p ii the ih

P 1 II THE DAILY 28 V IH A Free Sample Packet of I Delicious 1 1 Ceylon Tea Mixed or Natural will be sent to II U any person In this coupon and sending to us with a two-ce- nt stamp for Write plainly and mention 1 1 Mixed or Natural J Name II Address lil Address II Tried St WelL is plain for 35 years I have made H please find price of your Electric diseases of The men my x which I have used for 60 It has done the work T exPerience and I am well and Yours fave gained is not equalled by any other specialist in my I am honestly L. proud of having made thousands of L t y happy men out of helpless 1 substitute dash for patients' names in print wrecks am tor the signature in the above But at it thau eyer A oyer Q my office I can show you thousands of made the disc that electricity cured such nals of the same The reason of my diseases as LOSSES after all known remedies had I f then invented mv world-fame- d SANDEN 3 ELECTRIC Every man to-da- y knows electricity properly used rt will cure distressing So sure am I of what my appliance and advice iW or use as none to buy ask tuat yu allow me to send you IM Electric Belt with Electric on absolute T 60 DAYS' FREE TRIAL Till fill if you are cured or satisfied at the end m IP 3 ml ni tuen Pay ie my price AS LOW AS K not the and the transaction is This is my of based solely upon the earnest desire that every man in Canada may have an opportunity to try my cure for When you consider the fact that I u am the oldest and Largest Electric Appliance Manufacturer in the World and for over thirty I years have had nothing but and that my great knowledge and experience insures H the same for the you should feel safe in trying my There are many imitators n of my but my great due to experience and is mine alone and H cannot be I give it freely to every user of my and this with the best electric 1 appliance the world has ever leaves very slight doubt of I also eive Q Belts on trial for LAME STOMACH and BLADDER I B Write to-da- y and let me assist you to health and happiness as I have so many thousand I I will at once arrange to send you my Belt on terms and also two of th 1 little books ever written upon Electricity and its medical I T. I 2 Oldest and Largest Electric Appliance la Females of All Ages find these Pills simply as a few doses will restore free and regular conditions and effectually remove the causes of much suffer- ing to the Beecham's Bold t rAvin the seaman's for cramps or It acts like magic Talc no Trice it l ND FLOOR White 1 Sewing Machines j 3 Special prices for Friday and J Think seriously of this H I Thirty box-to- p genuine White usually d f p J H sold at Special H e One only genuine White cabinet usually d T T H sold at Now H I GOODS GROUND FLOOR q H Fine Bath Towels I J Turkish bath towels for only a few J Larger sizes t a Unbleached Turkish bath two 1 and I Embroidery In from up to en H Silk Crepe Cord i l One yards usually a I H I GROUND FLOOR Z M Eggs j H Strictly 1 a H Cigars j l Not for the careless but for the I tobacco We have only the best kinds of The name S. SONS guarantees We carry the following lines of this cele- - I Box of 50 Box of I H 2 for PERLAS of 25 Box of 25 H trie skin smooth and healthy by using m 1 1 jl Prevents roughness and chapping m No other soap is just as good fl m children and any delicate M H ALBERT TOILET SOAP B Bank of Hamilton I HEAD Capital Authorized Reserve Paid-u- p Capital Assets jH BRANCHES IN MANITOBA AND THE WEST Main St. C and Grain Ex Princess S. Indian V. T Miami N. W. T Plum Coulee Deposits Received and General Banking Business Mil H THE 1 ELECTION A the Votes Were Recorded In the Election la PJ With the provincial corn el luff H near It 1 to look rek to tho lat find review Ita Tho lowing votes ami I In election or Conservative Liberal H i Majority 77 r C. Lob 00 I J. A. Cons 00 1 1 C. J. Lib Hb 17 J WANDON g Coos Majority 8 fl I Martin Lib Cons f J 00 Alfred Lib H. 09 T A. Lib 1203 Majority I A. Lib Majority D. H. Lib Majority H Majority 8 L AND ST. O. I. Cm H F. Lib fl Majority A Court a K M. Lib Majority II H Lib E. Majority 20 T. C. A. Majority 32 LA V. i T. Majority i 83 Lib Majority J. 28 n. My T. Majority J. H. tJ Majority 21 Colin H. Green J. T. spencer 9 V. T. Majority 54 MOUTH G A. v Majority 17 LA Cons CIO Majority V. Lib G. Majority It Majority 05 Ind Enoch Majority nus A. Cons w. e. 35 S. A. D. Majority 25 Cons J. Majority 15 A. E. Thorn pro A. Lib Majority SOUTH F. Majority 55 T. Lib E. 1 Majority 33 TURTLE Cona J. Lib Majority W Majority i 31 T. L. D. a Majority D. A. Majority WINNIPEG V. C. Majority H. J. J. D. Lib 1223 Majority CO R. P. A. Majority Four Independent ran In tho Spencer In John In J. Mc- Lennan in and ran as Independent In afterward accepting the position of speaker of the house when the Conservative party came Into Tile total of votes polled ww and of which there wore poll- ed lor leaving of a. total for the three other The majorities totalled Liberal ma- jorities Eight have been held their re- sults BEAUTIFUL J. A. J. Lib Majority Colin H. M. Majority WINNIPEG T. W. Conis 1117 Robert Lib Majority R. p. V. Noah Majority ST. V. Majority WINNIPEG J. T. PORTAGE LA Hugh was by the resigna- tion of C. who off leu Dominion J. A. Davidson was provincial treasurer and was us member Tho In and caused by tho appointment of tho members them to cabinet was rendered vacant tho resignation of H. and Is now Daniel was rendered vacant by tho of Winkler who rai tua Lit made liy tho of B. A. D. accepted an Dominion was mado vacant by the of Hon Hugh J. who Clif- ford In tho Dominion la Prairie was rendered by tho death of total number of names on the list In was j lr wow ami truck off In leaving elig- ible The total In wu-- s were added and off In leaving eligible total in was and were added and eligible March With oc- casional flurries of snow and con- tinued cool weather winter Is being Farmers are pleased to see such weather In as they say tetter now than in which Is a foregone conclusion that It we arc not with rough weather now we will get It later Several of our energetic and pros- perous with the contempla- tion of building this arc busy hauling and Prosperity lias taken a sud- den bound In this locality and should the coming season be a good one a good many will be counted as worthy of A happy contingent of our old set- tlers Journeyed to Treherne last evening to attend Timers' which was a very pleasant Those of our neighborhood to avail themselves of the good time and Thomas Peleg and David and and and As to tho time of arrival home wb might them gently to censure on mem- bers of the who are some- times guilty of tho same Is doing a rush- ing business of selling horses for horse dealers' In Portage la Our eastern country Is fast coming Into having purchased a quarter section by certain movements which we trust may caused ui to and we we are not that he Is to become a per- manent THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Proposed Tax oa the Demands of British March Chinese and Japanese Immigration iwas discussed In this It on Sir Wilfrid's resolution to Increase tho poll tax on Chines' to This war demo to satis- fy tho demand In to Immigra- tion he wild that Japan had settled that by prohibiting the emigration of to air in Introducing the resolution to raise poll tat on Chinese from to ald tho House was well aware of strong feeling against Immigration in Brit- ish a feeling which was wherever there had been a largo Influx of Mongolians or although not understood In tho Winnipeg any been sought or obtained that not revoke Its legis- lation Sir Wilfrid Ko long as remain as they are it is not wise to After tho resolu- tion was and a bill based on It read the first RAILWAY Scott Introduced a bill re- - tho Railway also a bill to Incorporate Hudson's Day for Introduced n 1 Wit respecting Manitoba Railway also a bill Calgary and Edmonton McCarthy Introduced n Mil to tha In The act provides for the uniform Inflection of and Monk will Inquire If the rumor 1 Is truo that the Orand Trunk way has concluded an agreement with the government since tho of to build a trans- continental line from North Hay to Port Simpson for a subsidy of He will ask If the R. I wants a land grant and If tho same I parties ore not urging the company to the Mann Stewart asks for a return of all correspondence between In- land revenue department thi manufacturer of on threshing machines in the Puttee ha given notice of a MH to amend Conciliation I Tho evening was spent in complained that when ho was traveling recent- ly In tho he found that criminal being carried lu first-cla- ss among He would like to see this Tin between the Canadian government and the government In regard to tho em- bargo Canadian was presented to parliament There Is verv that Is new contain- ed In letters which have pass- ed between both governments on till The correspondence makes It pretty plain that there is very tittle of the embargo be- ing In committee of the consid- eration of estimates for buildings In Ontario waa Among tha items passed was for a building at Fort The Item of for Improvements and repairs to public in Manitoba was put through In a of minutes Just before the A. W. will Intro- duce a bl I to amend the Conciliatory R. L. will for all papers and correspondence re- garding tho disallowance of Columbia enactments since MIGRATION OF THE BOER Differences Cause Resignation of Governor of German March Tho resignation of Major Van governor of South is announced ills resignation is duo to a ot with regard to tho treatment of Doer Im- migrants lu that It will bo ul the ot war one or two leaders emigration to thui It was lea that it might Da u lor ot tho III to out thu man government has been averse to t lie in has been particularly in regard to their with tho control ot tho new Dutch by tb ut which n bus become a source ol trouble We understand here that the on which Doer Immigration bi permitted uro is given to the Boers to found a of the Dutch Reformed lu to conduct Us services in tho Dutch ana to maintain relations with synod of the church of Cape government reserves the light to put an end to this If It leads to political Dutch parents are bound to send their children between the ages of lu and 14 for two yours to a government During these two years must live in tho provided by the government for the purpose Ger- man win bo exclusively spoken in school and In the Religious Instruction will also be given In but parents will bo allowed to withdraw their child- ren from It If they wish to do All Instruction will be given at the expense of the The Boers aro allowed to erect other schools' of their but tho two attendance at the govern- ment Institutions is The government expresses a all settlers should become German in which case their sons will be bound to per- form their military service In tier-ma- n Southwest It Is pointed out that German subjects can pur- chase land from the that they have preference lu government and that It Is introduced will bo entitled to had tho pleasure ot Interviewing said In reference to the agreements which were made with leading Doers with regard to immigration into tho territory of tho protectorate do not Invite criti- cism so much on account ot those clauses which aim at the settlement oi ecclesiastical because concede to the Doers In other especially In the matter ot privileges which cannot bs granted even to Imperial It may bo assumed that a resumption of the negotiations with the Doer leaders concerned will shortly lead to an Issue satisfactory to both Tho purpose of some of these lead- ers Is to divert BOme of most an- tagonistic spirits to British rule to German West Africa If It generally believed hero that thero is an understanding between the Ger- man and British governments In re- gard to matters to the development ot a peaceful solu- tion of the South African At any rate the proposi- tions aro not supposed to bo While this Is apparently one of tha minor features of tho South African Question it is not tho least the friendly arm of Germany to Britain may be one of lasting Chamberlain's trip has been In a measure leading to this It has been nn exceedingly difficult thing to Judge of success of this but It Is generally conceded that tho Birmingham man has done much to heal up existing It is also felt that he is determined to right all Injustices ns far as As of the recent change of on the part of the Doers It may be noted that the three sec- tions Into which they aro divided National scouts and thorn who fought to tho end have Joined together In tho of addresses and Of this at one would have been nn but that Is only lp line with tho most recent develop- ments everything seeming to toward WILDER

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Post on 30-Nov-2021




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P 1

II THE DAILY 28 V IHA Free Sample Packet of

I Delicious

1 1 Ceylon Tea Mixed or Natural will be sent to

IIU any person In this coupon and sending to us with atwo-ce- nt stamp for Write plainly and mention

1 1 Mixed or Natural

J Name

II Addresslil Address

II Tried St WelLis plain for 35 years I have madeH please find price of your Electric diseases of Themen my xwhich I have used for 60 It has done the work T exPerience

and I am well and Yours fave gained is not equalled by anyother specialist in my I am honestly

L.proud of having made thousands ofLt y happy men out of helpless

1 substitute dash forpatients' names in print wrecks amtor the signature in the above But at it thau eyer A oyer Qmy office I can show you thousands of made the disc that electricity cured suchnals of the same The reason of my diseases as LOSSES

after all known remedies had If then invented mv world-fame- d SANDEN3 ELECTRIC Every man to-da- y knows

electricity properly usedrt will cure distressing Sosure am I of what my appliance and adviceiWor use as none to buy

ask tuat yu allow me to send youIMElectric Belt

with Electric on absolute

T 60 DAYS' FREE TRIALTill fill if you are cured or satisfied at the end

m IP 3 ml ni tuen Pay ie my price AS LOWAS K not the

and the transaction is Thisis my of based solely upon the earnest desire that every man in Canadamay have an opportunity to try my cure for When you consider the fact that I

u am the oldest and Largest Electric Appliance Manufacturer in the World and for over thirtyI years have had nothing but and that my great knowledge and experience insuresH the same for the you should feel safe in trying my There are many imitatorsn of my but my great due to experience and is mine alone andH cannot be I give it freely to every user of my and this with the best electric1 appliance the world has ever leaves very slight doubt of I also eiveQ Belts on trial for LAME STOMACH and BLADDERIB Write to-da- y and let me assist you to health and happiness as I have so many thousandI I will at once arrange to send you my Belt on terms and also two of th1 little books ever written upon Electricity and its medical

I T.I2 Oldest and Largest Electric Appliance la

Females of All Agesfind these Pills simplyas a few doses will restore free andregular conditions and effectuallyremove the causes of much suffer-

ing to the


t 1 1

rAvinthe seaman's forcramps or It acts like magic

Talc no Trice it


White 1Sewing Machines j


Special prices for Friday and JThink seriously of this H

I Thirty box-to- p genuine White usually d f p J Hsold at Special H

e One only genuine White cabinet usually d T T Hsold at Now H


Fine Bath Towels I

J Turkish bath towels for only a fewJ Larger sizes ta Unbleached Turkish bath two 1 and I


In from up to en H

Silk Crepe Cord i

l One yards usually a I H


Eggs j HStrictly 1 a H

Cigars j

l Not for the careless but for theI tobacco We have only the best kinds of The


S. SONSguarantees We carry the following lines of this cele- -

I Box of 50 Box of I H2 for

PERLASof 25 Box of 25 H

trie skin smooth and healthy by using m

1 1jl Prevents roughness and chappingm No other soap is just as good flm children and any delicate



Bank of Hamilton IHEAD

Capital Authorized ReservePaid-u- p Capital Assets jH


Princess S.Indian V. T Miami

N. W. T Plum Coulee

Deposits Received and General Banking Business



A the Votes Were Recorded In the

Election la

PJWith the provincial corn

el luff H near It 1 to lookrek to tho lat

find review Ita Tholowing votes ami

I In election or


H i Majority 77

r C. Lob 00I J. A. Cons


1 C. J. LibHb


g Coos

Majority 8

fl I Martin LibCons

f J 00

Alfred Lib

H. 09

T A. Lib 12031


I A. Lib


D. H.Lib


HMajority 8


H F. Lib

fl Majority

A Courta K M. Lib

MajorityIIH Lib


Majority 20

T. C.A.

Majority 32LA

V. iT.

Majority i 83





n. MyT.


J. H.

tJ Majority 21

Colin H.

GreenJ. T.spencer 9


Majority 54MOUTH

GA. v

Majority 17LA

Cons CIO


V. LibG.



Majority 05



A. Consw. e.


S. A. D.

Majority 25


Majority 15

A. E. Thorn proA. Lib



Majority 55

T. LibE. 1

Majority 33TURTLE

ConaJ. Lib



Majority i 31

T. L.D. a




V. C.


H. J.J. D. Lib 1223

Majority CO

R. P.A.

MajorityFour Independent ran In tho

Spencer InJohn In J. Mc-Lennan in and

ran as Independent Inafterward accepting

the position of speaker of the housewhen the Conservative party cameInto

Tile total of votes polledww

andof which there wore poll-ed lor leaving ofa. total for the three other

The majoritiestotalled Liberal ma-jorities

Eight have been heldtheir re-


J. A.J. Lib


Colin H.M.


T. W. Conis 1117Robert Lib


R. p.





J. T.


wasby the resigna-

tion of C. whooff leu Dominion

J. A. Davidson wasprovincial treasurer and

was us member

Tho Inand caused by

tho appointment of tho membersthem to cabinet

was renderedvacant tho resignation ofH.

and Is nowDaniel

was rendered vacant bytho of Winkler whorai tua Lit

madeliy tho of

B. A. D. accepted anDominion

was mado vacantby the of Hon Hugh J.

who Clif-ford In tho Dominion

la Prairie was renderedby tho death of

total number of names on thelist In was j lrwow ami truck

off In leaving elig-ible The total In wu-- s

were added andoff In leaving

eligible total inwas and were

added andeligible

March With oc-casional flurries of snow and con-tinued cool weather winter Is being

Farmers are pleased tosee such weather In as theysay tetter now than in whichIs a foregone conclusion that It wearc not with rough weathernow we will get It later

Several of our energetic and pros-perous with the contempla-tion of building this

arc busy hauling andProsperity lias taken a sud-

den bound In this locality and shouldthe coming season be a good one agood many will be counted as worthyof

A happy contingent of our old set-tlers Journeyed to Treherne last

evening to attendTimers' which was a verypleasant Those of ourneighborhood to avail themselves ofthe good time andThomas Peleg

and Davidand and

andAs to tho time of arrival homewb might them gently to

censure on mem-bers of the who are some-times guilty of tho same

Is doing a rush-ing business of selling horsesfor horse dealers' In Portage la

Our eastern country Is fast comingIntohaving purchased a quarter section

by certain movementswhich we trust may causedui to and we we are not

that he Is to become a per-manent



Proposed Tax oa

the Demands of British

March Chinese andJapanese Immigration iwas discussedIn this Iton Sir Wilfrid's resolution to Increasetho poll tax on Chines'to This war demo to satis-fy tho demandIn to Immigra-tion he wild that Japan had settledthat by prohibiting the emigrationof to air

in Introducing the resolutionto raise poll tat on Chinese from

to ald tho House waswell aware of strong feelingagainst Immigration in Brit-ish a feeling which was

wherever there had been alargo Influx of Mongolians oralthough not understood In tho

Winnipeg anybeen sought or obtained

that not revoke Its legis-lation

Sir Wilfrid Ko long asremain as they are it is not

wise toAfter tho resolu-

tion was and a bill based onIt read the first

RAILWAYScott Introduced a bill re- -

tho Railwayalso a

bill to IncorporateHudson's Day

for Introduced n1 Wit respecting Manitoba

Railwayalso a bill

Calgary and EdmontonMcCarthy Introduced n

Mil to tha InThe act provides for the uniformInflection of and

Monk will Inquire If the rumor1 Is truo that the Orand Trunk

way has concluded an agreementwith the government since tho

of to build a trans-continental line from North Hay toPort Simpson for a subsidy of

He will ask If the R.I wants a land grant and If tho sameI parties ore not urging the company

to the Mann

Stewart asks for a return ofall correspondence between In-

land revenue department thimanufacturer of

on threshing machines inthe

Puttee ha given notice of aMH to amend Conciliation

I Tho evening was spent incomplained

that when ho was traveling recent-ly In tho he found thatcriminal being carried lu first-cla- ss

among Hewould like to see this

Tin between theCanadian government and the

government In regard to tho em-bargo Canadian waspresented to parliament ThereIs verv that Is new contain-ed In letters which have pass-ed between both governments ontill The correspondencemakes It pretty plain that there isvery tittle of the embargo be-ing

In committee of the consid-eration of estimates forbuildings In Ontario waaAmong tha items passed wasfor a building at FortThe Item of for

Improvements and repairs topublic in Manitoba was putthrough In a of minutes Justbefore the

A. W. will Intro-duce a bl I to amend the Conciliatory

R. L. willfor all papers and correspondence re-garding tho disallowance ofColumbia enactments since



Differences Cause Resignation

of Governor of German

March Thoresignation of Major Vangovernor of South isannounced ills resignation isduo to a ot withregard to tho treatment of Doer Im-

migrants lu that It will boul the ot

war one or two leadersemigration to thui

It was lea that it might Da ulor ot tho III

to out thuman government has been averse to

t lie inhas been particularlyin regard to their

with tho control ot tho new Dutchby

tb ut whichn busbecome a source oltrouble

We understand here that theon which Doer Immigration

bi permitted urois given to the Boers to found

a of the Dutch Reformedlu

to conduct Us services in tho Dutchana to maintain relations

with synod of the church of Capegovernment reserves

the light to put an end to thisIf It leads to political

Dutch parents are boundto send their children between theages of lu and 14 for two yours toa government During thesetwo years must live intho provided by thegovernment for the purpose Ger-man win bo exclusively spoken in

school and In theReligious Instruction will also begiven In but parents willbo allowed to withdraw their child-ren from It If they wish to doAll Instruction will be given at theexpense of the TheBoers aro allowed to erect otherschools' of their but tho two

attendance at the govern-ment Institutions is Thegovernment expresses aall settlers shouldbecome German in whichcase their sons will be bound to per-form their military service In tier-ma- n

Southwest It Is pointedout that German subjects can pur-chase land from thethat they have preference lugovernment and that It

Is introducedwill bo entitled to

had tho pleasure ot Interviewing saidIn reference to the

agreements which were madewith leading Doers with regard toimmigration into tho territory oftho protectorate do not Invite criti-cism so much on account ot thoseclauses which aim at the settlementoi ecclesiastical because

concede to the Doers In otherespecially In the matter ot

privileges which cannot bsgranted even to Imperial Itmay bo assumed that a resumptionof the negotiations with the Doerleaders concerned will shortly lead toan Issue satisfactory to both

Tho purpose of some of these lead-ers Is to divert BOme of most an-tagonistic spirits to British rule toGerman West Africa If It

generally believed hero that therois an understanding between the Ger-man and British governments In re-gard to matters tothe development ot a peaceful solu-tion of the South African

At any rate the proposi-tions aro not supposed to bo

While this Is apparently one of thaminor features of tho South AfricanQuestion it is not tho least thefriendly arm of Germany to Britain

may be one of lastingChamberlain's trip has been In

a measure leading to this Ithas been nn exceedingly difficultthing to Judge of success of this

but It Is generally concededthat tho Birmingham man has donemuch to heal up existing Itis also felt that he is determined toright all Injustices ns far asAs of the recent change of

on the part of the Doers Itmay be noted that the three sec-tions Into which they aro divided

National scouts andthorn who fought to tho end haveJoined together In thoof addresses and Ofthis at one would have beennn but that Is only lpline with tho most recent develop-ments everything seeming to
