our town january 9, 1947


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Page 2: Our Town January 9, 1947

8/7/2019 Our Town January 9, 1947

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,. ., ,. ': ... '.,... ", i


III !c

Ib 16c

Ib 13Y,

17 c;b 16 c


! P r k , . ~ I D c c r c a ~ ei Soma I in PrieD

! ~ 9 . : 6 . Today




Wnlbeck's 0111 or Sour


Mince Meat Ideal 20,,, lar 29cRaisins CIIII .S"dl. . . 7-0 ' pka 15cPrunes Rob,'orO Larao Ibpkg 26c

Sterling Salt 32'0 ' pka 7cOlives all,., Sluft 'd 7J,1.... Jar 45c

Walbeck'5 Ga rl l ' ~ I y l ' 0111 P ~ c t " : ~ ~ 27c

gl1&l Sa l Enriched 10 -Ib bag 66 .

FLOUR 5 34c

'odoys price with those a year ago


(Ncne )P r i c ~ dHig!:cr




The prices given below will convince youthat you ar e not on ly payi ng less for

f resh f rui t s and vege tablestoday but also that you willsa ve money by shoppingregularly in our Produce Departments.

fI"r.!! picked selected ~ I " " " white be"n, ,1'0'."1,. (o,,:.oedto c!!!\'l'bp ihcir rich n,-'Ity 11""01', c",,, b l ~ " d ~ l I ',cit!, lhalof 0",1 sph:y for.! sauce.-- - - _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ . _ - -

--_. '--- '-

Large BostOb -Mackerel Ib 2:!C

Fancy Sl iced Cod::ish Ib ZCJIc

Fi ll et s o f Redfish II> Z9CFancy Dressed Whiting II> Z!C

Fresh Select Jersey Oysters do. 33C



BREAD2 laavel Zl.c

D 3 m e ~ t i ~ P ~ o v o l o n e Cheese-S1feed Saildwicb Chee$e

-_._----------Fancy, Grade A, Frying


In OurSeafood



rG r a d ~ ' A ..A - ~ r A - · - - · · · .. ._- -- -- -- _ .._--".

CHUCK ROAST ( . ~ ~ r ~ : J Ib

38cLean F - ; - ~ ; t - i ~ b - · B o i i f ; g - - E ~ - e 1 i - - J bF r ~ s b i y Ground Hamburger Ib

Small, Lear0Short-Shank - R e ~ d y - t ~ I : :o t )--


AP'PLID:SNJ: SInymnnty Wines:lp



Refreshing Florida

v : ; l ~ e Fruit Juices 2 J ; ~ ; , ? 1 9 c :Ons tJ':Indy Orcmqc,GrapeFruitor Blended

Rubber Plate Nabbto-oran.niCi'aik,r,1\)pkg 24c

SCRAPER Hydl'oxCakes Sun.hl". 8 V ' ~ ~ ~ 2Sc!f!, Golden Rice Whol. Ib 17

tn exchange f or eachpound 5 I 0 , N pkq C

a monr •., . Smok'd 7,., <>0

45cUSED FATS Armour's lreet 12,.",n42c 1.

relurned 10 our flSCO Veg. Soup 10' .,., can 11 C

{ ) ) ~ r k . l , Glcnwo;;ci I

G ~ " ' " ' " ' - o ' ~ ~ < 3 Apple BuUer 2 ~ ~ ~ ' 2 Z c I...... _ . M a d ~ with F r e ~ h Apple'S '

1 t,1-t8 Narbrr th .h c ..


EVEN MORE DELICIOUSthan the blend that made it the choiceof 3 out of 4 customers coming intoour markets. Now, you're sure to say,"I never tasted more deliciouscoffee,"

.-,. --"T .,

lISCO New Blend Ib 38c ?

COFFEE b; far 7SC rcaH&ot·no Roasted for full naver. Savecoupons1)11 f or v al ua bl u gifts.. We redeemWneotcno Coupons•

. A c m ~ Cor:'! Goldrn N n ; ~ ~ 17(Cut G:-c€n n ~ a r l S No.2"" , 2cWax Beans . '0"1 Fancy N O ; , ~ 23c I

S!iead Beets Rob,"'d 1&'0, Jor i 4c

Sweet Potatoes ~ ~ , ~ f : r : dEarly Peas v a l l ; ~ a ~ ~ c c nSauer Kraut F C l n c / ~ ~ ~ g CutAsparagm\s w ~ : I , : s O ? " : ; r sBartlet t Pea,;s R C ; ' ~ ~ ~ ~ r . ! "Frui t Cocktail c a ~ ~ f : i : ~ i aFr£estone !Deaches ~ r ~ ~ ~

Florida Stringless



- - - - ,..-II, "·'l.50N

,lIas,.; Celebrated for

James W. Whalen'




CItexcdChecks andWallet





Only Bc Per Chcck (Books of 25 Checks)


Health - Style - Beauty .• •


Open Thursday and Friday Evenings




125 E. LANCASTER AVE."hont-Arelmort 5000


"hont-Arelmort 5134


• Wh ile y ou 'r e w ai 'i ng f oryour new Dodge or Plymou'h,g.t "Double Protection" frOM


1. Le' UI keepyour pre.en' corin lop condition.

2. A' 'he iOme tim. maln'alnyour p r.. .n ' c a r InYllltmentagainlt future trad.. ln.

luel"tlform'onAllR_lrtonel"or',CYNWYD 9142



has spread around

we t r ea t our customers

We can keep

car or truck r u n ~ . i n gmore efficientl)', and



"k now h ow " t o m ak e

quickly-saving you

a n d mone)'. They use

fac tory-engineered

For dependable serv

at reasonable pr ices

o r phone us todayt

ble Serv'icePrices!


OUR TOWNI!Olltered R! s e c o n ~ class matter October, 1938, at U1ll Post OIUce at The S Jurist To Reti,'c CarrollPlans'

Narbelth, Pa under lhe Act or March 3 . 1879 pectatorin 1914 by the Narberth Civic AssociationUEURGJ,;-il.. \VAr,KEli;-1'11'slc!el1t-;,nd Edllor-- 40 TWl·,l Homes

JOSEPH NEWMAN. MaDBIllnll Editor Cont inued f rom page 11

HELEN FITZPATRICK. Business Manallcr '..__ . ~ ~ ~ ! , Y E Y WINGATE, Associate E d t t o ~ \ \ ' . h i ~ h . their cl:eative wor ka da y t a sk s h av e developed an d ' ". •. P U b l t ~ C d - E \ ~ ~ ; : Y -Thu-r-;iJ;y Id l s ~ , l p h n e d t h eI r m e n ta l powers f o r e f fe c ti v e action. Wit.! I P W

_ D _ e a _ d ~ l ~ . C ~ ~ , r b : C ~ . ~ , ~ ~ : . ~ ~ n ~ n : : ~ $ ~ e ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ c ~ y 9 A M, ne;,;; th e pl'ocess at .work in. th e case of R o ~ e r t Durbin. 1 11 enn ynnePubltcatlon' O t r l C ~ = E I ~ l l t - C - r · l - c · - k - t 'A"-- ._. . .. -_.- .._- - - - , I he s tory starts JI1 th e l i t t le Pennsylvania town on th e

" p ,'cnue, Ardmol'l' PR 11\1 1 I R" 'l'! I Pl,onc-Mdmorc 5n o al1d 5i21; Grpcnwood 3.7740 . onongc le a Iver where he wa s born: hiS fourteen-hour- ,j Resl'c)"'llts WI')1 P I ' e s ~... pm ' PI ' ar F l t I P k ' - M o n t g ~ m p r y Np",<J'lapp P hit 1 I . I I 'I $"" k ' 1 . " - "_,. , _ ._, ~ , _ \ I .. , ~ ' : " ,\",orlnllon a-c ay .10) as a Jay; l lClI , , pe r wee ' WIt 1 th e v i I J a ~ e news-, .. -I p:!ner: then (h'e y ca rs o f advanced journalistic chores in For Rc.Zolling To

R,at.e RI·se fLast 1:»\)· tes FOle Plttsb\ll'g', la tel' f,...o r cman o f a p r i n t i n ~ shop, California then Prevent Development• l ur ed h im "' ith " newsnaper prospect in wh ic h h e hoped to

. 1) I Isharc o.wllersh.ip: bu t that,flt,lked, an d he returned, t o P e nn - Ben L. Ca1'l'oll, builder of the

ontll1ucd from pagc DI WMM

·11 S.\' 1\ a nJ a t o pIck UP a bUlldlllg lot he ha d won III an ad - Carroll Park development, is go-

" ' ~ I ' C !101'1'OWNI. F I ' ~ ' p )Ioint. Ie. •leI CI- i writing c on te st . H e b ec am e advertising man ag er f or t he ing ahead with his plans to crectnit iloll::h the cUl'l'cnt fUl1d- I ' Altoona Gazette. thence to ,John Wanamaker in Philadel- I lemi -dctaehcd homcs nea l' Pcnn

of till' ROl'oug'h only,H Id F ed p hi a f or c at al og an d other special adver t i s ing work. Wynn Pa rk despite oppositionof a totnI "onowing' capa- i, -e fI ay From J oh n ' Va na ma ke r' s h e w en t to Wanamaker an d from residents who have asked the

~ J , ' i l l . n n o . I Brown (Oak Hall) as big- b os s i n advertising' an d after a JUDGF: HAROLD KNIGIIT T.ower Merion Boal 'd of Commis-HOl'ou"h H'I'I:i,'('S :\al'l"'l'th' FUI1('l'al s('I'\'i<,f's fol ' nl ' , Wnltl;l ' year (:1' so accepted a similar ber th at Wi ll ia m H . Wa na - sionC'rs for a r c , z o n i n ~ that would111I\'p to ' ~ I l , W l t h o u t , : 1 ( Ip:1.'( ~ l . ~ l i I J I ~ I ' , of "4 Princ.,(on R,L.lmal,ers . ! h a t wa s succecdcd by a tenure at IVlarks Broth- J d· K · I IJ:llk his pl'oject.

]11'()\'lrlln:: thl' In.I'I,pasc.rI Rala-CYllwyd, who r1il'rJ i n P al ll 1 PI'S (\Yasn t that at t h e n o rt ln v es t c or ne r o f 8t h a nd A rc h U 2.e llIg It This wI;ek, Carroll )laid $::lG,OOO

al'l'l'onri at lhattll1H' al'l': I1pa,.h, Fla" 11"'('cl11)-,('I' 2fl, WP\'I' S t re e ts ? ) a n d also at Blum Brothers, which w as n ot th el

(.J for a s even and a half acre tl'aet11l'Id Jnst Fl' id:I \' at Oliver II •same concern as th e B l um S to re o f t h es e days. wellR · touching- 1111 the southwest corner

$::,I}() ":orth ,,t p l a ~ ' - Hail'S. l R ~ O ( ' h a ' ~ t 1 l \ 1 t St" P h i l a ~ i T his kind of an accoun't s t irs a s or t o f n os ta lg ia , f or I etlre of Remington and Haverford Rds.

I l 1 l J l I ' O \ ' ' ' 1 1 1 P l l l ~ , r1l'[phi:l. I therc mus ! b e man\' who remember through th e m i st o f th c Hc bought thc propcrty frol11 Rob-;

~ : ! ( ) ; j ( ) 10 l,p )luI t fl \\ 'a nl P I' . ;\ li i, ,'1 ' \ \' ho w ns ';R, wns S u- . \'('ars that old 8t h Stred shopping ' section. :Marks Brother;.;, ert \Y. S idda ll a nd ) ll an s t o im- il'll,ing' till' Illol'tgag(' on pr'n'i,ol' of ~ 1 \ ' d i l ' : 1 1 lns]lf'l'tion 1'01' :Schoen('m:lI1 Brothers (is that spelling correct, Mr. D?), Counly Pl'ct!liucnl prove the site with ,10 twin homes:Ii'.'" hflllS". til" I'llil:lCl,.lphia Board Ill' f[f'ldth Partridg'f' an d Ric-harelson. Cooper and Conrad , HaineR Bros. .Judge Served l\'Iore at n cost of approximate ly $500,-:

~ : : : I I I 1 , ' 'I, " I ' " ~ " , . \ ' , , ffll' and BoaI'd (If I':dll('atiol1. 1'01' the (befo re Gimhpl s ) , et al. l\'Iost " ta lwar t o'f all. h owe v er , wa s Thall TWf'lIly Years 1


, :h!'".llghtll1<; f''1

UiPI11''"t. [1",1 :!I, ."":11'1', J'{'ti'."'d a \"pal' a"o, tlw well-root eel :-;l.ore o f S t r awb r idge a n d C l ot h ie r , where ' Last II10nth, i\ g'l'oUJl of PI;I1n'

,::!11'1I1 fn,' ;l prol' ,' ,:"i, ,",I! : \ gTad' ,at" of .), .(f"I' I'O' ; ~ 1 1 ' r 1 i ; a l Mr, Durhin f i n a l l ~ ' ilrrived in 1!')05, t o s t. ar as ad\'cltising" Pl'psid"n1 ,Iud)..:·c Harold G. Wynne I'c>:irlcnt.' <l)lpe:lred before;flf tl1(' BO"oll/': 'h's '."'. ('"Ik::!p. 111' fl1 1'111<'Ih' 1llnilltainf'f1 an ' r l irpetor unt il hi s rctircment t.wo years ago, a :::pan o f n e ar - Kuight "f the ; \ I o n t g o l l l e l ' ~ ' c o u l 1 t ~ ' 1 thc Towl1:;hip Commissiollcrs and:

I l " p d ~ . nfl" .... at , ; l ~ t all'" S pn lc P S ts , fol'l.,v ,\·ears. Common Pleas Court will retire r equcs ted the s "c tion be l'c-zoned I

~ 1 . 1 I 1 1 f 1 in a lill":1I'." ap- I I' h il adPlphia , ' . Therc is 110 dc:-;ire t o pa la \ -e r OUI' friend unduly (observe frOI,l t.he bench at the expiration from R--lA: which permits twin:

A I:WllIl>('1 o f t he l la la -C "nw\ "d t ha t is h as n ot h ee n s a id . as it could be, that h e r es em - of his term at t he c nd o f t hi s homcs, to R-,I, which a llows only I

$ . ( ; . I ; ~ : ! ill r"Ild, :" "l'lll ' ' ' :\('i"':'hl>"rhood ('Iuh fol" l1Iil;l\, , h l r s \ \ 'ood row 'Ni l son ) , bu t thel'c is a persistent memory in YCllr. dctache(l sinde-family dwellings,·:tlll"lilil tl.". 1'''Ullly .""i' 1". h' \\'al' a I ~ o an a c t i \ " ~ I1Il'm'_i thi ;" c ra ni um o f th e handsome t . r p o g ' I ' a p h ~ ' an d d e'corou ::> T hc ( i s - ~ · ' ' : l r · o I ( ! . i u r i ~ t . who has The C 0 1 l l t n i s ~ i o n e r s are expected'

pl'o"idp for ro"d illl- \"',' of :1", Bala ( \ n w ~ ' < 1 :'Ildho,iist: didion \\'hi<-h charactcrized th e S. and C. p u bl ic i ty wh en becn on the County Bench for to hand down a dec is io n ou the.Cliunh Jll'. lI11d :'I11's. : \I il l( 'r had l \ fr . Durbin took hold. It. wa s th e kind of adver t i s ing theme more than :20 yem's, announced petit ion WednesiJ:ly night at theil'!

,."",'::Il. :\,,,I"'l'lh',, }lI"':1 r ( ' ~ i , I " n l ' of Bala,CYllwyd fOl'i \\'hieh fort if ied t h e Quakc r o\\'ners of th e s tu rdy s to rc a s a n this wecl, that he wil l n ot hI; it reg'ula!' monthly meeting. In OC-IpO'lti,,:, i, tlil' h i ~ J l f ' , t o f t h,' p asi foul' ~ ' I ' a r " Ill'. :'IliJler' integral part of th r family life of t h ( ~ city a nd i is environs, candidate 1'01' re-('Iection in the t.ober, t l H ' ~ ' g-rantcd an identi( 'al

it i," o f it., I ,, "d ill Easl' h,:d al,,) sf'l'\'pd ]ll'l'sirll'nt of the ( 'onsen 'ati \'e. rei iable an d t I ' u s t w o r t h ~ ' beyond perad\·enture. June 17 party pril11arics, rl;-zoning- in a s cc tion only 11 few I

I " ~ ' ! I ' , , " i a . hOlllb ill (I('p,", ( ' i t ~ ' . 1\ .1 .. Fi!'hinj:!" Cluh. 111 was h j g - h l ~ ' int.eresting institutional propaganda while .Judge Knight's annountCllIcnl blocks wcst of Pcnn Wynn! ' Pad" i

o ld at " I ] f ' o f t hl ' i l i . ~ I 1 I ' s t )f" i ~ ~ u l ' \ ' i " l ' d h ~ ' wif(.. Philadelnhians mn y debate aR t.o which larg-e store leads th e w as in i,he forl11 of the i de nt ica l C aHo !. It i s r epor te d, hel ie vc s;lin .... "",.<1 or ,i,"ilal' n",.tha. ' ,I ll! two daug'hll' I'S ~ I I ' S , local list. in popular f av or . n o o ne presumei'> t.o pu t S. an d C . l et te rs ~ c n 1 to S ta te S cn at or Ihe is on firl11 leg-nJ g-rounrl. since:

,alitil", Willi,,111 Il I . i \ ' i l l g - ~ t o n , of 'i:! lo\\'el' than Numh!'r 2. Man,\' women a c co r d it t he f i rs t Lloyd II, Wood, chairman of the hc has purcha:;e lJ the property:

" ' l l,ila

" ~ J " ' " d i l I 1 1 ' ( "all' l ' l' i ll l 'dr .n nd .. l:,l!a-C.\'IlIl,\"f1 anel nInee of all, and Mr , Durbin n ee d n ot he too modes!. in rc- Count y R epuh li ca n Commi t\ (' e, w hi le i t is zonN! 1'01' twin

h o m l ' ~ ,i

1h(' IOIl','st "i 11I1l1Ii('ip,ili- .\11,. l J P l l I ' ~ ' IL Flanegan, ' If [ l ec t in) .! on his s L l b ~ t a n t i a l contribution to t h is h ig h mel'-: and t.o l{aymond - I\Ienlich. Coun· and that llI1,\' r e - z o n i l l j . ~ : hy the.i t" ki lld . lI.hilp . or .n 'j ,. ", l .a ,l sr lo.... I1l'. c<lntile esta!.e. I t y Democ ra ti c Commi tt ee chair- l 'onl111is;;ioncrs next. wcek would i

:11'(> " " ) ( l " . ~ tlw h,,!,!, And,' lI11PI''11f'1I1 W:lS in hy Hill ("1'111, One Rhou1cl 1)(' reluctant to ('all ou r 110tewol'thy neighbor's man. be c:'l: pos t f act o and not binding

t::x 1'alr' i" h i . ~ h . :\S,('ss- ('\1'1,". ~ I . ) , I I 1 1 : \ i l ' ~ ' , ,pari o f t he g re at Alllel'ica'n book th e c ha pt er o f t he h ar d The late Govel'l1ol' Pinchot a p- on him.a:'1' low. :11,,1 tlH'1'1' aI'" "" ... : dimb, even it might appeal' so, hu t h e w ou ld b e th e f irs t pointed .Judge Knig-ht to fill an CalToll's position was made

1'('11:;111' 01' ( ' I " , r g " ~ 1'01' ;'1'" I t o b re ak h i" resel'\'p an d say t here was a fine c01l1pensating unexpirN! term on t hl ' ben('h o n stronger this w('pk a decis ion

'ie,"', r l " e " l n p l e " ' I ) . l a I I ~ jllY of achievement in C\'C'I'\' step h e i n ad e. ' :'I1arch ,I. l ! l ~ ( j , The next year he on the h:l1' f! ,f ought Frankel c as e ;

d i ! l ~ . r l " ' ~ i " " l J t Fox qirl U • .. . " !was elcc:ed lo a full 1 0 - y e ~ r t e rm, handcd do,,-n ill : 'I lo!1tgol1lcry'

z,'ns will ha\'P 10 fix thl'ir THIS LIMITED space ha l ' heen used w it h m a n y pert inen t ' a nd w as re-elected in 193i. County Court by Judge Harold G,

on :\arhl'rth I 'l 'n 'il 'es, ( "o nti nu cd fl'Om page 1) I' factl' yet to he s ai d. s om e o f t h em p er h ap s mo re signif icant ,Judge Knight's rctirement plans Knight.

hopl' tl1:l1 1111' W01'{1 tax groLll1os and build ings, a nd there t ha n t ho s? ,mentioned. H ~ n c e it !Uust su f fice fo r th e pres- mean t ,hat . Judge Georgc C. Cor- --------.-... _.._ - " I

l l n"t . 1 1 I i ~ 1 ( ' a < l tl1l'l11. a nd wi ll b e no s ubdi vi si on o f t he prop- .e nt to f ~ h ( , l t a t e . Mr. Durbm on long an d honorable ca- son, will bc the C O l l n t y ' ~ next ( I ~ ' r l i t o 1 " ' , ~ Nute: s,.c g C l ; ~ - I 'e ,\ ' \ \ il l t h ink in ter l11s of, erly, There wil l be no cxperiments r ee l' o f IIl1})reSSIVe e n ~ e a \ ' o ~ " HIS t O W l 1 ~ m e n ar e ,aware ?f PreSlden: Judge of t l ~ e CO,l1Imon ClJ'f/tc stor?}.)

and "(, i l lS ('o>:t, to thel11," d a l l g e r o \ l ~ 0" off ensive to the com th c years-old esteem 111 whIch th e Du rbm n ame IS held 111 Pleas and Quarter SesSIOns Courts. ------- !_ ... . __ ._ 1l11unity (:_ "Iue(cd ill thc l a h o r a ~ t!lis b o r o u g ~ . T h e ~ - w an t h im t o be deeply ~ s s U l ' e d of that Speculation on Judg-e Knight's There is M civic organization in [' . it on' sll1cerc s en tIm en t. T he y seek th e oppo rt um ty o f a formal S U C l ~ e S S O I ' has centered around D is - P enn Wynne , but a spokpsman for'

I, 01' : l 1 , . , ~ . Selml;;. ,' . . ' occasion of tribute to hi m a nd t o DI' Snyder a jo in t af fa i r trict Attorncy Frederick B. Smi l- the protesting- l ' e ~ i d e n t s s:li,J hI;

"I .. ' I In < : a ' T Y I I I ~ : uut thiS 11I'O"I':lI1l, It ' " , ' ,. 'I'" I ! Ia SCI \ I ces for !'III'S. lrcne .'11 1 . <0, I a co rclIal e \ 'emng' c e leb ra t IOn soon to occur. I n t he mean- Ie and E. A1'l1old l' orl'cst, of Con- 1a( leal'cl of tIl(' Fl'anl,cl decision. I

f C' f ' ,,\\I)C thc po!Jey of the U11lVer-1 . ' . h] H .0 II ton 1 I l ; l g h t ~ , sistel'! o' t ' I i t ime. an d mos t h e ar t il y , to both well-gIfted gentlemen, S olocken. e said i1C was not sure the casc:lrd Youllg. of Manoa wel 'e I' I) tw t . thc home of tht research :MULTOS ANNaS' was applicable to the Carroll dis-

~ r t e r n o ( ) n fl'om hl'l'llahOl':ltorles shall he conductedon:' pute.

Mrs , S th at z, w if e o f L ou is th ' f G l o O d - N e ~ g l ~ ) O I ~ 1 POliCYi: W i U ~ IE H d Iv··· MO O c'- II W. F. I,jeibfried He s:lid tlmt approximat,,]y !)[j

died last Wcdncsday at her i ~ . a r c u, r egal ' 1C com,ort o' mma 0 gens lrglnla cae persons would appear bcforc th l'IllS neighbors. 'lemple Ul11verslty D I H I Commissioners Wednesday night

;sincerely hopes t ha t t he commun-HR' les n ospI·ta to press fo r the re-zoning.

I ily wil l welcome t he r es ea rc h tBAt · A djlahoratory, After it is in operation, ur V U.O ecelves war Solcmn Requiem Mass fo) ' Wil -

pie c o m . t ~ .\\'(' hope to arrange a convenient 01 Haverford Artist Ham F. Leibfrip.nd. a past ~ o v c r -eI om ; ~ ~ c , a s i o n when OUI' neighbors.may H u s b a n d ~ PassingBy . . nor of B ryn Mawr Chap te r 332 of\ISlt us and become aequall1ted ' Cited Fo r Wax" W kith L I 0 d.I d },l Finds Hel' Hurt or - t! oya l' er of Moose, was


dw;th. p c r s o l ~ n e l . Temple Uni- Miss Virginia A, McCall of 721 eelebratp.d Tuesday morning in the Solemn yequiem l\lu>:s for

} ""'VIII ) vel'sity IS certal11 that whcn you Mrs. Emma Hodge ns . a ct iv e M il lb ro ok L ane, H aver fo 'r d, re- Church of St. Thomas, Villanova. James J. \\ halen, of G Franklin

' ) .r : : : ' ; : : : ~ : ~ : : ~ : ~ ~ : ~ l i ~ F U P " " ~ " ~ , ~ : ~ : : , ; ; ~ ~ : ~ : r , : : £ : E ~ ; ~ : ! ~ ; ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , ~ : ~ ; . ~ ~ 4 : , , ; : ~ : ; , p ~ ; : ~ : ~ ~ , : ~ : ~ , : , ~ : f ; : : ~ ; ; . ~ E ; ; : , : ~ f r ~ U : ~ i ~ ; d ~ ; : ~ ; : ~ : ~ ~ ~ ~ ; , , ; : : : : , ~ ~ ~ l ~ ; : ~ ~ ~..t: \"'rA

" ''WI:'' Gracme Lorimer presidcnt of s t ruck by an automobile at Con- d" \\ h al cn who \\"IS -6 d' 1 J t\#d, .... ., . , The award, given ye ar ly to thc ay IJ1 R"yn Mawr Hospitnl after F" ,', ", leI :If.':C·.:,' -' Haverford Civic Associa tion, shohocken Statc Rd, and B al a w om an f rom t he P hi la de lp hi a a l ong' i ll ne ss . He was 66, n : : : a ~ ,It home after a short 111-

said T u ~ s d a y that if the property Ave" Bala. area who "has donc outstanding He was 11 member o f t he Vcter- ' , . , " 'o wn ers d irectl y affect ed t.ake a Tak en to Bryn Mawr Hospital w or k f or h 't " 't d 1\ ' nns of Foreign \Vm's Bryn Mawr A na t. l \c of Conshohocken. !\fl'.fairly t1l1animous position, the C iv - by her husband, H, Childs Hod- McCal l' "t' um

lam d

Y' e 'hss Chapter 843 having' served a W ha le n : iv ed mo st of his lifc in" sire ess evo Ion t o t he . , . «, L 1\" .

IC Association will havc a repre- gens, who was driving by the ,_ 1 If f . private i n Company F 18th In ower 1el'lc,n Towns]l1p. A plas-persona we are 0 men wounded ,-

sentath..'c at the heal'ing,.to pUl s ce ne o f the a cc ident , Mrs . Hod- I' u, Id W II . fantry Division during the Phil terer, he was omployed by Doyle


n no r ar - e speC ia lly for ' - d H I fl e wClght of the Association bc- gcns was f ou nd t o h av e sufl'ered tl' 1" ippines bsurrection an enc leI', 0 Bryn !\Iawr, at

III C S II () \" ' le umque app leahon for her art ' tl' I. , "_ ,. ' ". _'I hind that position, possible fractures of the skull and t t.l d' , . Bur ia l w as in Calvary Ceme- le time of 115 retlrcment 1<>o le reco r ll1g of their recovery .

The propc rty has a frontagc of hi]: and multiple h ea d a nd inter- through plastie sUl'gery." t.ery, W P . : ~ t Conshohoel,?n. years ilg-O.

GE_PLY M0UlH about 400 f ee t on l\lontgop-ery injuries. A re siden t o f Haver fo rd fo r the n.ahvc, qf Columbia, Pa" 11'11'. He is survin'll by hi s bro thel '.Avc, and '700 fcet on Bo oth Lane. Hodgens, a prominent C it y past 25 y ears Miss MeC 11 Leibfried hved on Thomas Avc ., w ith whOin he lived, Burial was

Serv,.ce' ,Total arca is abollt 280.000 square architec t, was unaware t ha t t he p ra is ed f or sidetracking: Bry? Mawr, for nine years b ef or e i n S t, Den is C e l 1 l e t e r ~ ' .

• i [1'1;t. 01' morc than fivc acres, \'ictim of the aeeident was his w if e Ireer as an artist to g' f ~ l r t . ' ca moving to Garrett I Ii Il i n 1924.

I' l ' 1 1 ~ l\Iolltgollel ' f t t'l ft h Ive u Ime B e f ~ l e h t k '11 I t The whole hOllc "f "111nail pro,"rL". S':

, 1 . 'y "ve, ron age un I a CI e stopped his cal' on to mcn in Valley F' II 't IJ

' e w as a 'en I as year, ":to a dcpth o f 200 f eet is zoned Conshohocken Statc Rd In additiol t t Ollg,e O S ~ I he worked as an automobile paint- i" sw;pcnded on thp ever-growing j i l-


:R-:i and thc remainder is n-1A, D ' f t l ' 1 0 eac llng pamtl11g e r a t the Dutha B d C B fluenec of the n j b l c , - \ \ ' i l l i ~ l I 1 II.. l ' Iycr 0 le automobilc, police lo n e u r o - p s ~ . c h i a t r i c patients. Miss 1\ ' 'm 0 yo . , ryn S e \ ~ ' a r d .

The propcrty has been for salc s a l ~ , was a 19-yea r-old Philadel- McCall assis ted in plastic s ur ge ry i aw l.

:for tcn years, but the re has b ec n phl a y ou th , w ho s ai d Mrs. Ho d- operations hy painting drawings - ~ i f j i j i " i i i j i j i , i l i i i i i i i i i i j i j i i i i i ino jnqui l' :' f rom anyonc intcrcstcd gens step d f b. , pe r om etw cen two, fo r su rg eo ns of pat ien ts upon

i n uuy ing il 10 use solely as a p a ~ ' k c d Cal's., whom pJlIstic surgery was about

prh'atc residence, Thc Hodgens lI\ 'C at -3'1 Lodges to be performed.

Prospective pur ch as er s h av e Lane, B a l a - C ~ ' n w y d ,suggested a private hospital , eon-\"illcscent home, apartment hOllse, In Carnegie Hall

girls' school, veterans' housing Comfort Re-electe{] Dr. Dash t o Conductand a dorm itory for a r cl ig ious Howard Comfort, of 5 Collcge Dr. James Allan Dash, of 426order. Circle, Haverford, was l 'c-elected E

I' Spring Ave., Ardmore . will con-

secretal'¥-tl'easul'er of the ~ ' n l e l ' I ' -r>. duet it pnformanee o f V er di 's

There i s n ot hi ng - respecting can ~ h i l o l o g ' i c a l Soc ie ty in R oc hes - Mam: or .i R equi em i n C a l ' n e ~ i ew h i c l ~ a man may be so long un- tel N. Y, last wce1\. IH al l, N ew Yor k C it y. April 26.

COJlSCIOllS, as of the cxtent and

s t rength o f his pre judiccs ,


& Service

Line at 52nd St.


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2 P. • • • • ,, '- .0 , ? • . p p,.•. > (!? ?



YouthHeld F

Tipsy DrivingCar of Wynnewood

Man InjuresWoman

A 22·year-old'Wynnewood yRichard D. Lanser. of 640 LL an e, w as h el d i n $ 50 0 baicourt Sunday on a charge ofing while unde r the influencliquor.

Nortistown Jlolice reporteda car opel'ated by Lanser smainto another car on Main St.ously injuring one of the opar tt s, l If rs . A lv in a Brawn


At a hearing Sunday beJustice o f t he P eace Do na

L Bei dern an , i n Norristow

police sergeant testified thatser t o ld h im after he was arred that h e h ad "had five ordrinks at a party."

It was ' l lso testif ied at the hing- that twc Jla r t l ~ ' f i lled boof l iquor were found in th-e :rocar, Lans"I' Was reported totold the policclllan that "he d

know whether or not he had drany of tha t liquor."

The in jur ed woman was t atc. Montgomery Hospital, Not ow n, w it h a fractured rill:htkle and b'tck injuries. Lansert he o pe ra to r o f t he other c a

2 ~ - y e a r - o l d Philadelphia womwer e not hurt.

Police said at the hearing tLanser's g-Ianced off a parcar on ~ f a i n St. befor e crash

into t he c ar in w hi ch th eyoung women were riding.

School Heads Honored

By Education GroupTwo township elfmentary sch

principals were honored at the

cent convention. of the Pennvania State Education AssociatJames L, Beighle, Principal

the Bryn Mawr School, was eleed President, and Robert

Means, Pr inc ipa lof the Bala-Cwyd Sch'ol, was named Secretof the Elementary Principals ' Stion of the State Association.


Good government is impossible

In 1945, only s even were listedfrom Ardmore, 14 f rom B ry n

Mawr. and none from Gladwyne.A lso in 1945, Mer ion and West

l\fanayunk were listed as the

homes o f two del in qu en ts each.None wa:;, listed for 1946. Wyn

r lewood. in 1945, sent four to Juvenlle Court, and n on e i n 1 94 6.Haverford sent one to Norristownin 1945, aone last year.

The Bllrough of Narberth sent

one to Norristown in both ye ar s .

Del1igcrats Are Told

One·Party System

I:, Un·American

,More Twp, Youths

Before Con.-t In1946 TItan In 1945

County Figures

'Point To Rise

In Delinquency

Montgomery Avenue

Holly Carter andCrestmont Candies are sold exclusively by YOl l .r A. & P Supf"r Market


L ~ g i o n Speaker


An incre as e in t he amo un t o f

juvenile delinquency in LowerMerion Township la s t year is i n d ~cnted in a report submitted lastweek to the .county Court of

Quarter Sessions by Chie f Juve nile Probation Officer Pe te r J ,F . under a one-party system, Harry•rasclJlo. K Butcher, secretary o f P hi la -Frasclno stated that, contrary to d I h" C 'tt ' f" 'O t Id

the trend in the County as a e p la s Olllmi ee 0 0

I I . th b f' members o f t he Dcmocratlc Com-w 10 e, Where e num er a .1 uve- j ' f L 1\1" Tnile offenders was a lmos t halved ml!tee {) ower" ellOn own-ltd t 1945 23 sh ip and fhl' Borough of Narberthas .year compare 0 , rruesday night.Lower lIIel 'Ion youths, compared to I ':20 in 19·15. were ta ken before ,Tn- Butcher, spcakJl1g at the reg'll-venile. Court. ! l al ' mee ting of t he Democrat i c

In the county at large, 167 juve- II gr?up in the' T o w n s ~ i p . Building,niles appeared in cour t las t year saId that L?wer l \ f ~ r l O , n s 88 per

compared with 328 tlte year before, I cent ReJlublIcan majority was noti S' S·· ,in harl110ny w it h t he Ame ri ca nI mce late prmg It was I'e-I

.' . s y ~ t e m oJf two-party go\'ernll1ent.called .here t ! 1 ~ 5 week, Lower J\ICJ'l-1 He \ l r g ~ d that polit ica l educa.on polIce o.ffie.lals have been send- t ion of you th b eg in i n thC' lowering- to Juyem le Court only those d f I ta r hool

Paul H. Griffith, National Com- of fende r s charged w i th more s er i - grn es 0 e emell y sc . ,mal!de! of t he Ame ric an Leg'ion, crimes. . Anothe l s p e ~ ~ e r at the meet

w il l be goiven n testimonial dinner Youths picked up on minor mg, I\Irs. Emdie Ehle, .of ArdFriday• .Tan 10, at the Club Del c h a r ~ e s , like window-breaking, are more, a n ~ e m b e ~ of A l l 1 e r ~ c a n s forRio, 1\1.'1noa, by the Eighth L e ~ i o n ! given stern w a r n i n ~ s in the pres- DemocratIc ActIOn COmml!tee , re

District, 'comprising- more than 50Ience o f t he ir p ar en ts 01' guard- ~ o r t e d to t he group the ~ I m s andD ebwn re a nd Chester County ians a nd a re s en t t o NOl'1'istown Hl:als of the newly orgalllzed COI11-

posts. only if they prove incorr ig ible. I ll lt te e.The dinner will mark the first The names of many Lower I --------

time local legion posts have play" Mer ion youths, whose ( jf fe ns es in Penn Teacher Opensed host to a Nlttional Commander, other municipalities might resu l t ,.

!\fore than 400 state and local of- in their being s en t t o Norristown, Young ltfen s Senesficials, and their guests, are ex- thus do not appear on Ju veni le P ro f. J oh n L. Jones, of the Uni.pected to attend. Court records. versity of Pennsylvania, opened a

Toastmaster will be Congr es s- L oc al p ol ic e o ff ic ia ls s ai d t hi s n ew series of classes for young

man Paul Dague, of Chester Coun- week they have not yet completed men last Sunday morning in thety SpeakC' rs , in addi tion to Com- tabulating their own records of IChapel-Clois ter of the B a l n - C ~ ' l l mander Gr;mth, will include State juvenile offenders and offenses wyd Methodist Church.

Comma:Jder Clyde Rankin, of Phil- , and thus could not comment on the' Topics f or t he first six weeksadelphia; l J c p ~ r t m e n t Commander II f igures re laesed f rom Nor ri st ow n. o f t he course are as follows: "TheCharles Zezone, of Highland Park. Frascino's records indicated that Young I IIa n and H is Chu rc h, "

a ll d M rs . Bruce Denniston, of; 13 of r,.'wer Merion Township's "The Church and the Post-War

Greenville, State Auxiliary presi- 123 delinquents who appeared i n Wor ld ," "The Christian Affirmadent. IJuvenile Court l a st y e ar came to tive," "The Christian Answer,"Chai rman of the banquet com-I B ry n M aw r. N in e w er e listed as "Has t he Church a Mes sa ge To

-mittee i s H ow ar d McKay, of Iliving in Ardmore , and one from day." and "Self-Searching, but notSpringfip.ld. Gladwyne. Self-Centeredness,"



Phone: Narberth 2881



Fo r


Editor's Note-Excerpts from the decision of

J udg e H ar ol d G. Knig' h t in the c as e o f L ow er

Merion Township. l\Ierion Civil ' Associa tion. AlbertC. Barnes , J oseph D. Malkin , Viola Malkin and

Bala-Cynwyd Neighborhood Club versus E. J.

Fran"el. The Cour t 's decis ion dismisbed the bill inequity which , ~ o u l d have prevented the de fendantf rom e re c ting a six-story apartment house at OldLancaster Rd. and Latches Lane in .Merion.

Mrs ..

Judge K,tight's Decision(1t TOW1tsitip ps. Frankel


A. E. Hickerson, pres ident ofPhiladelphia Suburban Newspa

Inc" was g-ues t speaker atthe reg-ulaJ' weekly meetilll! o f t hcArdmore Rotary held last Thursday afternoon at t he Have r ford

Court HJtel.


G ~ v { n s ,Scarfs

No .Increase in Prices

A.re Holiday Bright

bef or e co ldAsk about OUI

on all services

.When Expertly Cleaned



~ , t ( J b U . 1 l e t l 1928


Headquarters fo r

A.U Medical Needs


NARBERTH 2838-%839


her sets in.

ial discoun t$5,00,


ay Try Twp.Case

'. Rotary Speaker;/


,I......: I

dinance which would prohibi t theerection of a building which would

have been permitted under the

origoinal ordinance.

"The amendment to the ordi.nance purporting to reclassify theproperty here i n ques tion fromR-5 Resl-il'nce District to R-3 Residence District. whereby multipledwellings would be excluded therefrom, is arbitrary and unreasonable, a nd a s t o d ef en da nt i s d is criminatory and confiscatory. andas i t bears no substantial or reasonable relation to the public

he al th, s af ety , moral s or general "Stated broadly the doctrine of "vested rights" as it may be pertinwelfare , is an invalid exercise o f en t i n t hi s case, is that where an applicant has received a permit to

the police power, and UH s uc h i s erect a building of a kind pC11llitted by existing ordinances, and hasuneonstit.utional and void." proceeded t o a ct under tha t permit, h e t he re by acquires a vested

After a r e a d i n ~ of t he Cour t 's prope rty right whi ch w il l b e protected by, the constitution, primarilyopinion Attorney Hall declared: on the theory that t o d i sturb such right would be to depr ive the holder

" A l t h o u ~ h Judge Knight's deci- lllCreof of his property without due process of law .• .

Hion represents firm and reasoned ..... FUl'ther. when defendant demonstrated he was prepared to

juuicial eonelusions, it a ls o ex - go ahead with his opera tion, the pla intiffagain c a u s ~ d a halt wi th i t sp r e s ~ e d the viewpoint of some pco- bill and ru le fo r p rel iminary injunction, coupled with the suggestionp Ie who are c:mstitutionally op- t ha t i f work were not yoluntarlly stopped, the authority of the policeposed to zoning. If this viewpoint mlght'be invoked, ••

w as s us ta in ed t hr ou gh ou t c ou rt s " Th us , it appeal's, t h at h ad no t t he plaintiff township ·taken these

there would be little need for zon- steps to prevent further opera tions, defendant might wel l h av e p ro -

ing," ceeded at least until an injunction were s e rved upon him.

F r a n l ; ~ 1 entered into an a g r e ~ - "Plaintiffs contend that defendant's actionsshow lack of good faith Leal·on Headment With : \I ax H. and. :\follIe!on his part, and that he was ' out to beat ' t he amendment to the zOlllng b .R o t h ~ t c i l l 0.11 April :2[" 1!l45, for I ordinance. However, we do not agre e that Mr. Frankel's conduct hasI1.11I1'C'h:lse nf the n p a l ' t l l l e l ~ t h o u ~ e ! I.)('('n s uc h a s t o s how an nbscnee oC good faith. To Be IJollol-ed·,il,· fo" ; ~ ( j C , 1 I 0 1 1 It C O l l ~ l s t e u Ofi ,It'} , 'd " I If ~ c r e s and a I " In t he f irs t place , it is dcfinitely established that prior to con-11'ee an one- 18 ,

1 'I 'de 'e alld <ral'age eluding negotia tions for purchas ing the property in questIOn, he in-arge Sing- c reSJ ne ,.., .Prior t o en te ring ' into t he agre e- quil'ed 110t o n l ~ ' of the real estate a ge nt , b u t o f the Superintendent 01mcn t F ra nk el was told by the Building Inspection himself, a!l to the classification as R-5 reSidence

r e al e s ta t e agent and by Low er ?istrict. Having satisfied himself on t h is point he entere,d into a bind·

Merion's Superintendent of Build- lIlg contract to ~ u r c h ~ s e , t h ~ property. W h e t h e ~ he o b t a ! n e ~ the proping Inspection that zoning o f t he e r ~ y at a ,bargalll prIce IS I m ~ a t e r i a 1 . What I.S mater13I-IS t ha t t heproperty permitted construction of pr ic e he dId pay - $65,000 - IS a very substantIa l sum r/.. money.

an ll}lnr:.mcnt house. "I t is of interest that defendant's application for a ' perm it and

On ]\fav l,J. 1!l45, the Merion petition for rezoning, were filed on the same day . The contention of

Civic A s s ~ c i a t i o n passed 11 resolu- plaintilTs seem t o b e that t.his was the start of a r a ce in which defendanttion authuri z ing i t s officers " to h ad no right to participate, but we cannot adopt that view. If, as thetake any and all necessary steps township officer later certified, and t h is c our t found, defendant's applito prevent the ;,rcction o f t h e pro- cation and plans were ill accordance with the township ordinances and

posed apartment house." regulations, he was entitled to the prompt issuance of a perm it andOn June 13, 1945, a l a rge num· ' h is pe ti t ion for mandamus was filed with perfect p ropr ie ty . A s w e

bel' of r e sident s in the vic inity view t he mat t er , he was t he equit a ble owne r of a valuable piece ofof the proposed I\Ierion Plaza re al e st a te , a nd his efforts to p rotect his in te res t in tha t p roperty byApartment f il ed a p et it io n w it h v ig or ou sl y pushing to comple t ion hi s a l re ady formula ted plans we re

Lowcl' j \[ 'J rion Commissioners ask- :mtirc ly justif iable, and 110t at all evidence of an absence of gooding that "he zoning' be reclassified taith, especially in view of t he f ac t t h at the property in question had

as l in R-3 residence district which ~ l I l c e 1927 been zoned for multiple dwellings. There was no dut y c as twould prohibit construction o f t he l 'ponhim. a s we see i t, t o sit idly by unt i l t h e township commissionersbuild ing. On the same day, disposed of the petition for rezonmg.

Frankel asked for a b ui ld in g p e r- " Co ns eq ue nt ly , we cannot find that u p t o that point, or thereafter,m it a nd paid the required fee for l!efendant was lacking in good faith, and we therefore conclude he hadsu ch a permit , $510. Th is was it fully vested right which should be protected.

followed CbY an c i p e ~ l M o ~ ~ - "Our conclusion is that the amending ordinance has no reasonable

g 'ome ry k .ountfY outr , ~ n e . , relation to t he publ i c health, safety, morals or general welfare, and1------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1945 as -wg or a empOl ar y, m, .. b - . _. , h' tl 1 rtjunction to restrain Lower Mer· that!t IS unreasona Ie, dlscrlmmatIon agamst t IS par cu ar prope y

ie n's building superintendent fr om an d I ts owner, the defendant. . ,, 'g tl rml't "The argument of plaintiffs a nd t he contentions of theI r zomngISfU III Ie pc .,'t tl d f II C t n expert a re n ot convincing, The usua l a rgument s have be en advanced.'1. Ie 01' er 0 Ie our 0 , . '

J 16 1945 tl b ' Id' p 1 III support of the ordinance , These Include the view t ha t t he location. Utl

Y d ), t' L' Ie U l \ ~ rlJ.no


n sl'susuee'd- of an eighty family apartment on this site, wil l obst ruc t l igh t and airHI en en III ower !e

b 'Id"t because of its height and bulk; t he n umbe r of automobiles will bea Ul 1I 1g permJ . ,After public hearings in July greatly increased, resulting in increased t ~ a f f i c a n ~ p a r ~ m g hazards

the township commissioners I end problems, as well as an accompanying Increase m nOise; the dename nded t he Towns hi p' s Z o n i n ~ I s i ty of the population will be increased; that it would encroach uponCode and changed the z on ing c l as , d nd h av e a deletorious effect socially and economically upon the ad-

sification )f the apartment house lacent high class residential district. .

~ i t e from (In R-5 residence district "Examining these arguments as they may be pertment to t he c as eR-3 -:listrict In hand, we find they have little merit. As a limitation or obstruction

On A' Jg ll st 28. 1945, Frankel of light and all': it is unquestionably t rue that any building will s ~ m emadp settlement for t he prope rty tlxtent have thIS effect. It appears to us, however. that such a dlmlJlU

and thrf'f days l at el ' h e m oved a qon of light 'and air by the proposed build ing w i ll be inconsequentai,steam sh ov el nn to t he property ;1' noticeable at all.... We agree with defendant's witnesses that whatand started d i g g i n ~ . But Inter i n , 'v el ' obstruction of l ig ht a nd a i r results, there w il l b e no harmfUlt h e d a y ftc stoPlJP.d digging on the ( ~ f f e c t s therefrom.advice of his counsel. "As t o the increased numberand u se o f automobiles, undoubtedly

NARBERTH SUNOCO I P la ns f or the apar tmen t hou se t he re will be some increase. However, the addition to pa rk ing prob-SES\'ICE STATIOS call for SIX s t o r l ~ s with nn exter· tems will be negligible, for accomodations for 'on-site' park ing are

Montgomery pnd Woodbine IGEORGE W, FEISE ior of buc . iron spot br ic k over a , 'c ry gene rous, fully ample, it would seem, to keep additional cars offNarberth 9 2 ~ 8 S h ' l I ~ t u r e of s te el b lock . The fhe stree ts , It must a lso be borne'in mind tha t O ld Lancaster Road isC an a nd Deliver b ' J

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ~ ~ ; ; : ; ; ~ ' I building t h r o u ~ h o u t will b e fir!' a welltraveled highway; that this area is near a very usy commercIa-- and vermin proof. The garage "rea, and that therefor the percentage in traffic increase will be slight,

'will accommodate 65 automobilC's "specially in view of the extremely large number of t wi n a nd r owand the entr a nc e wi ll n ot h e v isi - h ou se s I n the neighborhood adjacent t o th is prope rty . all of which areble f rom the s tr ee t. T hr ee auto, equipped with garages. Moreover. while the ch ie f obje ctors to th is

Imatic e levators wil l be provided : ;.pa rtment house made much of th e assumption that Latches Laneape: there will be fac;Uties for the would bear the grea ter p ropor ti on o f a ny i nc re as e i n traffic. that is

disposa l of rubbi sh and ~ a r l ' a g o e . not unnecessariJY true, for the apartment drives will bot h l ea d i nt oApartment!': will vary i n s iz e f rom Old Lancaster Road, thus affording most convcttient access to Citythree t o n ine rooms . Line Avenue.

. "Tha t there w il l b e an incre as e in density of population cannot

be denied. That this circumstance, together with other factorsinvolved,will have the effect of put ting the community on a "social or economictflboggan," however, is a conclusion to w hi ch we cannot subscribe.i.Jnquestionably, i n t l te immedia te Vicinity, including that where the;ntervening pla intiffs reside , is a high class residential district, but we

~ a n n o t sec tha t the erection of this high class, modern apartment, willnave adverse effect thereon.

"The fa c tor of s a fe ty has been mentioned by counsel Except as itmay be r e la t ed to the slight increase in traffic, with which we hav e

dealt, this factor favors d ef en dant mor e t ha n t he plaintiffs f or t he

proposed npartment hou se w il l b e o f f ireproof construction, a feature

that would not necessarily be incorporated in single family residencesIhat could. be bui lt o n t hi s t r ac t w er e t he amending ordinances per·mitted to stand.

"Defendant ha s a rgued at some length that the mot ive of the:'artlcs seeking amendment of the ordinance, slnce-6l1eh amendmentwas sour:ht. solely against him and his project. renders the amendment"nvalid. However, w e f ai l t o s ee the relevance of any motive on their

~ : J r t , or indeed on t he p ar t of the township commissioners, except asrhe exi s te nc e of such motive may negative the proposition that the

'rrlinrin('e was reqmred for the public good. There is eVidence from

which it would be possible to i nf e r t ha t t h e change in zoning wassought not so much fo r the public good in general, but tor the benefitof a f ew members o f t h e pUblic." I n o u r opinion, to sustain the amending ordinance a s val id , would

be to lay asideall concepts of what does or does no t bear a reasonable

or substantive re la tion to the public: good.

"I t is for these reasons that we have conclUded the bill must be·lismlssed...



Of Judge Knighl

Exceptions were filed thisto the decision of JudgeG. Knight of Mont

mery County Court givingJ. Frankel, Lower

on builder, t he r ight toeed with the constructiona six -st or y apartment

at Old Lancastcr Rd.Latches Lane in Mcrioll .I f the exceptions are turnedwn by the l\fontgomeryunty Court , C la rence E .l l, sol ic itor of the :l\Terionvic Association, said lhc

WOUld be appealed to theSupreme Court.

Other parties, the BalaKeigllbol'hoocl Club,

e TowlJ"hip of Lower ::\Icl'i-and AlIwrt C. Bar1lp::"

ar t !J<llrun, \\'hu:';(Juseum is only a stone's

from t he apa rtmen tuse s i te , are expectedj ton in the appeal to Pennsyla's nighest court.

Judge Knigh t handed dO"-n hisopinion after morc than

year dur ing ' which hea ri llg' se h el d by Lowe)' 2\lcriolJ's

of C o m m i s 5 i o l 1 e r ~ all,]of Zoning Adjustlllcnis andi n c ou rt at Norristown.

ome o f L ow er Merion's 1110st

r es id en t s o f Merion,l a a nd Cynw)'d; various townch' i c groups, a nd the town

government itself were pittedin st F rankel in the case.ge Knight not only dismissthe hill in equity to keep

frol11 bUilding !lterion

Apartments with its 80units. b ut t he Court

the costs on the plaintiffs,Township of Lower Merion,Merion Civic Associa tion, the

Neighborhooa Club,C. Barnes, Joseph D. Mal

and Viola V, Malkin.out. that Frankel, the

endant, a c te d i n good faith,

e Knigh t dcc la re d i n h is d e

defendant having pioperly

fl)r and received a buildperm it and having made ex

and incurred substan

obligations pursuant thereto,

acquired such a r ig-h t as mayl eg al ly b e intercferred withan amendment of a z on ing o r-


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Lower Merion


Open In League

Fellow TownsmenUnion C ity, N. J., leads i n t he

number of representatives on thiss ea so n' s V il la no va b as ke tb al ls qu ad . T hr ee p laye rs , G eor geFricke, Perry Del Purgatorlo andDaria Pia, hail f rom Union CitY'.

.-""", '.


No,no, thisIsn't a newAtom Bomb!

It'.merely Mrs. Brodie, after aquiet family conferencewithMr. Brodie.Mr. B. made a few sharpremarks abouttheir famUy budget.

Naturally, Mrs. Brodiehit the roonAnd, like the cost of living, her temperkeptright on going up and UP!

On the otherhand, thecost ofelectricity, like Mr. Brodie's popularil)",t home, is going down a11d DOWN I

The Brodies (andyou, too, Ifyourtis an average family) get plenty or eIec>Itricity foreverybudgetdoll.ar-morethan twice asmuchas 20 years ago!

This dome!tic bargain tookplentyof practical planningand technie41skill on the part of your friendsand neighborsin this company, undersound business f l W l a g ~ e n t .You h ~ p e d , toe, byyour Il\ereaseduse ofelectricity., ....

}". P.1 S1 31 90 80 40 40 60 60 n

0 n

1 8

.d. 50

F. P.3 30 40 0I 1I 30 00 04 120 0

9 23


On the !tlnln L I , , ~ 25 Yeara


Totals... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Haverford School


Properly Management


Totals '1Halftime: Plebes. 23-10.-- .... - - -

Royd. f .Bsler. t .Monar. c 0

( ~ o r n m a n . ~ •.•••••••••••• 0Mnth,'r. 1}?'ritz. t . . . . . . • 0 ••• 0 • • • • • 0Parke. t 0Thornton. /I(' 4EVRSS. Il" 0





Cakes- Pies- Pastry



Kenneth P. Abbe, whom CoachAbe McCullen calls "a potentialwor ld champion," wll l swim the

free style events for Valley ForgeMilitary Academy natators whenthe Wayne Cadets open their season Jan. 18 at West Point.Valley Forge swimmers will

meet the U. S. Military AcademyPlebes in the first of nine match·e s o n that date. An earl ie r opene r, w it h West Philadelphia Highon Jan. 15, is still pending.Abbe, w ho h ai ls f ro m Long

maedow, Mass., is rounding out

h is f ou rt h y ea r on the ValleyForge varsity team. A lanky 6foot-2, the 15.year.old ace couldn'tswim until McCullen took him under his win g. Si nc e t he n. h e hascome along fast and McCullen conf ident ly pre di ct s he'l l be achampion.• McCullen, an ex-Olympic swimmer , c om pa re s Abbe' s f orm t oJohnny Weissmuller's when the

latter was i n h is p rime .The T ro an team is captained

by Charles F. Cresswell, Cadetsergeant who li ves i n Cynwyd.

Have,.ford School

Defeated by NavyThe U. S. Nava l Academy

Plebes scored a 50-23 triumph

over Haverford School, o f t he Interacademic League, in a basketball game at Annapolis Saturday.Fritz Thorton led the Main Linerswith 12 points. In all, 18 Plebeplayers saw action.

Navy PlebesG.

Peterson. f 1Mauzy. f 1:\foberly. C 4.1 ~ n i k p . . R' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4Murphy. J!: 2l\Iclernon. t ...••••••..• 2Kllhollrn. f 3]<'rozlo, t .. . . . . •. . .. • 3

one l, C resswe ll swims the back StlnRon. c .•..•••••••••• 1

k h H a w k l n ~ . /iC 1stro e. He hopes t o e nt er t e Ryan. Il.' 1Nava l Academy upon graduationfrom Valley Forge.Only other Philadelphian on the

squad is John McKinney, of 6045N. 3rd St. McKinney previouslyattended St. Joseph's High School.A guard on the Valley Forge footbal l team, McKinney competes inthe dive and 50.yard free styleevents.

1620 S. 58thStreet

Saratoga 9-0123Trolley No. 46 connecting with60th St. 1... Station passes door.

. '.


·.r0,:,_ .'

Clos• •Jan. 23•••

The NEW Bell

Telephone D i r ~ c t o r yfor. SUBURBAN




CliftOll To Play I(en Abbe Star


~ I ( $ Nation's Top loeLordLeading-ArLAOEZmA Scorer With 20.5

W A K ~ I O ~ . s T T T Joe Lord, Villanova CollegeOF 71w'E eams 0 est veteran,tops Philadelphia Dis-

BASKG1BAtl- trict scorers with a 20.5-polnt

~ ~ % ! $ s r ' VI·Ilanova FI·Ve average In four games played¥A/Jft""' ,,-rr thus far. A former Navy pi-

l ot , L or d h as h un g 36 field• Some of the senson 's toughes t goa ls and 10 f ou ls for 82

f oe s w il l be met b yV i ll an ov a C ol . p oi nt s. He Is third In t he Thoroughly rest ed after the haI-I lege courtmen during the mon th s co ri ng r ac e, trailing LaS al le 's i da y l ay of f, L ower Mer io n and\ I of January . Thus f ar . t he Wi ld- Bobby Walte rs and Bob Mc. Haverford High basketball teams

cats have won three of four con- Cann, although both have will open their Suburban Sectiontests. bowing only to Muhlenberg. played in nine games. One campaigns Friday night.Villanova meets ' Princeton,1-- - - - - - - - - - - - -1 Lower Mer ion, which defea ted

Geo rg et own. Nav y, F or dh am , Main Line League Upper Darby in a p layoff f or t heKings Point, Manhattan. Seton Section One t it l e l as t year , wil lHall, RhodeIsland and Army dur- Court Schedule visit Norristown H1gli to open de-ing the month. fense of i t s c rown . Haveford wil l

LAST WEEK'S RESULTS b bTI f ttl d t d t Monday: Clifton lIelll'hta 69: Ches le r e at A ington.Ie our cones s p nyc 0 a e 52 Both teams engaged in several

h av e g iv en Co ach A l S ev er an ce Narbert .h 62; Lower MerIon Vet- prnctice skirmishes during the va-some indication of wha t he may T h ' ~ ~ ~ d R a ~ ~ Coateavll1e 48; Brookline 40 t' . d H rf d

~ ~ ~ e ~ o r ~ i ~ h : e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ { i ~ e l ~ a ~ t : ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ : £ { r : ~ t ~ v C : : h M : ; : O ; ' o : ~ c t : : . ~ : : : ; ~ : r ~ ~ n t ~ : r ~ u b l i c ~ : : g u l o ; f W O : ~ ~ d : b ~ ·h E ' f Lowel' Merion Veterans 55; Clifton USNR, of "Spring Hi l' • 00 In

one of t east s top per ormers. H e f ~ h t a 52 " John Bartram and Ben FranklinHe racked up 82 points i n the Brookline 83: Chester Hirrh-and los t t o both. The

pre-holiday games and may break N o r r ~ ~ ~ o n ~ ~ n : ; : 0 ~ V ~ ~ ' ; \ : ~ m 8 Fo;ds also dropped a 10-point de-h is own col lege sco ring m ar k o f W. L. P . 7 ~ . t 3 ' cision to the Alumni.303 points set l1ist season. Coatesvllle . . . . . .• . . .•• II 4 ., I

Narberth 10 4 . ~ 1 4 Steve .Juenger; still dissatisfiedAnother holdover, Joe Brehmer, Lower .Merlon .. , •••..• 10 5 with Haverford's showinA', plans

a sophomorc fl'om East St. Louis, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k ~ l n ~ e l , ~ I ~ ~ ~ . : : : : : : : ' . ~ ~ ; ~ I se\'erallincup changes fo r the Ab-III., has demonstrated that he'll ~ n r r i R t o w n ,W n ~ ' n e ,. , ,..... 6 10 . 1 ~ J ing- ton game. Charl ie Morrison

be h ar d t o k eep o ut o f the start- Chest.er 2 H .J_" I will pair with Mike Kirshner af;' ing - combi nat ion. Br ehm er i s a THIS WEEK'S SCHEDULE forward, while Bruce Yelland and' I bl I k 1 Saturday: 'VaYtle at Chest.erIva ua e p ayma er w 10 scores Monday: Narberth at Clifton Hel!\'hts Ski pp y Mui r. p la yi ng h is firstconsistently on set shots. Lower Merion Veterans at Wayne season of baske tbal l, wil l start atAmong the newcomers, Brooks v . ; . ~ : t ' 6 ~ ~ a y : Clifton Heflthtl! a t Nor- guard.

R· a Le W If J h C . Coatesville at Lower Merion VetaICC , 0 o. a n rossm, John Trickett, whose brother

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 She rw in R ai ke n a nd Perry Del MAIN LINE "B" LEAGUE I Joe starred for Haverford football

Purgatorio h ave stood out. Ricca, Last Week' . Reaults: and basketball teams-Joe is now11 lanky plebe center from Phila- Thursday: Chester 51; Sun Oil 42 at Lafa"ette-wI'11 rret the nod atSaturday: f'hrster 40: Sun 011 33 J .,

delphia Naval Station last seas on, Standings of the Teams center.

has ga ine d pol ish w it h e ach game. Coates\'llle , ..• t· ~ ~ t o Lower Merion will be seeking ItsWolf, one of two Trenton , N. J ., Sun Oil 8 3 . ~ 2 7 third t.riumph in four startl!l atd t th d h I• h Wayne " 7 3 .700

pro uc s on e squa. as c mc - ~ · " · h •. rth . . • . • • . • • • • • • • • • 5 6 .500 Norris town . The Ardmore Aces,

ed a starting guard post with ~ ~ ~ ~ t , ~ [ O \ \ : ~ · = = = = = = = = = = = = = g ~ : ~ ~ g l ed by Le n S he ph ar d and TomBrehmer. He is a good ball hand- Havertown 1 9 .100 Da\'ls, defeated Friends' CentralI h h ' d i I h This Week's Scheduleer w 0 as Impresse r va coae - Thursday: Narberth at Sun 011 and Chester after losing the ir in -e s w it h his s pe ed a nd a gi li ty . Sa tu rd ay: W a ~ · n e at Chester augural to Merchantville.I n t he scoringdepartment, Cros- Monday: Coatesvl11e at Havertown

Narberth at 'Vaynes in , Del Purg-ator io and Raiken Wednesday: Sun 011 at Norristownhave proved effective. The form. SECTION TWO

Last Week's Result.er i s a y ou ng er b ro tl le r of the Thursday: West lIIanayunk 37; Ard-University of Pennsylvania cap- 1I10re K, of C. 35

MerIon: Ardmore Eaglestain and hai ls f rom Luzerne , Pa. Standings of the TeamsAlthough only 5.09, Crossin is ag- W. L. Pet.

West Manllyunk .. , •• 10 1 .909gressive and holds hisown against Ardmore K. ot C. 10 2 .833taller opposition. Phoenixville 9 2 . ~ J XMerion . . . . . 5 7 .417

Paoli 4 8 .333 c: S BArdmore }o;1l!\'le8 2 10 .167 AWest Chester 1 11 .083 • • • • •"

This Week'. Schedule _Thursday: West :llana)'unk at PhOS- : P Id df Inlx\'lIJe a Imme ate y For ,

Pnoll at Ardmore E a ~ l e 5 DIAMONDSWednesday: Paoli at West lIfanayunk : IArdllloro E n ~ l e s at Ardmore K.of C.Phoenlxvllle at West Chcsler • DIAMOND JEWELRY

• We ore poyloa- tbe hhrhe.tCourt Coincidence • p r le r a p a id I n b l at o ry

It is a coincidence, but J o h n . CARLTON'SCrossin, Villanova freshman for· • •

ward wears the same jersey n u m - . ANTIQUE JEWELRY •ber a8 h is b ro th er , F ra nc is , c ap - • 133 S. 13th 1"t. Est. 1S08 . .

tain of the University of Pennsy l- . W e A la o B UT SILVER +v an ia c ag er s. B ot h wear No.4, •••••••••••••••

Ski ClubMeetsThe regular monthly meeting of

the Buck Ridg e S ki C lu b w il l b eheld on Thursday, Jan. 16, at theUpper Darby Optimist Club quarters, 7027 Garrett Rd. A demons tr at io n o f t he correct method ofwaxing skis wllI be given and.twos ou nd movies wi ll be shown.Guests are always welcome. Jim Seiss Rolls 217

In Oakmont BowlingNo Worries Here Jim Se,ss, of the Vindicators,

ViIlanova has no worries about rolled the h ig h s in gl e wh en h ebasketball attendance this season_ scored 217 Tuesday n ig ht i n t he

With a record enrollment of 19150 Oakmont Civic Association Bowlstudents, the Wildcats get plenty ingo League. High team h igh wasof support at home games. 933 b y t he Devastators, are- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 only one po in t beh ind the league

leading Hell Divers.The Midnigh t Mau ler ! b lanked

the Corsairs, 4.0. The B.29's split I ~ ~ I I I I I I2- 2 Wi th the L ib er atOr !. T he =====Thunderbolts lost four po in ts to , ..,.... 1 I 1 1 1 1 ! 1 I I . 1 ~ I i . m l . l l l I . I I I I . 'the Wild Cats. The Vi ndicators \ ..

took three from the Avengers·1 ..... IIThe Devastators edged out the oJ ')

Hell Dive rs 3 -1 . I o.J !!

!l§ ',"

'Cats Bat 69 Percent. 1./ iCoach AI Severance's V111anova Ii DOES Ib as ke tb al l t eams h av e a 69 per :1i

cent winning average over an 11- I Iyear span . Only during the war !. y !years d id the Wildcats fall below ! . our ithe .500 mark. ! i

! Car ·! I

I Need Attention? III Let our qualified m.chanicsI give your car necessary 3t- I• t en ti on . Dep en d o n o ur e x- II perience for minor adjust- I• ments or complete overh:1ul- i2= . •ifjj mg. ""$ Iiii IGNITION SPECIALISTS.§E MOTOR REPAIRS

! BATTERY CHARGING IIi When YOur Cal' :v'a11a to S tar t

- p"n't Fall Call u.

I M A I N ,13 II LINE Ii


II STATION II 304 W. Lancaster Ave. §!

§l Ardmore 13ZS I• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s• •• I lm .I II1. II I1 .I IU.IW. II II .IW. II II .I II 1. II I1 .' .m . .. .. .... _

." ' rlO . . . . ....... NCIIl_ ....,. _. .,clicldr... aad t . l . '• • • • all_h. ,belor. p d a b...

• U 70IJ bin i . a 118l1Dt' or em ad.....rtlnlll.nl In lb. prea.at cIlrec:·torr. plelll. lIIak. .are II I a IlIItCllI fOIl ' i f n i II.

• If 1'011 wIaJ& crIl!, ell. . . . . . p l_IIOtIfto II I lit oae••



L - - ~ - - ~ - - J










$ 56,'773,819.18



$ 214,256,400.92

$ 214,256,400.92

$ 6 , 7 0 0 . ~ . O O13,300,000.00






s s •

Th e Lowe r M er i9n V et er an shave released Bob Hackett, stockysubs ti tute guard . to Narberth.Hackett, who played at LowerMerion High and Duke University,saw l imited service wi th the Veterans.

The Wayne-Coz>tesville game.scheduled for December 30, hasbeen re-scheduled for January 16,a t Scot t High in Cou tesv il lf '.

...... -....

Courtesy is love in t ri f le s, andwhere love is not, though its counte rfe its may abound, courtesy itsel f i s not.-George Jackson.

• i • •



Loan. • " • " ..: w , ill S Q

Cash on Hand aJld due £rom Ban"


U. S. Government Securitie. 0 D • • s

State, Countyand MunicipalSecuritie. ,

Other Inve.tment.. • • • . . . • •

Investmentin Fidelity Building Corporation

Mortgages • • • • • • 8 0 il G •

Real EstateOwned ,II • G • • •

eVaulta, Furniture .nd Fiztures IS . I •

Accrued Intere.t Receivable • 0 • • • s

Prepaid Taxes and Expenses I Q • • G •

Other Asset., il • , • • • • G U • •

Capital •• s • • • • • • • B • •

Surplul I I • a • • •• • s • • •

Undivided r»ro5ts • II II II a • • • • •

Reserve for Cont ingencies, e te. a • s • s

Reserve for Interest, Taxes, etc. I • s • •

Other L iabi li tie. • , i i i il IS' •


United Stat.s Treasury $ 2,·'12,316.67

OtherDeposi t. • • II • 184,761,976.93

. \ Y . ! t . e 4 ~ ... . . . .' .'IIc*"-&lidoil" ~ & l t I aaITW" .........."-'-811& us pladp1 to -. m (;e't'el'allMll&. IItata .. ot ' f l / l l ! t 4 ~ cS.potlta,

C1..r1a.8 0_ ZltclaU. . . .&aeS fer tloiuclar.r .. NquIM " law lIS &U_ of 116,950,675,69,

Narberth Courtmen NearMain Line League Lead


Organked 1866

Statement.of Condition, December 31,1946





LEnTARD !!I!:C:S:SCIlEJIPruldentDumor PlutI... In ..

IIENJAMlN RUSHChairmanor the 80 ...4Insuran.. Company 01 NOmAmeTlca


LAWRENCE BAU:01DER8PrelldentW.B. 8aunde",Company

GEOnGE WHARTO:o1 PEPPEBPep\lOT, Rodlned: Stoke,


Bar . . . . Dechen. PrtC<l. Bmlt..II:Clark


PBrLIP T. SBARPLEIlPrealdeotThe Sharpl.. Corper.tIoD

W. FINDLAY DOWNIIPreIIdeDtDay II: Zimmerm...... lila.

GEORGEL. RUBIlELL. llLPresldeDtJOhD D. Sllltaon ComPfoDJ'

IAMF.S H. ROBIXSPresldeDtAmeTlcan Pulle, ComPAnJ'


IrTANLEY W. OOt1SI.E1 'BeDlor V1oe-PretddeDt

I ' lUNCI8 J . CBi:BTEBMANVlee-PrealdentTIle lleU TelephoneCoDl))&llJ' orPellllllylvaD1a

ORVILLE H. 8ULLlTrDirectorVlri\Jl\a Coal ., IraD 00a1lQ)'

THOMA8 B. GATESChairmanUnlvoralty oll'enn., lnal.

THOMASB. K. RINGEMortlan. Lawls... Bockl.



Know Your


.JANUARY 9,1947

During the last few y ea rs s hi p· Th e h ot te st thing in the MainI West Manayunk eked out a 37.ing has I;>een one of Pennsyl- Lille League at the present mom- 35 win over the Ardmore Knightsia 's major industries. At the f C I b t t k fi t I .

ent is Ji gs-Torchiana's Narberth a a um us 0 a e rs .p ace. 111o f t he War e ff or t in 1943, g Section Two of t he Mam Lme

was f ourth in employment with quintet. "B" League. The Yunkers arel ab or f or ce of 73,000, third in Monday night, the s izzl ing one f ul l g am e ahead of the

mpensat ion paid to workers . and Borough ites s taged a sco rching Knights and two in front of thlrdin the value of its products. last-period rally to defeat league- place Phoenixville.

1944 shipbuilding had risen to leading Coatesville, 59-54. and pull In Section One, a surprising

rd p la ce i n the v al ue o f out - u p t o wi thin one game o f f ir st Sun Village f ive o f Ches te r hungwith n total prodnction valued place. two d efeats on a strong Sun Oil

$591,000,000. Narbe rt h w as p ac ed b y the combina tion to g ive Coa tesv il leThe contribution Pennsylvania league's No.3 scorer, George Dav- undisputed possession of first

p ya rd s wer e a bl e t o mak e t o i ds on, who notched 24 points. And place Sun Village's scores over thenational defense was basedon Big George made h is points when Oileds were 51.42 and 40-33.

stearly progress in the bui ld ing they counted . F i fteen o f t he 24

vessels extending buck nearly markers came in the four th ]Jerih un dr ed y ea rs . T he first od when the Green and Gold war

p constructed in our shipyards riors overcame a four.point Steel.launched in 16,i7 at Tinicum er lead.

t he Dal awar e R iv er below Don Markwar d, t he l ea gu e' s t o p

iladelphia. scorer, was back in action afterIn 1792 Pittsburgll built the missing- three games because of ans tern Exper imen t" which sai l · in ju red foo t. Markward sco reddown the Ohio and lIIississippi 17 p oi nt s i n a l os in g c au se , b utt he G ul f of :lTexico-the first had to take a back seat t o the

ve5.,(:1 ( 'Yet ' t o mak e that ex-PenlJ Charter ace, who was 110tTn 1797 t he f ir st larg-e to be denied.

L a i t l : ' ~ h i p , the Frigate :Meanw'1;le, LOWer ~ I e r j o n · s YetStates·'. was lau llched in c rans con tinued to move at top

iiadelphia. speed, defeating Clifton Heights, Sport Club to Holde s teambboa t was the invcn- 155.52. The Ace s c ame f rom be. Its AnnuallJleetingof two P en ns yl va ni a s il ve r- h in d i n t he s eco nd h al f t o h an d The Lower 1\Ie rion Rod , and Gun

i th s, J olm F it ch a nd Rob er t J oh nn y Wi se 's c ag er s thei r f i rs t Club "'ill hold i t s annua l meetingIt wus on t he Del awar e d ef ea t in two "ears on the Clif- t 8 P l\e ,n d d J 15

J a. ,., "e nes ay, an. ,the f i rst steam·propelled ves- ton Heights High School floor. It in the American Leg ion Hal l i llwas put into operation by was the Vete rans ' f if th win in s ix Narberth.h in 1787. and tIle first steam. starts. Following 8 short businesslaunched on western waters I I 'I ,J • I

n ot IeI' "' onuay nlg It engage. , n leet ing, the C lub wil l e lect ow- A N S I ' Itl lIide.wheeler, the "New 01'- mcnts.. ~ r o o k l i n ? walloped Ches-

Ice.rs for . 1947 and a new mov.ing t UDan- 00 {

" built. in P i t t ~ b u r 6 h in 1811. tel', 83.,3<>, to e1mg to f if th p lace p Ic tu re m color and sound ent i tled

h u i l d i n ~ of iron llnd s teel in the standings, and Norristown, "Clean Waters", provided through Nunan-Slook Post No. 338, ofpsships began with an iron . h J G·I . .

WIt. oe. 1 hngTer scormg 15 j'oint courtesy of the Pennsylvania Oakmont, will seek i ts s ix th triooat built at York, Pennsyl- h d \, 5 3a , in 1826, and in the west pomts, w Ippe ayne, . 1- 7. Game Commission a nd t he Gener- umph in seven starts in the East a n i ro n s te ambo at b ui lt i n On la st Sa tu rday lIlg-ht, the al Ele ct ri c Company. will be ern Delaware County American

In 1839. The second Lower Mer ion Vete rans defea ted shown . Refreshmen ts VI'i11 be Legion League 011 Tuesday night

b at tl es hi p e \' er b ui lt i n t he C he st er , 59· 50, on t he C he st er s er ve d. Membe rs a swe ll a s o th er mee ti ng C li ft on Hei gh ts onU . d A rmor y boa rds. T he V et s, ' wQo interested sportsmen havebeenin- Haverford .Tunior High Court,

ld and the first i n t he .nlte. l ed all the way, w er e p aced b'." .t I hIt E ., Vltl'd to attend. .Toe Petron's passers overwhelm.es "'n.s a ~ n c e< a ~ l ' I e In Bud Long. who net ted 15 points. Committees of t he Club are ed GlenOlden, 41-32 in their last

'['.hIS" shIp .now name.d. t.he" On Thursday night, Coatesville 'I I t II I b t planning 1947 activities, which start for thei r f if th v ic to ry . Theo verme, 1I S I on ex II I Ion downed Brookline, 48-40, at Con- I hthe Pres,que Isle S:atc P ar k. " en tl on Hal l. Bill Farra. f orme r w il l n cl ud e: r if le mat c es , t:ap triumph enabled Oakmont to re-

Rh.lP3'ards 111 Cheste.r, Coates\dlle High star. made up shoots, p lug, surf and fly castmg t ai n t hi rd pface . one gal lle backI contests, two major outings, stock- of Collingdale. Springfield is set-

vftma, now a m o n ~ e a r ~ - for the absence of Don Markward ing of g ame and f is h in nearby t i n ~ the pace with the six straightthe world, w ~ r e . p l o n e e r ~ m and Bobby Keeh n by s co ri ng 15 fields and streams, a membership wins.

comm.erefal bUlldmg of Hon p 'nts . h ds. Shortly afte: the C i ~ i l o ~ O o k i n g i nto t he f ut ur e, Wa yn e c ampa ig n, a l ar ge f ls • g am e a n I n other games last week, Glen.r , t he first .Amerlcan fleet 111 a nd C he st er m ee t i n a Saturday vermin contest and salt water fish- olden defeated Upper Darby, 47-36t tl t t d ing trips. Ilnd Yeadon nosed out East Lans-ransa an IC ra e was oper- . ht t the Ch te Arm

'1 I ' L' mg ~ a m e a es r - d 37 33f rom Phi ade p ~ l a to Ive r- o ry . The game wil l have no bear- owne, - ,

l. F rom that tUlle on, t h e . h t·t! e f b th Cynwyd, Merion Wins STANDINGS OF THE TEAMSd 1 I t fl ' b 'Id' mg on te l e rac, or 0 W S h w. L. P,C.Y ,eve opmen 0 s UJl UI mg clubs are hopelessly locked in the In omen's quas Kprin!\'tiel<! 6 0 1.000g the Delaware, where the d d' . . C d CI b . t' d 't Colllnl':dale 5 0 1.000

I 1 d h · secon IVlSlon. ynwy u mam ame I s Nunan-Slook 5 ] .833u e s a n go ver nme nt Ip- On Monday, Narberth v is it s lead in the Phi lade lph ia Women 's C

y.l lftdon Heip;hts . ~ ~ ~to theou tpu t of prIvate CI"fto H · ht d th Lo ea on . •

hn. ";ven that RI"'er the I . n Illg s an e w.er IntercIub Squash League by de- LansdoWlle 2 3 .400". P,' 'M V I b th th f t' P h' l d I h' C ' k t 3 1 Glenolden 2 4 .333f "Th A • • erlon ets p ay a rea er WI ea mg I a e p la riC e - , Drexel Hili 2 5 .286

'name 0 e merlcan Wayne at Radno r H ig h C li ft on at CynWJ.'d, While Merion scored a Upper Darby 2 6 .250d It • E. J.n , , ~ ( l o w n f ' 0 6 .000e : th W Ph'l d 1 h' journeys to Norristown on clean sweep. NEXT WEEK'S SCHEDUL.Eurmg ear, I a e p la, u' C ' k CI b t ed G l"rlday-Glenolden at E. Lansdowne

d Pitt b h h' d Wednesday, and, on the same ""erl on rIc et u rou er· CoJlIIl!\'dale at Upper Darbyan s urg s I py ar s n ig ht , Coat es vil le a nd Lowe r m an to wn Cri ck et , 4.0, t o r et ai n Saturday-E. Lansdowne nt Sprlng-

ucec\ hundreds of vessels of all 1<6' t • II . t t dIM' , Monda y-Gl enol den at Yeadonf h U . d S N .mer lOn mae In an a · Im po r a n secon pace. erlon wmners TuesdaY-Clifton at Nunan-Sl ook .Son of a retire Marine Corps col-or t e mte tates avy. t t tL H' I M Ch I H J field

con es a ower .., e rlon Ig I. were rs. ar es orner, r.; Wednesday-Drexel Hili at GlenoldenIn their two previous encount- L ibby Tou lmln , Anne Townsend E. Lansdowne at CoJllnltdale

Nunan-Slook at Lansdowneers the teams spilt; the Ace sw in- a nd Mrs . C. C. Madeira, Sr.ning at home, a nd t he S te el er s

winning on their own f lo or . T heVeterans' management is lookingfor a bannerc rowd to'attend thiscrucial league game.

as Beaversl lanova 's baske tba l l teams

played ..50 games s ince thewas adopted as a v ar si tyin 1921. The Wildcats have62 per cent of the tilts.

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" , ' , " , , ..,


..-.,:' ' ", ; 'f" ""


'J. h



S. W. Cor. 17th & Locust

Sporbwear • R••otlwPItt





Under the Direcuon of Dorothy A. DO\'\'Ilt:y

Da)' or Et'eJ1i1Jg Classes


RCl(istration No".. Open-Office Hours Between 1· ' P. M.






l U t t c u b O U S t ~ 6·132J Phone for C'tt.l/ogue "n';




."_ -._ -._.- _._ .- .- _ - --._- ..--..---- ..,!!




lO 7·6708

"""'.>-r f l ~ - - Y ; H ~ / ." .( " , ~ - , v v " " " " r




Rlttenhou•• 6·0379


2 U 4 ~ ~ U t e # t 4 .


.A Comprehensive Weekly Guide to Some of

the Leading Stores and Services Catering to

Discriminating Patrons, to be Found in and

About P h i l a d e l p h i a ' ~ Rittenhouse Square


D. ROY MILLER (O!redor) 132 s. 18th Street





FEATURING: Only the finest

in handkerchiefs, blankets and

other practical linen assort-


.-----.._... --'


Develop Your Child's Fine ART TALENTS




' Z ) ~ S ~ 4learn to Dance - FREE lESSONS

For AdvertIzing Purposes Only

LEARN POX TROT. RHUMBA• • • to the fiRST 1000 Ladles Iand Gentleman we will extendone fRIE DANCING LESSON I'

to prove we con teach '

youto dance In 1 hour IFox Trot. Waltz. Rhumba. Tango.

Samba. Jrtterbug

.t's Ita secr . t t o u s •• •

oft.r 35 y.ars of teachi"gComp'.t. cour•• $'0.00

We wil l send a t ea che r t o y ou r

home. If preferred . form your own IIlr!vate clan now. . "

WALNUT at 22nd, S. E. Corn.rRI 6-5918

. . . .--------

.. .'- -


lIIISS MARGARET J.,ISTERd augh te r o f Mr. and Mrs. .T.

Morgan Lister, of Haverford

Apartments, Haverford, entertain.

ed at a dinner at the PhiladelphiaCricket Club last week, before the

Town and Country dance.... '" ..

MR. nnd MRS. WALTER PWICKES, JR. , of Boo th Lane.Bryn :r.rawr, entertained at asmall cocktail par ty las t week.

* III ...

Mr. and Mrs. John Thornton

Avilof Windennere Court, Wayne,have announced the engagement of

their dal lgh te r , Mis s Elizabeth

Thornton Avil, to Mr. Samuel Ev

I1ns, 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs.Samuel Evans. J r. o f Drexel Hill.

Mr. Evans who served as a cap.

t ao n i n t he P ar ac hu te I nf an tr y.

i s n ow a student at Johns Hop_kins University.

The small ~ o u r t e s i e s sweetenlife; t he g re at er , ennoble ft.-,Bovee.

• • •Mrs. F. D. Stackhouse, of 10

Holbrook Rd., Chatham Village,entertailied at n bridge party Monday afternoon.

... III *MR. and MRS. A. J. DREXEL

PAUL, of "Box Hill", Radnor, entertained at a sma ll d inner last

week. before the dance given by

Mrs. John T. DOl'1'allce of "Woodcrest", Radnor, in honor of her

granddaughter, Miss Dorrance

Hill, debutante daughter of Mr.llnd Mrs. Nathanie l P. Hill of New


.......... ...._ ......_ ........................IIIfIIIMIIIIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......-- . ....... ..........._.... ; . ; ......................;.;.,.._.:;;;.................... ......_..............-..........._......__''_''';''O...___......_...............-.....-............_......._.......:·..:_:.

in Liners May/lowel'" SocietiesSupport of Hold 50th Annivel,4sar·y

Children I Philadelphia w il l be host this Frank W. Melvin, Counselor; R e v ~I week when the closely knit group Melville Brooks Gurley, Elder.

of the Main Line }IaveI I Ddt I The series of meetings th is yearof l \I ay f owe r es ce n an s ce e- . h d' .

uted generously to the sup. . _ • " will be opened Wit a mner glv-. brate thell' oOth anmversary with b y Gov Castle at the Union

of children overseas, accord- en .to th t ' d f tl meetings to be held at the Belle- League Friday evening in. honore repor Issue or Ie .

of Novemuer bv the l"oster vue Stratford and the Umon of Governor General of the May-

t s ' P lan fo r Wr;r Chi ld ren. League. flower Societies, Frederick Van

plan operates 56 children's Pennsyh'ania descendants were Vliet, of Clev.eland, Ohio. .in France" Poland, f i r ~ t permitted to join the already The fol.lowmg d ay t he .ladles

England , I t aly , organized Mayflower Societies of will be g iv en a luncheon III !he

ta , Holland and Belgium, ,and Massachusetts Connecticut and Lincoln ~ o ? m of the . Unioning fo r children of all dif· New York, i n 1896 w h e ~ J a ~ e s ~ " e . a g u e . Wllhal.n .Batt, preSident ofnationalities. l\fauran Rhoades, G. GranVIlle S KF a nd recipient of th?

include::\IissSusan Leach and hisbrother, Frank, em- Award, will be the prmclpal

S, Sco tt , Green Val ley Road, inent Philadelphia historians, in- speaker. .Mawr; Dr. and lIlrs. Robert vited' prospective members to meet There Wlll be a birthday e a k ~

arden 430 Owen Road, W ~ · n · i n t hi s c i ~ y . At t ha t time t he re w it h 50 c andle s on the speakers

"irs. Charles B. Cost,dlo, w e r ~ only 23 persons fro111 the table, and one cake with a s ingle

:\ll's. H. Gates Lloyd, Lill· i Commonwealth \vho were e ligible. c andle on each of the o t ~ e r tables.Havl'l'ford; "l iss ::\lary H.i Last Ocul[)eJ·theenlarged group I As at. former m e : t m ~ s , the

; . Patton Lane. Hacinor; of Descendants drafted a set of I menus \ViiI serve as hIstorical reHeM\' Clifford , Radnllr; resolutions and a l et te r o f con- I minders of some o f t he l \ 1 a ~ - f l o w J. j.;('nton E i s ' ~ n b J ' \ " , 211 ::;rlltulatioll at a meeting- at t he : e r' s original passengers.

Lam·. V'illanovll ; Union L " ; l ~ u l ' and sent it to Cap: i There will be Fruit Cup Pr is -

Katrina Graves, Sec·y. JUIl. tain Felix Tandre who headed the I cella, Pilgrim ( r u r k e ~ Carver,Saturdav Club. 12·1 "'est group of forty.eight Estonians: Sweet Potato Cooke, Spmach Cro

A v e l l ~ e , Way;w; The Ship. landed on the shore of Flori.- que tt es F ul le r, I ce C re am ChilSchool, ]311'11 ~ r a w r ; ?Ill'. and da last year in search of f re edom. ton , Fancy Cake Eaton, and Cafe

LawrellC(: Saunders, Idlewild Thi!> small band, after a perilous Brewster.

, Bryn !\Iawr; Miss Mary 1'. journey of 6.000 miles across the: Ladies presiding- at the Y a ~ i o u sHy Sl'c·y. The Sel'l'ice ].eague, stol'm-swept Atlantic had as little i tables include ~ r r s . Dale FIUer ,:in School. Bryn : :I la \\ 'r ; in t.he way of pasS1lOrts, visas, or Mrs. Howa rd Ketcham, Countess

Elizabeth Ann 2\Iercer Sec·y. b a g " ~ : J . g e as did the original group Adam de Trampe, Mrs . JosephHall. Bryn Mawr College. ~ v h i c h tligemlJarkec1 from the l \fay- Hoffman .(a descendant. o f P er c·

Gil'ls of Ow Low,'1' School 01 flower. g"rine WhIte), Mrs. Dand C. Bev

l r'Yin Schoo l. Wynnewood . The first president of t he Penn- ! in, :Mrs. Lee Harral' Heist, Mrs.

tlwn 4H.OOO dlihll'en of all sylntnia Soddy "'as Ch:J.r]ernange i Charles Y, Fox Mrs. James I,ong'l

ha"e be.en !lel.ped ' :ower. fOl:rner A ~ l l " [ \ s s a d o r t o: t he L e ~ i l i g - s:sters Cathp.rine. a ! ' < ~ l 'Foste r Parents' Plan slIlce Its Cermany. 'I he ptesent officers of! l \ r a r ~ a J e t , Mrs. Jost and Mr..

ption ter, years ago.. the PCl!llsyhaniu Society of l\fay-j JflnJes LO:1R' Whitaker.

parent: '! incluLie 1\frs .! 1Iower Descendants. who retain, Thp. ance stors of those ~ a t h e l " 1COllzr:ns. nr. John Hares i the titles (If their ancestors in t h e, i ng F ri da y were the ,12 English-,

s. Tallulah Dankhr,ud. Cor· I P1Yl11out.h Colony. nre Gf'or;;e Scott i ml'n who s i f , ~ ( ' d thf' fir'st CompactlOti, Skinnpr. F I ' I ~ , 1 ~ \ l l e n . ('"",n., '.;',':(·rno1'; Philip F:'(C'lllan, in tIll' "ahin of the Jlfllyfiowcl'.

t:(,IlTJ' :,1:11'.' "::,n n ' ) j " ' ~ 1 ' :'Illll"!,"" :\1:1 lh'lll';'-- KC'nd:,l1 Sr·al.· ";1H?11 it- allchoren .off Cape Cod

! ' : i ! : ~ ·!.';1 ~ ~ ' f ' I ' . ~ : . : \ . l :) ' ( id ]' l ' lHd,,\ ( ; O V ( ' i ' l I { ) l ' ~ : YOUI1P; Jfar· I ~ l 2 1 , 1 ~ : e : . ~ r s ag-o. r r l 1 ( ~ signers in·

J \ , ' ~ ! ' ~ ' ~ : ~ l n ' t . l , ; \ ' ; : ' h ~ t J n S":'jJk, l l i : ~ t ( ) r i ( ' l l j - ; e h l t l , . ~ c 1 C,)Yernol' Bruflford. Ed·

. i.\·.ll1indul post deb, SC'r.rehll'y: i v;arll Winslow, hauc Allerton,Lil.d . " H ~ . i\.\ 1\.lJ ('l.at:",; it Alt:x:1nd,'l'. Cajlh,in ))1"/ 'Miles Shlldi",lJ, S h ! p h \ ~ l 1 Hopkins,

1\ ':of I ; r a y ~ L.aw··. I . l ~ : d p h n. Owen. I I i ~ t l H i n n ; .:ITajor llnd ,To"epl1 Chilton.wii! ] "", . , . TlH,>·h.\· 0:" -. - - - - . - - - . - - - -- ..------.------.---"-'-'-"'--1'

\ 'I lCi1t, " . \ I ; l ! , ~ · ( ) t ~ ; " l , r ' fur.' ~ \ r ' J m r ' r c \\'oltl[lll Club. spt:nt the, have their g-Ul'st Mr . 'l'intlc's• . . . . . l ' 1·' . ... ... 1 ' : ., 'I , , "n' "Till t lp oIl1])f)nth'" . : r ) . j f . ' . ~ tl' .'·.a,'<:all, (;,." h;, J t l : ! ~ ' ~ ' " ' \ ' ; O J ~ Vl'.lllng .trwnl HI: : ~ 1 0 t j l t ' ~ " ,'.1'5. el,·lam.... 'j' I

and t. uk:. ,\1,)1.)11;';- 1.1:cl1· :-';'c" l ! a ' . ~ n . (om:. >::nmmlt. -::-" ,f. I

s will L.e ;\11'. fJlld ~ . I r ; : . Fred.. ." '" , ... • t< j

!II. Thaypr. of "' I l l! Hollow".' -:'111. ani! :'Ims. J , . t W A D : ' I r . - \ ~ i :'1m. :,nd i\tnS. HEEVES IS.-:II:,)'. 1'),(;10:. 1..1' "Hooll;'! ~ \ i f a n o r " , Bryn I WETJJEJ:lLIJ. of ! l ~ r . Glenhrooke

\la\\ r. will l'ntf'l'tain :,1. Jinner "11 i Ave., 1'.1';11 ]'vlawl·. will entl'rtain

:In.1 . \ l n ~ .. \ I AJ L l: l ' J i. Fr'idav ( ' ' . ' l ' n i n ~ · .. 1:\11. JI). : lit n dinner "Wethew.Hold",r; l; .\ H TEN. of "\J:cpk • ." '.' the home of lI!r. Wetherill's par. ,

Bl':,'ll : 'Ilml'l·. ' .... i]! ",ail carly i :lJrSS ~ r A n T H A C. 1'. BI·:NT. I : n t ~ . . Mr. and :III'S. Abel P.

r f : h r l l : l l ' ~ ' fI ll ' C ~ i ' " o 1 ~ g - y p t . 1 vf 2:;7 !\{ontgonlcry Pike, Haver.! '''etl1<:ri!!, of l \ I ~ r i C ' 1 1 SquaT'.' Rond,they v:ili " i ~ i ( :'Ill'S. Hosl'n- i fOI·'!. will '."llter':.oin at It cockt61 i Artlorp beforf' the Pict':ldill Dance

brothel', ;\11'. H0hl?rt· Khay- i lJ!il'ty, SUlIdny a f t , ~ r n o o n . J a nu a ry ! a t t he Benjamin Franklin on Sat.

I i ll h on or of Mr. nnd j \ f r ~ . WiJ- i nrda::- evening. J n n u a r ~ ' 11.

" I liam "' . Battl'°f:. of "Warley", 0(0 ot< IB03r\.J of l\Iana;!\:r., .:of thei Penllyn. .:\fr·,. flt.ld :r.lrs. Evald ~ e r k m 3 . n .

or Lf';l!!ue en(,:rtllined ale n; oj Fa ln ' lC\V Ave.. B O ~ I All', enter.,

aft(:j'lllJOIl at tile War :'Iiiss Lillian .\1". K i n . ; , · ~ · . (j f 121): tailll)d at a party t ll ls week, and ifor Ow Provisional - 'lel11hen' Hasting 's Av('. . South Ardmore.: (heir g-UI'S(;; ine!uckd 1111'. and Mrs.

leag-ue. Thl ' Pl ' IJ \' is i'Jlwl i has returned' from a "isit tr,: Frank Zimlllt'l'ml\n, their daughter.beg-an W e d n e s ( . l a ~ · . I her brothel.' alld sister-ill-Jaw, Mr. ! Sally, of Gold Rd., Upper Darby;

'. '" '.' : and ]\frs. Walter .T. Kinsey, of! Mr. and .Mrs. G us N ic ho lM o fKANE S. GRED.'. of I' Granby, Mass. I Aldan; lIfr. and Mrs. G r , o r ~ e Row-

Orchard Way, Rosemont, en- '" .. '" i l an d, Mrs . Lou is e Shroeder and

at a luncheon Friday at Miss Unda C. McKoy and her II Mr. Walter Dukenfield, of Phila-Her ~ u e s t s in- brother, 1\1r. Thomas Hall McKoy, delphia.

Mrs, William C. Scu ll . Mrs . 3d . entertained at a small dinner .. .. •

lCimble, :\11'5, Abel P . at "Bryn Arden". the home ofl LorI; and Lady Ba rnby, of Lon-and ~ 1 r s . John Shipley their parents, l\1R. and MRS. don, who are spending severlll

. THOl\IAS H. lIIcKOY, JR., of. months in this country, left

1< '" '" Coopertown and Darby Roads.! Thursday , fo r Toron to . Canada.MISSES NELLIE A. and Haverfo rd . They were accompanied by LadyP. VASTINE, d3 ughters The dinner was held i n honor of Barnby's mother, MRS. WILJ..TAM

. and Mrs . Jacob H, VastinE', Miss FranceR D. Dunning, daug-ht- DRAYTON GRANGE, of St.

of 267 Kent Hd., Wynnewood, er of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dun. Georges Apartments, Ardmore. I'Wednesday n ig ht i n ning of Chestnut Hill. and Mr. * .. ..

censium box at the La A. C la y Bor ie, s on of Mr. and Mr. a nd Mrs . Mau ri ce L. Wd. Iperformance at the Acade- Mrs. C. Lou is Bor ie , o f " Lo we r s te r J r. , o f 105 E. Marthart Ave..

Music. IWakef ie ld ". Rydal , who se engage- S.outh Ardmore . entertained :Ii.,.,. .\ '" ment has been announced. group of guests at a New Year'" '

LUCILE S. REE;VES, t/I • • Eve p a rt y a t their home. i

of Mrs. Guillaem Aert- Mr. Mrs. Larry Paul, of Among those attending were III!. '"Glendarby", Bryn Mawr, 507 Wynne Ave., Penfield, enter- and Mrs. W. Curtis Drake. of

returned fr om N ew Y ork, tained at a N ew Year's Eve party. Brookline: MI'. and Mrs. ThomEs:s he a tt ende d the Colony There were fiVe tables of bridge B. Webster, of 'Vllmington, Del. ,

Mis s Reeve swi ll b ea deb - and those present were Mr. and I Mr. and Mrs . Dav id T. Lehmm,.[of 1947-48. Mrs. Jack Thorpe, of Fl'ankford: of South Ardmore. :

'" • * Mr. and Mrs, I.arry Urban, of 3151 Also Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 1:' .the gues ts who will at- Earlington Rd., Chatham Village; Web:-ter, of South Ardmore; Mr.,

the dinner which MR. an d Mr . and Mrs. Albert Culbertson. and Mrs. Joseph W. Matta, r,iLAWRENCE W. EARLE, of 527 Manoa Rd., Penfield; Mr. A rdmo re ; Mr. and Mrs. John F.

wil l g ive at t he ir a nd Mrs. Philip Brice, 3rd. of 511 McQuade, .Jr ., of Stonehurst, andFriday e v e n i n ~ , Jan. ]0, be- Wynne Ave. , P en fi el d; Mr. a nd Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Kempton

the Candlelight Ball at the Mrs. William Halley, of 435 Sag- Wayne.i ck , w il l be Mr. and Mrs. amore Rd., Brookline, and Mr. and

C. Smith, of New York, Mrs. Vic Siehr, of Springfield.' . and Mrs. H. Stephans .. '" >I<

i\1R. and MRS. ANTHONY A.* III '" MANN o f Berkeley Ave., Devon,

Anne Kellett and Miss announce the engagement of their

Haight of Grantford, On- daughter, Miss Clara L. Mann,

Canada, are visiting 1\1r. and Mr. Louis A. Martin i, Jr., sonr s. B. Scott Mitton, 116 of Mr. and Mrs. Martini also of

Ave., South A rd mo re . D evon.

• * *

N. Clifford Cummings of '" • •Clearfield Rd.. Oakmont. Art Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Tintle,

the Qalgnont-South o ~ 6 ~ Fairview. Ave., Bon Ail ',- '.

June Class of 1944 of Hav·

Township High School held

last Thursday night inroom o f t he school.

• • •


of "Boeage Cottage", Bryn

entertained at a d inne r at

Cricket Club last week,of Miss Caroline Yarnall

of Windmere Court.before the Char i ty Ball

Cotillion at- the

• * ...

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til St. RdArdmore 0644


For Particular Peoplenud







27 Coulter Ave.,



ARDl\10RE 0117

1324 W. GIH,\IW AVE.STc\'l'nson 4.8700

-ITh e Flnt 'N., : \ los t Conlp let e

t ~ v e r y t h i n gPhotographic"

% ' % % % S : % % % % S % S % % S % % % ~ % \NOlie are t oo w is e to be m is .

talwll, but few arc so wi se l y just

as t o acknowledge and correct

their mistal,es. and especia lly the imistakes of pl'ejudice.-Isauc Bar. Irow. '

r..........................I '...........I'................I.~ T H E



Mac CALLUM coSTtlna;;S II Quality Groceries

Timcs-Mcdical Bldg. ~ S t . George's Rd. Ardmo

1 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i i i i ~ ~ ~ I ~ . I ' . I ' . I .1 '

DORFNER I J E D ~ ~ e ~ I ~ I A NCleancrs Since 1890' I and

i Oriental

I Rugs



thc. Ard. 1910

/ .t il ts - antiqueshond painted


63 ST. J AMES P L.



Subllrban Square nlercllants are ready to ser\:re

you. You 'll find it a treat just to 1001< alld see

the illteresting array of llew quality lnerchand

ise they have prepared for YOllr selection. A'

treat l11ultiplied by Inal1Y fille stores alld cour

teous service. Come and shop . . . where it's

pleasant ... convelliel1t ... economical_

C. H. DAVIS, INC." Th e M n ln Llnc'R I"illesL

Ha l l lo . ! I IuRI" Sto l 'e "SUBURBAN SQIJAItE

Ardmore 4422



*Fine Tlinens

*29 COijlter Ave., Ardmore

,•••••• '!o!'•• ..!.!!:!'_''!.'!..!.'!!''---!!:..

There is but o ne l aw for all.

namely, ~ h a t law which governs ia ll l aw . t he law o f o ur Creator.:


the law of humanity. justice . equ-I63 S t•• 'I1I11('S I'lace d f

AI.thIlOl'e 71)19 ity-the law o f n at ur e all 0 I, " ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ~ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ~l1utio115.-Edmund Burke. \ IU:i;;ii:;:;--=_;:.;.;;:,;..; ; _ ~ _ i

IM , ~ C J ~ ~ ! . ~ ~.A 111IUIC4/ .J1lJ/",m,,,1


Ardmore Park Man

Is Former Heael

Of Produc t ion

Only those who have the pa

tience to do s imple th ings per.

feeth' e\"':!r acquire the skill to do

difficult things easily.-Schiller.

"Sacrament" is t he s ub je ct o f

the Lesson-Sermon in al l Churches

of Christ, Scient ist . Sunday, Jan

unry 12. The Golden T ex t i s:

"The 'bread of God is he whil;:h

comcth down from heaven and

giveth life unt o t he world" (John


Among Bible citations compris

ing the Lesson-Sermon is the fol

lowing': "Who s ha ll ascend into

the hill o f t h e Lor d? or who shall

stand in holy p la ce ? He that

hath clp.an h an us an d a pure

heart; who hath n ot l if te d u p h is

soul unto vani ty. nor sworn de

c ei tf ul ly . H e s ha ll receive the

blessing frol11 the Lord, and r ight

eousness f)'olll the God of hi s s al

vat ion" (Psa lms 24 :3-5).

"Bread of God" Text in

Churches of Christ

Local Ar t Cenl er

Reopens On Monday

Wilh Exhihi t ion

scan's SCRAP BOOK By R. 1. SCOTT

S1 . . JJA£p;. H10I.a.t4'FAKIRSRESOR:'" {Q 1 ' ~ E . LISE.of DRUGS 1 ' ~ M ' 8RII'IG '

"BoU1" " DEE.P SlEEP ....HD .REOW:£. HEED 01' , ~ £ .BODY fOR 1 ' 00 0 A.IID AIR, P\'/111'11 MA.KE.S 1'1" POSSIBL.E IAIIO WIRES< foR 1'tlE.M 1'0 1'0 REI<1""IH SUPPOR1' '" S1'AAIII

I t ~ . . . ! ~ ~ ~ ~ "/ wlloLL'i OR. P....R.1IA.l.L.." 0'1' 3")0,000 PoUNDS

" ' ,, ' 8UR\ EO U H D E R . ~ ' ~ ( j ; R O ~ U ~ H ~ D i P ~ E R ~ S ~ Q ; U = A . ! R i E . i I H ; C ~ I I ~~ ' · " ' ; " ' - - - _ . . f O R DAYS A.1'; -(1I-1E.

J oe B re hm er , h us ky V il la nova

basltetbal l are, played under Ken

ny S a ~ ' l o r s , star o f t he Cleveland

Rebel s i n the BaskethaU Associa

tiOl. of America, when he coachedt he S an Diego Marine Base quin

tet. J oe Fulks , high,scol'ing for:

w ar d w it h t he Phi la de lp hi a War

r ior s p layed on the same team,

Classes InArt Adolf Gelpl{e

AreResumed In Named Autocar

Bryn Mawr Vice President

* '"'"

Y. M. C. A.

NOT E5The IIfain Line YlIICA's Annual that plans h a \ ' ~ been made f o r t he

Mee ti ng ' w il l b e h el d at K. S. Club of the lIIain Line

Mary's ParriRh Hall Thursday. YMCA for regular meetings held

23. at 6 ::30 o'clock, with each T u e ~ d a y e ve ni ng a nd s pe c·

Paul 1 \ I 0 ~ ' e r L imbe rt . p re si - i al activities for t he n ex t t hr ee

nt of Springf ield College as months.

Rpeaker. ... ... ...

... ... ... Havertown Unit o f Temple Uni-

The basketball leag-ues sponsor- v e r ~ i t y . Women's Tuesday evening

bv the I IIain Line Yl\ICA open- gl·OUp. and Lower lI ler ion Teach.

t il e s ed so n w it h two games in el's are a ll b ac k this we ek o n

.Junior League Wednesday ev- schedule for b o l ~ v i n g after the

ing. holidays.The teamR partic ipating' were Other groups who bowl arc the

Haide rs vs. Fal cons . L ions vs. Ar dmo re P re sb yt eri an y oun gI ai n L ine Qu in te t . Wil li am See- a du lt s a nd the men from Ard-

was the referee . more Baptist Church.

William Coffey a nd S ee ry h av e 0;< 01< ...

the schedule for all Jun- Francis Downing', Eastern rep-

L e a g ~ . J ( ' g am es f rom now resenta tive of the Educational De

ough Februa ry 26. All games partment of U AW, will be the

l l b e p la ye d at t he Mai n L in e speaker at t he m on th ly dinner

CA on Monda y and Wednes- meeting of the Heligion a nd L a

evenings. hor g'roup at th e Main Line

Arthur ,1. Kelly, chai rman of YlVICA.

l ea gu cs . c al le d a me et in g o f We dn es day morning' A. O. Beck.

uf teams in t he e r and lIlrs. J. E. Be rt l es attend.

or League WednC'sday e"en- cd the monthly all .c ity staff meet

t o m ak e plans for schedules ing of the Philadelphia YMCA

p la ce of g-ames. A mong' held at Centra l Branch.

reprcsented were the lIleri- '" 01< >l<

Meters , Strawbridge and Clo- The BOll1isi Junior Tri.Hi-Y

St. Lukrs l I Iethodist Church. club defeated the B o b b ~ ' Sox Tri

:llnwr TruRt Company. Glael- lli-Y c lu b i n a/ basketball g'amelC :Illrl Prnl1-An! Athletic Club. last Friday evening- at the Main

' rh e H awks will play a l lon- L il le Yl\ ICA. Nancy Buckley refue game Friday evening with

ereel l the game.D reXel H il l A th le ti c C lu b. The forlller dub will continue:lIanday ewning' the Hawks .

i t s r c gular l1leding-s Fnday e"en-ll meet tlw Fal co ns a nd the ,

ings unde r the le ader ship of 1111'S.

ain Line Quintet . the Raiders. CI 1\1. ttl . The Bobbv Sox>I< >I< 01< ara a 1e"s. . .

c lub wi th Miss .Tacque li ne Spahr'l:he !went;\' !o Club of t hl ", and Miss Jean Cl'onin a s leader s

LlIle ll\I L.A, composed o f wil l he re a ft e r meet Thur sday ev

a d i l l t ~ . held its monthly ex- cn ing's.~ l'ommiltre nweting' at the

of the president . l \ I i ~ 5 Violetch. 28 East Lancaster Avenue. The Executive Council of ~ I u b

ore. l \ Ionday e\ 'enin, ;, nond-Y-yous. the S a t u r d a ~ ' Nlgl.lt

The month l\ ' bus iness mee t ing Teen -Age C an te en o f t he IIIam

t he dub , ,: a5 held Wednesday L ine YMCA. wil l meet ne:;t :\Ion

the : l Iain Line Y:lICA, P la ns d ay e ve ni ng for a b us in es s and

r e made for the program alll] Iplanning meeting.

f or t he coming months. ... 0;< '"

'" The J\Iain Line YMCA chorus.

A prog'ram cOlllmittee com posed Iunder t he d ir ec ti o nof Mr. Shet

U rs ul a Paolone. Nanl"Y Buck- ter, resumed rehearsals \Vednes

Ann Batl"aux. DoloreR l \ I o ] ' r i ~ Iday e "ening after a h ol id ay va-

Hobert St roup ha s announced catioi1. .

Portrait. decorative. and s ti ll A do lf Ge lp ke , of 36 Glenbrook

life painting C I < I S , ( ' ~ were resume,l Rd, Ardmore Park, Production

Monday ::It the Bryn 1\Iawl' Art l \ Ia nage r of the Autoc ar Co. since

Center after a two we ek h o l i d a ~ · . May, 1044, was e lected a vic e

Formal opening- of the classes p re si de nt o f t he eompany at the

was ma rked w i th the exhibition of last meet.ing of the Boa rd o f Dia g roup ' lf p ai nt in g s and dra,,!· rectors.•

ings by Franz de 1\Ierlier. In announcing Gelpke's election.

The new schedule is as follows: t he B oa rd p ra is ed him fo r his

Painting classes, instructed by "9utstanding sUCcess in keeping

Maulsby Kimball. Jr .. art d i re ct o r; u p a nd i nc re as in g t he p rodu ct io n

adults, lIIonel,,:,· and Tuesday aft- of he a\ ' y-duty Autoc ar t rucks dur

e l ' l l o o n ~ . :3.30 o'clock; T h u r s d a ~ ' ing' the difficult ~ ' e a r which has

cvenings. 7.;)0 o'clock; children's JURt c1os'.!d,"

classes. each Saturday at 9 A. 1\1.. Gelp1-e b eg an h is c ar ee r w it h • , , • , , , , , , , , , , , " , , , • , • , , , 'f , 'f , , • , f f , f , , , , , , , , •

11 A. 111.. and 2 P. III. Autocal' as a blueprint boy in : :

Painting classes. i n ~ t r u c t c d 1910. and acquir ed his t echnical ' · ·Franz de lI Ier lier, 1I iondays at 10 education by attending cngineering : J lytng r - ~ " ' . - ;A. l\I. ; life c lasses . l \ Ionday even- cour ses i n the evening se5sions of , •

ings at 7.80. the Drexel Institute of T ec lmol og y : S :Early American decorat ions. in- of Philadelphia. for sevcn years. , ,'r.

duding tinware ancl furniture He had J 'u st heen made chie f : outh ? , . ' : ~ :,. ... ......"., .J ld

painting". ur,der Ruth H il l K ep - draHsman in 1918 when he enlist- • •for a j ob a s a maid. S Ie to po-

hart: Mondnys at 9.30 A. III. and ed in the Army for service in • "lice that as s he t ur ne d i nt o t he d A' "

UlO P. 1\1.; Tue s a ys at !J ::10 . World Wa r I. Immediately after , •Bodines' dr iveway. a sta tion wag- ?II.; Thursdays at 9:30 A. III. and his discharge in 1919, he r e t u r ned : If you're packing a South-bound trunk, or looking ;

011 drew u p a lo ng side and two 1.30 P. III. to t h e A ut oc ar e ng in ee ri ng de- : for a charming early Spring wardrobe, you'll ;

:"ouths leaped out and brandished . Portrait and p a i n ~ i n g classes. Ipartment where he became assiat-: , •revulvers a t her . Instruded by eynl Gardner; an t engineer in 1927 and chief en-I : find everything you need at Dorothy Bullitt's ••• , • :

One of the J ' ou th s shou t ed . Thur sda ) ·s . 9 ::30 A. III .; modeling. g-j inee r in 1936. : suits, dresses, hats, bags. Why not stop in today? :"Thb is a holdup!" but Bernice under Charlotte Hidpath, Thul's- He is married and is the fath- ; :

f le d u p t he d ri vewa y t ow ar d t he d a y ~ . 3 P.lII. ., er o f f ou r children. ; :

B d· h III B II'J e told PIano instructIon ]5 scheduled , 'a 1I1e ,Ol11e. rs. 01 1 d • • , •

Ilolice found the woman o n I lIIonda,y er If .. \ clm3 'I urner R MQ d B ·I d III G I I T ev e c ua e !. ARDMORE ••'r,."",-./'.:"I,f Donoru ...• R. CHESTNUT HILL •• •th d t bb' It' Ily I an arton arc 1I1er, ane ues- • l' GLASS

e oors e p so II1g I rs enca 'd d Cl R 1" d 28-30 P a , ~ i n g Plaza .. ;J'I ULLI'f'f 8514·J6G"manfawnAvc.with no station wagon in sight. ays un er are ay o r. • 1.1;;-:t! Ise. ' TOW NSHIP

LOb G ToHead School i < f l ~ ' " i , : , ~ : : . : : " CLEANERS

BEHIND THE SCENES I rary roup : 4 •••••••••• 4 ••••••• 44 ••••• D C J i \ ' c l : Y A n Y W h : . ~ " e r l c o 46St.GcorgesRd.Ard.571

,. N MF I Priest At Local GILMAN Inc. 295 l\Iont. Ave. Cynwyd 08

C lI i i l ame s c ee y C II . S' 1938 1417 C it y L in e T ri n .7 -7 5

:/Tlo y I V O O ~ .' 'Re: . : ~ n : e n : l 1 . : ~ M c ~ u a d e , o.I··----G-. -J-. -C·'-U-O-I-,L-'-S----"r "' --.;-_ _"' 1 1 ~ ~ · 1 ~ 9 ~ S ~ t ~ . ~ ( . ~ ~ ~ ~ ; : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ( ) I ~ l l l ~ ~ ~ ~ . : ~ I I ~ ••~ ~ \ ~ r ~ d . ~ o 6 ~ a ~ o ~ 1 : ~ ~ : ; ; : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;, Friende School Head S A., has been named president SUNOCO SERV ICE : : b .:.

'* :. '* '* * By HARRISON CARROLL * * * * '* * To Lead Fund Raising o f t he n ew college to be conduet- And _., II THERAWFORD GETS WHA't VERA VAGUE BOOKED ed by t he O rd er o f S t. A ugus ti ne tedtngel 'd ""'-·-,,.1'1611I DMOREHE WANTS-AND MORE fOR S. A. APPEARANCE D r. R ic ha rd McFeely, Head- in Andover , l I1ass. SPECIALTY SHOP ,oI-U/..UJ.XAA.I,.1& AR

• • master of Fr ie nds ' Cent r al School, The appoin tment wa s announc - Jewelers Since 1886 :

HOLLYWOOD-SnowWall what magna t e St an ley Bar bee a nd h as been named chairman o f t he ed by V er y Rev. 'Mort imer A. Sul- BOY ' S ! ( / ) l h l l n A ! J ~ BOOK SHOPCrawfo rd wan t ed when she Yvonne Rossen. ex ·w i fe o f C am · building fund campaig'1l of the livan. O. S. A .. provincial of the TOOL CHESTS ,14"0 W'llnut S t Philo •east. She got I t -a blinding eraman Hal Ros se n. t ol d f ri en ds Penn \ V ~ . 'nne Library Association. E a ~ t e r n Pl'O\,)'nce o f t he Augustl'n ::;5,95 \ - I { l n ~ s l c ) ' ~ . Q i : J 8 . Ii INCwhile she was dr iving her at the Chanteela ir that they will v -

c re ta ry a nd t he two children be married January 9•••• Now The announcement w as ma de i an Fathers, l\Iontgolllcl'Y A ,·e. and Ii 30 Con Iter .'\ n ~ . , '\"(}morc Prescriptions •New York it's Roddy McDowall's pa who is t hi s week at the close of a Boar d T he i nst it uti on , t he name of St. Georges Hoad AI'UIIlOI'C ; ;146 Times Medical Bldg.

t he farm she writing a book. He' ll t e ll a bo ut h is o f meet in g of the Assoc ia t ion whi ch wil l be announced shor t ly , PHONE: ARDMORE OMli Phone Ardmore 2442at Mount service d ur in g t wo w ar s in the Monday night. will g-rant-degrees' i n l ibe ra l arts, H ' ' , _ j Phone Ardmore 4114

isco. Dodging British merchant marine.•.. Gene Otl d t tl t' science. business and educatl·on. • 59 St. James Place0 th e l' car, T ier ney f ound a buye r for the 12- 1ers Illlme a Ie mee Illg

a n w en t Into room house whe re s he a nd OIe g i nc lu de d Mrs . W al te r Duncan. It will be a day school with fa- Children' s Weard it ch . Th e y Cassinl lived before t heI r s epa ra- c ampaign organizer; Lawrence cilities for approximate ly 800 men. Foundation G a r m c n t ~

all have tion•••• CongratUlate the Peter Duolin, rJlllirmall of s ol ic it at io n; T he college will be buil t on the

en killed but. Lind Hayes (MaryHealy) on their :Ill'S. Roy Hofmann, c ampaign forme r Driscoll estate on the out- Lingeriea c ulously, sL'\:th wedding anniversary.

b od y w as THE James Warrens (he's t he s ec ret ar y; Giles J ohns on , c am - s ki rt s o f Andover. It will serve Junior D r e ~ s c shurt . J oan R-K-O western s t ar ) a re laugh- Jlfiign treasurer; and Gcorge C. th area around Boston, Lawrence, •

am p e d two Ing at that enstern professor Martin. chairman of p ub li ci ty . Low el l, H ea di ng , Haver hi ll a nd

to a farm who sa id that Hollywood a et or s T he b ui ld in g f u nd c am pa ig n will Andover .0 u 9 ca n d are childless. The Warrens are A . C I I'

her care- expecting their third baby in be conduc t ed from February 22 prollunent at 10 lC authority

a k e r wh o I\lay. to March 8. on l a bor and sociology Father 1\Ic-a truck Crawford BUl\IPBREY BOGARTS new Quade ha s b ee n a member o f t he

picked them up after they h ad 1 5·year pa ct with Warners i s o ne 1111'S. Samuel Robitlson Villanova College f ac ul ty s in cemarooned for thre e hours. of t he swee tes t contracts ever 1!J38. He ha s s erved as chairman

Fifteen minutes after arriving signed by an actor. It binds Bogey Dies in Rosemont of the ve te r ans guidance bureauthe farm, Joan was on the for only seven years but Warners for two year s .e cal l ing pals I n Hol lywood . f or the full 15. And s ince Bogey Mrs. Samuel Hobinson, wife_ of

wa s s c ar ed to death." she said," was 46 on Christmas day , he' ll the Boa,.d Chai rman and founderit was an exc i ti ng exper l- have an assured Income ( an dw h at o f t he Ame ri ca n S to re s Co., died

an Income) until he is 61.THE CHRISTMAS s to r I e s • l a st Fr it i ay at her home "Glencoet J un e Haver 's mother used AFTER dining Ava Gardner at House", Hoberts and CoopertownteU her family SOOD wlU be Lucey-·s. D ~ v i d ~ i v e n ~ a s back Rds. Rosemont, after a short iII

v ia phonogr aph r ecor ds . the fe;t mght WIth Gall ~ u s s e l l . ness.

WIU narrate t hem a nd t he Don t know whether he Will stay 1111'S. Rob in so n a resident ofwUl be divided equally happy about i t ( t he way businessthe Hathaway orphan. has been all overthe country) but Ro:.emont for more than 20 years,

In the ISan Fernando Valley O r c h e s t r ~ Lead,er ~ a u g h n !If.onroe was a member 'Of Chambers-Wylie

aDY other orphanage that has real Ized hIS l I fe ambItIon to Presb)·terian Church. Philadelphia.

home town Rock I sl and own a bllllroom. and v i c , ~ - p r e s i d e n t o f t he P l ' e s b ~ "., shall deslgnat;'" It's 10 miles t er ia n O rpha na ge t o which she

WHEN VAN J O ~ . S O N and OfF ~ ~ ~ ~ n h devoted many year s of service.Wynn were at Clro s, he kept Singer Jacques Funer:!l services were held

odl ingon a p iece o f paper: "Eve P as se y w as a Tuesday afternoon at the Rose-Eve Johnson , Eve John- so l i d hit at mont r esi dence. Bu rial was in

Some,bodY at the t;ableasked Cha rl ey F oy 's .if thats the way It s going to Loyce White- West Laurel Hill Cemetery.

and he said: "I hope It's very, man and he r

soon." trio are opening Ex-Team,mates• at the El Cor-

THE LATEST word f rom Erro l tijo in Santais t ha t t he Zaca put in at Barbara. V er a

. Colombia. alter weath· Vague will mixa terrific storm and losing business w it h

sails. Ne d stop. wired Errol, VaughnMonro. p leasu re on herl b e Haiti. , t ri p to SouthELEANOR P A J U ~ E R ' I S going to America nelft summer. She's al.

cooking lessons at a Bever ly ready booked (or three weeks otnight school. , .• Soft drink personal appearances.

DlIlrlbuled b)' I{lug Featucell ~ ! . ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ w.,c..

ing in Rosemont

He Very Dangerous

Bern i ce Mason , 30, of 53 S.

Avc .. Bryn IIIawr, is sure

doesn' t want t o \ \' or k i n Hose

At least that is what she

L o w ~ r 1Iler ion Township po

Friday night.

S h o r t l ~ ' before nine o'clock Fri

night, she \l'as walldng along

Aye., to\\ 'ard t he e st at e o f

Will ium C. Bodine, to apply