owen's adventure story john and the jewel of england

By owen

Upload: belindacollins

Post on 23-Mar-2016




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By owen

Chapter 1: The castle

John trotted into the castle of lions in search of the jewel of England. John marched into the hall that had stones on the floor and ash coming of the wall and then went into the kitchen which had sticks and stones burning.

John bent down and picked up a stone and said “It must have been hot here’’. Suddenly he saw wood lying on the floor then he shoved rocks out of the way. John found a trap door that led to somewhere. Suddenly John heard the jingling of bars then he decided to go into the trap


Chapter 2:Through the trap door

John landed in a narrow passage and saw shields and swords. ‘’Smells funny ‘’ said John as he went through the narrow passage. John’s eyes beamed through the passage and he saw a blue dot. Suddenly John’s brown boots started to

run and his hair swished and swayed and his freezing hand grabbed the jewel then the bars

shot down.

Chapter 3 :The Appearance of Luke

Suddenly Luke came with a jewel in his hand and did a 10 second laugh. John squished the paper jewel and had a big frown on his face. “Ahhh’’ screamed someone then there was a big boom.

Chapter 4 the bomb

‘’Sounds like the bomb went boom!!!’’ said Luke as he snatched John and said there is lots more

where that came from.

Chapter 5 the jewel

Luke threw John against the wall and dropped the jewel in his cage. “Well”, said Luke. “There are 20 more and I need 10”

explained Luke. Then he trotted into a passage

Chapter 6: Another secret Passage

John stared at him until he disappeared then he searched for a lever. Suddenly he pressed the wall and it made a passage to get out of

the treacherous castle.