ow2con'14 - opencloudware: the vapp lifecycle management solution for multi-cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th The OpenCloudware collabora2ve project An Infrastructure pla/orm for Building, Maintaining and Opera9ng Enterprise Distributed Applica9ons in the Cloud Towards a PaaS management stack over mul2ple clouds Alban Richard, UShareSoft CEO Daniel Stern, Orange Labs

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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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The main way to “go cloud” has proved to be, for security and economic reasons, hybrid : mixing private with public. Moving to Cloud PaaS is then requires to: manage the lifecycle of applications over different cloud providers; mask the heterogeneity; automate the deployment whatever the application technology and execution environment are, etc. This is what tackles OpenCloudware, which aims at enabling flexible multi-cloud applications thanks to a full automated think-build-run chain. In the presentation we present a sample from OpenCloudware results demonstrating in particular a complete mechanism, comprising: application selection, deployment, benchmarking. OpenCloudware supports many IaaS infrasctructures, including OpenStack (via OW2stack). OpenCloudware is supported by the French administration through its IT support program "Fond National pour la Société Numérique".


Page 1: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

The  OpenCloudware  collabora2ve  project    

 An  Infrastructure  pla/orm  for  Building,  Maintaining  and  Opera9ng  Enterprise  Distributed  Applica9ons  in  the  Cloud  

 Towards  a  PaaS  management  stack    

over  mul2ple  clouds      

Alban Richard, UShareSoft CEO Daniel Stern, Orange Labs

Page 2: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

OpenCloudware Towards a PaaS management stack over multiple clouds

Summary The main way to “go cloud” has proved to be, for security and economic reasons, hybrid: mixing private with public. Moving to Cloud Software Management then requires to manage the lifecycle of applications over different cloud providers: mask the heterogeneity; automate the deployment whatever the application technology and execution environment, etc. This is what tackles OpenCloudware, which aims at enabling flexible multi-cloud applications thanks to a full automated think-build-run chain.

Page 3: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

What  is  OpenCloudware?  

§  French  collabora9ve  research  project  §  Development  of  soBware  modules  for  building  a  IaaS  agnos9c  Dev  to  PaaS  Enterprise  Grade  Infrastructure  pla/orm  

§  Enables  to  easily  build,  generate  and  operate  enterprise  distributed  applica9ons  for  deployment  on  any  cloud  

§  Their  Modeling,  Assembly  and  Build  

§  Their  Deployment  and  Opera2on  (PaaS)  

§  On  Mul2ple  Infrastructure  (Mul2-­‐IaaS)  

§  3  years  (Jan  2012  –  Dec  2014)  

§  Supported  by  the  French  FSN  (Fonds  Na9onal  pour  la  Société  Numérique),  aka  Grand  Emprunt  

Page 4: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

OpenCloudware  partners  

§  Corpora9ons  §  Bull  §  Orange  Labs  §  Thalès  Com  

§  Thalès  Services  §  SMEs  

§  Ac9veEon  §  eNovance  §  eXo  Pla/orm  

§  Linagora  §  UShareSoB  

§  Academic  §  Armines/Ecole  des  Mines  de  


§  IRIT  –  INP  Toulouse  §  Télécom  Paris  Tech  

§  Télécom  Saint  E9enne  

§  Univ.  Joseph  Fourier  §  Univ.  Savoie  -­‐  LISTIC  §  INRIA  

§  Open  Source  organisa9on  §  OW2   §  A  consor9um  of  18  partners  

§  h`p://opencloudware.org  

Page 5: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th




Governance Self-Service Portal

Config Monitoring, Audit

Collaboration & Sharing

Lifecycle, Governance

Full Stack Templating

IT Solutions, Blueprints

Import Live Server

Migrate to Cloud

Enterprise IT Catalog

Cloud Marketplace

Control & Security

Enterprise Workspace



UForge AppCenter

One  slide  on  UShareSoK  

Single Pane of Glass for Hybrid Cloud Workloads Management

Page 6: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

VM Building Services

Service Plan Factory Services

PaaS Platform Multi-IaaS

3rd party build environment

3rd party IaaS Cloud environment

(incl. open source)

Self-Service Portal

application Templating

Image Gallery (BI, eGov, eHealth,

eCommerce, load test, …)

other collaborative projects

OpenCloudware  Scope  

Page 7: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

Multi IaaS Layer

OpenCloudware - building blocks

Page 8: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

Infrastructure  Mul2-­‐IaaS  

UForge  (Image  Builder)  Sirocco  (Mul9-­‐IaaS  Manager)  

create provider

status deploy info app

deploy CLIF

create app

subscribe metric

notify metric

register image

publish image

estimate cost deploy app

Database  OCW  

Library Compute Network Storage

get metrics

create VM

provision VM

create image

deploy app notify deploy

monitor IaaS

get billing get metrics


provider projects user app

VAMP  (App  Manager)  

           Orchestrator  (SLA,  Elas9city)  


compute cost test app



g  /  Metering  

Modeler   CLIF   Billing  

Page 9: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

planned ready soon available

Page 10: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

Technologies  for  OpenCloudware  § OpenCloudware  Open  Source  Projects  §  Portal  :  eXo  §  Security  :  AuthzForce  §  PaaS  :  JOnAS,  JASMINe,  Petals,  JORAM  

§  Performance  :  CLIF  

§  Mul9-­‐IaaS  :  Sirocco,  ProAc9ve,  Entropy  

§ Use  of  other  open  source  soBware  §  Hudson,  Maven,  Jenkins,  sunxaclm  ...  

§ UShareSoB's  UForge  for  cloud  image  template  Mgt.  &  VM  genera9on  

Page 11: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th


l  A  consor9um  of  18  partners  

l  h`p://opencloudware.org  

Page 12: OW2con'14 - OpenCloudware: The vApp Lifecycle Management Solution for Multi-Cloud

OpenCloudware – OpenStack Summit Nov 5th

OpenCloudware  Q&A    

Enterprise  PaaS  to  Mul2-­‐IaaS    

Alban  Richard,  UShareSoB  CEO  Daniel  Stern,  Orange  Labs  [email protected]