our town august 31, 1916

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  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 31, 1916



    Dun Trims Autocar, 14-2Boroughites in Second PlaceAgain-Fleck Stars With theBat With Three Hi ts , WhilePitcher Hallowell Also HasThree Hits, Pract ical ly Winning His Own Game.

    FOR SALE-L. C. Smith Vls lb l" Typ,,writer, In flrst-cl ....a condition: also\Ibrary table . aectlonal bookcs.a"s, boxCOUCh. 304 Easex avenu"."'OR SALE--At 304 Essex avenue. librarylove table. aectlonal bookca""s. box couch, fin"condition.

    smooth- A BARGAIN-Will aell glrl's b(cycl". Inexcellent condition. Addreaa. P. O. Box orphone 346 Narberth.


    Pugh & Hubbard. contractors of thenew Wynnewood road, repor t that bynext week they e xp ec t t o haVe thec on cr et e p or ti on o f tlte work completed.

    lJetty Bllxrer's GossIp.THE FIRESIDE

    Dr. Harry Hartley a nd f amily havereturned f rom Oce an City.

    Mr. a,nd Mrs . W. J. Mulholland ar ehome f rom their vacation.

    Mr. and Mrs . T. Buch and famllyare visiting Rev. J. E. Nideclrer. Mrs.Buch la a daughter of Rev. and Mrs.Nidecker.

    Miss Katharine Magulr.e, one of theemployes of t he p os t office, ba s beenspending her vacation along the upperDelaware River.

    , LOSED ,....~ ' ~ " ~ " ~ . . L . " ~ ' ~ ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ! ... L ~ . J ~ . ~ ' ~ I ~ I ! . . L ' t . : . a . " ~ " ' .....: . , ~ ' ~ t ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ' ' ' ; ' ' ~ * ' ' ; + : : ; r ~ : ~ n ~ ~ c : ~ , r ~ f a : l m w o o d avenue ISCHOOLS C r ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ; ' ' ' ; - ' ~ ' ~ ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - ; ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ~ ' " ~ ' ' ... .. ... ." . . ." ." . , ,,, '''fFriends of Mrs. Stuart McClellan, of UNTIL SEPT. 18 Narberth Building & Loan Ass n125 Woodsid.e avenu e, w ill b e sorry Iif ~ to know t ha t s he Is quite il l with an -- + 'WILL OPEN fattack of appendici t is . CommissioAer Dixon, of State,+ A NEW SERIES OF STOCK fMr. and Mrs. Charles T. Humphreys Heal th Dep!r tment , Is sues + ,

    Iand Miss Edith Humphreys have re - Sweepmg Order + f: ~ ; ~ ~ w f ~ ~ l a a n d m ; t t ~ t : / r I P through All schools, public, private and paro- ,. Thursday, Sept. 7 h, 1916ito . ~ M' T tt a d Miss chlal In t he S tat e of Pen nsy lvan ia, ): A T ELM H A L L if..Mlss arlan ro er n ffli ted will remain closed, as a measureH ~ l e n DUff, .who have b e : o ~ a s e v ~ r a l against the spread of infantile paraly- t : ~ , . : ~ : ~ : ~ , . : * : ~ : ~ : * : ~ : ~ : ~ : + ; - : + ; - : * : ~ : ~ : ~ : ~ : * : ~ : ~ : ~ : , + , - : ~ : * : ~wlthk w h o o p m ~ C ~ ~ g ~ be ut Isis, until September 18, under an orderwee s, are agam a e 0 o. issued In Harrisburg Thursday nigiltMr. C ril W. Tay lo r. o f Llanerch,' by Dr. Samuel G. Dixon, State Com-. y missioner o f He al th . T he Lower Mer-Miss Deborah Smedley has returne,l a,2 d MISShGertrubde V. s D p O e U n g d h l n e g r t Y ' t ~ ~ Ion public schools were scheduleu tofrom State College ,.ayne, av.e een , b 5 . , . ,. Iweek-end with Mrs. C. T. Moore . open Septem er., . I Entries for lad les smglesand men.sI Commissioner Dixon s order Will s ingl es a nd doubles closed last Fn -Miss Mary Melchior has returnee --- II I tl

    I Communications r.egardlng various take p r e c ~ d e n c e ove r a ot le r au l o r ~ day, August 25, 6 P. M. Twelve ar efrom her vacation. IN rb tl t plcs ar e always I nt er es t- i ty and Will be obeyed. The order of entered In ladles' slng,les, thirty-fourI',ave 1lnag. erWlllyono t send us an expres- Ccmmlssloner Dixon s.ays th"at a ~ t e l ' In men' s s ingles and thir tY-four InMr. and Mrs. C. B. Metzgar I b 18 th II b 0 ble I ds io n o f y ou r Id ea s f or our next I ssue? Septem er ere WI e p SSI men's doubles. Draw ~ g were rna ego ne to Cape May, No J. readjustments with reference to geo- i Friday evening and m the upper

    graphical position, age and attendance i bracket of mell's singles are R. E.of resident pupils." I Pattison vs. Henry Loos, A. T. KirkCommissioner Dixon sent his order I vs. R. O. Hall, W. Cowin vs. Dr. E.to the heads of parochial schools and i C. Towne, C. M. Carter vs. Dr . H. Hartto all borough, city and county school \ ley, H. Hoffman vs. A. M. Watts, ~ ' superintendents. 'l'. Grugan vs . F . C. Eves, W. Y. ShawMiss Florence Haines has re tu rned , Mrs. Charles A. Fletcher and Mrs. I All.Sundo)" Schools Closcd. vs. J. McKell, Newton C o m ~ t o n , W. J. Amid gloom and sorrow the Cham-from a trip to the Poconos. II Charles V. l'\oel, left the o th er d ay , A c c ~ r d m g to H a r r l ~ b u r g dispatcl;ts'l Kirkpatrick vs. W. J .. Bailey, lower! pions went down to defeat before th efor a tour of th e g re at lak es and ICommIssioner Dixon s o rd er a pp es b ra ck et , R. C. Wilhams vs. A. J. I. . . wl'l r ,e tu rn bv th e way of T r ~ n o t o , to col leges and preparato ry schools,! l'\ewell, W. H. Brown, C. Humphreys reconstructed Wayne team by theMiSS Corne "Y owell was entertamed C d ' 'a lthough most of t he se do not start, vs W F Baer W H Carm.lilt vs. count of 4-2. Inability to hit In the. I k d I ana a I . ., , . .at Perkasie over t Ie wee -en. ' their fall term until after September J. G. Foote, to'. M. Justice vs. W. J. pinches caused the borough team to

    '1' Mrs. Harry Downes and Miss I 18. DuBree, A. C. Staples vs. E. A. Mus- l os e While pitcher Hallowell poled OUtMrs. J. W. Pritchard is seriously I '1 Katherine Mor gan , o f Mi nn eap ol is , A ~ Sunday S C h o o ~ s will b closed champ, R. M. Town vs. O. Humphreys, t l l r ~ e hits, two of which resulted inat he r home on Ch.estnut avenue. iMlnn have be.en visiting Mr. a nd d urmg t he same period, Dr. DIxon ex C. L. Warwick vs. J. H. Donnelly, Dr. "Mrs. "Carroll Downes, of 315 Wood- p la ln ed . The orde r affecting t he Sun - E. L. Kanaga vs. Rev. C. G. Koppel. runs for hiS team.Dr. Benjamin F . Boyer , of Grayl ing s ide avenue. Iday schools wll1 become effective next Men 's doubl es , u pp er b ra ck et : l'\ar?erth's best . c l l ~ n c e to sc.oreavenue, has re tu rned to Narberth. 'I - - - Sunday. Kanaga and Staples vs. Newel l a nd c ame m the four th lIl111ng when Stttes-- I I I . d t tile home 'rhe e ffor ts of the State Department R 0 Hal l K ir kp at ri ck and R. M. was hit by a pitched ball, Fleck thenA ba IV lOY las arrIve a h " , , H I'1 d l\'rs II C Pierce haVE re- ' . M B T White of Dud lo f Health to check the spread of t e Town v s K ir k and Baer Warwick and singled, and Koons was s af e on a -!I r. an ! . of Mr. and rs. .. , -I . . d I . , I II' h dt urned t o Narbe rt h from Wor.::p.ster, Ie avenue. His name is Edward paralYSIS Will also exten to tI e mov- Williams vs. Foo te a nd Bur khar dt , owe s. error. Tree one an no one1\1 . Y . G d Wh't thinks ing,-plcture theatres and at l ea st a ll Wat ts and Loos, Pat t ison and DuBree out. Simpson then filed out to Gearass. Reed WhIte. ran ma I e I Id t '11 t' l t d . t fi Id . Stlt Mell. b those that are Ie n I -ven I a e v s McC ar te r a nd E C. Town' l ower I n cen er e scormg es. on- - he IS a great oy . .,iss Hilda Smedley, who'has been . 'halls wil l be closed to children. No bracket: C. Humph re ys a nd O. then filed out to the pitch.er andi: l with la grippe , Is able to be about Rememb.er, It's but a s ho rt wal k to order has been drafted regarding t he Humph re ys vs. Brown and Ferguson, Humphries f anned ending the Inning.. k h th ar e electrl'c "movies" as vet. but those held In th e Justice and Grugan vs. Compton a nd Wha t s eemed to be a good chance toagalll. Overbroo were er e . _. I d d . 1 I .

    - - - cars. You ma y need this tip, if the open a ir a nd In Instltuttons will not McKell, Hoffman a nd C arml nt vs. tuck the game. away , en e Wit I onMiss M il dr ed S. Smith spent the railroad strike q'uestion Is not settled be closed. . . IBai ley and Koppel, Shaw and Cowin one run scormg.week-end visi t ing f rLends In Che .s t- ,bofore t he m en ar e ordered out. I Dr. Dix on s aid In explanation of! vs. Donnelly and Muschamp. Up t o the fifth Inning Bob Gibsonnut H ill . , : . . _ closing the schools al l over the State: j Ladies' singles, upper bracket: Mrs. only allow,:!d one hit , but in t he same. i While Harry R. Fel ton, o f 2 Elm- "There are various reasons. Past IW. R. Hall vs. Mi ss Ruth Diamond. Inning, three singles mixed In withMr. and Mrs. Marshall A. Wood, of I wood avenue, was playing t enn is l ast experience has shown on ou r records Mrs. L. P. Drinker vs. Miss Madeline I two errors, allowed the vis i tors toElmwood avenu e, have returned to Monday he ell a nd I njur ed h is a nk le t ha t t hi s mon th an d n ex t mon th ar e McCoy, Mrs. A. M. Watts vs. Miss' s co re two r un s.Narberth. Iquite s ~ v e r e I Y . Besides sustaining a the high-water ~ ~ r k s In the spread of L inda J ac oby; l ower b ra cket : Miss I While It was thought that t he Nar -

    - - - broken bone, he suffers v er y muc h i nf an ti le .paralys.ls. From the history Edi th Humph re ys vs. Mrs. W'. I. berth team would score. yet Hal-Mr. and MIZS. S. Land have returned from a bad sprain. I of the dIsease It a p p e a r ~ to spread Dothard, Mrs. A. S. Grugan vs: MISS , lowe ll was p it ch ing extra good bal l,home after a t ou r t hrough t he White Imore rapidly during certaIn periods ~ Mildred Harris, Miss Carol JustIce v s. Iand the home team could no t l an dMountains. The alterat ions to our s choo l bui ld - t he year a nd bec au se o f l oc al condl- Miss Mary Rowand. the ball safe. Wayne added one moreIng are progressing under the dlrec- Itions. Play s tar t ed 2 P. M. August 26th, run In the seventh Inning When Hey-Miss Martha Bishop, of Merchant-, t lo n o f Mr. Abe l Bottoms, contractor. "To make th ings worse, many peo- and In the preliminary round of m en's m an s ing led and Hallowell tripledville, N. J ., Is visi t ing he r s iste r, Mrs. Iand It Is expected that th.e work wil l p ie ar e now going away f or s ho rt va- s ingles Kirkpat r ick defeated Bailey over Fleck's h.ead. Narberth cameHarry A. Jacobs. I be entirely completed In ample ti me cat io ns an d those who have been 6-0, 6-0, R. C. Williams defeated A. J. back In their h al f of the Inning and- - - Ifor the opening o f th e school. away for longer vacation are begln- Newel l 6-2. 3-6. ,6-4, In first r ou nd s co re d o ne run when Simpson wasMr. and Mrs. Elwood H. Sickles - -- nlng to come home. N o t w l t h s t a n d l ~ ~ Pattison defeated Loos 6-2. 6-2, Hoff- hit by a pitched ball. and was ad-have returned from a motor trip S Townsend Zook and his family, ' the present Improved methods of rall- man bes ted Watts 6-1, 6-1, Kirkpatrick vanced to second on Mellon's out. Billthrough Maryland. ' of F;lmwood a venue, h ave been spend - r oa d transportation guarding, against defeated Compton 6-0. 6-2, Justice t hen s co red on Bob G ib son' s long. ing the summer at Ocean City. During the bringing In of cases of the dls?ase defea ted DuBree 6-0. 6-2. Staples de- s ingle. Howes was then pass.ed, butMr. Danie l Lei tch. c ashLe r o f .t he t he ir absence, Mr. Zook has had a from outs ide of the State at all pomts. f ea te d Muschamp 6-2, 6-0. Warwick Gibson was forced out at third onNarber th Bank, has re tu rned from a fine stone ga rage bui lt on his local we have a lso th e automobile out laws, bes ted Donnelly 6-1, 6-1. In doubillj> Wallace's tap to short stop.two weeks' vacation. p rope rt y and s ever al other Improve- who ca n swim creeks, ju mp fences W ark lc k and Williams defeated Foote Wayne scored t he ir last run of the. ments were also made. and otherwise aid In ma.klng the and Burkhardt 6-2, 6-3. game in the eighth Inn ing whenMrs. Edward C. J a c o b ~ ' a nd c hl l- , --- : guarding of the S tate very difficult. The feature match for the day 's Weave r was passed. and wa s ad-d re n, o f 215 lona avenue, left this: Owing to the continued warm I "Our I de a i s to Interrupt e du ca ti on p la y w as t he s in gl es mat ch b etwe en v an ce d t o second on Gibson's wlldw , ~ e k for Cape May, N. J. Iweather th e monthly meeting of t Ias little as pos.slble, and ~ ~ r go- Williams and Newell, both men Play-Ih ea ve t o f ir st b as e to catch h im nap -

    --- INarberth Branch of th e Women l:! i ng a long the hne that It .IS less lng, e xc el le nt t enni s a nd a lmos t as ping. Brooke. Wayne's long andMr. and Mrs. George Wurst are. re - Suffrage Party has been pos tponed d is as tr ou s not to start a macillne than much c re di t Is due th e loser as the IlankY right fielder then tripled, scorceiving congratulations on the a r r t v ~ l l unti l F riday , September 8, when It Is t o s to p it suddenly after it has been winner. It Is hoped the tournament Ing Weaver.of a son, born Sa turday , August 2 . to be held at tlw r e sidence of Mrs. started. I f we under ta ke to open the develops many mor e such matches. Narbe rth t r ied hard t o come back

    - - - . Walter Dothard, Haverford aven ue. school s In counties at present moder- Play will continue dal ly . Owing to , In t he ir h al f when with one downProf. Melchior and Mrs. Melclllor I --- a te ly fr ee fr om t he d is ea se, as soon t he f ~ entered In ladles' doubles and IFleck doUbled to left field, Koons washave returned from s p r l n ~ t o w n . The Narber th Y. M. C. A. ha s sent as we start, th is mise rable thing Is mixed doubles. entries will not close i thrown out by the third baseman.where they spent Beveral weeks vaca-I about a thousand magazines to Ute likely to appear In those counties. untll 6 P. M. l"riday, September 1st. an d wh en Simpson s ingLed to righttion. Ihorder. We will send another box Then, i f we permit the s ~ h o o l s to open and p la y In these events will be start- field. F le ck was thr own out by a per-e sometime In September. and the children are gettl1lg accus tom- ed September 5th. fect throw to the plate by Brooke.Mrs. Rezo Brool

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 31, 1916



    ~ '











    O. A. E.410310121)2001201 50II1o



    How Sud !NARBERTH,

    (Continued from First Page)XAmmU'J'1I I,OSES TO WAYN} ;

    Don't forget that this Is 0 com.munlty of home make rs and homekeepers an d that one of YOUR:MOST IMPORTANT DUTIES Is tokeep It so.You ca n a id m at eri al ly b y d o.In g ) 'our shopp ing and marke ti ngwith the adyer t lse r s In th is paper .

    BUltD UP YOUR TOWNBuild Up Your Home

    Donat io n t o Hol id ay Hou se .Cas e for flag .

    Ardmore Band . . . .New J er se y F ir e Works Company ....................Repairing flag pole . . . . .

    UEPORT Ol' FOURTH 010' JULY ( ; O ~ U I I T T E E .Cash received from contributors . . . . . ' , ,Pai d out :Flags for school children .


    Township Health Officer R. A.Warner Issues Official NoticeShowing Lower Merion Hasa Clean Bill of Health. J. LoosHenry HoseW. T. MelchiorU. L. Hampton


    MAIZIE J. SIMPSON,Coshler.


    -_ . _ - - - , - - - - - - - -

    events of t he p as t f ou r y ea rs c ar e- iNOfully, bu t w e s ho ul d ha ve t he b es tIthought of s ta te smen and o the r publicists, editors an d writers, to helpus co'me to a satisfactory conclusion.I f eV'ar there was a t im e w he n w eshould sink prejudice, and be guidedstrictly by a desire t o p romo te th ebest interests of ou r beloved countrY'1It Is now at hand. It is therefore amatter of congratula t ion that thet'ubllc Ledger, in a spirit of fairne3S an d ImpartialitY, ha s opened it s Township Health Officer Robley A.columns to a presentation of t he War ne r writes the following for pubbest thought on the merits of both IIcatlon:candidates, and the reasons why they Lower Merion t ownshi p i s again children under sixteen years of age.should or should not be elected. As free from forms of contagious dis- Many inqu i ries ar e made d ai ly asstated in the Ledger's announcement, ease, especially th e dreaded infantile to health certificates, and for inforthis contest presents oppor tunity f or p ar al ys is , a nd at the present writing matlon t h e wri t er s t at es that a med-!"men who are in d ai ly t ou ch wit h th e is _e,njoying a clean. b, ill Of. health. . ical dertlflcate must f lr st b e s ec ur ed IH. C. GARA, lleaders o f bot h parties, to give to th e ..Iff tilAlh"crUsllIg Manager. I ! Ie two cases 0 III an I e para YSlS ,from a phys ic ian who has a ctua ll y.______________ nation their best judgment of th e r e- pNv ious ly reported are now off rec- i examined th e child. This certificate, R. H. O. A K

    S en d a ll letters and news i te m t o I spective nl'arits of th e cand idates , o rd . One was Sco tt Geh ri ng er , age when presented at th e office of th e Howes, cf. 0 2 0 0 0p, O. Box 404. based upon personal experiences and four, of Cynwyd, and the other board, will be accep ted as an official W ~ l l a c e , lb 0 0 14 0 0Selld al l advertising copy to P. O. thei r in timate knowledge of politics Charles Shakespere, age twenty-five, certificate issued. Stites, 11. . . . . . 1 0 1 0 (IBox 820. and political affairs." of Haverford. The former has recov- The board, as well as it s officers, FI.eck, Jf. . .. , 0 3 0 0 0:\laJ,c a ll r emi tt an ce s t o P. O. Box er ed f rom th e co nta gi ous s ta ge a nd soli ci ts th e earnest c o- op er at io n o f K.oons, c. . 0 0 6 2 0118. To the Editor of Our Town. quarantine, has b1aen lifted; th e .Iat- all par en t s a nd those interested in Simpson" ss. . .. ,. 1 1 3 4 1Our T own is on sale at th e depot The committee lor awarding pri7,tls tel' c ase w as removed to a hospi ta l, t he wel fa re and hea lt h of Lower Mer- Mellon, .3b. ' . ~ " ' " 0 1 0 2 0newss tand, and at th e store of H, E. for t he mos t attr.l,ctive yards, as selln where death ensued the following ion, and any information that may be H.umPhrles, ,;lb. .. 0 0 ' 2 5 2Davis. from t he s tr ee t. says that we have day. advanced as to a violation of th e Gibson, p. . 0 1 1 5 2Ente red as secor.d-class matter, On- difficul ty in locating t h e owner s on The board and its officers al 'e tak- h'ealth la ws will be t re at ed a s c on -: *McClellan 0 0 0 0 (J~ o b e r 15, 1914, at t he P os t Office a t, : lI : ,'ount of alJsf 'l Ice of numbers 0,1, ing e ve ry pr eca uti on t o safeguard fidential and th e offense investigated, i: ' \arberth, Pennsvlvanla, under the Iman y of the hom'es. ! t he t ownshi p and although lllimer- (S' d) Totals 2 8 27 18 5. Id I" IgneAct o f March 3, 1879. :\ t 'mbermg the houses w ~ le a, ous c ase s sur rounded our t er ri to ry , nO]III')' A. WIll'lIl'r, C. E.'"I'(>:,t ad"antag' !o th e delivery ser-, y et L ower Merion is at present f,.ee WAYNE,

    THURSDAY, AUGUST 31, 1916 ' ice of :\'arbel'th stores as well as from th e disease. ATS SEE THAT I R. H.-- - - '- o' E-C'.'-LLS [0 the deliv"I'Y Ecrvice of the city, : \' umerou s r epo rt s h av e found cir- DEMOCR, 1 Weaver, 2h, 1 0!

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 31, 1916


    N A R B ~ R T H , P A . - O U R TOWN-AUGUST 31. 1916 ...

    Prescription Drug StorePhone , Narber th 625 or 1284

    F I EDLER ' SRe,. ('. (I. KOllllel, {'ustor.

    ' rhe Lit tl e ( 'hu rch 011 the Hili.

    w ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; i ; ~ ~ ; ; ~ t NARBE::: AT IPresc rio pti0n DepartmentM. Visitors ar e cordially welcome. CAMP DELMONT Y h Ith . d . Wh ...b er t hem all. By hav ing your box ou r ea IS your most prize possessIOn. en It IS mA registry book i s k ep t f or v is it or s.All are a sked to register their names. Herbert K re ll a nd John Wil son, numbe r p la ce d on your mai l y ou w il l dange r you wis el y has ten t o th e bes t physician you know.two membe rs o f K an ga ro o Patrol, l i i ~ i n h av in g th e mail cased up It is equally impor tan t that you choose your druggist to get best

    ~ T ,UAUGAHWl"S CHURCH. INarberth Boy Scouts, have r e t u r n e ~ ! without delay. _ _ results.Purity , Strength, Skill, Accuracy, Carefulness and C l e a n ! ~ -Early l\lalls on SUlI.doli from J ~ p r 1 J from Camp Delmont, the Boy Scout s BETTER }'ACILITIES ness ar e of great importance. We lay s tr ess on all of these an d y011l'it to OctolJer 31st ar. (,.JU A. ~ 1 F rom camp on the Perklomen Creek, where ", .,No\'emlJer l l lt to Marcn ~ L s t at 7 A. M. t he y s ta ye d f or two weeks . I 'on POST OHICf. can rest assured that your prescrip tion has been compounded JUSt

    Late Mass, \/.::10 A. M. throughout tilt! Dur ing the ir s ta y at the camp they Narberth post of fic e i s unabLe to as your physician wishes i t jrepared if you leave it aty ea r. Ma ss es on holydays, 6.3U and had the "honor t ent " ( bes t k ep t) t wo take comp let e. a d v a n t a g ~ of th e8.30 A. M. Weel,daYs at 8. EvenlUg different days, which gave them the ' second-class prIvilege owmg to thedevotions anli other services at regular privilege of r a is ing and lower ing the I l a c ~ o f r oom In which to place thetimes. camp flag on th es e two days. Their Ie q U l p ~ e n t that a second-class officelowest grading on any d ay w as 92. Iis entitled t?, such as modern cas ingHerbert Krell won th m let- racks sortm g tables, cancelling IllETHOI)IST I-:I'IS('O{'AL tHUUCH. I t er s- C. D .- by Winninge lc:5 ~ o i n t s ! machine, flIing cases for s u p ~ l I e s and'from t he l is t o f r equi rement s, h is to - r ecords , sack rackS. for ou tgomg mallIta l being ob tained by s at is fa ct ori ly and m an y o th er things ~ o numerous ================================:::.::::::=.

    passing 21 different tests. ~ ~ h : ~ u : ~ ~ a ~ ~ a r ~ : r ~ s e a ; : l l ~ r ~ ~ i ~ : ~ ~ r e dICLEAN...SAfE..WHOLESOME $1000 WILL BUY A LOT



    Narberth, Pa.

    Narberth, Pa.


    Y. M. C. A . BUILDING

    George B. Suplee

    Citrate MagnesiaFresh Daily atHOUSEKEEPER'S

    NA R B E R T H , PA .

    - - - - - - - - . . , . - - - - - - - -

    Modern HomesFORSALE OR RENTWM . D. SMEDLEYBu i l d e r


    Iloward F. CotterM'EAIS ofl TJ. 'QUALITY

    JAMES G. SCANLINContracting Painter

    Narberth's Highest TractAccording 10 Your oWn Plans. BalancOn Easy Terms.All Convenlenees-old Shade.Ma'eadamRoad.CementSldew8hs. Ete.FMJnstlCe Montgomery A"enu"" ,NARBERTH.Or612ChestnutSt. PhlJa.


    Try a Pound of45th and Parrish Sts.


    OUR TOWN wID glad1r printaDr Dewllltem about any RobJectthat III 01 Interest to Narberthlolks, but In order to meetthe printing seheilule, al l "copy"-manuscrIpts-must r ea ch t heecUtor by 6 P. H. Honday eachweek.

    The a tt en ti on o f the patrons of theNarberth Post Office is c al le d t o thePresident, A. J. Loos. convenience o f s ending money by posVice-president, A. C. Shand, J. B. tal money o rd er . T he following lowWilliams, James Artman. rates ar e charged for sen.d ing sums toSecretary ' and treasurer, Frank J '1 any money o rd er pos t office in theWI sse. United States:Dircetors, Frederick L. Rose, GeorgeM. Henry, W. Arthur Cole, George M.Colesworthy, Mrs. William S. Horner,A. E. Wohle rt Mrs . George M. Henry,Fletcher W. Stites, E. A. Muschamp,H. C. Gara, Henry Rose, Edward S' IHaws, Mrs. Roy E . C la rk , Mrs. Lester W. Nickerson, William D. Smedley.


    Fo r orders from $.01 to $2.60, oJcents.From $2.51 to $5, 5 cents.From $5.01 to $10, 8 cents.From $10.01 to $20, 10 cents.From $20.01 to $30, 12 cents.From $30.01 to $40, 15 cents.From $40.01 to $50, 18 cents.From $50.01 to $60. 20 cents.From $60.01 to $75. 25 cents.lerfully a ss umed men t will consist or writ ing paper 10.37 A. M.-Local west ply given as N ar ber th , even wh enby the congregation. and envelopes, games, portable graph- 10.47 A. M.-East an d t hro ug h w es t s tre et an d n um be r is given It is freophones with for ty or fifty good rec- 12.26 P. M.-East and through west quently necessary t o l ook up the1.37 P. M.-Local west name i n directory before t he mal l c anords. books, testaments, plenty of 3 "6 PM-E a s t and througll west ,lIe c as ed up, c au si ng extra w ork asmagazines and a motion picture ma- .w Ichine with a f ie ld e lec t ric l igh t p lan t . 4.37 P. M.-Local west ,well as necellsary delay.

    Wri ti ng mat er ia l, g ames , o ne o f the 6.37 P. M.-East and through west I C P COOK6.59 P. M.-East and t hr ough wes t graphophones with records and a A. WORI) TO THE XEW UESIIlENTSBible School. The Schoo l i s c lo sed supply of hooks and magazines will Sunday. F or th e information of t he l at el yS t B d f Arrives 6.00 A. M. A th te ly order of the ta e oar 0 be left with each small detachment arriving residents of Narberth we an- n raeI e 08Health, unt il fu rther notice. of troops. During, the v isi t of th e sec- Departs 5.47 P. M. nounce again that to purchase postage11 A. M. Morning Worship. Rev. retary, motion picture shows and talks i stamps and stamped envelopes in the;John Gordon, D. D., will preach ~ n Iwil l be given every night and then he I BOROUGH OFFICERS. Ilocal post office Is of great advantage WOOD A NDwill fill the pulp i t during the tIme will go on to th e next place. taking. BurgeEs-Geo. 1\1. Henry. to th e office as its advancement is BUlLw'e are without a pastor. The ordi-: the motion picture machine wi th h im Treasurer-Edwin P. Dold. based upon the saLes. We aim to DING SUPPLIESnance of the Lord ' s Supper will be A fund of $ ~ O O O is needed immp.di- Clerk of Councils-Chas. V. Noel. Ibe courteous and obl ig in g. We alsoobserved. 7.45 P. M., Evening Wor - a te ly to inaugurate the Big Bend work. Tax Collector-James F. Sherron. want to do business with our patrons.ship. Preaching by Dr. Gordon. This The' enti r e cost is estimated at from Rtreet Commissioner-W. S. MCClel.! Edwllrd S. llIlWS, Postmaster.is th e f ir st evening service and hope six to e igh t thousand dolla rs . Ian.the members of t he c hu rc h will be Building Inspector - J. Howard I Stamps are on sale of every de-in attendance. I LEAN U THE MAPLES 'Smedley. nomination fr om o ne cent to fifteen. w.e dnesda y e ve ning . ~ U g u s t ~ O ' I C P i Counselor-Fletcher W. Stites. cents, except eleven and fourteen;1916. Union prayer servICe at t Ie Constable-Fred. Walzer. l'lISO a plen t ifu l supply of posta l cards,presb!terian. Church. Mr. ~ o b e r t C. AND THE EVERGREENS i s tamped e nv el op es a nd n ew sp ap erMcQUilkin Will be the leade . I C O ~ D I l T T E E S OF COUNCIL. wrappers.F r iday, September 1st , 2.30 P. M., -- P ri ce s o f s tamped envelopes :Ladles' Aid Society at th e church. The Maple and Everg reen Trees I F inance a nd Law Committee-A. P. 25 1c envelopes $ .28. N b th A B th B' Redifer, W. D. Smedley, H. D. Narrl- 100 lc envelopes 1.1010 ar er re 0 em g gan. 25 2c envelopes.. . . . . . . .53Attacked by Pests and Should Highway Committee-H. D. Narri- 100 2c envelopes . . . . . . . 2.10b e C le an ed of th e Parasites gan , F . L. Rose, Robert Saville. - - -- ------Without Delay Pol ice and Health-W. D. Smedley, NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION.The services at All Saints' P. E. F. L. Rose, Robert Caville.Church, Montgomery and Wynnewood Water, F ir e and Light-F. L. Rose,avenues , for next Sunday, a re a s fol- The trunks of t he map le t re es a r e Will iam J. Hender son , Robert SaVille.lows: covered with great masses of small Ordinance-William J. Henderson,8.00 A. M. Holy Communion. white eggs. (I f there is any reader F. L. Rose . Robert Saville .11.00 A. M. Holy Communion and of Our Town who knows wha t they,sermon. are and what will k il l t hem, he should'The Rev. James A. Muller, of L an s- w ri te the ' ed i tor fu ll details for pubGowne, will haV'e charge of the ser- lication). "Oh , y ls , mum," s ai d Kathl ee n, a pvices on Sunday, September 3rd, 1916.. The pine and fir trees around sev - p ly ing for a new situation, "I livedThere will be a full qua rt et te c ho ir e ra l hou se s ar e literally alive with' in me last place three weeks , mum,at th e eleven o'clock services on all caterpillars, which mak e t he ir co- and . though I say it as shOUldn't, ISundays. coons of t he spi ll s o f the t rees . These gev ixcellent satisfaction,"Many churches cu t down thei r mu- should be picked off and burned be- "And why did you leave?" venturedsic during t he s ummer months, bu t fore they have a ch ance to cra wl ou t t he lady, who was looking f or a serAll Saints' b'elleve In keeping up their and move on to the trees of a nelgh - v an t.high grade of music during the whole bar. "Sure, I couldn't ge t along wid th 'year. Examine your trees at once and do mlssus she wor that ould an 'The Sunday school sessions and the. your part t o p re ve nt th e s pr ea d o f c ra nk y. "IIfternoon services will not be re- any parasite that will endanger the "But maybe YOU'll find me old andsumed unti l the third Sunday in Sep- life of our beautiful growths. cranky, too."tember. ------- "Cranky ye may be, mum, f or swe e'We hope there wil l b e a la rge con- So many pe opl e w al t In vain f or faces li ke y ou rs is sometimes de-grega tion to hear Rev . Mr. Mul ler on their s hi ps t o come In because they ceivln', but ould ye're not - I can seenext Sunday morning . were never launched. that at a glance."The church 'busses leave Wynne- --------wood Rnd Narberth stations at 10.40 I Th,-:lre's a lway s r oom at th e top - . Painless de ntist ry is t he ar t ofon Sunday mornings, and th e rent is cheaper. drawing I t mild.

  • 8/7/2019 Our Town August 31, 1916


    ~ '


    Betty Baxter' s Gossip.(Continued from First .Page)

    Thur_d..,, }'rIday an d SatnrdB,'HENRY B. WALTHALl.(or "B ir t h o f Nation" Fame) In Adapl .. t lo n f rom "enrlk Ibsen's"PIIJLARS OF SOCIETY"

    Week Commencing Monday, Aua. 28thl\[ond.. ,, Tile......' Bnd Wt'dn....da'

    EMi\lY WEHLENIn }'Ir_t I' r._t 'nlotloll or Th e Mt'lro Wondt' l ' -Play


    ROARn OF lUANAGERSOF TilE C O ~ l M U N I T Y CLUBChairman-Mrs. W. M. Cameron.Financial Manager-Mrs. WilliamCurtis Pollock. Jr.Library Manager-Miss Fanny Loos.House Manager-Mrs. James F.Donnell)'.Social Manager-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.Membership Manager -Mr. Har ryHartley.Athletic Manager-Mrs. E. Hurth.

    plied as every box In the post officei s ren ted. Many patrons would liketo secure lock boxes, but it is impossible to provide these as there isno a va il ab le s pa ce t o p la ce t hem i nthe present cramped quarters .

    IMPORTANTCases of communicable disease are Iordinari ly reported to the secretary Large Gas Stoveof the Board of Health by the physi-cian In at tendance. I f no physician is FOR SALE CHEAPcal led in, the responslblIlty for re-

    por ti ng r es ts w it h the head of the 209 Forrest Avehousehold. This is made obligatory by State law and the regulat ions of1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t he Board of Hea lt h. The p en al ty for MISS WETHERILL'Sfailure to report is a fine no t exceed-ing $100 and costs . Elementary SchoolTo avoid the imposition of the pen-alty, physicians and householders are REOPENS MONDAY. SEPT. 18,1916requested to report immediately in A .limIted number of pupils received. For infor-writing cases of communicable dis- matlon apply to IdSS MAUDE E. WETHERILLI 20 0 Dudley Au.nue, Narbert".ease which may exi st to the secretary ----of the Board of Health. All childrenIReA D Iin famil ies in which t he re i s whoop-A Ang cough or chicken pox must be rUESTNtlT.Bel. IOlb SIFlnes lPho lopl av Thekept on the p remi se s and not be al- I . I r e 0.11. Size In Ib elowed t o come i n con ta ct w it h other Enl i reWorld.children. . 1 P b O I O p l . Y . - C o D I I : _ u ~ ~ lOA. M. 10 11.30

    Narberth Board of llealth. Ph i l.. . Pa.PROGRAM

    I.-Sleep. Get as many hou rs inbed each n ight a s t hi s table indicatesf or you r age . Keep w indows in bedroom wel l open.


    Undivided Profits$75,000



    STU,\Y llOOS.There are a number of stray dogsaround Narberth which should be disposed o f by the proper person. Theymay be seen lying; around in the gut-I ters. These mangy, dirty curs are aptto carry disease bes ides the cont lnual nuisance they are yelping atautomobiles a nd mak in g themselvesgenerally objectionable. Isn't theresomeone In Narberth whose duty itis to rid the place of such nuisances?

    INm:)[NITY }'OR PARTIAL DAl'[I Small Boy : "Ma says they've got a I AGE TO Rt:GISTERE}), INSURE})n ew babY girl at Mr. Jones, the I ANn C. O. n, ;,[AIL.grocer's." Heretofore the payment of indemSm all Girl: "My! What a sell! noty by the Post Office DepartmentWill they have t o k ee p it?" has been restricted to Irreparably"Of course, s il ly . Why?" damaged art icles o r p ar ts of articles ."'Cause there's a card in the shop Under the amended regulations issuedwindow with 'Boy Wanted' on it." Iby Postmaster General Burleson, ef_____ fectlve August 8, 1916, payments wllfYour friends can get considerable be made in cases where articles areenjoyment out o f trouble-if it's your Inot rendered worthless for the actual. Added At traet lon , Mon. , Tut ' s. . lVt'Cl.trouble Iu su al di re ct a nd n ec es sa ry c os t of IUI .I . IE BURKE In Il4!venteenth Chap te r o r

    ' I "GLOBIA'S ROMANCE"Haste to get rich may ke ep a man r epai rs required t o p la ce t hem in a MAIN p roduc t ion S t ar t s at 10.40, U.30,poor. !serviceable condition. I ll.15, t, 8, '1'.411 an d 9.30.

    It i s r eque st ed that all bushes.Ihedges and shrubbery that extend beyond the pavement l ine be trimmed ortied back so as not to obstruct tilesidewalks.




    NARBEH'l'H, PA.-OUR TOWN-AUGUST 31" 1916

    Merion Title & Trust Co.

    New York





    Presldent-Cha.l!. E. Kreamer .Secretary-A. P. Redifer.Health Officel '-W. S. McClellan.Members-Dr. Clarence T. I