overview: what to expect

Overview: What to expect The class consists of watching modules Most importantly, you will gain skills to provide the optimum precepting experience. Pay it forward Preceptor Handbook

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Overview: What to expect. The class consists of watching modules Most importantly, you will gain skills to provide the optimum precepting experience. Pay it forward Preceptor Handbook. Precepting. What It is A strategy for clinical education Individualized - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Preceptor Workshop: Pay it forward

Overview: What to expectThe class consists of watching modulesMost importantly, you will gain skills to provide the optimum precepting experience. Pay it forwardPreceptor Handbook

Welcome everyone. My name is Cathy and I will be your facilitator for the precepting workshop: Pay it Forward. First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to complete this class. I hope you find the information useful and that it will add to your precepting experience.

So, lets talk about the class itself. In addition to this introduction, the class is designed into four modules. Each module is a PowerPoint, which is basically a lecture on that modules topic. The modules last about 10 minutes. At the end of the communication module is a reference page that pertains to the entire class. The university has also developed a preceptor handbook. IF you have not already received one, it can be viewed online from school of nursing webpage.Before we get started I too want to thank you for volunteering to precept one of our student nurses. To Pay it forward (end)1PreceptingWhat It isA strategy for clinical educationIndividualizedLinks classroom knowledge to real patient problemsRole modeling to assist in development of standards of practiceBeing an effective teacher while maintaining a clinical workload

What is precepting? It is a teaching strategy, there are lots of different ones, but outside of the classroom, it is perhaps the one strategy most frequently used in nursing education.When we talk about precepting being individualized, this is completely up to you. This class will provide general information, you must than individualize the information for your preceptee, based on their learning styles and preferences, just like you would individualize a patients care.Precpeting links classroom and real life- remember, your student has already spent close to three years in school, they have passed tests and taken classes, but translating book information into real situations takes practice, and that is what you are here to help facilitate.Role modeling- this includes role modeling standards of care and best practices, but just as importantly, it is demonstrating how to be a nurse, in all aspects of the professionThis not just more classroom- but real life learning, that includes having a patient assignment in addition to being a preceptor. 2PreceptingWhat it is NOTSomeone to do your workAn opportunity to show off all that you knowAn opportunity to judge othersAbout youEasy

What precepting is not, have you ever heard oh I have a student today so I wont have to pass any meds or you see the preceptor at the desk socializing, and the preceptee is doing all the patient care. Precepting is not someone to do your work for you, you need to be together.Show off, yes you will be sharing your knowledge, but your way is not always the only way. As long as their way is safe, they need ot develop their own practice with their own style.Precepting is not about judging anothers performance, you are more a guide to their learningPrecepting is not about you and your practice. However, that said, if you approach this as an opportunity to share your experinences and knowledge, it is my sincere hope that you too will benefit.And honestly, precepting is not easy, it is work. But approached with a realistic plan and positive attitude, work can be fun (end) 3How Important is the Preceptor?Many factors have been identified as influencing a supportive environment for transition. However, of primary importance is the level of support provided within the preceptor relationships, which were established as a core component of the transition program.Henderson et al., 2006VeryImportant

read this So the influence you, as a preceptor has is of primary importance. So lets get started (end)4The Perfect PerceptorPreceptors are role models whom others strive to emulate. They have patience, enthusiasm, knowledge, a sense of humor, and respect their peers. They are competent, and have a willingness to learn. They are advocates, teachers, and confidants, nonthreatening, nonjudgmental, and cognizant of personal weaknesses. Baltimore, 2004

Not everyone is designed to be a preceptor, just like everyone does not desires to be a nurse. But we have a reputation within our profession that nurses eat their young This is just wrong and it must be reversed. Nursing is a caring profession and we are devoted to caring for our patients and we need to also include caring for our co-workers, and students. Research (Barrett & Myrick, 1998)has shown that the Job satisfaction of the preceptor can have a significant affect on the success of the learner. Many facilities have a preceptor selection criteria, basically the perfect person, as you can see from this slide. We know each of you may not have every quality on the list, however, to have an awareness of what we are working towards is good. Recognize your strengths and then identify areas where improvement can occur.This class is designed to support and assist you, and the purpose of the class is to give information and resources to improve and grow in this professional area (end)5Old Chinese ProverbDesire to be a Leader

Desire to be an Educator

Desire to be a Nurturer

Desire to make a differenceIf you give a man a fish when he is hungry you feed him for a day, but if you teach him to fish you feed him for a lifetime

But there are a few things that you do need, and one is a desire;

A Desire to be a leader: Leaders are responsible and accountable for others. To be a leader, you must have someone follow you, thats what a preceptee does (be prepared for up to 12 weeks)

Desire to be an Educator: not teaching experience but a desire to educate others, share your knowledge and experience in a way that will be meaningful to the preceptee. It is not just do as I do, you want the new nurse to learn to become independent, to think for themselves

You need a Desire to be a nurturer: Remember, it was not just precepting that is an effective means to transition to the real world, but it is the support the precepting relationship provides. To nurture, This includes the ability to endure waiting, delays without becoming annoyed or upset, or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties. It means learning to take time, everyone learns at their own pace, need to understand other peoples behaviors- first must understand yourself, self knowledge regarding attitudes, beliefs and bias. This takes the skill of patienceKrugman writes Percepting is a gift of self to another, a commitment to share; that is a part of the timeless tradition of nursing (2006)

You also need a desire to make a difference, you have the power to set an example of excellence, both on nursing skills and in the high standards of personal and professional behavior.

But lets also be honest, precepting is an additional responsibility to your already multifaceted staff nurse duties Remember, Role stress or job dissatisfaction for the preceptor impacts the preceptees clinical performance (Barrett & Myrick, 1998). So maintain a good work/life balance6Modules

So now you have the information you need to get started. These are the four modules. You can watch them separately, or all at once, which ever your time allows. Each has its own stand alone information and so they can be watched in any order or as many times as you want.

I have been a bedside nurse for over twenty years and have precepted many new nurses. The information within these modules are a collection of a current literature review, information from other preceptor classes and my own personal experiences. I hope you find at least one new bit of information to add to your own professional toolkit in each module and that you continue to refine and develop your own precepting skills. (end)

7Course ObjectivesRecognize the roles and responsibilities of the preceptorVerbalize the different learning styles and various teaching strategiesRole model the components of critical thinkingApply effective feedback and evaluation

At the completion of this class, it is the course objective that you will have a better understanding of the different roles and responsibilities of the preceptorof the different learning styles and how to match style and teaching strategies That you have learned about the different components of critical thinking and how to role model these componentsand you have learned a few tips on successfully providing feedback and giving evaluations

This completes our introduction. Please proceed with the learning modules at your convenience.

And again, thank you for your commitment to grow and develop others into the wonderful profession of nursing.

See you in the classroom (end)8