p a g . 1 | 44 · is located in the civic museum of cremona. the painting portrays a child who...

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This guide is written

in the language that is easy to read

and to understand.

This language

helps people

with or without disabilities

to understand better

difficult information.

The language easy to read

and to understand

is the part of an European Project

which is called

Pathways II.

Association Anffas Onlus

has participated

in this project.

P a g . 3 | 44

In this guide

we described

some of the paintings from the Exhibition

and wrote the numbers of the rooms

where we can find these paintings.

In the first room there are:

1- The Punishment of Core, Dathan and Abiram (?)

2- The Sacrifice of Isaac

3- Lute Player

In the second room there are:

4- Saint Sebastian Cured by Saint Irene

5- The Adoration of the Kings

In the narrow corridor there are:

6- Saint Bonaventura in the Studio

7- The Birth of Saint Charles Borromeo

8- The Death of Saint Charles Borromeo

9- Sleeping Cupid (Vanitas)

10- Domestic interiors with Figures

In the third room there are:

11- Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra

12- Portrait of a Gentleman

13- Portrait of Sigismondo Ponzone

In the fourth room there are:

14- Miracle of the Mule

15- The Birth of the Virgin

16- The Beheading of Saint Paul

17- The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple

In the last room there are:

18- Miracle of Blessed Bernardo Tolomei

19- The Martyrdom of Saint Orsola

20- The Glory of Saint Orsola

21- Saint Lucy

22- Rest on the Flight into Egypt

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The real name of Genovesino

was Luigi Miradori.

He is called Genovesino

because the scholars

believed he was born in Genoa.

His date of birth

is still unknown

but it has to be between 1605 and 1610.


was in Piacenza in 1632.

He worked for the Farnese family

in Piacenza.

Genovesino was in Cremona

in 1637.

In Cremona

he worked for the religious people.

In the paintings of Genovesino

we can see the images

of the ordinary life

and also some fantasy images.

Nowadays we can find his works of art

in many museums

and private collections

all over the world.

Genovesino died in Cremona

in 1656.

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1. Title of the painting: The Punishment of Core, Dathan and Abiram (?) / Punizione di Core, Dathan e Abiram (?)

This painting

is located in Parma.

This painting

shows an episode from the Old Testament.

The Old Testament

is the first part of the Bible

which was until the birth of Jesus.

The episode is about God

who punishes Core, Dathan and Abiran

with a fire.

God punishes Core, Dathan and Abiram

because they wanted the rights of priests

and they argued with Moses and Aron.

In the painting

there are differences between agitated movements

of some characters

and more calm movements

of other characters.

All the characters

light the incense on the altar

to ask God

who has the rights of the priests.

After the apparition of God

people who had argued with Moses and Aron

fell on the ground or got burned

with the fire which comes from the sky.

The first time they talked about this painting

was in 1734.

In this painting

we see lot of brush strokes.

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Since Genovesino made a lot of brush strokes

the painting seems to be made very quickly.

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2. Title of the painting: The Sacrifice of Isaac / Sacrificio di Isacco

This painting

is located in a private collection in London.

This beautiful painting

was founded in 2016.

This is a first time

we can see it in an Exhibition.

The painting illustrates an episode from the Bible

when God asked Abraham

to kill his son in order to

show his faith to God.

When Abraham is about to kill his son

an angel arrived and showed a ram,

so he could kill it

instead of his son.

This painting is interesting

because it is an example

of how Genovesino painted

when he was young.

By looking at this painting

we can see that Genovesino

was influenced by

a painter

called Caravaggio.

In this painting

Genovesino used colours like others painters did

such as Orazio Gentileschi

or Gioacchino Assereto.

The scholars

believe that Genovesino painted this painting

when he was in Piacenza around 1630.

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The lying body of Isaac

is the same as the one in a painting


Saint Sebastian Cured by Saint Irene,

painted by Bartolomeo Schedoni.

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3. Title of the painting: Lute Player / Suonatrice di liuto

This painting

is located in Genoa.

In this painting

we can see a girl

who plays the lute.

The lute is a musical instrument

similar to guitar.

The girl looks to the musical score with a great attention.

The musical score is a sheet of paper

where the musical notes are written.

On the table there is some jewellery

and in the empty space above

there is a skull.

Next to the girl

there is an open bag with dinars.

Above, on the left-hand side

there is a burned sheet of paper.

These objects

indicate that this painting

is about Vanitas.

The Vanitas is a thought

that reminds us that the time goes by for everyone

and that all of us die.

The scholars still do not know

who was the owner

or where the painting was located.

This painting was painted

around 1640.

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4. Title of the painting: Saint Sebastian Cured by Saint Irene / San Sebastiano curato da Sant’Irene

This painting

is located in Genoa.

In this painting

we can see Saint Sebastian who is still alive

but wounded by the arrows.

Saint Irene, Lucina and an angel

try to take care of Saint Sebastian.

We can see how the body of Saint Sebastian

is bent diagonally

and leaves in the background the others characters.

The only free space in this painting

is above on the left-hand side

where a bit of landscape is seen.

The faces of the characters

and the body of the saint

are seen very clearly.

Scholars believe that

this is the first known painting

of Genovesino.

This painting

reminds us of some painters

passed through Genoa

like Orazio Gentileschi or Simon Vouet.

This painting

reminds us also

some painters born in Genoa

like Bernardo Strozzi.

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5. Title of the painting: Adoration of the Kings / Adorazione dei Magi

This painting

is located in Parma.

The characters are close one to another

in a very limited space.

On the left-hand side of the painting

there are Madonna and Saint Joseph.

The characters are dressed in a simple way.

On the right-hand side of the painting

are the Kings,

dressed in a very elegant way.

We can see the Baby Jesus

who plays with the pieces of gold

which are inside of the wooden box

while the King observes him.

The way in which the characters are situated

resembles to a Dutch engraving from 1594.

An engraving is a design

made with the object which cuts grooves

on the design surface.

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P a g . 15 | 44

6. Title of the painting: Saint Bonaventura in the studio / San

Bonaventura nello studio

This small painting

is located in a private collection.

It is the only painting

of Genovesino made on the copper.

Painting on the cooper

allows making very small details

with a light and brilliant colours.

In this painting

we can see the Saint

who stopped his writing to

look at the crucifix in front of him.

The objects

inside the room

are not visible very well.

Among these objects there are

robe with a patch,

a wooden table

and a red hat of cardinal

which the Saint left on the ground.

These objects make us believe

that this is a real room

inside a monastery.

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7. Title of the painting: The Birth of Saint Charles Borromeo /

Nascita di San Carlo Borromeo

The painting of Saint Charles Borromeo

is a small painting

which illustrates a moment of female servants

prepare a bath for a newborn.

A newborn

is a baby

who was born recently.

In the background on the right-hand side

there is a bed where lies the mother of the baby.

The mother of the baby is Margherita Medici of Marignano

who was the sister of the Pope Pio IV.

This painting

is located in the chapel of San Carlo Borromeo

in the Church of Santi Donnino e Carlo.

This church

is located in via Bissolati

and nowadays is abandoned.

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8. Title of the painting: The Death of Saint Charles Borromeo /

Morte di San Carlo Borromeo

In the painting The Death of Saint Carlo Borromeo

there is Saint Charles who lies on the bed

with the crucifix on the chest.

Close to him

there are two small clerics with the candles

and a priest

who gives the Extreme Unction to Saint Charles.

The Extreme Unction

is a blessing which is given with the oil

for a person who is about to die.

In front of the bed of Saint Charles

there are two angels

who take the soul of the saint into heaven.

This painting

was located in the chapel of San Carlo Borromeo

in the Church of Santi Donnino e Carlo.

This church is located

in via Bissolati

and nowadays is abandoned.

This painting

and the painting of The Birth of Saint Charles Borromeo

were placed in a wooden cornice.

In this wooden cornice

there were other images about life of Saint Charles.

These images

are not there anymore.

In the middle of this wooden cornice

there was a wooden statue made by Francesco Pescaroli.

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This wooden statue

presented Saint Charles on the knees in front of the Virgin.

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9. Title of the painting: Sleeping Cupid (Vanitas) / Cupido dormiente


This painting

is located in the Civic Museum of Cremona.

The painting

portrays a child

who represents Cupid.

Cupid was the god of love.

Cupid sits on a big book

he has an arrow in his left hand,

and he leans the right arm on a skull.

A toad comes out from the mouth of this skull.

On the right-hand side

we can see a vase of flowers

which is connected with the topic of Vanitas.

The Vanitas is a thought

that reminds us that the time goes by for everyone

and that everybody dies.

There are people

who think that this vase

is not made by Genovesino.

These people

think that the vase of flowers

is made by a Belgium painter.

To see how Genovesino

could paint like a Belgium painter

we can see the cornice with flowers and children

in the corridor between the first and the second room.

The cornice with flowers and children

which we see during this Exhibition

is a picture

which is in Codogno.

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10. Title of the painting: Domestic interiors with Figures / Interno

domestico con figure

This painting

is located in an art collection in Milan.

The first time they talked about the painting was

in 1920.

The topic and the characters

of this painting are not well known.

We can see

a silent room of a house

which has a table.

Around this table

we can see several serious and elegant men.

These men

are dressed like the spanish people from the epoch.

The spanish people from that epoch

were always dressed in black suits with white collars

and white shirts

which were seen from the sleeves.

On the right part

we can see a sitting woman

who is about to coddle

a new born baby.

Still on the right part

we can see another woman

who makes a pillow.

On the left-hand side

we can see a little girl who sews

and she is close to a small dog

who moves his tail.

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The background of this painting

is divided into three parts.

In the central part

there is the entrance to this room

through a door.

On the left-hand side there is a monk

who looks like he prays.

On the right-hand side there is a woman

who looks in the direction of men.

Probably Genovesino painted this painting

around 1630.

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P a g . 23 | 44

10. Title of the painting: Zenobia, Queen of Palmyra / Zenobia,

regina di Palmira

This painting

is located in a private collection.

We can see

an image of a character

who was represented few times.

This character

is Settimia Zenobia

who was the queen of the city of Palmyra.

Zenobia was enslaved

by the Roman emperor Aureliano

and was put in chains

in the city of Rome.

Zenobia lived as a prisoner

in the Villa of Tivoli close to Rome.

In the documents about her

it is written that she had a light skin

white teeth

and two big dark eyes.

In this image

Zenobia wears a veil

because she had lost her husband.

Zenobia leans her right arm

on a skull.

Above on the left-hand side

there is a burned piece of paper

which is about

the city of Jerusalem.

This piece of paper

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makes a comparison

between Zenobia and Jerusalem

as it mentions that Jerusalem

is similar to a woman

who had lost her husband.

This painting

was one of the many paintings

which owned the Spanish Governor in Cremona in 1657.

Some scholars

believe that this painting

was one of the paintings in a group.

In this group

there were some images

of the very important women

like Lucrezia, Cleopatra and Artemisia.

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12. Title of the painting: Portrait of a Gentleman / Ritratto di


This painting

is located in Mantua.

It is still unknown

who is the character

dressed elegantly.

This character

wears very expensive clothes

and he looks like a very serious person.

In the background

there are seen the ruins of the ancient buildings

for example

the column on the right-hand side.

In some old books

it is written that maybe it is

one of the many spanish officials

for whom Genovesino worked.

Genovesino made a lot of paintings

for the spanish officials who were in Cremona.

The painting illustrates

another elegant man

which we have seen in the second room.

The scholars believe

that Genovesino painted this painting

between 1651 and 1652.

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13. Title of the painting: Portrait of Sigismondo Ponzone / Ritratto

di Sigismondo Ponzone

This painting

is located in the Civic Museum of Cremona.

This character

is Sigismondo Ponzone

and when Genovesino painted him

he was four years old.

Sigismondo Ponzone was a member

of a very rich and important

Cremonese family.

Most of the paintings

which are in this Civic Museum

were the property of the Ponzone family.

In this painting

we can see how the child

holds the collar of the dog of the house

who is as tall as he.

The piece of paper which he holds in hands

shows the importance of the art

for the Ponzone family.

The elegance of the clothes

reminds us of some paintings of the painter

Anton Van Dyck.

Anton Van Dyck

was a painter who in this epoch

was in Genoa.

This painting of Genovesino

illustrates a child

with a very smart gaze.

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14. Title of the painting: Miracle of the Mule / Miracolo della mula

This painting

is located in a church in Soresina.

The painting

shows a miracle which happened in 1223

in the city of Rimini.

The owner of the mule

did not feed it

for three days.

One day

he brought the mule in square

and he put close to it

a bag full of food.

The mule does not eat the food

but comes closer to Saint Anthony

who comes out of the church

holding in hand the Host.

The story tells us

that the mule got down on its knees in front of the Host

because inside the Host was Jesus.

This painting

was ordered by the father Vincenzo Balconi

for the San Francesco Church in Cremona

We can see a portrait

of the father Vincenzo Balconi

in the previous room.

This painting was moved from the San Francesco Church in 1773

when the church had become a hospital.

The other painting

which were in the San Francesco Church

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nowadays are located

in the San Siro Church in Soresina

and in the Town Hall of Cremona.

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15. Title of the painting: The Birth of the Virgin / Nascita della


This painting

is located in the Civic Museum of Cremona.

The painting The Birth of the Virgin

represents what

the Apocryphal Gospels describe.

An Apocryphal Gospel is a book

that describes episodes of the life of Jesus

which are not in the Bible.

On the left-hand side

we can see a female servant

who prepares a bath for the baby Mary.

On the right-hand side

we can see another female servant

looking at us.

This female servant

warms up a blanket

in front of the fireplace.

In the background on the right-hand side

there is Anna

the mother of the Virgin

who lies on the bed.

In the background on the left-hand side

we can see also Joachim

the father of the Virgin.

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16. Title of the painting: The Beheading of Saint Paul / Decollazione

di San Paolo

The painting The Beheading of Saint Paul

shows the moment when

the head of Saint Paul is being cut off.

The beheading

is the cutting off of the head.

Behind Saint Paul

there is a soldier with a sword,

who is about to cut off the head

of the Saint.

At the bottom right-hand side

there are two soldiers in armour.

On the upper left-hand side

there are two angles pointing at the sky.

They carry two objects.

These two objects are a palm leaf

and a crown of roses for the Saint.

The palm leaf and the crown of roses

were usually brought by the angles to the saints

when the saints were about to die

after having suffered a lot.

The paintings The Birth of the Virgin

and The Beheading of Saint Paul

were located inside the San Lorenzo Church in Cremona

and they were moved in 1798,

when the church was closed.

The two paintings

date back to the 1640s.

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17. Title of the painting: The Presentation of the Virgin at the Temple / Presentazione della vergine al tempio

This painting

is located in the San Marcellino Church in Cremona.

This church

used to be the Jesuit headquarters

in the city of Cremona.

The Jesuits are a group of clerics

who take care of the Christian education

of young people.

We can see

the moment when the Virgin Mary in a blue dress

climbs the stairs of a temple.

Having climbed the stairs

she gets on her knees in front of the priest

who blessed her.

In the upper part of the painting

we can see an angel and two children

throwing the roses

on the stairs.

At the bottom right-hand side

there two men

dressed in a different way.

At the bottom on the left-hand side

there is a woman dressed in an elegant way

and she carries the basket on the head.

In the background

we can see a church

which reminds us of the Church del Gesù in Rome.

The Church del Gesù

used to be Jesuit headquarters in Rome.

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The date of this painting is unknown

but it could be around 1645.

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18. Title of the painting: Miracle of Blessed Bernardo Tolomei / Miracolo del Beato Bernardo Tolomei

This painting

is located in a church in Soresina.

The painting shows a miracle

which was done by the Blessed Bernardo Tolomei.

Bernardo Tolomei created a monastery

at the beginning of 1300s.

At the bottom of this image

we can see the devil

who doesn't allow men to work.

The devil is a character

who has wings and a snake.

The Blessed sends away the devil

because he doesn't allow men who are around

to move the stones.

These men

tried to move the stones

but they didn't succeed.

When Genovesino painted this painting

they brought the painting

in San Lorenzo Church in Cremona.

In the San Lorenzo Church in Cremona

there were two other paintings

which we have seen in the Exhibition.

These two painting

were The Nativity of the Virgin

and The Beheading of Saint Paul.

In some old documents

is written that the character close to the Blessed

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was a monk from the Pueroni family.

In this exhibition

we can see the portrait of this monk alone

in front of the painting Miracle of Blessed Bernardo Tolomei.

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19. Title of the painting: The Martyrdom of Saint Orsola / Martirio di Sant’Orsola

This painting

is located in the San Marcellino Church in Cremona.

In this painting

we can see the story of the French princess Orsola.

Orsola was murdered in the city of Cologne

with another eleven thousand girls

by the army of the warrior Attila.

Here we can see a lot of movement

and very violent details.

At the bottom

we can see the wounded girls

and the warriors of Attila

who look very angry.

At the bottom we can also see two bishops

who are about to have their heads cut off.

These two bishops

are on their knees

and they are Bassano and Permerio.

In the background on the right-hand side

in the part with more bright colours

there is Saint Orsola with a crown on her head

and she remains completely still.

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20. Title of the painting: The Glory of Saint Orsola / Gloria di


This painting

is located in the San Marcellino Church in Cremona.

In this painting

Saint Orsola is elevated above the city of Cologne

which we can see under the cloud.

At the foot of Saint Orsola

there are some angels

who carry the objects

with which the warriors of Attila

killed the Saint.

On the right-hand side

there are the other girls who are dead.

On the left-hand side

there are the men from the church

and some princes who are not religious.

We can see the bishop Bossano

dressed in a long, white and light blue tunic

with the bishop's hat.

To paint this painting

Genovesino copied some images

from Hermann Crombach’s book.

The Jesuits who were

in the San Marcellino Church

had a copy of this book.

The image of the city of Cologne

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is the same as the image

which was in Crombach’s book.

These paintings

were used in 1653

to make the San Marcellino Church

more beautiful.

In this year

they brought in this church

the remains of the body of Saint Bassano.

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21. Title of the painting: Saint Lucy / Santa Lucia

This painting

is located in a church in Castelponzone.

Saint Lucy wears a plum coloured cloak

and in her hands she holds the awl

and the kind of chalice with her eyes.

There are two angels

who carry the palm leaf and a crown of roses.

The palm leaf and the crown of roses

were usually brought by the angles to the saints

when the saints were about to die

after having suffered a lot.

At the bottom on the left-hand side

there are two pieces of wood

which are still burning.

These two pieces of wood

remind us that Saint Lucy

was burned to death.

The Castelponzone’s church

where this painting is located

was constructed by the Ponzone family.


had contacts with the Ponzone family.

The parish Archive of Castelponzone

was written the year 1654

about the picture of this painting.

Close to this painting

we can see another Saint Lucy

who is smaller and with brighter colours.

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22. Title of the painting: Rest on the Flight into Egypt / Riposo

durante la fuga in Egitto

This painting

is located in the Sant’Imerio Church in Cremona.

On the left-hand side

we can see the Virgin who looks with attention at the Baby Jesus

while she sits on the bag.

Farther on the right-hand side there is Joseph

who is in the middle of the painting

because this painting had to be put

in the Saint Joseph altar.

Therefore the altar was named Saint Joseph

he is in the middle of the painting

because like that we can see him more easily.

Every angel who is in the painting

is making a different movement

like the the Apocryphal Gospels describe.

An Apocryphal Gospel is a book

that describes episodes of the life of Jesus

which are not in the Bible.

The destroyed buildings

which are seen on the left-hand side

mean the end of the pagan world.

Pagan means someone

who doesn't believe in the Christian God

but has his own god.

In the background

it is seen The Massacre of the Innocents.

The Massacre of the Innocents

was ordered by the Roman king Herod

to kill all the male children

and in this way to kill the Baby Jesus.

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In some old documents

it is written that Genovesino

painted the characters

with the features of his relatives.

The Virgin who we can see here

has the face of the wife of Genovesino

and some of the angels

have the faces of the children of Genovesino.

This painting is located in the Sant’Imerio Church

but in a different chapel

that in the beginning.

The date of this painting is 1651

and it is one of the main works of Genovesino.

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If you arrive here

it means that you finished visiting the Exhibition.

If you want to leave the Museum

you have to come back

the same way you entered.

If you want to continue visiting the Museum

you must move forward.

Remember that when your visit in the Museum is finished

you have to come back

the same way you entered.

Besides the paintings of Genovesino

which you have already seen in this exhibition

you can go and see other paintings

in following places below:

• the Cremona Cathedral

• the Town Hall of Cremona

• the San Siro Church in Soresina

• the Santa Maria dei Sabbioni Church in Cappella Cantone

Bear in mind that in these places

you can enter free of charge.

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This guide in the language that is easy to read and to understand

is created

by Anffas Cremona Onlus Association.

To create this guide

people with and without disabilities

worked together.

To create this guide

Anffas Cremona Onlus

collaborated with

the Museums network of Cremona

and the association CrArT.

This guide was created

for the Ci sei Musei? project

approved by the Municipality of Cremona.