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Page 1 of 4 CO-ORGANISERS: The Fifth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 17-21 October, 2016, Century City Conference Center, Cape Town, South Africa Conference Briefing Note 2 July, 2016 Higher Education has been highlighted as a critical component of implementing the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA) 2024, and the African Union Agenda 2063. The RUFORUM African Higher Agricultural Education Weeks and RUFORUM Biennial Conferences, conceptually, focus on providing a platform for African Universities and other higher education stakeholders, including graduate students, to discuss and tackle ‘frontier’ issues that are critical in transforming African Universities towards enhanced relevance for development in Africa, particularly through postgraduate training. The Conferences showcase RUFORUM students’ and other cutting edge university-led research in Africa The Fifth African Higher Agricultural Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference will be held 17- 21 October 2016 in Cape Town South Africa along the theme “Linking Agricultural Universities with Civil Society, Private Sector, Governments and other Stakeholders in support of Agricultural Development in Africa”. The Conference is co-organized with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Centre for Coordinating Agricultural Research in Southern Africa (CCARDESA), and six RUFORUM member universities in South Africa namely Stellenbosch University, University of Free State, University of Fort Hare, University of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Pretoria and University of Venda. Framed in a similar fashion to previous Conferences, this Conference will build on the following key opportunities and events to provide a platform to enable universities to make use of capacities of various stakeholder organizations and institutions to strengthen higher education in Africa. In particular, the issues related to strengthening linkages with the private sector in its various forms will be tackled. 1. The 2014 Fourth RUFORUM Biennial Conference celebrated 10 years of RUFORUM existence, and confirmed that there was great benefit for universities to collaborate, and to put in place a platform for catalyzing close engagement of African Universities in Africa’s development agenda. The meeting recognized that RUFORUM had achieved the vision of the 10 founding vice Chancellors and had grown into a dynamic regional platform that fosters collaboration, coordination and learning among the member Universities; 2. At the same Biennial Conference (2014), RUFORUM signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the African Union Commission to support the implementation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024) and more specifically for coordinating implementation of Priority One of STISA 2024 on ‘Eradication of Hunger and Achieving Food Security’. The MoU with the African Union signaled the intention by RUFORUM to increase its geographical coverage to the entire African Continent and strengthened its collaboration and partnership with the African Union. RUFORUM has since put in place an implementation strategy and framework for STISA 2024 Priority One and relevant reporting tools;

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The Fifth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, 17-21 October, 2016, Century

City Conference Center, Cape Town, South Africa

Conference Briefing Note

2 July, 2016

Higher Education has been highlighted as a critical component of implementing the Science, Technology

and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA) 2024, and the African Union Agenda 2063. The RUFORUM African

Higher Agricultural Education Weeks and RUFORUM Biennial Conferences, conceptually, focus on providing

a platform for African Universities and other higher education stakeholders, including graduate students,

to discuss and tackle ‘frontier’ issues that are critical in transforming African Universities towards enhanced

relevance for development in Africa, particularly through postgraduate training. The Conferences showcase

RUFORUM students’ and other cutting edge university-led research in Africa

The Fifth African Higher Agricultural Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference will be held 17-

21 October 2016 in Cape Town South Africa along the theme “Linking Agricultural Universities with Civil

Society, Private Sector, Governments and other Stakeholders in support of Agricultural Development in

Africa”. The Conference is co-organized with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Centre for

Coordinating Agricultural Research in Southern Africa (CCARDESA), and six RUFORUM member universities

in South Africa namely Stellenbosch University, University of Free State, University of Fort Hare, University

of KwaZulu-Natal, University of Pretoria and University of Venda. Framed in a similar fashion to previous

Conferences, this Conference will build on the following key opportunities and events to provide a platform

to enable universities to make use of capacities of various stakeholder organizations and institutions to

strengthen higher education in Africa. In particular, the issues related to strengthening linkages with the

private sector in its various forms will be tackled.

1. The 2014 Fourth RUFORUM Biennial Conference celebrated 10 years of RUFORUM existence, and

confirmed that there was great benefit for universities to collaborate, and to put in place a platform

for catalyzing close engagement of African Universities in Africa’s development agenda. The

meeting recognized that RUFORUM had achieved the vision of the 10 founding vice Chancellors

and had grown into a dynamic regional platform that fosters collaboration, coordination and

learning among the member Universities;

2. At the same Biennial Conference (2014), RUFORUM signed a memorandum of understanding

(MoU) with the African Union Commission to support the implementation of the Science,

Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024) and more specifically for coordinating

implementation of Priority One of STISA 2024 on ‘Eradication of Hunger and Achieving Food

Security’. The MoU with the African Union signaled the intention by RUFORUM to increase its

geographical coverage to the entire African Continent and strengthened its collaboration and

partnership with the African Union. RUFORUM has since put in place an implementation strategy

and framework for STISA 2024 Priority One and relevant reporting tools;

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3. The First African Higher Education Summit was held 8-10 March, 2015 and called for, among

others, African Union Heads of State and Government to identify from among themselves, a

committee of 10 champions for strengthening education, science and technology in Africa. The

Committee of ten ‘Champions’ was established during the 2015 July Heads of State and

Government summit in South Africa. RUFORUM Vice Chancellors played an important role in this

process, having discussed extensively higher education issues with Her Excellency, the Chair of the

African Union Commission, who was a keynote speaker at the Fourth Biennial Conference in

Maputo, Mozambique. Her Excellency delivered on her promise to strengthen engagement of

higher education institutions with policy at the Highest Level. The Committee of Heads of State will

provide an important platform for engagement with African Universities and RUFORUM, including

to follow through on the outcomes of the Fifth Biennial Conference;

4. The African Union declared 2016, the African Year of Human Rights. Education was clearly

highlighted as a ‘human right’. Higher Education in particular was recognized as important for

strengthening the entire education sector, and improving the quality of teachers at various levels;

5. RUFORUM leadership approved the RUFORUM Business Plan 2015-2020, which is providing

guidance and focus to RUFORUM Strategic operations to 2020. The Plan positions RUFORUM in

relation to other regional and sub-regional partners from the African scientific community as well

as university based networks and international partners. A key approach will be on platforms for

national and continental integration of Research for Development (R4D) and as a backbone for

university interaction while strengthening national university capacity to work with research,

business, and development partners to transform ideas into innovations.

While the official Conference will be held from Tuesday 18 to Friday 21 October, Pre-conference events

will be organized for RUFORUM organs and other side meetings. Reeta Roy, President of the MasterCard

Foundation will deliver a key note address on Sunday 16 October at an evening function hosted by the

National Research Foundation of South Africa, together with RUFORUM. The RUFORUM Board of Trustees,

the Committee of Principals and Deans; The Technical Committee, the International advisory Panel and the

RUFORUM Annual General Meeting will hold their statutory meetings. A Vice Chancellors Forum on

leadership and management and two trainings for University Principals and Deans on curriculum

development (organized with Harvard University in the United States) and on Gender in collaboration with

African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) will be organized to enhance

capacities of the network to perform efficiently. Stellenbosch University will play a lead role in organizing

an Executive Discussion Forum that will engage Business Leaders from South Africa in line with the

Conference themes. The Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations will hold its annual meeting

on Monday 17th October, 2016. Other pre-conference events will involve graduate students: the Social

Media Training for Graduate Students; The Stellenbosch University –RUFORUM Graduate Event; Graduate

Students Skills Enhancement Meeting; and project specific student meetings (USAID Feed the Future iAGRI

Project, Carnegie Foundation of New York Project and the EU-ACP funded ADECEA project). RUFORUM

Graduates and beneficiaries will consider how to support current and future students and launch the

RUFORUM Alumni Association.

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Day 1 (18 October) Morning: RUFORUM Business meeting

The RUFORUM Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the highest governing organ of RUFORUM. The AGM will

be held on the morning of 18th October, 2016, organized in conjunction with the Agricultural Research

Council and the University of Venda. The key note address at the AGM will be delivered by the South African

Minister of Agriculture Mr. Senzeni Zokwana. The AGM will receive the network report for the just

concluded year and confirm work plan for 2016/17. Presentations on key contemporary issues for the

RUFORUM network will be presented by partners: the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for

Africa (STISA) (to be presented by NEPAD Coordinating Agency) and the Africa Higher Education Capacity

Indicators (by IFPRI/ASTI). The AGM will admit new member universities.

Day 1 (18 October) Afternoon: Official Conference Opening

The Conference will open with a broad focus on identifying key challenges toward ensuring inclusive growth

in Africa and more specifically expert perspective on the role of African universities. The Opening Ceremony

will be officiated two distinguished women Scientists: Ms. Naledi Pandor, Minister of Science and

Technology, South Africa will offer opening remarks, following by Official opening address by Her Excellency

Mrs. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, President of the Republic of Mauritius and Guest of Honor. Solidarity

statements will be received from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Common Market for

Eastern and Central Africa (COMESA). The Official opening will set the stage for the Conference and

highlighting how the Conference aims to achieve its overall objectives of a) Identifying appropriate models

and approaches to strengthen engagement between the private sector, policy and Higher Education

Institutions; b) Linking graduate research and training to potential employers for a better understanding of

the context they will work in; c) Strengthening the use of science, technology and innovation for agricultural

led economic growth and development in Africa; and d) Developing strategies for increasing government

and NARIs support to HAE.

Day 2 (19 October) Linking Universities with the Private Sector for Agribusiness Innovations

Following an overview of the Conference Program from the Secretariat, a key note presentation will be

delivered on ‘New Directions in Development and Assistance Partnerships’ by Dr. Jon Lomoy, Director

General, NORAD. The discussions will highlight the global trends and implications for development partner

funding for higher education and research in Africa and the role of African governments and other

stakeholders, particularly the private sector in driving research agenda in Africa. Subsequently, a discussion

will ensue to improve awareness on the role of the private sector with regards to Knowledge Generation

and use for Development. A second panel will discuss Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Africa to

discuss examples of winning innovations that highlight the need for increasing strategies to respond to the

overwhelming demand for higher education in Africa and converse reduction in employment opportunities

within the public sector in Africa. The Panel will involve 10 young entrepreneur’ finalists who will present

their innovations to the Plenary. A young and upcoming South Africa farmer will provide concluding

remarks for the Session. Parallel sessions and side events will be held in the afternoon. A Side event to

discuss Universities-CGIAR, REC, SRO, and NARI Partnerships; and other thematic sessions will be held.

RUFORUM together with the World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will convene a meeting

of selected development partners to discuss higher education. Evening sessions will be held including a

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RUFORUM alumni association meeting to engage alumni to support RUFORUM academic and networking


Day 3 (20 October) Strengthening University Engagement for Community Transformation

Strengthening the contribution of universities to community advancement was clearly highlighted by

RUFORUM Board members and stakeholders within the recently approved Strategic Business Plan for

RUFORUM 2015-2020. Tools such as ICT have been highlighted for their potential role in enhancing

effectiveness of technology use and effectiveness at scale. A keynote presentation on ‘Digital Agriculture

and reaching smallholder farmers; will be delivered by Dr. David Bergvinson, Director General, International

Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). The presentation will provide background for

further discussion and a Panel on linking universities to communities. A diverse panel will highlight

experiences on university outreach from various perspectives including the EARTH experience, farmer NGO

and alumni perspectives, and illustration from the Songhai Center in Benin. Parallel sessions will follow for

the rest of the day that will include META learning on Higher Education, Strengthening University-

Community engagement and innovation platforms and strengthening gender mainstreaming to enhance

agricultural productivity.

Day 4 (21 October) Building a Quality Higher Education System in Africa: Game Changers

The last day will tie together strands from previous days’ discussions on private sector engagement, youth

innovation, university community engagement for impact to guide strategies for enhancing the quality of

higher education in Africa and how to effectively engage policy in proposed actions. The outgoing Chair of

the African Union Commission, Her Excellency Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma will provide her ‘Reflections on

Africa’s Development Trajectory: Implications for Higher Education in Africa’. The reflections will be

followed by response from the current Director of the African Academy of Sciences (AAS) Dr. Berhanu

Abegaz. The Panel Discussion will bring together key policy makers (African Ministers) and experts from

across the Continent to discuss ‘Higher Education Game Changers’ in Africa and what reforms are needed.

There after there will be a number of parallel sessions and a Roundtable discussion involving Ministers of

Education, Science and Technology from eight African countries. The Round table will be hosted by the

South African Minister for Higher Education, Dr. Blade Ndzimande.

The Closing Session will share key outcomes of the Conference in the form of a Conference Communique.

The Conference will also recognize exemplary individuals during the Closing Ceremony. Key policy makers

will make statements prior to the Conference Closing Address. The Conference Gala Dinner will take place

in the evening of Day 4.

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The Fifth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference 2016 Theme: Linking Agricultural Universities with Civil Society, the Private Sector, Governments and other Stakeholders in support of Agricultural Development in Africa

Venue: Century City Conference Centre, Cape Town, South Africa Dates: 17-21 October 2016







SATURDAY 15 October, 2016

Vice Chancellors Forum on Leadership and Management (Hall A, CCCC) Social Media Training for Graduate Students (Crystal Towers) Harvard Training on Curriculum Development for RUFORUM Principals and Deans (Hall B, CCCC)


Vice Chancellors Forum on Leadership and Management (Hall A, CCCC) Social Media Training for Graduate Students (Crystal Towers) Harvard Training on Curriculum Development for RUFORUM Principals and Deans (Hall B, CCCC) ADECEA Post Conflict Group (Stay Easy Meeting Room)

1300-1400 Vice Chancellors Forum on Leadership and Management (Hall A, CCCC) Social Media Training for Graduate Students (Crystal Towers) Harvard Training on Curriculum Development for RUFORUM Principals and Deans (Hall B, CCCC) ADECEA Post Conflict Group (Stay Easy Meeting Room)

1645-1730 OPEN SPACE

SUNDAY 16 October, 2016

Vice Chancellors Forum on Leadership and Management Social Media Training for Graduate Students (Hall D, CCCC) RUFORUM International Advisory Panel Meeting (Meeting Room 3, CCCC) AWARD Training on Gender for RUFORUM Principals and Deans (Meeting Room 9 & 10, CCCC)

1000-1030 Vice Chancellors Forum on Leadership and Management Social Media Training for Graduate Students (Hall D, CCCC) RUFORUM International Advisory Panel Meeting (Meeting Room 3, CCCC) AWARD Training on Gender for RUFORUM Principals and Deans (Meeting Room 9 & 10, CCCC)

1300-1400 Social Media Training for Graduate Students (Hall D, CCCC) South Africa Agriculture and Life Sciences (SAALDA) Deans Meeting (Meeting Room 11, CCCC)

1630-1700 1800-2130

OPEN SPACE Evening Function: (CCCC): Guest Address by Reeta Roy, President, MasterCard Foundation Statement by the NRF CEO

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RUFORUM Technical Committee Meeting (Meeting Room 2, CCCC)

RUFORUM Technical Committee Meeting (Meeting Room 2, CCCC) ADECEA Post Conflict Group (Stay Easy Meeting Room)

ADECEA Post Conflict Group (Stay Easy Meeting Room)

Cocktail hosted by NRF

MONDAY 17 October, 2016

RUFORUM Board Meeting (Stellenbosch University) RUFORUM Principals and Deans Meeting (Stellenbosch University) SU-Graduate Event ( Stellenbosch University) RUFORUM Technical Committee Meeting (SU)

1000-1030 RUFORUM Board Meeting (Stellenbosch University) RUFORUM Principals and Deans Meeting ( Stellenbosch University) SU-Graduate Event (Stellenbosch University) RUFORUM Technical Committee Meeting (Stellenbosch University) ADECEA Post Conflict Group (Stay Easy Meeting Room/ Stellenbosch University)

1300-1400 High Level Private Sector Policy Engagement - Business meeting (Stellenbosch University) RUFORUM Principals and Deans Meeting (Stellenbosch University) SU-Graduate Event (Stellenbosch University) GCHERA Meeting (Meeting Room 11, CCCC)

1730-2130 Carnegie Students Meeting (Meeting Room 8 & 9 Combined, CCCC) iAGRI Students Meeting (Meeting Room 7, CCCC)

TUESDAY 18 October, 2016

RUFORUM Annual General Meeting (Crystal Towers) Graduate Students Skills Enhancement Meeting (Hall A, CCCC)- Guest Address by Prof. Olive Mugenda, Former Vice Chancellor Kenyatta University GCHERA Meeting (Committee Room 7, CCCC)

1000-1030 RUFORUM Annual General Meeting (Crystal Towers) Graduate Students Skills Enhancement Meeting (Hall A, CCCC) GCHERA Meeting (Committee Room 7, CCCC)

1300-1400 Official Opening Ceremony of the Fifth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference (Hall A,B, & C at CCCC) World Agriculture Prize Awards (Hall A,B, & C at CCCC)


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Draft Conference Programme Tuesday 18 October, 2016

SESSION 1: RUFORUM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Session Chair: Prof. Mabel Imbuga, Vice Chancellor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and RUFORUM Board Chair Session Rapporteurs: Mr. Charles Owuor and Mr. Emmanuel Okalany, RUFORUM Secretariat

0830-0900 Part I: Constitution of the RUFORUM Annual General Meeting (AGM)

1) Record of members present and apologies 2) Adoption of the Agenda 3) Communication from the Chair 4) Minutes and Actions from the 11th Annual General Meeting

0900-1000 Part II: Official Opening of the RUFORUM 12th Annual General Meeting

1) Welcome Remarks by the RUFORUM Board Chair 2) Remarks by Prof. Peter Mbati, Vice Chancellor, University of Venda 3) Statement by Michael Hauser, President of AGRINATURA 4) Statement by Dr. Shadrack Moephuli, CEO & President of Agriculture Research Council, South Africa 5) Official Opening Address by the Hon. Senzeni Zokwana, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, South Africa (Invited) 6) Vote of Thanks by RUFORUM Executive Secretary


1010-1030 HEALTH BREAK

1035-1330 PART III: RUFORUM Annual General Meeting (AGM) Business

1) Presentation of Annual Report by the RUFORUM Secretariat 2) Presentation of the 2015/2016 Financial Report and 2016/2017 Budget Proposal 3) Discussion on the Financial Report and Budget Proposal 4) Report of the External Auditor (Deloitte) 5) Discussion on External Audit 6) Appointment of 2016/2017 External Auditor 7) Venue for the next AGM and 2018 Biennial 8) Presentations by Partners:

Presentation on STISA by Chimwemwe Chamdimba, AU/NEPAD Agency

Presentation on Africa Higher Education Capacity Indicators by Nienke Beintema, IFPRI/ASTI 9) Business from the Board: Formal Admission of New Member Universities 10) Closing Remarks by the RUFORUM Board Chair

1330-1430 LUNCH

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Session Chair: Prof. Mabel Imbuga, Vice Chancellor, Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and RUFORUM Board Chair Session Rapporteurs: Dr. Paul Nampala (RUFORUM Secretariat) and Dr. Agnes Mwangwela (Dean, LUANAR and Vice Chair RUFORUM Principal/Deans Committee)

1500-1530 Arrival of Guests /Refreshments

1530-1545 Flag Ceremony

Conference Welcome Remarks

1545-1555 Prof Wim de Villiers, Vice Chancellor Stellenbosch University

1555-1600 Prof. Adipala Ekwamu, Executive Secretary RUFORUM

Conference Keynote Address

16001620 Keynote Address: Prof Johan van Zyl, Extraordinary Professor, AgriScience, Stellenbosch University

1620-1630 Plenary Discussion

GCHERA World Agricultural Prize

1630-1700 GCHERA World Agriculture Prize Awards

Conference Opening Remarks and Addresses

1700-1710 Dr Mercy Karanja, Programme Officer Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

1710-1730 Remarks by Hon. Dr. Naledi Pandor, Minister of Science and Technology, South Africa

1730-1800 Address by Her Excellency Mrs. Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, GCSK, CSK, PhD, President of the Republic of Mauritius

1800-1810 Vote of Thanks by Prof. Mabel Imbuga, RUFORUM Board Chair

1930-2130 EVENING FUNCTION – Brief Remarks by Alan Winde, Member of the Executive Committee, Western Cape (Invited)

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Wednesday 19 October, 2016

SESSION 3: LINKING UNIVERSITIES WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR FOR AGRIBUSINESS INNOVATIONS Session Moderator: Ms. Judith Francis, CTA and Member of RUFORUM International Advisory Panel Session Rapporteurs: Mr. Henry Massa Makuma, RUFORUM Secretariat and Prof. Godwin Mchau, University of Venda

0830-0840 Overview of the Programme by Dr. Moses Osiru, Deputy Executive Secretary, RUFORUM

0840-0900 Keynote Address: New Directions in Development and Assistance Partnerships by Dr. Jon Lomoy, Director General, NORAD

0900-0915 Plenary Discussion

0915-1015 Panel: The Private Sector, Knowledge Generation and Development 1. Mr. Fred Robertson – Agribusiness (Invited) 2. Ms. Sizwe Nxasana, Chief Executive Officer, FirstRand Ltd (Invited) 3. Ms. Gloria Serobe, Executive Director, Women’s Investment Portfolio Holdings (WIPHOLD) (Invited) 4. Dr. Michael Jordaan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Montegray Capital, South Africa (Invited) 5. Dr. Helen Gichohi, Chief Executive Officer, Equity Group Foundation (Invited)

1015-1040 Plenary Discussion

1040-1110 HEALTH BREAK and POSTERS/ EXHIBITIONS VIEWING (Meeting Room D and Hall way)

SESSION 4: YOUTH INNOVATION AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP Session Moderator: Dr. Johan van Rooyen, Stellenbosch University and President International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Session Rapporteurs: Dr. Anthony Egeru, RUFORUM and Prof. Hussein Shimelis, University of KwaZulu-Natal

1115-1235 Showcasing Excellence in Youth Innovations in Africa: Panel of 10 Young Innovators

1235-1305 Questions to and responses from the Panel

1305-1315 Session Wrap-up: Dimakatso Sekhoto (Nono), Youth Farmer, Makolobane, South Africa

1315-1430 LUNCH BREAK


1430-1730 Session 5.1: Development Partner Round Table (By invitation) Venue: Manhattan Suites and Conferencing Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by RUFORUM

Session 5.2: Universities-CGIAR, REC, SRO, and NARI Partnership (Hall A, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 5.3: Addressing

Risk Associated with

Climate Change and

Variability in Agricultural


(Hall B, CCCC)

Chair and Rapporteur to

be determined by LOC

Session 5.4: Marine

Science and Blue


(Meeting Room 8,


Chair and Rapporteur

to be determined by

LOC drawing from SA


Session 5.5: University Private Sector Dialogue (Hall C, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 5.6: Agricultural Marketing Pathways, Product Update, Trade and Policy (Meeting Room 11, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 5.7: FoodAfrica II WP7 Training sessions on Linking research to Business

(Meeting Room 7, CCCC)

Session 5.8: SANBio (Meeting Room 9, CCCC)

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drawing from SA


Opening: Dr. Shadrack Moephuli, CEO & President of Agriculture Research Council, South Africa

Opening: Michael Jordaan, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Montegray Capital, South Africa (Invited)

Opening: Dr Rufaro Madakadze Program Officer, Education and Training, Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)


1730-1830 SESSION 6: POSTERS AND EXHIBITIONS (Meeting Room D and Hall way, CCCC)


Session 7.1: RUFORUM Alumni Meeting (Meeting Room 9, CCCC)

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Thursday 20 October, 2016

SESSION 8: STRENGTHENING UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT FOR COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION Session Moderate: Prof. Frans Swanepoel, Deputy Vice Chancellor, University of Western Cape, South Africa Session Rapporteurs: Dr. Solange Uwituze, RUFORUM Secretariat and Prof. John Mugisha, Makerere University

0830-0840 Summary of Day 2 and Introduction to Profile of Events for Day 3: Dr. Paul Nampala, Grants Manager, RUFORUM Secretariat

0840-0900 Keynote Address: Digital Agriculture and reaching smallholder farmers. Dr. David Bergvinson, Director General, International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)

0900-0920 Plenary Discussion

0920-1020 Panel: Linking Universities to Communities 1. Father Godfrey Nzamujo, Director Songhai Centre, Benin 2. Prof. Adam Habib, Vice Chancellor University of Witwatersrand, South Africa 3. Prof. Daniel Sherrard, Pro Vice Chancellor, EARTH University, Costa Rica 4. Ms. Catherine Mloza-Banda, RUFORUM Alumni, Malawi 5. Mrs. Norah Asio Ebukalin, Farmer from Popular Women’s Knowledge Initiative (P’KWI), Uganda

1020-1040 Plenary Discussion

1040-1110 HEALTH BREAK and POSTERS/ EXHIBITIONS VIEWING (Meeting Room D and Hall way)


1115-1300 Session 9.1: Joint META learning on Higher Education (Hall A, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by AGRINATURA

Session 9.2: The Sustainable intensification within smallholder crop and livestock value chains (Hall B, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 9.3: Strengthening community engagement and innovation platforms (Hall C, CCCC) Hosted by University of Venda (UNIVEN): Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by UNIVEN

Session 9.4: Higher Education Networks (Meeting Room 6, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 9.5: Reducing postharvest losses (Meeting Room 7, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 9.6: Strengthening gender mainstreaming to enhance agricultural productivity (Meeting Room 8, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 9.7: Positive Youth Development and Experiential Learning in University Outreach (Meeting Room 9, CCCC)

Session 9.8: FARMNET Stakeholder Workshop: Facilitated Dialogue to inform the development of enhanced forms of smallholder market network structures (Meeting Room 11, CCCC)

Opening: Dr. Aldo Stroebel, NRF South Africa

Alliance for African Partnership by Michigan State University

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Presentation from University of Delaware (Dr. Mark Rieger)

1300-1400 LUNCH BREAK


1400-1730 Session 10.1: Joint META learning on Higher Education (Hall A, CCCC)

Session 10.2: The Sustainable intensification within smallholder crop and livestock value chains (Hall B, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 10.3: Strengthening community engagement and innovation platforms (Hall C, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 10.4: Higher Education Networks (Meeting Room 6, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 10.5: Reducing postharvest losses (Meeting Room 7, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 10.6: Strengthening gender mainstreaming to enhance agricultural productivity (Meeting Room 8, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 10.7: Positive Youth Development and Experiential Learning in University Outreach (Meeting Room 9, CCCC)

Session 10.8: FARMNET Stakeholder Workshop: Facilitated Dialogue to inform the development of enhanced forms of smallholder market network structures (Meeting Room 11, CCCC)


1730-1830 SESSION 11: POSTERS AND EXHIBITIONS (Hall D and Hallway, CCCC)


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Friday 21st October, 2016

SESSION 12: BUILDING A QUALITY HIGHER EDUCATION SYSTEM IN AFRICA: GAME CHANGERS Session Moderate: Dr. Lindiwe Sibanda, Executive Director FANRPAN and Member of RUFORUM International Advisory Panel Session Rapporteurs: Prof. Levi Akundabweni, University of Namibia and Dr. Mathews Madola, RUFORUM Secretariat

0830-0840 Summary of Day 3 and Introduction and Profile of Events for Day 4: Dr. Solange Uwituze, RUFORUM Secretariat

0840-0900 Keynote address: Reflections on Africa’s Development Trajectory: Implications for Higher Education in Africa, Her Excellency Dlamini-Zuma

0900-0910 Respondent: Dr. Berhanu Abegaz, Executive Director, African Academy of Sciences

0910-1020 Panel Discussion on Higher Education Game Changers 1. Hon. Dr. Fred Matiang’i, Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Education, Kenya (Invited) 2. Hon. Prof. Mary Teuw Niane, Minister for Higher Education and Research, Senegal (Invited) 3. Hon. Dr. Chrysestom Muyingo, State Minister for Higher Education, Uganda 4. Hon. Mrs. Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, Minister of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, Mauritius 5. Dr. Wanjiru Kamau-Rutenberg, Executive Director African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) 6. Dr. Patrick Caron, Director General Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) (Invited)

1020-1040 Plenary Discussion

1040-1110 HEALTH BREAK


1115-1300 Session 15.1: Ministerial Round Table Policy Dialogue-By invitation) (Crystal Towers) Moderator: TBI

Session 15.2: Enhancing academic mobility (Meeting Room 8, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 15.3: Strengthening knowledge management for improved production (Meeting Room 9, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 15.4: Sustainable intensification within smallholder crop and livestock value chains (Room 10, CCCC) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by LOC drawing from SA universities

Session 15.5: PAEPARD (Meeting Room 11) Chair and Rapporteur to be determined by PAEPARD

Session 15.6:

Page 14: Page 1 of 4 - Agrinatura · relation to other regional and sub-regional partners from the African scientific community as well as university based networks and international partners

Page 10 of 10


1300-1400 LUNCH BREAK

1400-1500 POSTERS/ EXHIBITIONS VIEWING (Meeting Room D and Hall way)

SESSION 14: Closing Ceremony Session Chair: Ms. Bongiwe Njobe, RUFORUM Board Member, Founder and Executive Director of ZANAC Consulting, South Africa Session Rapporteurs: Ms. Jacqueline Nnam and Mrs. Sylvia Chindime Mkandawire, RUFORUM Secretariat

1500-1530 RUFORUM Recognition Awards; Prof. Adipala Ekwamu Executive Secretary, RUFORUM

1530-1550 Conference Communique, Prof. Linus Opara Stellenbosch University

1550-1600 Statement from the African Union Commission

1600-1610 Statement by Hon. Annika Soder, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sweden (Invited)

1610-1620 Statement by Prof. Ashraf El-Shihy, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Egypt and Chair AU STC-EST (Invited)

1620-1630 Statement by Hon. Emmanuel Fabiano - Minister of Education, Science and Technology, Malawi

1630-1640 Address by Dr. Blade E. Nzimande Minister of Higher Education and Training, South Africa (Invited)

1730-1740 Vote of Thanks by Prof. Mabel Imbuga, RUFORUM Board Chair


Additional Room Space Allocation at CCCC Throughout the week Meeting Room 1, CCCC; RUFORUM Secretariat Meeting Room 2, CCCC; RUFORUM/AGRINATURA Partnership Meetings on Proposal Development Meeting Room 3, CCCC; RUFORUM/AGRINATURA Partnership Meetings on Proposal Development Meeting Room 4, CCCC; Go Trolley Interview and Filming Meeting Room 5, CCCC; Press and Social Media Reporters For Wednesday and Thursday, Meeting Room 10 will be used to accommodate over flows from some of the technical sessions



SATURDAY 22nd October, 2016

Departures Meeting of LOC, ROC, and Malawi 2017 AGM Committee (Meeting Room 11, CCCC)

1000-1030 Departures Meeting of LOC, ROC, and Malawi 2017 AGM Committee (Meeting Room 11, CCCC)

1300-1400 Departures

1645-1730 Departures