overview of the possibilities of quantitative methods in political science

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich International Relations Overview of the Possibilities of Quantitative Methods in Political Science Tobias Böhmelt ETH Zurich [email protected]

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Tobias Böhmelt Monday 11/7/2011 Overview of the Possibilities of Quantitative Methods in Political Science


Page 1: Overview of the Possibilities of Quantitative Methods in Political Science

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

International Relations

Overview of the Possibilities of

Quantitative Methods in Political Science

Tobias Böhmelt

ETH Zurich

[email protected]

Page 2: Overview of the Possibilities of Quantitative Methods in Political Science


• Introduction

• EITM - The Importance of Methods

• Choice of Methods

• What is Quantitative Methodology?

• The Approach of Quantitative Methods in Political Science

• Short Overview of Possibilities

• Some Problems and Caveats

• Conclusion

Page 3: Overview of the Possibilities of Quantitative Methods in Political Science


• What do I hope to accomplish?

– Teaching you in-depth knowledge of some quantitative approaches?

– Teaching you how to employ quantitative methods?

– Making you familiar with statistical software packages?

• The answer is simple – no.

• Instead:

– Clarify the value and challenges of quantitative research.

– Help you to get interested in these methods for conducting moreeffective research.

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EITM – The Importance of Methods: Why Do We Need Methods to

Answer Questions in Political Science?

EITM – Empirical Implications of Theoretical Models

• Prerogative of theory.

• Characteristics of theory determine the testing method: scope and generality,parsimony and complexity, prediction and explanation.

• Estimating average causal effects or explaining the complexity of a single event?

• The “degree of freedom problem:” most theories argue ceteris paribus, othereffects have to be controlled for. This is often not possible with one or two cases.

• Is it important how much a variable matters or just that it matters?

• Case selection: selection bias, self-selection, selection on the dependent

variable lack of independence of cases leads to false conclusions.

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EITM – The Importance of Methods

The Basic Research Design Problem

• N problems = .

• For any problem, N theories = .

• For any theory, N models = .

• For any problem, the number of empirical specifications = .

This has implications for the use of methods!

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EITM – The Importance of Methods

• Science contributes to society by simplifying complex phenomena.

– Its value increases with the value of the simplification.

• Interesting topics per se are insufficient.

– You must be able to lead people from where they are to a better conclusion.

1. The goal is inference.

2. The procedures are public.

3. The conclusions are uncertain.

4. The content is the method.

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Choice of Methods

Factors Influencing the Research Outcome – A Methods Perspective

• The chosen theoretical approach (paradigm) affects the results – approaches often

predefine the method to be applied for testing hypotheses.

• The method you choose to test propositions impacts the results you get: quantitative

vs. qualitative approaches scope and generalizability are crucial!

• Case selection: the selection of cases on the basis of the dependent variable

impedes the accumulation of knowledge: this leads to selection bias.

• Careful case selection on explanatory variables is crucial in order to obtain reliable

and valid results.

• Selection criteria should be explicitly stated to ensure replicability and show how

selection possibly drives the results.

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Choice of Methods

Different Methods Have Different Comparative Advantages

• Deduction: method follows theory:

– Test implications of theories against empirical observations.

– Hypotheses testing logic of confirmation.

• Induction: method used to create or amend theories:

– Develop theories: induction, hypothesis formation by studying deviant

and outlier cases, historical explanation of individual cases.

– Modify theories: adapt theories to outliers.

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Choice of Methods

• Trade off between explanation and prediction.

• In general: quantitative methods have a high predictive power and

qualitative a high explanatory power.

• Theory testing often requires the combination of qualitative and

quantitative methods:

– qualitative research looks at outliers of a quantitative analysis.

– case studies identify important variables and conceptualize variables.

– study the crucial case to test the underlying causal mechanism.

– study deviant or outlier cases to analyze why these cases do not fit the theory.

– study important historical cases.

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

Simple Example demonstrating the

„Usefulness‟ of Statistics:

Homer is questioned about his newly

formed vigilante group.

Newscaster: “Since your group started up,

petty crime is down 20%, but other crimes

are up. Such as heavy sack beating, which

is up 800%. So you‟re actually increasing


Homer: “You can make up statistics to

prove anything.”

Has to do with “numbers”…

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

Curtis Signorino (1999) “How to Translate a Theory into a Statistical


1. Specify the theoretical choice model.

2. Add a random component (the source of uncertainty).

3. Derive the probability model associated with one‟s dependent


4. Construct a likelihood equation based on the probability model.

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

• Research techniques that are used to gather and analyze quantitative

data, i.e., information dealing with anything that is measurable.

• Descriptive statistics: description of central variables by statistical

measures such as median, mean, standard deviation and variance.

• Inferential statistics: test for a relationship between variables – at least

one explanatory factor and one dependent variable.

• Inference is the goal:

– is it possible to generalize the regression results for the sample under

observation to the universe of cases (the population)?

– can you draw conclusions for individuals, countries, and time-points beyond

those observations in your data-set?

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

• For the application of quantitative data analysis it is crucial that the

selected method is appropriate for the data structure:

• Dependent Variable:

– Dimensionality: spatial and dynamic.

– continuous or discrete.

– Binary, ordinal categories, count.

– Distribution: normal, logistic, poison, negative binomial.

• Critical points:

– Measurement level of the DV and IV.

– Expected and actual distribution of the variables.

– Number of observations and variance.

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

Definition of Key Concepts:

• Variable: a variable is any measured characteristic or attribute that hast the

potential to differ for different subjects.

• Independent variables – explanatory variables – exogenous variables –

explanans: variables that are causal for a specific outcome (necessary


• Intervening variables: factors that impact the influence of independent

variables, variables that interact with explanatory variables and alter the

outcome (sufficient conditions).

• Dependent variables – endogenous variables – explanandum: outcome

variables, that we want to explain.

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

Definition of Key Concepts:

• Sample: a specific subset of a population (the universe of cases)

– Samples can be random or non-random=selected

– For most simple statistical models random samples are a crucial prerequisite

• Random sample: drawn from the population in a way that every item in the

population has the same opportunity of being drawn – the observations of the

random sample are thus independent of each other.

• Sampling error: one sample will usually not be completely representative of the

population from which it was drawn – this random variation in the results is known as

sampling error.

• For random samples, mathematical theory is available to assess the sampling error,

estimates obtained from random samples can be combined with measures of the

uncertainty associated with the estimate, e.g. standard error, confidence intervals.

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What is Quantitatitve Methodology?

Random Samples

• Observations are independent of each other.

• The random sample mimics the distribution and all characteristics of the underlying


• Sampling error is white noise, a random component with no structure, and can

therefore be assessed by mathematical and statistical tools.

• Often: not observing a random sample renders statistical results biased and


Selected Samples

• Sample selected on the basis of a specific criterion connected with the dependent


• Sample selection often precludes inference beyond the sample and renders

estimation results biased.

• One has to be aware of possible sample selection and account for the possible bias

especially of test statistics.

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The Approach of Quantitative Political Science


• Datasets contain dependent, independent, and intervening variables

for a specific sample in order to answer a research question/testing

specific theoretical propositions.

• All variables in the data have the same dimensionality (observations

for the same cases, units, and time points).

• Variables in a data can have different measurement levels, types, and


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The Approach of Quantitative Political Science

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The Approach of Quantitative Political Science – Types of Data

Micro Data: Individual Data

• Survey data: Eurobarometer, National Election Study (US), British Election Study,

socio-economic panel (Germany and other countries).

Macro Data: Aggregated Data at Different Levels

• Economic indicators: Inflation, Unemployment, GDP, growth, population (density)

and demographic data, government spending, public debt, tax rates, government

revenue, interest rates, exchange rates, income distribution, FDI, foreign aid, trade

(exports/ imports), no of employees in different sectors etc.

• Political indicators: electoral system (majority, proportional), political system

(parliamentary, presidential, federal), political institutions, number of veto players,

regime type (democracy, autocracy), union density, labor market regulations, wage

negotiation system (corporatism), human and civil rights, economic and financial

openness, political particularism etc.

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The Approach of Quantitative Political Science – Types of Data

Dimensionality of the Data

• Cross-sectional data: observations for N units at one point in time.

• Time series data: observations for one unit at different points in time.

• Panel data: observations for N units at T points in time: N is

significantly larger than T – mostly used for micro data – units are


• Time series cross section (TSCS) data: panel data, but mostly used for

macro data – aggregated (country) data.

• Cross section time series (CSTS) data: observations for N units at T

points in time: T > N.

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The Approach of Quantitative Political Science – Data Sources

Economic Data

• OECD: national accounts, government revenue, taxation, main economic indicators

(unemployment, inflation, GDP), earnings, labour market, FDI, social expenditure, debt,

employment etc.

• IMF: economic indictors, direction of trade statistics, international financial statistics (interest

rates, exchange rates, capital flows)

• World bank: economic indicators

• PennWorld tables: macro-economic data

• ILO: labour market statistics

• WTO: data on preferential trade agreements etc.

Political Data

• Eurobarometer: regular surveys, microdata European countries

• Polity: degree of democracy

• Freedom house: human and civil rights

• Correlates of War: MID, alliance, membership in IGOs

• Event data bases: WEIS (World Event Interaction Survey), IDEA

• Cingranelli-Richards (CIRI) Human Rights Database: Political freedom, political rights, civil- and

human rights.

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Short Overview of Possibilities

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Short Overview of Possibilities

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Short Overview of Possibilities

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Short Overview of Possibilities

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Short Overview of Possibilities

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

• A metric variable Y can be determined by a function of X

• The specific values of Y therefore depend on the specific values of X

Y = f(X)

• The most straightforward association of such a relationship is linear

Y = f(X) = a + bX

• The „line‟ is hence uniquely determined by two factors:

• the constant (a), i.e. the point where the „line‟ crosses the y-axis

• and the slope (b), i.e. how does Y change if X is increased by one unit

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

We do not have „deterministic‟ relationships, however! Hard – if not

impossible - to find in Political Science!

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

• It is impossible to find a linear line on which all points lie jointly.

• Nonetheless, you can try to capture all these points straight through a

line that describes the underlying relationship in the best way.

• And THIS is exactly what regression analysis tries to do.

• Which straight line is the best, though?

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

• The method for doing this is called OLS – ordinary least squares.

• The function shall plot a straight line through the points so that the

squared distances between the actually observed values (yi) and the

values as predicted by the function (ŷi) are minimized when summed up.

• The straight line – or the parameters of a and b – is chosen that

minimizes the sum of the residuals ei:

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

• The equation for the OLS function is written like this:

ŷi = a + bxi

yi = a + bxi + ei

• The “hat” in the first equation demonstrates that we are just dealing

with estimates ŷi that may differ from the actual values of Y.

• Regarding the second equation, the error term ei indicates that not all

values of our observations may be found on the straight line


• It is an approach to capture the underlying relationship as closely as


• It is an estimation!

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

• How to determine the “quality” of a regression line?

• Follow the principle of ANOVA: Analysis of Variance.

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

regression conflict water

Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 557

-------------+------------------------------ F( 1, 555) = 195.62

Model | 16311.805 1 16311.805 Prob > F = 0.0000

Residual | 46278.3932 555 83.3844922 R-squared = 0.2606

-------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.2593

Total | 62590.1981 556 112.572299 Root MSE = 9.1315


conflict | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]


water | 1.462844 .1045899 13.99 0.000 1.257404 1.668285

_cons | 34.93685 .6476726 53.94 0.000 33.66466 36.20904


yi = a + bxi + ei conflict=34.94+1.46*water+ ei

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Short Overview of Possibilities: OLS Regression

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Problems with Quantiative Research – Stargazing

• Begin with a hunch that a particular variable has an unappreciatedassociation with [environmental conflict].

• A standard regression is run. The analyst looks for “stars.”

• If the stars support the hunch, then the examination stops.

• Otherwise, additional regressions are run. No easily stated theoryguides such decisions.

• The process stops when the stars align.

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Problems with Quantiative Research – Misspecification

• Claim: “X1, has no effect on Y.”

• Evidence: the coefficient of X1 does not achieve a particular level of statistical significance.

– So, X1 does not have a statistically significant effect within the stated model.

• What if the true underlying data generating mechanism is not identical to the structure of the stated model?

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Problems with Quantiative Research – Remedies

• New estimators.

• Replication data.

• Greater rigor in relations between theoretical models andthe empirical models used to evaluate them.

• Increase transparency and build credibility throughtheoretical development and evaluation.

• The importance of transparency and rigor does not stop

when you have developed an empirical model.

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Santiago Ramon y Cajal (1916)

“What a wonderful stimulant itwould be for the beginner if hisinstructor, instead of amazing anddismaying him with the sublimityof great past achievements, wouldreveal instead the origin of eachscientific discovery … –information that, from a humanperspective, is essential to anaccurate explanation of thediscovery.”

Problems with Quantiative Research – Remedies

Page 40: Overview of the Possibilities of Quantitative Methods in Political Science


• EITM - The Importance of Methods

• Choice of Methods

• What is Quantitative Methodology?

• The Approach of Quantitative Political Science

• Short Overview of Possibilities

• Some Problems and Caveats

• Any questions?