our world look after it

Do you know who I am?

Upload: melshan

Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Our world look after it

Do you know who I am?

Page 2: Our world look after it

Soy alguien con quien convives a diario

I’m somebody you live with every day ..

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Somebody who wants what’s best for you

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Essential in your life

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Because, without me

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You couldn’t live

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But .....

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For my misfortune

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You don’t respect what I give you

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If I gave you this beautiful scenery,

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Full of colour and abundance,

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Do you give me back this ..?

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Why, when I gave you living creatures

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Don’t you like them?

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Don’t you respect them…

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Why, if I give you life .....

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Do you give me back death ..?

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Is that the legacy that you want to leave to your children?

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Do something for me, for youAnd for everybody

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If you don’t do it, ...... Who will …?

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If its not done now ......... When ?

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Diffuse this to those around you, and if possible, Diffuse this to those around you, and if possible, translate it so that it goes farther.translate it so that it goes farther.