p3 why i studied english

About three years ago, my boss told me that I needed to learn English so the company could send me on assignments to foreign countries. For more people, that’s not very exciting, but I dreamed about going to America, England or perhaps Australia and communicating with native speakers. I had never left Japan. So I studied English really hard for three years because I looked forward to communicating with native speakers. Then, finally my boss said that the company wanted to send me on my first overseas trip. I was so excited!! But then I learned I’d be going to Nepal. I was so disappointed. Why did I study English for three years?! I was met at the airport by Rajit, an employee of our client. He drove me through the busy streets of Kathmandu and told me about the city and Nepal- in English, of course. It was a different world. For the next few days, I was kept busy with meetings, parties, and visits to museums, ancient cities, and nearby mountains. There was so much to see and do and so little time. Everywhere I went, the people were friendly and happy. Neither I nor Nepalese I talked to were native English speakers, but we enjoyed communicating in English, and I made a lot of good friends in a short time. I’m sure America, England, and Australia are all nice places to visit. But I have a two-week vacation coming up and I already have my tickets for Nepal. Why I studied English

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The reason for studying english


Page 1: P3   Why I studied English

About three years ago, my boss told me that I needed to learn English so the company could send me on assignments to foreign countries. For more people, that’s not very exciting, but I dreamed about going to America, England or perhaps Australia and communicating with native speakers. I had never left Japan.

So I studied English really hard for three years because I looked forward to communicating with native speakers. Then, finally my boss said that the company wanted to send me on my first overseas trip. I was so excited!! But then I learned I’d be going to Nepal. I was so disappointed. Why did I study English for three years?! I was met at the airport by Rajit, an employee of our client. He drove me through the busy streets of Kathmandu and told me about the city and Nepal- in English, of course. It was a different world.

For the next few days, I was kept busy with meetings, parties, and visits to museums, ancient cities, and nearby mountains. There was so much to see and do and so little time. Everywhere I went, the people were friendly and happy.Neither I nor Nepalese I talked to were native English speakers, but we enjoyed communicating in English, and I made a lot of good friends in a short time.

I’m sure America, England, and Australia are all nice places to visit. But I have a two-week vacation coming up and I already have my tickets for Nepal.

Why I studied English

Page 2: P3   Why I studied English

send 送るassignments 任務、宿題という意味もある。foreign countries 海外Perhaps たぶんhad never left Japan 日本から出た事がないlook forward to 楽しみにしているOverseas trip 海外旅行disappointed がっかりしたbusy 混雑ancient 古代のNeither I nor Nepalese 私もネパール人も~ではありませんIn a short time 短い間でI’m sure きっとcoming up もうすぐ訪れる事

Why are you studying English?What do you enjoy about studying English?What don’t you enjoy about studying English?What do you want to do after you become a real good English speaker?Why did you start studying English. Any particular experience that made you start?Did you like English before? Do you like English now?Do you think people around the world will speak more or less English?

How do you want to apply your English skills?Do you think learning is important?What else do you want to study? Why do you want to study that?Do you believe in life-long learning?