) 2829471E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Tokyo, Japan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1983 Contact Person: Mr Yajiro Ishii, Deputy Resident Representative Programme Staff: 20, [Male: 10; Female: 10] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 5 Million approx Projects received in 2001: 100 Projects funded in 2001: 10

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAgricultureDemocracyEconomyEducationEnvironmentalGender

Good GovernanceInstitution StrengtheningHealthWater

WomenChildrenLow income groupsIndustryGovernment

Page 92: Pakistan Donor Directory

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacity

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipment

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins AprilRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding Not fixedDuration of funding 1-3 yearsTime lag between application and approval 300 daysTime lag between approval and disbursement 100 daysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved No

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Annual Reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Planning and designing supporte) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Capacity buildingg) Human resource development


Page 93: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines No

Available on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Explanation for sustainability in proposed project

Note: As JICA is a bilateral government aid organization of Japan, it requires the endorsement of the recipient government for any proposaleven for NGOs

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John M. Lloyd Foundation

11777 San Vicente Blvd. Suite 745, Los AgelesCA 90049, United States of America

Telephone: (310) 6221050, Fax: (310) 6221070E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: California, USAContact Person: Ms Melanie Havelin, Administrative DirectorProgramme Staff: 1, [Female: 1]Geographical Focus: InternationalSize of support in 2001: US $ 4 MillionProjects received in 2001: 160Projects funded in 2001: 27

Mission and goal of the organization:The John M. Lloyd Foundation was created in 1991 by John Musser Lloyd (1948-1991) to seek solutions to the AIDS epidemic ravaging theworld.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchHealthHuman Rights

Information DisseminationReproductive HealthHIV/AIDS Pandemic

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsPeople with HIV/AIDS

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Only NGOs a) Grants/ Loans a) Operationalb) Institutional development


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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins December & July

RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project NoLevel of funding Minimum US $ 2500

Maximum US $ 20,000

Duration of funding 1 Year

Time lag between application and approval 90 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 15 Days

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Annual reportsb) Adherence to proposal

a) Timely disbursement of funds

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website Yes

Are proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Applicants should be sure to include budgetaryinformation, i.e the total organizational budget, theproject budget, and the length of time anticipated tocomplete the project

• Not significant scope/ impact

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Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau(KfW)

Sekretariat Lib/3 – Pakistan und ZewntralasienKreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau

PalmengartenstraBe 5-960325 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Telephone: (069) 74314010, Fax: (069) 74313609E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Frankfurt, Germany Operating in Pakistan: Since 1961 Contact Person: Ms Martina Sonnabend Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: Bilateral German Pakistan financial cooperation on behalf of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups


Institution Building/StrengtheningReproductive Health


Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost- a) Grants/ Loans -

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year -RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project -

Level of funding -

Duration of funding -Time lag between application and approval -

Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Yes

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

a) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluation


Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines -Available on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Page 99: Pakistan Donor Directory


Micro-Finance Social Development Fund/Community Investment Fund


Khushabli Bank, Funds Secretariat94 West, Blue Area

IslamabadTelephone: 111-092-092, Fax: (051) 9206080

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Local Endowment Fund through State Bank Pakistan Head Office: Islamabad, Pakistan Operating in Pakistan: Since February 2001 Contact Person: Mr Noor Ahmed, Manager Funds Secretariat Programme Staff: 2, [Male: 2] Geographical Focus: National Projects received in 2001: 160 Projects funded in 2001: 4

Mission and goal of the organization: Poverty Alleviation through promotion of Micro Finance.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

GenderInfrastructure Development

Micro CreditPoverty Alleviation

WomenLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focusg) Gender sensitive operations

MSDF provides support to NGOs fordelivering capacity building services topoor communities ii) CIF provides grantfinancing for development of communitybased infrastructure practices

a) Operational

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins On signing contractRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding MSD No limitCIF PKR 150,000

Duration of funding 1 YearTime lag between application and approval 60 Days

Time lag between approval and disbursement -

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved No

Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

a) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoring

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Planning and designing support

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationse) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Community participationi) Gender sensitive

e) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Timely payment of fees for services delivered

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• They need considerable support in developing a goodproposal budgeting etc

• In most cases NGOs do not have institutional capacitiesto deliver specific services outsourced under MSDF/CIF

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National Trust for Population Welfare(NATPOW)

House # 18, Street 30, Sector F –8/1Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 9260922-3, Fax: (051) 9261769E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Local Non-profit Head Office: Islamabad, Pakistan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1994 Contact Person: Mr Nawazish Ali Khan Aslam, Programme Officer Programme Staff: 19 Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: To provide technical and financial assistance to NGOs/CBOs operating in the field of Family Planning, Reproductive Health, and Mother and Child Health throughout the country by way of establishing centers of excellence and to serve as forum for making grants to its beneficiaries.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchChildrenHealthInstitution Strengthening

Reproductive HealthRural DevelopmentWomenYouth


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focusg) Sustainability, communityparticipation, financial contribution

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, inputs, advise

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Different for each project

RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding Depends on case to case

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 60 Days

Time lag between approval and disbursement 30 Days

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity building

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Non-realistic budgeting;• Logical Framework Analysis;• Unspecific project implementation methodology;• Overall impact of the projects are not clearly defined;

and• Reporting system for providing evaluation of the

project activities are not spelled out

• Incomplete project proposal; and• Repetition/ duplication of services in the project areas

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Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation(NORAD)

Royal Norwegian Embassy, P.O Box 1336House 25, Street 19, F-6/2

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2279720-4, Fax: (051) 2279726-29

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Oslo, Norway Operating in Pakistan: Since 1969 Contact Person: Embassy Programme Staff: 5, [Male: 3; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 2.4 Million approx. Projects funded in 2001: 20

Mission and goal of the organization: To contribute towards lasting improvements in the economic, social and political conditions of the population of developing counties, with particular emphasis on ensuring that aid benefits the poorest people.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Arts/ CultureChildrenDemocracyEducationEnvironment/ Natural ResourceManagement

GenderGood GovernanceHuman RightsLegal AidPoverty AlleviationWomen


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track record

a) Grants/ Loansb) Information sharing, inputs, advise

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development(Based on assessment of each proposal)

Funding Cycle and Procedure

Funding cycle begins 1 JanuaryRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Yes

Level of funding No limit

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 60 Days

Time lag between approval and disbursement 10 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Yes

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Timely disbursement of fundsd) Capacity building

Page 107: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines No

Available on Website N/A

Are proposals accepted through the Website Yes

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• A realistic goal;• Hierarchy; and• Measurable indicators

• Proposals not invited through a dialogue with theEmbassy are normally not approved. The number ofnew partners taken up is very limited.

Note: The Embassy has a positive role when selecting partners that play a strategic role in development within their field.

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OXFAM – Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)

House # 44, Street 59, I–8/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 4449791, 4449445, Fax: (051) 4449790E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: Oxford, UK Operating in Pakistan: Since 1989 Contact Person: Ms Shahana Shakeel Ahmed, Programme Representative, Pakistan

Mr Mohammad Idrees Programme Coordinator, Quetta, Mr Ehsan Leghari, Programme Coordinator Sindh

Programme Staff: 30, [Male: 21; Female: 9] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKR 147 Million Projects received in 2001: 1800 Projects funded in 2001: 10%

Mission and goal of the organization: Oxfam works with others to overcome poverty and sufferings

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsDisaster ManagementEmergency ReliefEnvironment / NRMGender

Humanitarian ReliefInstitution StrengtheningRape and ViolenceWater Supply and Sanitation

WomenLow income groupsDisaster affected people

Page 109: Pakistan Donor Directory

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track recorde) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Information sharing, advise

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins May 1RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding Minimum PKR 20000Maximum PKR 28,00,000

Duration of funding 1 YearTime lag between application and approval 90 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Adherence to proposalg) Community participation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems development


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Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

h) Sustainability strategy h) Capacity buildingi) Human resource developmentIt depends per situation. We may intervene in all the areas

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• The areas/gaps requiring improvement in the proposalsubmitted by NGOs vary from proposal to proposal.Some don’t give basic information about theirorganization. Some do not clearly express the projectactivities, objectives and the expected outcomes etc.Monitoring and evaluation procedure is usually notclearly expressed etc.

• Any project other than gender work (Violence AgainstWomen/Domestic Violence/Harassment at WorkPlace/ Females Education) and HumanitarianResponse; and

• If any issue of integrity is involved then the proposal isalso turned down

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Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund(PPAF)

House # 6 A, Park RoadF -8/2, Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2253225, 2253178, Fax: (051) 2251726E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Local Nonprofit Head Office: Islamabad, Pakistan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1998 Contact Person: Mr Kamal Hayat, Chief Executive Officer Programme Staff: 31, [Male: 21; Female: 10] Geographical Focus: National & Provincial Size of support in 2001: PKR 1.4 Million Projects funded in 2001: 27

Mission and goal of the organization: Alleviate poverty by enabling the poor to gain access to resources & services.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

GenderInfrastructure DevelopmentInstitution Strengthening

Rural DevelopmentWater Supply and Sanitation

WomenLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track recorde) Geographical focusf) External auditg) Poor focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advisef) Transport and vehicles

a) Operational

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins On-going

RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project YesLevel of funding Maximum PKR 500,000

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 120 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 Days

Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Adherence to proposalg) Community participationh) Sustainability (institutional)

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) System developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Page 113: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website -

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language -

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Capacity in preparation of proposals/ implementationplans & need improvements

• RO’s not meeting eligibility criteria and/ or lackingperformance

Page 114: Pakistan Donor Directory


Programme for the Advancement of Gender EqualityCanadian International Development Agency


House # 18, Bazar Road, G–6/4PO Box 2934

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2279138-41, Fax: (051) 2279137

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Ottawa/ Hull, Canada Operating in Pakistan: Since 1950 Contact Person: Ms Rukhsana Rashid, Manager GAD Programme Staff: 4, [Male: 1; Female: 3] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: Varies Projects received in 2001: 230 Formal (Total 760) Projects funded in 2001: 78 (between 1996 to 2002)

Mission and goal of the organization: The purpose of Canada's Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) is to support sustainable development in developing countries, in order to reduce poverty and to contribute to a more secure, equitable and prosperous world.

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchEconomyEducation/ LiteracyGenderGirl ChildGood GovernanceHealthHuman Rights

Information DisseminationPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentTrafficking & MigrantsViolence Against WomenVocational Training

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsMen

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track record

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Information sharing, inputs

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and Procedure

Funding cycle begins OngoingRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project No

Level of funding Varies

Duration of funding Up to 3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 6 to 8 months

Time lag between approval and disbursement Three weeksWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accounts (separate bank account)c) Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Financial contribution by ROh) Community participationi) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Capacity buildingh) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language (Urdu & English) Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Better expression of results to be achieved • If they do not meet the criteria laid down in the countryprogramme framework of CIDA Pakistan Programmeand PAGE.

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Royal Netherlands Embassy(RNE)

P.O Box No 1065Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2279510, Fax: (051) 2279512

Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Hague, Netherlands Operating in Pakistan: Over 40 years Contact Person: Ms Fatima Ihsan/ Yasmin Jawed, Programme Officers Geographical Focus: National

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

GenderGood GovernanceHuman Rights

Institution StrengtheningLegal AidWomen

WomenChildrenMinoritiesLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track record

a) Grants a) Operationalb) Institutional development

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins January to DecemberRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project No

Level of funding -Duration of funding Depends upon ProposalsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Yes

Will donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Page 119: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines -

Available on Website -

Are proposals accepted through the Website -

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language Depends

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Not being able to fulfill certain criteria

Page 120: Pakistan Donor Directory


Save the Children – UK(SC-UK)

House # 8, Street 30, F-8/1Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2256923-4, Fax: (051) 2254397E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: International NGO Head Office: London, UK Operating in Pakistan: Since 1979 Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: UK £ 0.64 Million

Mission and goal of the organization: In a world that continues to deny children their basic rights; we champion the right of all children to a happy, healthy and secure childhood; we put the reality of children’s lives at the heart of everything we do; together with children we are helping to build a better world for present and future generations.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchChildrenDisaster ManagementEducationEmergency ReliefGender

Human Rights/ Child RightsHumanitarian ReliefInstitution StrengtheningReproductive HealthTrafficking & MigrantsYouth

ChildrenYouthLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year Yes

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Community participationh) Sustainabilityi) Child participation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Planning and designing supporte) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Capacity buildingg) Human resource development

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Save the Children – US(SC-US)

House # 7-A/2, Street 58F-7/4

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2279211-2, 111-107-108 Fax: (051) 2279210

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: International NGO Operating in Pakistan: Since 1985 Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: In a world that continues to deny children their basic rights; we champion the right of all children to a happy, healthy and secure childhood; we put the reality of children’s lives at the heart of everything we do; together with children we are helping to build a better world for present and future generation.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsChildrenHealth

Reproductive Health WomenChildren

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Community participationi) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Planning and designing supporte) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Capacity buildingg) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Page 125: Pakistan Donor Directory


Shell Pakistan Limited(SPL)

Shell House # 6, Chaudhary Khaliquzzaman RoadKarachi

Telephone: (021) 5689525, Fax: (021) 5660001E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Corporate (MNC) Head Office: London, UK Operating in Pakistan: Since 1898 Contact Person: Ms Erum Khaja, External Affairs Manager Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 1; Female: 2] in PR Unit Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKR 15 million Projects received in 2001: 30 Projects funded in 2001: 20

Mission and goal of the organization: To be the top programme of first choice through promoting sustainable development in order to benefit communities.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Arts / CultureChildren/ Girl ChildDrug AbuseEducationEmergency ReliefHealth

Human RightsPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentWomenYouth

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Past track recordd) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, inputs f) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Jan 1RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding Minimum PKR 5000Maximum PKR 1 million

Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 30 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30-45 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Evaluatione) Adherence to proposalf) Sustainability strategy

a) Technical adviseb) Assistance in networkingc) Timely disbursement of fundsd) Human resource development

Page 127: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website YesAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Donors capacity to support • If funds have already been allocated

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Sight Savers International(SSI)

House # 2, Street # 10, FHD –7/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2651276, Fax: (051) 2651275E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: International NGO Head Office: West Sussex, UK Operating in Pakistan: Since 1998 Contact Person: Dr Haroon R. Awan, Country Representative Programme Staff: 5, [Male: 4; Female: 1] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKRs 38 Million Projects received in 2001: 22 Projects funded in 2001: 70%

Mission and goal of the organization: “To eliminate main causes of blindness in order to give all people in the world, particularly the millions of needlessly blind, the right to sight”

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsVisual ImpairmentService DeliveryRehabilitationInclusive Education

Advocacy and Research for VisualImpairment

WomenChildrenLow income groupsVisual Impaired

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registration with governmentb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training skill developmentd) Information sharing, advise

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins JanuaryRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 6 MonthsTime lag between approval and disbursement 1-3 MonthsWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoring e) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposal

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems development

Page 130: Pakistan Donor Directory


Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

h) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Attention to our requirements, as stated in the requestitself

• Capacity of organization

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South Asia Partnership Pakistan(SAP-Pk)

Haseeb Memorial Trust Building, Thokar Niaz BegLahore

Telephone: (042) 5426470-3, Fax: (042) 5411637E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Development Head Office: Lahore, Pakistan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1987 Contact Person: Mr Mohamamd Tahseen, Executive Director

Mr. Irftan Mufti, Programme Manager Programme Staff: 38, [Male: 22; Female: 16] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKR 0.12 Million Projects received in 2001: 68 Projects funded in 2001: 28

Mission and goal of the organization: To support community based and people’s organizations, especially those formed by the poor themselves in undertaking various initiatives to bring socio-economic development & political change for the disadvantaged sections of the society with a purpose to bring about empowerment and self-governance in their lives. To foster regional and global thinking, linkages and action process with like-minded groups & forces, through programmatic cooperation, as well as activities that promote better understanding of respective development and change concerning the empowerment of people.

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchAgricultureDemocracyEducationEnvironment/ NRMGenderGood GovernanceHealthHuman RightsInformation Dissemination

Institution StrengtheningLegal AidMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationReligionRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWater Supply and Sanitation WomenYouth

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsFarmers

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focusg) Gender sensitive working

a) Technical assistanceb) Training skill developmentc) Provision of equipmentd) Information sharing, advise

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins No time frameRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for anotherproject


Level of funding Minimum PKR 60000Maximum PKR 800000

Duration of funding 1-3 Years

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureTime lag between application and approval 150 daysTime lag between approval and disbursement 60 daysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) System developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Page 134: Pakistan Donor Directory


Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submitted toDO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Gaps in projects design;• Unclear objectives, methodology;• Unclear time plan;• Un clear sustainability plan• Un clear community, organizational contribution; and• Budget is not clear or without details

• Lack of organizational capacity;• Lack of women’s involvement;• Non-compliance with the SAP-PK’s funding policy;• Duplication of activities with some areas with other

partner organization;• Track record of the organization does not support

project idea; and• Lack of capacity/ expertise in the relevant project area/


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Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) through Civil SocietyHID Programme (CHIP)

Embassy of Switzerland, Street 6, Diplomatic EnclaveP.O Box 1073

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2279280, Fax: (051) 2824872

E-mail: [email protected]:

CHIP, House # 2, Street 35F-8/1, Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2280151, 2852361, Fax: (051) 2280081E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: Embassy/ Consulate Head Office: Bern, Switzerland Operating in Pakistan: Since 1993 Contact Person: Mr Ajmal Malik, Chief Coordinator Programme Staff: 4, [Male: 2; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National (Human Rights only), NWFP & Northern Areas Size of support in 2001: PKR 30 million approx. Projects funded in 2001: 25-30 long term and 40-50 small grants

Mission and goal of the organization: Strengthen self-help efforts of grass-root organizations working for the disadvantaged through NGOs in a sustainable way

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacyChildren/ Girl ChildEducation (non-formal)Environment/ Natural ResourceManagementGenderGood GovernanceHuman Rights

Information DisseminationLegal AidInstitution StrengtheningPoverty AlleviationRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWomen

WomenLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipment (restricted)e) Information sharing, inputsf) Transport and vehicles (restricted)

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins On-goingRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on cases to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for anotherproject

Depends on cases to case

Level of funding No limitDuration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval After 30 Days

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureTime lag between approval and disbursement Activity DependentWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contribution (depends on case to case)i) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy (institutional)

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical Advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) System developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource developmentj) Internal and external audit of CHIP funds

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website No

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Page 138: Pakistan Donor Directory


Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Emphasis is on activities;• Proposals lack clarity of purpose/ objectives; and• Lack clear/ concise information

• Not in SDC’s geographical focus; and• Proposals have sector focus other than that of SDC

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The Asia Foundation(TAF)

38 Khayaban-e-Iqbal, F – 7/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2650523, Fax: (051) 2650736E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: International NGO Head Office: San Francisco, USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1954 Contact Person: Mr Julio Andrews, Representative Programme Staff: 5, [Male: 2; Female: 3] Geographical Focus: National Projects funded in 2001: 49

Mission and goal of the organization: The Asia Foundation is a nonprofit, non-government grant making organization committed to development of a peaceful, prosperous and open Asia Pacific region. The foundation supports programmes in Asia that help improve governance and law, economic reforms and development, women’s participation and international relations. The foundation gives priority to strengthening leadership and the capacity of local organizations as well as improving public policy. Foundation grants are given for education and technical training, technical assistance exchange policy research, and educational materials. Founded in 1954 TAF headquarter is in San Francisco, 15 offices in Asia and one office in Washington DC.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

DemocracyEducationGenderGood GovernanceHealth

Institution StrengtheningMicro-CreditReproductive HealthWomen


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focus c) Past track recordd) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistance

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins October or when funding


RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to case

RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -

Duration of funding 1-6 Years

Time lag between application and approval 1 MonthTime lag between approval and disbursement 15 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Adherence to proposale) Community participation

a) Monitoringb) Technical advisec) Timely disbursement of fundsd) Human resource development

Page 141: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website N/AAre proposals accepted through the Website YesAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Depending on funding

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The World Bank (WB)

20-A Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat, G– 5Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2279641-7, Fax: (051) 2279648-9E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: Washington D.C, USA Contact Person: Mr Shahzad Sharjeel Geographical Focus: National Projects funded in 2001: 49

Mission and goal of the organization: The main goal of the World Bank Group's Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) is to support Pakistan's fundamental reform through a programme of analytical services, institutional capacity building, & lending. The CAS provides the roadmap for Bank assistance to Pakistan and was prepared following extensive consultations with members of the Pakistani civil society. The Bank Group's assistance strategy focuses intently on supporting the government's development strategy and is divided into three main sections.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchAgriculture/ FoodArts / CultureChildren/ Girl ChildCommunications/ MediaDrug AbuseDisaster ManagementEconomyEducation

Human RightsHumanitarian ReliefIndustrial Relations / LabourInformation DisseminationInformation TechnologyInfrastructure DevelopmentInstitution StrengtheningMicro CreditPoverty Alleviation

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsAll segments of the society

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Emergency ReliefEnergyEnvironment / NRMForestryGenderGood GovernanceHealthHousing

Rape and ViolenceReligionReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWater Supply and SanitationWomenYouth

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, inputs f) Transport and vehiclesg) Sometimes donations are given in kindto the government

a) Operationalb) CapitalBased on project specifies

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for anotherproject


Level of funding -Duration of funding -Time lag between application and approval -

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureTime lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines NoAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Page 145: Pakistan Donor Directory



Trocaire, Maynooth, CO. KildareIreland

Telephone: + 353 1 629 3333, Fax: + 353 1 629 0568E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


Type of Organization: International NGO Head Office: Ireland Operating in Pakistan: Since 1973 Contact Person: Ms Eileen Kingston, Programme Officer Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 30,952 Projects received in 2001: 21 Projects funded in 2001: 3

Mission and goal of the organization: Trocaire envisages a just world where people’s dignity is ensured, where basic needs are met, where there is equity in the distribution of resources, and where people are free to be the authors of their own development.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchDemocracyGenderHuman Rights

Institution StrengtheningWomenBonded labour

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track record

a) Grants/ Loansb) Training/ Skill developmentc) Information sharing, inputs

a) Capital

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins DependsRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to caseLevel of funding DependsDuration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval DependsTime lag between approval and disbursement DependsWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Community participationi) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Capacity building

Page 147: Pakistan Donor Directory


Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• We expect a clear and well-planned proposal; and• Proposals should include a logical framework and a


• We do not fund heavy construction costs of hospitals orprimary and secondary schools;

• We limit funding of health care to small rural healthschemes, preventive medicine and co-ordination ofvoluntary health services. Trocaire gives priority toinformal and functional types of education/ skills.

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Trust for Voluntary Organizations(TVO)

House # 28, Embassy RoadAttaturk Avenue, G– 6/4

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 2270253, 9211399, Fax: (051) 2275803

E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: National Donor Organization Head Office: Islamabad, Pakistan Operating in Pakistan: Since 1992 Contact Person: Mr Iqbal Jafar, Chief Executive Officer Programme Staff: 75, [Male: 65; Female: 10] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: PKR 132 Million Projects received in 2001: 256 Projects funded in 2001: 225

Mission and goal of the organization: Strengthening NGOs and CBOs through financial grants and training, bringing rural and remote areas of the country into focus; encouraging participatory socio-economic development; empowering marginalized segments of the society through information dissemination.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Primary EducationHealthInformation DisseminationInfrastructure DevelopmentInstitution Strengthening

Poverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWater Supply and Sanitation

WomenChildrenYouthLow income groupsDisabled

Page 149: Pakistan Donor Directory


Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advisef) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins JanuaryRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project NoLevel of funding Maximum PKR 7.5 million

Duration of funding Up to 5 YearsTime lag between application and approval 3 MonthsTime lag between approval and disbursement 1 MonthWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoring

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Planning and designing support

Page 150: Pakistan Donor Directory


Donors Requirements Donors Obligationse) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

e) Timely disbursement of fundsf) System developmentg) Capacity buildingh) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Relationship between proposed project activity andbudget

• Poor need assessment for the project; and• Lacking of anticipating the project objectives

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Unilever Pakistan Limited(UPL)

1st Floor, Avari Plaza, Fatima Jinnah RoadKarachi

Telephone: (021) 5660062-9, Fax: (021) 5680918E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: Corporate (MNC) Head Office: London, UK Operating in Pakistan: Since 1948 Contact Person: Ms Raaheen Z. Mani, Corporate Relations Manager Programme Staff: 4, [Male: 2; Female: 2] in PR Unit Geographical Focus: National

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups


Water Supply and Sanitation WomenChildrenLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Governing bodyd) Past track record

a) Grants/ Loans a) Operational

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Yearly budgetingRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoring & Evaluatione Auditf Adherence to proposalg Community participation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Assistance in networkingd) Timely disbursement of funds

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website No

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

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Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Lack of funds; and• Projects that are not transparent/ auditable

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United Nations Children Fund(UNICEF)

6th Floor, Saudi Pak Tower, Blue AreaIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 2800133-42, Fax: (051) 2800132E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: New York, USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1948 Contact Person: Ms Raana Syed, Chief, PSC Section Programme Staff: 86, [Male: 64; Female: 22] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 32 million

Mission and goal of the organization: To advocate for children’s rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchChildrenCommunications/ MediaEducationEmergency ReliefEnvironment / Natural ResourceManagementGender

Human RightsHumanitarian ReliefInformation DisseminationInstitution Building/StrengtheningRape and ViolenceReproductive HealthTrafficking & MigrantsWater Supply and Sanitation

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groups

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Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsGirl ChildGood GovernanceHealth


Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Cash assistanceb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins JanuaryRO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project YesLevel of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 30-60 DaysTime lag between approval and disbursement 30 DaysWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategk) Rights based organizations

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Capacity buildingg) Human resource development

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Lack of cohesion and compatibility with the objectivesof the country programme

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United Nations Development Programme(UNDP)

9th Floor, Saudi Pak TowerIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 2800133, Fax: (051) 2800031-4E-mail: [email protected]:

Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: New York, USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1956 Contact Person: Ms Rabia Khattak, Programme Officer Programme Staff: 6 [Male: 3; Female: 3] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 0.9 Million

Mission and goal of the organization: UNDP at the request of governments and in support of its area of focus, assists in building capacity for good governance, popular phenomena, public and private sector development. UNDP mission is to help countries in their efforts to achieve sustainable human development by assisting them to build their capacity to decide and carry out programme in poverty eradication, employment creation, and sustainable livelihoods, the empowerment of women and the protection and regeneration of environment giving first priority to poverty eradication.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

GenderGood GovernanceInstitution Strengthening

Poverty AlleviationRape and ViolenceWomen

WomenChildrenYouthLow income groupsMountain Community Group

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track recorde) Geographical focus

a) Grantsb) Technical assistance

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins VariesRO eligible for another project after one year Ye sRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project YesLevel of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval Depends on proposalsTime lag between approval and disbursement Depends on proposalsWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligations

a) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Audite) Community participationf) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical assistanced) Planning and designing supporte) Human resource development

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Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website -

Are proposals accepted through the Website YesAccept proposals in Urdu or other language -

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Involving stakeholders in design, monitoring andevaluation

• Lack of community participation; and• Lack of sustainability of project activities

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United Nations Drug Control Programme(UNDCP)

11th Floor, Saudi Pak Towers, Blue AreaIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 2800051, Fax: (051) 2800035E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: UN Organization Head Office: Vienna, Austria Operating in Pakistan: Since 1985 Contact Person: Dr Nadeem-Ur-Rehman, Programme Coordinator Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 2; Female: 1] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ I million for three years

Mission and goal of the organization: The UNDCP mission is to work with the nations and the people of the world to tackle the global drug problem and its consequences by:

• Alerting the world to the threats posed by drug abuse to individuals, families, communities and institutions;• Building and supporting local, national and international partnership to address drug issues; and• Promoting & enhancing efforts to reduce drug abuse, particularly among the young & vulnerable

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Drug Abuse WomenYouth

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Capacityc) Governing bodyd) Past track record

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise

a) Operational

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Varies project to project

RO eligible for another project after one year -RO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project -Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of accountsb) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsc) Monitoringd) Evaluatione) Auditf) Adherence to proposalg) Community participation

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Capacity building

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)

1st Floor, Saudi Pak Towers, Blue AreaIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 2800083-4, Fax: (051) 2800056E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: Paris, France Operating in Pakistan: Since 1958 Contact Person: Ms Ingeborg Breines, Director Programme Staff: 6, [Male: 3; Female: 3] Geographical Focus: National

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsArts/ CultureEducationGenderHuman Rights

Poverty AlleviationReproductive HealthVocational Training


Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Capacity

a) Information sharing, inputs, advise a) Operational

Note: UNESCO primarily works with the Government, through which NGOs are also involved.

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United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA)

5th Floor, Saudi Pak TowersIslamabad

Telephone: (051) 2800133-42, Fax: (051) 2800055E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: USA Operating in Pakistan: Since 1970 Contact Person: Ms Shahida Fazil, Assistant Representative Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 1; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001: US $ 5 million

Mission and goal of the organization: UNFPA extends assistance to developing countries with economic in transition to help them address reproductive health and population issues and raises awareness of these issues.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchGenderHealthPoverty Alleviation

Reproductive HealthWomenYouth


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Past track recorde) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Provision of equipmentd) Transport and vehicles

a) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins Continue

RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval Depends

Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Adherence to proposalf) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluation

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Proposal should be focused, clearly define objectives,activities; and

• When where how and by whom

• If activities defined in the proposal do not fall withinthe UNFPA mandate

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United States Agency for International Development(USAID)

USAID American Embassy, Ramna 5Diplomatic Enclave

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 20800000, Fax: (051) 2824785


Type of Organization: Bilateral Head Office: Washington, USA Operating in Pakistan: Reopened in 2002 Contact Person: Mr Mark Ward, Director Programme Staff: 30 Geographical Focus: National

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsChildrenDemocracyEconomyEducationGood Governance

HealthPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthWomen

WomenChildrenYouthLow income groups

Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Cost

a) Capacityb) Governing bodyc) Past track record

a) Grantsb) Technical assistancec) Provision of equipment

a) Operationalb) Institutional development

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Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins October 1RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval 30 daysTime lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability strategy

a) Monitoringb) Evaluation

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website Yes

Are proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

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Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Attention to our requirements, as stated in the requestitself

• Capacity of organization

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World Food Programme(WFP)

House # 51, School Road, F –7/1Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 111 937 937, Fax: (051) 2651072E-mail: [email protected]


Type of Organization: Multilateral Head Office: Rome, Italy Operating in Pakistan: Since 1968 Contact Person: Mr Ajmal Farooq, Senior Programme Officer Programme Staff: 25, [Male: 16; Female: 9] Geographical Focus: National

Mission and goal of the organization: Use of food aid to support economic and social development, meet refugee and other emergency food needs and the associated logistics support. Promote world food security in accordance with the recommendations of United Nations.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchAgriculture/ FoodChildren/ Girl ChildDisaster ManagementEducationEmergency ReliefEnvironment / Natural ResourceManagementGender

HealthHumanitarian ReliefMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWomen

WomenChildrenLow income groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focusg) The selected districts have beentargeted on the basis of food insecurity.RO have to be present in the selecteddistricts.

a) Grants/ Loansb) Training/ Skill developmentc) WFP uses food aid in Pakistan tosupport health, education and creatingassets for rural women projects inPakistan

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins With the start of the country


RO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project Depends on case to case

Level of funding -Duration of funding 1-3 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Planning and designing supporte) Timely disbursement of fundsf) Systems developmentg) Capacity building

Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language Yes

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Country programme (2002-2004) is concentrated in 34districts in Pakistan. The proposals by RO locatedoutside these districts are not entertained by WFP

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World Health Organization(WHO)

NIH Building, Chak Shahzad,National Park Road

IslamabadTelephone: (051) 9255075-7

Fax: (051) 9255083E-mail: [email protected]

Type of Organization: International Technical Agency Head Office: Geneva, Switzerland Operating in Pakistan: Since 1948 Contact Person: Dr M. Assai Ardakani, Medical Officer, PHC Geographical Focus: National Size of support in 2001 & 2002: US $ 45 Million

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target GroupsAdvocacy/ ResearchChildren/ Girl ChildDrug AbuseDisaster ManagementEducationEmergency ReliefEnvironment / Natural ResourceManagementGenderHealthHuman RightsHumanitarian Relief

Information DisseminationInformation TechnologyInfrastructure DevelopmentInstitution StrengtheningMicro CreditPoverty AlleviationReproductive HealthRural DevelopmentVocational TrainingWater Supply and SanitationWomenYouth

WomenChildrenYouthMinoritiesLow income groupsVolunteers Groups

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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Registrationb) Thematic focusc) Capacityd) Governing bodye) Past track recordf) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, advise f) Transport and vehicles

a) Operationalb) Capitalc) Institutional development

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins -RO eligible for another project after one year Depends on case to caseRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project -

Level of funding Depends on case to case

Duration of funding 2 YearsTime lag between application and approval -Time lag between approval and disbursement -Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

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Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual reportsd) Monitoringe) Evaluationf) Auditg) Adherence to proposalh) Financial contributioni) Community participationj) Sustainability

a) Monitoringb) Evaluationc) Technical advised) Assistance in networkinge) Planning and designing supportf) Timely disbursement of fundsg) Systems developmenth) Capacity buildingi) Human resource development

Proposal Submission

Any specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes

Available on Website YesAre proposals accepted through the Website Yes

Accept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Lack of technical capacity

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World Population Foundation(WPF)

House # 15, Street 7, F –8/3Islamabad

Telephone: (051) 2262358Fax: (051) 2256973


Type of Organization: International Private Head Office: Hilversun, Netherlands Operating in Pakistan: Since 1999 Contact Person: Ms Anne Zeindl Cronin, Country Representative Programme Staff: 3, [Male: 1; Female: 2] Geographical Focus: National Projects received in 2001: 16 Projects funded in 2001: 8

Mission and goal of the organization: Enhancement of reproductive rights of underdeveloped communities, through information sharing and capacity building.

Sectoral Focus by Funding Target Groups

Advocacy/ ResearchEducationGenderMicro Credit

Reproductive HealthWomenYouth


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Criteria for Eligibility Type of Support Provided Donor Position on Costa) Capacityb) Past track recordc) Geographical focus

a) Grants/ Loansb) Technical assistancec) Training/ Skill developmentd) Provision of equipmente) Information sharing, inputs

a) Operationalb) Capital

Funding Cycle and ProcedureFunding cycle begins JanuaryRO eligible for another project after one year YesRO eligible for assistance within one funding cycle for another project NegotiableLevel of funding NegotiableDuration of funding NegotiableTime lag between application and approval VariesTime lag between approval and disbursement VariesWill donor acknowledge receipt of proposal YesWill donor inform organization if project is not approved Yes

Donors Requirements Donors Obligationsa) Transparency of implementation processb) Transparency of accountsc) Monitoringd) Financial contribution

a) Monitoringb) Technical advisec) Timely disbursement of fundsd) Capacity buildinge) Human resource development

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Proposal SubmissionAny specific proposal forms/ guidelines YesAvailable on Website NoAre proposals accepted through the Website NoAccept proposals in Urdu or other language No

Areas/ Gaps requiring improvement in proposals submittedto DO

Basis on which most proposals are turned down

• Need based; and• Evidence based

• Performance in the past; and• Interaction with the past and present donors

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Annex IList of Organizations Contacted

1. ABN Amro Bank Ltd2. ActionAid Pakistan (AAPk)3. Acumen Fund, USA4. Aga Khan Foundation Pakistan (AKF,P)5. Agro-Forestry Foundation for Poverty Alleviation6. Ali Shabbir Trust7. Amir Sultan Chinoy Foundation8. Asian Development Bank (ADB)9. Australian Agency for International Development (AusAId)10. Aziz Tabba Foundation11. Bahaduryar Jang Foundation12. British High Commission (BHC)13. Canadian International Development Agency, Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CIDA - CFLI)14. Catholic Relief Services (CRS)15. Church World Service – Pakistan/ Afghanistan CWS – P/A16. Climax Foundation17. Concern Pakistan (CP)18. Dar-ul-Islam Al-Khairyia Foundation19. Developments in Literacy (DIL)20. Department for International Development (DFID)21. Embassy of the Republic of Austria22. Embassy of the Republic of Finland23. Embassy of the French Republic24. Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany25. Embassy of Japan – Grassroots Assistance Programme (GRA)26. Embassy of the Republic of Italy27. Embassy of Sweden28. Embassy of Switzerland29. European Union – Delegation of the European Commission in Pakistan (EC)

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Annex IList of Organizations Contacted

30. Fancy Foundation31. Food & Agricultural Organization (FAO)32. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)33. Friedrich Naumann Stiftung (FNSt)34. Gender Equality Project – DFID funded, British Council managed (GEP)35. German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)36. Global Environment Facility – Small Grant Programme – UNDP37. Governance and Gender Unit – UNDP38. Habib Foundation39. Haji Yaqoob Wali Mohammad Gandhi Foundation40. Hamza Foundation41. Hans Sidesal Foundation (HSF)42. Henrich Boll Foundation (HBF)43. High Commission of Australia44. ICI Pakistan Foundation45. Infaq Foundation46. International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC)47. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)48. International Labour Organization (ILO)49. International Monetary Fund (IMF)50. International Organization for Migration (IOM)51. Islamic Relief52. Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC)53. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)54. John M Lloyd Foundation55. KfW Bank56. Micro-Finance Social Development Fund/ Community Investment Fund (MSDF/CIF)57. Multi-Support Unit/SAP58. Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)

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Annex IList of Organizations Contacted

59. National Trust for Population Welfare (NATPOW)60. OXFAM – Oxford Committee for Famine Relief (OXFAM)61. Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF)62. Pepsi Foundation Pakistan63. Plan International64. Polka Foundation65. Programme for the Advancement of Gender Equality (PAGE)66. Reckitt & Coleman Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd67. Royal Danish Embassy68. Royal Netherlands Embassy (RNE)69. Save the Children – UK (SC-UK)70. Save the Children – US (SC-US)71. Sharf-e-Hayat Foundation72. Shell Pakistan (Pvt.) Ltd73. Shirazi Foundation74. Sight Savers International (SSI)75. South Asia Partnership Pakistan (SAP-PK)76. Stanndard Charted Bank Limited77. Strengthening Participatory Organization (SPO)78. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)79. Civil Society HID Programme International (CHIP)80. The Asia Foundation (TAF)81. The British Council82. The Royal Embassy of Belgium83. The Sterling Foundation84. The World Bank (WB)85. Trocaire86. Trust for Voluntary Organizations (TVO)87. UNAIDS/ Pakistan (UNAIDS)

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Annex IList of Organizations Contacted

88. Unilever Paksitan (Pvt.) Ltd89. United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF)90. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)91. United Nations Drug Control Programme (UNDCP)92. United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)93. United Nations Information Centre (UNIC)94. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)95. United Nations Joint Logistics Centre96. UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian (UNCH)97. United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)98. United Nations Special Mission for Afghanistan99. Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO)100. World Food Programme (WFP)101. World Population Foundation (WPF)102. World Health Organization (WHO)


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Annex II

Building Linkages with DonorsSome Tips

Searching for the Right Donors

1. A diversity of income sources is the best way to become financially independent. Due to their non-profit status, many NGOs may not immediately be in the position to generate enough income to allow them to decrease their dependence on external funding, however costrecovery, volunteerism and money derived from private donations, for example, can be an important source of revenue. When drawing out a financial plan, consider alternative options to international donors. An ability to find some portion of funding through alternative sources will always strengthen your chances of raising funds with international donors.

2. Do not place all you eggs in one basket. There are several international donors from different levels and with different policies. Diversify

your donor base and invest time in building relationships with more than one donor at a time. Spread your risks and build a more stable financial base. This way if one donors policies change or they are no longer willing to provide funds then you have other partnerships to rely on. At the same time working with too many donors can be time consuming and difficult to manage.

3. Identifying and even contacting donors does not necessarily have to wait for the completion of the proposal. You can start identifying

donors as soon as the initial design, or the basic idea, is complete. The first stage in identifying a donor is to find out about as many agencies as possible that might have an interest in funding your project, especially those donors that have funded similar projects to yours. Understand the donors requirements and their priority interests before approaching them with concept papers or proposals. Most donors have web sites or information materials describing their sectoral interests and priorities. This directory also aids you to identify the areas of interest of donors.

4. Get donors to appreciate and understand your strategic choices rather then developing proposals aiming to appease donors and their

priorities. 5. Allow for time. It is not easy to generate funds. Raising funds for small projects can take 6 to 8 months and for larger projects (of 3 to 5

years duration) over a year. It may be better to approach a donor with a one-year proposal, establish links and a rapport and then apply for a longer-term proposal.

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Annex II

Building Linkages with DonorsSome Tips

Submitting Proposals 6. NGOs need to invest more in their own organizational development. This means more attention to research, learning, monitoring and

evaluation, so that the all-important link between performance measurement and accountability can be strengthened. Above all, it means be clear about the over all direction of the organization and its function in society. Do not develop and raise funds for projects which are devoid of a larger programmatic goal.

7. Some donors (especially larger ones) do prefer submission of concept papers that can save time for all parties. Find out if the agency

would be interested in a short (2-5 page) concept paper before submitting a detailed proposal. 8. Before making an application do read the donors requirements thoroughly and ensure that all are met through your application. Donors

often reject proposals because they are incomplete. Before sending the proposal double check to ensure full compliance with the donor’s requirements.

9. Be specific and to the point in your communication with donors. When few sentences will suffice, do not write a page. 10. Once you have submitted your proposal do try and identify a contact persons and follow up periodically with them. However respect the

donor’s procedures and norms. Once the Proposal has been accepted 11. Wait for final approval of the grant, in writing, before embarking upon project activities. 12. Do not hesitate to negotiate the terms of the contracts. You are developing a partnership, the terms of which may be adjusted by

both partners upon mutual agreement. One example of this is if there are multiple donors funding a programme then often joint reporting on the whole program, may be acceptable to the donors.

13. Develop written contracts. This ensures that there is a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of both partners. Most donors

have standardized contracts or letters of agreement. Ensure that any adjustments that are made are done so in writing and approved by both parties.

14. Once a proposal has been accepted be fully aware and mindful of your obligations/ responsibilities. Ensure that contractual obligations

are fully met. Your reputation with one donor is often communicated to others and your ability to perform and your effectiveness is the best way of increasing your chances for future funding. Work hard at demonstrating credibility and maintaining trust.


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15. Be transparent. If savings are made in one sphere, request your donor to adjust budget lines elsewhere. If you have money left over then request no cost extensions. If you do not conduct certain activities explain why, and suggest alternative courses of action. Do not try and make such adjustments on your own without written approval from the donor.

Annex II

Building Linkages with DonorsSome Tips


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Project Proposal FormApplication Form

Please read the form carefully before developing the project proposal.

Section One

I. Title of Proposed Project __________________________________________________

II. Requesting Organization

Name __________________________________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________Telephone ______________________________________________________________Fax ____________________________________________________________________Email __________________________________________________________________

III. Name of Office Incharge

Name __________________________________________________________________Designation _____________________________________________________________

IV. Organization’s Status (registration, etc) if applicable __________________________

V. Does the organization have a written strategic/ management plan? (Tick the relevant box)

1 With due acknowledgements to CIDA


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Annex IIIProject Proposal Form

Application Form

Yes ___ No ____

If yes, please attach a copy. In addition, please attach organizations’ brochure/introductory flyers

If no, please provide _ page write up on organization’s vision in the next five years.

VI. Who is responsible for implementing the proposed project and submitting narrative and financial reports?

VII. Certification

I hereby certify that the information given in this form is true to the best of my knowledge.

Name: ______________________________ Designation: ____________________________ Signature: ___________________________ Date: ___________________________________

Note: Signatory should be the officer incharge of the organization


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Annex IIIProject Proposal Form

Application Form

Section Two

Please record responses on separate sheets in the form of a project proposal.

I. Describe the history, goals and objectives of the organization – (1/2 page)

II. Describe the current work and funding agencies/ donors of the organization. Please also provide details if funds for this proposedproject have been requested from sources other than donor (1 page)

III. Outline strengths of the organization – (1/2 page)

IV. How does the proposed project contribute to the organization’s mandate? – (1/2 page)

V. Describe the project in detail – (5-6 pages)a. Title of Proposed Projectb. Rationale/ Justification for the Proposed Projectc. Goal and Objectivesd. Scope of the Proposed Project – details of activities to be undertakene. Methodologyf. Durationg. Locationh. Any Specific Sub-activitiesi. Target Group (s):

i. Number of women and men ii. How do they benefit? iii. How do they participate?

j. Implementation plan and schedulek. Performance Indicators to Measure the Project Progress


Page 189: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IIIProject Proposal Form

Application Form

l. Expected Project Results (short-tem)m. Expected Project Impact (long-term)

VI. How will the proposed project be sustained after this funding ends?

VII. Please provide a detailed budget of the proposed project. Please use the following format as an example for describing breakdown ofoverhead and programme costs, sources of funding (including contribution from the requesting organizations as well as other sources, ifrelevant).


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Annex III

Project Proposal FormApplication Form

Proposed Project Budget

Funding Sources Project DurationS # Line Items



Requested fromDonor


No. of Months/Years (Unit cost)

Amount inRupees

1 Overhead Costs:

1.1 Equipment

1.2 Administration/ logistical

1.3 Project staff/ personnel

1.4 Any other costs

Sub-Total 1

2 Programme Costs:

2.1 Activities

2.2 Services

2.3 Follow up

2.4 Any other costs

Page 191: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex III

Project Proposal FormApplication Form

Funding SourcesS # Line Items



Requested fromDonor


Project Duration Amount in Rupees

Sub-Total 2

3 Own Contribution:

3.1 Cash – provide details

3.2 In–kind2 – provide details

3.3 Any other costs

Sub-Total 3

Total 1+2+3

Grand Total

Donor Contribution

Own Contribution

Contribution from other sources, if relevant

Total Project Cost

2 Non-monetary contribution like premises/ office space, staff, volunteers’ time, etc.


Page 192: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IV

NGOR Resource Centre(A Project of Aga Khan Foundation)

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan - 2002

Name of the Respondent: ________________________________________________________________

Designation: _______________________________________ E-mail: ____________________________

1. Name of Donor Organization (DO) : ______________________________________________


2. Address of Head Office in Pakistan:


Telephone: ____________________________Fax: ____________________________________

E-mail:________________________________ Web Site: _______________________________

3. Name and Designation of Contact Person (s) for liaison with Recipient Organization (RO):______________________________________________________________________________

4. Contact details (if different from above):a) Address_______________________________________________________________

b) Tel: __________________ Fax: _________________ E-mail: ___________________


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Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

5. Branch/Sub Office(s) (if any) in Pakistan

6. Address of International Head Quarters: ______________________________________________

7. Operating in Pakistan since: _________________________________________________________

8. Number of Project proposals received during 2001 ________ Percentage Accepted ________

9. Number of Recipient Organizations (RO) supported during 2001 _________________________

10. Size of support during 2001 in US$/PKR _______________________________________________

11. Type of DO: (Please tick one)a) Multilateral ________________ b) Bilateral _________________________________

c) International (Private) _______ d) Embassy/ Consulate _______________________

e) Local Corporate _____________ f) Pakistan Government Organization __________

g) Local Nonprofit ____________ (Federal and Provincial)

(Foundation, Trust etc) h) Other; please specify _______________________

Name & Address Telephone


Page 194: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

12. Number of Programme Staff: _______ [Male ________; Female_____________ ]

13. Mission and goal of the Organization: __ ______________________________________________



14. Target Group (Check as many as appropriate)

a) Women _________ b) Children ________________ c) Youth _____________

d) Minorities _______ e) Low income groups _______ f) Other ______________

15. Sectoral Focus (check as many as appropriate)

Thematic Area Thematic Area Thematic Area1 Advocacy/ Research 16 Girl Child 31 Rape and Violence2 Agriculture/ Food 17 Good Governance 32 Religion3 Arts / Culture 18 Health 33 Reproductive Health4 Children 19 Housing 34 Rural Development5 Communications/ Media 20 Human Rights 35 Sports & Recreation6 Democracy 21 Humanitarian Relief 36 Trafficking & Migrants7 Drug Abuse 22 Industrial Relations / Labour 37 Vocational Training8 Disaster Management 23 Information Dissemination 38 Water Supply and Sanitation


Page 195: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

Thematic Area Thematic Area Thematic Area9 Economy 24 Information Technology 39 Women10 Education 25 Infrastructure Development 40 Youth

11 Emergency Relief 26 Institution Building/Strengthening Others (Pls Specify)

12 Energy 27 International Relations13 Environment / Natural

Resource Management28 Legal Aid

14 Forestry 29 Micro Credit15 Gender 30 Poverty Alleviation

16. Geographical Coverage (If possible, please append list of provinces/districts):

National _______ Provincial ___________ District ______________________________

17. Type of support provided:

a) Grants/ Loans _______________________ b) Technical Assistance ________________

c) Training/ Skill Development ____________ d) Provision of Equipment _____________

e) Information sharing, inputs, advise _______ f) Transport and Vehicles _____________

g) Any other (please specify) ________________________________________________________


Page 196: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

18. Does DO cover following Costs:

a) Operational b) Capital c) Institutional Development

19. Range of Funding: a) Minimum PKR ________ b) Maximum PKR ___________________

20. Average Duration of Funding: a) 1 year b) 1-3 years c) Up to 5 years d) Others

21. Criteria for Eligibility for RO:

a) Registration with Government ________ b) Thematic Focus_________________________

c) Capacity ___________________________ d) Governing Body _______________________

e) Past Track Record ___________________ f) Geographical Focus _____________________

g) Any other ____________________________________________________________________

22. When does the Funding Cycle begin: ______________________________________________

23. Time lag between application and approval: ______________________________________ (days)

24. Time lag between approval and disbursement ______________________________________ (days)

25. Is the RO eligible for assistance for another project after one funding cyclea) Yes b) No c) Depends on case to case


Page 197: Pakistan Donor Directory

e) Evaluation ____________________________ f) Audit _________________________

g) Adherence to proposal __________________ h) Financial Contribution _________

i) Community participation _________________ j) Sustainability __________________

k) Any other (please specify) _________________ (institutional/ financial)

28. Donor Obligationsa) Monitoring ______________________________ b) Evaluation ____________________

c) Technical advise __________________________ d) Assistance in networking ________

e) Planning and Designing support ____________ f) Timely disbursement of funds _____

Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

26. Is the RO eligible for assistance for another project within one funding cyclea) Yes b) No c) Depends on case to case

27. Donors Requirementsa) Transparency of implementation process _______b) Transparency of accounts ________

c) Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reports ________ d) Monitoring ____________________


Page 198: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

g) Systems Development _______________ h) Capacity Building _______ ________

i) Human Resource Development ________ j) Others __________________________

29. Will donor acknowledge receipt of proposal Yes _______ No _______

30. Will donor inform RO if project is not approved Yes _______ No _______

31. Does Donor have specific proposal forms/ guidelines Yes ______ No _______

32. Are these forms available on Donors website Yes _______ No _______

33. Are proposals accepted through your website Yes _______ No _______

34. Do you accept proposals in Urdu or other languages Yes _______ No _______

35. Basis on which most proposals are turned down ______________________________________




Page 199: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex IV

Questionnaire for Directory of Donor Organizations in Pakistan – 2002

36. What are some areas/ gaps that need improvement in proposals submitted to your DO?__________________________________________________________________________________



37. How would you rate your overall experience of supporting NGOs in Pakistan

(a) Very Good _____ (b) Good ______ (c) Satisfactory ______ (d) Not Satisfactory ______


The views expressed in this directory, reviews etc are those of the authors, and statement of fact appearing in the directory are made on the responsibility of the participating organizations alone and not to imply the endorsement of NGO Resource Centre.
Page 200: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

City in Pakistan/ Location of Donors

Cities Frequency Percent

Islamabad 44 84.6

Outside Pakistan 4 7Karachi 3 5.7Lahore 1 1.9

Total 52 100

City in Pakistan/ Location of Donors


7%6% 2%


OutsidePakistan Karachi



Page 201: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Sub Offices in Pakistan

Sub Offices Frequency Percent

Yes 16 30.7No 36 69.2

Total 52 100

Origin of Donors – Location of Headquarter

Country Frequency Percent

USA 13 25UK 9 17Pakistan 5 9.6Germany 4 7.6Japan 3 5.7Switzerland 3 5.7Italy 3 5.7Canada 2 3.8Netherlands 2 3.8Misc. 8 15.3

Total 52 100


Page 202: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Started Operations in Pakistan

Year Frequency Percent

1950 – 1960 13 251961 – 1970 5 9.61971 – 1980 3 5.71981 – 1990 11 21.1

1991 – 2000 10 19.22001 on 5 9.6No Response 5 9.6

Total 52 100

Type of Donor

Type Frequency Percent

International NGOs 18 34.6Multilateral 12 23Bilateral 11 21.1Local Nonprofits 6 11.5Embassy/ Consulate 3 5.7Other 2 3.8

Total 52 100


Page 203: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Type of Donor





6% 4%







Donor Preference (Target Group)

Preference Frequency PercentWomen 45 86.5Low income group 38 73Children 36 69.2Youth 23 44.2Minorities 19 36.5

Others 22 42.3


Page 204: Pakistan Donor Directory

Donor Preference (Target Group)


73 69









Low incomegroupChildren




Annex V

Statistical Tables

Geographical Coverage

Geographical Coverage Frequency Percent

National 48 92.3Provincial 1 1.9Districts 1 1.9International 1 1.9No Response 1 1.9

Total 52 100


Page 205: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Costs cover by Donors

Costs Frequency PercentOperational 40 76.9Institutional Development 36 69.2Capital 22 42.3

Costs Cover by Donors












Page 206: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Type of Support Provided

Support Frequency PercentGrants/ loan 43 82.6Technical Assistance 33 63.4Training/ Skill Development 32 61.5Information sharing, inputs, advise 29 55.7Provision of Equipment 27 51.9Transport and Vehicles 12 23Others 7 13.4

Type of Support Provided

8363 62 56 52





Grants/ loan Technical Assistance Training/ Skill Development Information sharing, inputs, adviseProvision of Equipment Transport and Vehicles Others


Page 207: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Duration of Funding

Duration Frequency Percent

1 – 3 Years 32 61.5

1 Year 6 11.5Upto 5 Years 6 11.5Others 2 3.8No Response 6 11.5

Total 52 100

Criteria for Eligibility for Recipient Organizations

Criteria Frequency PercentRegistration 39 75Past Track Record 39 75Thematic Focus 38 73Capacity 34 65.3

Geographical Presence 25 48Governing Body 23 44.2Others 12 23


Page 208: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Donors Requirements

Requirements Frequency PercentTransparency of accounts 46 88.4Monthly/ Quarterly/ Annual Reports 46 88.4Transparency of implementation process 44 84.6Monitoring 42 80.7Community participation 38 73Sustainability 38 73Evaluation 37 71.1External Audit 37 71.1Adherence to proposal 37 71.1Financial Contribution 26 50Others 6 11.5

Donors Obligations

Obligations Frequency PercentMonitoring 42 80.7Evaluation 38 73Timely Disbursement of Funds 38 73Technical Assistance 31 59.6Capacity Building 29 55.7Assistance in networking 24 46.1Planning and Designing Support 24 46.1


Page 209: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Donors Requirements

Requirements Frequency PercentHuman Resource Development 23 44.2System Development 17 32.6Others 2 3.8


Communication Frequency PercentE-mail 51 98

Website 50 96.1

Donor Practices

Practice Frequency PercentInform if not approved 43 82.6Receipt of proposal 42 80.7Specific forms/ guidelines 36 69.2Available on website 13 25Proposal in other languages 13 25Proposal through website 7 13.4


Page 210: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Experience of supporting NGOs in Pakistan

Experience Frequency Percent

Good 24 46.1

Satisfactory 11 21.1No Response 9 17.3Very Good 7 13.4Not Satisfactory 1 1.9

Total 52 100

Experience of Supporting to NGOs in Pakistan







No Response

Very Good



Page 211: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Thematic Focus

Thematic Area Frequency Percent1 Gender 33 632 Education 30 583 Health 29 564 Women 28 545 Institution Building/Strengthening 27 526 Poverty Alleviation 26 507 Reproductive Health 25 488 Human Rights 24 469 Children 22 4210 Good Governance 22 4211 Water Supply and Sanitation 20 3812 Rural Development 19 3613 Advocacy/ Research 19 3614 Girl Child 17 3315 Micro Credit 16 3116 Environment / Natural Resource Management 15 29

17 Youth 15 2918 Democracy 14 2919 Vocational Training 14 2720 Emergency Relief 13 2521 Information Dissemination 13 2522 Economy 12 2323 Agriculture/ Food 11 2124 Humanitarian Relief 10 1925 Disaster Management 10 19


Page 212: Pakistan Donor Directory

Annex V

Statistical Tables

Thematic Focus

Thematic Area Frequency Percent26 Infrastructure Development 10 1927 Drug Abuse 9 1728 Rape and Violence 8 1529 Arts / Culture 8 1530 Communications/ Media 7 1331 Legal Aid 7 1332 Energy 6 1233 Trafficking & Migrants 5 1034 Forestry 5 1035 Information Technology 5 1036 Industrial Relations / Labour 4 837 Religion 4 838 Housing 4 839 Sports & Recreation 2 440 Others 10 21


Page 213: Pakistan Donor Directory

Thematic Areas

6358 56 54 52 50 48 46 42 42






Gender EducationHealth WomenInstitution Strengthening Poverty AlleviationReproductive Health Human RightsChildren Good Governance

Annex V

Statistical Tables