pacific linex '/south ipjx. treasury credit€¦ · 9* farms. c* wanted. amrefoncb. small...

.... 9* FARMS. C* WANTED. AMREF oncb. small TaSSC not Maftr ft* Washington. Kindly state parfrTBgjj**. HiIMS Boa 384-D. »ttr office. » SEAL ESTATE LOANS _gP ALWAVS IN HAKP HI OCTIHE HO« D. C. raal estate; pnnlllif latersat and eons mission rates. _ gTuNB * FAIRFAX, 1842 New Tort ITS. -vj HoSkit iu LOAN If yon base proper security la D. O. mal estate we can negotiate flint sr sacsed treats guirtly and sstisSurterllT. a^s_ "hannonI LOCHA _ _ i art 2846. 718 lata A MONEY TO LOAN " sadeetrahte teal estate secertttsS. t.»- v. TXUB * RUTHERFORD UfO. M7 18tk st. a.w. PROPOSALS. 6PH0A 68 '1MB uDllMISSIONKk8 OF TH* District of opiumbis, January 31. 1821..Sealed proposals will be received at tbe office of tbe secretary. Board of Commissioners. Room SOS. District bonding, until 2 o'clock p.m.. Monday. February 2L. 1P21. for laying cement sidewalks to tbe District of Ooinmbia. of approximately 18,900 square yards. Forms of proposal, speclflcadoas, with neceeaary information, mny be ebtnlaed from chief clerk. Engineer Departset, Room 427, District building. J. THILMAN HENDRICK. CHARLES W. KUTZ. MABEL T. BOARDMAN. Commissioners, D. 0. Js8Lfebl, t LEGAL NOTICES. RAHRY A- HEGARTV, Attwraey. "ml thh supreme cofrt of the dis* , trict of Colombia. Holding; Probate Court.. Khtate of Catherine Hurley Piper. No. 21674. Administration Docket 51..The notification aa to the trial of th« issues ia this ease relating to the validity of the pa:per writing, dated the 16th day of March. 1915. purporting to be the last will and testament and codicil of Catherine Hurley Piper, deceased, having been returned as to Peter Piper and John Aloyeias Hnrley "not to be found," it is this 18th day of January. 1*21. ordered that the issues he set down for trial on the 23d day of February, 1921. and that this order and the substance of said issues, to wit. was said psper writing, dated March 16, 1915, the last will and testament of deceased; nmum deceased of sound mind at time of execu of said will; was undue influence, duress, intrigue, fraud or artifice used on deceased to procure the execution of said paper writiag. shall be published once a week for four weeks in the Washington Low Reporter and twice a week for the same period in The Evening Star. WILLIAM UITZ. Justice. (Seal.) Attest; THEODORE COGSWELL, Deputy Register of 8ViRs for the District of Columbia. Clerk of Ifce Probate Court. Ja21.22.27.29. fe3.5.10.13 HHOVING. PACKING A STORAGE WINTER BUILDING STORAGE 80,000 aq. ft. Finest Storage Space in City. 500 Rooms for Household Goods and Merchandise. Expert Packers. Craters & Shippers Cfty. Snbnrban and ljoag Distance Morinf. Tel. N. 8S4S. Free Estimates. 14.18 IT at. a.w. MODERN FIREPROOF STORAGE LARGEST VANS ON THE BOAS save monbt. Hme. worry in local and 3344 LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. CRATING. PACKING, SHIPPING. VNHfbiir furniture insured for $2,000 while in ear <Jpe| 1lsf n~r rsns; $000 smell end local rui jETBigT Transfer C^lnc^ ft-* 1125 14th St N.W. . " B Phoae Mala SUM I Specialists in (j Long-Distance Moving 1HE SMITH BROS. TRANSFER CO. j', (Ex-Scrvice White In.) HlGGAGE, MOVING, HAULING || PHONE: LINCOLN SOOO. I FIREPROOF STORAGE ij and General Hauling. Consult MAGLE TRANSFER CO., Inc., BMC 8th at.B.w. Frank. 4832. Asm MWISB VANS. BIONNInq twran S. Y. and Waahlnfton. will mora your fnraiture reasonably. W. b. kxpkkbs CO., 102 W. 106th at.. n. Y. eity. T" -SBONB faank. m. nfBBmnx k. T»T». m .The Central Transfer Co., 1 1831 H ST. N.W. i baggage, hauling. storage j'maryland and virginia suburban. !' I La* aa aalra your tnnapartatioa prabtaaa.I § Oar icpreraatatira wlU aaU. I 1 Uhoaa or write I !| Angle-Arrow Transportation II 1433 F St. S.W. J Telephone Franklin 74S4. 5* | UNITED STATES STORAGE CO. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE MOVING.PACKING.STORAGE Pkmn Mala 422S or Praaklla MR *1 ESTIMATES. 418-430 10th ST. N.W. ^la.- - ! tt tt 1111111 *-ttt» » | Who Moves You | fr li Just at Important as TWhere You Move ^ Phone Main WOO.Our padded rasa " j" V 'tad experienced aad careful men are ' [ W J at your eerrlce. * g * Storate la our fireproof furnlturn ' * W "warebouoe at reaaonable ratea. < I Merchants' Transfer & - 1: Storage Co. '.I I 920-922 E Street N.W. t mm ifirpmt am MtOO. # kean. dry stoltaok for fcr.v1turk pianos. Kstimat-® eheerfolly rlem. OonjMiieBt location. WBCHLEB'8, 920 Pa. tte. Earphone Main 1282. motor Vanb for l/jno-uuRan and Iml hautinc: packtoc and rrtUai flarie by experience* men: storm re $1 per ffottb up. CONNECTICUT storaob amd CO.. 608 H a.«. Pbaae Uac tux. I: Storage |! iUTTLEFIELD, ALVORD & CO. IStk Mi Pm. Ave. !f.W. Telephone | C*»T£^1W * SONS, 11th AND r W.Warn Modern fireproof mterm*e. I! separate rooms, $1 »-* 2| U(tl aa4 Ont-af-Tow* MOVING Mr Carefal Mm. RMh RrUMiklc MW* 1 A! PACKING NY EXPERTS Hli *w* 70Q-P KI«. AT«. N.W. «j EDUCATIONAL i The Washington Business College,Inc. Pateet Jk WMtmir, Proprietary 1 WASHINGTON'S | MOST RAPIDLY GROWING 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE a Complete Business and Sec retarial Courses. Qvil Service^ a specialty. Classes now forming. I 1321 GJSt. RW. EDUCATIONAL. School of For Georgetowi Second Semester B New cliHH now ttaeowit TMkil(M of Foreign 1 American Bnalncaa Law. Marine Inaarnnee. Admiralty Law. Latin America. Spanish. French. Chlaeae. (Language classes open o Reglatratloa honrai 4t Address all cor THE RE Georgetown University S 6th and E i I, r a I t Semester On ARE YOU I With the Progress Y( Has he had the foil MEN TEACHERS STUDY PERIODS HOT LUNCHEON.SW BOYS DC In I WASHINGTON DAY | A Y.M BAR EXAMINATION REVIEW The Lent Preparatory School, 3733 P at. n.w. Phone West 2043. loop course starts Saturday, February 5. Enroll now. Write, phone or call 7 to 10 p.m. .1* K. of C. Evening School 1311 MASS AVE. N.W. and 1004 F ST. N.W. Baalness u< Academic Courses. Www Mala 14«k (STRAYER'Sl SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTANCY On*rtuItr far Brflaana New .eUaaea just forming. Attend free lecture Thursday night without obligation, 7 p.m. C. P. A. Instruction by standard caae method. Co-educattooal. "Tlalt STBATER'S aad Than Decide." F AT NINTH Main 343« Fryman Accounting Tuesday, Febraaty 1 LAW Whiter Semester Started Jan. SI Rnsiness Correspondence Mawday. Jaaaary SI BOYS' DAY SCHOOL Earall Year Bay Haw Special Cannes BOOKKEEPING DRAFTING SHORTHAND itm v m r a cnmniQ^o g M W *** V* A* hUIWU mo WOMEN ADMITTED COLUMBIA SCHOOL of DRAFTING Roy G Claflin, Pres. 14th 6 T Sts* North 272 Niffat Classes.Day Cissies Individual Instruction Coarse in 3 to 9 Months M or Writ* far Lataat Catalegne ENTER ANY TIME [ U^arn the MOTEL, ntt a m a Ration wide demand Htlfl * ~ \ for trained man tad H laaaawomen. All branches Mw ' tanrht by experts. 11 1S 1 Placement Bureau sanrH _ _ _' ice included. HM Might Classes now CJn forming. Call for FBEE HinIN'" LEMON ticket fl 4 4.1*1 LEWIS HOTEL TRAIN. ...g. nro SCHOOL, Inc.. m ! 1 Clifford Lewis. President IISTRAYER'Sl BUSINESS COLLEGE "The 8chool That Get* Beaulta" New jt'Iaaaee forming weekly in all commercial conraea. Uoirrn equip ment. Cheerful dawroomi. Enlarged faculty of experienced lnatructora. Nationally Accredited F AT NINTH Main 3430 SPEE-DEE SCHOOL no Mth at. a.w. Franklin 2«a. Qotrkaat conrae la aborthand tad typewriting. Bead far circular. THE LARGEST AND BEST STEWARD'S Business College ACCREDITED l*a F St. Mala 8071 4 EDUCATIONAL. eign Service. 1 University iegins February 7th feeing famed |>i rrade. Historical Geography. Ocean Tranaporta tloa. Foreign Bechance. Economic Surrey of Ruaala. German. Ruaotan. Portuguese. illy to adranced students.) 90, Si.tO, T«30. 0:30 P.M. nmunlcations to :gent ichool of Foreign Service. Sts. N.W. Ill ie Is Finished SATISFIED 3UR BOY Has Made? lowing advantages. SMALL CLASS GROUPS INDIVIDUAL HELP IMMING.GYMNASIUM >BETTER the SCHOOL FOR BOYS CA Main 8250 rhe University Preparatory School L. Adolph Richards X. A., X. 8., Principal, a.e. cor. 13th and F sts. n.w.; phone Fr. 2080. Mathematics. Physics, Chemistry, Lottin, French, Spanish. English, History, Bookkeep- in*, csienograpny. xxpewriting, Auditing, Accountancy. New classes, day and night, begin now. See Advertisement of Wash. School for Secretaries Page 3 Evening Star Today Men and Books and Things \>rjr Reverend Pr. John Cavanaugh, PreslI dent Emeritus of Notre Dame ruiversity, will give a course of lectures entitled "Men and Books and Things," la the K. of C. Ball. 006 K Street N.W., on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, from 7 to 8 o'clock. These lectures are under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus Evening School and are free to exservice men snd women. There Is s moderate tuition charge for others. The first lecture, which will be given tonight, will he on "Public Speaking." ACADEMIA ESPANOLA Joaquin Plnairo 8c. B. President. Professors from Spain and South Amerioa, 1116 S St. N.W. Phono North 1011*. cpAIMIQU school or wl /UlUil WASHINGTON Profs, from Spain.Conversational Method. Rapid Progress. 1423-5 O at. n.w. M. S686. 17* ,», George Washington University Law School CO-EDUCATIONAP. New students may enter at the beginning of the aecond semester, Monday. January 31. Poreaaon and late afternoon clasaea. 1435 K Street N.W. MILTON BUSINESS SCHOOL "Bully Different" Thorough Instruction in <11 tttiiriil brancheo by expert I Detractor,. Special claaeea (or advanced atodenU In rapid dictation. 726 Fourteenth Street (Conor of Hew York are.) Franklin >Wt. Founded IBM. MI88 CONTESHA'S SCHOOL, 2806 27th 8T. N.W. Kindergarten. Intermediate, Grammar. SECOND TKKM. FEBRUARY lit. TELEPHONE COLUMBIA 7841. Wood's School 311 EAST CAPITOL ST. All Commercial Branches One month, day, $13; evening, $8. After 7 mopthly paymenta the next 5 monthe are free. A year'a scholarahip coota $8.83 a month, day aeaalon, or $4.17 a month, evening eeaeion. Evening aeaaioue are Monday and Thuraday from 8 to 9:$0. s LINCOLN 38 36th YEAR BOOKS . SCHOOL AND OOLLBOB TEXT hooka for every echool. and miacellaaeoas booke on all oob)eeta bought and eoid. new and uoed. PBABUdAN'8 BOOK 8H0P. 888 O at. n.w. THE MI88E8 MA RET'8 FRENCH SCHOOL, 1724 Connerticnt avenue. Complete eoorae of atudlee. Preparea for college. Agea 4 to 17 yearn. felt* HALL-NOYEJT SCHOOL 2nd aemester. graded and high; also private coaching to college entrance. 221 E at. n.w PJione M. 3A77 The Legal Preparatory School 2733 P ST. N.W. PHONE WEST 2643. Preparation for L>. C. law schools. English, Mathematics, Physics, Economics. History. Logic, Law Lntin. BAR EXAMINATION REVIEW, Bookkeeping. Evening clasnes, 7 to 10. ACCOUNTANCY ta Salle Cniveralty Conrae glvea by pareooal oad claao lnatructloa. Average leagth about one year. C. P. A. preporation. Enter et nay time. i unir v. r. a. auperrisjon. SEND FOR CATALOG. STEWARD SCHOOL OP HIGHER ACCOUNTANCY 12*3 P Street Mala 8671 BEKLITZ SCHOOL f 816 Languages Term* May Be Becun at Aay Tine TEJJ£LE A Few Subjects Well Taught Pitmen end Greet Shorthand, . Typewriting, English, Bpellinc. Letter Writing- Penmen hip. Secretarial Trelning end Freneh. 1417 0 8t. M.W. Phone M. MM. Art Craft Qub Day and evening rlaaar* In drawing and deelgn, rhlna. oil and water-color painting, photo coloring. baaketry. Iwtlk dyeing, etc. Inquire at TUB CHINA SHOP. 7:3 lthb et. o.w. Phone Franklin 1965-J. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION^ MAIN 7HT»M. ALL BRANCHES. Washington Conservatory of Music 140N N H. AVE.. AT I>rPONT CIRCLE. « RA<;TIMBTPIANO PLAfTNC. 10 THT20JM" son* guaranteed; note reading taught; demonstration. to 10 p.m. DRNART SCHOOL OF POPULAR MUSIC. 1403 H ate n.w. 6^_ MIL WM. SHAKESPEARE ef London, England, teacker of alnring, announce# that ha will receive a limited number at poplla at hla residence. Apt. S3. 1(33 6 M. B.W. Phone North IM. STEAMSHIPS. & WHITE S NEW YORK.CHERB ADRIATIC. .Feb. 1*. Apr. 6, May 41 NEW YORK.LIVERPOOL Cedrlc Feb. 5, Mar. 17, Apr. 1< Celtic Feb. 26, Apr. 2, May ) Vedic Mar. 5 (3d claaa anly] AMERICAN LINE a N. Yj.PLYMOUTH.CHERBOURGANTWERP Lapland....Feb. 12 Zealand Feb. 26 Finland Feb. 19 Kreonland..Mar. C AMERICAN LINE.New Y< Manchuria (via Vlgc, Spain), Feb. 24 Mlnnekahda (new, triple acrew, 17,220 t IDEAL WIN White Star Line S. S. Megantlc.La .Entirely Devoted to Crulae Paseengi cargo.25 to 26 daya, 6400 upward, leavi (Eaeter In Havana).vleltlng Barbados, Martinique, Panama Canal (Panama Cll gin Islands, Haiti, Etc. INTERNATIONAL MERCA 1208 F St. N.W. R. M. II _ Pacific '/South if DIRECT PA \ NEW YORK I I J V, I Criitebal, Calli Anto ^ "ESSEQU "EBRO" j / THE LARGEST lr- NEW YOl (Miltlil, Butj ($Ri\ The PadS I SAEDERSC * ^ Or ur 1 -4^.. Enjoyable Out in or Trip by Water to Tidewater Virginia OLD POINT. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA REACH. OCEAN VIEW. ALL-TEAR RESORTS Dally service. Madera tttaeR City Ticket OMee. 731 15th It N.W. NORFOLK & WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT CO. iOOft AmmTicmn NEW YORK. ^^UEENSTOWN cm« .BOULOGNE.LONDON Unt-ClM* Onif -Lamtriimi Sno tt-Kmt AM* PANHANDLE STATE, Feb. 8, Mar. 11 OLD NORTH STATE. Feb. 32. Max, 3t NEW YORK.NAPLES-GENOA: Cabin and Third Class POCAHONTAS t Feb. 23.Apr. 7 PRINCESS MATOIKA.. Mar. 8, Apr.» NEW YORK.BREMEN.DANZIG (Obis ud Third Class) NEW ROCHELLEi Feb. 10 SCSRCEHANNA February 10.April 0 45 BROADWAY, N. Y. nm 1200 TOitohall PuKigtt and FrclfU kiilew Connections Encircling the Globe Drafts and Foreign Money Orders For St iliac* and Poll Information Aptly COMPANY'S OFFICE, 517 14th St- N.W. Washington RESORTS. \ ^Jhe^^Manayemer annoiiMi HOTEI L O N 7s°Noi Cablegrams: " Hotel Cecily London." STEAMSHIPS. TAR LINE # OURG.SOUTHAMPTON ! OLYMPIC.. Msr. 19, Apr. 2$, May ' 1NEW YORK VIA BOSTON.AZORES. , GIBRALTAR.NAPLES.GENOA Canoplc Feb. 26, Apr. 23 Cretlc Mar. 1S, May 10 md RED STAR LINE [NEW YORK.DANZIG.Via HAMBURG Third Claaa Paaaangera Only. >1 Poland Feb. | Gothland Mar. 5, Apr. 16 >rk-Hamburg (Direct Service) Mongolia, Mar. 10 Manchuria, Apr. 7 ona) Mar. 24 (third claaa only) TER CRUISE rgeet. Moat Comfortable Cruialng Steamer sra. Specially aelected porta of ng New York February 21, March 23, 1921 Cuba, Jamaica, Kingston (Port Antonio), ty), Porto Rico, Trinidad, Venezuela, Vlr- NTILE MARINE COMPANY, Hlcka, Passenger Manager. . Linex Amedica i SSENGER SERVICES * . VALPARAISO \ 4 lobular Saillm. 1 | to, Holleado, Arioa, Iqmiji. U | faraata. Valparaiv a f IBO" FEB. 26 ft ! APR. 2 j \ STEAMERS IN THE TRADE jj *K.GUAYAQUIL frfSecular Sailin«e laventara, Eameraldaa, BaAia, \ tVlfanta, Guayaquil L j OTA" FEB. 16 UE" MAR. 9 &}g Steam Navigation Co. oflr IN A SON. General Aetata. \\ . roadway. New Terk. . gwe. -'Vi-furr- nfci n West Indies. Central and Sooth America UNITED FRUIT COMPANY s Psostngsr Traffic Dopsrtasnt: IT Battery Flaw. M.T. AU S T.R ATTA Honolnla, Son, New Zealand The Palatial Passenger Stosnora x R. 11. 8. "Niagara" B. M. 8. "Makora" ' 20.000 Tons 13.800 Tons X SAIL PROM VANCOUVER, B. 0. X Tot fares and sailings apply Canadian Par. I By., 1410 New York are.. Washington, or to 1 Canadian Australasian Royal Mall Line. 414 I Seymour St.. Vancouver. B. O. 1 Personally Osadneted. Popular Prion*. } EUROPEAN TOUR 8t3gf* TBI BEAUX-ARTS TOURS. \ ' Sand for olrenlar. 1*0* Q si. a.w. » J. If If'a Travel «See Oker» ( Bermuda Cnhm, Jamaica, West Indie*. Smith ( [ Aaserlca. California via Paaaasa C Canal ( EUROPE \ 1 Make Reservations NOW r HRPR^Q Steamship and J V/OILl\ O Tourist Agency { Room l Main Floor. l Woodward BMg. Tel. M 108S J nDrwnu f iwn < rIVCillVn LiIllM COXPAOHXE GENEBALE Mad TKAKSATLANTiaUE Ezpraae Postal Service NEW YORK, HAVRE, PARIS LA LOJLRAI2TE Feb. S Apr. I Apr. 30 FBANCE Feb. 17 Itar. 17 Apr. 14 CHICAGO Feb. 19 Her. 20 Apr. 30 LA 8AV0IE Feb. 26 Her. 20 Her 21 LEOPOLSXHA Her. 1 Apr. S Hey 21 BOCHAHBEAV Her. 8 Apr. 12 Hey 14 LA TOUBAINE Her. 12 Apr. 7 Hey 12 HAMBURG DIRECT HIAOABA Her. 16 Key 7 Inly 2 I New York, Vigo, Havre BOtTBSXLLOH Feb. 8' Her. 24 Apr. 28 COMPANY'S OFFICB. 1419 Hew York An.. Wublsartoa. AT B IC A by Cnlea-Cattle Lias. Seaderten A Sen, Gen. Passenger Acta. 28 Braadway, New Ton. I_ Or Any Steemehlp Ticket Agents. LAMPORT & HOLT LINE. Reg. sailings of luxurious steamers, 17,000 tons disp., especially designed for travel in the tropica. Company's Office, 42 Broadway, N. Y., or R. M. Hicks, 1208 F at. a.w. Wash., D. C. RESORTS. ! i~ ^ * it has pleasure in: rigdhal the \ .CECIL ! DON § 8 vOpen ! Far Tariff \ Apply Manager * R » RESORTS. ATLAHTIC CITY, !». J. A WINTER RENDEZVOUS! Where thousands of visitors are imbued1 with a spirit of camaraderie and goodfel-! lowship. Countless friendships are formed and old acquaintances renewed along the Boardwalk, where happy throngs promenade day and night and merry roller chair parties glide in endless parade. The open-air f>aeilions along the beach and the sun parors on the piers and in the hotels are ideal spots for a pleasant chat or for undisturbed enjoyment of the warm, bright sunshine and fresh sustaining sea air. Theaters, movies, roilea of shop window displays and kindred attractions provide en| tertainment. All-Tear Golf. Horseback Riding. Indoor Sea-Water Pools. Music. Dancing, Motoring, Aviation, Etc. THE LEADING HOTELS class with the best in the* world for social life, cuisine, service, hospitality, architecture and convenience. Marlborough-Blenheiin Tho Breakers Hotel Dennis Galen Hall Hotel Strand Hotel Chelsea Hotel St. Charles Seaside House The Shelburae The Wiltshire Alamao Hotel Hotel Morton The Holmhurst Convenient and comfortable train service. Phone local ticket agent for schedules. lares, eic. || ATLANTIC CITY,N.J. I Ai^AmCTicaix Ran Hotel a of Distinctions RealConvfbrt i rtMPROOC OARAC1. * I capacity coo. H&iferS.J3uzly\ Let Kake Ton Foal at Homo is the "City of Robnst Health." Hotel Morton Oeua End Ylrftnla Ato. Capacity, 300. ;levator. Private Baths, eto. Always open. EZRA O. BELL and PATH. II. COPE. Props. iyi\y HIR B Virginia are. and Beacb. Cap., 360. Private latba; ron. water; elevator, etc. Amer. plan. 1AM. ELLIS, Owner. X. J. COLUXS. Mat. HEW OBI.EA1W. wm L IRHMBBBSRBg* NEW ORLEANS I "Tli* PaHsafAmanaa" I Central Ticket OAasa af all Principal Railswad and Stearns Kip Unas In St. Chavlaa Lobby. Illustrated Folder Rogues*. Qttp &t ffllfarUa One af Amsrlaa'a leading batala. Accommodating ovor 1000 auaata. ALFRED A ASSRR A ML. IM. » . eras stocks Quotations furnished by W. B. HIbbs & Co. <-.12:15 p.m.-. Bid. Asked. letna Explosives 914 10 tilled Oil 14 15 Imerican Candy 3 Ltlantic Petroleum 314 3% lly Heart 5 514 lig Ledge % 7-16 loone Oil 114 114 loston and Montana 65 67 ioston and Wyoming 15-16 1 'aledonia 14 16 'alumet and Jerome 14 3-16 Canada Copper % % 'arbon Steel 32 35 Carlb Syndicate 914 994 arib Trading 20 30 'ar Light and Power 314 3% ities Service (new) 29'/. 29% 'itles Service (old) 240 260 'itie* Service pfd 64 66 'oionlal Tire 3 'olumbian Emerald 314 314 Columbia Syndicate 414 5 Consolidated Copper 214 -14 'reason Gold 14 1 )avis Daly 6 8 )ominlon OU 9 12 )urant Motors ................ 18 1814 Slk Basin 794 8 Srtel Oil 14 14 iureka Croesus _ 75 85 'arrell Coal .... ... 17 20 'ederal Oil 114 *> rilllland Oil 20 23 ilenrock Oil 2 2'4 loldwyn Pictures 514 tin, Sutfey-Gillesple 241j 25 .ranaua vil 87 Ipcla <94 4*4 Icrculcs Paper 3 8 ndian Packing 3*4 4 ntsrcontlnental Rubber 1094 11 nternational Petroleum (new).. 1~>*4 10 erome Verde 1-18 3-16 Cey County Gas 1*4 1'.4 .ake Torpedo 94 1 Vi >-hlgh Coal and Navigation.... 70 73 jone 8tar Gas 24 27 Jvington Petroleum 394 4 lagma Copper 22 23 daracalbo Oil 18*4 is*; larland Refinery 294 3 dason Valley 94 1*4 lerritt Oil 12 1294 Idwest Oil com 1 iu lidwest Oil ptd 1 3 didwest Refining . 137 139 Nevada Ophir 15 25 icw Cornelia 13 16 tiplssing Mines Co 8 8*4 lorth Anier.- P. dc P........... 5(4 594 Northwestern Oil 23 30 Imtr Oil (new) 2% 294 'ennok Oil 544 3(4 erfeetion Tire 2 2(4 'rolucers and Refiners.. 4% 5(4 tadio com 144 2 tadio pfd 294 294 tay Hercules 94 *4 tyan Consolidated IO94 1194 ialt Creek Producing 25 28 ialt Creek (new) 994 1094 lapulpa com 494 494 limms Petrol 7*4 7*4 Ikelly Oil 794 794 iweets Co. of America 2 294 Iwift International 2794 2794 Tonopah Divide I14 15-16 L'onopah Extension 194 19^ Tropical Oil 16 20 Inlted Eastern 294 2 9-16 j 8. Light and Heat com ly. 19, J 8 Light and Heat pfd 114 ji4 Jnited Profit 8haring jfJ t. 8. Steamship 114 is;, jnited Retail Candy 8 8V. United Texas *4 7-m Varren Bros 25 iVayland Oil 94 94 .Vayne Coal 294 2** Vest Bnd Cons 1 1 i-iu Vright Aero 5 6 CHICAGO. Irmour leather com 12«4 1294 9rmour leather pfd 8994 909. Irmour pfd 92% 93 ludaby Packing 58* «n .Ibby 1294 1-94 National Leather 894 8*4 Iwift & Co 10194 10294 Jnion Carbide 5594 56 OIL STOCKS. Quotations furnished by W. B. Bibbs & Co. Bid. Asked. Uflo-American Oil Co. (new).. 18% ib% ttiantic Refining Co 1000 loco lorne-Scrymser Co 390 410 tuckeye Pipe Line Co 83 85 heseliorough Manufacturing Co. 175 195 Continental Oil Oo 110 115 Crescent Pipe Line Co..; 30 33 umberland Plre Line 130 130 Cun ka Pipe Line 03 ««? ialena-Signal Oil Co. com 40 40 ialena-Signal Oil Oo. pfd 83 97 llinols Pipe Line Co. 172 178 ndlana Pipe Line Co..... 84 87 National Transit Oo 37 38 Jew York Transportation Oo.... 180 165 Northern Pipe Line Oo 94 97 Uio Oil Oo 277 282 enns.vlvania-Mextcan Fuel 33 36 nilrie Oil and Gas Cb 470 48<» 'rairie Pipe Line Co 190 200 olar Refining Co 365 37.5 outhern Pipe IJne Oo 103 106 outh Penn. Oil Oo. 230 240 outtiwest. Penm Pipe Line Co.. 68 73 tandard Oil Oo. California 290 285 tandard Oil Co. Indiana (new). 67% 68% [tandard Oil Co. Kansaa 570 390 tandard Oil Co. Kentucky 415 430 tandanl Oil Co. Nebraska 380 400 tandard Oil Co. New York 340 345 [tandard Oil Co. Ohio 380 400 wan 4c Finch Co _45 55 Calon Tank Line Oo 110 115 'acuum Oil Oo 315 335 Vashingtuu Oil Co 30 35 LIBERTY BOYD NOON* PRICES. NEW YORK, February 3..Prices of iberty bonds at noon were: 3%s, )1.88; first 4s, 86.50 bid; second 4s, ;6.30; first 4%s, 87.00; second 4(48, 16.50; third 4Kb. 89-62; fourth 4%s, 6.90; viotory 3%s, 97.22; victory 4*», TODAY'S BO Noon prim reported for The Star over direct New York-Washington wire by Redmond ft Co. City of Parle 6s 1921 96% Dominion of Canada 5s of 1921. 99% French Government 8s 99 Government of Swiisertand 8s 102% Kingdom of Belgium 7%s 96% V. K. of G. B. and Ireland 5*4* 1921.... 99** r. K. of (J. B. and Ireland 5%a 1922.... 95% I K. of G. B. and Ireland 5Vis 1929.... 88% U. K. of G. B. and Ireland 1937.... 86% American Tel. and Tel. coov. 6s 9f»Vi Armour ft CO. 4%s 90 Atehison, Topeka and Santa Fe gea. 4a.. 777% Atlantic Const Line 7a. 103*4 Baltimore and Ohio conr. 4^1 S9 Baltimore and Ohio 6s 90*4 Baltimore and Ohio S. W. Dir. 3%®.... 78 Bethlehem Steel refd. 5s 63 Central of Georgia By 6s 69 Central leather 92 Chesapeake and Ohio conv. 4*4». 76 Chesapeake and Ohio gen. 4%s 76 Chesapeake and Ohio conv. 5s 81% Chicago, Bur. and Quincy jt. 4a. 97% Chicago. Mil. and St, Paul refd. 4%t.... 64 Chicago, MU. and St. Paul cenv. 4%«... 69*-4 Chicago Northwestern 7s 1930 loft1* Chi., Rock Island and Pacific refdg. 4s.. 67% Chicago l*nion Station 6%s 104 Consolidated Gas 7s 1*** l>elaware and Hudson 7s 1930 1**3*4 Erie genera! lien 41*% General Electric 6s 101 Illinois Central 5 *4 a 89% j International Mercantile Marina 81% Inter. Rapid Transit 1st and ref. 6s..... 52% Louisville and Nashville 7s 1980........ 104% Mo., Kan. and Tex. 1st 4s.....^> 58% Missouri Pacific general 54% New York Central 7s 1930 102% New York Central deb. 6s. 907% New York Telephone da 91 Norfolk and Western coot. 4a 78% Norfolk and Western conr. 6a......... 103% Northern Pacific 4s. * 76% Pennsylvania Co. 4%s 1921 99% Pennsylvania 5s 1968 69% Pennsylvania 7s of 1930 103% Pennsylvania gen. mortgage 4%s 80 Reading general 81% St. L. and San Francisco 4s, aerie# A.... 61% Washington Stock Exchange. SALES. Metropolitan Railway 5a-.$1,000 at 92. Continental Trust Company.10 at 107, 10 at 100. 10 at 106. Lanston Monotype.5 at 74%, 5 at 74%, 5 at 74%. Mermen thaler.3 at 121, 3 at 121, 2 at 121. 2 at 121. AFTER CALL. Washington Railway 4s.$1,000 at 58%, $1,000 at 58%. $1,000 at 58%. $1,000 at 58%. $1,000 at 58%. $500 at 58%, $5,000 at 58%. Potomac Electric cons. 5s.$2,000 at 80%, $5,000 at 80%. Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone 5s.$5,000 at 90. Bid and Asked Prices BONDS PUBLIC UTILITIES. Bid. Asked. American Tel. and Telga. 4s.... 78 78% American Tel. and Telga. 4%s.. 82 83 Am. Tel. and Tel. ctL tr. 5s 81% 81% Am. Tel. and Tel. cons. 6s 95 95% Anacostia and Potomac 5s 64 Anacostia and Potomac guar. 5a. 64 C. and P. Telephone 5s 87 Capital Traction R. R. 5s 86% 87% City and Suburban 5s 64 Metropolitan R. R. 5s 92 94 Potomac Electric Light 5s 89 Potomac Electric cons. 5s 80% Potomac Elec. Power 6s 90 V4 91 Potomac Blec. Power G. M. 6s.. 92% 94 Wash.-Alex. and Mt. Ver. >s48 . ..I Washington Gas 5s. 77 Washington Rwy. and Elec. 4s.. 58% 59% Wash. Rwy. and Elec. G. M. 6s. 90 93 MISCELLANEOUS. D. C. Paper Mfg. 6s 95 Riggs Realty 5s (short) 93 STOCKS PUBLIC UTILITIES. Am.rlran Tel. and Telga 99 % Capital Traction 84% 84% Washington Gas ... 37% 38% Norfolk and Wash. Steamboat. 170 19o Wash. Rwy. and Elec. com.... 31 Waah. Rwy. and Elec. pfd 33% 53% Washington.Virginia Rwy. com 1 Washington-Virginia Rwy. pfd. 3 NATIONAL BANKS. American 188 185 Columbia ._ 175 commercial no 10 District 168 Farmers and Mechanics' 220 Federal 175 Liberty 120 Lincoln 165 National Metropolitan 210 Rites .. 440 475 Second .- 165 Washington 180 206 , TRUST COMPANY. American Security and Trust... 224 234 Continental Trust 104% 106 National darings and Trust 275 280 Union Trust 118 Washington Loan and Trust.... 250 265 SAVINGS BANK. Commerce and Savings 140 East Washington 12 Merchants' 147 152 Security Savings and Commercial 200 230 Seventh Street Savings 150 Union Savings 112 United States 212 250 Washington Mechanics' 20 FIRE INSURANCE. Arlington 6 Corcoran 60 Firemen's 20 German-American 225 National Union 7% TITLE INSURANCE. Columbia Title 4 Real Estate Title 77 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Colombia Grapbophone com 11 12 Columbia Graphophone pfd 58 D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 75 D. C. Paper pfd luu Merchants' Transfer and Storage 100 125 Mergenthaler Linotype 120% 121% Old Dutch Market com 6 Old Dutch Market pfd 4% 8% Lanston Monotype 74% 74% Security Storage 200 Washington Market 17 " THE WEATHER. District of Columbia, fair tonight; tomorrow increasing cloudiness; not much change in temperature, lowest tonight near freezing; gentle to moderate west and southwest winds. Maryland, fair tonight; tomorrow increasing cloudiness; not much change in temperature; gentle to moderate west and southwest winds. Virginia, fair tonight; tomorrow increasing cloudiness and somewhat warmer, probably followed by rain in extreme southwest portion; gentle to moderate west and southwest winds. Records for Twenty-Four Honrs. Thermometer.4 pjn., 41; 8 p.m., 38; 12 mid-night, 37; 4 a.m., 35; 8 a.m. 33; 12 noon, 43. Barometer.4 p.m., 29.97; 8 p.m., 29.99; 12 midnight, 29.97; 4 a-m., 29.92; 8 a.m., 29.97; 12 noon, 29.93. Highest temperature, 43, .occurred at noon today. Lowest temperature, 32. occurred at 7:30 a.m. today. Temperature same date last year. Highest, 47; lowest, 29. Condition of the Water. Temperature and feondition of the water at 8 a.m.: Great Falls.Temperature, 34; condition, 16. Tide Tables. (Furnished by United States coast and geodetic survey.) Today Low tide, 11:12 a.m. and 11:50 p.m.; high tide, 4:39 a.m. and 5:07 p.m. Tomorrow.Low tide, 12:02 p.m.; high tide, 5:33 a.m. and 5:56 p.m. The Son and Moon. Today.Sun rose, 7:13 a,m.; sun sets, 5:31 p.m. Tomorrow.'Sun rises, 7:12 a.m.: x- r .on . * Sllll Stris, u.o4 p.m. Moon rises, 3:54 a.m.; sets. 2:01 p.m. Automobile lamps to be lighted onehaJf hour after sunset. Weather to Various Cities. o Temperature, "a 5 eP o 2 . 5 H a B ff" "2 » State of Z 3 2 S= Weather. Stations. ; £ £. ° B* OD : : ~ » : b * * a Abilene, Tex. 28.96 38 32 0.1# Cloudy Albany 29.80 32 28 .... Cloudy Atlantic City 29.92 40 32 .... Cloudy Baltimore .. 29.94 40 32 Cloudy Bismarck ... 29.76 22 10 0.06 Snow ftoKt-ia ..... 29.78 3# 30 .... Snow Buffalo 29.68 28 28 0.10 Snow Charleston .. 30.08 44 38 .... Clear Chicago 29.86 34 26 Cloudy Cincinnati ..29.96 34 28 .... Clear Cleveland ..29.80 30 30 0.16 Snow Denver .... 29.68 48 32 .... (tear Detroit 29.78 32 28 0.01 Cloudy BliPaao. 29.90 54 32 .... Cloudy Galveston ..80.10 58 50 Cloudy Helena . ...29.68 42 30 .... Cloudy Jacksonville. 30.14 02 42 .... Clear Kansas City. 29.78 48 36 Pt.eloudy Iais Angeles. 29 96 72 48 .... Pt.eloudy Louisville ... 30.02 34 3u Clear Miami. Fla.. 30.08 82 58 .... New Orleans 30.12 56 44 Cloudy Sew tork... 29.88 36 30 0.01 Cloudy Oklahoma 29.84 52 32 Pt.eloudy Philadelphia. 29.92 38 82 0.01 Cloudy Thoenix. Aria 29.86 70 44 (loudy Pittsburgh .. 29.88 30 28 Snow Portland, Mo 29.78 82 26 0.01 Snow Port land, Ore 30.00 52 42 0.12 Ha in 8 Lake City 29.94 38 30 0.04 Cloudy sin Antonio. 30.06 58 40 .... Cloudy San Diego... 29.96 70 48 .... * Clear SL Francisco. 30.18 54 48 .... Wear St Louis... 29.82 48 34 .... Cloudy we Paul 29.88 22 8 .... Pt-cloudy Seattle 30 02 48 40 0.22 Pt.eloudy WASH . i).C. 29 96 42 32 .... Qoudy I >ND PRICES. St. L. and San Francisco Si 1920....... 57% St. I. and San Francisco inc. 6a......... 48 Seaboard Air Cine refdg. 4a.... 414 Seaboard Air I.ine adj. .Is............... 354 Southern Pacific 1st ref. 4*............ 77 Southern Pacific rone. 5s 904 Southern Railway (Ten. 4a. 584 Southern Railway 5*. ST Union Pacific 1st 4s.... 824 Union Pacific coot. 4s 8s4 l'nion Pacific 6s 1928 100 4 rnlted States Rubber 5a. . 7744 United SUtea Rubber 7s 193 9*4 United States Robber 74a 99V» United SUtea Steel S. F. Ks 04\ Virginia-Carolina Chemical Sa 93 Watson A Co. 1st OS 8»Vi SHORT-TERM SKOFRITIKS. (Reported by Redmond A Co.) Rid. Offer. American Tel and Tel. fia 1922.. 96V. 9*»t American Tel. A Tel. fie 1924.. 954* 95 4 American Thread Co. fts 192S.. 934 9fi American Tobacco Co. 7s 1921.. list H104 American Tobacco Co. 7s 1922.. 10O loot, American Toluicco Co. 7s 1923.. 99\ IO04 Anaconda Copper fia 1929 Mi 87 Anttlo-American Oil 74s 1925.. 1004 11414, Armour A Co. 7s 1930 904 97 Bethlehem Steel 7s 1922 99 99 4 Bethlehem Steel 7s 1923 97 4 98 < Canadian Pacific fie 1924 93 4 9544 Central Argentine fia 1927 SO S3 Chicago, H. I. A Pacific fia 1922. 95 . 97 C . C., C. A St. Iatnls fia 1929... S94 904 Cudahy Packing 7a 1923 974 9S4 B. F. Goodrich 7a 1925 904 91 4 Hooking Valley fis 1924 93 4 94 4 Kennecott Copper 1930 92 93 4 I.iggett A Myers Tob. fis 1921.. 984 9S4 Penna. Co. 44s. June 15. 1921.. 9S', 99\ Procter A Gamble 7a 1921 100 100"4 Procter A Gamble 7s 1922 100 1004 Procter A Gamble 7s 1923 1004 1004. R. J. Reynolds Tob. fie 1922 9S4 99 Sinclair Con. Oil 74a 1925 91 914 Southern Railway fis 1922 954 StiV, Southwestern Bell 7a 1925 9fl 964 Swift A Co. fia 1921 9844 994 » Texas Co. 7a 1923 9!>4 994 »8»tern Blectrlc 7a 1925 95 4 99 W'fitffinwKcwiwe El A If ff« inn Act Ada# » m. «» IPJX. . P3^| »Q^ TREASURY IS USING BIG PUBLIC CREDIT * Certificates Outstanding Against Loans and Taxes, $2,381,159,500. BY I. A. FLEMING. The United States government ha* outstanding $2.381,159,500 Treasury certificates. To this extent has the government used its credit with the banks and the public. With the exception of the current month and the month of July there are Treasury certificates maturing every month for the balance of the year. Of the total amount about $506,000,000 were Issued In anticipation of income tax payments and mature March 15. April 15 $118,660,000 mature. May 16, $232,124,000 will become due; June 15 the second installment of taxes will be due and $430,600,000 tax certificates mature; September 15, another tax issue of $341,994,500 will be payable and $401,557,000 tax certificates mature December 15. In addition there are two loan Issues of $349,000,- uuu mat win be due August 16 and October 15. On the face of the situation it looks very much as if financing of the needs of the government through the medium of the Treasury certificate issues would be continued for a long time to come; furthermore the refunding of maturing victory notes appears to be more or less of a necessity. Bankers do not believe that the government will be called upon to meet the high rate on certificates again; indeed; some believe that the 6 per cent rate may top the records for government borrowing for years to come. These certificates are now selling at a slight premium. Loral .Securities. Trading was more diversified on today's session of the local stock exchange while the sale of $100,000 Washington Railway 4s at 58%, in lots, helped out the volume of business. The price of the 4s is oft a little from the last previous sale. Continental Trust shares sold sparingly at 107, 106 and 105 and closed with 106 asked. Small sales of Lanston were made at 74% and 74% and of Mergenthaler at 121. Potomac Consolidated 5s brought 80%, Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone 5s, 90, and Metropolitan Kailroad 5s, 92. , No Wage Cuts Considered. From Judge Gary, chairman of the board of the Cnited States Steel Corporati comes the assurance that no wage cuts have even been considered, nor has there been any plan made looking to a reduction in the prices of products of the big corporation. Judge Gary declared that he considered the sales of German fabricated steel in this market unimportant, althoug admitting that Germany was making great industrial progress. Assists Washington Chapter. At the last annual convention of the District Bankers' Association tho question of giving generous support to Washington Chapter, A. L B., was advocated and very generally agreed upon by the majority of the delegates. It is admitted that the graduates of the chapter are especially qualified for banking positions, and the large number of junior ofilcials of local banks who are graduates of the chapter is further evidence of the fact. The Washington Clearing House Association, composed of the national banks of the city, has agreed to meet any contribution to the chapter made by the Bankers' Association, up to $500. Gas Oil Advances. Gasoline and crude oil are reported cheaper by the edict of the Standard Oil Company, but gas oil has recently advanced from 7 to 12 1-4 cents a gallon. An increase of 5 1-4 cents on a gallon of gas oil will, according to authoriti add about 23 cents to the cost of 1,000 cubic feet of gas, as approxim 4 1-4 gallcns of oil are required in the production. Gas companies may be expected to seek higher rates before long, unless there is a decline In oil. Rush to Finanre Corporation. The War Finance Corporation is being urged to make loans to finance exports to practically every country on the globe, save Russia. Germany is in the market for flour, grain, cotton and cotton waste, and, although technically still at war with her, we are shipping millions of dollars' worth of goods there. Bulgaria wants automobiles Rumania, farm tractors, foodstuffs and cotton; China, locomotives and tobacco, and so it runs through the gamut of production. A Safeguard. The Treasury Department has granted Baltimore bankers the right to stamp owner's name or the American Bankers' Association nnmber of the cashing banks on all coupons from liberty bonds. In this way it will be easier to trace lost and stolen coupona The Baltimore Clearing House pressed the matter to a favorable conclusion. Washington might follow in the laudable proposition. RESIGNATIONS FROM ARMY. The President has accepted the resignations of Capt. Bradford Massey, Medical Corps, of Philadelphia; Capt. Harry b7 Forbes. Medical Corps, of Ogden, Utah; First Lieut. Frederick Damrau, Medical Corps, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Second Lieut. Shelby N. Griffith. Chemical Warfare Service, and Second Lieut. Cecil E. Inman, Infantry, of Jackson, Miss. AMENDS RETIREMENT ACT. An amendment to the civil service retirement act to extend its provisions to cover all persons who were in the government' service on September 30, 1919. was introduced by Senator McKellar of Tennessee, yesterday. Employes in the classified civil service who resigned or otherwise left the government pay rolls Bince September 30, 1919, would receive the benefits of the retirement law if the amendment is adopted. Many of these former employes, it is said, have been in the government service for years.

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Page 1: Pacific Linex '/South IPJX. TREASURY CREDIT€¦ · 9* FARMS. C* WANTED. AMREFoncb. small TaSSC not Maftr ft* Washington. Kindly state parfrTBgjj**. HiIMS Boa384-D. »ttr office


9* FARMS.C* WANTED.AMREF oncb. small TaSSC notMaftr ft* Washington. Kindly state parfrTBgjj**.HiIMS Boa 384-D. »ttr office. »

SEAL ESTATE LOANS_gP ALWAVS IN HAKP HI OCTIHEHO« D. C. raal estate; pnnlllif latersatand eonsmission rates._ gTuNB * FAIRFAX, 1842 New Tort ITS.

-vj HoSkit iu LOANIf yon base proper security la D. O. mal

estate we can negotiate flint sr sacsed treatsguirtly and sstisSurterllT.a^s_

"hannonI LOCHA _ _i art 2846. 718 lata A


sadeetrahte teal estate secertttsS.t.»- v. TXUB * RUTHERFORD UfO.

M7 18tk st. a.w.

PROPOSALS.6PH0A 68 '1MB uDllMISSIONKk8 OF TH*District of opiumbis, January 31. 1821..Sealedproposals will be received at tbe office of tbesecretary. Board of Commissioners. Room SOS.District bonding, until 2 o'clock p.m.. Monday.February 2L. 1P21. for laying cement sidewalksto tbe District of Ooinmbia. of approximately18,900 square yards. Forms of proposal, speclflcadoas,with neceeaary information, mny beebtnlaed from chief clerk. Engineer Departset,Room 427, District building. J. THILMANHENDRICK. CHARLES W. KUTZ. MABELT. BOARDMAN. Commissioners, D. 0.



"ml thh supreme cofrt of the dis*, trict of Colombia. Holding; Probate Court..Khtate of Catherine Hurley Piper.No. 21674. Administration Docket 51..Thenotification aa to the trial of th« issues ia thisease relating to the validity of the pa:perwriting, dated the 16th day of March. 1915.purporting to be the last will and testamentand codicil of Catherine Hurley Piper, deceased,having been returned as to PeterPiper and John Aloyeias Hnrley "not to befound," it is this 18th day of January. 1*21.ordered that the issues he set down for trialon the 23d day of February, 1921. and thatthis order and the substance of said issues, towit. was said psper writing, dated March 16,1915, the last will and testament of deceased;

nmum deceased of sound mind at time of execuof said will; was undue influence, duress,

intrigue, fraud or artifice used on deceased toprocure the execution of said paper writiag.shall be published once a week for four weeksin the Washington Low Reporter and twice aweek for the same period in The Evening Star.WILLIAM UITZ. Justice. (Seal.) Attest;THEODORE COGSWELL, Deputy Register of8ViRs for the District of Columbia. Clerk ofIfce Probate Court. Ja21.22.27.29. fe3.5.10.13


500 Rooms for Household Goods andMerchandise.

Expert Packers. Craters & ShippersCfty. Snbnrban and ljoag Distance Morinf.

Tel. N. 8S4S. Free Estimates. 14.18 IT at. a.w.


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VNHfbiir furniture insured for $2,000 while in ear<Jpe| 1lsf n~r rsns; $000 smell end local rui

jETBigT Transfer C^lnc^ft-* 1125 14th St N.W. .

"B Phoae Mala SUM

I Specialists in(j Long-Distance Moving1HE SMITH BROS. TRANSFER CO.

j', (Ex-Scrvice White In.)


I FIREPROOF STORAGEij and General Hauling. ConsultMAGLE TRANSFER CO., Inc.,BMC 8th at.B.w. Frank. 4832.Asm MWISB VANS. BIONNInq k£twran S. Y. and Waahlnfton. will mora yourfnraiture reasonably. W. b. kxpkkbs CO.,102 W. 106th at.. n. Y. eity. T"

-SBONB faank. m. nfBBmnx k. T»T».m .The Central Transfer Co.,

1 1831 H ST. N.W.i baggage, hauling. storagej'maryland and virginia suburban.

!' I La* aa aalra your tnnapartatioa prabtaaa.I§ Oar icpreraatatira wlU aaU. I

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I Merchants' Transfer &- 1: Storage Co. '.I

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pianos. Kstimat-® eheerfolly rlem. OonjMiieBtlocation. WBCHLEB'8, 920 Pa. tte.Earphone Main 1282.motor Vanb for l/jno-uuRanand Iml hautinc: packtoc and rrtUaiflarie by experience* men: stormre $1 perffottb up. CONNECTICUT storaob amdCO.. 608 H a.«. Pbaae Uac tux.I: Storage |!iUTTLEFIELD,ALVORD&CO.

IStk Mi Pm. Ave. !f.W.Telephone |C*»T£^1W * SONS, 11th AND r W.WarnModern fireproof mterm*e.

I!separate rooms, $1 »-*

2| U(tl aa4 Ont-af-Tow* MOVINGMr Carefal Mm. RMh RrUMiklcMW* 1 A! PACKING NY EXPERTS

Hli *w* 70Q-P KI«. AT«. N.W.

«j EDUCATIONALi The WashingtonBusiness College,Inc.Pateet Jk WMtmir, Proprietary1 WASHINGTON'S


retarial Courses.Qvil Service^ a specialty.Classes now forming.

I 1321 GJSt. RW.


School of ForGeorgetowiSecond Semester B

New cliHH now

ttaeowit TMkil(M of Foreign 1American Bnalncaa Law.Marine Inaarnnee.Admiralty Law.Latin America.Spanish.French.Chlaeae.

(Language classes open o

Reglatratloa honrai 4t

Address all cor

THE REGeorgetown University S

6th and EiI, r


I t

Semester On

ARE YOUI With the Progress Y(





The Lent Preparatory School,3733 P at. n.w. Phone West 2043.

loop course starts Saturday, February 5.Enroll now. Write, phone or call 7 to 10 p.m. .1*

K. of C.Evening School1311 MASS AVE. N.W.and 1004 F ST. N.W.

Baalness u< Academic Courses.Www Mala 14«k


On*rtuItr far BrflaanaNew .eUaaea just forming. Attend

free lecture Thursday night without obligation,7 p.m. C. P. A. Instructionby standard caae method. Co-educattooal."Tlalt STBATER'S aad Than Decide."

F AT NINTH Main 343«

Fryman AccountingTuesday, Febraaty 1

LAWWhiter Semester Started Jan. SI

Rnsiness CorrespondenceMawday. Jaaaary SI

BOYS' DAY SCHOOLEarall Year Bay Haw


SHORTHANDitm v m r a cnmniQ^og M W *** V* A* hUIWU mo



Roy G Claflin, Pres.14th 6 T Sts* North 272Niffat Classes.Day Cissies

Individual InstructionCoarse in 3 to 9 MonthsM or Writ* far Lataat CatalegneENTER ANY TIME

[ U^arn theMOTEL,

ntt a m a Ration wide demandHtlfl *~ \ for trained man tadH laaaawomen. All branchesMw ' tanrht by experts.

11 1 S 1 Placement Bureau sanrH_ _ _' ice included.HMMight Classes nowCJn forming. Call for FBEEHinIN'" LEMON ticketfl 4 4.1*1 LEWIS HOTEL TRAIN.

...g. nro SCHOOL, Inc..m! 1 Clifford Lewis. President

IISTRAYER'SlBUSINESS COLLEGE"The 8chool That Get* Beaulta"New jt'Iaaaee forming weekly in all

commercial conraea. Uoirrn equipment. Cheerful dawroomi. Enlargedfaculty of experienced lnatructora.

Nationally AccreditedF AT NINTH Main 3430

SPEE-DEE SCHOOLno Mth at. a.w. Franklin 2«a.

Qotrkaat conrae la aborthand tad typewriting.Bead far circular.


STEWARD'SBusiness College

ACCREDITEDl*a F St. Mala 8071



eign Service.1 Universityiegins February 7thfeeing famed |>i

rrade. Historical Geography.Ocean Tranaportatloa.Foreign Bechance.Economic Surrey of Ruaala.German.Ruaotan.Portuguese.

illy to adranced students.)90, Si.tO, T«30. 0:30 P.M.

nmunlcations to

:gentichool of Foreign Service.Sts. N.W.

Illie Is Finished






CA Main8250

rhe University Preparatory SchoolL. Adolph Richards X. A., X. 8., Principal,

a.e. cor. 13th and F sts. n.w.; phone Fr. 2080.Mathematics. Physics, Chemistry, Lottin,French, Spanish. English, History, Bookkeep-in*, csienograpny. xxpewriting, Auditing, Accountancy.New classes, day and night, beginnow.

See Advertisement ofWash. School for Secretaries

Page 3Evening Star Today

Men and Books and Things\>rjr Reverend Pr. John Cavanaugh, PreslIdent Emeritus of Notre Dame ruiversity, will

give a course of lectures entitled "Men andBooks and Things," la the K. of C. Ball. 006K Street N.W., on Tuesday and Thursdayevenings, from 7 to 8 o'clock. These lecturesare under the auspices of the Knights ofColumbus Evening School and are free to exservicemen snd women. There Is s moderatetuition charge for others.The first lecture, which will be given tonight,will he on "Public Speaking."

ACADEMIA ESPANOLAJoaquin Plnairo 8c. B. President.

Professors from Spain and South Amerioa,1116 S St. N.W. Phono North 1011*.

cpAIMIQU school orwl /UlUil WASHINGTONProfs, from Spain.Conversational Method.Rapid Progress. 1423-5 O at. n.w. M. S686. 17*

,», George WashingtonUniversity Law School

CO-EDUCATIONAP.New students may enter at the beginning of

the aecond semester, Monday. January 31.Poreaaon and late afternoon clasaea.

1435 K Street N.W.


"Bully Different"Thorough Instruction in <11 tttiiriil

brancheo by expert I Detractor,. Specialclaaeea (or advanced atodenU In rapid dictation.

726 Fourteenth Street(Conor of Hew York are.)

Franklin >Wt. Founded IBM.

MI88 CONTESHA'S SCHOOL,2806 27th 8T. N.W.

Kindergarten. Intermediate, Grammar.SECOND TKKM. FEBRUARY lit.TELEPHONE COLUMBIA 7841.

Wood's School311 EAST CAPITOL ST.All Commercial BranchesOne month, day, $13; evening, $8. After

7 mopthly paymenta the next 5 monthe arefree. A year'a scholarahip coota $8.83 amonth, day aeaalon, or $4.17 a month, eveningeeaeion. Evening aeaaioue are Mondayand Thuraday from 8 to 9:$0. s

LINCOLN 38 36th YEARBOOKS. SCHOOL AND OOLLBOB TEXThooka for every echool. and miacellaaeoas bookeon all oob)eeta bought and eoid. new and uoed.PBABUdAN'8 BOOK 8H0P. 888 O at. n.w.THE MI88E8 MARET'8 FRENCH SCHOOL,

1724 Connerticnt avenue.Complete eoorae of atudlee. Preparea for college.Agea 4 to 17 yearn. felt*

HALL-NOYEJTSCHOOL2nd aemester. graded and high; also private

coaching to college entrance.221 E at. n.w PJione M. 3A77

The Legal Preparatory School2733 P ST. N.W. PHONE WEST 2643.Preparation for L>. C. law schools. English,

Mathematics, Physics, Economics. History.Logic, Law Lntin. BAR EXAMINATION REVIEW,Bookkeeping. Evening clasnes, 7 to 10.

ACCOUNTANCYta Salle Cniveralty Conrae glvea by pareooaload claao lnatructloa. Average leagth

about one year.C. P. A. preporation. Enter et nay time.

i unir v. r. a. auperrisjon.SEND FOR CATALOG.


12*3 P Street Mala 8671

BEKLITZ SCHOOLf 816Languages

Term* May Be Becun at Aay Tine

TEJJ£LEA Few Subjects Well Taught

Pitmen end Greet Shorthand, . Typewriting,English, Bpellinc. Letter Writing- Penmenhip.Secretarial Trelning end Freneh.1417 0 8t. M.W. Phone M. MM.

Art Craft QubDay and evening rlaaar* In drawing and deelgn,rhlna. oil and water-color painting, photo coloring.baaketry. Iwtlk dyeing, etc. Inquire atTUB CHINA SHOP. 7:3 lthb et. o.w. PhoneFranklin 1965-J.


WashingtonConservatory ofMusic140N N H. AVE.. AT I>rPONT CIRCLE. «RA<;TIMBTPIANO PLAfTNC. 10 THT20JM"son* guaranteed; note reading taught; demonstration.'» to 10 p.m. DRNART SCHOOL OFPOPULAR MUSIC. 1403 H ate n.w. 6^_MIL WM. SHAKESPEARE

ef London, England, teacker of alnring, announce#that ha will receive a limited numberat poplla at hla residence. Apt. S3. 1(33 6 M.B.W. Phone North IM.




Cedrlc Feb. 5, Mar. 17, Apr. 1<Celtic Feb. 26, Apr. 2, May )Vedic Mar. 5 (3d claaa anly]

AMERICAN LINE aN. Yj.PLYMOUTH.CHERBOURGANTWERPLapland....Feb. 12 Zealand Feb. 26Finland Feb. 19 Kreonland..Mar. C

AMERICAN LINE.New Y<Manchuria (via Vlgc, Spain), Feb. 24Mlnnekahda (new, triple acrew, 17,220 t

IDEAL WINWhite Star Line S. S. Megantlc.La

.Entirely Devoted to Crulae Paseengicargo.25 to 26 daya, 6400 upward, leavi(Eaeter In Havana).vleltlng Barbados,Martinique, Panama Canal (Panama Cllgin Islands, Haiti, Etc.


II _

Pacific'/Southif DIRECT PA


V, I Criitebal, CalliAnto



lr- NEW YOl(Miltlil, Butj


*^ Or ur 1


EnjoyableOutin or


Dally service. Madera tttaeRCity Ticket OMee. 731 15th It N.W.


iOOft AmmTicmn



Unt-ClM* Onif -Lamtriimi Sno tt-Kmt AM*PANHANDLE STATE, Feb. 8, Mar. 11OLD NORTH STATE. Feb. 32. Max, 3t

NEW YORK.NAPLES-GENOA:Cabin and Third Class

POCAHONTAS t Feb. 23.Apr. 7PRINCESS MATOIKA.. Mar. 8, Apr.»



SCSRCEHANNAFebruary 10.April 0

45 BROADWAY, N. Y.nm 1200 TOitohall

PuKigtt and FrclfU kiilew

ConnectionsEncircling the Globe

Drafts and Foreign Money OrdersFor Stiliac* and Poll Information Aptly

COMPANY'S OFFICE,517 14th St- N.W. Washington






"Hotel Cecily London."



OLYMPIC.. Msr. 19, Apr. 2$, May 1« '


GIBRALTAR.NAPLES.GENOACanoplc Feb. 26, Apr. 23

Cretlc Mar. 1S, May 10


Third Claaa Paaaangera Only.>1 Poland Feb.| Gothland Mar. 5, Apr. 16

>rk-Hamburg (Direct Service)Mongolia, Mar. 10 Manchuria, Apr. 7

ona) Mar. 24 (third claaa only)

TER CRUISErgeet. Moat Comfortable Cruialng Steamersra. Specially aelected porta of call.nong New York February 21, March 23, 1921Cuba, Jamaica, Kingston (Port Antonio),ty), Porto Rico, Trinidad, Venezuela, Vlr-

NTILE MARINE COMPANY,Hlcka, Passenger Manager.


LinexAmedica i


lobular Saillm. 1 |to, Holleado, Arioa, Iqmiji. U |faraata. Valparaiv a fIBO" FEB. 26 ft !

APR. 2 j \STEAMERS IN THE TRADE jj*K.GUAYAQUIL frfSecularSailin«elaventara, Eameraldaa, BaAia, \tVlfanta,Guayaquil L j

OTA" FEB. 16UE"MAR. 9 &}g

Steam Navigation Co. oflrIN A SON. General Aetata. \\ .

roadway. New Terk. .

gwe. -'Vi-furr- nfci n

West Indies. Central and Sooth AmericaUNITED FRUIT COMPANY s

Psostngsr Traffic Dopsrtasnt: IT Battery Flaw. M.T.

AU S T.R ATTAHonolnla, Son, New Zealand

The Palatial Passenger Stosnora xR. 11. 8. "Niagara" B. M. 8. "Makora" '

20.000 Tons 13.800 Tons XSAIL PROM VANCOUVER, B. 0. X

Tot fares and sailings apply Canadian Par. IBy., 1410 New York are.. Washington, or to 1Canadian Australasian Royal Mall Line. 414 ISeymour St.. Vancouver. B. O. 1

Personally Osadneted. Popular Prion*. }EUROPEAN TOUR 8t3gf*

TBI BEAUX-ARTS TOURS. \' Sand for olrenlar. 1*0* Q si. a.w. » J.

If If'a Travel «See Oker» (

BermudaCnhm, Jamaica, West Indie*. Smith (

[ Aaserlca. California via Paaaasa CCanal (

EUROPE \1 Make Reservations NOW r

HRPR^Q Steamship and JV/OILl\ O Tourist Agency {Room l Main Floor. l

Woodward BMg. Tel. M 108S JnDrwnu f iwn <


NEW YORK, HAVRE, PARISLA LOJLRAI2TE Feb. S Apr. I Apr. 30FBANCE Feb. 17 Itar. 17 Apr. 14CHICAGO Feb. 19 Her. 20 Apr. 30LA 8AV0IE Feb. 26 Her. 20 Her 21LEOPOLSXHA Her. 1 Apr. S Hey 21BOCHAHBEAV Her. 8 Apr. 12 Hey 14LA TOUBAINE Her. 12 Apr. 7 Hey 12


I New York, Vigo, HavreBOtTBSXLLOH Feb. 8' Her. 24 Apr. 28

COMPANY'S OFFICB.1419 Hew York An.. Wublsartoa.

AT B IC A by Cnlea-Cattle Lias.Seaderten A Sen, Gen. Passenger Acta.

28 Braadway, New Ton.I_ Or Any Steemehlp Ticket Agents.

LAMPORT&HOLT LINE.Reg. sailings of luxurious steamers, 17,000 tonsdisp., especially designed for travel in thetropica. Company's Office, 42 Broadway, N. Y.,or R. M. Hicks, 1208 F at. a.w. Wash., D. C.


i~^ *

it has pleasure in:

rigdhal the \



vOpen !

Far Tariff \Apply Manager *




A WINTER RENDEZVOUS!Where thousands of visitors are imbued1with a spirit of camaraderie and goodfel-!lowship. Countless friendships are formedand old acquaintances renewed along theBoardwalk, where happy throngs promenadeday and night and merry roller chair partiesglide in endless parade. The open-airf>aeilions along the beach and the sun parorson the piers and in the hotels are idealspots for a pleasant chat or for undisturbedenjoyment of the warm, bright sunshineand fresh sustaining sea air.

Theaters, movies, roilea of shop windowdisplays and kindred attractions provide en|tertainment.All-Tear Golf. Horseback Riding. Indoor

Sea-Water Pools. Music. Dancing,Motoring, Aviation, Etc.

THE LEADING HOTELS class with thebest in the* world for social life, cuisine,service, hospitality, architecture and convenience.

Marlborough-Blenheiin Tho BreakersHotel Dennis Galen HallHotel Strand Hotel ChelseaHotel St. Charles Seaside HouseThe Shelburae The WiltshireAlamao Hotel Hotel Morton

The Holmhurst

Convenient and comfortable train service.Phone local ticket agent for schedules.

lares, eic. ||

ATLANTIC CITY,N.J. IAi^AmCTicaix Ran Hotel aofDistinctions RealConvfbrt irtMPROOC OARAC1. * Icapacity coo. H&iferS.J3uzly\Let U« Kake Ton Foal at Homo is the

"City of Robnst Health."

Hotel MortonOeua End Ylrftnla Ato. Capacity, 300.

;levator. Private Baths, eto. Always open.EZRA O. BELL and PATH. II. COPE. Props.

iyi\yHIRBVirginia are. and Beacb. Cap., 360. Privatelatba; ron. water; elevator, etc. Amer. plan.1AM. ELLIS, Owner. X. J. COLUXS. Mat.



NEW ORLEANS I"Tli* PaHsafAmanaa" I

Central Ticket OAasaaf all Principal Railswadand StearnsKipUnas In St. ChavlaaLobby. IllustratedFolder Rogues*.

Qttp &t ffllfarUaOne af Amsrlaa'a leading batala.Accommodating ovor 1000 auaata.ALFRED A ASSRR A ML. IM.

» .

eras stocksQuotations furnished by W. B. HIbbs & Co.

<-.12:15 p.m.-.Bid. Asked.

letna Explosives 91410tilled Oil 14 15Imerican Candy 3Ltlantic Petroleum 3143%lly Heart 5 514lig Ledge % 7-16loone Oil 114 114loston and Montana 6567ioston and Wyoming 15-16 1'aledonia 14 16'alumet and Jerome 14 3-16Canada Copper % %'arbon Steel 3235Carlb Syndicate 914 994arib Trading 20 30'ar Light and Power 314 3%ities Service (new) 29'/. 29%'itles Service (old) 240 260'itie* Service pfd 6466'oionlal Tire 3'olumbian Emerald 314 314Columbia Syndicate 414 5Consolidated Copper 214 -14'reason Gold 14 1)avis Daly 68)ominlon OU 912)urant Motors ................ 18 1814Slk Basin 794 8Srtel Oil 14 14iureka Croesus _ 75 85'arrell Coal .... ... 17 20'ederal Oil 114*>

rilllland Oil 20 23ilenrock Oil 22'4loldwyn Pictures 514 tin,Sutfey-Gillesple 241j25.ranaua vil 8 7Ipcla <94 4*4Icrculcs Paper 3 8ndian Packing 3*44ntsrcontlnental Rubber 1094 11nternational Petroleum (new).. 1~>*4 10erome Verde 1-18 3-16Cey County Gas 1*4 1'.4.ake Torpedo 941 Vi>-hlgh Coal and Navigation.... 70 73jone 8tar Gas 2427Jvington Petroleum 394 4lagma Copper 2223daracalbo Oil 18*4 is*;larland Refinery 294 3dason Valley 94 1*4lerritt Oil 12 1294Idwest Oil com 1iulidwest Oil ptd 1 3didwest Refining . 137 139Nevada Ophir 1525icw Cornelia 13 16tiplssing Mines Co 88*4lorth Anier.- P. dc P........... 5(4 594Northwestern Oil 2330Imtr Oil (new) 2% 294'ennok Oil 544 3(4erfeetion Tire 2 2(4'rolucers and Refiners.. 4% 5(4tadio com 1442tadio pfd 294 294tay Hercules 94*4tyan Consolidated IO94 1194ialt Creek Producing 2528ialt Creek (new) 994 1094lapulpa com 494494limms Petrol 7*4 7*4Ikelly Oil 794 794iweets Co. of America 2 294Iwift International 2794 2794Tonopah Divide I14 15-16L'onopah Extension 194 19^Tropical Oil 1620Inlted Eastern 294 2 9-16j 8. Light and Heat com ly. 19,J 8 Light and Heat pfd 114 ji4Jnited Profit 8haring jfJt. 8. Steamship 114 is;,jnited Retail Candy 88V.United Texas *47-mVarren Bros 25iVayland Oil 9494.Vayne Coal 294 2**Vest Bnd Cons 1 1 i-iuVright Aero 5 6CHICAGO.Irmour leather com 12«4 12949rmour leather pfd 8994 909.Irmour pfd 92%93ludaby Packing 58* «n.Ibby 1294 1-94National Leather 8948*4Iwift & Co 10194 10294Jnion Carbide 5594 56

OIL STOCKS.Quotations furnished by W. B. Bibbs & Co.

Bid. Asked.Uflo-American Oil Co. (new).. 18% ib%ttiantic Refining Co 1000 locolorne-Scrymser Co 390 410tuckeye Pipe Line Co 8385heseliorough Manufacturing Co. 175 195Continental Oil Oo 110 115Crescent Pipe Line Co..; 30 33umberland Plre Line 130 130Cun ka Pipe Line 03 ««?ialena-Signal Oil Co. com 40 40ialena-Signal Oil Oo. pfd 83 97llinols Pipe Line Co. 172 178ndlana Pipe Line Co..... 84 87National Transit Oo 3738Jew York Transportation Oo.... 180 165Northern Pipe Line Oo 9497Uio Oil Oo 277 282enns.vlvania-Mextcan Fuel 33 36nilrie Oil and Gas Cb 470 48<»'rairie Pipe Line Co 190 200olar Refining Co 365 37.5outhern Pipe IJne Oo 103 106outh Penn. Oil Oo. 230 240outtiwest. Penm Pipe Line Co.. 68 73tandard Oil Oo. California 290 285tandard Oil Co. Indiana (new). 67% 68%[tandard Oil Co. Kansaa 570 390tandard Oil Co. Kentucky 415 430tandanl Oil Co. Nebraska 380 400tandard Oil Co. New York 340 345[tandard Oil Co. Ohio 380 400wan 4c Finch Co _45 55Calon Tank Line Oo 110 115'acuum Oil Oo 315 335Vashingtuu Oil Co 3035

LIBERTY BOYD NOON* PRICES.NEW YORK, February 3..Prices ofiberty bonds at noon were: 3%s,)1.88; first 4s, 86.50 bid; second 4s,;6.30; first 4%s, 87.00; second 4(48,16.50; third 4Kb. 89-62; fourth 4%s,6.90; viotory 3%s, 97.22; victory 4*»,

TODAY'S BONoon prim reported for The Star over directNew York-Washington wire by Redmond ft Co.

City of Parle 6s 1921 96%Dominion of Canada 5s of 1921. .« 99%French Government 8s 99Government of Swiisertand 8s 102%Kingdom of Belgium 7%s 96%V. K. of G. B. and Ireland 5*4* 1921.... 99**r. K. of (J. B. and Ireland 5%a 1922.... 95%I K. of G. B. and Ireland 5Vis 1929.... 88%U. K. of G. B. and Ireland 1937.... 86%American Tel. and Tel. coov. 6s 9f»ViArmour ft CO. 4%s 90Atehison, Topeka and Santa Fe gea. 4a.. 777%Atlantic Const Line 7a. 103*4Baltimore and Ohio conr. 4^1 S9Baltimore and Ohio 6s 90*4Baltimore and Ohio S. W. Dir. 3%®.... 78Bethlehem Steel refd. 5s 63Central of Georgia By 6s 69Central leather 5» 92Chesapeake and Ohio conv. 4*4». 76Chesapeake and Ohio gen. 4%s 76Chesapeake and Ohio conv. 5s 81%Chicago, Bur. and Quincy jt. 4a. 97%Chicago. Mil. and St, Paul refd. 4%t.... 64Chicago, MU. and St. Paul cenv. 4%«... 69*-4Chicago Northwestern 7s 1930 loft1*Chi., Rock Island and Pacific refdg. 4s.. 67%Chicago l*nion Station 6%s 104Consolidated Gas 7s 1***l>elaware and Hudson 7s 1930 1**3*4Erie genera! lien 41*%General Electric 6s 101Illinois Central 5 *4 a 89% jInternational Mercantile Marina 81%Inter. Rapid Transit 1st and ref. 6s..... 52%Louisville and Nashville 7s 1980........ 104%Mo., Kan. and Tex. 1st 4s.....^> 58%Missouri Pacific general 4« 54%New York Central 7s 1930 102%New York Central deb. 6s. 907%New York Telephone da 91Norfolk and Western coot. 4a 78%Norfolk and Western conr. 6a......... 103%Northern Pacific 4s. * 76%Pennsylvania Co. 4%s 1921 99%Pennsylvania 5s 1968 69%Pennsylvania 7s of 1930 103%Pennsylvania gen. mortgage 4%s 80Reading general 81%St. L. and San Francisco 4s, aerie# A.... 61%

Washington Stock Exchange.SALES.

Metropolitan Railway 5a-.$1,000 at 92.Continental Trust Company.10 at 107, 10

at 100. 10 at 106.Lanston Monotype.5 at 74%, 5 at 74%, 5 at

74%.Mermen thaler.3 at 121, 3 at 121, 2 at 121.2 at 121.

AFTER CALL.Washington Railway 4s.$1,000 at 58%,

$1,000 at 58%. $1,000 at 58%. $1,000 at 58%.$1,000 at 58%. $500 at 58%, $5,000 at 58%.Potomac Electric cons. 5s.$2,000 at 80%,

$5,000 at 80%.Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone 5s.$5,000

at 90.

Bid and Asked PricesBONDS


American Tel. and Telga. 4s.... 78 78%American Tel. and Telga. 4%s.. 82 83Am. Tel. and Tel. ctL tr. 5s 81% 81%Am. Tel. and Tel. cons. 6s 95 95%Anacostia and Potomac 5s 64Anacostia and Potomac guar. 5a. 64C. and P. Telephone 5s 87Capital Traction R. R. 5s 86% 87%City and Suburban 5s 64Metropolitan R. R. 5s 9294Potomac Electric Light 5s 89Potomac Electric cons. 5s 80%Potomac Elec. Power 6s 90 V4 91Potomac Blec. Power G. M. 6s.. 92% 94Wash.-Alex. and Mt. Ver. >s48 . ..IWashington Gas 5s. 77Washington Rwy. and Elec. 4s.. 58% 59%Wash. Rwy. and Elec. G. M. 6s. 90 93

MISCELLANEOUS.D. C. Paper Mfg. 6s 95Riggs Realty 5s (short) 93


Am.rlran Tel. and Telga 99%Capital Traction 84% 84%Washington Gas ... 37% 38%Norfolk and Wash. Steamboat. 170 19oWash. Rwy. and Elec. com.... 31Waah. Rwy. and Elec. pfd 33% 53%Washington.Virginia Rwy. com 1Washington-Virginia Rwy. pfd. 3

NATIONAL BANKS.American 188 185Columbia ._ 175commercial no10District 168Farmers and Mechanics' 220Federal 175Liberty 120Lincoln 165National Metropolitan 210Rites .. 440 475Second .- 165Washington 180 206

, TRUST COMPANY.American Security and Trust... 224 234Continental Trust 104% 106National darings and Trust 275 280Union Trust 118Washington Loan and Trust.... 250 265

SAVINGS BANK.Commerce and Savings 140East Washington 12Merchants' 147 152Security Savings and Commercial 200 230Seventh Street Savings 150Union Savings 112United States 212 250Washington Mechanics' 20

FIRE INSURANCE.Arlington 6Corcoran 60Firemen's 20German-American 225National Union 7%

TITLE INSURANCE.Columbia Title 4Real Estate Title 77

MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS.Colombia Grapbophone com 11 12Columbia Graphophone pfd 58D. C. Paper Mfg. Co 75D. C. Paper pfd luuMerchants' Transfer and Storage 100 125Mergenthaler Linotype 120% 121%Old Dutch Market com 6Old Dutch Market pfd 4%8%Lanston Monotype 74% 74%Security Storage 200Washington Market 17


THE WEATHER.District of Columbia, fair tonight;

tomorrow increasing cloudiness; notmuch change in temperature, lowesttonight near freezing; gentle to moderatewest and southwest winds.Maryland, fair tonight; tomorrow

increasing cloudiness; not muchchange in temperature; gentle tomoderate west and southwest winds.Virginia, fair tonight; tomorrow increasingcloudiness and somewhat

warmer, probably followed by rain inextreme southwest portion; gentle tomoderate west and southwest winds.Records for Twenty-Four Honrs.Thermometer.4 pjn., 41; 8 p.m., 38;

12 mid-night, 37; 4 a.m., 35; 8 a.m. 33;12 noon, 43. Barometer.4 p.m., 29.97;8 p.m., 29.99; 12 midnight, 29.97; 4a-m., 29.92; 8 a.m., 29.97; 12 noon,29.93.Highest temperature, 43, .occurred

at noon today. Lowest temperature,32. occurred at 7:30 a.m. today.Temperature same date last year.

Highest, 47; lowest, 29.Condition of the Water.

Temperature and feondition of thewater at 8 a.m.: Great Falls.Temperature,34; condition, 16.

Tide Tables.(Furnished by United States coast

and geodetic survey.)Today Low tide, 11:12 a.m. and

11:50 p.m.; high tide, 4:39 a.m. and5:07 p.m.Tomorrow.Low tide, 12:02 p.m.;

high tide, 5:33 a.m. and 5:56 p.m.The Son and Moon.

Today.Sun rose, 7:13 a,m.; sun sets,5:31 p.m.Tomorrow.'Sun rises, 7:12 a.m.:

x- r .on .*

Sllll Stris, u.o4 p.m.Moon rises, 3:54 a.m.; sets. 2:01

p.m.Automobile lamps to be lighted onehaJfhour after sunset.

Weather to Various Cities.o Temperature, "a5 ePo 2 . 5 H aB ff" "2 » State ofZ 3 2 S= Weather.Stations. ; £ £. °!» B* OD

: :~ »

: b* * a

Abilene, Tex. 28.96 38 32 0.1# CloudyAlbany 29.80 32 28 .... CloudyAtlantic City 29.92 40 32 .... CloudyBaltimore .. 29.94 40 32 CloudyBismarck ... 29.76 22 10 0.06 SnowftoKt-ia ..... 29.78 3# 30 .... SnowBuffalo 29.68 28 28 0.10 SnowCharleston .. 30.08 44 38 .... ClearChicago 29.86 34 26 CloudyCincinnati ..29.96 34 28 .... ClearCleveland ..29.80 30 30 0.16 SnowDenver .... 29.68 48 32 .... (tearDetroit 29.78 32 28 0.01 CloudyBliPaao. 29.90 54 32 .... CloudyGalveston ..80.10 58 50 CloudyHelena . ...29.68 42 30 .... CloudyJacksonville. 30.14 02 42 .... ClearKansas City. 29.78 48 36 Pt.eloudyIais Angeles. 29 96 72 48 .... Pt.eloudyLouisville ... 30.02 34 3u ClearMiami. Fla.. 30.08 82 58 .... Clou.lyNew Orleans 30.12 56 44 CloudySew tork... 29.88 36 30 0.01 CloudyOklahoma 29.84 52 32 Pt.eloudyPhiladelphia. 29.92 38 82 0.01 CloudyThoenix. Aria 29.86 70 44 (loudyPittsburgh .. 29.88 30 28 SnowPortland, Mo 29.78 82 26 0.01 SnowPort land, Ore 30.00 52 42 0.12 Ha in8 Lake City 29.94 38 30 0.04 Cloudysin Antonio. 30.06 58 40 .... CloudySan Diego... 29.96 70 48 ....

* ClearSL Francisco. 30.18 54 48 .... WearSt Louis... 29.82 48 34 .... Cloudywe Paul 29.88 22 8 .... Pt-cloudySeattle 30 02 48 40 0.22 Pt.eloudyWASH . i).C. 29 96 42 32 .... Qoudy I

>ND PRICES.St. L. and San Francisco Si 1920....... 57%St. I. and San Francisco inc. 6a......... 48Seaboard Air Cine refdg. 4a.... 414Seaboard Air I.ine adj. .Is............... 354Southern Pacific 1st ref. 4*............ 77Southern Pacific rone. 5s 904Southern Railway (Ten. 4a. 584Southern Railway 5*. STUnion Pacific 1st 4s.... 824Union Pacific coot. 4s 8s4l'nion Pacific 6s 1928 1004rnlted States Rubber 5a. . 7744United SUtea Rubber 7s 1939*4United States Robber 74a 99V»United SUtea Steel S. F. Ks 04\Virginia-Carolina Chemical Sa 93Watson A Co. 1st OS 8»Vi

SHORT-TERM SKOFRITIKS.(Reported by Redmond A Co.)

Rid. Offer.American Tel and Tel. fia 1922.. 96V. 9*»tAmerican Tel. A Tel. fie 1924.. 954* 954American Thread Co. fts 192S.. 934 9fiAmerican Tobacco Co. 7s 1921.. list H104American Tobacco Co. 7s 1922.. 10O loot,American Toluicco Co. 7s 1923.. 99\ IO04Anaconda Copper fia 1929 Mi 87Anttlo-American Oil 74s 1925.. 1004 11414,Armour A Co. 7s 1930 904 97Bethlehem Steel 7s 1922 99 99 4Bethlehem Steel 7s 1923 974 98 <Canadian Pacific fie 1924 934 9544Central Argentine fia 1927 SO S3Chicago, H. I. A Pacific fia 1922. 95 . 97C . C., C. A St. Iatnls fia 1929... S94 904Cudahy Packing 7a 1923 974 9S4B. F. Goodrich 7a 1925 904 91 4Hooking Valley fis 1924 934 94 4Kennecott Copper 7» 1930 92 934I.iggett A Myers Tob. fis 1921.. 984 9S4Penna. Co. 44s. June 15. 1921.. 9S', 99\Procter A Gamble 7a 1921 100 100"4Procter A Gamble 7s 1922 100 1004Procter A Gamble 7s 1923 1004 1004.R. J. Reynolds Tob. fie 1922 9S4 99Sinclair Con. Oil 74a 1925 91 914Southern Railway fis 1922 954 StiV,Southwestern Bell 7a 1925 9fl 964Swift A Co. fia 1921 9844 994 »Texas Co. 7a 1923 9!>4 994»8»tern Blectrlc 7a 1925 954 99W'fitffinwKcwiwe El A If ff« inn Act Ada#

i» » m. «» IPJX. . P3^| »Q^



Certificates OutstandingAgainst Loans and Taxes,

$2,381,159,500.BY I. A. FLEMING.

The United States government ha*outstanding $2.381,159,500 Treasurycertificates.To this extent has the government

used its credit with the banks and thepublic. With the exception of the currentmonth and the month of Julythere are Treasury certificates maturingevery month for the balance ofthe year. Of the total amount about$506,000,000 were Issued In anticipationof income tax payments and matureMarch 15.

April 15 $118,660,000 mature. May16, $232,124,000 will become due; June15 the second installment of taxes willbe due and $430,600,000 tax certificatesmature; September 15, anothertax issue of $341,994,500 will be payableand $401,557,000 tax certificatesmature December 15. In additionthere are two loan Issues of $349,000,-uuu mat win be due August 16 andOctober 15.On the face of the situation it looks

very much as if financing of the needsof the government through themedium of the Treasury certificateissues would be continued for a longtime to come; furthermore the refundingof maturing victory notes appearsto be more or less of a necessity.Bankers do not believe that thegovernment will be called upon tomeet the high rate on certificatesagain; indeed; some believe that the6 per cent rate may top the recordsfor government borrowing for yearsto come. These certificates are nowselling at a slight premium.

Loral .Securities.Trading was more diversified on

today's session of the local stock exchange,while the sale of $100,000Washington Railway 4s at 58%, inlots, helped out the volume of business.The price of the 4s is oft alittle from the last previous sale.Continental Trust shares sold sparinglyat 107, 106 and 105 and closed

with 106 asked.Small sales of Lanston were made

at 74% and 74% and of Mergenthalerat 121.Potomac Consolidated 5s brought80%, Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone5s, 90, and Metropolitan Kailroad5s, 92. ,

No Wage Cuts Considered.From Judge Gary, chairman of theboard of the Cnited States Steel Corporation,comes the assurance that no

wage cuts have even been considered,nor has there been any plan madelooking to a reduction in the pricesof products of the big corporation.Judge Gary declared that he consideredthe sales of German fabricatedsteel in this market unimportant, althoughadmitting that Germany wasmaking great industrial progress.

Assists Washington Chapter.At the last annual convention ofthe District Bankers' Association tho

question of giving generous supportto Washington Chapter, A. L B., wasadvocated and very generally agreedupon by the majority of the delegates.

It is admitted that the graduatesof the chapter are especially qualifiedfor banking positions, and thelarge number of junior ofilcials oflocal banks who are graduates of thechapter is further evidence of thefact.The Washington Clearing House

Association, composed of the nationalbanks of the city, has agreed to meetany contribution to the chapter madeby the Bankers' Association, up to$500.

Gas Oil Advances.Gasoline and crude oil are reportedcheaper by the edict of the Standard

Oil Company, but gas oil has recentlyadvanced from 7 to 12 1-4 cents a gallon.An increase of 5 1-4 cents on agallon of gas oil will, according to authorities,add about 23 cents to thecost of 1,000 cubic feet of gas, as approximately4 1-4 gallcns of oil are requiredin the production. Gas companiesmay be expected to seek higherrates before long, unless there is adecline In oil.

Rush to Finanre Corporation.The War Finance Corporation is beingurged to make loans to finance exportsto practically every country on

the globe, save Russia. Germany is inthe market for flour, grain, cottonand cotton waste, and, althoughtechnically still at war with her, weare shipping millions of dollars' worthof goods there. Bulgaria wants automobiles;Rumania, farm tractors, foodstuffsand cotton; China, locomotivesand tobacco, and so it runs through thegamut of production.

A Safeguard.The Treasury Department has grantedBaltimore bankers the right to

stamp owner's name or the AmericanBankers' Association nnmber of thecashing banks on all coupons fromliberty bonds. In this way it will beeasier to trace lost and stolen couponaThe Baltimore Clearing House pressedthe matter to a favorable conclusion.Washington might follow in the

laudable proposition.

RESIGNATIONS FROM ARMY.The President has accepted the resignationsof Capt. Bradford Massey,

Medical Corps, of Philadelphia; Capt.Harry b7 Forbes. Medical Corps, ofOgden, Utah; First Lieut. FrederickDamrau, Medical Corps, of Brooklyn,N. Y.; Second Lieut. Shelby N. Griffith.Chemical Warfare Service, and SecondLieut. Cecil E. Inman, Infantry, ofJackson, Miss.

AMENDS RETIREMENT ACT.An amendment to the civil service

retirement act to extend its provisionsto cover all persons who werein the government' service on September30, 1919. was introduced bySenator McKellar of Tennessee, yesterday.Employes in the classifiedcivil service who resigned or otherwiseleft the government pay rollsBince September 30, 1919, would receivethe benefits of the retirementlaw if the amendment is adopted.Many of these former employes, it issaid, have been in the governmentservice for years.