paarl standards for academic libraries 2010 (final draft proposal)

2010 PAARL Library Standards Final Proposal presented by Fe Angela M. Verzosa

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Lecture presented by Fe Angela M. Verzosa at PAARL’s One-Day Seminar on the theme "Revitalized Library Networking: PAARLNet at the Frontline" (Epifanio de los Santos Auditorium, The National Library, T.M. Kalaw, Manila, 25 November 2010)


Page 1: PAARL Standards for Academic Libraries 2010 (Final Draft Proposal)

2010 PAARL Library StandardsFinal Proposal

presented by Fe Angela M. Verzosa

Page 2: PAARL Standards for Academic Libraries 2010 (Final Draft Proposal)

Why create standards?

“Standards are not a celebration of mediocrity nor intended to provide a level of comfort by showing activities or statistics that represent a hypothetical average.  Rather, the standards provide a path, sometimes difficult, to an ideal.”

– Illinois Library Association

Page 3: PAARL Standards for Academic Libraries 2010 (Final Draft Proposal)

How to assess a “good” library

• - size and collection of the library • - adequacy and accuracy of the organization

of its materials • - usefulness of its catalogs and finding tools

in providing access to its collection• - ability and cooperation of the library staff in

bringing these materials (or information on these materials) to the attention of the users

• - and in maximizing the exposure of the users to these resources and to other library services.

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Areas of standard assessment

• Library’s Mission and Objectives• Administration• Human Resources• Financial Resources• Collections• Services• Facilities• Networking and Linkages

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Standards for Academic Libraries

PAARL Standardsformulated as “policies which describe shared values and principles of performance for a library” (like ALA standards)

adopted in the context of collections of “best practices” or model documents for academic libraries to use as helpful toolkits and reference sources for assessment

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•1975-6 Study of the library resources initiated by BHE

•1976 FAPE conducted the survey

•1977 Tentative Library Standards for Private Higher Education presented at PLA Convention in June

•1988 PAARL took initiative of revising it with Ms. M.G. Dayrit as Chair and presented for public hearings in October in Iloilo and later in Manila

Final document was submitted to DECS and became known as –

DECS Library Standards for Tertiary Education – issued as Inclosure no. 3 to DECS Bulletin no. 1 s1988

Standards for Academic Libraries

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1995 – 1998 PAARL conducted seminars to review 1988 Library Standards1999 –2000 PAARL created a Task Force to revise the 1988 Standards headed by Mrs. Loreto Serina, and in 2000, replaced by Ms. Lolita Gonzales 2000 Public hearings were conducted (3 in NCR, and last in Cebu City)

Final document was submitted to BFL at PAARL’s General Assembly in Jan 2001

and to CHED’s Office of Programs and Standardsin March 2001

Standards for Academic Libraries

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Standards for Academic Libraries

PAARL Standards going 10: is there a need to update?

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Standards for Academic Libraries

rapid changes in ICT – consideration of multiple formats and changing information environment

changing roles of academic and research libraries

issue of ownership vs. access application of information literacy and library

2.0 revolutionizing user education practices evolving and new roles of librarians as agents

of change

Context of Change

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Standards for Academic Libraries

• Should PAARL Standards apply to all types of academic libraries – small college and university libraries, technical institute libraries, large academic libraries, research universities?

• If yes, should it be prescriptive • or comprehensive?


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Standards for Academic Libraries

• qualitative or quantitative?• incorporating measurable inputs (money,

space, collection, equipment, staff size)• quantifying outputs or work done (books

circulated, reference queries answered, formulating guidelines on technical standards for bibliographic and other services rendered)

• qualifying desired outcomes (formulating best practices)


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Standards for Academic Libraries

• stick to the old format? • or adopt new format outlining guidelines for specific

areas: - Mission, Goals and Objectives- Administration- Human Resources- Financial Resources- Collections

- Services - Facilities - Linkages and Networking


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Standards for Academic Libraries

• Create a subcommittee or task force• Conduct public hearings, consultative

meetings, roundtable discussions, etc.• Conduct surveys (traditional, online)• Utilize blogsites for opinions, comments,

suggestions, etc.• Get endorsements• Publish and disseminate


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Standards for Academic Libraries

Area: Vision, Mission, Goals

• to provide information services in support of the teaching, research, and public service missions of the parent institution.

• to select, collect, organize, and provide access to all varieties of information for users.

• Overall mission• Primary library goals• Library programs and

objectives in consultation with appropriate represen-tatives from:

• Administration officials

• Faculty

• Library Staff

• Students

• Trustees or regents

• Advisory Boards

• State or other governmental units associated with institution

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Poll survey shows…

32% “The Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of the library are acknowledged, and understood by the administration, faculty and students.”

28% “The vision, mission, goals and objectives of the library should be clearly reflected and implemented in the annual plans of the library.”

25% “The vision, mission, goals and objectives of the school are implemented and achieved through the services and activities of the library.”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

• The library, under its head or director, should be responsible for managing its own affairs.

• This autonomy, however, only reinforces the library’s responsibility to maintain effective relationships with administration and faculty to achieve its purposes. The library should also adhere to institutional protocols, procedures, and practices as they are stated by the appropriate agencies within the institution.

Area: Administration

•Autonomy of the library•Academic qualifications of head librarian

• Collaboration with faculty•Strategic planning/creation of

Development plan

• College/University librarian shall have a master’s degree

• and the desirable managerial skills and experience

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Poll survey shows… 41% “The college/university librarian shall have

faculty or academic status, and shall participate actively, and interact with the faculty, on curricular and instructional matters, and research activities.”

31% “The annual report is used as a tool for planning for the library and the institution as well.”

29% “The library, under its head or director, should be responsible for managing its own affairs. This autonomy, however, only reinforces the library’s responsibility to maintain effective relationships with administration and faculty to achieve its purposes. The library should also adhere to institutional protocols, procedures, and practices as they are stated by the appropriate agencies within the institution.”

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29% “Through formal planning procedures and methods, such as strategic planning, the library shall formulate a development plan which shall include a program for a continued development and improvement of library resources and services. Corollary to this, it shall maintain a systematic and continuous program for evaluating its performance, identifying and applying performance measures that will reveal the extent to which it has been successful in fulfilling its mission.”

Poll survey shows…

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Required Elements/provisions:

- Librarians should be licensed/registered

- Sufficient number and variety of personnel

- Ratio of Librarians vis-à-vis support staff

- Continuing education

- Compensation, retirement, fringe benefits

Area:Human Resources

•Responsibilities should match Educational competencies and experience

•Focus on career positions/salary schedules •Written personnel policy

•Annual performance evaluation•Mandatory staff development

Added provisions

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Standards for Academic Libraries

• The changing complexity of library work and ongoing changes in technology mandate regular staff participation in continuing formal and informal education

• Librarians participating actively in library and other professional associations, as well as those engaging in other appropriate professional activities, should be encouraged.

Significant Changes –Human Resources

The library environment is often fragmented by the type of positions held by its personnel. To avoid possible friction within library staff, such as from the derogatory connotation of titles like "semiprofessionals" and "paraprofessionals," care needs to be taken to maintain good relations between the different categories of personnel.

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33% “Librarians and other professional staff should possess, in addition to the educational qualifications, the needed skills and academic training to meet the academic needs of the institution, and to provide management support. They should be given responsibilities matched to their educational competencies and work experiences.”

36% “Salary schedules should be created and should provide for regular increases, with provisions for merit increases for superior performance and continuing education recognition.”

Poll survey shows…

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Poll survey shows…

31% “All positions in the library should be established and organized as part of a career service. Every library should have a written personnel policy with position descriptions, as well as the educational requirements for each position.”

34% “The library staff should be covered by a written policy that clearly establishes their status, rights and responsibilities, consistent with sound personnel management. Such a policy should cover the areas of recruitment, hiring, appointment, contract renewal, promotion, tenure, dismissal, and appeal, in addition to working conditions, benefits, and other incentives.”

26% “The staff are able to echo the seminars and training that they attend, and should demonstrate improvement in their competencies as a result of their seminar participation and/or training.”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

• - Separate budget for the Library (5-10%

• of institutional total operating budget

- Library fees exclusive for collections

- Income generated by library should be retained

- Library budget for media/computer access

Area:Financial Resources

Added provisions “In addition, adequate funds shall be allocated by the institution for maintenance, replacement, repairs, renovation and for investment in new and improved means of information access and delivery.”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

The college/university librarian shall prepare, justify, and administer a library budget that meets the library’s objectives and the reasonable expectations of library users when balanced against other institutional needs.

4.2The operating budget of the library must be appropriate to the mission of the library, and sufficient to sustain all operations, including maintenance of automated systems. If it is impossible to meet all expectations or fund specific new programs, this should be made clear, and a means for setting priorities


4.8 The library director/head should have authority to apportion funds and initiate expenditures within the library budget

4.9 The library budget should reflect the library's responsibility for acquiring, processing, servicing, and providing access to media and computer resources.

Significant Changes –Financial Resources

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Area: Collections

Collection management not only involves the selection and acquisition process, but also the organization and use of all materials in all formats to the level required to support academic programs in research, teaching, and public service.

Collection management also includes leasing, renting, deselection, providing access to other collections, planned resource-sharing and cooperative storage, and electronic access to databases.

25%Collection management

recognizes the importance of access to resources rather

on ownership.

Adequate funding should be provided to ensure the successful implementation of the library’s collection management programs.

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Standards for Academic Libraries

31% “The collection management programs of the library should be developed jointly by the library and the college/university, indicating the depth and breadth of the collections, as set out in an appropriate taxonomy to determine collection levels.

The following levels are generally recommended:0 Out of scope 1 Minimal information2 Basic information 3 Study or instructional support 4 Research 5 Comprehensive

The policies setting out this program should be in written form, and regularly reviewed.”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Collections: Holdings

5.3.2. “Resources may be in a variety of formats, including print or hard copy, online electronic text or images, and other media. Particular consideration shall be given to the availability of Internet services to supplement the library’s collection of information resources.”

37% “In keeping with progress in information and communication technology, the availability of e-resources may be considered as substantial compliance in lieu of books and other required print materials, provided that the required minimum collection of five (5) professional titles per student shall still be maintained.”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Collections: Holdings

21% “Recognition should be given to changes in curricular offerings, and new academic programs. Equally, recognition should be given to library contributions to consortial or other resource-sharing programs.”

26%As far as budget permits, the recommended ratio of volumes to combined total

student population and teaching faculty should be 10:1.

annual growth rate of the collection shall be maintained at five percent

28% “At least twenty-five percent (25%) of the book collection should have been published within the last 5 years.”

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Poll survey shows… 37% “In keeping with progress in information and

communication technology, the availability of e-resources may be considered as substantial compliance in lieu of books and other required print materials, provided that the required minimum collection of five (5) professional titles per student shall still be maintained.”

32% “Collection currency and vitality should be maintained through judicious weeding. A regular deselection program shall be undertaken to keep the collection relevant and up-to-date, particularly in the fields of science and technology. A three (3) to five (5) percent replacement of older materials each year is recommended.”

25% “There should be an increased research activity among the faculty and students as an outcome of the use of the print and non-print collection of the library.”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Collections: Holdings

22% “Recognition is given to cooperative or consortial arrangements, with respect to periodical subscriptions to professional / technical journals. Jointly planned purchases and/or sharing of periodical resources among libraries within a given locality, if feasible, through document-delivery, or pay-on-demand, or pay-per-view, and other options are encouraged.” 

5.3.15 “The library should have a continuing and effective program to evaluate its collections, resources, and online databases, both quantitatively and qualitatively .”

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Standards for Academic Libraries

• 5.4.4 To reduce loss and damage, the library should exercise appropriate control over use and borrowing.

• 5.4.5 The library should have a counter-disaster plan to cover minor and major disasters to include both damage prevention and damage recovery. 28%

Significant Changes –Collections: Care

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Under Collections – Organization and Care:

5.4.1 Collections shall be organized to insure efficient identification and retrieval, and to provide maximum intellectual and physical accessibility to the library and its resources

Area: Services

Included provisions:

- Flexibility in service hours

- Orientations expanded

- Variety of Services

- Open-Shelf system (see 5.4.1)

- Written lending policies

- Academic community served


The library should participate in programs

for the sharing of bibliographic data.

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Services

• User instruction• Life-long learning• Access to its own collection

and elsewhere• Bibliographic-sharing• Information access through

networking,online information services,interlibrary loan activities,document-delivery services

• Distance-learning programs

33% “ User instruction shall be provided as specialized and in-depth assistance to all levels of users from freshmen to faculty on the use of the library’s resources…(more)

6.5Librarians should collaborate

frequently with classroom faculty; participate in curriculum planning,

as well as in information literacy instruction

6.12Distance learning programs should be promoted by means of remote electronic access to collections, the provision of reliable network connections, and through electronic transmission or courier delivery of library materials to remote users.

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Standards for Academic Libraries

• In cooperation with the library's partner agencies, the library shall conduct outreach activities for its adopted communities based on actual needs.

• In view of the advent of new technologies in library services, Library 2.0 initiatives, which call for libraries to encourage user participation and feedback in the development and maintenance of library services, shall be implemented.

• The library shall conduct a periodic study or research on customer satisfaction and needs analysis, inclusive of all library functions / services as basis for further improvement of its services..”

Significant Changes –Area: Services

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Standards for Academic Libraries


- Site, Location and Design

- Space requirements

- Furniture and equipment

- Physical provisions for reading comfort

- Security/control system

Area:Physical Facilities

Essential provisions:• Accessibility of library/director’s office and strategic location• Space requirement allows rearrangement/future expansion• Separate spaces for quiet study and group discussion• Space provision for special services such as exhibits, displays

and photocopying facilities• Provisions for equipment to access information/assist instruction• Control and security measures in place; disaster preparedness

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Facilities

“The library shall provide well-planned, secure, and sufficient space to meet the perceived needs of staff and users and to meet the housing requirements of its collections including space for automated services in a properly controlled environment. In addition, provision for future expansion should be made.”


Note:The technical specifications and details of space requirements and enumeration of specific furniture and equipment have been removed.

To fulfill its service missions, the library should be close to the

center of campus activity.

Note: library must be air-conditioned

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Standards for Academic Libraries

7.3.5 The library shall have facilities for information technology and communication services. It shall provide sufficient numbers of appropriately capable computer workstations for access to electronic resources. In addition, it should provide appropriate equipment in adequate quantities and in good working order for the convenient, efficient consultation, retrieval or dissemination of local and remote information resources by the library staff and its patrons. This includes such IT and communications equipment as computers with Internet connectivity, printers, scanners, webcams, fax machines, and other electronic communications equipment.

Significant Changes –Facilities

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Standards for Academic Libraries

Significant Changes –Area: Linkages and Networking

8.1 The Library exists within a network of relationships extending beyond the institution. In cooperation with other libraries, consortia, networks, vendors, and other agencies, the library should participate in programs that will assist it in meeting its goals and are consistent with the mission of the university.

31%The library should strive,

as far as possible, to enhance information access through

networking and linkages, and online information services.

Interlibrary loan activities and document-delivery services shall be encouraged for the purpose of increasing resources, providing

access to materials not owned by the library, and extending cooperation with other libraries.

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participation in exchange programs and consortia or cooperative projects (under Financial Support)

providing access to other collections, planned resource-sharing and cooperative storage, and electronic access to databases (under Collection Management)

Equally, recognition should be given to library contributions to consortial or other resource-sharing programs. (under Collections - Holdings)

The library should participate in programs for the sharing of bibliographic data. (under Services)

library should strive to enhance information access through networking, resource sharing, online information services, and use of technological advances; interlibrary loan activities and document-delivery services shall be encouraged for the purpose of increasing resources and extending cooperation with other libraries (under Services)

Significant Changes –Linkages and Networking

Standards for Academic Libraries

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Thank you for listening!

For comments, contact me at [email protected]