overthrowing the new feudalism

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  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Overthrowing the New FeudalismAn Alternative Manifesto of Occupation

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    The New Feudalism

    The old system has returned.Over the past few decades, it

    has slowly crept up on usunawares.

    We now live under a newsystem oflords, royalty andpriests.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    The Old System

    Lords held the right to propertywhile the peasants worked for

    them in return for protectionand the use of land.

    Royalty held political power andruled the kingdom with thesupport of the lords.

    Priests provided divinejustification of the nobility andthe royaltys right to rule over

    average people in jargon theycould not understand.

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    The super-rich are the newlords.

    This small group controls most

    of the worlds wealth andproperty. They also control thepolitical system through theapplication of their wealth.

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    Politicians are the new royalty.

    They need to work for theagendas of the super-rich in

    return for the financial supportthey need to consolidate andmaintain their power.

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    Economists and academicexperts are the new priests.

    They justify the actions of

    politicians and businessexecutives with a complexmass of theoretical jargon thatmost average people do nothave the time to study.

    It is only accessible to thosewho make careers out of it.

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    Any system of politicaloppression is perpetuated by

    the collusion between the threegroups that control thefollowing three ingredients:money, powerand knowledge.

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    Principle: Money = Power=Money = Power

    All money is power. All power is

    equivalent to money.

    Money has worth because it haspower to get things you want.But if you already have thepower get what you want, it is

    the same as having money.

    Whoever has one, can use it toget more of the other. The richgrow more powerful; thepowerful grow richer.


    To turn $100 into $110, is work.To turn a $100 million into $110million, is inevitable.

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    Knowledge = Power.

    But power is relative. It is onlyuseful if you have more of itthan others.

    Therefore possession ofknowledge that is not

    accessible to others is power.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism



    In an agrarian society, a personwho can predict the amount of

    rainfall each season has power.

    But only if the knowledge ofhow it is done is kept secret.

    To maintain the power, he has

    to mislead the others. He willclaim favors from the godsrather than revealing theweather signs he looks for.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism



    Oppressive systems areinherently unstable

    A system where a smallminority holds most of thesocietys money and power is

    not stable.

    The population alwaysoutnumbers the elite.Rebellions will emerge withtime.

    But only if the people know

    what is going on

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Knowledge as the key toperpetuating power

    Deny people knowledge of the

    system. Limit this knowledge toexperts.

    Make the knowledgeinaccessible: use a deadlanguage (e.g. Latin); use

    technical jargon; multiply thecomplexity of the system sothat it takes years of study tounderstand it.

    Dismiss challenges to the

    system as uneducated oruninformed. Dismiss alternativeideas as fringe or crackpot.

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    Argument: The failure ofcapitalism and socialism

    Both incorrectly focused on the

    distribution ofmoney.

    The real issue is the distributionofpower.

    The proper system is one where

    money can buy anything exceptvotes.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism



    Any real distribution of powerhas to take place away from

    authorities and to individualcitizens.

    Power transfer from oneauthority to another authority(even if more regional) cannot

    be considered genuinedistribution of power.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Decentralization of Power

    Power is always exercised byindividuals, not groups or


    When one says government

    has power, it is those

    individuals within thegovernment who actually have


    Decentralization of powermeans limiting the maximumamount of political power thatcan be held by any individual

    human being.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    The Invasion of theMBA/Harvard Types

    Early business leaders were

    experts of their domain cars,steel, electricity, computers.They had no MBAs. Modernbusiness leaders are experts

    in something called businessand know nothing about their



    There is no such disciplinecalled business. It is a

    concept used by those with nohard skills or domainknowledge to take overbusinesses built by pastleaders.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Harvard/MBA Types TheMethods

    Downplay the hard skills they

    do not have accounting,engineering, design, logistics.

    Glamorize soft skills

    marketing, communicationskills, teamwork, branding,

    making deals, risk taking,strategy.

    Instead of building ones own

    businesses, use MBAcredentials to gain entry to

    businesses already built bypast business leaders.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Harvard/MBA Types TheMethods

    Gradually displace managers

    with domain expertise withmore MBA types. Domainexperts tend to see throughMBA style management and areconsidered a threat.

    Claim that brand is moreimportant than product/service.

    Delegate all value generatingwork to domain experts andmake oneself responsible for


    Fail at strategy and blamemarket conditions for losses.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Harvard/MBA Types TheMethods

    Hire consultants to mask lack of

    understanding of the business.

    Outsource to mask inability tomanage a full supply line.

    Mergers and acquisitions used

    to mask inability to build newbusiness areas, lack of R&Dand not knowing how to re-invest profits.

    Cost cutting to mask lack ofrevenue growth.

    External trainers and team

    building to mask inability tobuild employee capabilities.

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    Harvard/MBA Types TheMethods

    Create a culture where people

    are made to believe thatbusiness is about mergers,acquisitions, making deals,

    strategy, impressive

    presentations and not the corebusiness.

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    Corporate CEOs and boards ofdirectors

    They often sit in each others

    boards of directors and haveattended the same ivy leaguebusiness schools.

    They will always pay each otherlarge bonuses and severance


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    Corporate CEOs and speculators

    Speculators and hedge fundsbecome large shareholders of


    They influence CEO and board ofdirectors to increasingly focus onshort term increases in stockprice (e.g. spending onmarketing), at the expense of longterm assets, R&D, personnel etc.

    Speculators cash in by selling thestock once the price reaches theirtargets.

    CEO collects a bonus and departsthe corporation with a goodreputation before the stock pricestarts falling.

    Repeat cycle till the corporationfaces bankruptcy.

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    The Old Boys Club

    The players

    CEOs, business school alumni,politicians, regulators,economists, diplomats, boardsof directors.

    The methods

    Assume positions of power andinfluence within businessschools, corporations andgovernment.

    Trade favors with old

    classmates and alumni.

    Create entry barriers tooutsiders by creating an

    exclusive network.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    The Revolving Door

    The players: High levelcorporate executives, bankers,

    politicians, regulatory agencyofficials.

    Politicians: Serve as regulators.Create regulations favorable tocorporate interests in return for

    various favors. Leave politicalcareers and get hired asconsultants, executives orlobbyists for friendlycorporations.

    Corporate executives: Retirefrom posts and join governmentagencies that regulate theirindustry. Create favorableregulatory environment forformer employers.

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    Justify government andcorporate actions with

    theoreticaljargon that isincomprehensible even toeducated members of thegeneral public.

    Shift the blame from politicians

    and corporate executives tojargon: market conditions,inflation, interest rates, moneysupply, volatility, liquidity,consumer confidence etc.

    Justifies amongst other things:deposit insurance, fractionalreserve banking, fiat currency,deficit government spending,high debt.

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    The Fractional Reserve Systemallows bankers to eat their cakeand have it too to say thatthey are holding your $100deposit while actually holdingonly $10 and lending $90 out tosomeone else for interest.

    That someone else pays the $90

    to someone and he too depositsit in another bank, which in turnlends out $81 of that, so on andso forth.

    Now there is more apparentmoney in circulation ($171) than

    there really is ($100).

    The lower the reserve rate (e.g.10%) the more profits the bankmakes.

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    Deposit Insurance & Too Big to


    Fractional reserve banking is a

    high-profit, high-risk venture. Ifmost depositors try to withdrawtheir money at the same time, abank run occurs the bank hasno funds at hand to paybecause most of it has been

    lent out.

    Instead of the bank absorbingthe losses due to its riskypractices, bankers get thegovernment to use taxpayer

    money to protect them. This iscalled deposit insurance.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Deposit Insurance & Too Big to

    Fail Cont.

    Bankers can gamble with

    depositor money knowing thatthe government will bail themout if they lose.

    This entire process is justifiedby various theories produced

    by economists and isperpetuated by the revolvingdoor.

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    Campaign Finance

    The super-rich will always beataverage candidates because

    they can out-advertise them.

    How can a representativedemocracy represent theaverage person if it iscomposed of people from a tiny

    minority of super-rich? Do suchpeople represent you?

    Spending money to buy votes isnot freedom of speech.

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  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    A corporation cannot have apolitical will. The individualmembers of the corporationcan.

    The political will of thecorporation is actually the will

    of its top executives, not itsemployees.

    Individual members of acorporation alreadyhaveconstitutional rights by virtue ofbeing individuals, regardless oftheir membership in thecorporation. They do not need

    to be represented twice.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Capitalism Corporate


    Under proper free market

    conditions, the distribution ofwealth should be roughlyproportional to the distributionof skills in society.

    The economy should be

    dominated by small andmedium businesses.


    Today, a few large corporationsare using political power tosuppress competition fromsmaller, more numerouscompetitors.

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  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism



    Copyrights are used by largecorporations as both a source

    of easy money and as a legalweapon.

    They have lobbied andsuccessfully increased theoriginal 25 years to almost a

    100 years today.

    Record labels and moviestudios profit for close to acentury without actuallycontributing anything new to

    society after the initial release.

    Copyright revenue is used tolobby for more copyrightextensions.

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    Patents are not aboutprotecting an invention. That

    can be already achieved bykeeping the invention a tradesecret.

    Patents are a mechanism toencourage inventors to share

    their discoveries with otherswho can develop it further andcreate derivative works.

    At the same time, for about 20years, the inventor can recover

    his R&D costs through royaltiesfrom other manufacturers.

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    Claim: Patents have becomeweapons at the hands of large


    They hire large teams of patentlawyers to patent even the mosttrivial inventions. Smallinventors do not have the

    money to do this.

    Large corporations also usepatents to prevent innovationsby competitors they sueclaiming patent infringement as

    a tactic. Whether the case iswon or not, a product can bedelayed.

    Instead of encouraginginnovation, patents now stifle it.

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    Media Bias by omission

    Large media corporations areowned by rich media moguls

    who have their own partyaffiliations.

    Views and events that threatenthe established views areignored. Ignoring a viewpoint is

    far more potent than attackingit.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    The Demands

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    Ban lobbying

    Do not confuse lobbying withthe right to petition. The U.S.

    lobbying industry spends about$30 billion per year (over $200per voter).

    Citizens of a senator orcongressmans constituency

    should be able to petitionhim/her once they have aminimum number of signatures.

    The difference between goodand bad lobbying has been

    muddied. Ban everythingexcept the above.

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    Shut the revolving door

    Ban government officials,senators and congressmen

    from consulting for, orinteracting in any way withprivate corporations orinstitutions.

    Ban regulators from joining

    private corporations after theirtenure.

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    Abolish corporate personhood

    This is both extremely highpriority and extremely difficult.

    All contracts should be betweenhuman beings in the case ofcorporations, executives. If theexecutive leaves, contractsshould be transferred to his


    Legal liability of decisions willrest with decision makingexecutive or committee. Onlyfinancial liability will rest with

    the corporation.

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    Overhaul campaign finance

    When running for public office,candidates have to temporarily

    forfeit free speech rights.

    No candidate may use privatefunds for advertising oncecandidacy is declared.

    Candidates require set numberof signatures to receivecampaign funds fromgovernment.

    Corporations may not partakein the political process. Onlyindividuals that make up thecorporations may do so.

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    Implement 100% Reservebanking through IT

    A bank should not letdepositors money gather dust.But at the same time, moneycannot be in two places at once.

    Develop an instant fixeddeposit scheme:

    Depositors can block anyamount from their savings atany time for any period(preferably through an internetsystem). Bank can lend out onlysuch blocked funds. Depositorscannot withdraw these funds

    until maturity.

    Interest is earned, but no risk ofbank run. No inflation of moneysupply.

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    Eliminate short term CEOs andshort term shareholder power

    Only shareholders who hold

    long term stock (say, thatcannot be sold for 5 years) canvote.

    Pay a large chunk of a CEOsremuneration in the form of

    long term stock options.

    If CEO leaves early, or thecompanys stock price falls

    over the long term, he will losefinancial benefits.

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    End secrecy and surveillance

    Dilemma: There are thingsabout national security that

    citizens have a right to knowbut foreign nationals do not.How to make this happen?

    Dilemma: Should lawenforcement preemptively

    monitor criminal activity? Isprevention worth the risk ofputting surveillance at thehands of the government?

    For any given federal secret,

    there should be at least tworeviewers from each state(representing the two mainparties) with clearance toreview it.

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    A swifter justice system


    The more time passes betweencrime and punishment, the lessof a deterrent it is.

    No case should be held up dueto a lack of court dates. Victimsshould not languish in courtsfor years.

    Keep pouring resources intothe justice system until the onlything that limits the speed of acase are the legal proceedingsthemselves.

    Bring information technologyinto the deliberation process.

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    Non-financial penalties

    Fines encourage rich criminalsand penalize poor ones. An

    expensive legal system doesthe same. Fines cause the richno harm.

    Fines should be there tocompensate the victim, not to

    penalize and deter the guilty.

    All crimes should carry apersonal penalty componentthat cannot be bypassed bypaying money. The guilty must

    personally submit to thepenalty.

    Possible: Community service,banning from certain activities,civic detention, prison

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Disregard the economists

    Economists failed to predictevery major economic crisis

    and repeatedly dismissedanyone who correctly predictedit.

    Economics as a science is stillwhere chemistry was when it

    was alchemy. Economistscannot even agree on what thefundamental principles of thediscipline should be.

    Do not trust a group of

    experts who trust theirmathematical models more thantheir own senses.

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    The MethodsSucceeding where traditional movements fail

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    The Basic Principle of Protest

    The tyrant has only two eyes,

    two hands and one body, no

    more than is possessed by you.Where has he acquired enougheyes to spy upon you, if you donot provide them yourselves?How can he have so many armsto beat you with, if he does not

    borrow them from you? The feetthat trample down your cities,are they not your own? Howdoes he have any power overyou except through you? Howwould he dare assail you if he

    had no cooperation from you?

    -- tienne de la BotieThe Discourse of Voluntary


  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Do not talk sense to the money-power elite

    They already know what they

    should not do and why. Andthey dont care. Talk sense onlyto voters.

    Those in power only respond topower power to unseat them.

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    Ignore the nerve center, attackthe immune system.

    Ignore the leaders politicians,

    business leaders they willignore protests as long as theycan get away with it.

    Target the foot soldiers, croniesand collaborators

    All armed collaborators whoinstill fear in their fellowcitizens under the aegis of lawenforcement, national security.

    Riot police who shoot and

    arrest protestors, secret policeorganizations that spy onopposition groups. Theirsalaries and equipment are paidfor by taxpayer money.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Foot soldiers, cronies andcollaborators

    Gather evidence their faces,

    their names, where they live.

    Shun them from society theyhave to live among you; theirchildren have go to school withyour children; they have to

    attend church with you; shopwhere you shop.

    When regime change comes, trythose who shot protesters formurder; others for attemptedmurder, assault, abuse ofpower.

    They cannot both oppresssociety andbe a part of it.

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    Just Following Orders

    Do not allow the Nurembergdefense.

    Armed personnel who usedforce against citizens willalways claim that they werejust following orders once a

    regime has fallen.

    The justification for acts donepursuant to orders does notexist if the order was of such anature that a man of ordinarysense and understanding wouldknow it to be illegal.

    The threat ofprosecution/execution shouldmake any foot soldier,collaborator think twice.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Sicsemper tyrannis

    A Latin phrase meaning Thusalways to tyrants, said to have

    been uttered by Brutus duringJulius Caesars assassination.

    Subverting the democraticprocess of a nation is a seriouscrime, on par with, if not worse

    than murder.Seek maximum penaltiesincluding life imprisonment andexecution for leaders ofoppressive regimes and theirfoot-soldiers.

    Unless a few heads falloccasionally, the rich andpowerful tend to forget theirplace in society.

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    Ignore all secondary issuestemporarily environment,poverty, disease, war all theseare either caused or made

    worse by one thing: the mixingof money and politics.

    Do not ask for sweepingreforms. Select several, veryspecific reforms that have very

    specific implementation steps.Maintain relentless pressure.Ask for nothing else, acceptnothing else.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Appeal to other activists

    Understand: The money-powerelite stands in the way of

    solving many of the worldsproblems. They keepredirecting resources andpolitical power away from realissues to their own interests.

    No matter what you stand forending famine, environment,human rights, disarmamentthe root cause includes mixingof money and political power.

    All activists should pool theirresources and form a commonfront to fight this. Nothing willwork as long as the money-power link exists. All othercauses are secondary.

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism



    Consider organizing yourselvesinto a caucus structure. The

    smallest possible unit is agroup of 3 individuals who trusteach other. Conflicts are votedon. No deadlock since oddnumber.

    A possible hierarchy: next level:3 groups of 3 = 9. So on and soforth. At each level, a unit hasone of three votes.

    Groups that work with eachother should be linked by atleast one pair of members whoknow and trust each other.

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    Communication and publicityare two different things. Keep

    private communications asprivate as possible.

    Meet in person when phonesare monitored. Use phoneswhen neighborhood is

    monitored. Use the Internetwhen both are not possible.

    Peer-to-peer communications(whether electronic or not) arebetter than using third partynetworks (e.g. telephone, ISP).

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    In the early stages, educatingpeople privately is far more

    important than publicity.

    Publicity works against you ifyour bark is bigger than yourbite.

    Never preach, debate or berate

    friends with opposing views.Win the person, not theargument. Learn the art ofasking questions that answerthemselves.

    Know true stories to illustrateevery point you have to make.True stories hit harder thanstatistics or theory.

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  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Target individual humans forcriticism never corporations,institutions or concepts.

    Crimes are committed byindividual human beings, notentities or concepts.

    When accusing, accuse theguilty person, not his

    organization or his beliefs.

    Att iti P di Shift

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Attrition vs. Paradigm Shifts

    Those in power will ignore non-disruptive protests as long as

    they can.

    People holding boards are not athreat. Popular voterdissatisfaction is also not athreat if all major parties

    represent the same status quo.What is needed is an abruptshift in the political paradigm.Unseat and prosecute thosewho hold illegitimate power.

    Find non-violent, but highlydisruptive ways to hurtillegitimate power at every level.

    O t t th lit

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Out-vote the money-power elite

    Protests alone will fail becausepoliticians know they can

    deliver their campaignmessages if they spend enoughmoney.

    Ignore EVERYTHING that comeout of politicians mouths for

    the next few elections. Judge acandidates convictions basedsolely on where his moneycomes from.

    Get as many people to followthis strategy as possible.Achieve multiple upsets acrossas many elections as possible.

    V t f f i did t

  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Vote for fringe candidates

    Calling candidates who are notpart of the money-power elite

    fringe or unelectable is aweapon.

    Disarm this weapon by votingfor fringe candidates. It isriskier to let the mainstream

    candidates keep winning thanto vote for wildcard candidateswith unproven track records.

    Any potential disruption causedby such candidates is worth therisk.

    Corporate executives,




  • 7/31/2019 Overthrowing the New Feudalism


    Super rich

    Destruction of legitimate businesses

    Draining profits for bonuses and severance

    Breaking honest employees

    Contributing to political campaignsControlling candidate agendas

    Lobbying to subvert laws and regulations

    Infiltrating regulatory agencies

    Acquiring public money through various schemes

    Use legal tactics to undermine competition


    Support groups

    Use money to dominate elections

    Pass money-power-elite-friendly laws

    Help cover corporate losses with tax moneyUse police/military force against opposition

    Monitor opposition in the name of fighting crime

    and terrorism

    Destruction of the economy through debt and



    Justify economic schemes of politicians and

    corporate executives with theories and jargon.

    Criticize and drive away new ideas and theories.

    Make the system incomprehensible to the public.


    Discard traditional methods of protest

    Ignore the experts

    Organize and educate yourselves

    Target and shun foot-soldiers and collaborators

    Temporarily suspend all other causes and

    focus all available personnel and resources to

    breaking the money-power link