our town june 19, 1936

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936




    Rail Career Ellds

    Sp cct a to r Op t im i s ti c Cclctn'ation as Nar bc ; ,t h Op en sHear t an d PU:'sc

    IBigger and Better \Fourth is Predicted

    NARB ER TH , P ENN SYLVAN IA , J UNE 19 , 1936

    ., Fourth ' Citizens' C o m l 1 1 i t t e ~W ill M eet M onday E '..ening


    No. 37J-- ,

    L. M. R od a nd Gun Club111 Scasons Final ~ \ ' I c c t i n g

    LO"l 'J ' : \l l 'r ion ': , and : \arberth'"quaJ :ln t inv , "n d o g ' ~ may uC' lifted "n. Ju ly 1 \ \' !l l' n the ~ t a t e quarantineend,.The town,hip Board of Health re('l'lltly (!cocided agoainst lifting it ueforl' t lwn , and ga \' e no indication j u ~ twll1'n i t wlluld bc' l i ft "d, except infer

    e n t i a l l ~ ' ,: \arU(' 1 'th ', Board of Health t h i ~weel;, h"\"l'ver. \ 'o te d t o l if t t he ba n. J t t l ~ ' I, ~ u h j e c t to the di'eretion of

    p l ' L ' ~ i , k n t . Dr. Gc'orge A, Sloan.BlIrou.:h Health Otlieer G( 'o rge B, Supll'e rep"rtc'd se\'c'n c a s c ' ~ o f Ger l l1an

    n J ( ' a : , l c ' ~ during t h e mon th ,

    Qu ar a nt in c o n Dogsl \ hy E nd o n J ul y 1s t

    F i , ' ~ 1 lIol/ot'''I'th Gr::dc-Anita G"odr ich , Doro

    t h ~ ' lIamnll'r, LlIui,(' .JI,]1l1-tlin. .JaneKing.7th G r a d e - G l ' o r ~ e Brl,,,low. lll'1cn

    l ) l I t ~ , . :'Ilargoarl'l HC'b 'aeker, \ 'i rgoiniaKnapp,lith Gra,il'-TIo]'I'rt \\"c'll" El('anor

    I I : \ ~ \\,ood, B I , t t ~ ' 1I1illar, Kanina lIllyt.Ba rbara Sn1l'dlt,y.:1, h Gradl'-:' Ilary Olive B a t e ~ , TomBut il'I'. \'irgoinia Durui ll , Do ro t hyIluttlln, June H('lIer, Bob :\Iiller. :\l'il

    : - ' l o ~ : I , n . Bob :\alTigan, Carol Schroder,Ell'anlir Slam .1ack Young .,lth Gra{ILo-Barbara B a i l e ~ ' , JanH'sDur!!< -' , Claire Dc lIart, K('nnl'th

    C o n t l n u ~ a I)n Paj;(e Four

    A\\'aJ'd- W('1'I' p re -e nt ed a nd t hl 'sixth I" J 'i "d lwnll ]' roll allllOuncedTUI , d a ~ ' at tl1l' cl"'ing- Ixl'rei,es "I'ti I : \arhlrth :;choll1.:\ tl'l],Utl' W ~ \ - paid til t11l ml'mllry"t' :'11:-- S:\ra E, !loak, fourth ~ r a d e

    teachl' r, wh" died ~ u d d ( ' n l y :\Ionday1\1 n n!! , Principal "' , .J. Dn'nnen.. \ \ v a r d ~ . in addition tn t ho ,e a nn"uncI' c ' r ~ h i p in till' committee is open' Ea,tern :\Iain Line \ 'eterans pro-'I1l'lpfuI in f a c i l i t a t i n ~ el'l titications, Railr"ad Ea"t('rn Lin('s. \YIH'n tlJ(' Tue-day, \\'edn(',day. Th ur sd ay a ndteml>l'r, \'1 t ! le Low, ')' : 'Ilel 'lon ] ~ o d to residents who ean take a part in cel'dl'd to ma ke t he ir d re am s come I:\iJ'. Kelll'\' said, ]"'riod of Fl'd{'ral cont 1 flf railroads F r i d a ~ ' of nl'xt week. Desmond.1.an',1 (,un ,C luI) In thc ' COmmUlll t: : thl' pl'l'paration of the i m p r e ~ s i v e pro- true, 01', in s om e c as es , t o m ak e their Odd-paynl l 'n t checks (under 8:>0) was te rm ina t ed on :\Iarch I, 1[1:20. :\leTig-he, :\al'I>erth attorney, is aBuIldlll'r :\ Ill> rth 1 I I I '1 ' I t nll'l11l)('r of the CommitteI' of Taxation" .. : C . ,gram. and Ie eXlll'eS'el the hope that credit g-ood by paying old d eb ts , t hi s w er e c a ~ l l l ' d at the : \aruerth :\ational Il' was apPol ll tel l'l'gIOIJ:l accnuntanS,, , 11 \\' III Ill]) I' \\' 'I' "11111tt I ] 1. '11 l' I I I ' R 'I I' t whieh \\111 1'IeOll11)IC'll,1 tIl" e,stal)II","ll-,. , l' "l": C hI l 'l nl '\ \ '( ' lI l ll ( 'r , to t l e uoroug-h WI a\'ail week by cashing ' throug-h certificati"n Btlnk to t h e number of al11ounting" t Ie ' e n l l ~ y \,anla \a l rna, ( ' a ~ -a nd p la n" Wl'l'(' madl' tor d('ep s ('a t l ll 'm-e! \ 'c 's of thl' opportunity to be ~ I O 000 f t h ' b " 1 t ~ I r , O O -q t tl I f l ' ('rn r c ' ~ ' i n n at Philacl l 'l l 'h ia, and on ml'nt nf a pc'rmanent Tux CommbsionIi l' I ' . , I ' ' - " n , 0 en' onus uOIH S re- 0" , ,-"J up 0 I e e o :,e 0 1 l 1 " l 1 1 e S ~ in t he S ta tc ' t o be en tru ,t( ' d with theling' anI ~ u r l e a ~ t l l l g ' tl' lp S t 11:" eome acti\'e in commlll1ity afrairs. ceived : \ Iondav. Cer ti f ica t ion of Sll::,- TIH'"day afternoon. aeeording to Carl .1alllJary 1, I!I:25. W:1;, promoted tn th eHllllml,r, It furtlll' r announced that the 1100 in I,on(b 'and cashing of odd-pay- H. :lldzger, Jr. , cashier. p , , ~ i l i , ' n of , - ' \ t ~ ) e n ' ; ~ " l ' IIf o!'l'rating coJ!c'cting of t a x l ' ~ . a nd w it h its ta xllwl'ling will adjoUl'n promptly at nwnt checl,s had been made by : \ I r ~ . ,lIary K, Roach, Bala-Cynwyd l'Xpc'lHlitures on th e staIr o f t he \ 'i ce -, c " I J < o c t n r ~ to lJl' under civil ~ e I ' \ i c e .

    Young Republicans l\Iect ~ . : : ( J P. :\1. to permit of those present \ \ ' l ' ( ! n e ~ d , t \ " noon, The fig'ure is about po,tmistn'ss, said there was a ru:,h l 'I'( ' i' ident in ehal '!! 'e o f oper a ti on,Th e Exeeutin' Council of th e Young' ,,11Sl'rving othl'!' appointments on t he b al f of t l ~ ~ total recei\'ed, of wtel'ans to han' their UOIJ(!: eel'ti- ( ' , ,]onel : \ li l ll '1' is ; :u r\ 'i \' ed hy h i s G::rage Pnmi t GrantedR { ' p u b l i c a n ~ of : \ I o n t g ' o m e r ~ ' County ~ a m e e\'ening. In : \aruerth. POstnlll:,ter J o ~ e p h L. fled :\Ionday night . bu t o n l ~ ' four came widll\\' and one daug'ht('r. :\Irs, T, ' Permi .:,iOIl til erect a two,carIwld tl1l 'ir monthly m('eting' at :llerion , Kelley hig-hly cOl11l1lcndell his statr on I to t he pos t oltiee TUl':,{lay n i gh t. BaJ a- BaIT f'te\'('nsOIl, of :\ar1lerth. rage on ]ll'{'mi'l's at 11(; Dudleyl \ I a l l ~ i " n " , \ \ ' ~ ' 1 l 1 l l ' \ \ ' ' ' I ) ( 1 road and City: Recei\'c Princeton Honors 100 per cent deli\ 'ery of uonds and' Cynwyd carril' rs deli\'l'red 150 pae-, aVe'lHll' he"n g'l'ant('d to L. C.Lilli', on \\'edne,day ('\,ellingo, I ! Iono l' l 'd uy P r in c et on u s the uni- ~ m o o t h certification fo r \ 'e t er a ns k e t ~ . Se\'enty-Ih'e forl11er ~ e r \ ' i c e Curbing Bids Askcd ,Pil,rcy the 1\arl)( ' rth Board o f A d-i \'l'rsity g'l'aduated lSi) ~ e n i o r s arc: :\Ionday, T u e ~ d a y and \\ 'ednesday mell ha\'e had $:30,000 of their b o n d ~ Rids arc b ei ng as ke d b y the B or - ju,tl11cnt.Republican Picnic 2ith I Hl'IlQ' B. R o b e r t ~ , B a l a - C y n w ~ ' d , and I ~ i g h t s . He re]lorted InO registered certi!il'd. ough of : -Jaruer th fo r r e pa i rs to curbs,Rc' pu bl ic an \Vo rk er s o f Narberth Petel' A. Schwar tz, Wynnewood, hon- packets recei\'ed, with !H) veterans In Merion 115 packets were deli \ '- and sidewall;:s on 85 properties. I Awarded Beaver Degrceand their families will hold their an-; ors in E'1g'lish; L o u i ~ P. \ \ 'enzel1, Jr., having ha d $-1(;,300 in bonds certified ered and 45 veterans h av e h ad $8 3, -: \ Yor k on th e county-aid street im-: :I Harriet : \ I a r ~ h , of Narberth,

    nual picnic at County Commiss ioner, Bala-Cynwyd, honor s i n engineering, fo r th e issuance of government c h e c k ~ . 000 of their bonds certified f or p ay -, provement projects on Conway ave- was awarded a bachelor of sc ience de-William D, Ridgway's farm at Bet h- a nd A l be rt J. Diesinger, Jr. , Merion, The use of the Durbin & Howard m en t, a cc or di ng t o M rs , Katherine Inu e a nd E ss ex a ve nu e s ta r te d t hi s 19l'ee last week at t h e Be av e r Collegeayres on June 27. high hon rs in economics. offices at Station Circle w as ver y Sherlock, acting postmaster. Iweek. commencement at Jenkintown.

    Addit ional Awa rd s l \I ad cClos ing of Boroughs

    School Yea r

    VOLUl \ IE

    109 Narberth Pupils" Mrs. Elizabeth Wipf New Presidenton Honor Roll List Of Speakman Post Legion Auxiliary

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936

    2/8QT .

    ~ 9 . 7 5

    ]llllC 19, 1936



    DAVIS '

    NarbCl'th 4182

    224 Havcr fo r d Ave .


    Play this jtZSc;lIat;lIggame . - . . . . .BADl\1INTON

    Complc tc scts, contal11l11gtw o Racqucts . t!lt'ec Shut .t lecocks . N e t. a nd tw o 5 ft .Net Posts-

    Ra c q u c t s - $ L 5 0 to $2.75Shut t lecocks-3 fo r $ 1. 00



    It 's bccausc wc do up things th c\ \ ' a ~ ' y ot ! l ik e t he ll l that \l'C gainne\,' custOl1ll'l"S and hold theirpatronagc.

    "1\1illli, brillg me t f, c drcss thatjl/st calllc bac/;: from SI. M.ory's.I wal ll to fnn/;: 1/1)' coOlcf t al ldfreshest tonight."

    No machine -No electricity- I d ca l f or t he summcr W c a ls o fc atu re

    FREDERIC and FRENCH oil- CROQU IGNOLE a nd S PI RAL MOllday, Tllesday, ~ V e d l l e s d a y

    -2 specials for 85cThursday, Friday, Saturday-3 specials for $1.25


    Phone ARDMORE 4400 for ourRoutemanSt.Mary'sLaundry,Inc.Aubrey Avenue ARDMORE"Know Wher e Y o ur L a un d ry and Dry Cl ean i ng Goes"

    W1\1. G. FRANKENFIELDSimpson Road a t A th e ns Avenuc

    Ardmore 92646

    43 North Narberth Avcnue-Narberth 4077300 Levcring l'vIiII Road-Phonc : C)'IIn'yd 927



    PillS Casc Deposit

    Frankenfield Funeral Home



    I ' -------.I ZOTOS---Permanents

    We now offer a complete set of beaut ifulWM. A. ROGERS A-I PLUS SILVERWAREwith your gasoline purchases

    Thi s offer is made to in troduce ou rS ER V IC E a nd P R OD U CT Sto morc use:-s o f gasoline, e tc .

    PHONEK,-\!WRE1'H412 0

    HERE I S HOW OUR PLAN WORKS:E ac h t im e y ou purchase 5 G,4LLOl\'S of Gasoline we will

    gi\'c you olle of OUI' Siil'erll'arc C crlificates.Extra Cel'tificatl's w il l bC gi\'cll with Crankcase and Lubrica

    t;I)1l Sl'r\'ice at th e pl)sted prices.O n t he \Jack of each Cert if .cate i s l i st e d (i n 5 se lec t ions) the

    mOst Complete selecti, 'n of desirable picces o f g ood Silverware c \ ' erDHercd with youI' Sen,ice Sta t ion purchases .

    E\'cry piece l is te d c an be yoms absolutely FREE for the rcquired I1tllllbcr of Ccrtificates. Start yoUI' s et w it h Tcaspol'ns andad d pieccs yOIl prefer for a s et f or Cl - S or 12 pcrsons.




    Shirley's Bach Again

    ANTlCIPAnON plays a big part in enjoy.ment. That'. why The F1ande .. with il1beachfront location.it. open and enclaledsun deck., it. 3 lea warerpools, its rea.olion facilitie. and excellent meal. willprovide a per'ect .ubjed forplea.uroblevacation thoughl1 and their realizationI7936 SEASON June 20th la Sept,30th

    the minute you decideon THE FLANDERS

    SHIRLEY TEMPLE(". sl/(, II})})('1I1'8 wilh Glly Kibbecill "CII)dl l i l i J I I l / l ! l I ru " l l 'h ichC{JIII"S 10 tI/(, E!f!I}Jlil//I ,UOIll/[/YII II,! TII"stlll!l. Shirlcy is lit tIcf.li,'l /l'I/,sfleel (1)1 by thc sea iI/toth,' (l11I/.S of Ihe [/1'11./] old liahthOI'S" kce}),'I',

    l'vlontgl'l1lcrr Pike at \'Voodbine A\"Cnue Narbcrth 2947M I M M I M I M I M I M I M I M I M M I ' P J ! ! . g I I M I M I M M l M W J ! M 1 I ! J l M I M I M I M I M I M I ! W I M I M i WM ? f I N l I M ! ~



    PHONE H' H HN A ~ ~ ~ o E T H arry . amer

    Girl Scout News



    ---------- - - - - - - - - ~ ~ - - - ~ - - - - -_.--------_._.- -- -_._-------------- ._-_.------------------------- .------- - - - - - - - - _ . - - - - - ~ - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - - - - . _ - - ' - _ . - - - -

    PI!f5 Case Deposit

    Cal/cd For1.50

    Small Ton' ' ' Girl?

    l \1cssage to Garcia"at Na rbc l t h , F o ll owe dbv "lVloon's O ur H om c"


    JA:\ET GAYXOR11'ho is 8"01 lI'it 11 RoIIITt Til ulorliS t ilt,!! II}'I" (/1' ill "S/llIdl TIJ!cHGil)," ";','1"'111 r t l f l ' l Icf io l l ([I th 'E!I! l} lt i ' l I l TI,cl/tl'c.

    . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----_ . ~ - . _ - - -_.- --------- -

    7 I l r ~ . G u ~ ' 1.. C','l'l1man, of Al'llnJr1re," I : n ! l ' I n ~ , n (,1' tra:ning' and pl'r;;onal of, tIe :lla:n Linl' Di"trict C o m m l t t e l ~ ,wll! act a" cn-dil'l.:ctor of the D()\"e: :11 ill Da; : Camp with :\[1'". Cal'! Ax.,]'1'l1a;:""n. of :\arbl,rth. a, director.:\l;"" B e t i ~ ' Sea,holtz. l ieutenan t intbAND DELIVERY


    Ji:l;e>, P l a r c r ~ 26thFol' the la:'t t111"'l' t 1 a ~ ' " "f I l " ~ : :" ,.' Tht . Ji tIHT Players will prc"entweek th " :\al'],Ierion.and actel!. Ca,t includes Janet G a ~ ' - - - - - ~ - - -no r Robe rt Ta\ 'l ol '. Lewi:, Stone, Bill- Circlc Holds Luncheonnie 'Barnes and' Andy Devine. The annua l JUlie Luncheon of theA ls o o n t he p rog ram the coloI' I \ ' ; e : ' t l l l : n : ' ~ e r Circle of the Narberth

    ca rtoon , "Lit t le Stranger," Pl'l'"hytel'lan Church was hel d on the"Captain January" .w,iI1 s t ~ r t ne.xt 1 : ~ W : 1 0.1'. l \lI:s. : ,, ' H,.. ~ ~ l ( : . , ,on \v,ynne-I'week o tf with happy mmute s fo r Shll'- d . i 1 ~ a\cnue, la ; t T h ~ l " d a ~ afternoon.

    l e ~ ' Temple fans. The de ligh tfu l s to ry l\.lrs, John \ a n N ess ga\:e the deaf a crust\' old New Engla nd L ight - \'otlOnal and M rs . A . S. DIgby ga\'ehouse kee;er (Guy Kibbee) an d t he t ~ t ' g r e e t i n g ~ from th e Women's l\1i;;little girl found at sea, gives Shir- ;;I?nary SoclCty ,of the church, Mrs,l e ~ ' new opportunity fo r c1e\'el' acting, i\ . ' ~ ' . Fox, pre;;ll!ent of the iVomen 'ss ing in g a nd dancing. Ca;;t includes AuxdlU.Q ' Sl'nt mes sa ge t o t he m em Sl im Summer\' i IIe and June L a n ~ . hers of the Cn'c1e. Luncheon was

    l \Iatinee;; will be gl\'en at 2.15 daily, ;;el'\'ed by ?fficers of. the Circle anda s u su al during the summer. the Executl\'e COInnllttee."Rig Brown Eyes," \ \ ' e d n e ; ; d a ~ ' and(Bank Xigh t ) T h u r ; ; d a ~ ' , is an inter- Bavarian Night 20th

    esting, well c as t. w el l directcI! dl" Ba\'arian 1\ight, an informal ant!t e c t i ~ ' e yarn, with ; ;nappy dia logue: fro thy en te rtain l llent , will be gi\'l'nanel a mu si ng s it ua ti on s. C as t i n- ' thi;; S a t u r d a ~ ' night at t he C ynwy d('jude;; C ar y G ra nt (detl'cti\'el an,!' C1uh at !I oclock. Mr. and : l 1 r ~ , E.. Ioan Relln l' t t (cde\ 'er young mani-i lla r ll l : ll i Fr;t'! arl' (\11' 111,;'-":'11,; II. :-:111:0::". lal ..a l'c\"i:-:ed but e q t l a l l ~ i n t e l ' e ~ t i n g cine I Ill' B ( ) l ' n t l ~ l l I" :\arllt. 'rth, : \ l l l l l t ~ - l l l l l l ' I ' YIlla form to t he Egyptian the enll of I'''llIit", 01","''''''''1.. . . Lvttt 'r : ' t t ~ t a l l l l ' l I t a r \ 1111 tilt' : l1lf l\ ' t f ~ Mackenzie, iVY1ll1e\\'l1ot! 1\0, 1 , W l' re ncxt w'l'k. Expertly directed, the t"I, I " , , ' I , , ~ 10,"'11 ~ , . " ; " , , d Ii' I i i" U I1, ] ,. , .-a th' anced from t l 'l l ll e rfoot to secoJ1'1 ruck i n t hl :closet of the m:l;;tl'r hl:dl'o(lill withhuilt-in shlle racks. ti" Iwld"r, ;;uitall l! g 'own hanger:, IIf ~ l l i n i n , , ' ml'lal,ins tead of woml, as tried ebl'whcre,Thl' li\'in,g room is large. with a

    great fi1'l'place th::t CII\'0I'S l11o:'t ofthe ]ength lIf the r oom. Rpc e; ;s cdradiators aSsure maximum h,'aut:: ti,the r ooms , whi le t he h ri gh t, whitt,kitclll'n a nd t he d l n i n , ~ ronll1 \vith it:'many I a r , ~ ' e hay \ I' in l! ll \\ 'S a1'e tw"rooms that ('\'l'ry \I'lln;:\Il \\'111 In\"',E\'ery efI'o1't has Jj("'n l1'a,k tll

    stri];" a new n ll te in th( , furni "h in ,L"of tlF' house, ",hil(' at th " "al11e tlnl

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936


    Page Three

    -"pml,; Shop-Third Floor

    Below,-two-piece frockof Everfast linen, stripedcravat. Sizes 12-20, $16.95.

    Here ar e two that come incool, dark co lo rs, as well aswhite,-above,-a bolerosuit of Everfast linen,printed organdie blouse.Sizes 12-20, $19.95.


    Vogue's Finds ofthe FortnightSmart TownWashables

    ___ ~ I



    4 Haircu tt ing byBeallty Aids l\'1ale an d Fema l e Expe rt s

    ~ l . O O

    Cynwyd, Penna.

    the Hewl)' opened

    completely furnished

    lI,l.-\NICURE SOc6830 l\1ARKET ST. BOULEVARD1572


    at 28 Levering Mill Road

    11:00 A . M. to 9:00 P. M.


    cordially invites you to illspect

    ON THE AIR: These Outstanding ProgramsS U ~ U t \ y E \ " E : " ' I ~ G S _ Fo re} Sunday En.onlnu IInur, with l",!tbratt.d

    ~ u c s l tcoulubI ... Complete Columoia UroQ . ca . t i l l ~ S)!OltmTUESIlAY E \ " F . ~ J : \ G S - Fr l' cJ Wa ri ng p nd Ills P l o n n ~ ) ' h B n ; t l l I s .

    CUIUJllctc CululUbjll S,'stclU.FRIDAy [\,[:-1I:-1"S- Fr.d Worlnl ' ond nl . Pennoyh'onlon,.:I . D. C. COIUJlltlc nluc ~ c l " ' l o r k .

    $25 A ::' tIO:\'TII, a/' ..r Ulwal e l O 1 r n p a ~ m c n r , lJuys a n ~ meulrl 1936For,l v-a car - f r om an,' Furd el,'olrr - an,'u.'hf' r(' in 111" f" i l , , lStares, l\'cw l]nit'cnol Cred i t Co . :1,210 pe r month Finance IJlans.FORD V8

    Levering House

    J. Howard Mecke, Jr.

    S ha mp oo a ndFinger \va\'CThr ee D ap Before

    Holidays iOcMARCEL SOc

    OPEN EVENINGSTILL 8.15 P. 1'\1.

    O"'y t l ,e For, 1 g ives YOl't lUJse f ive b ig fCl l t l l rcs

    T h e r e ~ s a big differencein lowpriced cars

    STUDY motor cars in action in traffic, on hills and on tlte openroad, amI you wil l s ee that they are no t the same in performance.The Ford V.8 is outstanding in acceleration, power amI 81nootltness.* The reason is plain . Only t lt e F or d i n tlte low.price field givesyou a V.8 engine amI aU tltat it means in motoring enjoyment. *That i s on ly on e of five outstanding reasons wlty th e Ford V.8 is in aclass by itself fo r value. * Check up deliwred prices of comparabled e l ux e b ody types, completely equipped with everything you need,an d see how much you save by buying a Ford V-8.


    SEASON OPENS FRO! 'I MAY 30TH TO SEPTE:'\,IBER 15THSwimming Pr iv i leges Rest r icted to Members and Gues ts o f Members


    fo r Fl/rther ParticlIlan-Call al Cll/I> Hou

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936


  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936


    June 19, 1936

    STREAl \ IS"

    w it h ha rn'( t ype wh(f1hearings on }1 2 ~ t n n rnuc.lcl,o.


    NEW HIGHCOMPRESSIONVALVE-IN-HEADENGINE,,,'j tit i J 1 ( ' r t . ' ~ h ' l , d hnf:",wpO\\OC[' itlCrc3:-'l'd t o f( pl t '. . g - re a lc [ '

    t 'COl l tHUy i n g as and oil

    a t such low prices

    Water ing theGardenP l an t s n eed a con st an t an d g en erou s supply ofwater to protec t them against summer heat.A plant uses moi st ur e i n t he s am e way a s a tree.Th e water is drawn in th rough theroo ts.. . the foodit contains is ahso rhed hy the plaut . . and it finallyevaporates f rom t he leaves in a cool ing process.However, cultivated plants ar e at a disadvantage duroingho t weather .. the ir roots do no t p e n e t r a h ~ deepenough in to the ground to reach the moisture thatlies u nd er t he p ar ch ed t op soil. T h e ~ ' a rc n ot protected h)' t he s ha de o f t re es . S o i n h ot , d ry s pe ll sg a rd en p lant s mu st he lOupplied with extra watcr.The even ing is th e hest time fo r watering. Plants,watered during th e heat of th e da y ru n the risk ofheing scorched. This is du e t o t h e fact that a drop ofwater will act as a powcrfullcns, magnifyingthc ra) 'sof the sun to a po in t where the leafma) ' he hurned.Sp ri uk li n g wa te r o ve r t h e leaves washes awa)' th edust and c!l'anses th e t i n ~ ' pores. And as this watersoaksinto theground it reachesthe thirsty root fibers.


    ~ ~ E R T I F I E D WATERf r om PEDIGREED

    m ='low here e l ~ , ' in the wodll wiIl ).Oll~ = n n l [jllli trucks that will ~ i \ ' e you suchEr:ONOMICALT R A N ~ P O R T A T 1 0 N great J l l I l l i T l ~ f 1 ( ) f ( '.. r at ~ l I e h lowpric('s a s t he new It)36 Clll'\'rolets!Xowhere else i n t he worl,l wiIl \'ou fin.l trucksIhat are su extremely c("()1I(;miclll for all.rountl .luty!Anti nowhere d" e in the world will YOU findtrucks wilh stwh o U I ~ t a l l d i n g p . ~ r f o l " l n a n t ' e ,cot ll fo rt anc l saf l' ty f"almes as a l l i ~ h .COt11l'rt""ion Yah.inll ..a.1 En!.:irw, . ' \I'Wl'erfl'dl'd - - - l h . ~ e f u ; c , ~ s , F l l l l F l o a t i l l ~TIl'al' Axle and )lew' F l l l l T r i l l 1 m ~ De LuxeCab, at Chevrolet's remarkably low I ~ r i c c s !See these trucks have a Ihnrough delllonstratlOn and you will know t hat t hey' rethe r ight t rucks for you!CITEYROLET ::\IOTOIt CO., DETHOIT, MICH.

    $3 6 0 AND UP. List prirl' of the lzalf-t r op e r ty o f Hugh Fcrt-:uson, \lortgngor. nndHenry \\ 'nrd ~ l a r s t o n an d : ~ l i c c Sel ler s~ l a r s t o n . his wift' , Real Owners. and to bes ol d b y

    Narberth Methodist EpiscopalChurchHe\'. \Y. Vernun :\Iiddleton, :\Iini5terSunday, June :21:

    0,-15 A. :\1.-Church School.11.00 A. :\1. - :\Iol'J]ing' Worship.Sermon by the minister.1,00 P. : \ 1 . - \ ' e ~ p e r Ser\'ice.Thnrsday, June 25:S,OO p, :\1.-:\Ieeting of the Boardof Trustees.Fr iday, June 26:1.30 P. :\1.-Boy Scouts.Saturday. June 27:6.:10 P. :\1.-Garden Spot InstituteAlumni Banquet.

    i ' , ' . i r ~ ' : t ,1; d .rit ni L" \: i l r i FOldiis iSS\.lt'dI l l ! 'll t h ~ ' ( CJ ul t o f l -n l l l : l lUn I ) I ' - - ' d ~ ot! \ j ( \ ll t . : om"r: . l ' l l un t : . '.. 'VI1:1iL . to 11 - ( ~ i l ' ~ _ ' c ~ " r l li \. ill h.: ~ o l : l ,d j 'UiJ: iC '::-'lit' ':Jll I

    III ilt 12 : l l l l (j 'clock r ~ ( ) O : l , E , l ~ t c r n Standar, l ;I iT:;!'. in Cour t I ~ o ( l : n " . - \ " ,d. the Cour t I, I !r'u . in ~ r l l " E')fou..:h oi : " n r r i ~ t o " " : l . sd id !

    ' t . : . u n ~ ~ : , the !o]]o',\'jn h ct'scribl"d H,t'al Es iI ld t t ' :iI Lqt oj j: l l l l lT1d with G l r ! ; ~ : ; , \ i l1 l1 Jt i, tht 'rL'.:t '-)j1 l r . _ ' c t ~ . d . :\. jtl ' i \\' \,nl:t' \' ;oor! Hd .. Sit. il t

    \ , ~ ~ r i ( l n T \\ 'p , o i L o w . ~ \ l ~ ' r i ( ~ n , \ l ~ l n t . ~ , Cu,1I i t . . U t : :. Ilt pt. in "_I.ntn ll:lt' C'I \\ ynnt'. one ! Bel. l-ll)' widt ') ilt d i ~ t i l n C t ' of 11111.I)t): 1 ! ( o l : ; UP ' d 5, 21" 41' E. 41101 ;-: celltre lillt of \ \ ~ , ' n l J \ ' , . n(Jd He!. i ~ ( ) m intt'rs,'ction \\ 'j th I

    c " I 1 ~ r t ' l i n ~ ' of RockLlnd . \ \ 't . ' . (Hl' ,.id,') tit.\". h') Ii" C, l i ' l . l I l l t o n t. , In . S. 2 l J ~ - l j ' :F. -ll)' to I :t .. th , S. t l ' ! ; II ' \ \ ' , j ) ; lss ing II'i :hro\.l;:h cen tr t ' of party \vali ucl\\'cen this i: i t r: r J prt' l1lisl"s ad jo in ing to the Southeas t

    j I ; -l,.!I' to pt. in cent rl,' lint" oj \\ vnnt. 'woorli Hd,. tho i d u n ~ : soHllt.' :\. ! . 7 ~ 41' \\'. 4U.3j'i to b e ~ . SL'8j. to u!c!t;. rt'strittiuns.II Th e jrnpro\ 'l 'nlt 'Ilts tht.n:on ar e n:1 . ' ~ , ~ t ( ) r y stone an d p l i l s l e r ~ c l house. 1b:! j':et f ron t 34 ft't,t deep, '.\ith 4 rooms onfirst tloor. j rooms an d bath on secondHorn. c e ll a r . i l tt i c. ekct ric . t-=as, S p r i n ~ t i e l d\\'ater. heatinl:: system. porch front.

    Baptist ellllrch of the EvangelRobert E. Keighton-:\IinisterStanley T. Reiff-Organist

    Sunday, June0,-15 A, :\1.-The Church School.1 1. 00 A . :\1. - : \I oming ' Wor sh ip .: Sl'l'mon: "Don't Be A Fool!"i The meeting o f the Pas to r' s C lass!on \\- e d n e ~ d : 1 \ : e\'enings has been dis:continued until the fall.





    ~ 1 . 5 0


    ~ Y O U



    Sen'iceRe gi st er n ow fo r your FREEmonthly check-up wh i ch includes:

    I -Check 1'10tor2- Entire Chassis, - Battery ;ll1d Conncctions-1 - Radiatm' . Hoscs . Pump5--Road Tcst f o r -

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    il l gencnl

    T h e o pe ra ti ng secret of thisCompany is t e amwork . I nd iv id u a l abi li ty is given its greatestvalue by being tiered into a complete, over-all plan to providee xc el le nt s er vi ce a t lo w rates.

    Because its thousands of workershave faced an d solved many problems in the past, t he C ompanyfeels further p rog r es s l i kewiselies i n c om mo n, d ev ot ed e ff or tin a worthy a nd m ut ua l cause.

    A nd a box - all YOllr own -costs as little as 25c a month.

    You r valuables-papers , jewelry , etc. - ar e safest in a SafeDepos i t Box.T he vault i n y ou r c om m un it y' sbank is a dependable insuranceagainst loss by fire a nd t he ft .



    216 Dudley , " \ ' e n u ~ N a r h . r t h 2324....-..- ..



    comfortable. easy to manage afterwards. in the( a tes t s tyl es t o su it y our t yp e of bNuty-consul t Suzanne


    Kirsch Chevrolet Company214216 Bala A\'cnuc, Cynwyd Cynwyd 81

    Cars c,l11cd for alld dcli)'crcd free

    ---Going Away?


    BY EXPERIENCED SKILLED SliOE-MAK.ER (NOT AGoodwear Shoe Repair252 HaverfOld Avenue, Narberth

    i Narberth's Oldest e Most .Uoclcl'Il Shop-Scl 'l 'i l lS: the COlllfllllllity 25 YearsIi We have specialized in CORRECTIVE WORK fo r 30 yearsI - _____ 1

    Page Six

    Presbyteriatl Church BECI:\l\;I:\C at t h e i n te r se c t io n of th eRev. Archer E. Anderson, Pastor :\. E. s id e o f Conway Ave. an d the S. .Sunday, June 21: side oi Sabine Ave. Cant. in i ront :'\. i,9"", - , "'I B'! J S h J 34' E. a l on g S a bi n e Ave. 93.14' an d ex' I... ;> ."1 \ ,- 1) e c 00.11.00 A. :\I.-Communion sermon: tendin,; in d,pth. S. 20 ' 26' . 86'.

    I Th e"Th e Thre e Crosses of t he Book of Th e im pr o vem en t s t h er e on are a:

    2 : " ~ s t o r y b r ic k h ou s e. 16 feet f ro nt b y 36G a l a t i a n s . ~ ' feet d ee p, w i th 3 rooms o n f ir st floor, 3N I B k 1N b hi (I..J.:) P. :\1.-The thrce C. E. 80-: rooms a nd b at h o n second Iloor. 2 room_ onI atlona an 0 ar ert ' cieties. : .

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936


    \ II

    , I


    !, I

    ,: I, I


    Page Seven


    Plymouth : Chrysler: Dodge and Ford Service273 Montgomery Avenue - - - Cynwyd 3325

    Plan on any New Car OrderedSEE US FOR DETAILS

    l iI

    19, 1936

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town June 19, 1936
