page 18 themetteradvertiser•letterstosanta...merry cristmas, seth willis dear santa, my name is...

PAGE 18 December 18, 2013TheMetterAdvertiser•LetterstoSanta Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you and Miss Claus are yall ready for yall light? I would like a hello kit- ty jacket, becus my sister likes to wear my stuff and it cold this year. I would like some hand bands for my hand sow my hair can get out my face. I want all this stuff, beacuse I help my mom cook cookies and I never disobey my parents. Merry Christmeas Keylaylia Whitehead Dear Santa, What are your elfs do- ing? What do raindeer like? how are you doing I have been doing good in school I know I deserve a Xbox1. I know I need a PS4. I would love a ra- mote controll car. I hope you have a good trip. Merry Cristmas, Seth Willis Dear Santa, My name is Bailee I am 8 years old I’v been a very good girl. I am in the thierd grade at Met- ter Elementary School. Oh how have you and Mrs. Clause been? Is Ru- dolphs nose still red and bright? Santa I really think I deserve an IPod and feirbie. I really think an IPod would be a good gift. And I say that because I can chat with my friends in- stead of being bored all the time. I think it could be somthing tha that I can have a blast with and I won’t be bored any- more and when I’m bored I just get a book go to the couch and sit my little hot bunned bottom down and start reading. An beirbie would also be a good gift. I could laugh with it and every- thing it would be a good gift and we can talk to- gether and sleep together and also have fun togeth- er. I could just have a lot of lot of fun. I would love it so much. Since I am a helpful little girl, I think that I deserve an IPod and an feirbie. If I got those two things it would make me dance like a happy little Jolly Rancher. Also it could be the best Christ- mas ever. If you can may- be bring those two things! ... Oh and I’ll leave you cookies. I’ll also put you a glass of milk by your cookies. I’ll also leave food outside for the reindeer to. Love you Santa you’re the best. And you and Mrs. Clause and the rain- deer to. For one and for all I love you all. P.S. Ho Ho Ho!? you all and take care. Sincerly, Bailee Dear Santa, My name is Ana. I am eight years old. I have been pretty good. I’m in the third grade at Met- ter Elementary School. How have you and Mrs. Clause been. I hope all of the reindeer are rest- ing for Christmas. I’ll re- member to leave cookies and oats for you and the reindeer. This Christmas I think I deserve a bigger computer and a phone. I think a bigger com- puter would be a su- per gift! If I got that for Christmas I would do research. Don’t you think you can be lazy just a little bit and not read a long book that has one million ive hundred six- ty thousand pages. Well I would’nt read ifteen little word even if thats a little bit. Also it would help me more with math and it would help me get on Mrs. Jessica’s web- sites. My mom and dad would be so proud of me when I make As in math, sience and social studies. A phone would also be a fantastic gift! If I had a phone I would be able to chat with my friends. I could also listen to songs on my phone and I could play games. I could also take pictures. It would also help me with math cause I might have a cac- ulator. I could also locate stuff like houses, places and people. It would be a good thing if we were lost. If I had a phone we would not get lost. That’s why I want a phone. I have been a terriic studen at school and at home. So I think I de- serve a bigger computer and a phone. That would make my Christmas an enormous suprise! I’ll double check to leave some m an m cookies. I really wish you have a fun light. I hope you en- joy your M an M cookies! Your behaved student, Ana Gonzalez Dear Santa, My name is Warren Lanier. How are you Mrs. Santa Clause and Mr. Santa Clause. Is Blitsin ready to ly Sante. I hope you will be safe when you ly the sled. This Christ- mas I wuht a IPad and Hero Factory Legos. I hope you will get me a IPad. I have been good to get a IPad. I will use the IPad for research on birds. I want the IPad so I don’t use up my mom’s memory on her phone. Another gift I want is Hero Factory Legos I want four Hero Factory Legos. I want to custom- ize them to make them stronger. I ihgt with them all the time. Mr. Santa Clause I hope you can get me to gifts I told you. O hope you will be safe on Christmas eve. I will leve some cookies on the table. I love you Dash- er, Daser, Doner, Blitsin, Comet, Cupid, Pronser, Visin, Rudofe, and Mrs. Santa Clause and Mr. Santa Clause for ever. Sincerely, love Warren Owen Lanier Dear Santa, Hi Santa, hope you’re geting reay for the big lite down! I hope the rein deer are ready to come down to Metter too. How is Mrs. Clous? Is she and the elvs busy? How are you illing good? I will try to leave you some cookies and milk. I’ll even leave you some jolly rantrers, to make be jolly for Christmas! I think that this Christma I deserve a IPad and an I PHone 5C. I realy realy think that an IPad would be realy cool! hers some reasons I think that an IPad would be a cool presant. I could skyp with famly and frinds out of town or when I am out of town. I could do my home work. I could even play all kinds of games. I could use the caklater for math. That’s some reasons I think that an IPad would be cool. My oter present that I think would also would be cool is an IPhone 5c. Hers some reasons I think that. I could call someone just incase somthing bad happend. I could text my sister or mom or dad. I could play games on it too. That some reasons I whant a IPhone 5c. Sine I have been such a good stu- dent. Will you pleas get me what I whant I’ll leav you some cookies and oats for you’r reindeer. I hope you have a safe trip and a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. PS. Will you lave me a note on my presant. Love, Emily Finch Dear Santa, Hello! Santa and Mrs. Clase. I hope yall had a very good sllep. We are geting close to Christ- mas. Are you’re elfs geten ready? I bete you’r rain- deer are twechen ther nose for Chrismas. Eney way I want to talk about my tow gifts are a Chris- mas trese and a comput- er. I colde use the trese for are church play. And are church will give all of my church members a toy. And I can wher it to church to look more Christmasy. I can were it for Christmas to not be cold in the snoe. I would also like a com- puter so I can play spell- ing city I can use it with spelling city. I can use it with progects for sienc. I can play some games and make poier points for my cosen. I can practis bugs Christmas and that is why I want a computer I hope I relly get thos gifts ether way you are the best. I will mabey re- cord a Christmas song. Just remember I might get cookes for you and you’re raindears will drink milk so thay can stay up on the’r ride. I am relly looken forward for thos gifts. Sincerely, Ashley Resendiz Dear Santa, My name is Ellah Rae Coursey. I’m 8. I am at Metter Elementary School. Are you still eat- ing those yummy choco- let chip cookies and milk? I hope so! I got all you want! Well ... I will someday in December. I’m sure I will get your raindeer some special mystrey food! This year I think a lutterbye fairy would be a good gift. And a makeup kit too. A makeup kit would come in handy like Ru- dolf’s red nose! Well ... back to the makeup kit. OK, I need more makeup becaulse I lost some of mine. 2nd reasen, I need something to keep me butiful at home! I also think that a lut- ter bye fairy would be a allsome gift too. It’s just a super cool toy! No bat- tires included! Plus, you control it by the wave of your hand! FAB! Since I have been so good, I think that I de- serve a lutturbye fairy and a makeup kit. These gifts would make this Christmas magical. I will leave you some yummy chocolate chip cookies and special mystrey food for your raindeer! Enjoy!! Your best friend, Ellah Rae Coursey Dear Santa, My name is Jayden De- loach I am 8 years old. I am in the third grade at Metter Elementary School. How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? Are they resting from last year? Are they get- ting ready for the big light. Tell them to eat lots of oats and carrots. Because this year I think that I deserve a Ipad and a basketball goal this Chirstmas. I think that a Ipad would be a super cool gift! I could do my home- work for Mrs. Suzanne on my big I could talk to my friends on facetime whenever im sad or happy about things. I also think that a bas- ketball goal would be a awsome gift! I could work on my skills so when I play in the NBA I will be ready. I could have like a real basketball court. Since im a good boy at school and help my mom at home I think that I deserve my two gifts. If you get me my two gifts I might get you a gift. Sincerely, Jayden Deloach Dear Santa, My name is Lani Kirby. I am in Mrs. Lamm’s K-5 class at David Emanuel Academy. I have been a good girl this year. I want a cute white puppy -- a little baby one. I want a Sage Paints the Sky movie and baby doll. A monopoly game for my house, like the one at Meme and Papa’s house. I love you Santa and will leave you some of Meme’s cookies and milk under my tree. P.S. My brother, Gas- ton, wants a football player decoration for his tree and clothes. And a football, gun, basketball and a little computer. Thank you. Love, Lani Dear Santa, My name is Jada I am in Mrs. Dana’s irst grade class at DEA. I have been a good girl this year please send me a I- Phone, Kindle Fire, baby set and a big fat pony. Please don’t forget my brother Jake a racecar. I will leave you lots of milk and cookies. Have a good day Santa! Love, Jada Lewis Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like to have all kinds of things for my Barbies. A picnic table, cloths, shoes, computer, and lights to go in my barbie house. I would also like to have a kitchen set with a wash- ing machine and dryer and a refrigerator. Please Santa Clause bring me the presents. I promise to be good for mommy and daddy for the rest of the year. Love, Bragan Bush Dear Santa, Ummmm I want some make-up. I want a stick with a red and yellow and blue and green light on it with a pattern. I want some barbie dolls. Anna-Layne

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Page 1: PAGE 18 TheMetterAdvertiser•LetterstoSanta...Merry Cristmas, Seth Willis Dear Santa, My name is Bailee I am 8 years old I’v been a very good girl. I am in the thierd grade at Met-ter

PAGE 18 December 18, 2013•TheMetterAdvertiser•LetterstoSanta

Dear Santa, Hi Santa how are you and Miss Claus are yall ready for yall light? I would like a hello kit-ty jacket, becus my sister likes to wear my stuff and it cold this year. I would like some hand bands for my hand sow my hair can get out my face. I want all this stuff, beacuse I help my mom cook cookies and I never disobey my parents.

Merry ChristmeasKeylaylia Whitehead

Dear Santa, What are your elfs do-ing? What do raindeer like? how are you doing I have been doing good in school I know I deserve a Xbox1. I know I need a PS4. I would love a ra-mote controll car. I hope you have a good trip.

Merry Cristmas,Seth Willis

Dear Santa, My name is Bailee I am 8 years old I’v been a very good girl. I am in the thierd grade at Met-ter Elementary School. Oh how have you and Mrs. Clause been? Is Ru-dolphs nose still red and bright? Santa I really think I deserve an IPod and feirbie. I really think an IPod would be a good gift. And I say that because I can chat with my friends in-stead of being bored all the time. I think it could be somthing tha that I can have a blast with and I won’t be bored any-more and when I’m bored I just get a book go to the couch and sit my little hot bunned bottom down and start reading. An beirbie would also be a good gift. I could laugh with it and every-thing it would be a good gift and we can talk to-gether and sleep together and also have fun togeth-er. I could just have a lot of lot of fun. I would love it so much. Since I am a helpful little girl, I think that I deserve an IPod and an feirbie. If I got those two things it would make me dance like a happy little Jolly Rancher. Also it could be the best Christ-mas ever. If you can may-be bring those two things! ... Oh and I’ll leave you cookies. I’ll also put you a glass of milk by your cookies. I’ll also leave food outside for the reindeer to. Love you Santa you’re the best. And you and Mrs. Clause and the rain-deer to. For one and for all I love you all. P.S. Ho Ho Ho!? ♥ you all and take care.


Dear Santa, My name is Ana. I am eight years old. I have been pretty good. I’m in the third grade at Met-ter Elementary School. How have you and Mrs. Clause been. I hope all of the reindeer are rest-ing for Christmas. I’ll re-member to leave cookies and oats for you and the reindeer. This Christmas I think I deserve a bigger computer and a phone. I think a bigger com-puter would be a su-per gift! If I got that for Christmas I would do research. Don’t you think you can be lazy just a little bit and not read a long book that has one million ive hundred six-ty thousand pages. Well I would’nt read ifteen little word even if thats a little bit. Also it would help me more with math and it would help me get on Mrs. Jessica’s web-sites. My mom and dad would be so proud of me when I make As in math, sience and social studies. A phone would also be a fantastic gift! If I had a phone I would be able to chat with my friends. I could also listen to songs on my phone and I could play games. I could also take pictures. It would also help me with math cause I might have a cac-ulator. I could also locate stuff like houses, places and people. It would be a good thing if we were lost. If I had a phone we would not get lost. That’s why I want a phone. I have been a terriic studen at school and at home. So I think I de-serve a bigger computer and a phone. That would make my Christmas an enormous suprise! I’ll double check to leave some m an m cookies. I really wish you have a fun light. I hope you en-joy your M an M cookies!

Your behaved student,Ana Gonzalez

Dear Santa, My name is Warren Lanier. How are you Mrs. Santa Clause and Mr. Santa Clause. Is Blitsin ready to ly Sante. I hope you will be safe when you ly the sled. This Christ-mas I wuht a IPad and Hero Factory Legos. I hope you will get me a IPad. I have been good to get a IPad. I will use the IPad for research on birds. I want the IPad so I don’t use up my mom’s memory on her phone. Another gift I want is Hero Factory Legos I want four Hero Factory Legos. I want to custom-ize them to make them stronger. I ihgt with them all the time. Mr. Santa Clause I hope you can get me to gifts I told you. O hope you will be safe on Christmas eve. I will leve some cookies on the table. I love you Dash-er, Daser, Doner, Blitsin, Comet, Cupid, Pronser, Visin, Rudofe, and Mrs. Santa Clause and Mr. Santa Clause for ever.

Sincerely, loveWarren Owen Lanier

Dear Santa, Hi Santa, hope you’re geting reay for the big lite down! I hope the rein deer are ready to come down to Metter too. How is Mrs. Clous? Is she and the elvs busy? How are you illing good? I will try to leave you some cookies and milk. I’ll even leave you some jolly rantrers, to make be jolly for Christmas! I think that this Christma I deserve a IPad and an I PHone 5C. I realy realy think that an IPad would be realy cool! hers some reasons I think that an IPad would be a cool presant. I could skyp with famly and frinds out of town or when I am out of town. I could do my home work. I could even play all kinds of games. I could use the caklater for math. That’s some reasons I think that an IPad would be cool. My oter present that I think would also would be cool is an IPhone 5c. Hers some reasons I think that. I could call someone just incase somthing bad happend. I could text my sister or mom or dad. I could play games on it too. That some reasons I whant a IPhone 5c. Sine I have been such a good stu-dent. Will you pleas get me what I whant I’ll leav you some cookies and oats for you’r reindeer. I hope you have a safe trip and a Merry Christmas and a happy new year. PS. Will you lave me a note on my presant.

Love,Emily Finch

Dear Santa, Hello! Santa and Mrs. Clase. I hope yall had a very good sllep. We are geting close to Christ-mas. Are you’re elfs geten ready? I bete you’r rain-deer are twechen ther nose for Chrismas. Eney way I want to talk about my tow gifts are a Chris-mas trese and a comput-er. I colde use the trese for are church play. And are church will give all of my church members a toy. And I can wher it to church to look more Christmasy. I can were it for Christmas to not be cold in the snoe. I would also like a com-puter so I can play spell-ing city I can use it with spelling city. I can use it with progects for sienc. I can play some games and make poier points for my cosen. I can practis bugs Christmas and that is why I want a computer I hope I relly get thos gifts ether way you are the best. I will mabey re-cord a Christmas song. Just remember I might get cookes for you and you’re raindears will drink milk so thay can stay up on the’r ride. I am relly looken forward for thos gifts.

Sincerely,Ashley Resendiz

Dear Santa, My name is Ellah Rae Coursey. I’m 8. I am at Metter Elementary School. Are you still eat-ing those yummy choco-let chip cookies and milk? I hope so! I got all you want! Well ... I will someday in December. I’m sure I will get your raindeer some special mystrey food! This year I think a lutterbye fairy would be a good gift. And a makeup kit too. A makeup kit would come in handy like Ru-dolf’s red nose! Well ... back to the makeup kit. OK, I need more makeup becaulse I lost some of mine. 2nd reasen, I need something to keep me butiful at home! I also think that a lut-ter bye fairy would be a allsome gift too. It’s just a super cool toy! No bat-tires included! Plus, you control it by the wave of your hand! FAB! Since I have been so good, I think that I de-serve a lutturbye fairy and a makeup kit. These gifts would make this Christmas magical. I will leave you some yummy chocolate chip cookies and special mystrey food for your raindeer! Enjoy!!

Your best friend,Ellah Rae Coursey

Dear Santa, My name is Jayden De-loach I am 8 years old. I am in the third grade at Metter Elementary School. How are Mrs. Claus and the reindeer? Are they resting from last year? Are they get-ting ready for the big light. Tell them to eat lots of oats and carrots. Because this year I think that I deserve a Ipad and a basketball goal this Chirstmas. I think that a Ipad would be a super cool gift! I could do my home-work for Mrs. Suzanne on my big I could talk to my friends on facetime whenever im sad or happy about things. I also think that a bas-ketball goal would be a awsome gift! I could work on my skills so when I play in the NBA I will be ready. I could have like a real basketball court. Since im a good boy at school and help my mom at home I think that I deserve my two gifts. If you get me my two gifts I might get you a gift.

Sincerely,Jayden Deloach

Dear Santa, My name is Lani Kirby. I am in Mrs. Lamm’s K-5 class at David Emanuel Academy. I have been a good girl this year. I want a cute white puppy -- a little baby one. I want a Sage Paints the Sky movie and baby doll. A monopoly game for my house, like the one at Meme and Papa’s house. I love you Santa and will leave you some of Meme’s cookies and milk under my tree. P.S. My brother, Gas-ton, wants a football player decoration for his tree and clothes. And a football, gun, basketball and a little computer. Thank you.


Dear Santa, My name is Jada I am in Mrs. Dana’s irst grade class at DEA. I have been a good girl this year please send me a I-Phone, Kindle Fire, baby set and a big fat pony. Please don’t forget my brother Jake a racecar. I will leave you lots of milk and cookies. Have a good day Santa!

Love,Jada Lewis

Dear Santa, This Christmas I would like to have all kinds of things for my Barbies. A picnic table, cloths, shoes, computer, and lights to go in my barbie house. I would also like to have a kitchen set with a wash-ing machine and dryer and a refrigerator. Please Santa Clause bring me the presents. I promise to be good for mommy and daddy for the rest of the year.

Love,Bragan BushDear Santa, Ummmm I want some make-up. I want a stick with a red and yellow and blue and green light on it with a pattern. I want some barbie dolls.Anna-Layne