paducah sun (paducah, ky. : 1898). (paducah, ky) 1905-03 ... · a r-c a-r ii irtiiagi4uulld11j y l...

a r- c A- r iI y L Irti iAgi4uullD11J I FIVE IROutvd El nbroiderYClass for School Pirlse T Every Saturday from 2 until 4 oclock We are going to Inaugu ¬ ti rate an Embroidery Class for SchoolGirls These classes will be given free on our line of Sofa 1 t Pillows ranging in price from 10 beingbou begin Saturday March 11and allschool girls arc invited down J Rudy Phillips eo < 4 ll ud d 1 401 Alta I For Dr PcnJlcy ring 410 Sign and carriage painting 0 IL Sexton both phones 401 Call Ialmer Transfer Co for carriages baggage wagons and first class livery rig Hack fares and trunks strictly cash Best service In tho city 1 A complete lino of blank books typewriting and carbon paper Ev- erything needed In the oftlco and tho very host at H D Clements Co Mr William Hoffman tho tin ¬ ner Is preparing to go Into business In tho building on Kentucky nvonuo 1 4 formerly occupied by tho Inducah Saddlery company Ho has Leon In 1partnership with Mr Slayton A largo number of members dn joyed tho smoker given by tho loath crworkors union at Central Labor hall after tho regular meeting last night Kabbl Enolow Tuesday night at Louisville married Minn Fannta Hliidifluld and Dr David lllalwolsHi of IxinUvlllo Tho bride Is n sister of Mr Maurice Hlrshflold of Iadu- Cflll 4 Officers of tho Delphic club for limo year have been olectod as fol ¬ lows Mrs U II 1hllllps presi ¬ dent Mrs MUKCOO Uiirnott vicepres ¬ Ideal and Sirs Mary Watson secre ¬ tary anti treasurer Tho remains of Dr A J Wei 4 don woro shipped on tho steamer TennoHBco last evening for Paris landing Tonn for burial tomorrow K A Hughes has uiinouriccd for i the Democratic nomination for may ¬ or of Murray l Ky Mr Hardln halo and Miss Nille Touhey woll known young people of Mayfield wars married thiroTuos day Mlsa Vlinioy manager of tho millinery department of l Hndy Mill bps Co mturncd this morning from Chicago where shl has been purchasing now goods Shin wits ac ¬ companied by n now trimmer l Eugene DIggs ago 26 of tho city nnd Mamie Roberts of the city ago 19 have boon licensed towed They an colored J S Sloan n barber called at the city hal IhU afternoon and claim ¬ ed tho trunk found by policemen this morning Ho said that ho had left the trunk on tho street while ho got an express man A- r r Doctors Prescriptions 4Require careful prepara ¬ thou from pure Iresli full strength drugs by expe ¬ rienced pharmncUts wn CAN BUl1IV BOTH FURTHERMOREOur ita to give you exactly what t Ilto elector orders Prompt delivery day pr night to any part of the city- JSIuht hall wt alcto l door L L WALKEI i CO I COft ftTla- PfPiI 4 DrrwdnayJloth TRUTH COMING OUT cow TIHXmV THAT SIKH STAN FORD COMMITTED KIHCIIH Police Say They i Found Xo Strych ¬ nine In this WOIIIMIIM Home I Honolulu March OTho test ¬ mony of tho chemists In the Inquest on Sirs Stanfords death practically completes tho case for tho jury and tonight tho witnesses will sign the transcripts of jhqlr l testimony In the presence of tho Jury Attorney General Andrews is Bald 10 havo boon directing his questions with tho Idea of bringing out the probability of tho suicide of Mrs Stanford using as the basis of such theory the fact that Mrs Stanford In San Francisco became acquainted with time extreme bitterness of the taste of strychnine yet mndo no remark on the night of her death that BIO had experienced the same taste In the medicine which is said to have caused tho end of her life No HI rCh II till San Francisco Cal March 9 Tho police authorities have deemed It necessary to deny tho persistent rumors afloat that they found strychnine In Mrs Standfords rest ¬ deuce here Acting Chief of Police Splllano has given out a Statement saying no strychnine was found In Sirs Stanfords residence CHIMIVAL DOCKET Mulshed In llciitnn Court liy Judge Reed Circuit Judgo W M r Reed return oil from llontcm thU afternoon after settling tho last criminal case on tho docket except thin Sheriff Holland ease Jndgo Heed will tomorrow try soy ¬ oral Important civil cases among thorn being tho suit of It F Jenkins against tho I L Cfer 2000 damages for stopping up n ditch and causing nn overflow of water on his proper- ty ¬ Another caso Is that of tho city of lllbortsvlllo nptlnst tho I LC for 6000 damages for flooding tho streets sad portions qf tho town with construction work The third Important suit IH that of Conllo Nichols against life N C St L road for 6000 damages for personal Injuries rUltNl111 Attorney 140 I K Taylor I Is llnik 1Yoni llelenn Irk Attorney t L K Taylor has return ¬ ed from Memphis ana Helena MkJ wheVo ho wan called on business 110 wont to Helena to look Into time land Interests of Mrs Turner Anderson who owns property valued at several thousand dollars near that city U scorns that Mrs Anderson never as sorted her rights nnd Is barred from tho greater portion of the property by limitation but airy nary reclaim onethird that portion of W deceas ¬ ed mother which will amount to shout 8000 the estate being valued lit 125000 irulh id t JoudacoliIie 0 F 1 Rudolph aged 60 of Iove lacovllle Ky diet of paralysis this lingery ¬ held tomorrow at LnvolacevlUo ua tier the auspices of time Odd Fellows The decease I was c 1 prominent plan And leaves a wife N u tw I Tho tie It 0 Tho United Daughters of tho Con fcilcrncy suet this afternoon with Mrs JOt Gardner MJIKIIIIIO Clut Time Magazine club will sleet tills afternoon with Mrs J A Rury Mrs David Alexander left today for Toledo 0 to join her husband llablil David Alexander now In charge 6f a synagogue there Miss Flora Stamper of Mayflold U visiting Miss Joslo Anderson Mrs 13 J pUn of Atlanta fla linn returned after spending the win- ter with her ton Mr J M Day Mr Harry flhodcs left last even ltg for Now Orleans on business Ho goes from there to Louisville Mr J L Coles and wife have re ¬ turned front a months visit In Ar genta tint on John K Hcndrlck went to llenton today to sit as special judge In cases coming up III tho clrcul court Mr J8 Ilordcatix has returned from a several weeks stay In Blr mlngham Ala Mrs hinny McChcsncy and Mlas Edna Ircsnoll of Frankfort arrived last night and are guests ofOfflcer and Mm James Iresnell Tndny the went to Smlthland for a visit Mcfidamcs L K Durrett and Lee lihodes have gono to Golconda HI lo visit Alderman Dick Davis has returned front Mardl Gras at New Orleans Ills wlfo and daughter stopped over at Memphis to visit relatives Contractor F W Katterjohn wont to Cedar Uluft this morning on bush ¬ ness Mr Wm Hades went to Green vlllo this morning on business Mr Wynne Tully returned from Graves county this morning Supervisor W C Waggoner of Princeton was In the city this mor ¬ ning Mr Waggoner Is looking nfto the spring Improvements on thj Louisville division of the road Miss Hannah Cox of West Trimble street has gone to Clinton Ky to vilt friends Mrs William Hays has gono to Now Orleans to visit Dr H C Gore of Lone Oak is In time city SUIHiV KM Of the Defense In time Cliiuhvlck Case Clovolnnd 0 Mar DTho do foiiBp In tho Chadwlck case suddenly rested this morning after tho exam ¬ ination of T C Doollttlo tho expert accountant Hanker Marshal Clove ¬ mutt answered technical questions rotating to bank bookkeeping Tho dqfoiiRo moved that Judge Taylor or Hlor a verdict for Mrs Chadwlck and tho witnesses woro dismissed and court adjourned until this after ¬ noon Tho iiost Important point made by the state In Its entire Mao was gain ed today when District Attorney Sul livan after a hard fight with tho at- torney ¬ for tho defense secured tho admission as evidence of two drafts aggregating 80000 Issued by tho Oberlln bank In favor or Mrs Chad wick August 24 1903 On this same slate Mrs Chadwlck obtained from tho bank certified check for 12 GOO and Ilecelver Lydn testified there was nothing on tho banks books to show that at mho time of re ¬ ceiving tho drafts and checks Mrs Chadwlck hind a cent In the bank or was In any way entitled to credit Wings motion was to take tho case from tho jury and this In effect h a motion to acquit since tho judge cannot Instruct a jury on a verdict of guilty Tho Judge has not yet ron ¬ tiered his decision ASKS MIWOV Voiiwu t Who Killed HIv IViwnw Waived it Jury Trial Lynchburg Ya March 9Olra flalllo M Hannn who administered rough on ruts to a family of six per ¬ sons because tho family had given shelter to tho husband of tho prison ¬ er whom she had run away from homo appeared In court today wnlv + herBotr1on anoun < ell that matter under advisement ami It U probable that he will hear the ovl deuce In the faSO tomorrow A promoter Is a man who inakga a living by separating a fool and hg money INTEREST PAID Ottime Deposits left with theJaducaU Panting Come pay A safe aNd profitable way to save your money A L Allen nowdcn Public Stenographer Notary Public Mlmcograplllng nnd circular work n specialty Old phono No 1487a Register Building Room No4 POH RRNT Nicely furnished rooms 020 Kentucky avenue WANTED Woita to drill Apply nt Sun omco- FUItNiSDIID or unfurnished rooms to rent nt 320 South Third St STOP and get redhot Tamales at llltt South Third street WANTBD To rent 5 or 0 room house Apply J L II this office Foil SALK Steamer Sycamore Apply on board nt dry docks FOIl HUNT Cheap furnished rooms 224 N Sixth- TILEIIIONI 442 for hickory Blovdwood t E 13 hail Sons FOIl It1NTA five room cottage C24 Husbands Old phone 90S- UPHOLSTEIIINO and repairing 539 S Third SL New phone 1102 A H McCormack RING IBlCr old phono or 1145 now phono for good cooking and heating wood Quick delivery PICTURES framed up to date at tho Paducah Book Store 428 Broad ¬ way MIRRORS REFLATED at Brooks Bros 221 Kentucky avenue Old phono 372 red LOSTA string of sold beads Liberal reward for return to The Sun amen FOR SALEDesirable five room cottage Apply to owner 1249 Trim ¬ ble street CHERRYS Cough Curo relieves croup cures coughs and colds Gard ¬ tiers Drug Store j FANNIE AVANr710 S Sixth SliarripoonltiR Scalp Massage Mani- curing ¬ Phono 1C78 GARDNERS Drug Store can fill your prescriptions and receipts with time boat material Phono 222 LOSTA gold shirtwaist pin with Initials FJ P Bring to Sun of- fice and receive reward- WIIITTEMORE Real Estate Free price list Insurance Notary public Fraternity Building Phones 835 POSITION wanted as salesman live years experience Address S L C 145 Clements St COOKING AND HATING WOOD for sale Quick delivery Both phonos 437 Leaving Qro WANTEDTo harrow from a prlr veto individual 250 at 10 per cent good security Leave address with the Sun LOST PUP Small brown male black and tan pup about 3 months old Please return to 1040 Monroe street or phone 1S14 old photo and receive reward INllmSI waist hands six skirt makers none but experienced hands mid throe apprentices Apply at once to Miss Aslioff at L I B Ogll vie Cosl- iANTED HORSES AND MULES We will bo at Glaubers stable Pa ¬ ducah I Ky Saturday March 11 to buy horses nnd mummies iron II to 10 years pfd LoavellLayno Mule Co WANTED A white woman about 10 years pfd without family to cook wash and Iron etc for young couple Room at residence Reference roo quired Address W P care Sun HOARDING 8TAULB hoard your horse with mo and got the benefit of careful personal atten lion to both horse anti carriage 0 R Holland 810 South Third old phone 731 allOW Rh1Al1fE1 AT IIAUUOVUH IIKIT STOHK Ladles shoos halfsoled 3Bc Misses shoes halfsoled 350 Hoys shoos halfsoled 40c Mens Hhoea half soled 40e v4 NOSOf established repute lion nod l hy your friends neighbors and relatives are sold on easy pay WMtts t Practical piano tynlng fo I I PLAY BALL 1 CHEAP HartHas A large line of Base Ball goods bought at force sale consequently Hart Sells Cheap The very best leading brandsMitts h Masks Bats Belts etc I 25 to 50 Per Cent Saved fiEO 0 HART SONS CO i THEKENTUCKY Muspaulu1 slxaLlll Ore Week Starting MON MRII3 A Mat Wednesday and Saturday GERTRUDE EWING And Her Superior Company IN REPERTOIRE- A Superb Example of a Perfect Organization SBig Vaudeville Acts5 Unlike anything seen here before OPENING PLAY SLAVES OF THE FAR EASF PRICES 10 20 30 CENTS LADIES FREE Monday night under usual conditions Scats on sale SATUHDVV 10 n ni licltod Fred P Watson Dro V- II Thomas assistant manager 311 Broadway Old phone 63 r flKNUY Sh I IIIC11 Chicago Millinery Man Killed Him ¬ self Ilicauso of Losses Chicago May OlIonr M Rich president of tin Rich Millinery com ¬ puny committed suicide today In a room In a hotel In Michigan avenue Rich shot himself In tho temple and when found had n revolver grasped tightly In his hand I Rich was n heavy loser In u fire Which destroyed his place of business last November Since then accord ¬ lilt to friends ho hind brooded over his reverses KUCIIUi ILAYIXU Ix Claiming the Attention of limo innid Jury in Jessamlni1 Nlcholasvlllo 1 Ky Mar 9Tito Jesvamlno county grand jury line cre ¬ ated quite a sensation by starting an Investigation of euchre playing by tho fashionable 1001110 of the town and county Only 111980 cases whore progressive euchre has loan played for n prize are being Investigated It Issald Indictments will bo found PURE DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Accuracy In compound lug and prompt atten tlon lace delivery of orders to all patts of the city THE WEST EN1 PHARMACY Twelfth and Broadway U M Muiw ProprletoitPu- cceisor to Win J + Gilbert BOTH WIIONIN f u THE KENTUCKY nuKstrlL EN- QLIIBTONIGHT ONE APPEARANCE ONLY I IMR RICHARD MANSFIELDAtbe than of Count Alexis Tolstois Rae iniTragdy Ivan the Terrible Prices Entire Orchestra- Hirst three rows of Balcony 12 00 Next two rows of Balcony 150 Balance of Balcony100Gal- lery on 60c THE KENTUCKY Mutf taut JiS I CNMUK SATURDAY NIGHT MAR II No Matinee The Holy City The Great Allegorical Reproduction ol MlcUael Ang- elasGRUGlFiXiON I f I I The mot Impressive historic pot royal ever conceived andof fered to the public iu an American theatre Prices J 3c Wc Ulc 71c 100 SlUTH OX WALK 1 IHIDAY 10 A 1L Williams Bicycle CoI I line removed from Jeffer son street to 126128 N Fifth St Next to Kentucky Theater C C GRASSHAM Formerly of Smlthlaud LAWYER ROOM 4 THUCHEART BUILDING OLD PHONC997 A II Arii I lncivaM d y t I I1I0llRhtOll Mlrh March 9COOI t or range consolidated mills today ou < nouticed I tin PJI cent Increase 11 wages of four thousand amployos Mr M 0 McManama travollng freight agent of the Cincinnati llama thou and Dayton system was In time tu today on business IP YOU MED ANYTHING IN 1Till DRUG OR NOTION Mtin yog CoN NINA iv AT I DuSoili I KOUB 4 CO il ilfnPN U

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1905-03 ... · a r-c A-r iI IrtiiAgi4uullD11J y L I FIVE IROutvd ElnbroiderYClass for School Pirlse T Every Saturday from 2 until






y LIrtiiAgi4uullD11JI FIVEIROutvd

ElnbroiderYClassfor School Pirlse


Every Saturday from 2 until 4oclock We are going to Inaugu ¬

ti rate an Embroidery Class forSchoolGirls These classes willbe given free on our line of Sofa


t Pillows ranging in price from 10beingboubegin Saturday March 11andallschool girls arc invited down


Rudy Phillips eo<


llud d


401 Alta I

For Dr PcnJlcy ring 410Sign and carriage painting 0

IL Sexton both phones 401Call Ialmer Transfer Co for

carriages baggage wagons and firstclass livery rig Hack fares andtrunks strictly cash Best service Intho city

1 A complete lino of blank bookstypewriting and carbon paper Ev-erything needed In the oftlco and thovery host at H D Clements Co

Mr William Hoffman tho tin ¬

ner Is preparing to go Into businessIn tho building on Kentucky nvonuo

14 formerly occupied by tho Inducah

Saddlery company Ho has Leon In

1partnership with Mr SlaytonA largo number of members dn

joyed tho smoker given by tho loathcrworkors union at Central Laborhall after tho regular meeting lastnight

Kabbl Enolow Tuesday night atLouisville married Minn FanntaHliidifluld and Dr David lllalwolsHiof IxinUvlllo Tho bride Is n sisterof Mr Maurice Hlrshflold of Iadu-Cflll4

Officers of tho Delphic club forlimo year have been olectod as fol ¬

lows Mrs U II 1hllllps presi ¬

dent Mrs MUKCOO Uiirnott vicepres ¬

Ideal and Sirs Mary Watson secre ¬

tary anti treasurerTho remains of Dr A J Wei

4 don woro shipped on tho steamerTennoHBco last evening for Parislanding Tonn for burial tomorrow

K A Hughes has uiinouriccd fori the Democratic nomination for may¬

or of Murray lKyMr Hardln halo and Miss Nille

Touhey woll known young peopleof Mayfield wars married thiroTuosday

Mlsa Vlinioy manager of thomillinery department of lHndy Millbps Co mturncd this morningfrom Chicago where shl has beenpurchasing now goods Shin wits ac ¬

companied by n now trimmerlEugene DIggs ago 26 of tho

city nnd Mamie Roberts of the cityago 19 have boon licensed towedThey an colored

J S Sloan n barber called atthe city hal IhU afternoon and claim ¬

ed tho trunk found by policementhis morning Ho said that ho hadleft the trunk on tho street while hogot an express man




4Require careful prepara ¬

thou from pure Iresli fullstrength drugs by expe ¬

rienced pharmncUts wnCAN BUl1IV BOTH


to give you exactly whatt Ilto elector orders

Prompt delivery day prnight to any part of thecity-

JSIuht hall wt alctol door


I COft ftTla-PfPiI4 DrrwdnayJloth



Police Say They iFound Xo Strych ¬

nine In this WOIIIMIIM


Honolulu March OTho test ¬

mony of tho chemists In the Inqueston Sirs Stanfords death practicallycompletes tho case for tho jury andtonight tho witnesses will sign thetranscripts of jhqlrl testimony In thepresence of tho Jury

Attorney General Andrews is Bald10 havo boon directing his questionswith tho Idea of bringing out theprobability of tho suicide of MrsStanford using as the basis of suchtheory the fact that Mrs Stanford InSan Francisco became acquaintedwith time extreme bitterness of thetaste of strychnine yet mndo noremark on the night of her deaththat BIO had experienced the sametaste In the medicine which is saidto have caused tho end of her life

No HI rCh II tillSan Francisco Cal March 9

Tho police authorities have deemedIt necessary to deny tho persistentrumors afloat that they foundstrychnine In Mrs Standfords rest ¬

deuce here Acting Chief of PoliceSplllano has given out a Statementsaying no strychnine was found InSirs Stanfords residence


Mulshed In llciitnn Court liy JudgeReed

Circuit Judgo W Mr Reed returnoil from llontcm thU afternoon aftersettling tho last criminal case on thodocket except thin Sheriff Hollandease

Jndgo Heed will tomorrow try soy ¬

oral Important civil cases amongthorn being tho suit of It F Jenkinsagainst tho IL Cfer 2000 damagesfor stopping up n ditch and causingnn overflow of water on his proper-


Another caso Is that of tho city oflllbortsvlllo nptlnst tho IL C for

6000 damages for flooding thostreets sad portions qf tho town withconstruction work

The third Important suit IH that ofConllo Nichols against life N C

St L road for 6000 damages forpersonal Injuries

rUltNl111Attorney 140 IK Taylor IIs llnik 1Yoni

llelenn Irk

Attorneyt L K Taylor has return ¬

ed from Memphis ana Helena MkJwheVo ho wan called on business 110

wont to Helena to look Into time landInterests of Mrs Turner Andersonwho owns property valued at severalthousand dollars near that city U

scorns that Mrs Anderson never assorted her rights nnd Is barred fromtho greater portion of the propertyby limitation but airy nary reclaimonethird that portion of W deceas ¬

ed mother which will amount toshout 8000 the estate being valuedlit 125000

irulh idt JoudacoliIie0 F1 Rudolph aged 60 of Iove

lacovllle Ky diet of paralysis thislingery ¬

held tomorrow at LnvolacevlUo uatier the auspices of time Odd FellowsThe decease I was c1 prominent planAnd leaves a wife

N u tw I

Tho tie It 0Tho United Daughters of tho Con

fcilcrncy suet this afternoon withMrs JOt Gardner

MJIKIIIIIO ClutTime Magazine club will sleet tills

afternoon with Mrs J A Rury

Mrs David Alexander left todayfor Toledo 0 to join her husbandllablil David Alexander now Incharge 6f a synagogue there

Miss Flora Stamper of MayfloldU visiting Miss Joslo Anderson

Mrs 13J pUn of Atlanta flalinn returned after spending the win-

ter with her ton Mr J M DayMr Harry flhodcs left last even

ltg for Now Orleans on business Hogoes from there to Louisville

Mr J L Coles and wife have re ¬

turned front a months visit In Argenta tintonJohn K Hcndrlck went tollenton today to sit as special judgeIn cases coming up III tho clrculcourt

Mr J8 Ilordcatix has returnedfrom a several weeks stay In Blrmlngham Ala

Mrs hinny McChcsncy and MlasEdna Ircsnoll of Frankfort arrivedlast night and are guests ofOfflcerand Mm James Iresnell Tndny thewent to Smlthland for a visit

Mcfidamcs L K Durrett and Leelihodes have gono to Golconda HIlo visit

Alderman Dick Davis has returnedfront Mardl Gras at New OrleansIlls wlfo and daughter stopped overat Memphis to visit relatives

Contractor F W Katterjohn wontto Cedar Uluft this morning on bush ¬

nessMr Wm Hades went to Green

vlllo this morning on businessMr Wynne Tully returned from

Graves county this morning

Supervisor W C Waggoner ofPrinceton was In the city this mor ¬

ning Mr Waggoner Is looking nftothe spring Improvements on thjLouisville division of the road

Miss Hannah Cox of West Trimblestreet has gone to Clinton Ky to

vilt friendsMrs William Hays has gono to

Now Orleans to visitDr H C Gore of Lone Oak is In

time city


Of the Defense In time CliiuhvlckCase

Clovolnnd 0 Mar DTho dofoiiBp In tho Chadwlck case suddenlyrested this morning after tho exam ¬

ination of T C Doollttlo tho expertaccountant Hanker Marshal Clove ¬

mutt answered technical questionsrotating to bank bookkeeping ThodqfoiiRo moved that Judge Taylor orHlor a verdict for Mrs Chadwlck andtho witnesses woro dismissed andcourt adjourned until this after ¬

noonTho iiost Important point made by

the state In Its entire Mao was gained today when District Attorney Sullivan after a hard fight with tho at-


for tho defense secured thoadmission as evidence of two draftsaggregating 80000 Issued by thoOberlln bank In favor or Mrs Chadwick August 24 1903 On this sameslate Mrs Chadwlck obtained fromtho bank certified check for 12GOO and Ilecelver Lydn testifiedthere was nothing on tho banksbooks to show that at mho time of re ¬

ceiving tho drafts and checks MrsChadwlck hind a cent In the bank orwas In any way entitled to credit

Wings motion was to take thocase from tho jury and this In effecth a motion to acquit since tho judgecannot Instruct a jury on a verdictof guilty Tho Judge has not yet ron ¬

tiered his decision


Voiiwut Who Killed HIv IViwnwWaived it Jury Trial

Lynchburg Ya March 9Olraflalllo M Hannn who administeredrough on ruts to a family of six per ¬

sons because tho family had given

shelter to tho husband of tho prison ¬

er whom she had run away fromhomo appeared In court today wnlv +

herBotr1onanoun<ell thatmatter under advisement ami It U

probable that he will hear the ovldeuce In the faSO tomorrow

A promoter Is a man who inakga aliving by separating a fool and hgmoney

INTEREST PAIDOttime Deposits left withtheJaducaU Panting Comepay A safe aNd profitableway to save your money



Allen nowdcnPublic Stenographer Notary Public

Mlmcograplllng nnd circular workn specialty Old phono No 1487aRegister Building Room No4

POH RRNT Nicely furnishedrooms 020 Kentucky avenue

WANTED Woita to drill Applynt Sun omco-

FUItNiSDIID or unfurnishedrooms to rent nt 320 South Third St

STOP and get redhot Tamales atllltt South Third street

WANTBD To rent 5 or 0 roomhouse Apply J L II this office

Foil SALK Steamer SycamoreApply on board nt dry docks

FOIl HUNT Cheap furnishedrooms 224 N Sixth-

TILEIIIONI 442 for hickoryBlovdwoodt E 13 hail Sons

FOIl It1NTA five room cottageC24 Husbands Old phone 90S-

UPHOLSTEIIINO and repairing539 S Third SL New phone 1102 AH McCormack

RING IBlCr old phono or 1145now phono for good cooking andheating wood Quick delivery

PICTURES framed up to date attho Paducah Book Store 428 Broad ¬


MIRRORS REFLATED at BrooksBros 221 Kentucky avenue Oldphono 372 red

LOSTA string of sold beadsLiberal reward for return to The Sunamen

FOR SALEDesirable five roomcottage Apply to owner 1249 Trim ¬

ble street

CHERRYS Cough Curo relievescroup cures coughs and colds Gard ¬

tiers Drug Storej

FANNIE AVANr710 S SixthSliarripoonltiR Scalp Massage Mani-


Phono 1C78

GARDNERS Drug Store can fillyour prescriptions and receipts withtime boat material Phono 222

LOSTA gold shirtwaist pin withInitials F J P Bring to Sun of-

fice and receive reward-

WIIITTEMORE Real Estate Freeprice list Insurance Notary publicFraternity Building Phones 835

POSITION wanted as salesmanlive years experience Address S LC 145 Clements St

COOKING AND HATING WOODfor sale Quick delivery Both phonos437 Leaving Qro

WANTEDTo harrow from a prlrveto individual 250 at 10 per centgood security Leave address withthe Sun

LOST PUP Small brown maleblack and tan pup about 3 monthsold Please return to 1040 Monroestreet or phone 1S14 old photo andreceive reward

INllmSI waist hands sixskirt makers none but experiencedhands mid throe apprentices Applyat once to Miss Aslioff at LI B Ogllvie Cosl-

iANTED HORSES AND MULESWe will bo at Glaubers stable Pa ¬

ducah IKy Saturday March 11 tobuy horses nnd mummies iron II to 10years pfd LoavellLayno Mule Co

WANTED A white woman about10 years pfd without family to cookwash and Iron etc for young coupleRoom at residence Reference rooquired Address W P care Sun

HOARDING 8TAULB hoardyour horse with mo and got thebenefit of careful personal attenlion to both horse anti carriage 0R Holland 810 South Third oldphone 731

allOW Rh1Al1fE1AT


Ladles shoos halfsoled 3Bc

Misses shoes halfsoled 350

Hoys shoos halfsoled 40cMens Hhoea half soled 40e

v4 NOSOfestablished reputelion nod lhy your friends neighborsand relatives are sold on easy payWMttst Practical piano tynlng fo





A large line of Base Ball goods boughtat force sale consequently

Hart Sells CheapThe very best leading brandsMitts h

Masks Bats Belts etc


25 to 50 Per CentSaved



THEKENTUCKYMuspaulu1 slxaLlll

Ore WeekStarting


Mat Wednesday and Saturday

GERTRUDE EWINGAnd Her Superior Company

IN REPERTOIRE-A Superb Example of a Perfect


SBig Vaudeville Acts5Unlike anything seen here before




LADIES FREE Mondaynight under usual conditions

Scats on sale SATUHDVV 10 n ni

licltod Fred P Watson Dro V-

II Thomas assistant manager 311Broadway Old phone 63 r


Chicago Millinery Man Killed Him ¬

self Ilicauso of Losses

Chicago May OlIonr M Richpresident of tin Rich Millinery com ¬

puny committed suicide today In aroom In a hotel In Michigan avenueRich shot himself In tho temple andwhen found had n revolver graspedtightly In his hand I

Rich was n heavy loser In u fireWhich destroyed his place of businesslast November Since then accord ¬

lilt to friends ho hind brooded overhis reverses


Ix Claiming the Attention of limo

innid Jury in Jessamlni1

Nlcholasvlllo 1Ky Mar 9TitoJesvamlno county grand jury line cre¬

ated quite a sensation by starting anInvestigation of euchre playing bytho fashionable 1001110 of the townand county Only 111980 cases whore

progressive euchre has loan playedfor n prize are being Investigated ItIssald Indictments will bo found



Accuracy In compoundlug and prompt attentlon lace delivery of

orders to all patts of

the city


Twelfth and Broadway

U M Muiw ProprletoitPu-cceisor to Win J + Gilbert







MANSFIELDAtbethan of Count Alexis TolstoisRae iniTragdy

Ivan the TerriblePrices

Entire Orchestra-Hirst three rows of Balcony 12 00Next two rows of Balcony 150Balance of Balcony100Gal-lery on 60c




No Matinee

The Holy CityThe Great Allegorical Reproduction

ol MlcUael Ang-

elasGRUGlFiXiONI f I I

The mot Impressive historic potroyal ever conceived andof

fered to the public iu anAmerican theatre

Prices J 3c Wc Ulc 71c 100SlUTH OX WALK 1 IHIDAY 10 A 1L

Williams Bicycle CoII

line removed from Jefferson street to

126128 N Fifth StNext to Kentucky Theater

C C GRASSHAMFormerly of Smlthlaud



II Arii IlncivaM d

y tII1I0llRhtOll Mlrh March 9COOI tor range consolidated mills today ou <

nouticed Itin PJI cent Increase 11

wages of four thousand amployos

Mr M 0 McManama travollngfreight agent of the Cincinnati llama

thou and Dayton system was In time

tu today on business


yog CoN NINA iv ATI DuSoili IKOUB 4 CO

ililfnPN U