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1. Nuts in this and Foreign Countries.

Nutratine Vlaue of Foods.

I. Protein.

2. Fats.

3. Cp.rbohydrates.

4. keiV.

111. Calories required at ordinary work.

IV. Potential Energy of Nuts.

V. Chemical Composition of Nuts.

1. Almond.

2. Brazil. 3. Filbert.

4= Hiokorke

5. Pecan.

6. English Walnut.

7. Peanut.

8. Beech nut.

9. But nut.

10. Coeloa nut.

11. Chestnut.

12. Pestochio.

Vl. Place in Diet for Nuts.

Vii. Use of Nuts in Disease.

V111. Digestibility.

IX. Use of Nuts in Cooking.


Thought the use of nut s not only in this- country but in foreign

countries has at t ained considerable proporit ions ,if a careful study

of their food qualities were made it would lead. to their largely increas

ea corisunpt ion Nut s have a high nutrative value and with tbe cheaD-

ness by which they may be produced it is somettEt r ern?trkabl e t N -A they

have received so lit t le attention as food.This nay be accounted for

to some extent by the abundance r.nd cheapness of cereal prodcts

which htve thus far been in sufficient qvalities to meet the genceral

demand of such food. Cereals are almost certain crops .Beoause land is

cheap and plent iful.We have not bean forced to seek feod from le se

reliable sources,

As the world becomes more densely populated crops will have to

be chosen that produce more food to the acre than do the grains.So

it will not be long before nuts hold a high place in the diet .Nuts and

fruits without doubt constituted the food of printive,

There is now a cl&s, of people called the Fruitarians whose

dief is composed of fruits and. nuts alone.They claim that they have

better health and are happier then when their diet was composed

largely of animal food.

It is found that the nutrative value .of al7. foods irrespective o

of th&ir hind depends 'upon the presence of one or more of the four

classes of nutrient s. They are Cal ledlprot ein( nitrogenous mat t or) fts

carbohydrates and ash(mineral matter) Falliliar examples of protein.

are the gluten of wheat ,the lean of meat ,the 'Mite of an egg,the curd

of milk( caesin) The difference between these and the other food

constitutants is that these contain nitrogen.As examples of fat ';:e

may take butt erlthe fat of meat ,the oils of plants and see6.s as olive

oillc.)11 of corn.Carbohydrates consists of starch and surrar.Ash is a

or left over after burning.it consists chiefly of the phosphates

and Ohlorides of lime,potash and soda.

Foods havelwe may say)in general,two distinct uses in the body

one to build up End repair,Lhe other to sup pay the energy needed to

enable the body to do_ work. and to maintain its temperature.

We 'know tha the living tissue of the body with the exception of

of the fatty tissue is built up entirely from protein and ash. Now

protein can be used by the body as a source of energy bikt the fats

and carbohydrates,under normal conditions are the chief source of


Since the chief use of the Protein is to build up and repair

the animal body if it were protected so that none would be released

only a small amount of protein would be needed l_er day .But as it 1.s

even with a large amount of fat and carbohdrates in the food much

protein is used daily.The energy of the body is derived from the

potential energy of ie food ,which can be conveniently measured by it8

fuel value .The unit is the calorie and it is the amount of heat neces

sary to raise one hilogram water 1 of the cenegrae Baca le. This

is found to be very nearly the same as the amount of heat required to

raise 4 lb. of water. 1F. The fuel value of foods can be very accurate

ly determined by means of a calorimeter. For example;The fuel valve

of a pound of shelled almonds as given is 3,030.This means that if a

pound of this substance were burned the heat given off would be ca-na

ble of warming four times that number or 12,120 of water all.

Atwater estimates that a man at medium woric uses dauly about

3,500 calories of potential energy whid' must be supplied by the food,

The food required depenis upon the wack done .The .28 of a poind of

Protein the daily ration would furnish about 500 calories of

energy. The remaining 3,000 imst be suplied in the food in the form

of fatotard carbohydrates.The for a days ration for a man at


medium work should therefore supply about 28 lb of protein and 3,000

calories of energy or at the rate of 125 calories for each .01 lb.

of protein.

have given this cjuite extended discussion because I think it will

make it much easier to understand just why nuts are of much value in

the diet and will help in the discussion of nuts as food.

We find that the carbohydrates which usually Predominate

in vegetable foods occur only in small amounts in nuts.

At the experiment stations they have faund that a paund of good

wheat flour contains about .13 lbs. protein .013 lbs. (5T fat and .72

lbs. of carbohydrates and has fuel value of 1,600 h.lories.The

seat of nuts contains nearly fifty times as much fat less than 1/5

as much carbohydrates and has double the fuel value. A pound of

unshelled nuts would furnish about half as much Protein and about the

same amount of potential energy as a pound of flour.

T -_o potential energy of the nuts is largely from fats and that

of -f-lour from carbohydrates.

The nuts have 202 calroies for each .01 lb. of protein so re see

that they would not make ,a well balanced food when taken alone. Their

unsuitableness as food by themselves is also increased by the PotentiaJ4

energy being stored up in a concentrated form of fat .However that is

no reason why nuts should not be in dietaries.Very few foods have the

eeded nutriment in the proper proportions.Foods rich in fuel constit

utients will need to be put with those high in protein.The low per cent

of carbohydtates of nuts seem to fit them for cliabt:±es aM other persons 7ho.fle find it necessary to avoid foods containing much starch

Or sugar.

The following chemical compositions of the different nuts was

taken from the Bulletin published by the main experiment station


where extensive experiments with nuts were carried on.

Alnonds are of two hinds,sweet and bitter.The best almond is the

Jordon imported from Malaga.Fresh sweet almonds are nutrative but the

outer shin E;hould be removed by blanching .The essential oil of the

almond is frequently used for flavorime. In obtaining it care must

be takOn as the oil has marked poisenous characters.Blanched almonds

give nerve or brain and nusole food.They give no heE'd arc.

there is ve-oy littetwaste.The almond is largely used for diebetic

bread. They are very wholesome and nutricious.Almonds should not be

eaten in cases of gastric irribility,and they should always be soaked

and .pealed as shins may set up gastric ir:dtation.Almonde contain a rtiv

ferment called emulSin,uch fat and 3-50 sugar in sweet almonds.The

bitter almond contains hydrocyanic acid sugar and oil.This almond is

used for falvoring cough mixtuTes.The almond is a valuable form

of nut:; containing large amount of nitrogenous r:latter.Owing to its

lacking carbohydrates it is largely 11.ed in the ::12nufacture of diebetic

broad. The almond is a favarate dessert nut in this country .The

greater part consumed is from FrancolItaly and.Spain.

Comp. of Almond.

Refuse. we ter. Proteid. Ff,t. Tote._ carbo. Ash,

Cal. Almond. 8 1.7 7.3 19.3 6.2 .7

European Almond Nut only 5.0 23.5 14.A 3.1

The Drazilih nutis a native of Brazil,and is not so far

successively grown in tlis country.The Brazil nut ±s paatable and

and generally relished. It should not be eaten in great ovonitie as

it contains an in oil.

Brazil Nut,

Refuse. Water. Protein. Fat. Total carbo.

Ash. Fuel val ' :Der It.

Edible Portion 5.3 17.6 o6.8 7.0 3.3 , 329

As purchased. 49.6 27 8.6 33.6 3.5 2.0 1 $

r7 68 -

The filbert is a nut chiefly used as a desert:nUt,

Refuse. Water. 2rotein. Fat. Total Ash. Fuel valued carbo. per lb.

As purchased 52.1 1.8 7.5 31.3 6.2 1.1 1,644

The hickory nut is grown in this Country and finds a wide use.

Hickory Nu*.

Refuse. Water. Protein Fat. Total Ash. Fuel value carbo. per lb.

As purchased 0" ^9 ." 0 1.4 5,8 25.5 4.3 .8 11321

The Pecan niAt has a flavor which makes it a very ddeirable nut.I

It is the American hickory nut .It is univer5'ely popular and is used

extensively in cookinglin confectionary and for a dessert,The nut

has a vow thin shell.

Comp. of Pecan.

water. Protein. Fat. Total carbo Ash. Fuel value Per lb.

Pecan polished.

Ediblp portion 3.0 11.0 71.2 13.3 1.5 3 63 -

The English walnut is a voy popular and palatable nut .It is used

in confectionary .the oil of this nut has a wide comercial value.It

is much cheaper than olive oil for which it is used to adulterate and

a similar taste.


water. Protein. Fat. Total carbo. Ash. Cal. aoft shell

.1 el r!.

The peanuts are a very nUtricious form of food but are considered

indigestible when raosted whole.The peanut is really not a nut but

the fruit of legume.Its composition is almost identical with sweet

almond a little richer in protein not so much oil.Peanut flour

is made from the ground and bolted. nuts and it is claimed that a

pound of it contains as much nutritive material as three pounds of

beef or two of peas.The peanut grits may be boiled like oatmeal or

made into biscuit.It is also used in the preparation of oleomargarine.

Peanuts are also used as a sort of imation of coffee.

Peanut oil is used for cooking Purposes and also as an adulter-

ation and substitute for olive oil.

Special attention should be riven to the composition of the

peanut.A pound of roatsed peanuts shelled carries 305 lbs. of protein

willefUel value of 2955 Calories.Peanuts have fuel value of 96 calorie

for each .01 lb.s of protein...,

Comp. of Peanut.

Edible Portiem.

Water. Protein. Fat. Total Ash. Fuel val. 1.)er

carbo. lb. 7.7 27.8 44.5 17.6 2.4

Roasted 1.6 30.5 49.2 16.2 2.5 3,177

It has been found recently that the common beech nut is as

valuable as sone o the cerealslit contains considerable Itarch as well

as oil Beach Nut,

water. Protein. Fat. Total carbo. Ash. Fuel value per lb

11`'i48rtion 4.6 21.9 57.4 13.2 3.5 3,263

The Butternut is a nut very rich in fat.

watell. Protein. Fat Total carbo. Ash. Fuel val. 7)02 lb. Edible

Portion 4.5 27.9 61.26 3.4 3.0 5,371


The coco-nut is an important nut to man whether consdered as

a delicious and nutricious food Or as sui-)'lying valuable oil and mpTy

other articles useful to man. In the tropics it forms a food and. drinil

for the natives.

The edible portion is composed of fat and oil to extent of

quart is obtained from six to eight nuts. The butter and oil

is considered food. When green and unripe the nuts are lined with a

..creany substance which becomes hard white solid albumen which we

eat. The coaoanut palm supplies the nut as meatImilhlwines vinegar

sugar and syrup besides the mats,cords,sails firewoodlhousesIbrats

andUencing.It is a very useful tree.

Cocoanuts are very indigestible enven when dissectted and

grated.It contains a proteolytic firment which converts meat into

albumbsei with considerable activity.

COMD. of Cocoanut.

Wate7). Protein. Fat. Total Gan°. Ash. Fuel rate_pel' lb.

Edibl portion 14.1 5.7 50.6 27.9 1.7 2.986.


In foreign countries the chestnut is used as a foodlespecially

among the ]-Ltpoopean peasantry who eat the steamed chestnuts with much

relish.They are steamed and eaten with-saltIand milk.They are very

illricious.About three fourths of tho Chestnut kernel is made up of starch,suzar, dextrirc,so4 it may be substituted for the cereals.

Chestnuts are considered by physicians as a wholesome healthy, lutriciouv and fatening form of food.

Chestnuts are often used as iloregetables and are exceedingly

)opular.They are thade into bread by the mountain pheasantry in iluTpoe.


Refuse. Water. Protein. Fat. Total carbo. ash. fu.1 val. per lb.

As. pur- Chased. 16.1 31.6 5.7 6.7 39.6 1.5 1115


The kernel is greenish in color,has a mild pleasing characteristic

flavorlsug7estive of almonds. The nut is used largely for m.mufacture

of confectionary,for color and flavor.

YTater. Protein. at. Total carbo. ash. Fuel val. per lb. Edible Dortion. 42. 54.0 10.3 8.2 3,235.

Huts provide the proteid(the stength giving elemetts in

much larger proportion than do flesh foods and the fats (in emul-

sions instead of the unddzestitile free oils of but and other

animal fats.Nuts contain salts in an abundanee.

Nuts with the exception of tDe Chestnut are free from starch.In

^lio green nut starch is also present as in4 fruit ,but in rile nine the

starch had disapneared leaving in its place an extremely di7cstible

and wholesome fat.

Nuts are full of organic fat and are delicious s well as

wholesome. They are not as expensive as meat,for a few will satisfy

taste that is not abnormaltand will give more nourishtent than

wice the same amourt of meat.

The unsuitableness of nuts for food by themselves ts increased

'Dy the pbtential energy being stored up in a concentrated form of

This is no reason why they should not form a large place in diet

aries.Foods rich in fuel eenE;tittents need to be combined rith

other foods of relative high protein contents.The low percentage of


carbohydrates in nuts would seem to fit them as one of the sources of

food for diabibtic and ether persons who find it needful to avoid.

foods containing much starch or sugar.

Nuts -being a condensed form -of food should be eaten with

food coarser and all but peanatsIthose rich h protein. Nuts

contain a special kind_ of salt especially adapted_ ofr lubricating or sdtening the :insoles of the arteries.Some physicians claim that elderly people would be benefited by a more extensive nut diet. The only evil to be overcome is that nut meats should be thoroughly

masticated so that no hard -pieces may enter the digestive organs. Nuts are almost the most nutrative foods which we have.

Nuts form substitute for meat to a considerable extent .Wainuts

if eaten liberally between meals may assist in overcoming constiD..tion

Valtougb.7t4e bulk of insole able residue they leave. The nutrative value of nuts is extreme-lrliiaziand. when suitably prepared form a substitute for meat to some extent .Thirty large walnuts would contain as much

fat as 2 3/4 lb. of moderately lean beef but 2 3/5 oz. of beef equE,1

in protein to them'

As nuts are a concentrated form of foodIcaution should be

followed in their use.Walnuts and almonds possess a higher nut rat ive value than even the grains.A.s compared with the fruit s they rank high er in food. value being the true seed and not rns.de up of fleshy coverings as avole,pearlpeachlarti_ etc.1 They have less water and a higher nftrative value generally.Teight fore weight lwhen in a rational dietary system,other forms of food lack protein,or albumoids and. fat .V.Talnuts

and almonds will supply in a concentrated_ shape these needs. Nuts stimulate the apnetite and afford variety in the diet.

In cases of ayspepia nuts may be eaten in some cases to stimulate the digestive juices.


Fruit and nuts from a well balanced diet and form a very goad noon d


Walnuts eaten liberally between meals may assist in overcoming



The albumen of nuts is acted upon by the gastric juice.The

fats by the pancreatic which acts readily on this form of fat.

In experiments conducted by gout experts point to the fact

and conclude that sound well seasoned nuts eaten at the proper

time are highly nitricious and not indigestible.

Nuts are usually eaten after a hearty meal when the stomach is

already full.They should be eaten at the beginning and not at the

close of a meal.If they were not munched at between and after meals

the idea they they are indillestible would disappear.

The preparation of some nats is a quite difficult task while

with others t1' removal of the shell is quite easy as the peanut.

Chestnuts and peanuts furnish palatable and nutricinos soups.

Peanuts and walnuts if passed through the nut chopperor reduced

a free state make a butter like pate used in sandwichesIsaladB,

croquets and stalffing for roast fowl are an agreeably use of


Peanut butter is an important article of food now.It is

delicious and nutricious and forms a substitute for butter.

Dis, icated Cocoanut is an important article of Commerce.