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  • On July 4, the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon

    (PACCO)- together with the Filipino

    American Association of Clark County and

    Vicinity, Cebuano Speaking Organization,

    Filipino American Association of Portland

    and Vicinity, Filipino American Friendship

    Club, Filipino American National Historical

    Society Oregon Chapter, Aguman Capam-

    pangan NW USA, Greater Salem Filipino

    American Association, and PSU Kaibigan-

    will again host an annual Independence Day

    Celebration at Blue Lake Park in Fairview,

    Oregon. As always, there will be traditional

    Lechon (roast pig) and other delicious Fili-

    pino food, plus karaoke, games for adults and children and other activities.

    The event will be similar to that of last year, when PACCO and a number of filipino american

    organizations banded together to celebrate July 4. Last

    year's event was co-sponsored by PDC (Portland De-

    velopment Commission) and PACCO, with contribu-

    tions and sharing of favorite dishes from different fil-

    am organizations, the end result being tables and ta-

    bles of food and desserts.

    Approximately 350-400 people who came to the

    event, enjoyed the glorious, sunny weather under the

    protection of shade trees - some at picnic tables, oth-

    ers relaxing on picnic blankets spread on the grass.

    Those more actively inclined participated in paddle

    boating, biking, badminthon, ball games, and other


    Highlights of that event - and the upcoming celebration - were games for adults including the

    egg toss, Maria went to town (where men dress up as women, complete with womens footwear in

    a race against another team) and lots of childrens games

    - musical chairs included. This year, as previously, bold

    and lucky winners will be rewarded with prizes.

    Prizes for games and door prizes last year, were

    courtesy of Rebecca Gaerlan (A Plus Travel), and Grace

    Mackey (Ace Hotel). Give-away bags were provided to

    picnic attendees courtesy of Kareen Cabatingan-Mills

    (State Farm Insurance). This year, drinks will be courtesy

    of Columbia Distributor, through Dolly Specht, president

    of FAHNS. (As of printing time of this article, we have

    yet to get the complete list of our donors. (see page 2)

    Independence Day: Filipino-Style Celebration


    July 2010 Volume 7, Issue 2

    PACCO News

    Inside this issue:

    Independence Day 1

    Employment & Business



    Most Honored Elder

    Angie Collas Dean


    It Seems To Me:

    By Simeon Mamaril


    Featured Board Members 5

    PACCO Officers & Board

    Members 2010


    Asian Home Buying Fair 6

    Job Opportunities 6

    From the Presidents



    Budget Talk With the City 7

    Asian Home Buying Fair 8

    Calendar of Events 8

    PACCO Volunteers 9

    WHAT: July 4th Annual Potluck Picnic Starts at 10a.m. (lunch at 1p.m.)

    WHERE: Blue Lake Regional Park Area- Multnomah A,B,C&D For directions and info about the park, visit: Everybody brings a dish to share. Games and entertainment for all!

    For more info: [email protected] or call (503) 285-1994

    mailto:[email protected]

  • We do apologize to our other generous donors, whose names were not

    included in time for this article).

    Last year's event was a great success, due to the tireless efforts of

    many volunteers, led by Dory Lim, Rebecca Gaerlan, Ruby Kinkennon,

    Marci Hope, Grace Mackey, Carlos Catala, Simeon Mamaril and

    PACCOs President, Jaime Lim. They are hoping to top that celebration

    with an even better event this time.

    This coming July 4, PACCO, once again, invites everyone to join in

    and help re-live last year's fun- eating, playing, and basking in (hopefully),

    another glorious, sunny day - celebrating Independence Day- Filipino

    style! (Lorelei Hosmillo, Sig Unander)

    Independence..(contd from page 1)

    2010 Annual Employment and Business Fair

    Page 2

    PACCO News

    Event: 2010 Employment & Business Fair

    Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2010

    Time: 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

    Place: Portland Hilton Hotel,

    Grand Ballroom

    921 SW Sixth Avenue,

    Portland, OR 97204

    The Hispanic Metropolitan Chamber (Hispanic Cham-ber) is hosting its 2010 Annual Employment & Business Fair, and will be held at the Portland Hilton Hotel on Tues-day, June 29, 2010. There is no cost to attend this event, and attendees will be able to get information about employment and contract-ing opportunities as well as other information about vari-ous participating organizations. Last year, there were almost 100 display booths and 900 attendees. PACCO will have a booth at this event. For more information: call (503) 226-1611 or visit

  • In 1996, the newly created Oregon Commission on Asian Affairs was man-dated to promote Asian American businesses to benefit the Oregon econ-omy. As the first Filipino state commissioner, Angie Collas-Dean of Eugene traveled up and down Oregon's Interstate 5 to meet with Filipino groups regard-ing the creation of a chamber of commerce for the Filipino American entrepre-neurs. The response was a resounding yes resulting in the formation of the Phil-ippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon ( PACCO) with Ms Collas-Dean as its president and culminating in a successful Oregon trade mission to the Philippines in 1997, also a historical first. This is only one of the reasons why, Collas-Dean, founder of the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon, now commonly known as PACCO, was voted one of the Most Honored Elder, at last Aprils Asian Reporter Foun-dations Scholarship Banquet. Born in Manila, Philippines on October 20,1931, to Juan Damocles Colls and Soledad Martinez Garduo, Tita Angie, arrived in U.S. 1960. She married Bruce Goring Dean on August 8, 1961. Their marriage was blessed with two daughters, Heather Frances Dean and Jennifer Ashton Dean. Tita Angie has a BA in English Literature and Humanities from the Univer-sity of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City (1955) and an MA in Drama, Baylor University (1962). A true entrepreneur and a small business owner, Tita Angie owned the Philip-pine Party Foods in Eugene, Oregon from 1984 to 1996, and the Philippine

    Trading Co. since 1997. Her numerous accomplishments include being a former member of the Lane County Arts Advisory Commission 1972-1976; Affirmative Action Advisory Committee Lane County, 1980-1981; Board of Directors Sign Code Board of Appeals, Eugene, 1985-87; City Commissioner, Human Rights Commission, Eugene, 1985-1987; Cultural Arts Com-mission, Eugene, 1989-1993; Com. Mem. Joint Social Service Fund, Lane County, Eugene, Springfield, 1986-88; Board Advisors University of Oregon Center of Asian Pacific Studies, 1998-2000; Fulbright/Smith-Mundt Grantee, U.S. Dept. Education, Manila, 1959, Fulbright Grantee, 1960; Incorporator, Trustee of the Council of Filipino Ameri-can Association, 2000; founding member and officer of Asian American Foundation Eugene (1993); founding member and officer of the Asian Council, Eugene and Springfield,1985; founding member and officer of the Philippine Ameri-can Association, Eugene, 1983. Angie Collas-Dean still serves as an advisor to the board of directors of PACCO, and to the many associations which she still belongs to. Tita Angie, thank you for paving the way for us, and for all that you still do for PACCO and Oregons Filipino-American community. We will be forever grateful to you! (Lorelei Hosmillo)

    Page 3

    Volume 7, Issue 2

    Most Honored Elder: Angie Collas-Dean

    Angela G. Colls-Dean, former state

    commissioner, small business owner.

  • The officers and guests of the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon, (PACCO) are fortunate indeed to be led by President Jaime Lim. A prominent community leader, President Jaime Lim even takes the trouble of personally preparing and cooking early breakfast for PACCO board members who arrive on the first Saturday of the month for the board meeting. Not the ready-prepared fast foods ala McDonald, Burger King or Jack in the Box, but eggs, bacon, bread/rice and fruits, coffee/tea, etc. Jaime must wake up early to prepare it all and I have even heard some murmuring that he must have been sleeping, yet when we arrive he is there preparing a delicious breakfast

    for all us. His actions in this regard are reminiscent of Napoleon Bonaparte's famous quote: "An Army Marches on its stomach"! Not to forget, of course, Mrs. Dory Lim, supporting him and making ready everything needed for Jaimes early breakfast cooking. WE, of PACCO AND FRIENDS, ARE VERY GRATEFUL AND APPRECIATIVE INDEED TO JAIME AND DORY FOR THEIR DEEP CONCERNS ON THE WELL BEING OF THEIRCONSTITUENTS.MORE POWER to JAIME, DORY and, of course, PACCO!

    With the forthcoming Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce National Convention to be held in Ari-zona from November