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  • 7/28/2019 Outpost Tech Details Ocr


    THE OUTPOST PLATFORMGLOBAL OUTPOST, Inc. proposesa businessventure in orbitand has a management team with 250 years of combinedmanagement experience to oversee and direct all the activitiesassociated with providing profitable services to the customercommunity. GLOBAL OUTPOST. Inc. is comprised of adedicated team of professionals from a number of diverse fieldsdirectly related to the goals of the company.The management group consists of persons with decades ofexperience in the fields of manned and unmanned spacesystems,including launch vehicle development, the Space Shuttle, theutilization of the ET in orbit, the Space Station, the establish-ment and management of national (and international) spaceprograms, and commercial space venture development. ItincludesformerNASAmanagers,seniorexeeutivesfrommajoraerospace companies, executives with extensive military ex-perience, commercial space entrepreneurs and other spacerelated staff.The GLOBAL OUTPOST, Inc. management team brings to-gether a mix of individuals and skills for the application of theexternal tank in orbit and general spacedevelopment programs.The company principals have an eleven year history of conceptdevelopment in external tank utihzation, and all have partici-pated in a variety of roles in the development of spaceover thepast two decades. The company is an Apple Macintosh Soft-ware Developer, has inked the team via Macintosh computersand expects the computer will provide increased communica-tions for the customers.





    Thomas C. Taylor - founder and president of GLOBALOUTPOST, Inc.. a professional civil engineer with degreesfrom Colorado State and Stanford University. Mr. Taylor isalso the Chairman of the Board. He has spent the last elevenyears working as a consultant in the spacecommercializationindustry focusing on the utilization of the external tank in orbitfor commercial purposes. He has also helped start othersuccessfuIspace related ventures and has published over thirtyET related technical papers. Mr. Taylor was director of engi-neering for SPACEHAB in the early years. SPACEHAB is apressurized module in the orbiter due to launch in 1993 and hasraised over $100 million from the private sector.James E. Wilson - executive vice president, founder of theWilson and Mmre Corporation, a professional, consultativeservicesorganizationofferingtechnicalandmanagerialservicesto industry and government. Former staff director for theScience and Technology Subcommittee of the House of Rep-resentatives. h Ir. Wilson and Mr. Taylor founded thecompanyafter meeting in 1987.John D. Hodge - director of government relations, retiredNASA, Office of Space Station, Deputy and Acting AssociateAdministrator for Space Station which included everythingfrom the creation and staffing to long range operational issuesfor the NASA Space Station Program (1982 to 1986).Dr. Charles W. Cook - director of engineering, has a broadbackground in space and national security activities with over


    GLOBAL OUTPOST has assembled37 individuals of with skills in aero-space, entreperenurial, financial,marketing and other areas to managethe OUTPOST Platform.

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    30 years of experience in key senior management positions inthe Department of Defense planning the course of the nationsdefense space efforts. Dr. Cook has served as focal point andinterface between the Department of Defense space activitiesand NASA, NOAA, DOT and other agencies.William A. Good - director of marketing, joined GLOBALOUTPOST, Inc. from MCDOMeU Douglas where he wasmanager for Space Transportation Market Analysis, broadentrepreneurial and aerospace marketing experience in SpaceTransportation Market Analysis at MCDoMell Douglas andMartin Marietta, Space Station flight operations at RockwellInternational, Consolidated Space Operations Center softwaredevelopment at TRW, and commercial software developmentat EDS.Jerry S. Howe - OUTFQSTs general legal advisor of Steptoeand Johnson, Washington, D.C., commercial spaceagreementexperience with NASA including space law and governmentspace policy. Jerry was the chief negotiator for the NASAEnabling Agreement.David Nixon - is an architect and partner of Future SystemsConsultants. He has completed several NASA research con-tracts in manned space acilities design and is now involved inconstruction systemsstudies for lunar applications. Mr. Nixonis assisting with CAD definition and advanced ET applicationsstudies.Stanley H. Johansen - isthefounderof SouthWestemConsulting International (S WCI), a fir that special-izes in conducting Strategic Planning, Market Re-search, Quality Management Programs, Economicand Financial Analysis for Capital InvestmentProjects, and in the preparation of detailed BusinessPlans for small, medium and new start- up venturecompanies.Wilfred J. Mellors - former head of the Washington Office of

    f . \contact: Thomas C. Taylor

    PresidentPhone 505-522-2106Fax 505-522-2495email: ttaylor@totacccom3705 Canyon Ridge ArcLas Cruces, NM 88011 /

    the European Space Agency (1973 to 1983). has extensiveexperience in international space activities.R. Bruce Pittman - president of Operations Concepts, Inc.,specializing in the rapid prototyping of aerospace echnology &operations situations. Systems Engineering consultant.Alice S. Taylor - Corporate Secretary & Treas.Loren J.Abdulezer-f~cialadvisoranddkectorofsoftwareresearch with consulting and programming experience at amajor accounting firm.Paul Gulman - professional mechanical engineer, formerlywith MMA in Denver.T. Bland Norris - extensive NASA science and programexperience.David Braun - financial assistant with extensive business andfinancial experience.Jon E. Trevathan - corporation legal.Richard Dowling - aerospace communications and videoexpert, Found%l Space Media.Rex W. Ridenoure - PL space expert, entrepreneur andformer NASA researcher.James R. Grady -general manager, Discovery SpaceTechnol-ogy Center.John Paul Rossie - telecommunications expert.Arthur W. Overman - marketing and business developmentRegis Fauquet - engineering and models.Carlos Rocha - engineering assistant and human factors.Leonard David - is a freelance writer, author, coauthor andcontributor to a variety of space studies and spacepublicationswith over 10 years experience in interfacing and the aerospacemedia and worting within the U.S. public space movement.Ron Jones - is a special effects photographer and roboticsexpert.The OUTPOST start up team includes many multitalentedindividuals capable of moving the concept through its devel-opment. GLOBAL OUTPOST is located on the campus of theUniversity of Maryland and part of the stated supported Tech-nology Advancement Program (TAP), an entrepreneurial incu-bator.

    Corporate OffkeGLOBAL OUTPOST, Inc.

    0 GLOBAL OUTPOST, Inc.Feb 1992

  • 7/28/2019 Outpost Tech Details Ocr



    external tankThe ke.y to cost effective orbital services is the ExternalTank (ET). The ET is the light brown tank under theshuttle on each launch, discarded and not reused. Thetank is truly a remarkable combination of economicoppormnity and enabling technology. The ET is usedas a strongback and propellant container in the shuttlelaunch and could be used a second time as a strongbackin orbit becasue, t can reduce the cost of doing businessin space and enhance other aspects of the OUTPOSTPlatform. The Martin Marietta Corporation at theMichoud Assembly Facility New Orleans, LA. andfabricates the ET for the NASA Marshall Space FlightCenter in Huntsville, Alabama.The External Tank (ET) is a light aluminum structurecontaining two tanks and covered with a ThermalProtection System TPS) consisting of sprayed-on foaminsulation of several types. The exterior of the ETprovides a large surface (almost a third of an acre) onwhich to conduct business in orbit. This exteriorsurface is similar to raw land or real estate and can bedeveloped. The ET is essential to the shuttle as a carrierofthepropellants necessary oplacethe vehicleon orbitand as a strongback for the stack, but considerableenergy (cost) is invested in the ET mass to bring it tonear orbit. The External Tank (ET) is taken to -98+ %of full orbital velocity.Why the External Tank is Important-The transportation costs or the ET are almost all paid.In the near term the external tank offers other advan-tages including orbital stability and as a strongback.The length of the ET (154) produces gravity gradientforces, which causes the long axis of the tank to con-stantly point toward the center of the earth. Theseforces greatly reduce the reaction control system pro-RETAILS

    ET The External Tank of the Space Shuttleis used as a strongback in orbit and canreduce the cost of doing business inorbit.

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    pellants used on the platform and provide a stable platform forbusiness activities and is an excellent strong back for theattachment of customer payloads. The ET is used as a propel-lant container and has hree internal pressure volumes. Thesevolumes are not suitable for propellant containers or mannedvolumes, but some customers have expressed interest in theiruse for other purposes.The greatest early advantage the ET appears to be the designapproach it seems o force. The approach to the second use ofthe external tank is the salvage of a derelict tnentality, ratherthan a clean sheet everything new attitude inthe design. Thisapproach is helped by the companys policy of using existingflight qualified subsystems and not developing new technol-00. This means he OUTPOST Platform is not a clean sheetdesign in the traditional aerospace ashion with the associatedoverhead, but a combination of subsystems packaged fromexisting flight proven subsystems such as power solar arraysand communications, capable of salvaging a discarded derelictand providing commercial services.Another advantage of the external tank is its size. It is big.Previous commercial platforms by several organizations havenot been successful in the space commercialization industry todate for several reasons. First, the ventures have had an upperlimit on the quantity of services and availability of payload slotsoffered from a single platform, which drove the cost of serviceshigher. The external tank has almost a third of an acre ofexteriorsurfaceandthefirmsEnablingAgreementsignedwithNASA leads to five external tanks in orbit, which gives analmost unlimited capability to grow. Second, the previousventures have created a platform design where the facilitydevelopment cost is great enough tc require government guar-inWs and/or government insurance to raise the money in theprivate sector. The external tank contributes to the low costaspects of the venture, which permits a lower total capitalrequirement from the private sector without government guar-antees. Third, the flexibility, size, geometry and mass of thecustomerspayloads have been limited by the relatively small(compared to the ET) spacecraft infrastructure. The ET pro-vides a big, low cost, functionally flexible commercial facilitycapable of adapting to new markets in 24 months.

    Contact: Thomas C. TaylorPresidentPhone 505-522-2106Fax 505-522-2495email: [email protected] Canyon Ridge ArcLas Cruces, NM 88011

    TECHNICAL DETAILSThe Martin Marietta Corporation produces theExternal Tank atthe Michoud Assembly Facility under contract with NASAthrough the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala-bama.External Tank Capacity:Total: 535,277 gallons

    730,159 kg.1,610,OOO bs.145,138 gallons625,850 kg.1,380,OOObs.19,409 cu. ft.330,139 gallons104,308 kg.230,OOfl bs.52273 cu. ft.

    Liquid Oxygen:

    Liquid Hydrogen:

    Tank Size:Length:Diam zter:

    Hydrogen TankLength:Oxygen TankLength:Intel-tankLength:

    Tank Weight: emptyloaded

    PropelhIlt Flow:*Liquid Oxygen:*Liquid Hydrogen:

    Nominal Separation:Altitude:


    153.8 feet4,688 cm27.6 feet 840 cm96.7 feet2,947 cm54.6 feet 1,664 cm22.5 feet686 cm66,000 Ibs.29,932 kg.676,000 lbs.760.091 kg.159,480 Ibs/min or16.800 gaI/min.26,640 Ibs/min or4533 gal/min.69 Statute Miles60 Nautical Miles111 Kilometers805 Statute Miles700 Nautical Miles

    1297 Kilometers*Note:Liquid Oxygen Weight = 71.1 lb&u. ft.Liquid Hydrogen Weight = 4.4 lbs/cu. ft.Liquid Oxygen Temp. = -297 degrees FLiquid Hydrogen Weight = - 423 degrees F

    @GLOBAL OUTPOST. Inc.September 1990