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Turn over © OCR 2017 Practice paper DC (LK/TP) 161813/3 Oxford Cambridge and RSA GCSE (9–1) Biology A (Gateway Science) J247/03 Paper 3, B1–B3 and B7 (Higher Tier) Year 11 Test Time allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes You must have: • a ruler (cm/mm) You may use: • a scientific or graphical calculator • an HB pencil OCR is an exempt Charity INSTRUCTIONS Use black ink. You may use an HB pencil for graphs and diagrams. Complete the boxes above with your name, centre number and candidate number. • Answer all the questions. Write your answer to each question in the space provided. Additional paper may be used if required but you must clearly show your candidate number, centre number and question number(s). • Do not write in the barcodes. INFORMATION The total mark for this paper is 90. The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ]. Quality of extended response will be assessed in the question marked with an asterisk (*). This document consists of 32 pages. Last name First name Candidate number Centre number

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Oxford Cambridge and RSA

GCSE (9–1) Biology A (Gateway Science)J247/03 Paper 3, B1–B3 and B7 (Higher Tier)

Year 11 TestTime allowed: 1 hour 45 minutes

You must have:• a ruler (cm/mm)

You may use:• a scientific or graphical calculator• an HB pencil

OCR is an exempt Charity

INSTRUCTIONS• Use black ink. You may use an HB pencil for graphs and diagrams. • Complete the boxes above with your name, centre number and candidate number.• Answer all the questions.• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.• Additional paper may be used if required but you must clearly show your candidate

number, centre number and question number(s).• Do not write in the barcodes.

INFORMATION• The total mark for this paper is 90.• The marks for each question are shown in brackets [ ].• Quality of extended response will be assessed in the question marked with an

asterisk (*).• This document consists of 32 pages.

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First name




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Answer all the questions.

You should spend a maximum of 30 minutes on this section.

1 When a person goes from watching TV to reading a newspaper, the lenses in their eyes change shape.

Ciliary muscle Lens shape

A Contracts Fatter

B Relaxes Fatter

C Contracts Thinner

D Relaxes Thinner

Which row in the table describes what happens in the eye?

Your answer [1]

2 What feature allows red blood cells to transport the maximum amount of oxygen for the size of the cell?

A They are very small.

B They do not have a nucleus.

C They have a thin cell wall.

D They have little cytoplasm.

Your answer [1]

3 How many times does blood travel through the heart on one complete circuit of the human body?

A ×1

B ×2

C ×3

D ×4

Your answer [1]


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4 What happens to a red blood cell when it is placed in a solution of higher water potential than the cytoplasm?

A The cell absorbs water until it bursts.

B The cell absorbs water until it is turgid.

C The cell loses water and becomes flaccid.

D The cell loses water and shrinks.

Your answer [1]

5 Which plant response is a gravotropic response?

A Roots growing deeper into the ground

B Shedding of leaves

C Sugars moving through phloem vessels

D Water travelling through xylem vessels

Your answer [1]

6 Which row in the table describes the site of different processes in the kidney tubule (nephron)?

Filtration Selective reabsorption Site of ADH action

A Collecting duct Coiled regions Bowman’s capsule

B Coiled regions Bowman’s capsule Collecting duct

C Glomerulus Collecting duct Coiled regions

D Glomerulus Coiled regions Collecting duct

Your answer [1]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

7 How are embryonic stem cells different from adult stem cells in animals?

A They are differentiated.

B They are undifferentiated.

C They can become any type of new cell.

D They can become some types of new cell.

Your answer [1]

8 In which conditions would transpiration occur the fastest?

Light intensity Temperature Wind speed

A Low Cold Low

B High Cold High

C Low Warm High

D High Warm High

Your answer [1]

9 Severe allergic reactions cause reduced heart rate and blood pressure.

Which hormone can be used to treat severe allergic reactions?

A Adrenaline

B Insulin

C Testosterone

D Thyroxine

Your answer [1]


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10 Which of these is responsible for ripening bananas?

A Auxin

B Ethene

C Gibberellin

D Light

Your answer [1]

11 Humans use plant hormones to control how plants grow.

Which process does not involve humans using plant hormones?

A Increasing the rate of photosynthesis

B Root cuttings

C Seedless fruit production

D Selective weed killers

Your answer [1]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

12 The graph shows the plasma levels of glucose, insulin and glucagon during a day.

8 4 8 2 8Noon





Meal Meal Meal

Concentration(mmol / L)

Concentration(mmol / L)

Concentration(mmol / L)

Which letter shows the correct labels for each plasma concentration in the graph?

A 1 = Glucagon 2 = Glucose 3 = Insulin

B 1 = Glucose 2 = Insulin 3 = Glucagon

C 1 = Insulin 2 = Glucagon 3 = Glucose

D 1 = Insulin 2 = Glucose 3 = Glucagon

Your answer [1]


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13 Alcohol inhibits ADH production.

Which statement best describes the effect of alcohol on the kidneys?

A Less ADH decreases the reabsorption of water so less urine produced.

B Less ADH decreases the reabsorption of water so more urine produced.

C Less ADH increases the reabsorption of water so less urine produced.

D Less ADH increases the reabsorption of water so more urine produced.

Your answer [1]

14 How many more molecules of ATP are produced by aerobic compared to anaerobic respiration?

A 2

B 4

C 36

D 38

Your answer [1]

15 Which row explains how FSH, LH and oestrogen interact in the menstrual cycle?

FSH LH oestrogen

AStimulates oestrogen production

Stimulates ovulation Inhibits FSH

B Stimulates ovulation

Stimulates oestrogen production

Inhibits FSH

CStimulates oestrogen production

Inhibits FSH Stimulates ovulation

D Inhibits FSH Stimulates ovulation

Stimulates oestrogen production

Your answer [1]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper


Answer all the questions.

16 Two students do an experiment to investigate the sense of touch.

They chose to test a fingertip and the back of the hand.


Mounted pin

Pin head


This is the method they use:

• The two pin heads are set 5 mm apart

• Student A touches the fingertip of student B with one or both pins

• Student B says whether they felt one or two touches

• Student A records if the answer is right or wrong

• This is repeated a total of 15 times on the fingertips and 15 times on the back of the hand.

The whole investigation is repeated with the pin heads set 10 mm apart.

(a) Look at the table. It shows some of the results for student B.

Part of body

Distance between pinheads

(mm)Percentage correct (%)

Back of hand 5 ..........

Back of hand 10 93

Fingertip 5 99

Fingertip 10 97


J247/03 Turn over© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(i) When the pin heads were 5 mm apart and used on the back of the hand, student B was correct 9 times out of 15.

Calculate the percentage of times student B was correct.

Answer = ........................................ % correct [1]

(ii) Use the results to explain the difference between sensitivity on the back of a hand compared to the fingertip.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Suggest two ways the students could improve the design of the experiment.



.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(c) Describe the route the impulses take to reach the brain and which part of the brain is interpreting them.





.............................................................................................................................................. [3]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

17 Scientists have worked out how to store digital files in DNA.

Digital files such as a movie can be converted to a “genetic file” and stored as strands of DNA.

The digital file’s number code is translated into the four-letter genetic code A, T, C and G.

Number code 00 01 10 11

Genetic code A T C G

(a) (i) Complete the DNA strand for the following number code.

number code 01 11 10 10 11 00 11 01

DNA strand


(ii) Complete the complementary strand of DNA that is attached to the strand that matches the number code.

Complementary DNA strand



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(b) Erwin Chargaff was an Austrian scientist.

Chargaff discovered a rule about the proportion of each of the bases in DNA in all organisms.

His work was important in helping Watson and Crick work out the base pairing of DNA.

The data in the table shows information on the proportion of DNA bases in different organisms.

Organism A to T ratio G to C ratio %GC %AT

Octopus ………. 1.00 35.2 64.8

Chicken 0.99 1.02 43.7 56.4

Rat 1.01 1.00 42.9 57.0

Human 0.98 1.04 40.7 59.3

(i) The percentage of A in octopus DNA is 33.2%.

The percentage of T in octopus DNA is 31.6%.

Calculate the A to T ratio in the octopus.

Give your answer to 2 decimal places.

Answer = ....................... [1]

(ii) Is there strong evidence in the table for supporting a rule about the ratio proportions of bases in DNA?

Explain your answer.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(iii) Watson and Crick’s structure for DNA involved bases, sugars and phosphates.

Describe how these substances are arranged in a DNA molecule.





...................................................................................................................................... [4]

(c) Scientists have known how to make DNA for many years using enzymes, but it was a very slow process.

In the early 1980s bacteria reproducing at very high temperatures around natural steam vents were discovered. These bacterial cells contained enzymes.

Scientists can now make DNA using a much quicker method.

Suggest why this quick method to make DNA became possible.



.............................................................................................................................................. [1]


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Question 18 starts on page 14


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

18 Two students investigate the elasticity of blood vessels.

Clamp stand

Ring of tissue

Metre ruleMass carrier


10 g Masses

Their method was to:

• Cut rings of animal blood vessels using a scalpel.

• Attach a ring of blood vessel A to the hook hung on the clamp stand.

• Attach a mass carrier to the bottom end of the ring.

• Record the original length of the ring of blood vessel with the mass carrier attached.

• Attach a 10 g mass and record the new length of the blood vessel ring.

• Remove the mass and record the length of the ring.

• Repeat with different amounts of mass added to the mass carrier.

• Repeat the experiment with a different blood vessel B.

(a) Write down two safety precautions the students should consider in their investigation.



.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Look at the results for percentage change (%) in length for blood vessel A.

Mass (g) Percentage change in length


10 2

20 9

30 …

40 38

50 55


J247/03 Turn over© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(i) The original length for 30 g mass was 2.3 cm and the new length was 2.9 cm.

Calculate the percentage change (%) in length to complete the table.

Answer = …………………………. [2]

(ii) Plot the students’ results on the grid to show the percentage change (%) in length against mass.

Draw a line of best fit.

Mass (g)

Percentage change

in length(%)



J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(c) The students found that:

• Blood vessel A returned to its normal length after the mass was removed

• Blood vessel B did not return to its normal length after the mass was removed

• Blood vessel B also had a smaller % change in length.

Explain why these results occurred and why blood vessel A must be an artery and blood vessel B a vein.







.............................................................................................................................................. [3]


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Question 19 starts on page 18


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19 Look at the diagram of a human brain.




(a) Name the parts labelled on the diagram

Part P ......................................................

Part Q ......................................................

Part R ...................................................... [3]

(b) Which part of the brain P, Q or R has an endocrine function?

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]


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(c)* The brain’s functions can be studied in many different ways.

These include:

• Effects of brain damage case studies

• Effects of electrical, chemical (magnetic) stimulation of the brain

• Measurement of electrical and chemical activity of the brain

• Computer-based brain scans (CAT and MRI scans).

Discuss why investigating brain function is difficult and why some people do not agree with it.













.............................................................................................................................................. [6]

(d) When treating cancers in the liver, surgeons usually remove a small amount of tissue immediately surrounding the tumour, as well as the tumour itself. This improves survival rates from the cancer.

Removing tissue around a brain tumour is not usually possible.

Explain why.



.............................................................................................................................................. [2]


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20 Hashimoto’s disease can be detected by a rise in thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and low blood levels of the thyroid hormone, thyroxine.

(a) Diseases cause symptoms.

Look at the list of symptoms.

Diarrhoea Feeling cold Fever

Rapid heart rate Sickness Slowed heart rate

Choose two symptoms someone with Hashimoto’s disease would have.

1 ................................................................................................................................................

2 ........................................................................................................................................... [2]


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(b) Look at the diagram. It shows the mechanism for controlling thyroxine production.

Anterior pituitary

TSH (Thyroid Stimulation Hormone)

Thyroid gland


Target cells

The thyroid gland stores large amounts of thyroid hormone.

Hashimoto’s disease destroys thyroid tissue and reduces the store of thyroid hormone.

Explain why and suggest how the condition could be treated.








.............................................................................................................................................. [4]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(c) Look at the graph.

It shows how the normal acceptable levels of TSH (Thyroid Stimulation Hormone) in the blood are affected by age.

< 30 30 – 40 40 – 50 50 – 60 60 – 70 > 70

Age group (years)

TSH levels(milliunitsper litre)








Upper Limit

Lower Limit

(i) Describe two trends shown in the graph.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]

(ii) Hashimoto’s disease is usually detected by high TSH levels in the blood.

Explain why it is important for doctors to use the graph when diagnosing Hashimoto’s disease.



...................................................................................................................................... [2]


J247/03 Turn over© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(d) Write down two differences in the way information is transmitted in the endocrine system compared to the nervous system.

1 ................................................................................................................................................


2 ................................................................................................................................................

.............................................................................................................................................. [2]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

21 The apparatus below can be used to measure the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis.




Container of water

Gas collectshere


Pond plantSyringe



in capillarytube

(a) This apparatus is used in an investigation into the effect of light on the rate of photosynthesis.

Identify the dependent and independent variables for this investigation.

Dependent variable ..................................................................................................................

Independent variable ........................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Why is the container of water used?


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]


J247/03 Turn over© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(c) What is the inverse square law and how could it be used in the investigation?




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(d) The graph shows factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis.

Light intensity

Rate ofphotosynthesis



30 °C20 °C

(i) Which environmental factor is limiting the rate of photosynthesis at point Y on the graph?

...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Explain one reason for the increase in rate of photosynthesis between 20 °C and 30 °C.




...................................................................................................................................... [2]


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(e) Photosynthesis is a two-stage process.

Describe the two stages occurring during photosynthesis.





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]


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Question 22 starts on page 28


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22 Protein synthesis occurs inside cells.

Transcription is the first stage and involves DNA and mRNA.

(a) Describe what happens during transcription.




.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

(b) Transcription takes place inside the nucleus.

The second stage of protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm.

What is the name of the second stage?

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) Look at the table.

It shows some triplet codes for mRNA and the amino acids that they code for.

Amino Acid Triplet of bases

Lysine AAA

Tyrosine UAU

Arginine CGU

Leucine CUU



(i) Identify one amino acid that can be found on the mRNA strand above. [1]

(ii) Which type of amino acid is the most common in the mRNA chain? [1]


J247/03 Turn over© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(d) The diagram shows what happens in the cytoplasm during protein synthesis.





Identify parts 1 to 3 in the diagram.

Part 1 (triplet code on mRNA) = ...............................................................................................

Part 2 (triplet code on tRNA) = ..................................................................................................

Part 3 (between amino acids) = ................................................................................................ [5]


J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

(e) The human haploid genome has 3.2 × 109 base pairs.

During DNA replication there is an overall error rate of 1 × 10–10 per base pair.

(i) Calculate how many errors in base pairs are introduced every time the genome is replicated.

Answer = .............................. errors [2]

(ii) The error rate for transcription of mRNA is 105 greater than DNA replication.

Calculate the overall error rate per base pair for transcription of mRNA.

Answer = .............................. per base pair [2]



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J247/03© OCR 2017 Practice paper

Oxford Cambridge and RSA

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