· p1111ishment i,; described :eignrative ly as a bapti sm lh•ca11kc in hell there will be an...

Page 8 WAY OF SALVATION CHURCH DIRECr.rORY (Only churches and individual s receiving bundle s are liste d) ALABAMA BANKSTON - Mr. Pat Kirk land , P . 0. Bo x 92 . EUFAULA - Or an ge St reet Chur ch of Chr ist, c/o Wyatt Jones, Minister, Box 157. MOBILE - Crichton Church of Christ, G. F. Cauthe n , Mini ster, 304 Union Ave. NAUVOO - Macedonia Church of Christ, R.F .D. No. 1, c/o Louie Helton. DECE MBER - 1955 PENSAC OL A, FLORIDA Brownsville Church of Christ Brainard and "X" Streets SUNDAY: 10:00 - 11:00 A .M. - 7:30 P .M. Clovis Ca udl e. Evangelist ROBERTSDALE - Church of Christ; Brodie Plyle r, Evangelist; General Delivery. , SARALAND - Church of Ghri st , R. M. Fin ch, Jr., 408 Meah er Ave., Plateau, Ala. THEADORE - Ce dar Point Chu rch , B. B. Spin ce , Rt. 1, Box 286-A; R. M. Finch, Sr Mini ster. MONTGOMERY - Panama Street Chur ch of Chri st, Rex A. Turner, Mini ster. *** FLORIDA PENSACOLA - Jordan Street Church of Christ, 1213 E. Jo r dan St., Pe rv ie Nichols, Evangelist. PENSACOLA - West Hill Church of Christ, T. F. Vaughan, Minister; 1720 West LaRua Street. TARPON SPRINGS - Church of Chri st , care Thomas Schn eider, Riverside Dr. FORT WALTON BEACH - Church of Christ, Holl ywood Bl vd. an d Wa shin gton St. *** GEORGIA ATLANTA - We st End Chur ch of Chri st, 580 Hopkin s St., S.W., J . Edward Nowlin, Evangeli st. , CARROLLTON - Mapl e Street Chur ch of Chr ist (west sid e U. S. Highway No. 78), Wi lliam Lybrand , Minister. COLLEGE PARK - 318 Atlanta Street (colored), c/o J ohn Goodrum, Hamilton A venue and 23rd Street. EAST POINT - 716 South Church Street at Williams Avenue, c/o E. R. Dean, 106 Morris Avenue; H . A. Fincher, Evan gelist. GAINESVILLE - 537 Academy Street, c/ o Steve Hudgins, Minister, P. 0. Box 762. GORDON - Hardy's Chapel , c/o F. K. Grinstead, P. 0. Box 2R4. Char les Smith, Minister. GRIFF IN - North 14th Street, 3 ½ blocks from Taylor Street (Highway No. 41), Horac e E. Huggins, Evang elist . MACON - Central Chur ch of Chr ist, 1085 Hi gh St., Vir gil Richey, Mini st er. MANCHESTER - Church of Christ, Box 94, James W . Shear, Mini ster. OGLETHORPE - Church of Chri st, c/ o Doyce Ellis, P . 0. Box 144.. SAVANNAH - 41st Street Church, c/ o James M. Tucker, 2408 Texas Ave nu e; C. A. 'Rnffington, Sr ., Minister . WAYCROSS - Chu rch of Chri st, 333 Pin eview Drive, Earl Kimbr ough, Evange list. *** OHIO AKRON - Kenmor e Church of Chr ist, Ninth and Florida Avenues, C. A. Brannan , Minister. *** LOUISIANA LAKE PROVIDENCE - Church of Christ. *** SOUTH CAROLIN A WTLLTRTON - Chur ch of Chri~t. r-lo B. M. Cra ig, P. 0. Box 97. WALTERBORO - Chur ch of Chr ist, c/ o J . W . Goldman, Box 176. *** TEXAS SHAMROCK - 8hamrock Churr-h of Christ, W all and Lavill Streets. FREEPORT - Fre epor t Church of Christ, 510 West 4th St.; Bacil Doran, Mini s ter. Way of Salvation 1213 East Jordan Street PENSACOLA, FLORIDA PENSACOLA, FLORIDA Oakland Church of Christ Ninth Ave. and Creighton Road SUNDAY: 10:00 - 11:00 A .M. - 7: 00 P.M . . 1 MONTG OMERY, A LA. Panama Street Church of Christ Radio Program - WMGY (800 On Your Dial) Monda y thru Sa turday 7:00 A .M. Rex A. Turner, Eva ng eli st The Bookshelf Revised St an dar d Ver sion, leather ................... ...................... $10.00 Revised Vers ion (Ne lson) .... 8.95 Smith 's Bib le Dictionary, teacher's ed. 3.75 Crud en's Concordance . 2.95 Webster's New Collegiate Dict ionary 6.00 Nichols- Hold er Debate . 3.00 Ca t holi cism Aga in st It se lf (Lambert) ..... ..... ........ ........ 4.00 Howa r d-Pope Debate ............... 2.50 Seve nth-Day Advent ism Renounced ( Canright) 3.00 Gospe l Advocate Commentaries on th e New Testament (ex- cept Vol. 12, $4) eac h ...... 3.00 Gospel Radio Sermons, Vol. 1 (Howard) 2.00 Roman Catholi cism vs Fr eed om (Howard) ......... ......... .. .50 Chu rches of Today (Tomlin son) .... . ....... ...... . 2.00 Must the Young Die Too? (Sawy er ) 2.50 N ichols' Pocket Bible E ncyclopedia .50 Bound Volumes 1 and 2, Way of Sa lvatio n, P- ach . 1.00 Identity of t he New Testame nt Chur ch (N ich ols), each IOc; per 100 . 4.50 Denominational Baptism (Nowlin) , per 100... 1.50 Fo r all y our book and tract need s write to : WAY OF SALVATION 1213 E. Jordan St.-P ensa cola, F la. ,. -~- :~~.., 0 ¥tt1\~~· -,. . m , ,, -~2iti !i'. :h, Volume 3 PENSACOLA , FLORIDA - DECEMBER 1955 No . 5 FIVE NEW TESTAMENT BAPTISMS E . V. SRYGLEY , JR. At Least Five In i11c Ne\\' 'l'cKtament arc di scw;sed a L least five distinct baptisms. A sixt h baptis m is mcn tionccl in T Gor. 10 :2 lrn t that imm ersion occm cd clnring the lifr of Mose,;. Just One Today ln Ep h. 4 :5 Pa ul afl'ir1m; th ere is one bap1'iKn1. If t here wer e only onr ba ptiKm as la te as Paul wrote Ep ltcKiam:, it cr l'f·ainly fo\l owK th,1t there iK on ly on e baptiKm tha! · ma y br pnict icl'rl in religion { ·oday with Go<l'K app 1 ·ov,1 l. 'l' h e l'e fore, t li oug h there are ~;el'cral bapt isms cliscrn-;sed in th e New 'l'eslarnrnt, on ly one 1m1. v be pr act iced today. H ence, th oKe who prn et icr wat er baptism , f ir e bap - t iKm, and H oly 0-hoKt lmpti Km, ar e sirnply in sistin g on two bapti sms too nrnny. Ry a p1·occsK ol' elimi11a1ion we 111a r dct c1· 111i11 c 1rha! the 011c bap tism of today is. Baptism of Sufferin g Evc 11 after H r h ,H1 been bapti zed oE John in ,fon la 11 , ,Jes n,; spok e ol' a ba pt iKm Il e was to ex- per ience, Matt. 20 :22. 'l'h at baptism was fig urative ancl consistcfl in th e irnmcrn in g or overw h elming of ,frslls in so1·t·ow, suEfrr ing, and agony. 'l'hc ba p tism of Matt. 20 :22 was l'ulf'i llccl par- t ic1tlar ly in the :rnffc rin g of Get hsema ne and Calvary; hen ce, could n ot be th e on e baptism of Eph. 4 :5. John's Bapt ism Accord in g to Mark l :4 Jo hn th e Bapt ist ad- min istercd a bapt ism of r epe n ta n ce for t h e re mi ssion of s ins . How ever , jud g in g from Acts 19 :l -7, t h e bap tism of John was not va lid after t h e estab lishm ent of th e chur ch. Hence, the baptism of John cannot be the one baptism of Eph . 4 :5. Baptism In Fire John the Baptist sa id that Chri st wou ld bapti ze w ith fire, :Matt . 3 :11. H olin ess g roups aU'i rrn tha t this bapti sm of fire occnrs in <'om1e~.tirm with a so- call ed second work of g-race, call ed sanct ifi cat ion . Supp osed ly, the baptism of fire renioves the illlag in erl Ac1amic or in -bred or inh er ited sinfnl natm r . Tt is ap pare n t from t h e con text of Matt . 3 :ll t h at th e llapforn1 oE f ire does not h al'c any conn ect ion with a so-ca llecl second wo l'k of gr ace. ln Matt. ;1:1'.2 ,Tolin describ rn, two classes of pt•ople 1rith t he term s " wheat" ancl "c haff ." From P ~m!m l am1 other passages, it is evid ent tha t th r, chaff class is the 11ngoc1 ly cla ss. John says also in Matt . :l :·12 tha t the ch aff will be burn ed u p with fir e. JI rnee, the nn goc1l y will be destroyed by fire. Com- parin g Matt. 3 :10 with ,John ] 5 :6 it is evident that Matt. 3 :10 ha s 1· cl'c1·en cn to the punishme nt of thr, wicked. H e11cc, it is oll\·io11K t hat the f ire of Mat t . 3 :lO, l l , arnl 12 ha s 1·el'crence to the fire of h ell. 'l'lt e p1111i shm ent i,; described :E ig nrative ly as a bapti sm lH• ca11Kc in hell th ere will be an overwh elmin g or co 1·c 1 ·i11g up of suffering. Holy Ghost Baptism In Matt. :1 :11. , Acts l :5, rte ., we l'C'ac l o f a bap - fr ,rn of t he J [oly Ghost. '\'hi s baptism was never ex perien ced by Chri s- tia 11K gencrn lly. T o the contrary, only the apo stle,; an cl the fam ily of Gorn elin s rece ived this bapti 1> rn, Acts l :5; 2 :l -4; 11 :15, 16. Tnasmn ch a~ t h e last case oE H oly S pil'it bapti sm occ m·pd before Ephcsiam; was written, it follows that ba pt i,;rn in t h e spi l'it is n ot the one bapti,;m of Ep l1. 4:5. Baptism In Water Pau l ',; own treatment of th e sub ject shows t hat the on e bapti sm of Eph. 4 :5 is baptism in water. 'l'hi s is affirmed b eca use Paul, after say in g there is one bapti sm, speaks of a washing of water in Ep h . 5 :26. Admittedly, the washing of water refers to water bapt ism. H ence , the one bapti sm we must pract ice in re ligion is bapt ism in water.

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Page 1:  · p1111ishment i,; described :Eignrative ly as a bapti sm lH•ca11Kc in hell there will be an overwh elmin g or co1·c1·i11g up of suffering. Holy Ghost Baptism In Matt. :1 :11.,


CHURCH DIRECr.rORY (Only churches and individual s receiving bundle s are liste d)

ALABAMA BANKSTON - Mr. Pat Kirk land , P . 0. Box 92 . EUFAULA - Or ange St reet Chur ch of Chr ist, c/o Wyatt Jones, Minister, Box 157. MOBILE - Crichton Church of Christ, G. F. Cauthe n , Mini ster, 304 Union Ave. NAUVOO - Macedonia Church of Christ, R.F .D. No. 1, c/o Louie Helton.

DECE MBER - 1955

PENSAC OL A, FLORIDA Brownsville Church of Christ

Brainard and "X" Streets SUNDAY:

10:00 - 11:00 A .M. - 7:30 P .M. Clovis Caudl e. Evangelist

ROBERTSDALE - Church of Christ; Brodie Plyle r, Evangelist; General Delivery. , SARALAND - Church of Ghri st , R. M. Fin ch, Jr., 408 Meah er Ave., Plateau, Ala. THEADORE - Cedar Point Chu rch , B. B. Spin ce , Rt. 1, Box 286-A; R. M. Finch, Sr

Mini ster. MONTGOMERY - Panama Street Chur ch of Chri st, Rex A. Turner, Mini ster.


PENSACOLA - Jordan Street Church of Christ, 1213 E. Jo r dan St., Pe rv ie Nichols, Evangelist.

PENSACOLA - West Hill Church of Christ, T. F. Vaughan, Minister; 1720 West LaRua Street.

TARPON SPRINGS - Church of Chri st , care Thomas Schn eider, Riverside Dr. FORT WALTON BEACH - Church of Christ, Holl ywood Blvd. an d Wa shin gton St.


ATLANTA - We st End Chur ch of Chri st, 580 Hopkin s St., S.W., J . Edward Nowlin, Evangeli st. ,

CARROLLTON - Mapl e Street Chur ch of Chr ist (west side U. S. Highway No. 78), Wi lliam Lybrand , Minister.

COLLEGE PARK - 318 Atlanta Street (colored), c/o J ohn Goodrum, Hamilton A venue and 23rd Street.

EAST POINT - 716 South Church Street at Williams Avenue, c/o E. R. Dean, 106 Morris Avenue; H . A. Fincher, Evan geli st.

GAINESVILLE - 537 Academy Street, c/ o Steve Hudgins, Minister, P. 0. Box 762. GORDON - Hardy's Chapel , c/o F. K. Grinstead, P. 0. Box 2R4. Char les Smith,

Minister. GRIFF IN - North 14th Street, 3 ½ blocks from Taylor Street (Highway No. 41),

Horac e E. Huggins, Evang elist . MACON - Central Chur ch of Chr ist, 1085 High St., Vir gil Richey, Mini st er. MANCHESTER - Church of Christ, Box 94, James W . Shear, Mini ster. OGLETHORPE - Church of Chri st, c/ o Doyce Ellis, P . 0. Box 144 .. SAVANNAH - 41st Street Church, c/ o James M. Tucker, 2408 Texas Ave nu e; C. A.

'Rnffington, Sr ., Minister . WAYCROSS - Chu rch of Chri st, 333 Pin eview Drive, Earl Kimbr ough, Evange list.

*** OHIO

AKRON - Kenmor e Church of Chr ist, Ninth and Florida Avenues, C. A. Brannan , Minister.


LAKE PROVIDENCE - Church of Christ.

*** SOUTH CAROLIN A WTLLTRTON - Chur ch of Chri~t. r-l o B. M. Cra ig, P. 0. Box 97. WALTERBORO - Chur ch of Chr ist, c/ o J . W. Goldman, Box 176.

*** TEXAS SHAMROCK - 8hamrock Churr-h of Christ, Wall and Lavill Streets. FREEPORT - Fre epor t Church of Christ, 510 West 4th St.; Bacil Doran, Mini ster.

Way of Salvation 1213 East Jordan Street


PENSACOLA, FLORIDA Oakland Church of Christ

Ninth Ave. and Creighton Road SUNDAY:

10:00 - 11:00 A .M. - 7:00 P.M . . 1 •

MONTG OMERY, A LA. Panama Street Church of Christ

Radio Program - WMGY (800 On Your Dial)

Monda y thru Saturday 7:00 A.M.

Rex A. Turner, Eva ng elist

The Bookshelf Revised St an dar d Ver sion,

leather .............................. ............... $10.00 Revised Vers ion (Ne lson) .... 8.95 Smith 's Bib le Dictionary,

teacher's ed. 3.75 Crud en's Concordance . 2.95 Webster's New Colleg iate

Dict ionary 6.00 Nichols- Hold er Debate . 3.00 Ca tholi cism Aga in st It self

(Lambert) ..... ..... .......... ...... 4.00 Howa r d-Pope Debate ............... 2.50 Seve nth-Day Advent ism

Renounced ( Canright) 3.00 Gospe l Advocate Commentaries

on th e New Testament (ex-cept Vol. 12, $4) each ...... 3.00

Gospel Radio Sermons, Vol. 1 (Howard) 2.00

Roman Catholi cism vs Fr eedom (Howard) ......... ......... .. .50

Chu rches of Today (Tomlin son) .... . ....... .... ... . 2.00

Must the Young Die Too? (Sawy er ) 2.50

Nichols' Pocket Bible E ncyclopedia .50

Bound Volumes 1 and 2, Way of Sa lvatio n, P-ach . 1.00

Identity of t he New Testame nt Chur ch (N ichols), each IOc; per 100 . 4.50

Denominational Baptism (Nowlin) , per 100... 1.50

For all y our book and tract need s write to :

WAY OF SALVATION 1213 E. Jordan St.-P ensa cola, F la.


-~- :~~.., 0 ¥tt1\~~·-,. .

t¾,--;,g❖», m , ,, -~2iti !i'.:h , ~ Volume 3 PENSACOLA , FLORIDA - DECEMBER 1955 No . 5


At Least Five In i11c Ne \\' 'l'cKtament arc di scw;sed a L least five

distinct baptisms.

A sixt h baptis m is mcn tionccl in T Gor. 10 :2 lrn t that imm ersion occm cd clnring the lifr of Mose,;. Just One Today

ln Ep h. 4 :5 Pa ul afl'ir1m; th ere is one bap1'iKn1. If t here wer e only onr ba ptiKm as la te as Paul wrote Ep ltcKiam:, it cr l'f·a inly fo\l owK th,1t there iK on ly one baptiKm tha! · ma y br pnict icl'rl in r elig ion {·oday with Go<l'K app 1·ov,1l.

'l'h e l'e fore, t li o ug h ther e are ~;el'cral bapt isms cliscrn-;sed in th e

New 'l'eslarnrnt, on ly one 1m1.v be pr act iced today. H ence, th oKe who prn et icr wat er baptism , f ir e bap ­t iKm, and H oly 0-hoKt lmpti Km, ar e sirnply in sistin g on two bapti sms too nrnny.

Ry a p1·occsK o l' elim i11a1ion we 111ar dct c1·111i11c 1rha! the 011c bap tism of today is.

Baptism of Sufferin g Evc 11 after H r h ,H1 been bapti zed oE John in

,fon la11, ,Jes n,; spok e ol' a ba pt iKm Il e wa s to ex­per ience, Matt. 20 :22. 'l'h at baptism was fig urative ancl consistcfl in th e irnmcrning or overw helming of ,frslls in so1·t·ow, suEfrr ing, and agony.

'l'hc ba p tism of Matt. 20 :22 was l'ulf'i llccl par­t ic1tlar ly in the :rnffc rin g of Get hsema ne and Calvary; hen ce, could not be th e one baptism of Eph. 4 :5.

John's Bapt ism Accord in g to Mark l :4 Jo hn th e Bapt ist ad­

min istercd a bapt ism of r epen ta nce for th e re mission of s ins . How ever , jud ging from Acts 19 :l -7, t he bap tism of John was not valid after the estab lishm ent of th e chur ch.

Hence, the baptism of John cannot be the one baptism of Eph . 4 :5.

Baptism In Fire John the Baptist sa id that Chri st wou ld bapti ze

with fire, :Matt . 3 :11. H olin ess g roups aU'i rrn tha t thi s bapti sm of fire occnrs in <'om1e~.tirm with a so­call ed second work of g-race, call ed sanct ifi cat ion .

Supp osed ly, the baptism of fire renioves the illlag in erl Ac1amic or in -bred or inh er ited sinfnl natm r . Tt is ap pare n t from t he con text of Matt . 3 :ll t hat th e llapforn1 oE f ire does not hal'c any conn ect ion with a so-ca llecl second wo l'k of gr ace.

ln Matt. ;1 :1'.2 ,Tolin describ rn, two classes of pt•ople 1rith t he term s " wheat" ancl "c haff ." From P ~m!m l am1 other passages, it is evid ent tha t th r, chaff class is the 11ngoc1ly cla ss. John says also in Matt . :l :·12 tha t the chaff will be burn ed u p with fir e. JI rnee, the nn goc1ly will be destroyed by fire. Com­parin g Matt. 3 :10 with ,John ] 5 :6 it is evident that Matt. 3 :10 ha s 1·cl'c1·en cn to the punishme nt of th r, wicked .

H e11cc, it is oll\·io11K t hat the f ire of Mat t . 3 :lO, l l , arnl 12 ha s 1·e l'c rence to the fire of h ell. 'l'lt e p1111ishm ent i,; described :Eignrative ly as a bapti sm lH•ca11Kc in hell th er e will be an overwh elmin g or co1·c1·i11g up of suffering.

Holy Ghost Baptism In Matt. :1 :11., Acts l :5, rte ., we l'C'acl o f a bap ­

fr ,rn of t he J [oly Ghost. '\'hi s baptism was never ex perien ced by Chri s­

tia 11K gencrn lly. T o the con trary, only th e apo st le,; an cl the fam ily of Gorn elin s rece ived this bapti 1>rn, Acts l :5; 2 :l -4; 11 :15, 16.

Tnasmn ch a~ the last case oE H oly S pil'it bapti sm occm·pd before Ephcsiam; was written, it foll ows that ba pt i,;rn in the spi l'it is not the one bapti,;m of Ep l1. 4:5.

Baptism In Water Pau l ',; own treatment of the sub ject shows t hat

the on e bapti sm of Eph. 4 :5 is baptism in water. 'l'hi s is affirmed because Paul, after say in g there

is one bapti sm, speaks of a washing of water in Ep h . 5 :26. Admittedly, the washing of water refers to water bapt ism.

H ence , the one bapti sm we must pract ice in re ligion is bapt ism in water.

Page 2:  · p1111ishment i,; described :Eignrative ly as a bapti sm lH•ca11Kc in hell there will be an overwh elmin g or co1·c1·i11g up of suffering. Holy Ghost Baptism In Matt. :1 :11.,


Way of Salvation Published Monthly at 1213 Eas t Jordan Street

Pensac ola, F lorida l' EHV IE NIC HOLS - Editor and Publisher

*** SUBSCRIP TION RATES ~'.i11g l e sub sc ri ption s, $1.25 per yea r in advance ; in cluus of t en or mo r e, $1.00 per yea r in a dvance ; 50 cop ies t o one a ddre ss , $2.00; 100 copi es to one add r ess , $3 .75 ; 1,000 cop ies to one addre ss , $35.00. (Fu ll fr ont or bac k page ad verti senrnnt free wit h order of 1,000 cop ies ). Abo ve rat es app ly only t o res id011ts of the Uni te d St a t es .



" Sec ond-class mail pr ivileges authoriz ed a t Pensacol a , Flo r ida ."

··N O RO OM"~ Alt hough the exac t dat e of h is birt h is un­

know n, t he gr ea t est an d most prec iou s gif t of all ages was pre sen t ed t o t he wor ld mol'.'e than nine­

t een hund re d year s ago when God sent His "only begott en Son" to be born of t he vir g in Mar y . When the ti me arriv ed for God's Son to be deliver ed, " .. . sh e brou ght fort h her fir st born son, and wrapp ed h i m i n swadd ling cloth es, and laid him in a man ger ; beca use th er e wa s no r oom for them in th e inn." (Lk. 2 :7.) How discourag ing and disap point ing it

P E RVtE Nt c HoL s must have been to both Mary and J oseph to be turn ed away from the comfo r ts of t he inn on th e very eve of t he birt h of t h e chi ld J es us ! Chr ist came to m ake roo m for oth ers , but fo und no room for h imself. Alth ough th e pro phet s h ad foreto 'ld h is arriv al, no prepa r ation was made to receive him. Fro m his birt h to thi s day th e­ma sse s hav e ma de no r oom for J esus in th eir affa ir s of life.

Jewish Na tion Guilty Th e J ewish pr ophet s had declar ed His com­

ing for centuri es. (I sa . 9 :6-9.) He was to be a desce nd ant of David , of t he tr ibe of .T udah, born a J ew. But when h e came "hi s own" people re ­ceived h im not . (J no. 1 :10-14.) Herod tr ied to kill him . (Mat t . 2 :16-21.) The Herod ian s, Phari ­sees, Sadu cees an d Scri bes combin ed th eir effort s t o oppose h im. "Many of his disciples went back, and wa lked no mor e with him. " (J no . 6 :66.) The very people he came to sav e cr ied "Aw ay wit h t h is ma n . . . Crucif y h im , cr ucify him ." (Lk. 23 : 18-21.) After h is deat h they t ri ed to pre vent h is re surrection . (Ma t t. 27 :62-66. ) Nor did their ha tr ed cea se here; t hey tri ed t o des tro y t h e ch urc h of Chr ist, per secut ing its member s, eve n unto dea th .

H ence , the na tio n of Isra el h ad no room for t h e pro mi sed Mess ia h , the "Pr ince of P eace." To t h em he was but a "stone of stumb ling, " "a rock of offe nce." Likewi se Jew s today are gu ilty of reject ing Chri st . They have no room for him and

h is New Tes ta men t in th eir r eligion. Chri st is simply crowd ed out of th eir wor ship and practic e.

Denominat ions Guilty Th e denom inatio ns have no room for Chr ist.

Their human nam es in r eligion leav e no room for Hi s matchl ess name . (Ac t s 4 :12 ; 11 :26; 26 :28: J as . 2 :7.) Th ey pre fe r t h eir human names to the divine name of Chri st in spite of th e fact that Hi s is t he only name in and t hr ough which one can glor ify God. (lPe t . 4 :14-16-R.V.) Th eir use of human cr eeds leave no ro om for th e Will and Tes t ament of the Lord . Their "mou r ner' s bench" sys te m, "de cision card " and "pr aye r r oom" have cro wded out J esus ' comman d to be baptized for " t he r emiss ion of sins . (Mk. 16: 16; Act s 2 :38; 22 :16; 1 Pe t. 3 :21.) There is no ro om for Chri st in t heir unscrip tur al work an d wors hip, such as missi onar y socie t ies , churc h suppe r s, an d th e use ' of me ch an i:?.al ins trum ent s of mu sic in wors hip . Th e Lor d's plan for work and wors hip is found in t he New Test ament , but t her e is no scriptural aut horit y for suc h act ivit ies . J es us find s no room Among th ose who th us go beyond Hi s teaching . (2 Jn o. 9.)

l\'fomhers and Congregat ions Also Guilty Som e memb er s of t he Lor d's chu rc h , and

e'1en whol e congrega t ions, have no r oom for J esus . There was no r oom for Him in the chur ch in Laodicea . (Rev . 3 :13-20.) He was on the out side knocki11g for admit tanc e. A lack of zeal, indif ­fe r ence, an d lukew armne ss had cr owded Him out. Like th at chur ch , some today h ave shut Chri st out of th eir hea rt s and affecti ons . Th ere is n o ro om in t heir lives for churc h atte nd ance, (but ple11ty of ro om for t he wor ldly thin gs which th ey want t o do.) Som e of t hose wh o do assembl e contri bute ver y litt le of t heir mon ey. They hav e no pur pose in th eir giving. But t here can be script ura l g iving wit hout pur pose . ( 1 Cor . 16: 1, 2 ; 2 Cor. 9 :7.) Although Chri st would hav e it ot herw ise, ther e is no ro om for Him and Hi s kingdom in t he aff ections of m any member s of His church.

Parent s and Children Ofte n Guilty Th ere is no roo m for Jes us in many hom es .

Th e hu sba nd is vvr appe d up in com mer cial aff airs, wh ile t he wife is woun d up in societ y . Club s, mov ies and parties occupy her tim e. If ther e ar e ' childr en, t hey ar e ofte n lef t in th e car e of th e ma id. Man y young peonle are so active in school affair s, th e social:;;, ball games, etc ., th at th ey • have no t ime for Chr ist and Hi s church . In such hom es t here is no ro om for pr ay er nor Bible r ea d­ing and medit ati on; t horns of pleas ure and rich es have crowded out t he tea chings of Chri st. (Lk . 8 :14.) But to cr owd out His word is to shut out the Lord H im self. (J no. 12 :48 .)

Since all are to be ju dge d by the word of Chri st (J no . 12 :48 ) , we mu st eith er make room in our affa irs for Him and Hi s wor d, or else st and condemned at the j udgme nt . Dea r r eader, be not deceived; there will be no room in heaven for those who have no room for Jesus in their hearts and live s while here !


If 1Christ Had Not Come Bv Gus NwnoLs

On e way t o mor e full y appr eciate what Christ Jll<•,ms t o us is to t ry to imagin e what condi t ions wonl cl hav e pr eva iled in thi s old world if Chri st had no t come. ( Jn. 15 :22. ) In sp ite of Hi s comin g, and Hi s wond erfu l influ en ce and t eachi1111;, t lw world is in a barl conditi on . BUT WI-I A'l' W OTJLD T'l' H AVE T\RE N H AD CJIRIST N OT COME. T ake awa :v C'Ycry vest ige of Ili,; influ ence and t he power of Hi ,; g-ospel , and th e worl d would hav e long ago pe ri shed of its own in te rn al rott enness and corru ntio n. All th e

• p;ood that wa s in th e world befor e Chri st came, was lw rc becau se of th e expe cta ncy of Hi s comin g . (Gal. :1 :8 ; Rom. 1 :l -4.) ,Vhil e th e good that we n ow hav e is because of Hi s mi ssion in to thi s worl d . E ven th e

# 11nco11ver ted of our n at ion ar e 1nade bett er th r ough fh c influ ence of th ose wh o are eith er conver ted, or ai-0 themselves und er the in flu en ce of th e gospe l of Cl,ri st in some way .

NOT KNOW GOD Chri st came to shm v th e worl d wh at God is like.

Po l' thousand s of years mankind l1ad had a poor con ­cr pti on of th e nat ur e ancl att ribu te s of God . ,¥ e did not kn ow mu ch about Hi rn, n or what kin d of a Be in g H e is. W e d id n ot know mu ch about Hi s goodn ess, mer cy and love, nor Hi s ju stice and liatr ed for sin. But Chri st came to revea l th e Fat her t o ns- to show rt,; what God is lik e, nncl sa id, "H e th at hath seen me ltat h 1<een th e Fat her ." (,Tn . 14 :9 .) IIe was E mma n -11el, or Goel w ith n ';. (l\'Iatt. l :23.) rr o sec th e mercy , meekn ess, gen tlen e:;;s, goodness, and fo rgiv in g sp ir it of Chri st , was to see the P at her , for H e wa s the exact ima ge of the Pat hcr . (H eb . .l :3 ; Col. 1 :15, 19.) 'l'h er e­fo l'r , if Chr ist had not come, we woul d kn ow very I ittl c abou t ,vhat ki nd of Being God r ea lly is.

HAD A CLOAK FOR SIN Chri st says, ' ' If I hacl not come and spoken unt o

t ltcm, th ey h ad n ot had sin : bu t now they have n o cloak for th eir sin. " (Jn. 15 :22.) If Chr ist had no t come, men mi ght have some sort of a cloak for sin -11 ing, bu t now t hey ha ve no su ch excuse. H e came 1rnd con demn ed sin by wor d and deed . H e condemn ed si11 in t he fl esh, by livin g· above sin . (Rom . 8 :l -6.)

PROPH ECIES FAILED Tf Chri st liad no t come the proph ecies would

11 li nl'(: fa iled, for t hey foret old Hi s comin g. (I sa. 9 :6-7 ; Mic. f) :2 ; Ts11. 7:1 4; Gen. 49 :10. ) Ev en THE 'l'TME 0 I:<' 1 l [ S COM ING was for etold . H e was to come at

• 11 erdai n 'l'I l\iE , and did come wh en th e " Ful nes s of. t imr was come." ( Gal. 4 :4.) W hen H e cam e in th e l'irst cent ur y A . D ., H e said ' "l'h e tim e is fulfill ed. " (l\iflc 1 :13-J 5 .) Hi s kin gdom ,vas t o be set up in th e rlii_vs of th e Roman kin gs . (Dan. 2 :39, 44 .) 'rh esc passecl away in A. D. 476. H ence, if H e had n ot come 11nti l now, it wonld be too lat e to fulfill the pr ophecieR.

NO ATONEMENT Tf Chri st had n ot come we vvoulcl be with out an

acc0pt abl e aton ement for sin. Anim al blo od d id not br ing etem a l forg iveness . (He b . 10 :1-4 ; 9 :22.) Bu t Chri st came in a body of fl esh to die for our sins, an d t o shed Hi s bl ood for the r emission of our sin s. (H eb . 10 :5-10 ; Matt. 26 :28; Col. l :14. ) ,

NO SAV IOUR If Chri st had not come we would be without a

Sav ior and Lord today. Goel sent Him clown her e to sav e th e worl d . (1 Jn. 4 :14 ; Jn . 3 :17 ; Lk. 19 :10 ; .Tn. 12 :47-48.) "T hou sha lt call His n ame J esus, fo r H e shall save Hi s peopl e from their sin s.'' (Matt. 1 :21. ; 1 Tim. 3 :15.) .

NO CHRISTIAN ITY If Chri st had not come we woul d be withou t

C'hr istian ity ; fo r befor e H is coming ther e was "'l'h r ,Tews ' r elig·ion ." (G al. 1 :13-14. ) 'l'h ey wer e un der th e old law. (Rom . 6 :14 ; 7 :6 ; Col. 2 :14; Eph . 2 :14-16 .) Chri sti anit y is a n ew r eli12:ion , and couh:1 not h av e been establ ish ed wit hou t the comin g· of Chri st into th e worl d.

NO GOSPEL If Chr ist had .not come we woul d have no gosp el

in fa ct , for H e h ad to come an d die, be buri ed and ra i~ed ar.:ain , 'l' H AT THE GOSPE L MI GHT BE­COME A F AC 'l'. (1 Cor . 15 :l- 4.) Th e gosp el of. Chri st wa -; onlv I J PROMISE in t he old T estam ent ~criptnr es. (Rom. l :l -4. ) 'l'h e ' ' Gospel of Chri st'' is th e " Pow er of God unto salvat ion ." (Rom. l :16.) ·w 0 woulrl not h·ave th is .i;rospel without His comin g . (Lk. 2: 8-20.)

NO NEW TESTAM ENT Tf Chr ist had not co111e we woul d have n o New

'J' 0stmnent, for H e is "Th e mediator of the Nr w 'l'r ,;tam ent . '' (H eh. 9 :15; H eh. 8 :6.) The law of: 1\Tnses wonld be th e onl;v law fr om God, if Chr ist h ad nd come anrl mad e a n ew an d bett er covenan t. (,Tn. 1 :17.)

NO CHURCH OF CHRIST Tf Chri st had not come ther e wonlcl be no chur ch

of Chri st . E nt bav inr.· come. H e s11id, " T will build rnv chu r ch ." (l\fat t . In :18.) Pa ul said , '" l'h 0 chu rc hr.s of C'hris1-~a1n tc y ou ." (Rom . 16 :16.) Il e gave Him ­.~r1f for the rhn rc h . (E nh . 5 :25-26. ) H e lu1d to come in ;:i hw1v of fl e-;h th at He mi ght pur ch ase th e chur ch 11·ith Hi s bloncl . .Act s 20 :28.)

NO LORD'S SUPPER rrh cre could h ave been n o L ord's ,mim er witl1-

n111 th r coming of Chri s1-. Il e came 11n d inst itn te,1 th e ,mnnrr a,; a memor ial of Hi s suffe rin gs in th e fl esh . ( M t . 26 :26-28 ; 1 Cor . 11 :20-34 .) H en ce, w ith ou t Hi s rnm ing thrr e woul d hav e been n o congr egatio n s of th r Pa in ts, 1101· anv conr,Teirationa l ,vors hi p . (.Act s 20 :7. )

NO FIRS T DAY OBSERV ANCE Had Chr ist no t come th ere woul d be n o scriptnr al

nJy.·r rv11nce of the f ir st. clav of each week. ( Acts 20 :7 ; 1 C'or·. J 6 :l -2 ; H eb . 10 :25: Acts 2 :42.) Chri st wa s i-a ise,l 011 the fi r st clay of the week. (Mk. 16 :9 ; Lk . 24 :l- 47.) 'l'h e chur ch wa <; esta bli slie d 011 thi s clay . (fav it. 28 :1!'5-16 ; Act s 2 :l -4; 11 :15.) Befo r e th r. comin g of Chr ist th ev obser ved t he sabbat h of th e law. ~r Sat nrclay , th e"srv0n th clay of the week . (Ex . 20 : 10 : D eut. [) :J 4--15 ; Mt. 12.) Vl e n ow h ave th e "Lo rd' s Da y . " (Rev . l :10.)

NO RESURRECTION With ou t the comin g· of Chr ist th e gr aves wonlcl

for ever h old their dead. II0nc e He said H e is th e r rsur r ection and th e li fe . (,Tn. 11. ) I n a word , we wou ld be withont God and wit h out h ope. ( Ool. 1 :27.) 'l'hank s to God for t he gift of H is Son. (2 Cor . 9 :15.)

Page 3:  · p1111ishment i,; described :Eignrative ly as a bapti sm lH•ca11Kc in hell there will be an overwh elmin g or co1·c1·i11g up of suffering. Holy Ghost Baptism In Matt. :1 :11.,


Did You Read The Article In '.T1ime


Did you read the int eresting lead article in Tirnc m,1,gazin e, October 24 issu e, about Joe Moore, a Chri s-­fom who had been chosen as the star farmer of the ila t ion ? If you did, you were glad to )mow of th e f':1ece~s of this fellow Christian, but you were dis­appoi nted to see Tim e exp lain to its readers that the elrnrch of Christ wa s started by Thomas and Alexan­(ler Campbell in 1809 and that members of the church ,., rrc commonly called Campbe llite s.

\\/hat can we do to let readers of national maga­zrnrs know the truth about the church and the Lord nrnl t he plea to r estore New 'l'estament Ch rist ianity in our age? One thing we can do is to help pay for s1.1c11 m·ticles as the one which appears in the Novem­ber issu e of Coronet on pages 102 and 103 in the c·.en ter of the magazine . Thi s artic le on "What is the chu l'eh of Christ ? '' is th e fir st reli gious advertisement ever carried in this secular magazine. Coroncf cla ims that lU,000,000 people will see thi s issue. It is one wav ;n which we can let the . nation know the truth. Jt is one way we can use our infln en ce as Ch::istian s 1,, interest those who hav e never attended a service m· heard a gospel sermon. If you would lik e to help, he smc to call the attention of your friends to this arti elr in C01·onet, and then send a gift to help put othr1· ,,uch artic les befor e million s.

Send your g·ift to Dr. 'l'ruman P eek, tr easurer, Gm:pel Pre ss, 2102 Jack son St., Dailas, T exas . "\Vatch f01· the second art icl e in J ammrv Coronet on th e t hrme : "Let's Make the Bible Our 'Rule!.'' in H.e-1 igiun ! ''


An answer to the Lord's quest ion , "What seek ye?'' will h elp us to under stand our feelings and action s toward r eli gious matters. Jesus said, '' Seek and ye shall find,'' but Ile did not mean that one might find spiritual thing s by seeking material thin gs.

1. SOME SEEK PLEAS URE : - '' Eat, drink and be merry" seems to be the philo soph y of many in our day. It seems that the time is her e when men are " lovers of pleasure rather than lov ers of God ." Tragic accidents, ruined h ealth, broken homes and mounting li sts of major crimes result from pleasure seekin g·. Tho se who are reaching the lost, strength­enin g the church and honoring Goel are not among those bent on havin g a good time regard less. We, lik e Moses, should choose to share ill treatment with the people of Goel rath er than enjoy the pleasure of sin for a season.

2. MANY SEEK POPULARITY: - Upper­most in the minds of many people is the question, What will peop le think ? rather than What does God want ? 'l'he fear of bein g criticized and ostracized keep s many good citiz ens from obeyin g God's trut h. Some claim in g to be Cln·istians refrain from telling

Fair-Minded Study Vve r ead rec ently tha t a Cat holic Archbishop

had asked non-Catholics to give the Cat holic doc­tr ines a fair-minded st udy. He stated that many '' gratefu l soul s ... came to kno,v the Cat holi c chur ch as it r eally is and not as it is often de scribed by those who know it not.''

,-,.,re certain ly would commend the letter of this request. ,Ve should all be fa ir-min ded in trying to see all r eli gious gro up s exact ly as t hey ar~e but, by the same token, we believe that we wou ld have the right to ask that other re ligious gro ups, such as the Catho- • lies , see the chur ch of the Lord exactly as it is. Th ere­fore, it is rath er difficult for u s to und erstand thi s r equest by a Cat h olic Arc hbi shop, whe n they refuse to all o,v their member s to even cons ider the teac hin gs ~ of others. In the Qnesti on Bo x ed ited by Catho li c Priest Bert r and L. Conway and carryi ng the Im­primatur of Patrick Cardi na l Hay es, Ar chbishop of New York, and Jame s Cardina l Gibbons, Arc hbi shop of Baltimore, on pages 218 and 219 there is stated : '' A Cat holic would viola te Catho li c principles by attending services in a Protestant church ... Catholi­cism is essentially a re li gion based on divi ne, in fa ll ible teac hin g; a Cat holic is logica ll y a possessor of the truth . .. He can never adm it that other churches, liberal or ort hodo x, may possibly be right.'' 14: >i,il ... • · --: .. &:;a· · · '· . -· ·-:::;; ;~· · .- ~,.,.,; . ....,,. ~-~~t¢ •· 'l"'S".s..J,

'' Thou the r efore that teach est another, teachest thou not thyself ? Thou t hat preachest a man shou ld not stea l, dost not stea l ?'' ( Romans 2 :21).

·~ We could not help but also ask if the Cat holic

church could not best be studi ed in those countries, such as Ita ly, wh ere Catho li cism is the predominant religion. If th is be logical , and it seems it shou ld be, we are sure that there are many in our nation who hav e n ever seen Cat holicism as it actua lly is for they have never seen it at wor k where it is in the majority.

-Ed itorial, Christian Chronicle

the story of th e cross, oth ers engage in sinful practices f.lirnply because of what p eopl e think. The price of popularity is too hi gh when one must hind er the truth, hurt the church, and d ishonor God to hav e it . . It will be a sad day for the cause of Christ when c it can be sa,id of church members, '' They loved the glory that is of m en more than the glory that is of Goel.''

3. O'l'IIERS SEEK MATERIAL POSSES­SIONS: - Jud as bet ray ed Christ for thirty pieces of silver, some are betraying hi s cau se in an effort to get and keep money . Many intelligent peop le are so b usily engaged securing the materia l thin gs of life that they have no time for · thin gs pertaining to ete rnal li fe. J esus admonis hed hi s disciples not to lay up their t r easures on the earth, but to la y them up in h eaven, th en Ile adds, "For where thy treasure is th er e will thy heart be also." Our Lord had it r ight when He said , '"l'a ke h eed, and beware of coveto usness: for a ma11 's lif e cons istet h not in t l1c ab undan ce of. the things whic h lie posscsseth.''




'l'r rm inp; rnillio11s ai·c on the br oacl way, thr wn.v o!' clc•:;tn ,rt ion. 'l'he se nrNl to be 1·econ r,ilrcl 1-o C1ml. I I ('Tl('(' , 111r n ecessity of Reconciliation.

R econcilia1'ion In th e Clmrch

T 11 God's wo1·d we r ead '' For Ile is onr pracr, • who lrntl1 mall e boJ-b one, ancl hat h hr okrn down the

midclle wall of partition bet ween us; ha ving· abolishecl in Hi s fl esh the enmity, even the law of command ­ments contain ed in ordinance s ; for to mak e in Hirn -

, self of twain one new man , so makin g pea ce; A11d that He might r econ cilr both unto God in one body by tlte cross, havi 11g th e e11mity thereby ; And came and preached prace to you which were afar off, ancl to 1 hem th at ·were nigh." (E ph. 2 :14;-17.)

Tn this pa ssage , th e Hol y Spirit, through Paul, speaks of th e one New man. 'l'hi s one New Man is none othe1· than the church we r ead about in the New 'l'<•:,tamen1·. 'l'hi s one New Man is alluclrcl to in verRc 16, "as the one bod>', " in which both Jew ancl Genti le a l'C' to be r econcil ed to Goel.

The aJ)Ostle Paul , thr same writer by the Holy Sp ir it , speaks of this one bocly in Eph. 4 :4, informing· ns that there is one body . And in T Cor . 12 :20 Paul sa_.,,s, "Bnt now ar e th ey many mernbcrR, :vet but orn• hocly ." 'l'he writ er also says that this one body is tl1e chu rch, (Eph. l :22, 23). Dear reader, if you and T, ancl all oth ers, ,vant to go to heave n we mu st be in th e chur ch we read about in the New TeRtarncnt.

It is uReless to think of going to heaven without hcing reconci led to Goel. But both Jew and Gent il e arc reconci led to Goel in th r "o De bod:v," the chur ch . (Ep h. 2 :16; 1 :22-23 ; Col. J :8.) To be r econcil ed to God is to be saved from pa st or a lirn Rins. But th e TJord adds all th e saved to hi s church. (Acts 2 :4]-47.) "IIe is th e sav iour of 1he hocly" (Enh. 5 :23-25) . But the body is 1-hr church. (TDph. 1 :22-23 .) 'l'hereforc, on e mnst be in the church of our T,ol'd in order to hr 1·econcilecl to Goel.

The church of Chri st is compo sed of livel y sto n es, men and women. (T Pet. 2 :5; Acts 8 :12.) If >'OU and T ar e not live ly stones in th e buildin g of God,

• the chur ch , we are no t numb ered with the Raved. When ,J esns comes to claim Hi s own , if you and I do not belong to Him, we hav e not obeyed Hi s voice the n we will find ou rse lves on th e left hand of th~ Son of God. (Matt. 25 :31-46.) And Hi s words t o us will br , "Depart ye cur sed, into everla st in g- fire prr­pare cl for the D evi l and hi s angels." Those on Hi s left hand ·will go away into everla st in g puni shm ent, hn1· the r ighteous int o etrrnal life .

The proph et David sa id, "Except the Lord lmil<l tltc house, tl1ey labor in vain that build it . " (Psa. 127 :1.) Th e T,onl bnihl but one clrnr rh (]Tiph. 4:4; Matt. 16 :18 ; Col. l :18; I Col'. 12 :20. ) 'l'ltc Lord J cisuis



U c:d , in his infinit e mercy, ha s pl'ovid<'cl the wny of ;;alntion through the blood of his own dear Son. I re offers this salvation free ly to all, without r espect of persons; but h e clo('S not force it upon those w]10 do not carr. Rather, he offers salvat ion to all who wil l come on hiR simp le terms, realizing tliat tlrn nwrit is in the divine gift, not the human accrpta nrr .

God , has provided one way for all who would ac­<·ept his free grace . 'l'hiR way is dependent, not up011 works of merit, but up on " the obedience of faith" (Romans J 6 :26). 'l'hi s obedience of fa ith claims no merit for the doer, but rather expresses hi s utt er clc­penclrncc upon the gTarc of Grlfl. Ev,~n baptism, 1he final act of suhmission which the Ji,,Jieving, p,% ­iten t underg·oes in becoming a r-hild of' Uod, is not a mcrr washing of the hocl;,' lrnt an varnc,;~ rnq ucst to God for par clon. Goel is m,t (Jbligai ccl to us by our baptism, but ITc ha s prom ised to treat us all cqnally. 'l'ru sting in llis p1·0111;-;(', we sh0w foe t.h the c1ra1h, burial ancl 1·e,;111Tc'•:1io11 or ou l' r,ol'd ,Jpsu,; ( 'h1·ist, ancl onr clepcrnlrn, •,: 11pon 1-h,;s,i thm gs for our sa lvc11"ion, when we submit to haptism. ,

-Go~ pel Nlirr01·.

C'lll'ist If imRclf iR" the fonncla1ion. (T Oor. 3 :ll.) All othe r chnr r,h cs ar e f'ounclrcl upon tl1r sallfl , all(l ar c <ioomecl to come to na11g-ht. (Rev. 18 :l-6.)

W orcl of R econcil-icition

'J'he words of reconciliation hav e bcrn committ ccl in to the hand s of earthen vesse ls. Paul sa id "that God was in Chr ist, reco n cilin g the world unto Him ­self, not imputing their trespasses unto ,them; and hath committ ed unto us th e word of rcconciliatio11. Now then we pray you in Chri st's Rtcad, be recon­ciled to Goel." (2 Cor. 5 :J9-20. ) 'l'hc wonls of recon­ciliation wer e given to us through the apost les of Christ, through the writings of those in spir ccl men, reco rd ed in the New T estament.

Th e word of r econciliation in st ructs the alien sinn er to (1 ) hear the gospe l of Chri st (Matt. 7:2] -27 ; Acts 3 :22-23), (2) believe th e gospe l (Mk. ] 6 :16-16), (3) r epent of all si11s (L k. 13 :3; Acts 17: 30), ( 4) confess faith in Chri st (Rom. 10 :9-JO; Matt. 10: 32) and (5) be "buried with Chri Rt by bapti sm" "for the r emission of sins." (ActR 2:38; Mk. ]6:16; Rom . 6 :3-5 ; Col. 2 :12.)

·wh en one obeys ther;e comma nd s he is then mad e free from past sin (Ro m. 6 :17-18), and ha s been reco n cil eel to God in th e "one body ." If he then adds to hi s faith t he things mentioned by Peter (2 Pet . 1 :5-J 1 ) , and cont inu es Faithfully to the encl of life' s shor t clay, a crown of li fe wil l 11wn.it him in the sweet hyc and hyc. (Rev. 2 J 0.)

Page 4:  · p1111ishment i,; described :Eignrative ly as a bapti sm lH•ca11Kc in hell there will be an overwh elmin g or co1·c1·i11g up of suffering. Holy Ghost Baptism In Matt. :1 :11.,


• • • • • • • • • • MEETINGS: The meeting recently conduct ed

by the South Side church, Macon, Ga., with Lawr ence Haz elip of Va ldosta, Ga., preaching, r esulted in nin e baptisms and four r estorations ... V. P . Black states that the church of Chri st in P lateau, Ala., is planning a series of 33 lessons (six serv ices per day) January 29-February 3. At least 27 different preachers will participate . Th e genera l th eme will be 'l'HE BIBLE SCHOOL. Th e chm-ch there condn cted a similar ser ies last wint er on GIVING, the results of. which were beyond their expectat ions.

AN APPEAL '"J' he church of Christ in Barnesv ill e, Ga., needs

a preacher. 'L'he membership in clud es five adults and one yonn g boy. Barne svill e is a town of 4,200 popu la­t ion and is locnted 60 miles south of At lanta on U. S. Highway 41.

'' Our lot is paid for and ·we are paying for our bu ilding, which was er ected in the winter of 1953. It ha s an ample aud itorium, and an apa rtm ent of three rooms and bath, which may be used for a preachers living quarters. One room ha s been com­pleted in the basem ent. Large doors niak e it possible to use a part of the basem ent as a garag e.

""\'Ve are very anxious to secure a preacher, but our sma ll membership makes it impossible to support him in addition to making payments on the building. ·wm someon e help us ? Address all correspondence to : J. T . Cooper , 105 Rogers Ave., Barnesv ill e, Ga."

(Note: I am familiar with the chur ch in Barnes­ville, Ga. It ha s had a very difficult str uggle . I sin­cerely believe those brethren nre worthy of any help g iven t l1em. Any child of Goel making a contribution to that work will be helpin g to carry a heavy bnrclen. 'Editor.)

DECEMBER DEADLINE Our spec ial subscr iption offer of singl e sub­

script ions $1 and clnb s of ten or more subscription s 80c each will exp ir e the first of J anuary. Each reader is ur ged to send us at least one subscription before the deadline is reached. Why not see ju st how many snb scr ipJ-ions you can get? Remember, if you can get t en or more they will cost only 80c each . PLEASE DON "l' LE 'l' THIS OPPOR'l'UNITY PASS!



* * a g ift? You can solve that difficult y I Do yo u h ave a problem in se lecting

by g ivin g a Bible, or some other goo d book. Order from us r ight away . -.


The Sa.ddest Path . Th e sadde st road to hell is the one that looks so

much lik e the right way as to appear safe, but is yet wr ong. It leads one on in happy anticipat ion of heavenly rest and joy, only to dash him clown upon the rocks of disappointment ju st beyond the precipic e of real izatio n. .

It is sad because people, good people, spen d so m nch time, energy and work on the way, thinking ' of hcnvcn and hoping to go there, only to be disappoint­ed at 1hc end. Our hearts ache when we see so many pcoph lik e those of whom Paul spoke. '' I bear the1ri wit1ies~, they lrnve a zeal for God, but not according to knowl edge." It is pathetic that so many, many prople who are good citizens, excellent neighbor s, ju st fine peop le in near ly every way you can think of, but hav e never serion sly compa red what they be­] icve, how they -worship , what church they support, arnl what nam e they wear with the Bib le.

lt is hard to see a person go on to eternity who has J1ever mad e any effo rt to go to heaven, and to r eg1·eG to see him go, because he never awoke to the lleed of the Savior and the means of being saved.

But how mu ch more tenderness in our hearts we find for those who want to be saved, are exceedi ngly 1eligious , are sacr ifi cing much tim e and effo rt, and poming their very lives into the work of their various clrnrches, only to be disappointed! If only men and women would go to the Bib le, read it to find wheti1er th eir chur ches are found therein, and whether their 'il'O.rship is all autho ri zccl of: God ! 0 God, that men wonl_d see !

Good men walk and worship in human church cfl, and are supporting human doctrines they think are d ivinc, and it all seems rig ht . "But there is a way that seemeth right to a man, but. the end thereof are t lw ways of death ." Proverbs 14 :12.

W e pl ead with mell not to gullibl y believe what we say 01· what anyone else might say about religious matters but to '' Search the scriptur es, wheth e:.· the se 1hing:s ~re so." TE it is Bible teaching, accept it, re ga rci Iese; of who might have it; if it is not, ... reject it.

"'I'h c simple beli cvcth every word; but the pru­clcnt man looketh well to his going.'' Proverbs 14 :15.

'' Stand ye in th e ways and see: ask for the old pat hs whe1:e is the good way; and walk therein, and ye sh~ll find rest for your souls: but they said, We will not walk therein.

'' And I set watchmen over you, saying, Harken to the sound of the trumpet; but they said, We will not heark en.

'' Th ere fore hear, ye nations , and know, 0 con­gregat ions, what is among them. Hear, 0 earth: be­holcl I will bring evil upon this people, even the fruit of their tho ughts, because they have not hearkened unto my words, and as for my law, they have re­j ected it.'' J er. 6 :16-20.

'' In vain do they worship me, teaching for their doctrine s the commandments of men.' ' Matt. 15 :9.

'' Try your own selves, whether ye are in the fa ith; prove your own selves.'' II Corint hians 13 :5.

- Sel.

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By Clovis Caudle

I. MANY CALLED. (Matt. 1:16; 22:1-1 4 ; Mk. 16:15)

1. Many m ake fun, mo ck and rail at in­vitation of Lord.

2. Many accept-many refuse, many fall away.

• II. FEW CHOSEN. (Relate parable of sower­Matt. 13 :21)

Because : 1. Word did not take root. (Matt. 13 :21)

2. Care of world, deceitfulness of riches choked out the word. (Matt. 13 :22)

3 . Jealousy of prog r ess of bro-the r .

4. Desire of pop ulari ty. 5. Indifference. (Matt. 22 :5) 6. Lack of preparation. (Matt.

22 :12) III. HOW CALLED?

1. Not in my ster ious, miraculous way, but 2. By word of God. (2 The ss . 2 :14) 3. Ex amp les :

a. Abraham: Heard Believed, Obeyed. (Gen. 12:1-4; Heb. 11:8)

b . Noah: Heard, Believed, Obeyed. (Gen. 6:13; H eb. 11:7; Gen. 7:5)

c. Paul: Heard, Believed, 0 b e y e d. (Acts 22:7, 8; 22:10, 11; 9:6-8)

IV. HOW WE ARE CALLED TODAY. 1. By Hearing-Rom. 10:17 2. By Believing-Rom. 10:10 3. By Obeying-1 Pet. 1:22; Jn. 17:17

ONE ANGLE OF THE LIQUOR QUESTION 'l'o impress the p atro ns with the folly of patroniz ­

ing the dram shop s, a major casualty insuranc e com­pany mai ls to each one a copy of Safety Bulletin No. 5 of the Illinoi s Stee l Company. Under the cap­tion, Sn bmarine Attack on Booze, it reads as follows : • "For the married man who cannot get along with­out drink s, the following is sugge sted as a mean s of

/'\ fr eedom from bondage to saloons : \ • '' Start a saloon in your own home . Be the only

'ij customer (you' ll have no license to pay) . Go to your wife and g'ive her two dollars to buy a gall on of whiskey, and remember there are sixty-nine drinks in a gallon. Buy you r dri nks from no one but your wife, and by th e time that the first gallon is gone she will hav e eight dollars to put into th e bank and two clollal' s to sta rt business again.

'' Should you liv e ten years and continue to buy booze from her, and then die with snakes in your boots, she will have money enough to bury you de­ccn tly, educate your childr en, buy a hou se and lot, and marr y a decent man, and qui t th inkin g· about you entir ely. " - Sel.

-· The Second Coming

of Christ By Pat K irk land

Many people of our day do not think that there will be a judgm ent. But we know that this is not so. 'L'he Bible tells us that Christ is coming. When we read in the Bib le we know it is the tr uth. We fi nd in ( J olm 8 :32) '' And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.'' Chri st speaks the truth. He said in (J ohn 14 :1-3) "Let not your heart be troubled : ye beli eve in God, believe also in me. In my l!7ather 's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I ·would hav e told you . I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.'' ( I Th essalonians 4 :16-18) ' ' I•'or t he Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the arc hang el, and with the trump of God : and the dead in Chri st shall rise first. Th en we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together ,vith them in the clouds, to meet t he Lord in the air: and shall we ever be with the Lord. Wh erefore comfor t one another with these words.'' So we see that Chri st is sur e to come.

It will be a sad day for those who have not obeyed the Gospel at the Jud gment an d lived the Christian life the remaind er of their days : F or Christ is coming to separate His sheep from the goats. (Matt. 25 :31-34.) When the Son of man sha ll come in His glory, and all the holy with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His glory : And before Him shall he gathe red all nations and H e sha ll separate them one from anot her, as a shepherd divideth his sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left . Th en shall the King say unto them on His right hand, '' Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundat ion of the world." 'l'he forty-first verse says '' Th en shall He say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlast in g fire, p repar ed for the devil and his ange ls.''

Christ Is Coming Without a Doiibt. (Jude verses 15 and 16) To execut e judgment upon all, and to convince all that are un godly among them of all th eir ungodly deeds which they have committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinner s hav e spoken against Him. These are murmurers, com­plainer s walkin g af ter their own lu sts; and their mouth speaketh grea t swellin g words, having men's persons in adm iration because of advantage . In Matt. 25, we have the record of the Ten Virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. Th e five wise ones had their oil and they were let in. The five foolish carried no oil and they were cast out.

The Same Will Happ en To Us Today If W e Do Not Obey the Gospel. We must repent (Luk e 13 :3). We must confess (Rom. 10 :10). For with the heart man believeth unto right eousn ess; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation . We must be bap­tir.ed (I Pet. 3 :21; Acts 3 :19; Acts 2 :38) . Friends, won't you obey the Gospel and be ready when the Lord comes 7