pageant 37-38 review

Pageant 37-38 Review

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Pageant 37-38 Review. End of World War II. People feared the return of the Great Depression. Supreme Court. Advanced civil rights because congress and the president were staying away from the issue Sweatt v Painter- 1950- Ruled against segregated graduate schools - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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End of World War II

• People feared the return of the Great Depression

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Supreme Court• Advanced civil rights because congress and the

president were staying away from the issue• Sweatt v Painter- 1950- Ruled against segregated

graduate schools• Brown v. Board- 1954- Over turned legal


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Civil Rights• African Americans spurred on by the gap

between U.S. ideals and racial practices revealed by WW II

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The United Nations• Sent troops to Korea- initially to defend South

Korea from North Korean aggression• Failed to stem the manufacturing of atomic

weapons• Instrumental in the formation of Israel

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Cold War Origins

• Fundamental disagreements between the U.S. and Soviets over arrangements in postwar Eastern Europe

• U.S and Soviets had been largely isolated from world affairs

• U.S viewed the Soviets as expansionist, but cautious

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Marshall Plan

• Economic aid to Europe after WW II

• Offered to the Soviets and Eastern bloc nations

• Thwarted Communist parties in Italy and France

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Berlin Blockade

• U.S. and others organized an airlift to supply West Berlin

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American Atomic Monopoly

• Ended in 1949 with the Soviet detonation of an A-bomb

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Chinese Civil War

• Mao Zedong gained the support of the Chinese people

• Lead to increased fears of Communist expansion

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Douglas Mac Arthur

• Instrumental in developing post war Japan• First UN commander in Korean War- fired by

Truman You are Fired!!

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The Rosenbergs

• Executed in 1953 for selling atomic secrets to the Soviets

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Alger Hiss

• Found guilty of perjury• Helped establish Nixon’s reputation

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• House Un American Activities Committee • Began investigating Communist influences in

the New Deal in the late 1930s

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Strom Thurmond• Ran in 1948 as a Dixiecrat• Opposed to Truman’s stance in favor of civil


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Henry A. Wallace

• Ran for President in 1948 as the New Progressive candidate

• Wanted to return to the New Deal• Opposed Cold War policies of

Truman• Too liberal for voters• Formerly FDR’s VP from 1941-45

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Truman’s Fair Deal• Full employment• Increased housing availability• Aid for Farmers• Higher minimum wage• New TVAs• Extension of Social Security

• Blocked by Republicans and Southern Democrats

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McCarran Act

• Gave the President wide ranging powers against internal threats

• Vetoed by Truman, but overridden

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Sputnik• Launched in October 1957• Resulted in increased emphasis on science and

language education in the U.S.• The U.S. launched Juno within a couple of


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• Pledged to go to Korea during the 1952 Presidential campaign

• Was committed to social harmony• Not inclined toward promoting integration

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Checker’s Speech

• Nixon’s televised appeal to the American people

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Eisenhower Foreign Policy

• Massive Retaliation- Soviet aggression will be met with a nuclear response

• Open Skies- Allowed for U.S. and Soviet planes to fly over each other’s air space- rejected by Khrushchev

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New Look Foreign Policy

• Reliance on air power and nuclear weapons• Deemphasized conventional army and navy

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• U.S. supported French presence after World War II

• French defeated by Viet Minh at Dien Bien Phu- 1954

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Suez Crisis

• Great Britain and France attempted to regain the Suez Canal

• For the last time, the U.S. used oil to make demands

• A factor in the U.S. not aiding the Hungarian revolution

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• U.S. opposed Mossadegh and placed the pro-Western Shah in power

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1956 Revolution

• Hungarians temporarily overthrew Communist leadership

• Never received help from the U.S.

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• U.S. supported Batista• Castro gains power in 1959

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Interstate Highway System

• Affected air quality and downtowns• Showed preference for auto transportation

over railroads

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Low Energy Costs

• Resulted in an economic boom in the U.S. from the end of WW II until the 1970s

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• Prosperity due to influx of money from the federal government

• Every elected President from 1964 to 2008 was from the Sunbelt

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• Began at North Carolina A&T• Led to the formation of the Student Non

violent Coordinating Committee

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Montgomery Bus Boycott

• Successful in keeping most African Americans of the busses

• Led to the emergence of Martin Luther King Jr

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Emmett Till

• From Chicago, visiting Mississippi • Defendants were found not guilty by an all

white jury

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Little Rock 9

• Integrated Central High School• Orval Faubus- Arkansas Governor used the

National Guard to prevent integration• Eisenhower sent in paratroopers

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Organized Labor

• Hindered by-– The Taft-Hartley Act– Increase in service sector jobs– Failure of Operation Dixie– Increase in part-time workers

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Servicemen’s Readjustment Act

• GI Bill• Helped absorb millions

of men back into the workforces

• Allowed men to go to college, easily get home or business loans

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Earl Warren

• Conservative Governor of California- became a liberal Supreme Court justice

• Nominated by Eisenhower

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Suburban Growth

• Made easier by-– Accessible home loans– Highways– Tax deductions for interest payments on mortgages– “White Flight” from racial change

Created an urban-suburban segregation of blacks and whites in major metropolitan areas

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• Recognized by Truman- risked U.S. access to Middle Eastern oil

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Joe McCarthy

• Claimed the state department was infiltrated by Communists

• Never directly challenged by Eisenhower• State Department lost specialists that may

have been valuable concerning Vietnam

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• People that had experienced the Great Depression and WW II now had discretionary income

• McDonalds, Disneyland, TV advertising

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1960 Election

• Televised debate may have helped Kennedy defeat Nixon