oxford health insurance, inc. small group 2019 public comments€¦ · oxford health insurance,...

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments CMS modifications indicate a 14% reduction in Federal Risk Adjustment. Additionally, insurers are not doing enough to reduce costs and in the process accept massive waste and higher costs and pass them on to customers via rate increases approved here. WE STRONGLY DISAGREE with this rate increase request and recommend rejecting this rate increase and ask insurers to do a much better job at managing their costs. YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SKYROCKETING HEALTH CARE COSTS and STOP THIS NONSENSE. Do not approve any additional rate increases and ask insurers to pass along the 14 % reduced risk savings to customers immediately by reducing rates. Seriously?!? Please do not approve any further increases. This will effect our ability to hire and is WAY out of step with cost of living increases. Why such increases are needed year after year shows the entire system is out of whack. I wish I can increase rates year after year, but I am in a competitive business, and that just will not fly. Healthcare should be under the same rules. Was just notified of a potential premium increase requested by this insurance company. Does anyone there realize that people are having a very hard time paying these kind of absorbitant premiums? Sure they are saying that they project an increase in claims but I guess no one is allowed to get sick because the insurance companies always project an increase in claims every year. Where does it end? I am very frustrated and disappointed in the DFS for letting these insurance companies get away with this and I am sure I am not the only one to express this view! This has to stop at some point because I am not paying over $2,200 now in premium every month. I hope that you do not approve the increase and let the insurance company CEO's decrease their salaries to make up the difference! Thank you. a 9.2% increase is absurd. My last increase was only 14 months ago. I already pay too much please don't hurt hard working individuals and families who have to carry insurance. With the increase I will be paying $2,500 per month to insure A 11.% premium increase is totally unwarranted----or necessary. Coverage decreases and premiums increase! Thank goodness we are no longer forced to have medical coverage!!! DO NOT APPROVE THIS REQUESTED INCREASE. We will be unable to continue to offer coverage to our employees!

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Page 1: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

CMS modifications indicate a 14% reduction in Federal Risk Adjustment. Additionally, insurers are not doing enough to reduce costs and in the process accept massive waste and higher costs and pass them on to customers via rate increases approved here. WE STRONGLY DISAGREE with this rate increase request and recommend rejecting this rate increase and ask insurers to do a much better job at managing their costs. YOU HAVE TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SKYROCKETING HEALTH CARE COSTS and STOP THIS NONSENSE. Do not approve any additional rate increases and ask insurers to pass along the 14 % reduced risk savings to customers immediately by reducing rates.

Seriously?!? Please do not approve any further increases. This will effect our ability to hire and is WAY out of step with cost of living increases. Why such increases are needed year after year shows the entire system is out of whack. I wish I can increase rates year after year, but I am in a competitive business, and that just will not fly. Healthcare should be under the same rules.

Was just notified of a potential premium increase requested by this insurance company. Does anyone there realize that people are having a very hard time paying these kind of absorbitant premiums? Sure they are saying that they project an increase in claims but I guess no one is allowed to get sick because the insurance companies always project an increase in claims every year. Where does it end? I am very frustrated and disappointed in the DFS for letting these insurance companies get away with this and I am sure I am not the only one to express this view! This has to stop at some point because I am not paying over $2,200 now in premium every month. I hope that you do not approve the increase and let the insurance company CEO's decrease their salaries to make up the difference! Thank you.

a 9.2% increase is absurd. My last increase was only 14 months ago. I already pay too much please don't hurt hard working individuals and families who have to carry insurance. With the increase I will be paying $2,500 per month to insure

A 11.% premium increase is totally unwarranted----or necessary. Coverage decreases and premiums increase! Thank goodness we are no longer forced to have medical coverage!!! DO NOT APPROVE THIS REQUESTED INCREASE. We will be unable to continue to offer coverage to our employees!

Page 2: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed premium rate increase of 11.2% recently filed by Oxford Health Insurance Inc. I have been a customer for . I need health insurance because I have

and have required in the past and now I rely on to be able to function and work, there are several employees where I work that also require medical support due to minor injures and ailments. This proposed rate increase will be a major hardship for me. I believe that my carrier’s profits, administration, and executive compensations costs are too great and urge you to require it to invest more premium dollars into its customer’s health expenses. Even with this already expensive plan I find myself paying deductibles, premiums and co-pays in the hundreds of dollars every month. I would like to see more of the money we all pay go back to us. I strongly support the Department of Financial Services’ efforts to make more insurance more affordable and information about rate increases more accessible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you need more information about my situation, please find my email:

I received a letter with a proposed increase of 11%. this is after this year's increase of approximately 9%. So over 2 years, premiums are increasing by 20%. This is unconscionable and not sustainable for small businesses. Who is looking out for small business in this case and regulating these out of control rate hikes?

As a consumer, the employee rate for my family of is $3,173.40 per month which is $38,080.80 a year. My family is quite healthy and aside from yearly physicals, they don’t use that much in medical services. Numbers don’t lie so in this particular case, United HealthCare is making a huge profit. This is assuming United Healthcare/Oxford knows how to run efficiently….which we all know does. It’s one thing if my monthly premiums have not gone up, there would be less coverage but my premiums have been raised by at least 11% a year, for the past few years. This is unacceptable. In the near future many families will not be able to afford health care coverage and if they can, it won’t cover much. I can honestly say that next year I will be going on my wife’s insurance plan since she works . Therefore Oxford will be losing me as a subscriber….as many of my peers will be doing the same.

Any further increase will make the plan unaffordable and create undue hardship. We are a small business providing health insurance to employees totaling over $4,000 per month. The coverage is basic and still has a lot of out of pocket to employees. We are already paying a rate much higher than the average for the United States.

This is really just ridiculous that health insurance companies require price increases every single year. Profits in this industry are enormous for both the hospitals and insurance companies. There is no way they can make a case for an increase in fees. This must stop now! Those approving all these increases without a fight are ruining this country.

Page 3: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

The proposed rate increase by the insurance company is extremely high. The premium is extremely high to begin with for a small group and the increase will make it impossible to afford. I kindly as that you consider a lower increase, if any. Thank you

We were increased by 7% last year. A requested 8.9% increase is way too high. Should be closer to 2%, if any.

We were increased by almost 9% last year. 11% is way too high of an increase.

We urge you to deny the 11% premium increase Oxford requests. Our rates are EXORBITANT and their deductibles, copays and restrictions continue to increase. We are required to maintain health insurance, yet the costs of doing so get more and more prohibitive while the choices dwindle to nothing short of a monopoly and higher pay for Insurance company executives. JUST SAY NO, please!

I am the for our small company of . Health Insurance rates under Oxford have gone up every year - this past year by 7%. Individuals cannoy shoulder the burden of these growing healthcare costs. The companies/system must change. To expect the average person (especially living in ) to be able to pay $625+ or $1,000 per month for insurance is insane. It cannot be sustained. Please do not raise rates again! Thank you.

The constant increases at many times the rate of inflation has made the insurance cost more than rent. Living in , that is a sad comment on the noncompetitive pricing available to small businesses. We fully fund our staff's

coverage but it is very difficult to provide this.

I am dismayed and anxious to hear of the proposed 11.2% increase to our premium. This increase far exceeds any increase in income that is possible even over multiple years. This increase will ensure that medical insurance and medical care are NO LONGER AFFORDABLE to me and to many others. This excessive increase JEOPARDIZES our well-being. I STRONGLY URGE YOU TO DECLINE THIS 11.2% INCREASE on behalf of hard working Americans.

I believe the requested increase is not just. We have been incurring increases every year for the past 5 years. The current rates are high as they are, increasing them will affect our business as well as our employees. Please do not allow these rates to go up. Thank You

Page 4: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Dear DFS, Today, 06/09/2018, I've received a letter notice from my Health Insurance company regarding the request for my premium rate increase. I am not familiar with how this process goes; however, I'd like to opine that usually most health insurance company raise the rate often. Sometimes twice a year or at least once a year and they always use the reason due to Rising Medical Expenses. However, they may usually forget that in the same company, each employee's pay rate may differ based on their title, working experience and duty. Some employees may utilize the medical service more often than the others. Or there may be a little to no annual increase rate on employee's salary. For this sake, I personally believe it's not that fair for the insurers to often adjust the rate higher year after year. Even the State or Federal Government, may adjust the rate from employee's taxation, but it does not always go high every year which sometimes can be lessened. For instance, I joined my company around and started my insurance coverage in

On Mar 2018, we already had the premium rate increase and now I just got the notice about 2019 rate increase. Isn't that too often? Insurers may think that most employees may have routine salary rate increase annually, but it may not be aware that does not happen to all the staff or firms. Once the premium rate always increases, and service remains the same, it may be a shortcoming with insurers' own benefit rather than consumers. Thus, I'd like to share my comment with your authorities and urge your good department can closely review insurer's and consumer's stance before making the final decision. Thank you!

If NY state thinks it's reasonable for one plan to cost a family (mine) more than $3000 dollars a month for health insurance then by all means grant Oxford this rate increase......NOT!!!! What kind of country are we living in that my monthly health insurance premium is significantly higher then the average persons mortgage.

I am opposed to the 4.8% increased premium requested by Oxford. The American insurance industry has done very well for itself by gouging the American consumer, and this is yet another example of how it's done. Increases are necessary. I understand that. But a 4.8% increase is outrageous and typical in this sector of the economy. When the American worker is greeted with annual 4.8% raises, I'll be in favor of the request made by Oxford. Until then, dropping that increase by half would be more in keeping with what should happen, and STILL won't be near what the American worker receives in an annual increase - if they're even lucky enough to GET one.

With this high deductible plan and modest utilization, Oxford already makes a substantial profit on this plan. Further rate hikes are not warranted.

Page 5: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

This insurance company recorded a record profit off in profits in 2016 and increased my rate in 2017. In 2017 this insurance company profited a new record . This is an atrocity. My insurance has gone up almost 17% over the years I’ve had it , and yet my pay hasn’t increased at all. Why are you even considering allowing this company to increase its rate when it has set record profits in the hundreds of billion over the past few years. How can you “project” that you will need 4.5% more money in 2018, yet the profits of this company show they are in fact people.. I already pay 700 a month for health insurance. Can’t afford to cover my whole family and these people have the audacity to request an increase. 200 billion in profit is a crime. For the sake of my family and probably thousands of other family’s please don’t allow this company to increase rates further. I think they can profit a little less and make due. The rest of us have had to make due with their terrible policies and over gouged prices..

Yet again United Heath care (Oxford) is requesting a rate increase. Do you know the profit they showed for 2017? It gets larger every year. Billions of dollars. Not only that their profit increased. You need to stop this request and deny any increases. My cost of health care is at the point where I'm not sure I continue to keep it. Not only do I have my co-pays but they added deductibles and coinsurance amounts. Only you can stop this madness. If anything they need to reduce their rates. Let it begin with you. The people in New York are getting fed up with the cost and profits of the insurance industries.There has not been one person that I have talked with that is not in agreement with my thoughts.

Oxford wants to raise our premium rate 11%. Last year, they wanted to raise it 13%, plus our copays surged (e.g. a specialist visit went from $20 to $40!) The year before, premiums went up 10%. Meanwhile, inflation has only been 2%, and my company's annual raises are frozen at 3%. I fail to see how customers can be expected to pay hundreds of dollars extra every year, for the same amount of coverage, when they have no opportunity to earn that much extra. Nor do I believe that healthcare costs are genuinely skyrocketing at 5 times the rate of national inflation. It's up to the insurance companies to negotiate fair prices for care from providers - not constantly shove massive rate hikes onto consumers who simply want to get what they're paying for.

We are a small with a small group plan with people covered. We are now paying 2 to 3 times the premium we paid just 5 years ago.,with less coverage.If you allow them to continue raising their rates we are going to get to the point where the can no longer afford to cover our employees!

A 9.2% premium increase would put a burden on our company financially as well as our employees who may have to contribute more from their pay. The dwindling number of insurer options and climbing premium costs makes doing business in New York challenging to say the least. It would be nice to have at least one year free of increases.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

The plan has been very good and i like it. It is bankrupting me though. I pay over $24,000 out my paycheck every year, PLUS the $4,000 deductible, PLUS the 30% per year. How is it reasonable to pay nearly $30,000 PER YEAR for health insurance? I do not understand how the plan can increase between 8% and 15% every year. My wages do not increase at the same rate. It is clearly a shareholder increase.

For the last few years Oxford has increased their premiums by double digits or near double digits. As a small business who cannot control the cost of the increase but are subject to a small business rate it is becoming too much to constantly have these increase absorbed or passed onto our employees. Please do not approve.

The propose rate increase shall be prohibited. The burden will keep more and more people out of health insurance. Besides, the ridiculous yearly increases from Oxford have not improved any quality of service. It is getting worse and worse.

Insurance Rates cannot keep increasing at this pace. My monthly Family plan in May just went up by $40 per week! You are going to take middle class families to low income at this rate. Not a sustainable alternative for State Governments and their politicians interested in keeping their offices. Get creative, push back, find alternatives. Obama care promised to provide savings to US Families on healthcare, this system is not working.

I am opposed to any rate increases. My coverage has been constantly reduced and the premiums are constantly increasing. I own a small business and an almost 10% increase is unacceptable.

The insurance premium is toooooooooo expensive, and we are unable to afford.

I understand that Oxford is requesting rate increase for the plan my company has with them. I believe the rate increase should be denied. We have had this plan for over years. It started as a plan offering my employees and I a $20 copay and an overall deductable of $ 200. Today the same plan, has a co pay of $ 70, and a deductable of $ 2500 when using a physician other than the primary doctor. There is no deductable when using your primary doctor. Benefits in this plan have lessened, and I believe Oxford was receiving the ok, from the State to raise its rates throughout the year period. Given the dramatic lessening of benefits provided by Oxford to its clients throughout our relationship with them, I cannot see how and increase in rates would be justified. I think if Oxford were to provide some relief to its customers, then an increase in rates would be justified.

Page 7: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

This insurance company is requesting a rate increase of 10%, which is triple the standard increase of living most people get. We are a not for profit company. We are not here to make money. This insurance company, on the other hand, seems to want to take in a lot of money via their premiums but when it comes time to disburse money for health care, they make it very difficult and often deny legitimate claims made on behalf of their customers. Should we reward them with approval of an increase in rates? I think not. I vehemently deny this rate increase until they can show better accountability in how they handle premium increases and disbursements of funds. Unfortunately for small companies like us, we are limited in our choices of insurance, which are required by law. These insurance companies need to be held accountable and not allow their premiums to rise to a level where they already are, driving the overinflation of health care costs and making it difficult for companies to offer benefits to their employees. NO TO ANY INCREASES!

Our rate has increased approximately 10% every year, yet we do not receive any more value for our money. I strongly disapprove of this onerous increase.

I am . Their rates have consistently increased and the reimbursements to providers has consistently decreased. I think that the application for an 8% rate increase on top of the recent rate increase is egregious and unwarranted. I would hope that this application be denied.

Hello, I just got this insurance in . I really can't afford to have one of my expenses just increase mid-year. It seems to me that increasing my premium and chalking it up to medical costs leaves it open ended so that I don't actually understand what I'm paying for with this increase. (ie. if the cost of some type of treatment that I never have and never will use increases, they could just raise my premium because medical costs) I ask that you please deny their claim. I'm already shelling out money monthly for services that I won't be using monthly. Thank you for your time.

Dear Sir or Madam: I received notice that our insurance company, Oxford, is planning on raising our company's group premium by 11%. I implore you to consider reducing this increase. I understand that, given the government's inability to work together toward providing comprehensive, affordable health insurance options results in the fact that we all have to pony up and contribute, however 11% seems extraordinarily high. Considering most of us only get a 2 or 3% annual increase in our salaries, the increase sought by Oxford would not only wipe out our raises, but cause additional financial hardship. Please consider this when making your decision. Thank you very much. Sincerely,

The medical claims associated with this injury fall under a All doctors have been made aware of this and are in the process of releasing information on my behalf; therefore, I am requesting no rate change as proposed by my insurance.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

9.2% seems an excessive amount to increase premiums, particularly given nearly stagnant wages, and the fact that Oxford hasn't really added any value, nor tried particularly hard to make the policy more efficient or to add any value. Simply citing rising costs (far exceeding inflation,) and increased utilization (which they should be better at predicting,) seems insufficient to justify a large increase, in what is already a large expense for any small business.

11.2% is a very big increase. I understand that expenses go up for businesses but my income has remained the same for the last 2 years while my insurance has only increased. Please reconsider this increase. Thank you

Hello, I received the letter from Oxford indicating that they want to increase our insurance again. We pay outragous premiums now, especially for a small group. I just think these increases should be places where they belong and that's with large groups. They state that the increase is due to rising medication costs and treatment costs. The rise is due to the fact that the contractual agreement these doctors have with the insurance companies. The doctors' overcharge, but it doesn't matter because the doctor can charge $1,000 and get paid my $5 dollar co-pay and maybe $54.32 paid by Oxford just as an example. Soon, everyone will be on the marketplace and all insurance companies are going to loose their high end clients with Platnium plans as they're just not affordable anymore. Hopefully you do NOT approve this increase Oxford is requesting. For one person in my company a single I already pay over $1,000K per head, per month. Not to mention if they have a family, spouse, or child! Thank you for your time and consideration,

We respectfully request that the recent rate change proposal be denied. we have sustained 11% increases for each year and the cost of insurance is no longer affordable. The cost for our family is $31,400 pr/yr ( of our yearly net income). Not to mention that nothing ever seems to be covered and we are forced to pay out of pocket any how. Thank you in advance....

To Whom it May Concern, I strongly oppose this proposed rate increase. It continually increases each year, and for less services. My group has a $2500 deductible which has not been touched as of June. We should be rewarded (perhaps with no increase,) not penalized, for barely using the plan, and taking advantage of the health care plan. Please reconsider. Small businesses are difficult as it is and these increases really hurt. Thank you,

Page 9: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

My company signed on with this insurance company to put more of the responsibility on the member to spend money wisely in order to save cost on our premiums. With our deductibles and the amount we pay out of pocket after meeting the deductible, I have yet to have the insurance company pay anything besides the agreed contractual amounts and any well visits. I have been working diligently to ensure I am not spending an outrageous amount in order to keep my and the health insurance costs lower. Now we are going to have increases. I know others are not working as hard or diligently to ensure their own personal costs remain low, but yet we all have to pay. I would like to see a plan that caters to what the user spends in health care costs. That is the only way you will see everyone working to lower their own personal costs.

A proposed 9.9% increase will devastate me. This is far above the cost of living increase and while I am a , my income has actually lowered. Please consider a national average cost of living increase that is


My business simply cannot adsorb any additional increase in healthcare premium. We are not mandated to pay for our employee's insurance cost, but we have been anyway. Our annual costs have increased every year since we began insuring our people through Oxford/United Health. If this increase is authorized, my company will have to discontinue coverage for these employees, forcing them to seek public assistance and Medicaid. This premium increase should not be authorized.

Hello, We have received a notice of proposed premium rate change for our current healthcare coverage, and would like to request it be reevaluated. We are a small company, and our current premiums are already expensive, so a 9.2% seems unreasonable and excessive to us and our employees. Please consider this request and feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thank you,

Hello, We have received a notice of proposed premium rate change for our current healthcare coverage, and would like to request it be reevaluated. We are a small company, and our current premiums are already expensive, so a 11% seems unreasonable and excessive to us and our employees. Please consider this request and feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thank you,

Hello, We have received a notice of proposed premium rate change for our current healthcare coverage, and would like to request it be reevaluated. We are a small company, and our current premiums are already expensive, so a 5.5% seems unreasonable and excessive to us and our employees. Please consider this request and feel free to reach out to me with any questions. Thank you,

Page 10: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Oxford Health Plan's increase for 2018 has not even gone into effect yet and they are already asking for another 14% increase for 2019. Year after year my health insurance premiums increase as Oxford gets a rubber stamp each year for approval on their rate increases. I have an individual coverage plan and my premiums if this increase is approved, will soon be approaching $1000.00 a month. Where will it stop ? When will it end ? At this rate, It will cost of my salary just for health insurance. When will the Department of Health deny one of these rate increases ?

The rate increase of 11.2% (!!!) suggested by our insurance company for our group is extremely exaggerated! over the past years that we are insured with Oxford- the rates keep increasing annually by over 10% without justification, and this is becoming too costly and unfair to the employees of our company. we are asking not to approve any increase for the current costly health insurance plan we have. Thank you in advance

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. is proposing a 5.5% increase in premiums for 2019. This amounts to a net loss of revenue for me despite being productively employed. There is no way I'm going to see a 5.5% increase in my salary at the end of this year, so I'm just having even more of my paycheck gouged for healthcare that does a poor job of covering my healthcare needs. My employer only offers a single health plan option, so I cannot choose a lower premium higher deductible option, so I am locked in with this healthcare plan and cannot afford to get my own private insurance and do not qualify for Affordable Care Act insurance plans due to my income. Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. cites increasing health care costs that must be distributed among the various participants in its health plans, but I am curious how much of the brunt of that increase in healthcare costs the Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. CEO, CFO, and COO are going to bear. Will they voluntarily refuse a pay raise and donate the amount of money they would have received as a pay raise to helping to reduce the increase in premiums for members? If not, why do they think that they deserve a pay raise while the rest of us deserve a pay cut? I am curious to know about the ethics of this situation, and I sincerely hope my elected officials will shackle this healthcare giant and bring it to heel. It is unreasonable to increase premiums by more than a percent or two per year as doing so makes all of us poorer and, therefore, less able to access healthcare due to reduced ability to pay co-pays and deductibles in the first place. In the final analysis, it is not really health insurance if it is so expensive that you cannot use it. Rather, it is simply the illusion of healthcare, and I am increasingly concerned that this is the direction in which our country is headed.

This rate increase should be denied. Oxford provides minimal coverage, in fact prescriptions are cheaper through GoodRx than through Oxford insurance, their own customer service representatives recommend that you use GoodRx not their insurance. Plus they have not improved their service or added benefits, there is no rationale for a rate increase.

I disagree with the increase in premium. Premiums are extremely high as is and the middleman just cannot pay that much out of pocket.

Page 11: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

The Proposed Premium Rate Change is injust. We pay enough premium, coinsurance and co-pays. There has to be a better way; it's not fair that we pay so much for health care. The plans only pay the doctors a fraction of what they bill,so why are we still paying so much for these plans? We can't get sick! it's too expensive!!

I am highly against the increase of the group's premium to 4.8%. I work at a small company and I cannot afford to have a higher premium taken out of my paycheck. I hope DFS's views on this matter align similarly to mine and do not approve an unnecessary rate change.

While coverage has decreased in quality, rates have only increased. Oxford is terrible.

While coverage has decreased in quality, rates have only increased. Oxford is terrible.

As a worker for whom the cost of living continues to increase while wages do not, I contend with the proposed rate increase. I speak only for myself and not my organization, but I do note that my organization is a small not-for-profit. In this light, I worry our insurance may get dropped if rates continue to increase. In a country where healthcare has been historically linked to the jobs of citizens, it sets a bad precedent to out-price employers for their staff healthcare. Many other not-for-profits in the area no longer offer their staff healthcare, leaving hardworking citizens uninsured. This leaves their employees one health scare away from severe poverty. I disagree with any rate increases.

I oppose any increases to the current premium rates. Insurance companies feel they have the right to increase rates every year, however they also reduce coverage and raise all co-pays and premiums at the same time. While I understand costs increase over time, their service does not justify the increases they impose on customers and are way higher then inflation and increases in income

Hi, This proposed increase in rate is very worrisome to me - they raised my rates for my second year in June, 2018 approx 12% and if they were to then add another rate increase of 11% my premiums would be close to $1,500/month which is just not affordable at all for my small group. As a small business, I already stretch to offer good health care but this would make it almost impossible to maintain at approx. $18,000/year. In addition to that there is already a large deductible of $3,000 so over $21,000 a year just to have insurance is outrageous and would be debilitating to my business.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

I strongly diasagree with this increase. Especially since my insurance was just increased last year. I’m a small business owner and it’s becoming harder and harder to operate in New York. This will just make things worse and force me to move out of the state. Please do not allow the greed of insurance companies continue.

I don't like a rate increase because my salary is low, the premium is a burden to me.

I am a , I don't have much money to pay for premium.

Dear Sir, Madam, I write to file an objection on the proposed premium rate increase of 12.6% recently filed by Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Our company has been a policyholder since . In the last 3 years we have already seen increases of 2.78%, 5.09% and 6%. This additional proposed rate increase of 11.2% will have a substantial impact on our staff budgets. I encourage the Department to carefully review our insurance company’s filing. I urge you to ensure that a maximum investment is made in consumer medical claims. I strongly support the Department of Financial Services’ efforts to make more insurance more affordable and information about rate increases more accessible. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you need more information about our company, please feel free to contact me. Best regards,

I don't understand why Employee/Spouse coverage is more expensive than Employee with Children as the maximum persons covered under the first plan is two persons and the number of persons covered under the second plan can be anywhere from two persons to any number up to the total amount of children on the plan along with the employee. Seems VERY UNFAIR that my premium, for Employee/Spouse is substantially more than Employee with Children. Please revisit your position.

The state should deny the outrageous United HealthCare request for 8.8% premium request. Overall national inflation is low and the CEO of United Health Care earned an obscene $66.13 million in compensation in one year: http://www.courant.com/business/connecticut-insurance/hc-united-health-group-ceo-pay-20150407-story.html

The increase is a higher percent than salary increases can be. This is a great strain on policy holders that often go to the doctor but don't pay the required fee to the doctor. This could cause future problems as the doctors won't be happy. People who do pay properly will eventually despair if they have high payments and must work more yet have no extra money. Also, if they skimp on food and shelter to pay bills this will cause further health problems and higher costs.

Page 13: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Hello, I received a letter in the mail informing me about the Premium Rate Changes. My comment towards this situation is that I do not believe raising the price is doing anyone better. Some of us struggle paying the present price as it is, raising it would cause financial problems to many of us members.

Once again, a company providing a bad product is claiming it is afraid it will have to do its job, so asks permission to charge consumers even more money upfront. It claims that the rising costs of medical services warrant a premium increase: no, that just means you will have to pay on the insurance you agreed to provide at the cost of profits. The state should deny Oxford's request to raise premiums. It is making plenty of profit already.

Please do not approve this rate increase I am a single person trying to make a living. Every doctor visit is $40 and I have so I need a specialist. Please have compassion on me the pay check is not going up just all the bill. Please do

not approve increase

As a small business, it is becoming increasingly difficult to accommodate health insurance premium increases of 10 -20% EVERY year - this equates to an extra $30K - $50K in expenses for us year-on-year for no difference in service. In our opinion, this is completely unacceptable - what is our government doing about this? If our country's inflation rate between 2 - 3%, why is the cost of health care rising so disproportionately? Are you, as our representatives, questioning the insurance companies about this and investigating the data that they are supplying to you? Quite simply, it is becoming unmanageable for us and we feel that our government continues to sit idly by and let it destroy small business.

To whom it may concern: Generally speaking, I have no ideological opposition to a rate increase if care were being provided properly. That being said, I have been told to wait for 60 days to get an and see a because... money? I have a now and I still will in 60 days, are they hoping that I'll die within that time? This kind of delay is typical of any insurer operating in NYS. My company pays my insurance tab and with the denials and constant downgrading of what is covered under the prescription drug formulary, I don't feel that United Health Care Oxford is really providing what we're paying so much for. Nor does any Insurer. The sheer fact that my pharmacist cannot accurately tell me what something will cost from one day to the next is a scandal. So, I'm sure that this process will result in the rate increase because no one cares that people are being hurt by companies like United Healthcare, and others. They demand everything and pay out extremely little. If only the DFS represented the interests of New Yorkers and not insurance companies, what a state we would live in. Thank you for your time and attention. Sincerely,

Page 14: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

I already pay more for my health insurance than for my mortgage. This is absolutely getting ridiculous that the charges go up every year. Who can afford to live in NY anymore?

We object to the Proposed Premium Rate Change. Health insurance premiums are unreasonably high as it is, a further increase will cause hardship on the firm and our employees as we will likely have to reduce the benefits in order to afford coverage.

NO RATE INCREASE! Insurance companies keep boo hooing that they cannot make ends meet but it is not true. They are the reason everything has been run into the ground- they are thieves who already barely cover anything and alter doctors visits and codes to avoid paying. They do not give the consumer information much less answer a phone, and then determine what the doctor can and cannot do. It is not because they cannot afford it, it is because they are yet another greedy group who only have their personal interests in mind. Raising rates will;l put more money in their mismanaged little pockets, and will only ensure that MORE PEOPLE cannot afford coverage whatsoever but also cannot qualify for low income coverage. It is bad enough as it is, raising the rates is ridiculous. DO NOT APPROVE!!! They have money, they just don't want to use it. Maybe the ups should cut their salaries, or pay into a better healthcare system, or be more transparent with coming and pricing- they have answers so please do not approve them getting another cent.

I strongly oppose the proposed rate hike. Health insurance companies' profits continue to skyrocket, especially at the top levels. The claim that their costs are increasing (if true), does not equate to an increase in costs to the consumer. They can easily take less profits, and smaller bonuses, etc., to cover these claimed expenses. Each year the consumer pays more and more in health insurance costs, making do with less income. Please do not rubber stamp this proposed increase. Thank you.

UnitedHealthcare/Oxford had requested a premium rate increase for 2019. This rate increase is ridiculous and any cost increases should not be passed along to the consumer. We pay a huge amount of premium out of pocket as it is, some of us working just for health coverage because the cost of coverage leaves us with very little income left over!

I am a and the rate increase on top of the large deductible makes it very hard to survive on ! Every year I worry about an increase and how it will affect my financial situation.

I received a notice that Oxford is planning to increase our rate by 8.8% for our group plan. This rate increase request is ridiculous and any cost increases should not be passed along to the consumer.

Page 15: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

I have received notice that my insurance company has requested a 8.8% increase in my premium. Please accept this as my firm objection to this proposed increase. There is nothing more galling than to be asked for more money from your policy holders while the stock and salary for the CEO goes through the roof! Stop feeding the stockholders and take care of your policy holders!!! PLEASE REJECT THIS INCREASE!!!!!!! Thank you.

I am writing in response to the UnitedHealthcare's request to the NYS DFS for a premium rate increase. An 8.8% raise is absolutely unwarranted, unnecessary, and provides for cost increases being passed down to the consumer, i.e. myself and my family. Please act in the best interest of the citizens of your state and decline this request.

Group Number we are advocating that our premium not go up. Health should be affordable and it is not. Rate increases should not be passed on to the patient.

This rate increase request is ridiculous and any cost increase should not be passed along to the consumer. It is already too expensive to pay for health insurance as it is, and any increases would only bring quality of life down.

Insurers love to say they have to increase premiums due to rise in health costs. I understand that health costs are rising, but insurers still guarantee MAXIMUM profits by passing along those costs to their customers, instead of absorbing any of it ever. Instead of petitioning the State of New York for permission to increase premiums, insurers should use this time and expense and instead be lobbying the government for legislation to cut the costs of medical services and prescription drugs. It is not sustainable that every year the premiums go up and up. They are going up faster than the rate of inflation, faster than job growth, faster than wage growth. At some point, health insurance will just be for the wealthiest 1% and rest of us will be left bankrupted. That is where this country is heading unless corporations, like insurance companies, prioritize people over profits. We demand change.

We oppose any increase in the health premiums for United Health Care. They have had compounding increases over the past 5 years. The increases has made health care very expensive for a small company of employees. Please deny their petition to increase rates.

At this time I/We are protesting the proposed and requested 8.8% rate change. Due to the fact that the health provider will not make as much profit is not a reason to pass this onto the consumer.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

This rate increase is absolutely ridiculous and should not affect the consumers.

I think its ridiculous that increases just seem to be automatic every year. Year over year there are increases yet the insurance companies do nothing to trim their own cost and increase efficiency so the savings can be passed on. However, they continue to hike rates and squeeze the everyday worker. To carry our family on this plan as it stands is already quite burdensome. I hope that you will deny these increases. This norm of annual increases needs to be stopped!

The first time I really needed my health insurance was this spring. Right after that, I received a rate increase letter dated June 6th, 2018 that says one of the factors is increase in the amount of services used. I would like to know exactly what factors are causing an 11.2% increase in my premium. I wish I could raise my rates so dramatically. The insurance coverage is weaker, and the rates are higher since the Affordable Care Act went into effect. All the available health insurance plans for small groups are terrible, and the cost is high. They are basically catastrophic coverage. I do not want this rate increase approved. In fact, they should be proposing a reduction. I would approve a reduction.

Proposed rate increase of 11.2% is outrageously high. Personally I am currently paying about of my adjusted gross income for premiums, PLUS another for uncovered medical costs. On top of the triple tax burden that comes with living in , these are crippling numbers, which do not allow me to invest in growing my small company. My pays way more than for family's coverage, with the same burdensome result for uncovered costs. Oxford is the only plan available for us with out-of-network benefits which I appreciate, however it should be taken into consideration that in , the majority of doctors that we see are not in-network. Changing doctors is not really an option. I also note that as per the proposal letter, changes to the ACA has resulted in an additional increase to rates of 0.5%.

The proposed increase of 5.5% is way above the inflation rate. Rising medical costs is a vague reason for the increase. Companies and individuals cannot sustain these increases.

I am not convinced that Oxford needs to raise its premiums, and I suggest that DFS not approve the application. Oxford already charges its customers high premiums, deductions, co-insurance, and co-pays ($70 per visit for a specialist, which means that I cannot afford to get needed because even just 10 visits would cost me $700 out of pocket). Oxford needs to cut administrative waste and look at its executives' salaries, not raise premiums on its customers. Thank you.

Page 17: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

To Whom It may Concern: Medical Insurance Premiums are already very high, and increase every year well above the level of inflation. Copays and deductibles are also very high. Medical insurance becomes year after year a larger percentage of our household expenses. This creates a true hardship for our household.

The cost of health insurance is out of hand. Small companies are restricted and the required number of employees required to participate is ridiculous. When ACA was in discussion, we incurred a 17% increase, the following year an 11% increase and increases keep coming. The increases approved in those years should fund the ACA nonsense. Working and living in NY is not a pleasurable experience. When is the working class going to get a break!

It is infuriating that Health Insurance companies are the ONLY COMPANIES IN THE WORLD that ask and RECEIVE a 10% or more annualized increase from the exact regulators that are supposed to cull their increases! Please imagine the chaos that would ensue in the US economy if we had a 10% inflation every year -- put another way, if everybody's salary were to be lowered by 10% every year. To add insult to injury, these same insurers are very apt at requiring pages upon pages of documentation and multiple hour-long calls to pay even a dime above the measly rates that they have negotiated with hospitals and doctors. If you have any desire whatsoever to not be labeled as being in the pocket of the health insurers and be considered anywhere near what needs to be a true regulator, then not only deny their 10% increase, but FREEZE THEIR INCREASES for at least 5 (FIVE) years, because in the last 2 years their rates have already increased exponentially (a combined 30%).

I am against the rate increase because it is increasingly difficult to justify having insurance even though I always have had it. I've always thought it is irresponsible to not have insurance but I pay over $400 a month and a $50 copay for office visits and get very poor service in return. Oxford does not cover much of the healthcare I need. It is very difficult to locate new doctors who are accepting new patients. The smallest communication glitch results in delayed prescription filling. Oxford is the only insurance option offered by my employer. It is overall slightly more expensive for me to switch to a provider in the NY Healthcare Exchange. I might end up doing this during the next open enrollment period. I also have close friends and family who I wish get ensured but can't afford it. Healthcare is a travesty here. It needs to be improved, not made more expensive. Btw, although I indicated above that my insurance is a PPO, I'm not sure if it is because it doesn't say anywhere in my documentation or on my insurance card. I can tell you I subscribe to a plan that does not require a referral.

The proposed rate increase is unacceptable and outrageous. I do not support this decision

Page 18: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Our organization offers Oxford health insurance for employees. Oxford health insurance has been increased the premium every year, but I don't think they improve their services, nor lower the deductible. The insurance company makes excuses about the hospital or medical cost increased. However although it increased, the insurance company never fully pay them. When I read explanation of benefit, hospitals/doctors' office/lab they over charge them because they already know the insurance company always underpay them. The insurance company pays whatever amount they decided. Based on my experience and observation, I can only say insurance company use extra money they collect from consumers they use for their own needs. This year again, Oxford requested almost 8% of increase. As they increase more, employer cannot offer or cover a better health insurance to their employees, and employees end up pay more their premium.

Hello, I received a letter in the mail regarding a rate change. Could someone please contact me to further explain?



Oxford should not be granted any rate increase because the there premiums are to high for what is offered. I have the lowest plan available with $6000.00 deductible and copay which I never make so it is all out of pocket. I work for a non-profit that last year gave a 2% raise and this year nothing because of no money why should a multi billion dollar company get a raise of any kind. If anything have them rollback premiums 10% to be fair. Or upgrade there policies by eliminating deductibles and lowering out of pocket costs. Furthermore if they are not willing to due this stop them from writing any insurance in NY State. Thank You!!!

Page 19: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Less than one year ago my workplace, a , changed insurance providers in order to lower premiums for employees. Should this change happen, most employees in my group will face an unreasonable increase forcing us to choose healthcare options over other normal requirements of daily living. Most employees in my organization earn less than per year, in fact many are earning substantially less. As living costs continue to soar in , an over 11% increase in my Healthcare premium will be dramatic and unacceptable. This is a major increase and totally unfair that people like myself who work hard in are being forced to pay for the problems of huge insurance companies. Their fight over Medicare costs should not be automatically dumped on regular working people like myself who can not afford another increased living expense.

I am not in agreement with the proposed premium increase for my employer's group premium for 8.8%. That is too costly for the type of insurance that I have.

The rate increase should not be passed along to the consumer.

I have reviewed the rate increase request and checked the percentage numbers with the current industry healthcare cost increases and find the request is unwarranted and unjustifiable. Canvasing fellow work associates, it is evident that there is no increase at all in their medical needs.

I do believe that this rate increase is unsatisfactory and wrong. I also believe that any cost increases should not be passed.

Based on reports regarding the outrageous markups regarding medications, increasing the burden on policy holders is just ridiculous and will only further cause hardships on the average plan participant. Any associated costs with increased care SHOULD NOT be passed onto the consumer but should be dealt with between the providers, carriers and drug manufacturers.

Page 20: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

I oppose the proposed increase in health insurance rates. I do not believe that the reasons put forward to justify it are specific, concrete and definite enough to warrant the increase. Furthermore, I do not believe the insurer is providing competent, adequate, or honest services as it is, and they should not be rewarded for such misbehavior by giving them the ability to bilk the public out of more money. To illustrate: A few weeks ago I was

. I went to a local location in but when the receptionist told me the co-pay would be $75 (even though my insurance card says the copay to see a PCP is only $25) because any visit to is billed as an urgent visit, I decided to not see a doctor and instead, wait and see if my body gets over it on its own. Thankfully, it did. But for someone who pays hundreds of dollars every month (and that is just my share, not my employer's) for health insurance and seeks to make use of it on very rare occasions, it is very frustrating and disappointing to learn that in reality, the cost to me to see a doctor under my insurance is at least 3 times what I expected. Sincerely,

I do believe this rate increase is absurd. I don't think the consumer should be paying any type of cost increases.

I am sending this on behalf of Oxfords letter of a price increase. I am very much concern of there price increase that they put in of 11.5% i pay now for me and my wife $2,150.00 per. month and cant even afford that and i need this type of coverage because both me and my wife suffer from and this would make it impossible for me to pay this increase. I am by writing this complaint and hope that others are doing the same to fight for this increase not to be approved. Thank You

I strongly protest the proposed increase of 11% for 2019. As it is, each year the rate is increased with absolutely no benefit to me as a consumer (and my fellow consumers as well). Besides for the premium increase on top of the high premium to begin with, the co-pays increased as well. Doctor's cannot administer care, only as directed by the insurance company. For example, you have to take PAY for x-rays and then take an MRI when the x-rays weren't necessary, but that is what the insurance demands. With increased premiums quality care goes down, and overall healthcare decreases as consumers visit doctors less often. Keeping the rate as it is, in this economy is the most logical route to go. Thank you.

We're a small startup, the proposed hike in insurance costs would add up to tens of thousands per year for us, which is simply not affordable. Please keep the needs of small business in mind when considering requests from this insurance company. We want to keep offering our employees health care, we want to keep hiring, and we want to stay afloat. Rising costs with no rising benefits prevent all small businesses from doing so.

Page 21: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

We vehemently object to any proposed rate increases of Oxford. I have raised objections to these yearly rate increases every year and they fall on deaf ears. This is a charade as you have undoubtedly decided to approve the increase as you do every year, despite the insured's objections. However, for the record let my objections be noted. Oxford's crying poverty is invalid. Their profits continue to increase yearly despite the supposed increased health care costs.

I do not feel that it is justified to increase the rate on our small group plan based on the minimal utilization that our company plan has generated thus far. We pay a hefty premium already to Oxford Health Plans and the insurance provider already profits tremendously from our small group. As the employer/administrator who makes the direct decision of which plans to provide for our staff (including my own family), this rate increase may price us out of this insurance coverage for the 2019 calendar year. Please reconsider this proposed 8.9% increase as unjustified in our case.

Premiums have been increased every year, and especially last year's increase was 8.28% which is a pretty stiff increase. I wonder how much health insurers' profit is up every year. The premium increase should be minimal.

Continuing to allow this/these carriers to now annually petition for increases in the premiums of 7 plus percent will lead to us dropping this coverage. The price point on the premiums is so high for value received that it makes sense for us to discontinue this coverage in favor of cut rate benefits and in favor of pushing the burden of premium increases onto our employees.

I, hereby request a more specific detailed notice regarding the proposed premium rate change and reason for the increase.

In 2016 my monthly premium was $1425.19 a month. In 2017, it increased by 12.01% to $1596.43. In 2018, it increased by 12.21% to $1791.43. My salary increases were less than half of the premium increases. Please stop this craziness of letting the insurance companies request and get whatever they want. It is a huge burden on my middle income family. Please help! Thank You.

Page 22: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

My husband and I have only been on the Oxford Freedom plan (under United Healthcare) for , and we were shocked by the proposed increase. Our copayments are already quite high ($40 for an office visit to a specialist), as is our monthly premium, and 11% is simply an exorbitant cost increase. We are a young couple who have, in the past year, been lucky enough to finally make enough money to get off of Medicaid, and are now trying to budget our money for rent, utilities, student loans, food, transportation, and of course, insurance. Right now our monthly cost of health insurance is equivalent to half our rent, which would be ludicrous in the rest of the world. We are trying to save for our future. If our premium rises at an 11% rate, it would put significant strain on our budget and, I'm sure, the lives of other enrollees. We have had a pleasant experience with Oxford so far, and we would like to maintain a good relationship, therefore we request that these projected costs be made up elsewhere, and not placed on the shoulders of enrollees who already pay a high monthly rate. At the very least, we request that the rate hike be significantly decreased. Thank you for your time and consideration.

This rate increase request is ridiculous and any cost increases should not be passed along to the consumer.

RE: To Whom It May Concern: My business partner and I currently use the above referenced plans for ourselves and our employees. We received a letter from Oxford notifying us of their intent to file an application with you to approve a rate increase of up to 11% in 2019. This is absurd. Our out-of-network benefits have already been drastically cut from a payout according to usual and customary to 140% of the Medicare fee schedule. Our in and out-of-network deductibles have doubled in the last year and a rate increase has already been applied to our group premium. Pharmacy benefits have been cut and co-pays have been increased. As the , I can say that the cost of services provided by our clients has not gone up in the last year. It seems like the increase in insurance premiums is not translating to increased pay to medical providers, but rather increased profits for the carriers. Seeing as how costs have not gone up and benefits have been cut, I see no justification for this enormous rate increase. Thank you. Regards,

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Unknown Insurer2019 Public Comments

-----Original Message----- From: Insurance Inquiry Sent: Friday, June 08, 2018 9:42 AM To: Subject: NYS Department of Financial Services Consumer Assistance Unit Inquiry : Your inquiry submitted to the NYS Department of Financial Services Consumer Assistance Unit has been received and will be reviewed promptly. The information you entered is as follows: Your Name: Email:

Your Company/Organization: Daytime Telephone#: You are a(n): CONSUMER Type of Insurance question/comment: HEALTH Your Questions and/or Comments have been recorded as follows: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Why do health insurance costs go up every year without fail? And why do you use obfuscating language in your increase notice. "Modify"! "Change"! oh please! This is a shameful racket and anyone- anyone who plays a part in it should be ashamed of themselves. Wake up and be human! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sincerely, New York State Department of Financial Services Consumer Assistance Unit. email at: [email protected]

Page 44: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

I strongly protest the rate increase. I pay $880 a month for insurance that has $1000 in network deductible. I only have insurance for fear that I will be hit by a car, and against my will be taken to a hospital. This rate is double what I paid 3 years ago, for a plan that had a $0 in network deductible. Please please please put limits on corporate greed. Health insurance is a basic right, and it hadn't played that way in this country for the past few decades and it's getting worse.

This high deductible policy has a proposed premium rate change of 5.5%. The premium increase is too high - this is a small company and we can not afford to offer our people 5.5% raises. It should be level with a cost of living increase at 3%.

This high deductible policy has a proposed premium rate change of 5.4%. The premium increase is too high - this is a small company and we can not afford to offer our people 5.4% raises. It should be level with a cost of living increase at 3% flat.

I received a letter that Oxford is looking for an 8.9% premium increase. My portion of the current insurance premium is $24,518.00 per year (plus the company portion). That entitles me to a $70 per visit co-pay and $2,500.00 per person deductible, which none of my family has even come close to meeting. So I'll be out of pocket about $30,000.00 this year, and $0 cost to Oxford. And now they want another 8.9%. Please do not approve their increase request.

My family and I object to an insurance rate hike because we pay a very high premium as it is, have limited service as it is and have had to suffer the financial and coverage impacts of one presidential administration trying to help all consumers and the next administration trying to help all insurance companies with apparently no regard, beyond making empty promises, for actual consumers. We object to paying more because our insurance company (which has three names in New York and I'm damned if I know who they really are nationwide, or whether I've even selected their actual name from the drop-down menu) has spent part of its enormous profits to assess how best to maintain profit levels in an uncertain regulatory environment. Let the insurance companies absorb a little of the pain that consumers are having to bear. They already have undue influence over their own regulation, since they can lobby regulatory bodies, and because, after the Citizens United ruling, they are to be considered 'persons'. Well, persons are suffering, so, they can join the group.

Page 45: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

I am commenting to strongly urge the Department of Financial Services not to allow Oxford to raise premium rates. My name is , I am years old, and I spend over $1,000 per month on average on medical care at my current premium rates. This is assuming nothing major comes up, like when I had and required

, or when I had . You see, I have which make my life more difficult -

I am a , I have , and a host of . I am forever grateful to the medical community for keeping me alive and mostly well, however, insurance increases have made it increasingly more difficult to pay for my constant medical care. I am currently spending 1/3 of my monthly income on medical expenses. It is exorbitant, unreasonable, and unfair to raise premiums and charge me even more. Again, I strongly urge NY DFS to DENY Oxford's proposed premium rate increase for 2019.

To Whom It May Concern: UnitedHealthcare has over the year been limiting my affordability to basic healthcare services and thus should not be permitted to raise premiums for providing less services. For example, sonograms use to be a $90 copay and now it's a $2,000 annual deductible before I get to pay $80 copay per exam. My coworker in her third trimester had to pay $340 for each sonogram. She was having a complicated pregnancy and had to have them often. I have a that my doctor requests biannual sonograms to monitor. So I have to pay $680 a year or risk cancer by only doing it annually or every other year to avoid the financial burden. Women's health and general health is under attack and this and other insurance companies shouldn't be able to get away with this for-proof game. Please deny their request for a premium rate increase. I get this insurance through my company. I couldn't afford it or any other insurance otherwise. So I'm trapped with their reduced services. In addition, they stopped providing access to common birth control pill brands and now require you to use generic brands if you want it free or pay $150 per month on top of the $100 annual deductible for requesting birth control prescriptions. This is why many don't have insurance, why pay for nothing. Sincerely, An American asking for basic human rights.

How do you continually approve rate increases beyond the cost of living while companies provide lesser services? Education is capped, taxes are capped but health insurance rises without check while plans and options diminish. Who approves such outlandish rate increase? You should keep in mind these rate increases have grown beyond the rate of inflation every year. That's simply bad management by the OFS

Rate increases like this 8% every year is a burden on families and small businesses. This results in changing policies that have less coverage and more out of pocket expenses that lead to not seeking care when needed. Leading to bigger health issues and costing the insurance companies more anyway. The trickle effect is not being considered here.These increasing out of pocket expenses for deductibles that are non reachable before we can benefit from the insurances that we pay is unfair especially when workers paychecks are not going up.. How can this be allowed by our government. The past 20 years have been hell with the yearly rising costs of health care. Stop allowing these companies to take advantage of us and start thinking about the PEOPLE

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I would like to note that for workplaces that contribute only minimally to the premium rich as mine, my family premium is more than our mortgage. We live in a high cost of living area and high insurance premiums are the number one reason we are struggling to make ends meet. Both my husband and i grew up here and we don't want to move. We are both that don't have high contributions to medical plans. Please consider families like ours when making these decisions about raising premiums. Thanks.

Im a small buisness owner and I cant afford these 8% 10% increases every year. Please start concidering the People and Pay Incresses and profits are not happening yearly. And good health care starts with good health coverage . That's what I want for my employees and families.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

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ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails.

Please find attached a letter which lays out my objection to United Healthcare/Oxford Proposed Rate Change.


The information in this e-mail and any attachment(s) is strictly confidential. It is intended solely for the attention and use of the named addressee(s).If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately. Unless you are the intended recipient or his/her representative you are not authorized to, and must not, read, copy, distribute, use, act upon, or retain this message or any part of it. The information contained in/or attached to this email is not intended to provide any advice on the purchase or sale of any financial investment. This information is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation to buy or sell securities or any other financial investment or instrument.

Page 48: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 21, 2018 NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau – Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257 Re: United Healthcare Oxford 2019 Proposed Premium Rate Increase Objections To whom it may concern: I am objecting to United Healthcare Oxford’s Premium Rate Increase request since our premiums increase every year to renew with the same health coverage. We reduce our coverage in order to pay a lower premium, but the coverage reduction increases our deductibles and co-pays and the premiums are still higher than the previous year. Also note that the executive compensation for United Health has increased 22%-28% between 2015 and 2017. Last year our premiums increased by over 14%, even though we reduced our coverage so that the increase would be lower. See below for comparisons:

2015 2016 2017 2018


Our Premium Increase (for "High Plan") 2.3% 3.0% 7.9% 14.1% Our Premium Increase (for "Low Plan") 3.2% 8.8% 3.1% 12.5%

It seems to me that this increase is not warranted as the top executives’ salaries increase exponentially each year and our increased premiums appear to be funding them. Below is the information regarding our health insurance: Insurer Name: United Healthcare Oxford Plan Names: High plan is the Silver Freedom Non- Gated 30/60/2000/80 PPO HSA 18 Low Plan is the Silver Freedom Non- Gated 2000/70 EPO HSA 18 Coverage: Group Coverage HOIS Plan ID: 85629NY0010272 I would appreciate a response and demand that United HealthCare NOT be granted an increase in premiums. Sincerely,

Administrative Officer

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Hello, as the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employee's are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 100%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the copay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over. In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions leads my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There has to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees. To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased. Every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing. Every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not once have I received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped as well. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit I want them to utilize. I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it it detrimental to the people of NY. These rate changes could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford the health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?

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Hello, as the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employee's are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 100%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the copay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over. In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions leads my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There has to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees. To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased. Every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing. Every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not once have I received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped as well. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit I want them to utilize. I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it it detrimental to the people of NY. These rate changes could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford the health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

Hello, as the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employee's are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 100%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the copay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over. In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions leads my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There has to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees. To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased. Every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing. Every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not once have I received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped as well. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit I want them to utilize. I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it it detrimental to the people of NY. These rate changes could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford the health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?

The premium is already high, the co-pays are extremely high as well. Increasing the premium is like working only to be able to pay the premium.

I can not afford an increase , I am a family of with two in college. I do not use federal loans to pay for college. But may have to if the rates keep increasing.

I can barely keep up with the premium and out of pocket expenses today. I cannot imagine if they go up another 9.0%. Something needs to be done. At this rate, I, like so many I know, may have to drop insurance and rely on the emergency room. There has to be a better way. Please help.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

COMMENT TO THE HEALTH BUREAU OF THE NYS DEP’T OF FINANCIAL SERVICES Submitted June 26, 2018, during public comment period, in response to a notice of proposed rate increase by Oxford Name of Insurer: UnitedHealth Group –Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Group Plan name: , Freedom Plan, CSP05, PPO Platinum,

HIOS number: 85629NY0050026 We are writing to strongly protest the rate increase requested by Oxford for 2019. We are a small group plan. We have employees, and we are all enrolled in this plan. We each pay $1,118.79/month for this plan, and now Oxford is requesting an increase of 11%, which would bring our monthly premium to $1,241.86 each—almost $1,500 more for the year. This is absurd, and offensive. Oxford informs us that the main reason for the requested increase is rising medical costs, and they cite in particular increases in the amount of services used. In fact, we have not had any significant increase in services used. We have mostly used only basic, standard preventive care this year and most of the past 6 or 7 years. We have seen our primary care physicians for regular check-ups and we have had colonoscopies and breast exams. That’s it, and that’s all it’s been for quite a few years. The sum total of all of our medical expenses for the past year probably does not even come to $2,000, if it even comes to $1,000, and that is what each of us is paying to Oxford each month. How can that be considered an increase in the amount of services used? Perhaps other groups and individuals are using more services, but not ours. If Oxford is basing our premiums on what is going on with other groups and individuals, then what is the point of our having our own group, for which we pay a great deal more than we would have to pay if we were employed by a big company with a large group of insureds? Based on our current premiums and our service usage, we should not warrant ANY increase at all. We are paying a huge amount per month for mediocre coverage and not using it in any significant or burdensome way. In addition, for 2016, Oxford raised our premiums, with your approval, 8.8%, even though we had no increase in usage, and certainly our primary care physicians did not get any increase in compensation as a result. It’s very hard for us to understand why you approved any rate increase for this year, and we believe no rate increase is justified for next year. It is important to understand the context for this increase (and frankly for the outrageous level of our current premiums). As we note above, we are paying $1,118.79/month each in premiums, and we have used very, very little services over the past few years. Oxford is making a great deal of money on us, and now wants to make more, without ANY increase in benefits to us or services for us—we get no benefit from this increase, like better coverage, better service, etc. This increase is totally one-sided, as it always is. The UnitedHealth Group proxy statement for its 2018 annual meeting reports mind-blowing information about revenue, net profit, executive compensation and stockholder return for 2017. According to the proxy statement, during the period in which we will have paid over $40,000 to Oxford for services that cannot have amounted to more than a total of $1,000-$2,000— 1. The company’s revenue increased 9%. 2. The company’s earnings increased 18%. 3. The company’s earnings per share increased 25% (extraordinary!) 4. The company’s dividend rate increased 20%. 5. The company’s shareholder return was 40% (more stunning data on that below). But even more importantly, the six named officers made $18,454,153, $17,389,976, $7,930,845, $14,236,877, $7,580,444 and $6,494,869, respectively. For Stephen Hemsley, the Executive Chairman of UnitedHealth Group, that represents a 16.47% increase in compensation over 2016. For David Wichmann, the CEO, that represents a whopping 41.19% increase in compensation over 2016! And three other officers got increases of 10.38%, 12.02% and 15.51%. Extraordinary! While Mr. Hemsley’s base salary decreased $300,000 to $1,000,000 (23%), the base salaries of the three of the remaining officers increased 6%, 18% and 29%, and the base salaries of the remaining two officers stayed flat. Other components of compensation also increased by shocking amounts. In terms of cash incentive awards, four of the officers received between 163% and 188% of their target awards, and Mr. Hemsley received 192% of his target award. In terms of long-term cash incentive awards, all four named officers who were eligible received 116% of their target awards, and all four also received 116% of their target awards of long-term performance shares. Mr. Hemsley also has a pension currently valued at nearly $18 million. And to top it all off and highlight the absolute insanity of this requested increase, all six of the named officers have contractual rights to payments upon their departure from the company in the event of death, disability, retirement, discharge not for cause, and change in control. It would be too wordy to lay out exactly how much all of these departure payments would be, but here is the basic idea: Mr. Hemsley would get

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$71-$77.5 million, depending on the reason for departure; one officer would get $39.5-$49 million, depending on the reason for departure; one officer would get $37-$46 million, depending on the reason for departure; one officer would get $19-$23 million, depending on the reason for departure; one officer would get $2-$19 million, depending on the reason for departure; and one officer would get $2-$24.5 million, depending on the reason for departure. DURING THIS YEAR, AND IN FACT, OVER THE PAST SEVERAL YEARS, NONE OF THE THREE OF US HAS GOTTEN ANY INCREASE IN COMPENSATION AT ALL, DESPITE WORKING INCREDIBLY HARD TO RETAIN OUR CLIENTS AND SERVICE THEM WELL. WE ARE SUCCEEDING IN THAT, BUT WE ARE UNABLE TO GET OUR CLIENTS TO INCREASE THE AMOUNT THEY PAY US. We have, however, been forced to pay more for health insurance every year. Why should we pay more for insurance in order to fund the kind of shocking compensation and compensation increases at the executive level at Oxford? Please recognize that these officers have been making this kind of money for many, many years, with increases over the years similar to this year. These people are not hurting, but we as consumers are. We also note that Mr. Wichmann (as the new CEO of UnitedHealth Group) is included in the New York Times rankings of CEO Pay (May 25, 2018, Business Section, pages 6-7) for the 200 highest paid CEOs of companies with at least $1 billion in revenue in 2016. The total compensation reported for him is $17.4 million. We do not judge Mr. Wichmann for getting a good job and negotiating a good salary for himself. But when he appears on a list of the highest paid CEOs and his company provides weaker and weaker insurance for higher and higher rates, that is not an appropriate time to demand further premium increases. Increases to premiums might be reasonable if the quality of the insurance were going up, or if the company were losing money, or if the company developed an innovative approach to healthcare that benefited insureds and healthcare providers—but NOT when the company is raking it in and paying their executives extraordinary and ever rising compensation. Here’s another shocking piece of information revealed in the proxy statement: the stockholders of UnitedHealth Group earned a return of 40% on their investments in 2017, and a return of 125% on their investments over the period 2015-2017, and a return of 324% on their investments over the period 2013-2017. That’s incredible for the stockholders, but again, why is it reasonable for us to fund that level of return, particularly when none of us is enjoying any increase in compensation for all of our hard work? Wouldn’t a return more in the range of the inflation rate or slightly higher be more reasonable? If Oxford can generate that kind of return for its investors, that’s great, but it should not come from increased premiums from us. And please note—those levels of returns were generated during years before the rate increase that Oxford is requesting now. If Oxford were to get no rate increase at all from us now, how much would stockholder return and executive compensation be diminished? It’s hard to imagine very much. Oxford and all the other health insurance companies state repeatedly that medical costs are increasing, but it’s very unclear what the nature of that increase is, and Oxford does not specify it either in the notice they sent us or in the further information posted on their website and yours. To us and most other ordinary people, it appears that the increase in medical costs is more due to health insurance companies gouging their customers and beating down health providers than to any actual increase in the cost of medical services. At the current time, there is no reasonable justification for the health insurance industry to be a for-profit industry, but until Congress acts to eliminate any profit motive from private insurance, or establishes a single-payer system or public option, it is up to you to balance the legitimate needs of these companies with the needs of their customers. The system is seriously out of balance in favor of the insurance companies. You have the power to shift it a little bit back toward the consumer. We expect you to do that. Respectfully,

Enough. Deny the increases. We have to make health care companies, as well as the insurers to work more efficiently. They are ruing the country.

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I do not believe that an increase of insurance rates of over 8% is needed for the coverage received. If a rate increase is approved, it should not be passed on to the consumer. I already am being charged a great deal for insurance. Thank you.

A 5% increase is excessive. Revenues, salaries, etc. do not increase at a commensurate rate.

A 9.2% increase is highly excessive.

An 11% increase is outrageous and does not correlate with the realities of small businesses and non-profits.

I am responding regarding Oxford Health Insurance request to raise our group's premium rate for 2019 by 11.2%. This increase is much too high especially for a small, non-profit organization like ours whose mission is

. This request would seriously effect our ability to do so as it would take away income that is being utilized to meet the needs of the community. In addition, Oxford has continually changed what medications they will approve which has had an impact on some of our employees. I would request that the State consider our objections and approve a less exorbitant increase. Thank you.

An 8.9% increase to our insurance premiums is an outrage. As it is, we pay a huge amount each month, only to have high co-pays and an out-of-pocket we'll never reach unless god-forbid we have a catastrophic event. To pay an additional 8.9% is robbery, unfair and unjust.

To Whom It May Concern: Re: Notice of Proposed Premium Rate Change , PPO Gold, 85629NY0050042 My name is and I received the Premium Change letter dated on June 06th 2018 for my Oxford Freedom Plan and I was given a chance to reply and submit my comment for this attempt. I have an individual Oxford Freedom plan from Oxford Health Insurance including my wife and myself with the ID number 85629NY0050042. I do not agree to this rate change. I do not want my premium rate to go up. It is already high as it is and I believe bringing the Premiums higher will effect our household income in a negative way. I believe this is not a fair premium hike and I disagree. Thank you kindly

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I received the proposed change to my premium and I do not agree with it. I am already paying over $400 for health insurance not including the cost of my deductible before Oxford even pays a penny which I believe for a regular doctor is $800 and emergency room is $500 unless I'm admitted and I don't recall what a specialist is. I am already discouraged to go to any doctors because of this. By increasing the premium I'm going to be spending more money a month on bills (loans and healthcare) than I will be making. This is putting me in an extreme hole where I won't be able to save any money. I currently live with my parents because I can't afford to move out and increasing healthcare costs will not help my case. I'm sure I'm not the only one in this situation but hope you consider others like myself and sympathize with us.

Rates have gone up unfairly we have no claims are just a person small group and the increase every year has sen unfair we are already at 1942 per month for a single and a single w family please respond with a solution. Thanks very much

We are a family of 4 barely able to meet all our financial obligations. Having an increase to our family's insurance would prove even more financial strain on us. We suffered great financial burden with an accident recently and now we are not able to pay those hospital bills. Please reconsider increasing our health care premiums.

I recently received the notice regarding a proposed increase in the premium policy. I have been lucky to have good health all my life and not have to rely on my health insurance but for few yearly checkup visits. Unfortunately, this year I was . Imagine my shock when the one time I had to rely on my insurance I then receive a notice of increase premium adjustment having been submitted. Insurance is supposed to be there when you need it, not try to bleed you dry. In reality, for all the years of good health for which they made money off of my premiums and me never having met my deductible, I would say the insurance industry actually owes me a refund check. I ask that you do not allow this increase in premium policy as it was a one time occurrence.

Re: Notice of Proposed Premium Rate Change , EPO Gold, 85629NY0010245 Re. Notice of Proposed Premium Rate Change , EPO SILVER, 85629NY0010439 We recently received two letters regarding our medical plans, explaining they are putting forward an application to increase the rates quite considerably. We would like to request that the increase be reviewed. If you could get back to me with an explanation explaining the reasons for this increase, that would be great. Many thanks in advance

As as non-for profit organization Training for Health Equity Network (THEnet) works to ensure that everyone has access to affordable high-quality health care. With a 11% rates increase, we will not be sustainable.

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This rate increase is ridiculous. Every year the rates go up a significant amount, and yet it is impossible to convince my insurance even to cover a preventative services. I am also a provider, and this insurance gives the lowest reimbursement rates for the providers and did not increase them for the past 4 years. I think the rate increase SHOULD NOT BE APPROVED as we,as a patients AND providers, do not get better services or better reimbursement rates.

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Oxford Health Insurance, Inc.Small Group2019 Public Comments

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ATTENTION: This email came from an external source. Do not open attachments or click on links from unknown senders or unexpected emails.

June 27, 2018

In re: Oxford/UnitedHealthCare Proposed 2019 Premium Rate Increase

, EPO Platinum, 85629NY0010336

To whom it may concern:

I write as the negotiator, buyer and plan administrator for, as well as a covered individual in, my firm's Oxford / UnitedHealthCare Group Health Care EPO insurance policy.

I have written each year since 2011 to protest what were in each case egregious proposed premium rate increases in Oxford Health Insurance Group

EPO Plan rates. This year, UNH's demands are typically egregious, my response to and contextual comments on which follow.

On June 14, 2018, we received notification dated June 6, 2018 of a proposed 11.2% increase for 2019 group premium rates.

This degree of increase is -- once again -- unwarranted, unconscionable and increasingly unaffordable, despite the coverages being more restricted

and out-of-pocket costs trending unfavorably for the covered individuals.

I am outraged and adamantly opposed to United Health Care / Oxford proposed 11.2% premium rate increases for 2019 Group EPO Plan policies and

am similarly opposed to any further grant of rate increases to Oxford / United Health Care -- PERIOD -- for the reasons I will specify following.

1./ The proposed premium rate increase represents the latest in eight, consecutive, mid to high double-digit (11-24%) per annum rate increases in

eight years. Since 2008, our current New York Group rates -- for increasingly limited plan designs of declining actual value with significantly higher

medical and pharmacy co-payments -- have cumulatively exceeded a 143% increase in premium rates (a 9.3% cumulative p.a. rate) -- for ever-

more restrictive plans -- which Oxford proposes to increase by a further 11.2% this year -- while UNH's stock price has soared -- thanks to increases

already granted by NYS DFS.

2./ Speaking for my group, usage, claims and plan utilization have actually DECREASED -- in no way increased at al, let alone commensurately with

rates over this period, nor is it my understanding that reimbursement to servicing physicians has increased commensurately with rates. In fact, our

utilization has been declining rather than evidencing any increase, while we understand that physician reimbursement has both declined and been

increasingly delayed and subject to physicians' administrative costs to recover.

3./ While Oxford / UnitedHealthCare is a for-profit firm, that does not excuse them from the requirement to run a tighter administrative

organization at lower overhead and salary costs, nor should it be a guarantee of every increasing profits and share price. In fact, with NYS DFS

approved rates, UnitedHeathCare (ticker "UNH") stock price performance has over the past ten years risen EIGHTFOLD -- reaching serial historic

highs -- having increased at a FOUR-TIMES MULTIPLE of Dow Jones, NASDAQ and S&P 500 index increases.

From its financial meltdown low of $17.15 in November 2008 to the present, UNH share price has increased by 1352%, while also paying

a 2% dividend.

How much more UNH share price appreciation should be guaranteed from the backs of subscribers?

Indeed, based on its multiple of market index performance, UNH subscribers are if anything due rate reductions!

4./ Given our declining claims and usage, it appears that New York Group rate payers' finances are being drained to support a bloated UNH

overhead structure as well as fund unrealistic salary, profit, price-earnings ratio, stock price, and dividend increase expectations. Analysts "expect"

UNH 2018 earnings growth of 22%, which any DFS grant of a rate increase would simply perpetuate into 2019.

5./ While my comments address our recent proposal from and experience with Oxford / UNH, when we have over the past ten years shopped the

policy via brokers, we have seen LOCKSTEP RATE INCREASES and ANTI-COMPETITIVE behavior in the way of parallel rate and policy re-

designs/exclusions, which erode any ability whatsoever to negotiate or to moderate exposure to out-of-pocket costs and rate increases granted

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year-after-year on an industry-wide basis. We have seen this same collusive behavior since early 2000s decade renewals, and evidence of the

collusion has been well reported. No help from US DOJ, who hasn't seen a recent merger proposal it didn't like, and thus I would expect further

healthcare industry consolidation, which will served to further erode bargaining power and cost-effective healthcare insurance options.

"The acquisition threatens to both reinforce existing barriers to entry and raise new ones, further entrench dominant plans, and exacerbate conditions conducive to abuse of market or monopoly power?

- following -

"Top executives from UnitedHealth Group Inc. and WellPoint Inc. are meeting almost monthly with their counterparts from Aetna Inc., Cigna Corp. and Humana Inc. in an informal lobbying alliance... say people with knowledge of the sessions."

6./ While I do not yet have access to UNH alleged "competitors" proposed rates for 2019, I expect your office does, and will once again see the

"parallel thinking" and collusive behavior in rate requests. This sort of behavior simply cannot and should not be endorsed or approved by NYS DFS.

7./ Runaway health care insurance policy premium rate inflation -- far in excess of utilization, as evidenced by the trend in retained earnings and

record UNH stock prices -- must be arrested. For the benefit of all New York small and larger businesses affected by these proposed premium rates,

DFS can and MUST take steps to impose an Oxford, indeed and industry-wide, rate freeze, if not a reduction, NOW.

Should you have any questions you would like to address to me about our experience with group coverages and rates, please to not hesitate to call.

Thank you for your consideration.


This e-mail is for the designated recipient

only and may contain privileged or confidential information. If you have received it in error, please notify the above sender immediately then delete the original e-mail. Any other use of this e-mail is prohibited.

Oxford Health Insurance has notified my firm of its filing request to DFS for a premium rate increase of 11.2% for next year. We are currently paying $60,000 per year for small group coverage that includes ONLY families. This is an outrageous amount and burden, and the requested 2019 percentage increase is also enormous by most standard increases. Please consider the medical cost burdens of small firms like ours when coming to your decision on Oxford's rate increase.

I'm fully against this increase request. I think it's not justified. Another increase was already granted last year.

Page 59: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed


JUN 2 0 2018



NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau- Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

Re: United Health Care/Oxford Group Coverage

June 15,2018

Our HIOS Plan ID #: 85629NY0010034

Dear Sir or Madam:

Please allow this letter to reply to the notice dated on June 6, 2018 that Oxford intends to ask for an 11% premium increase and that as a Partner of the firm offering this plan, we object to an unjustified and exorbitant rate increase. There is no justification and particularly given the prior regular increases, it is out of line. Please note our objection as required.

Very truly yours,


Page 60: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 14, 2018

NYS Dept of Financial Services

Health Bureau- Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

Re: , EPO Silver 85629NY0010140

Dear friends,

Recently I received a letter from UnitedHealthcare announcing that it was filing a request with the New York Department of Financial Services to "change" my premium for 2019 by 5.5 percent. (See enclosed letter.) However, nowhere in the letter does it say whether the insurer is applying for a reduction or increase in my premium!

For this reason, I object to the rate change and to the sufficiency of the required notice since the insurer has failed to send clear notice that it is seeking a rate increase, if that is what it is doing.



Page 61: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

1!11 UnitedHealthcare" UnitedHealthc.are J)}} 4 Research Dnve

• 0054160

Oxford Shelton, CT 06484

l'•'ll•••ttt''l11n'''''''111t'''' h ''''''''''''''"''111'1111'11


Re: Proposed Premium Rate Change EPO Silver, 85629NY0010140

Dear :

June 06,2018

Oxford Health IJ1Suranc , lnc. ( Hl) is fil ing a request with the New York State Department fFinan ial Services (DFS) to approve a change to your premium rate· for 2019. New York Iwuran e Law requires that w provide a 11otice to you when we submit r que. ts for premium rate changes to DPS.

DFS is required by law to review our requested rate change. DFS may approve, modify or disapprove the requested rate change.

Proposed Premium Rate Changes

Please note that the final approved rate may differ because DFS may modify the proposed rate. In addition, while we try to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the final approved rate may differ based on the benefit plan design and other features that your group policyholder selects on renewal.

I f approved, the percentage change to your group's premium is 5.5%.

Why We Are Requesting a Rate Change

The requested increase is due to our view of projected claims. Rising medical expenses are the main reason for the requested increase . A number f factors contribute to these rising costs, including increases in the cost of medical services and increases in the amount of services used. A part of the medical costs includes a pooling technique established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) called Federal Risk Adjustment. The 2019 risk adjustment amount will be 14% lower due to a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) modification. This reduction increases our requested rates by 0.5%. We have prepared a narrative summary that provides a more detailed explanation of the reasons why we are seeking a premium rate adjusunent. This ummary will be posted on our website and the DFS website. Our rate application will also be posted on the DFS website. DFS's view oflhe e matters may differ.

30-day Comment Period

You can contact us or DFS to ask for more informat ion or submit c mments to DFS about the proposed rate changes. The comments must be made wi.thin 30 days fr m th date of this n tice .

(over, please)

Page 62: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

You can contact us for additional information at:

Oxford NY Prior Approval 4 Research Drive Shelton, CT 06484 1-800-444-6222 oxfordhealth.com

Comments or requests for more information on the proposed rate change may be submitted to DFS by visiting the DFS Website or via standard mail as follows:

DFS Website: www.dfs.ny.gov/healthinsurancepremiums

United States Postal Service:

NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau- Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY, 12257

If you choose to submit comments to DFS, please include the following information:

1. The name of your insurer 2. The name of your plan 3. Whether you have individual or group coverage 4. Your I-II OS Plan ID number, which is 85629NYOO I 0'1 40

Written comments submitted to DFS will be posted on the DFS website without your personal information.

Plain-English Summary of Rate Change

We have prepared a plain-English summary that provides a more detailed explanation of the reasons why a premium rate change is being requested. You can find this information at the following websites:

Oxford website: oxfordhealth.com . Go to the Member Messages section.

DFS website: www .dfs.ny.gov/bealthinsurancepremiums

Notice of Approved Premium Rate

After DFS approves the final premium rate, which may differ from the requested rate noted above, you will receive final rate information at least 60 days before your 2019 renewal date.



Chuck Cerniglia Vice President Key Account Sales & Small Business Sales and Account Management

NY-18-185 NYSG OHl Off-Exchange Subscriber LeLLer

Page 63: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

TO: NYS Department of Financiat Services (DFS)


DATE: June 1:9, 20'l8

R€: Comment on Proposed·Premium,Rate Change ,

, PPO Gold, 85629NY0050044



These comments are in response to your notice dated June 5, 2018 regarding

proposed rate changes.

We find these changes to be reprehensibte, especially in view of the yearly rate

increases previously imposed� As senior cittzens for whom United Healthcare/Oxford is the secondary carrier to Medicare which is primary, we

seriously question why such rates are so high to begin with and climb steeply

each year. ,Jt's ·not as if services ,have increased ·or even stayed the same.

Oxford continues to diminish services, have higher co-pays and offer poorer

reimbursement. We are part of a smalJ business contract and ,feel Uke the insurance industry, in their absolute greed, treats customers like us very


The stated 11rising medical expenses" does not address the increase in profits

that the insurance industry enjoys. Why are these rate increases always

passed on to the subscribers? Who holds the insurance companies


P tic at we fervently oppose such a rate increase.

Page 64: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 15, 2018

NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau- Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

To whom it may concern:

I recently received a letter stating that Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. is filing a request with the New York State Department of Financial Services to approve a change in premium group rates for 2019.

This is of serious concern for me as the office manager, but also as a covered employee. As you know, the costs for coverage continue to rise each year, which is an impediment to the profitability of our business. As an employee-oriented company, we want to be able to continue to provide good and affordable healthcare coverage for our employees, but if costs continue to rise, we may have to look seriously at this benefit. I believe there could be consequences, which could result in greater costs to the State of New York because employees might leave the company due to these costs.

We are a small company and we have had no catastrophic claims nor do we have exorbitant claims. For this reason we ask that you not allow a change to premium rates as they are already quite costly to our company and thereby passed on to our employees.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 917-282-3336.



Page 65: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

NYS Department of

Financial Services

June 22, 2018

Health Bureau-Premium Rate Adjustments

One Commerce Plaza

Albany, NY 12257

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: United Healthcare' s Notice

Of Proposed Premium Hikes

At the invitation of my heath insurance carrier, I write to protest the proposed

premium rate hikes United Healthcare seeks, effective in 2019.

According to information easily verified on the internet, United Healthcare's

earnings jumped 56% in the fourth quarter of 2017 to $1.9 billion from $1.2 billion in the

last quarter of 2016. Overall, profits increased in 2017 by 9.1%. Worth noting is United

Healthcare' s statement published earlier this year that the federal tax overhaul will alone

serve to increase the company's 2018 earnings by roughly 16%.

This is a company undeserving of an increase in premiums, much less a rapacious

9.9%, as proposed. Their request should be turned back.



Page 66: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed


(1Jj UnitedHe.althcare' 4 Research Drive Shelton, CT 06484 a�.lord

June 5, 2018


Re: Notice of Proposed Premium Rate Change , EPO Gold, 85629NY0010248

Dear :

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. (OHI) is filing a request with the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) to approve a change to your group premium rates for 2019. New York Insurance Law requires that we provide a notice to you when we submit requests for premium rate changes to DFS.

DFS is required by law to review our requested rate change. DFS may approve, modify or disapprove the requested rate change.

Proposed Premium Rate Changes

Please note that the final approved rate may differ because DFS may modify the proposed rate. In addi­tion, while we try to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the final approved rate may differ based on the benefit plan design and other features that your group policyholder selects on renewal.

If approved, the percentage change to your group's premium is 9.9%.

Why We Are Requesting a Rate Change

The requested increase is due to our view of projected claims. Rising medical expenses are the main reason for the requested increase. A number of factors contribute to these rising costs, including increases in the cost of medical services and increases in the amount of services used. A part of the medical costs includes a pooling technique established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) called Federal Risk Adjustment. The 2019 risk adjustment amount will be 14% lower due to a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) modification. This reduction increases our requested rates by 0.5%. We have prepared a narrative summary that provides a more detailed explanation of the reasons why we are seeking a premium rate adjustment. This summary will be posted on our website and the DFS website. Our rate application will also be posted on the DFS website. DFS's view of these matters may differ.

30-day Comment Period

You can contact us or DFS to ask for more information or submit comments to DFS about the proposed rate changes. The comments must be made within 30 days from the date of this notice.

(over, please)

Page 67: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

You can contact us for additional information at:

Oxford NY Prior Approval 4 Research Drive Shelton, CT 06484 1-888-201-4216 oxfordhealth.com

Comments or requests for more information on the proposed rate change may be submitted to DFS by visiting the DFS Website or via standard mail as follows:

DFS Website: www.dfs.ny.gov/healthinsurancepremiums

United States Postal Service:

NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau - Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY, 12257

If you choose to submit comments to DFS, please include the following information:

1. The name of your insurer 2. The name of your plan 3. Whether you have individual or group coverage 4. Your IllOS Plan ID number, which is 85629NY0010248

Written comments submitted to DFS will be posted on the DFS website without your personal information.

Plain-English Summary of Rate Change

We have prepared a plain-English summary that provides a more detailed explanation of the reasons why a premium rate change is being requested. You can find this information at the following websites:

Oxford website: oxfordhealth.com . Go to the Employer Messages section.

DFS website: www.dfs.ny.gov/healthinsurancepremiums

Notice of Approved Premium Rate

After DFS approves the final premium rate, which may differ from the requested rate noted above, you will receive final rate information at least 60 days before your 2019 renewal date.

Sincerely, ---- c��----r ., _,/ - �-· - -·

-- \ ---�--- �

Chuck Cerniglia Vice President Key Account Sales & Small Business Sales and Account Management

NY-18-191 NYSG OHI Off-Exchange Group Letter

Page 68: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed



6/20/18 To Whomever it may concern,

I am writing this letter in response to the notice of Proposed Premium Rate Change letter that I received from Chuck Cerniglia, VP, for Oxford Health Insurance dated 6/5/18. I am one of the owners of Deer Park PT PTA Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, PLLC. As a small group we are insured hrough the Oxford plan (EPO Silver, Group # . As the employer, also a covered entity (my family is covered under th d the person who makes the direct decision of which plans are staff are offe verage, I do not feel that this rate increase is just or fair. The proposed rate increase of 8.9% for 2019 may price us out of this insurance coverage, forcing us to look elsewhere for health insurance coverage. I feel that the increase is not justified based on the minimal utilization that my family and our organization has generated thus far. We already pay a hefty premium to Oxford Health Plans and the insurance provider already profits tremendously from our small group. Please reconsider this rate increase so that we can continue to do business with and renew with Oxford Insurance for the 2019 calendar year.

For any further discussion, I can be reached at the above address, by phone: , by fax: or by email at • Thank


JUN 2 5 201B


Page 69: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed


I)JJ UnitedHealthcare 4 Research Drive Shelton, CT 06484

June 5, 2018

006790s••ooo166*••••scH s-DIGIT 11717•••••ooooo2

Re: Notice of Proposed Premium Rate Change , CSPOl, EPO Silver, 85629NY0010300

Dear :

Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. (OHI) is filing a request with the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) to approve a change to your group premium rates for 2019. New York Insurance Law requires that we provide a notice to you when we submit requests for premium rate changes to DFS.

DFS is required by law to review our requested rate change. DFS may approve, modify or disapprove the requested rate change.

Proposed Premium Rate Changes

Please note that the final approved rate may differ because DFS may modify the proposed rate. In addi­tion, while we try to provide you with the most accurate information possible, the final approved rate may differ based on the benefit plan design and other features that your group policyholder selects on renewal.

If approved, the percentage change to your group's premium is 8.9%.

Why We Are Requesting a Rate Change

The requested increase is due to our view of projected claims. Rising medical expenses are the main reason for the requested increase. A number of factors contribute to these rising costs, inCluding increases in the cost of medical services and increases in the amount of services used. A part of the medical costs includes a pooling technique established under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) called Federal Risk Adjustment. The 2019 risk adjustment amount will be 14% lower due to a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) modification. This reduction increases our requested rates by 0.5% . We have prepared a narrative summary that provides a more detailed explanation of the reasons why we are seeking a premium rate adjustment. This summary will be posted on our website and the DFS website. Our rate application will also be posted on the DFS website. DFS's view of these matters may differ.

30-day Comment Period

You can contact us or DFS to ask for more information or submit comments to DFS about the proposed rate changes. The comments must be made within 30 days from the date of this notice.

(over, please)

Page 70: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

You can contact us for additional information at:

Oxford NY Prior Approval 4 Research Drive Shelton, CT 06484 1-888-201-4216 oxfordhealth.com

Comments or requests for more information on the proposed rate change may be submitted to DFS by visiting the DFS Website or via standard mail as follows:

DFS Website: www.dfs.ny.gov/healthinsurancepremiums

United States Postal Service:

NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau- Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY, 12257

If you choose to submit comments to DFS, please include the following information:

1. The name of your insurer

2. The name of your plan 3. Whether you have individual or group coverage 4. Your HIOS Plan ID number, which is 85629NY0010300

Written comments submitted to DFS will be posted on the DFS website without your personal information.

Plain-English Summary of Rate Change

We have prepared a plain-English summary that provide a more detailed explanation of the reasons why a premium rate change is being requested. You can fincllhi information at the following websites:

Oxford website: oxfordhealth.com . Go to the Employer Messages section.

DFS website: www.dfs.ny.gov/healthinF:urancepremiums

Notice of Approved Premium Rate

After DFS approves the final premium rate, which may differ from the requested rate noted above, you will receive final rate information at least 60 days before your 2019 renewal date.


/ .. ·� ( ") /•/' ( \ � /[ . . •.'(· �· \... ' _ ,."(

Chuck Cerniglia Vice President Key Account Sales & Small Business Sales and Account Management

NY-18-191 NYSG OHI Off-Exchange Group Letter

Page 71: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 16, 2018

NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau- Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

RE: Oxford Health Insurance proposed premium increase HI OS Plan ID #85629NY0010034

Dear NYS Department of Financial Services:

I am writing to recommend that the New York State Department of Financial Services not approve the requested 11 percent increase in premiums on our group insurance (HIOS Plan ID number: 85629NY0010034).

According to the financial statements of United Health Group Incorporated, a publicly traded company with the stock ticker of UNH, which is the parent company of Oxford Health Insurance, it had the following financial results in the last three years (per its audited financial statements):

Yea r FY2017 FY2016 FY2015 Revenue $201,000,000,000 $185,000,000,000 $157,000,000,000

Cost of revenue $130,000,000,000 $117,000,000,000 $104,000,000,000

Operating expenses $56,000,000,000 $55,000,000,000 $42,000,000,000

Operating Income $15,200,000,000 $12,900,000,000 $11,000,000,000

Net Income $10,800,000,000 $7,100,000,000 $5,900,000,000

UNH revenue has grown by 28 percent over these three years while its net income has grown by a staggering 83 percent.

As a public company, UNH has an obligation to its shareholders, and has as a business performed admirably. Yet, as a healthcare insurance company, it also has an obligation to its nearly 120 million subscribers to provide high quality health insurance as efficiently and as cost-effectively as possible. UNH has not always demonstrated the latter, especially in terms of providing coverage for mental health, where it has been subject to both individual court actions as well as a class-action lawsuits.

I hope that the New York State Department of Financial Services will take its obligation as seriously as possible to determine whether an 11 percent rate increase is justified, especially considering that revenues and profits have handily exceeded expenses and claim payments over the past several years.


JUN 2 6 2018


Page 72: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 8, 2018

Health Bureau - Premium Rate Adjustments New York State Department of Financial Services One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 1 2257


JUN 2 7 2018


Re: Notice Of Proposed Premium Rate Change , EPO Silver

85629NY001 0437

To Whom it May Concern,

As the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employees' are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 1 00%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the copay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over.

In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions forces my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There must to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees.

To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased; every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing; every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not ONCE have I

Page 73: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit they have the right to utilize.

I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it is detrimental to the people of NY. These rate changes could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?

Page 74: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 8, 2018

Health Bureau - Premium Rate Adjustments New York State Department of Financial Services One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

Re: Notice Of Proposed Premium Rate Change - , EPO Silver


To Whom it May Concern,

As the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employees' are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 100%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the copay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over.

In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions forces my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There must to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees.

To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased; every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing; every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not ONCE have I


Page 75: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit they have the right to utilize.

I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it is detrimental to the people of NY. These rate change:s could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?

Page 76: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 15,2018

NYS Department of Financial Services Health Bureau-Premium Rate Adjustments One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

Re: Member Name: United Healthcare/Oxford Member ID: Group Coverage # Freedom Plan R PPO

Dear NYS Department of Financial Services,

This letter is in response to your letter dated June 6, 2018 regarding Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. filing a request with the New York State Department of Financial services to request approval for a rate increase to my health insurance care premium for 2019.

I am writing on behalf of myself and my family to strongly file an objection to the 2019 proposed group premium rate increase of 11.2%, recently filed by Oxford Health Insurance Inc.

We have been customers of Oxford Health for over nine years. My wife and I are in our and we need annual routine care and my son is years old and needs health care to promote his optimal growth and maintain his current health. This proposed rate increase will be a major hardship for my family and is not in line with any other economic factor and is purely excessive and constitutes reaching. Every year we receive an excessive annual rate increase, I am now paying over Thirty-Seven Thousand Dollars per year for our health insurance premiums and with this increase will pay in excess of Forty Thousand Dollars which is more than unreasonable.

I strongly encourage the NYS Department of Financial Services to deny my insurance company's filing for a premium rate increase. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Should you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at or . Il look forward to hearing from you in the near future.



Page 77: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed

June 8, 2018

Health Bureau - Premium Rate Adjustments New York State Department of Financial Services One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257

. .



Re: Notice Of Proposed Premium Rate Change - , EPO Silver

85629NY001 0439

To Whom it May Concern,

As the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employees' are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 100%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the capay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over.

In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions forces my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There must to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees.

To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased; every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing; every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not ONCE have I received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates

Page 78: Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments€¦ · Oxford Health Insurance, Inc. Small Group 2019 Public Comments Dear : I write to file an objection on the proposed


increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit they have the right to utilize.

I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it is detrimental to the people of NY. These rate changes could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?

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June 8, 2018

Health Bureau - Premium Rate Adjustments New York State Department of Financial Services One Commerce Plaza Albany, NY 12257


Re: Notice Of Proposed Premium Rate Change - , EPO Silver

85629NY001 0567

To Whom it May Concern,

As the benefits administrator for my company I feel responsible for my employees' well being and health. As a business, we have the responsibility to provide our employees with the means to enroll in affordable health care with good coverage. I have noticed every year since healthcare reform took place, our premiums have increased and coverage has decreased. My employees' are paying more money every year for high deductibles, high co-pays, and all around terrible coverage. Insurance companies today do not want to cover at least half of the cost for anything. Whether its lab work, office visits, or basic procedures. I understand that insurance companies can't cover certain procedures 100%, but what they are willing to cover is very small and my employees' have to make up the difference which can be a lot of money for them. In order for my employees' to be productive in their jobs they have to be healthy. Poor health insurance coverage causes sick or unwell employees to skip an urgent care or primary care visit because that week they can't afford the capay. They come to work on over the counter medications and spread their cold to everyone else in the office, causing a cycle that runs over and over.

In addition to the high co-pays, the high cost of prescriptions forces my employees to seek cheaper, weaker over the counter medication. This is in no way productive to my business. Too many employees call out sick because they can't afford to properly take care of themselves. The insurance premiums are too high and the coverage is too low. There must to be a happy medium in this system. It is most certainly broken, and I feel the money being shelled out for the premium is a huge waste. It's like burning money in the street. I see NO benefit from paying $700 a month for close to 0 coverage for my employees.

To give you some perspective, in 2013 the cost of our premium with Oxford United Healthcare was $533.07 for a single person, no family. Now in 2018 the cost of our premium is $711 for a single person. Every year the rate has steadily increased; every year I get this letter about the rate change increasing; every year I write a letter about our opposition to the rate increase. Not ONCE have I received a letter about the rate decreasing. Because of these rates

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increasing over the years, my enrollment has dropped. Many people are seeking health insurance elsewhere because they cannot afford to enroll with us. This is a huge disservice to my employees since paying for their health insurance premium pre-tax is a great benefit they have the right to utilize.

I beg the Department of Financial Services to NOT approve this year's rate change as it is detrimental to the people of NY. These rate changes could also be detrimental to the state of NY as well. More funds will have to be raised to support Medicare and Medicaid for all my employees that can't afford health insurance with us. Please take a good hard look at these insurance companies requesting these rate increases. Where does all the money spent on these high premiums go?