our students’ hidden...

Page 1 Our Students’ Hidden Heroes Stories and Pictures Written and Drawn By Students in Grades K To 8 Layout and Critical Thinking Questions By Sophia Francescutti Supported by Kirsten Verhoeven (M.Ed.), Cathy Wilson (B.Ed.) and Bill Robinson (B.A.) First Edition 2009/2010 © Hidden Heroes Education Society Published by the Hidden Heroes Education Society 322 Kennedy Street, Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2J1 Ph: 250-741-7499 Toll Free 1-877-836-2781 email: [email protected] Web site: www.ourhiddenheroes.org

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Page 1

Our Students’

Hidden Heroes Stories and Pictures Written and Drawn By Students in Grades K To 8

Layout and Critical Thinking Questions By

Sophia Francescutti

Supported by Kirsten Verhoeven (M.Ed.), Cathy Wilson (B.Ed.) and Bill Robinson (B.A.)

First Edition 2009/2010

© Hidden Heroes Education Society

Published by the Hidden Heroes Education Society 322 Kennedy Street,

Nanaimo, B.C. V9R 2J1

Ph: 250-741-7499 Toll Free 1-877-836-2781 email: [email protected] Web site: www.ourhiddenheroes.org

Page 2

“A boy doesn’t have to go to war to be a hero; he can say he doesn’t

like pie when he sees there isn’t enough to go around.”

Edgar Watson Howe

This quote from Edgar Watson Howe sums up the philosophy that supports the Hidden Heroes

Education Society and its goals for this Our Hidden Heroes Program; small things can make a big


Hidden Heroes Education Society

Board of Directors

President Ed Poli, Management Consultant

Vice President Ross Fraser, Dean (Retired), Faculty of Arts & Humanities, Malaspina

University-College and Chair, Nanaimo Port Authority

Board Member Andrea Rosato-Taylor, Sales Manager, Nanaimo Daily News

Board Member Elverna Mailloux, Sales Manager, V.I. Conference Centre

Board Member Jim Chutka, E.A.W., Government of B.C.

Consultant to the board Cori Lynn Carlson, E.D., Vancouver Island Economic Alliance

Curriculum Development Team

Kirsten Verhoeven, M.Ed. Elementary Teacher, with a special interest in Social Responsibility

curriculum development

Laura Harrison, M.Ed. Former High School now Middle School teacher with a special interest in


Terri Zolob, B.Ed. Teacher with unending energy and enthusiasm

Dolores Gottenberg, D.Ed. Pedagogical Consultant

Bill Robinson, B.A. Consultant and developer of the first set of Hidden Heroes lesson plans

Founder and CEO

Bill Robinson, B.A. Writer, Broadcaster, Inspirational Speaker

Special Thanks to:

Rotarians in District 5020 for their ongoing support

Dean Duperron, Sprott-Shaw Community College

Page 3


Our Hidden Heroes Philosophy:

“It’s not the one in a million superheroes that make the biggest difference in this world; it’s the

millions of Hidden Heroes, ordinary people consistently doing small, positive things that make a


Our Hidden Heroes Mission Statement:

“Our commitment is to inspire students to seek out and activate the best in themselves and each other.”

This book has been designed for teachers and their students by experienced teachers who passionately

believe in and are committed to both the Hidden Heroes philosophy and to helping students become

more socially responsible citizens. It is our desire that through the stories and questions in this book,

your students will become familiar with many action-based philosophies and thus gain practical

knowledge that can be incorporated into their everyday lives.

These stories were contributed by students who entered a writing contest organized by the Our Hidden

Heroes program in the spring of 2009. The challenge to the students was to write stories about people

in their families, communities or schools that would qualify as Hidden Heroes, or to write about times

they were Hidden Heroes themselves. The stories we received were so inspirational we decided to

take on the daunting task of selecting just 75 to represent the hundreds of great ones submitted and

print them in this book.

Using these materials teachers will be able to assess each student’s growth through a series of stories

and questions which are congruent with the Ministry of Education’s Prescribed Learning Outcomes for

grades four through seven. The questions that accompany each story are created to guide students in

deep, meaningful, critical thinking in a variety of subject areas, that cross the curricula and meet many

Prescribed Learning Outcomes (PLO’s), as outlined by the Ministry of Education in British

Columbia*. Several of the PLO’s met by the stories and critical thinking questions in this book are:

Social Studies

• Grade 4 A4: Identify alternative perspectives on a selected event or issue

A6: Formulate strategies to address problems or issues

• Grade 5 B2: Assess why immigrants came to Canada, the individual challenges they

faced, and their contributions to Canada

• Grade 7 A1: Apply critical thinking skills – including comparing, classifying, inferring,

imagining, verifying, using analogies, identifying relationships, summarizing,

and drawing conclusions – to a range of problems and issues

Health & Career Education: Healthy Relationships

• Grade 4 C5: Describe interpersonal skills necessary to build positive relationships (e.g.,

co-operation, inclusion, communication skills, empathy, respectful behaviour)

C6: Demonstrate appropriate strategies for responding to bullying behaviour

(e.g., assess the situation, avoidance, assertiveness, reporting, seeking help)

• Grade 5 C5: Assess their own interpersonal skills as they apply to building and

maintaining positive relationships with family and friends

Page 4

C6: Analyze behaviours that contribute to a safe and caring school environment

(e.g., taking responsibility for personal actions, supporting others, promoting

respect for diversity)

English Language Arts: Thinking (Reading & Viewing)

• Grade 4 B8: Respond to selections they read or view, by

– expressing an opinion with some supporting evidence

– making text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections

– giving reasons for choosing to read or view particular texts

• Grade 7 B8: Respond to selections they read or view, by

– expressing opinions and making judgments supported by explanations and


– explaining connections (text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world)

– identifying personally meaningful selections, passages, and images

The Our Hidden Heroes program supports British Columbia’s Mandate for Social Responsibility. It

also integrates well with many learning outcomes for language arts, personal planning, social studies as

well as ethics, health and career education. It also integrates well with programs such as the Virtues


The stories and accompanying activities have been organized to present students with increasingly

challenging concepts to consider. This purposeful design is intended to support students’ growth in

thinking and their ability to compare, contrast and critically analyze the characters and the information

in the selected stories. Each story is followed by questions which present students with opportunities to

develop critical thinking skills. The level of difficulty of the questions increases from the first to the

final question following each story. The complexity of the stories also increases as the book

progresses, as students are asked to compare and contrast groups of stories giving them an opportunity

to develop more complex critical thinking skills.

We have created this book to help teachers facilitate individual and group learning for students. The

stories and activities in this book are ready for student use, as defined by you the teacher. Some of the

different ways these stories and questions could be used are:

• Literature Circles • Daily Openers/Classroom Starters • Class Discussions • Buddy Class Activities • Reflective Journal Entries • A-B Partner Sharing • Mind Maps • Fishbones • Carousels • Illustrations

• Poems

Page 5

Our Students’

Hidden Heroes Part of the Our Hidden Heroes Social Responsibility/Character Education Program

Our Hidden Heroes Overview

These stories and pictures were created by students who participated in the Our Hidden Heroes

Social Responsibility/Character Education Program for Grades 1 to 8; a program that is as

powerful as it is simple -- www.ourhiddenheroes.org. Developed in Nanaimo, BC the program

has grown across the province and has now expanded into Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.

The seeds of the Our Hidden Heroes program were planted in 1975 when Bill Robinson, founder

and CEO, a Toronto radio personality at the time, encouraged his listeners who might be feeling

lonely and depressed to turn off the radio and go for a walk, dig in the garden, go shopping or

do almost anything to open up the opportunity for positive change.

The phone rang almost immediately. It was a man who wanted Bill to know he had heard the

suggestion, and was getting dressed to go for a walk. He also mentioned that because he had

lost his job some months before, he was being threatened with eviction and had eaten very little

in the past several days.

A week later that same man called back to report “a series of minor miracles.”

He had gone for his walk as promised and, near the Royal York Hotel, met a man who was in

town for a conference. The visitor took him into a room where one wall was lined with tables

full of food. Not only was he invited to eat his fill, but was given a doggy bag that fed him for

the next several days.

Before leaving, he met another man who arranged a job interview for him. He was hired that

Wednesday and because of the job was able to borrow money, buy food and pay some of his

rent. He was calling to say “thank you.”

That “thank you” led to Bill’s first and only mission statement: “to motivate those we reach to

seek out and activate the best in themselves and others.” That mission statement is the

foundation for the Our Hidden Heroes social responsibility/character education program.

Bill has since tried to find that man, who has no idea what that simple thank you has inspired.

This story is a great example of how each of us can make a difference in our families,

communities and beyond – a lesson we try to teach with the Our Hidden Heroes learning


Bill left his broadcasting career and moved to B.C. in the mid 1990s. He soon missed his media

“soapbox,” his outlet for inspiring others, so he started a local Hidden Heroes newspaper

column and later a Hidden Heroes television feature with Shaw TV. Since then, he has

highlighted over 400 Hidden Heroes, people who consistently do small things that make a

difference in their families, communities and places of work.

Page 6

In April 2001, Bill began to think about expanding beyond the media to develop a set of lesson

plans for schools. At that point he decided to form the Hidden Heroes Education Society and in

early 2002, with the support of two teachers, created a Hidden Heroes webquest. This was later

developed into a set of lesson plans which were extremely well-received by students, teachers,

and administrators.

A few years later, the B.C. Ministry of Education’s District Review Team deemed the program a

“promising practice that should be further developed.” By the summer of 2006, with financial

support from School District #68 and many local businesses including Sprott-Shaw Community

College, we were able to recruit a development team of four exceptional teachers – Kirsten

Verhoeven (M.Ed.), Laura Harrison (M.Ed.), Terri Zolob (B.Ed.), and Dolores Gottenberg (D.Ed.).

That summer Bill, Kirsten and Dolores took the first steps toward developing a series of lesson

plans for grades 1-8 that have been well-received in schools in B.C., Alberta, Ontario and


This story is an excellent example of the impact one simple “thank you” can have. It

dramatically changed Bill’s life and career and thanks to the power of the media and now the

Our Hidden Heroes program who knows how many thousands of lives that “thank you” will

touch. As we say, “Small things often make a big difference.”

Principles of the Hidden Heroes Program

• Small things done consistently can make a big difference.

• It’s not the one in a million superheroes that make the biggest difference in this

world, it’s the millions of Hidden Heroes; ordinary people who consistently do small

positive things that make a difference.

• We are surrounded by many more Hidden Heroes than hidden crooks

• We can become more powerful, effective people by emulating the Hidden Heroes

(positive role models) that surround us.

• No matter how old, young, weak or strong, we all have the power to make this

world a better place, one person, one family, one community at a time.

• Thanks to the ripple effect, our Hidden Heroes actions often can make a big

difference for people we have never and will never meet.

• Because each of us can make a difference in the world, we have a responsibility to

do so.

• Small consistent acts of kindness are doable, but they are not always easy. That’s

when persistence is essential.

• A simple thank-you encourages others to do even more of the positive things for

which we thanked them. It’s also a good idea to acknowledge ourselves for things

we do well.

• It’s important to maintain a positive attitude and surround ourselves with positive

supportive friends.

* “Curriculum Subject Areas,” British Columbia Ministry of Education,

http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/irp/irp.htm (September 14, 2009).

Page 7

Name: _____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Paige

Grade 3 – SD 68 My Great Papa’s name is Ralph Cook Wilson and he was born in England in 1906. He moved to Canada, by himself, when he was seventeen. Great Papa worked in the coal mines in Nanaimo and after the coal mines was a fisherman. He also worked for the Pacific Biological Station. Until he was 101, he enjoyed gardening, lawn bowling, hunting and fishing. My Great Papa still went moose hunting when he was 100! When he was 101, he fell and broke his hip, so now he lives at Dufferin Place Nursing Home where he gets extra help. My Great Papa is amazing to me because he is now 102 years old and still keeps busy visiting and participating in games and activities. He loves me and my sister so very much and we love him too!!!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• What characteristics and qualities does Paige’s Great Papa Ralph show that make him different from others his age?

• How do you think he might have developed these characteristics?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Journey

Grade 3 - Summit Learning Centre, Mission B.C.

Hi my name is Journey. I am eight-years-old and I think I am a hero. When I was born I had a stroke. The doctors did not know until I was 5 months old. That was when I had my first brain surgery to put a shunt into my brain. The doctors did not know if I would survive and if I did, they did not know what my life would be like. They told my mum and dad that I may never walk, and that I may never talk. They did not know if I would ever ride a bike. So my mum and dad decided to let me be and do whatever I put my mind to. Eventually I did learn to walk and talk, and just last year, I learned to ride a two wheel bike. I felt very proud of myself. Some of the things I can do that the doctors said I wouldn’t be able to do are skiing, bike riding, writing, singing, dancing and swimming. My family and friends say that I am brave and have a lot of courage. I feel brave, but this is just who I am. I just had my sixth surgery and I spend a lot of time at Children’s Hospital. Children’s is filled with many Hidden Heroes. In my mind the Hidden Heroes are the doctors that save our lives, the nurses that give us our medicine, and the children who are fighters. Even the Starbucks people who make us smile and the people who cheer us up are Hidden Heroes. I think it is important to share my story with others because it will help them know that if they face something scary, that they will have the courage to get through it too. Some days I feel sad and left out, because I feel different. But then I think of the words from my favorite song, from

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 9

the movie “Annie”. It goes like this “The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow...there’ll be sun. Just thinking about tomorrow, clears away the cob webs and the sorrows ‘til there’s none. When I’m stuck with a day that’s grey and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say… the sun will come out tomorrow so you gotta hang on ‘til tomorrow come what may. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ‘ya tomorrow. You’re only a day away.” Being a hero does not mean that you have to save someone’s life or jump from tall buildings. There are heroes all around us. One of the heroes in my life is my Auntie Rachel. She is fighting cancer and is so brave. She keeps smiling everyday and does not complain. She even lost her hair and looked so beautiful. She has done a lot for me. She prays for me and she encourages me to keep smiling even when I do not feel like it. We understand each other. I am thankful she is in my life. So as you can see, I think there are many ways to be a hero. I will keep smiling, keep fighting and keep sharing my story so other people can be heroes just like me.

Artist Emilie: My Hidden Hero is my cat because she cuddles me when I am sick.

• How do you think Journey successfully made it through the difficult times in her life?

• What positive qualities in her personality might have helped her overcome so many obstacles?

• How might her life be different if she did not have those characteristics?

Page 10

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Anna

Grade 3/4 - SD 85 My hero is my mom because she went back to work so she can help my family. She helps out the school and the teachers. She helps people in PAC. She helps birds by saving them from my cat. She helps people too. She buys food to feed me and she buys clothes for me. She is my mom. That makes her special.

Artist Chloey: My Hidden Hero is my mom because she cooks me dinner.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• What characteristics from the Hidden Heroes descriptors list (page 98), or the Virtues program, does Anna’s mom have that make her a Hidden Hero?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Cheyenne

Grade 3/4 - SD 85

My Hidden Heroes are my mom, my best friend Katya and me. We have saved 3 animals, 2 birds, and a cat. One day I came home from school and my mom was taking care of a bird!!! I asked her where she got it and she said she found it outside. She said it couldn’t fly and it was limping. It was a robin. We named it Robby. We fed it worms and gave it water and it seemed pretty healthy! I think we did a pretty good job. My mom also found another bird that was hurt. We still couldn’t tell if it was a boy or a girl so we named it GB. We kept it in our basement and fed it worms and water too. After a while of resting and eating he was already flying everywhere. We kept it a little longer and then we let GB go. He was a healthy little bird after that. And then… about two days later we had a cat scratching at our door and meowing. So one day my friend Katya and me let it in the house and gave it food and water. We found the collar and called that number. They said they kicked it out of the house because it was a very annoying cat. They said that we could give this cat to Katya’s family. They took very good care of her. They named her Mischka. That is Russian for mouse. Now that cat is safe and healthy. That is why my mom, Katya, and I are my Hidden Heroes

• List the feelings one of the animals might have had who was helped by Cheyenne, her mom, and Katya.

• Write a thank you note from one of these saved animals to Cheyenne, her mom and Katya describing the difference their actions made.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 12

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Heather

Grade 3/4 - SD 85 My Hidden Hero is Jackie. Jackie is my hero because she helps my class learn all about the environment. Jackie is a marine biologist. She believes she can make a difference. She does not believe she can make the whole difference, but she believes she can help. Jackie helps us learn what WE can do to help the environment. She teaches us what we can tell our parents to teach them about helping the environment. She also came into our classroom and acted out people who are nature lovers and who thought they were not causing the problem and all the other people were. But it turns out they were all part of the problem. An example of what WE can do is talk to the teachers about reducing, reusing and also recycling. Also talk to your parents about reducing, reusing and recycling. Jackie has done so much for our classroom. Over a period of eight years, she has brought fifty Coho salmon to our class, but this year we got one hundred Coho salmon. That is why my Hidden Hero is Jackie.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Heather’s Hidden Hero, Jackie, taught Heather and her class how they could help the environment. Describe the ripple effect that might occur if Heather taught her family and friends about helping the environment, and those people each taught two or three others and so on.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Summer

Grade 3/4 - SD 85 My Hidden Hero is my dad. My dad works at Western Forest Products. At Sea View school in the grade 3/4 class we have Coho salmon. One afternoon, my friend Heather and I saw that some fish were sick so Mrs. Henderson, our teacher, called my dad at work to tell him something was wrong with the fish. When the bell rang my dad came and took the sick fish out of the tank and kept the rest of the fish in the tank. After school me, Heather, and my dad went to where we released the fish and released all the sick fish. Then we took all the rocks and trees out of the tank and boiled them. After that we put them away because they had fungus and bacteria on them and we think that is why the fish were getting sick. That is why my dad is my Hidden Hero because he saved our fish.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Summer’s dad is her Hidden Hero because he used his knowledge of the environment to help sick fish at Summer’s school. Has a volunteer ever made a difference at your school? What difference did they make?

• Have you ever told a volunteer at your school how they made a difference? If you have not yet, will you?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Virginia

Grade 4 - SD 35 My Hidden Heroes are my grandparents, Peter and Diane Nikkel. From the time I was little, my Grandma Diane has always been there for me. Babysitting when my parents are out, having sleepovers at her house, and puzzle contests are just some of the things my Grandma and I do together. Having a Grandma and Grandpa living in White Rock is a big help for my parents and it means my siblings and I get to see our Grandparents more often.

In January, my grandparents drove to Mexico to teach Mexicans English and they are coming back sometime in June so I can’t wait to see them again. They have also been foster parents to more than thirty children over the years and do a lot to serve their community. In fact, my Grandpa Peter is also a pastor and dedicated me as a baby in our church. Grandpa Peter takes us out to delicious restaurants like Swiss Chalet or Montana’s when he baby sits us.

My Grandparents are my Dad’s parents and they are so nice and I love them. My Grandma Diane has girl nights where my sister, my cousin Charlotte and I go to my Grandma’s to sleepover on some weekends. Right now my Grandparents are in Mexico but we still get phone calls and emails.

My Grandparents are very special and that’s why I love them!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Why do you think Virginia feels so good when she spends time with her grandparents?

• Explain how Virginia’s grandparents might impact other people’s lives by serving their community?

Page 15

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Laura

Grade 4 - SD Peace River North

One day Sarena was playing on the playground and she saw Jessica playing by herself. She went up to her and said, “Do you have any friends?”

“No.” said Jessica.

“Do you want to play with me?” Sarena asked.

“Sure,” said Jessica.

Then they played with each other every day. They felt proud of themselves because they each had a new best friend.

Artist Samatha: My Hidden Hero is Emily because she plays with me at recess.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• How did Sarena impact Jessica’s life when she asked Jessica to play with her?

• Use the Hidden Heroes descriptors list (page 98) or the Virtues Program to describe the qualities of a good friend.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Dustin

Grade 4 - SD Peace River North My Hidden Hero is our bus driver, Mr. Klassen. One morning, Brendan was going to school on the bus and there was a boy who was pushing him around. He was not happy so he told the bus driver Mister Klassen. Then Mister Klassen told him to stop bugging and pushing Brendan around. The boy was embarrassed because he is not related to Mr. Klassen. People don’t like getting embarrassed because if someone heard you, they might think you are crazy. Brendan was really happy. And the boy never bugged him ever again.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Mr. Klassen is a hero to Dustin because he stopped a boy from being bullied. What would you do if you saw someone being bullied?

• How could being bullied have made Brendan feel? • What is the difference between telling and tattling?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sarah

Grade 4 - SD Peace River North One time I went to Deborah’s house. I had homework, Katrina had home reading and she couldn’t read by herself. I had some trouble with my home work, and Deborah had her home work all done. First she helped me with my home work. Then she helped Katrina with her home reading. When all of us were done, we went to play. Next time I had home work I couldn’t go to Deborah’s house. So I had to do my home work all alone. When I got to school the next day, I got some answers wrong. When I got home work again we were invited to Deborah’s house for supper. I took my home work with me and we went to Deborah’s house. When I went to school again I got almost all my answers right. I think I am lucky to have a friend like Deborah. I felt very happy that Deborah helped me so much with my home work. Katrina felt happy to.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Think of a specific example of something one of your friends is struggling with (like homework, sports or playing music). What could you do to help them?

• How would that make you feel to help your friends do well in an activity with which they are struggling?

• If they became good at whatever you helped them with, do you think it might help them do better with other things in their life? Give specific examples.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Gertruda

Grade 4 - SD Peace River North George Wall is a Hidden Hero because he can weld with one eye and half of his head is plastic and he still has to go for tests to make sure he is all right. Now he has sinus infection. He has seven children and his wife to look after.

Artist Keaton: My Hidden Hero is my dad because he is building my family a new house.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Do you agree with Gertruda that George Wall is a Hidden Hero? Why?

• What motivated George to overcome so many obstacles and still go to work every day to earn money by welding?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Robert

Grade 4 - SD Peace River North Once there was a Hidden Hero named Geoffrey. One day it was the final hockey and broomball tournaments in town. We made it in to the finals with the other Prespatou team and we won! Geoffrey scored three goals and then he would set up plays for the younger kids to score. He set up plays for the bigger kids too. When Geoffrey helped set up plays the rest of the team felt happy. We won 7.0! Geoffrey helped other people.

Artist Riley: My Hidden Hero is Bruce because he helps me up when I fall.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Why do you think Geoffrey set up plays so that other kids could score when he could have scored even more goals himself? Does that make him a Hidden Hero? Why?

• What do you think other kids learned from his example? • Could those lessons be valuable outside the rink? Give examples.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sophia

Grade 4 - SD 68 I picked my pastor, Shauna, to be my Hidden Hero for many reasons. She is very generous and kind toward me. Right now my family does not have oodles of money, so she is helping to send me to camp. We are having a bake sale to raise money to help kids there. She has also acted like a counselor toward me. When I am feeling sad, she talks to me to make me feel better. She is a lovely person and helps a lot of people.

Artist Jayden: My Hidden Hero is my mom because she lets me have friends over after school.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• How do you think Sophia’s Hidden Hero, Shauna, feels when she helps Sophia and her family?

• Write a pretend thank you card from Sophia to Shauna describing how Sophia felt to have Shauna’s help.

Page 21

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Carlene

Grade 4 - SD 68 My Hidden Hero is my aunt Denise Bigelow. She is a hero because she always helps raise money for people who have cancer by running marathons and such. She had cancer and she had the treatment to cure it. Because of the chemotherapy all of her hair fell off. A little while later, most of it grew back and now it is fine. However, she had cancer about five years ago. My aunt is very generous. It is very kind when she offers for me to come to her cabin; well it is a lake with other people’s trailers. She is very loyal and special to me. I love her so much. Well that is my Hidden Hero story.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Denice Bigelow, Carlene’s Hidden Hero, has survived a serious illness and now works fundraising to help other people who battle cancer.

• Put yourself in the position of someone who is sick with cancer. Describe how Denice, a cancer survivor, could be a positive role model, a Hidden Hero, to you and others who might be battling cancer.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Emmalee

Grade 4/5 - SD 68

My Hidden Hero is my friend Andy. His Mom is in a bicycle ride called the ride to conquer cancer. Let me tell you some more about that. My friend Andy just had a birthday party and it was really fun, but that’s not the point. He asked for money instead of presents, but he didn’t keep the money. He donated it to raise money for cancer research. The ride to conquer cancer is a ride to conquer cancer as you would have guessed by the title of it. He gave up his birthday money to donate to cancer research. It worked out great and I thought it was a great idea. He ended up getting over $150. WOW! And he donated it all to cancer research. To me my friend Andy will always be a Hidden Hero!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Where do you think Andy might have got his idea to donate his birthday present money to cancer research?

• Why do you think he was motivated to do that? • Do you think Andy’s decision to ask for money rather than birthday presents might affect any of his friends?

Page 23

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Mattias

Grade 4/5 - SD 69

Hidden Heroes are not super heroes like you see on TV, but regular every day people. They could be friends or strangers, rich people or poor people. Hidden Heroes are people who help out for no reward or money they just do because it makes them feel good.

My school has a lot of Hidden Heroes, like one of my friends; he always wants to do jobs.

Now I’m going to tell you about a Hidden Hero that helps me a lot. He is my dad. My dad and mom always help me when I have something I need help with. My dad is in a wheel chair because he broke his back in a snowboarding accident. But he still helps me with stuff, especially science projects.

Last year I had one week to do a project because my partner, “Austin”, not saying any names here, decided to go solo. So my dad helped me get it done. And in one week I had the best project ever! So there’s my story about Hidden Heroes.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Mattias explains that his dad is always there to help him even though he has his own challenges to overcome. Does that make his dad a Hidden Hero? Why? Why not?

• Do you know anyone who has personal challenges and works hard to do their very best? If you do, have you ever told them that you admire them? If not when will you? How will you?

• Who would you go to if you needed support or help from someone, and why would you go to them?

Page 24

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sarah

Grade 4/5 - SD 69 My Hidden Hero is Mark, our school janitor. He’s my Hidden Hero because he is very responsible for what he does. He is never late on the job, and he’s nice just like my teacher Miss. T which is a good thing. But best of all he has a rocking, talking sense of humour. Mark has always been there when someone was feeling like they were left out or not feeling too well. This is how he puts a smile on their face, by telling them a funny joke, acting and lots of other funny stuff. Another good thing is that the washrooms are always clean!! THE END

Artist Olivia: My Hidden Hero is my mom because she helps me clean up any mess.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• What characteristics from the Hidden Heroes descriptors list (page 98), or the Virtues program, does Mark have that make him a Hidden Hero?

• Write a pretend thank you card to Mark for being such a strong role model, a Hidden Hero. Tell him how you plan to put the lessons you have learned from him into action in your life.

Page 25

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sarah #2

Grade 4/5 - SD 69

Hi my name is Sarah and my Hidden Hero is my grandfather. I think he’s a Hidden Hero because he worked with horses when he was younger. Even though he didn’t really like his job he put a lot of effort into it plus he only got one dollar a day and he worked for six hours. Imagine that, seriously imagine that! He was also pretty brave because those horses could kick him in the face at any time. He also helped with the shoeing, to make the horses feel better, even though he got injured by one of them, he liked his job. Well I’m pretty sure. Anyway he is also a great grandpa too! He likes blackberries and he makes blackberry wine out of them, and he loves summertime. He also is a joker oh, and he loves taking me on bike rides and he’s almost eighty-years-old! I think that my grandpa can be a Hidden Hero. Another time he helped me do cartwheels and helped me walk. I think that my grandpa is my Hidden Hero.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Sarah’s grandfather helped put horse shoes on horses, even though he was injured doing this.

• Using the Hidden Heroes list of descriptors (page 98) or the Virtues Program choose at least five words that could be used to describe Sarah’s grandfather.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Spencer

Grade 4/5 - SD 69 One of my many Hidden Heroes is my mom, and this is the wonderful thing she did. One day, my mom decided to hang out with some special needs people. She thought of an idea to make them happy by taking them to a bowling alley every Sunday. She even paid for them. My mom did it for the enjoyment, and because before she took them bowling they had no friends. She then learned how to respect the differences of special needs people. That is how my mom made a difference in a few people’s lives.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Describe how the special needs people, who Spencer’s Mom took bowling, might have felt because they went bowling.

• How do you think this might have made their lives better outside of the bowling alley?

• Spencer’s Mom made a special effort to take these people bowling. This is a wonderful gift. What do you think she might have received in return?

• What do you get when you do something special for someone else and how does that make you feel?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sterling

Grade 4/5 - SD 69 There was a group of Hidden Heroes where I used to live. Every Thanksgiving in Calgary there was this group that would set up a dinner for people to come together. They would set up for hours getting everything ready from the bible to food. They cooked everything you could think of: pie, cranberry sauce (homemade☺), homemade bread, and turkey! So many people were pleased with the meal that they helped clean the kitchen. Those people were Hidden Heroes too to the people that were Hidden Heroes! ☺ The best thing about them was that they all cared about others. They spent tons of money for this occasion but, they did not care because they know they did something good. We all knew they put a lot of care into this no matter how long it might have taken. I don’t think there is a nicer group in the entire world!!! That is why I chose them as my Hidden Heroes.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Pretend you are a person from Mars who landed on earth to learn about human beings and take your report back to your fellow Martians.

• List the positive human attributes you would include in your report – See page 98.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Tanner

Grade 4/5 - SD 69 My Hidden Hero is my uncle because he is the one who is teaching me how to play the guitar. He has been playing for thirty-six-years, and he also bought me the guitar, amp, and pedal. He also wrote his own song called ‘Feel the Thunder’! He also raised money for charity, the same one that I did. It’s called Variety, the Children’s Charity. He raised $296 and he’s a generous man most of the time. He gave $50 dollars to a man on the street. And when he was young he used to do odd jobs around Budapest, Hungary. He was a Hidden Hero to the village of Budapest, Hungary; and he is a Hidden Hero to me because he is making my dream come true and I love him.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Tanner’s uncle spends time helping others by doing odd jobs and raising money for charity.

• What odd jobs could you do to help someone else or some cause? Who would that person be or what cause would it be?

• Will you do that job to help another? If so, when?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Anika

Grade 4/5 - SD 68 He taught me everything I know about the good things people do for the environment, community, and the world. That person is my Hidden Hero. His name is Graeme Bailey. Graeme helps out the environment every day when he walks his dog by picking up litter. Some days he even plants half a dozen tree seeds! Graeme also uses eco-friendly light bulbs, and saves water to help the environment too. He supports the community by helping out with food drives, having bake sales, and also giving huge donations to all of the hospitals on the island. Graeme gives all of the money that is raised to cancer research. Many people benefit from his kind donations. The world even relies on him because every year Graeme sends 500 dollars to people in need. He also assists the world by helping the sad homeless people that are living out on the cold wet streets. Graeme builds small shelters, gives a lot of food to them, and loves them like family. Graeme Bailey is a Hidden Hero as we all could be if we pitched in and took time to help the people who need it.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Anika’s Hidden Hero, Graeme, chooses to do good deeds to help others every day.

• What good deed could you do every day, and how would that impact those you help? When will you do your good deeds?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Lincoln

Grade 5 - SD 35

Rob Richardson is a favorite grade five teacher in Langley. When he is not in the classroom, he loves soccer and helps out in the community. One time, after a bad winter storm had blown over our fences and many trees on our property, Rob organized a group of people from our church to come help us pull down the broken fences and cut up the trees.

It was a very rainy day but over twenty five people came to help. It was a big encouragement to my parents. He has done things like this for many families. He has helped build decks for a single mom, and fixed a backyard for a struggling young family.

Rob also loves soccer. His students have gym every day and think he is very fun. Rob saw a need in his home town of Aldergrove as there are a lot of Mexicans who come up each summer to work at local farms. Rob has organized soccer games for them every other week and now our church brings dinner so the Mexicans get dinner and a good game of soccer. I think it’s cool how he has helped make them feel very welcome in Canada.

These are just some of the reasons Rob Richardson is my Hidden Hero.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• How do you think Rob’s actions made the people he helped feel?

• Why do you think Rob did these nice things for people he did not know?

• What personal qualities do you think Rob has that make him a Hidden Hero? Can you describe these personality traits?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Keegan

Grade 5 - SD 54 My Hidden Hero is my great grandpa. His name is Francis Gleason. He has been helping the Telegraph Creek police and the community for years. Now he is the caretaker of the old police station. He used to live in a place called Cassiar, B.C., Canada, now shutdown, where he was a heavy-duty mechanic. He owned his own company called the Trina Anne Excursions. His business included a tow truck, a bus line, and jet boats. The main business of the Trina Anne Excursions was the jet boats. His business was in Telegraph Creek B.C. on the Stikine River. What makes my great grandpa the king of the Stikine River, is that he knows the river like he knows the road to Telegraph. Also he has the ability to read water. I heard a long time ago he helped the fire station with his six-wheeler, because he had all his tools on it. In the past, before the fire station, he helped with his equipment and experience. My great grandpa always helped his community through leadership, knowledge and wanting to help improve the place he lived. He is retired from his business now but he still helps out in his home town. My mom was raised from birth by my great grandparents. My grandma’s name is Anne Gleason. My great grandpa also named his biggest jet boat Trina Anne, after my mom, Trina Anne Gleason. The cool thing about his business was there was a Trina Anne Excursions hockey trophy for the best Atoms division goalie, in Cassiar Minor Hockey. My dad won that trophy two years in a row.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 32

In Telegraph my great grandpa owned a hockey team called the Trina Anne Excursions. I was given my great grandpa’s Tahltan name A-chan-tah. Now we share the same name and I am fifth generation to have it.

Artist Kaden: My Hidden Hero is my grandpa because

he fought in World War Two.

• Keegan’s great grandpa, Francis, has helped his community in a variety of ways. What characteristics from the “Hidden Heroes Descriptors” list or the Virtues Program, might Francis have that make him such a well-rounded, helpful person?

• Why do you think Francis is such an important role model to Keegan?

• Who in your life would you consider to be an important role model for you?

Page 33

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Anna

Grade 5 - SD 54 My Hidden Hero is my best friend Morgan Ryan. She is always helping me up when I am down and even when I am wearing a smile she knows when something is wrong. She stands up to bullies and knows when it is time to STOP. She says sorry when she does not need to and is very encouraging with sports. Morgan and I have been friends since grade three and ever since she has helped me with numerous things. Some of her ‘special features’ are laughing at stuff she did yesterday or even three years ago.☺☺ She has all sorts of special features and I am not going to name them all. Being best friends with Morgan means LOTS of fights. Oddly Morgan seems to find some sort of way to solve them with her ‘special features’. Morgan is my best friend and she always will be NO MATTER WHAT!!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Anna describes her best friend Morgan as her Hidden Hero because of the special features or characteristics she has.

• Anna explains how she and Morgan fight sometimes, but they always find a way to resolve their arguments. Select characteristics from the Hidden Heroes Descriptors List (page 98) or the Virtues Program that someone might have if they were good at resolving arguments?

• What steps have you taken to stop fighting with someone in the past? Did they work? How could you improve on them if they did not work well?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Trent

Grade 5 – SD 54 When I think of a Hidden Hero I think of Nicholas. I think he is a Hidden Hero because if someone has no friends or they are ‘unpopular’, he becomes friends with them, so they have someone to have over or to play with on the playground. Now a lot of people like the people who Nick became friends with. He is a good friend to me as well because we like to do the same things. He is fun and friendly. Nick enjoys having people over and is very loyal to anyone he meets. Nick is a very good role model to be friends with because he is a very good person to be around.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Describe how an unpopular person might feel after Nick became friends with them.

• What difference might that make in their life? • Using what you have learned in the Our Hidden Heroes program or the Virtues Program list as many characteristics as you can that make Nick a Hidden Hero – See page 98.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Tamikah

Grade 5 - SD 34 My Hidden Hero is my father, Willis Otanga. He is a caring and thoughtful person. He helps the poor people in Africa. Recently, he went to Africa to finish a church my Uncle was building. He was half way done the project when he died. It was a very sad day for our family. My dad immediately knew what he had to do and he decided to take a trip to Africa to finish what his brother had started. My father and some of his friends went to Africa to finish the church. When they were there my father also built some wells for the people. In this area of Kenya there were few wells and everyone used the river. One of the wells was located at the church that he helped build. My dad was there for a couple of weeks then he finished building the church and the wells. The people there were so excited and grateful to my father. My dad is a hero no matter what anyone says. When I grow up I would like to be just like him. He is a good role model for others. To this very day my dad still sends money to Africa each month.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow. .

• Why do you think Tamikah’s father carried on the good deeds her uncle had begun in Africa?

• Do you think it had anything to do with the kind of man her uncle was and the way he lived his life?

• How does a Hidden Hero like Willis differ from the types of heroes seen in movies and on TV?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Kayley

Grade 5 - SD 68 My Hidden Hero is my teacher, Mr. Grey, because he spends lots of time helping kids learn. He makes me work very hard especially in math and never lets me or other kids give up on what they are working on. He is very persistent and patient. He is also kind because he started an O’ Ambassadors’ Club where we raised money to build a school in Africa. Last year I was in his class and we raised money as well and sent Mr. grey there. He traveled to Africa to teach teachers math. He is also my Hidden Hero because he makes us work hard then takes us on big field trips. Thank you Mr. Grey.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Why is Kayley’s teacher, Mr. Grey, her Hidden Hero? • Who in your school is a Hidden Hero and why? • Do you think their actions might affect people beyond your school, like Mr. Grey’s and his students have done?

• You don’t have to start a big project like building a school in Africa to be a Hidden Hero. Can you think of a small thing that might start a ripple effect that could make a big difference? For instance, think of one person starting to pick up garbage on the way to school. Then imagine their friends starting to do the same thing, and then their friends join in, and so on and so on.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Carly

Grade 5 - SD 68 My Hidden Hero is my mom, Judy Powers. She helps me with my homework, teaches drama classes, and takes us to do fun things when she can. In the summer she sets up a big pool in our front yard, and a slip and slide down the hill. We use way too much dish soap and most of the time she does not mind. My mom means so much to me because she does so many things with me in her spare time like playing tennis and badminton, watching movies, and baking. She is caring, kind, loving, loyal, supportive, and much more. My mom helps with directing plays for our class and she cleans … a lot! Sometimes she cleans all day while my sister and I are in school and I think I could help more. My mom pays for my sister and me to go to Calgary almost every summer. It costs a lot so my dad helps a bit too. Her job is taking care of a special need girl named Becky. This job takes up a lot of time, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. My mom is always busy with her unless Becky is at one of her programs. I know my mom is under lots of stress. To me she is truly a Hidden Hero and I’m going to try and return the favor. She’s my mom and she’s a hero to me!

See questions on next page

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 38

Artist Talon: My Hidden Hero is my mom because she helps me with my school work.

• Carly’s mom, Judy, is her Hidden Hero because she does many small things with her and for her everyday.

• Do you think writing this story was Carly’s way of thanking her mom? How do you think her mom felt when she read it?

• Do you have a Hidden Hero who helps you every day? • Have you thanked that person recently? How could you thank them?

Page 39

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Gabby

Grade 5 - SD 68

This is my Hidden Hero report. Usually I would write about my mom or dad but this time I was inspired. My inspiration and Hidden Hero is my nana, Paulette Nelson.

My nana has made a very big impact on my life. My nana is a very giving lady. She comes to my house while my mom is at work and does laundry, cleans, tidies our house, and helps with our pets. My nana also helps with charities. She is retired, and she still does volunteer work with the Red Cross, and Coats for Kids.

My nana does a lot for me. She says she does it for the feeling she gets when she helps someone. My nana drives me to my sports, get-togethers, parties, school, and many other places. My nana helps me with my homework and projects; she likes to know that I am doing well. She really makes a difference in my life.

She is an amazing woman and I could go on and on about her but I have to end my letter. My Hidden Hero is my nana and that was my Hidden Hero Report.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Gabby’s Hidden Hero is her grandmother, Paulette, because of the positive impact she has had on her life. What do you think is the one most important thing Paulette has done for Gabby? Why did you choose that?

• Imagine how Gabby’s mom might feel about her mom, Paulette, helping to clean her house while she is at work. Pretend you are Gabby’s mom and write a thank you card to Paulette.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Bradley

Grade 5 - SD 68 My Hidden Hero is my Papa Duck. Papa Duck is a very community minded individual. He is a city councilor and has been since nineteen eighty, around twenty nine years. He is also a life member of the Ladysmith Kinsmen club. Being involved in the club has granted the town with many projects which include the Big Park at Brown Drive, the Kinsmen shelter at Transfer Beach, the spray park, and the two parks that are also at Transfer Beach. They also put on the parade for Ladysmith Days. That is just a few to tell about. Ladysmith Festival of Lights is world renowned for its spectacular show of Christmas lights which my Papa Duck was instrumental in organizing right up to today. My Papa Duck has also won the Citizen of the year for Ladysmith. That was such an honour for him. My Papa enjoys helping people and being very involved in his community. I love to hang out with my papa. We love to go golfing and he takes me camping. We love to look for eagles. My Papa takes me to many events which instill the gratitude of hard work and a deep appreciation for his community minded heart. I love to work with my Papa because I can learn a lot from him and it gives me pride in the work I do. So in closing my Papa Duck is my Hidden Hero because he NEVER complains about all the work he does, he always has a smile on his face, and he is always happy when he knows that the community is having fun.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 41

Thank you for everything you do, you are my hero. Papa I love you. [Editor’s note: Duck’s given name is Don but he has been known as “Duck” since his school days.

Artist Luke: My Hidden Hero is my dad.

• Papa Duck, Bradley’s grandpa, is Bradley’s hero because he contributes so much to the community he lives in.

• Imagine you are Papa Duck going for a walk beside a playground and watching families and children using the swings and spray park you helped build. Describe how you would feel.

• Name one small thing you could do to make your favourite playground even better. Could you become a role model for younger children? What would you do to be a role model?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Miguel

Grade 5/6 - SD Peace River North

My Hidden Heroes are my parents. Their names are Joy and Jon Hermida. They are very caring and playful. They forgive me if I do something wrong. They respect me and I respect them.

My dad works at the care home and cares for people that live there. My mom is a home care worker. She goes to a group home and takes cares of people.

When we were in my country my dad came here to Canada to take care of people in the care home, even though he missed us, he did this for the future of our family.

I remember when my parents helped me on my homework because I could not do it myself. They always take care of me if I’m sick. They’re always beside me if I have problems.

I am thankful for my parents because they are my Hidden Heroes and I am happy for that. Because of them I have learned to be a caring and joyful person. Learning this has made me helpful and caring for others too.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• What did Miguel’s father have to give up when he moved to Canada to help build a better future for his family?

• Read the story again. What do you think are the most important lessons Miguel has learned from his parents?

• Do you think they taught Miguel those lessons by telling him what do, or showing him by the way they lived their lives?

• What do you think is the best way to teach important life lessons to people you know?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Kara

Grade 5/6 - SD Peace River North

A Hidden Hero is a normal person who makes a difference. Sometimes I am a Hidden Hero.

I have bad hearing so I have to wear hearing aids. I have had nine surgeries, eight of which were with needles. I am also helpful around my house, my school and the community. I am adventurous: I always want to explore. I am always joyful with friends and family. I am friendly and always want to meet new people. I am a good listener, even though I have to wear hearing aids.

I have not given up even when it is hard. I have learned to live with the fact that I will not know if or when my ear problems will get better. I have also learned a few things to avoid, such as water.

One time I could not sleep because I had a horrible ear ache. It was around twelve o’clock in the night. I kept screaming, so my parents gave me some medicine. I still continue to have some nights like that but fewer of them.

My teacher has told me that I have taught her a lot and she has taught me a lot too. She has taught me that if I believe in myself, I can accomplish anything. She has told me that I may have a hard time hearing but I listen better than most people and that makes me her Hidden Hero too.

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Kara says her teacher said she has learned a lot from her. What might her teacher have learned from working with Kara?

• What could you learn from Kara that would help you be an even better person?

• What lessons has Kara’s teacher taught Kara?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Breanna

Grade 5/6 - SD Peace River North My Hidden Hero is Melody, also known as mom. She is an ordinary person like you or me, but she is no ordinary mom! She is very supporting and cannot stop loving me. She is a leader, and is very funny. My mom is always trying to make a difference in my life and she always succeeds. I can always rely on her to help me out. My mom always laughs when I get hurt. She says, “You get hurt in the funniest ways,” and that always seems to stop the waterworks. Although I sometimes want to give up, she says, “You can do it; never give up.” That inspires me to keep going. I remember the time when my mom said we should own a Joey’s Only restaurant. I saw my dad’s mouth drop. But after about a year, we ended up owning a Joey’s Only. It took a long time to get started. My mom loved her job! I also remember the time I got my mom a sweater that said LOUD AND PROUD MOM. We got that sweater because she was always the loudest person in the stands. She is my LOUD and PROUD mom and I love it! My mom makes me feel proud of myself. She loves me lots and lots and I love

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 45

her lots and lots. I am very thankful for my mom because she is so giving, loving, and supporting. I have learned a lot from my mom. She has taught me how to not lose my temper and to stand up for myself. That is my mom - my Hidden Hero!

Artist Isabel: My Hidden Hero is my cat because

she kisses me and loves me.

• Breanna’s mom, Melody, always encourages her to persevere. Assuming Breanna has learned that lesson, do you think she learned it because she was told, or was there another reason?

• Why is it important to persevere when faced with challenges?

• Next to persistence, what do you think is Breanna’s mom’s most important personal characteristic?

• Is there someone in your life who makes you feel proud? • What have they done or said to make you feel that way? • Have you told them how they make you feel? Will you? • What could you do to make someone else feel proud?

Page 46

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Ashley

Grade 5/6 - SD Peace River North My Hidden Hero is an ordinary guy that makes a lot of differences to me. He is Lane Milligan, my dad.

My dad is a very kind, respectful, hard working, honest, and an involved person. My favourite part about my dad is that when I need help and I ask him he always helps me.

There are lots of things that my dad helps me with. When I am on the ice for hockey I can always hear him cheering me on to get a goal. At the end of a game after I get changed he always says, “Good job,” and gives me a pat on the back. The first time I went on a hunting trip with him he taught me a lot of first aid. When I was first born he told me that the first words that came out of his mouth were, “She’s my new hunting partner.”

I remember one time when my dad came home from work very angry and I asked what was wrong and he would not tell me. Instead he said, “Come with me you are going to mow the lawn.” So I went with him and he taught me how to mow the lawn.

After I mowed the lawn he graded me and he said, “You got an A plus.” Then he gave me a hug and said, “I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Then he sent me to bed.

It taught me that even when my dad is angry he is always happy to teach me how to mow the lawn so he does not have to do it.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 47

I remember when my dad and I went on a hunting trip. We went river boating and we slept in a tent. The next morning we had breakfast and then we went on a hike and we got lost in the middle of the woods. The rest of the people that we were camping out with were back at camp, so we shot the gun up in the air to tell them that we were lost.

They came looking for us. After they found us we went back to camp and played a round of cards, then we went hunting. It taught me that my dad is not perfect, even if hunting is his favorite sport.

My Hidden Hero, my dad, makes me feel like I am his and only his. I love my dad and I am sure that he loves me to.

Artist Nia:

My Hidden Hero is Emilie because she is nice to me.

• Ashley seems proud of her father for not being “perfect”. What do you think of that? Is it important to try to be “perfect” all of the time, or can you learn from your mistakes?

• Think of a specific time when you were in a bad mood. What did you do? Now think of what Ashley’s father did when he “woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Could you have done something different when you were in a bad mood? Do you think you might have had a better result?

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Name: _____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Hayley

Grade 5/6 - SD Peace River North My Hidden Hero is my brother, Zack. He is just like any ordinary brother, in a unique way. He has a special personality, and to me, he is the best brother in the world. He tries to be humorous, just to make me laugh. He is always joyful and when I am sad, he tries his best to cheer me up. He is VERY playful and is always ready to play. He likes to help a lot, but sometimes it gets kind of annoying. He is giving, and whenever he makes something he always gives it to someone. Out of my whole family, Zack is the person that looks up to me the most. Usually, Zack is happy, but sometimes he says he is mad and does not like me anymore, even though I know he does not mean it. I may not like how he always wants to be around me when I have a friend over, but he is my brother and he likes meeting new people. He is the one to cheer me up and he is one of the kindest people I have met. This is the first year he is coming to watch me run. I know he will be cheering me on because he likes it when I do well. I remember a time when Zack and I were drawing pictures. Remember how I said Zack is generous? Well he drew a lot of pictures and gave them ALL to me. I have a lot of pictures scattered around my bookshelf and art drawers. He also gives most of his school projects to me. A lot of the pictures are in the trash can, but that does not mean I did not like the pictures or considered them clutter.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 49

I think it was nice of him to give those pictures to me because he could have given them to mom or dad, but instead he gave them to me.

Artist Kenya: My Hidden Hero is my friend Mady

because she plays with me.

• Zack looks up to his sister and likes to make her happy by cheering her up and giving her his drawings. What characteristics from the Our Hidden Heroes descriptors list (page 98) or the Virtues Program does Zack have that make him a good brother and friend to his sister?

• Think of a specific friend or sibling. What big or small things could you do almost every day to help him or her feel better?

Page 50

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Levi

Grade 5/6 - SD Peace River North

Sam is my best friend. He is my Hidden Hero because he makes me laugh. When I was sad when my mom was in jail, he cheered me up. Sam is like a brother to me because he always cares for me and I care for him, and even though we fight we will always be friends. Sam is a very friendly person because he gets along with all my friends. Sam also cared when I broke my wrist and he felt sad because I was hurt. Sam has a laugh that makes me laugh. Sam made me happy when my mom was out of town. Just like in the movie, “Bridge to Terribithia,” if Sam was to get hurt and he passed away, I would never want a best friend ever again because I would feel it was my fault. Sam is also a very positive person and gives off happy vibes.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Sam is Levi’s Hidden Hero because he is a supportive and caring friend. How does Sam make Levi happy, and why do you think he does that?

• Do you know someone who could use your extra support at this time? What could you do?

• If Sam got hurt and “passed away,” would it be Levi’s fault? Would it be a good thing if Levi felt it was his fault? Why? Why not?

Page 51

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Ashton

Grade 5/6 - SD 68 I would like to nominate my auntie, Vicki, who took me and my brother and sister in to live with her when I was in grade one because my mom made bad choices in her life and we needed someone to live with. She cared about us and it was not an easy job because she was going through college and had her own family to raise as well. She was a single mom who had lost her job and now had a new responsibility to foster and care for us too. She is determined to make a better life for us. She has dedicated her time to take care of us and to keep us together as a family. She likes things to be safe and she drives us around town to places we need to go and to do things. I have to wear a helmet when I ride my bike and when I am doing tricks on my bike my auntie says, “Be careful.” My auntie is happy. Every morning she wakes up with a smile on her face all happy. My auntie understands. When you talk to my Auntie Vicki about lots of things you can understand what she is saying. My auntie is helpful in our household too. She helps us with a lot of things in my house like my homework. She also helps and works for Navy League and helps me ride my bike. These are the things that are good about her and that is why I want to nominate my Auntie Vicki to be a Hidden Hero.

See questions on next page

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 52

Artist Mercedes: My Hidden Hero is Emily because she helps me colour.

• Vicki is a Hidden Hero who maintains a positive attitude and is a happy person. What characteristics from the Our Hidden Heroes descriptors list (page 98) or the Virtues Program would you most likely find in a positive person like Vicki?

• How do you think being positive could help someone be a Hidden Hero and achieve his or her goals?

Page 53

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sterling

Grade 5/6 - Peace River North SD My Hidden Hero is Wesley. We have been friends since grade three. He has a lot of good qualities. He is energetic, hard working, focused, a team player, and creative. Wesley really helps me in a lot of good ways. When I’m feeling down, he always encourages me. When I or anybody needs help, Wes is always there to help. Also, he will volunteer to do any job.

I remember one time I was out biking with Wes at the school. There was a little hill. We thought of jumping so we did. I went first, hit the jump...and CRASH! I wiped out on my bike. Wes took me to his house to clean up.

I am thankful for Wesley because he is such an awesome friend. Wes is as nice as summer breeze. Wes is my HIDDEN HERO!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Wesley encourages and helps his friend, Sterling, when he needs help and this makes him Sterling’s Hidden Hero.

• How does giving someone encouragement help them through difficult challenges?

• Describe a time when someone encouraged you when you were struggling. Explain how that helped you and how it made you feel.

Page 54

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Annamarie

Grade 6 - Peace River North SD

My Hidden Hero is Noreen Blasé, a good friend of my family. She was a very kind, gentle and forgiving woman. You could tell her how you felt and she would understand. She was honest, caring, respectful, trustworthy, truthful and confident.

Noreen helped the poor and she tried to help the environment, but mostly she helped the sick and lonely. She did everything she could to help the world.

I remember, before she died she told me a happy story that made me laugh and dance. Three days later, we were at church and she told me never to worry when she was sick and weary, not to cry when she was dying, and I said yes. Two months after that time she died.

She had made me happy, very happy. She would call and come over for tea. She would take me and my dad on nature walks, and mostly she would do whatever she could to make me proud and happy.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Go to the Hidden Heroes list of descriptors (page 98) or the Virtues Program and write down all of the characteristics you think Noreen might have that made her Annamarie’s Hidden Hero.

• Review the lists again and write down all the characteristics you feel could be used to describe you.

• Now partner with a friend. Write down all the characteristics you feel describe him or her, and have them write down the ones they feel describe you.

• Now compare the characteristics they chose to describe you with the ones you chose to describe yourself. How do you feel?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Colleen

Grade 6 - Peace River North SD

My aunt Naomi is a Hidden Hero because she is a very good hairdresser and I want to be one too, except I am not very good yet. She always encourages me and supports me. She always says, “You will get better,” or, “You can do it,” and she teaches me how to make hairdos and other things I never knew. She tells me what to put in my hair when I go to a wedding or something like that. She wants to be a really good hair dresser when she gets older even though I think she already is one. I hope she gets to be one because she is helping me with my dream so I think her dream should come true too. I always look up to her. She is also the one that really wants my dream to come true. Sure other people want my dream to come true, but not as much as she does. I think that it is really cool that some one believes in me that much. Whenever I go to their place or she comes to our place she helps me practice. Whenever it is my birthday she buys me hair stuff. Even if I never get to be a hairdresser I will always remember who got me this far. That is why she is my Hidden Hero.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Colleen’s aunt Naomi is her Hidden Hero because she encourages her to work to make her dreams come true.

• Do know anyone who you could encourage to work hard to make their dreams come true? What could you do to help them?

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Adam

Grade 6 - SD 78 One day when everyone was asleep a Hidden Hero was born. My brother Warren turned into a Hidden Hero that night. More importantly he was my Hidden Hero. At night my older brother Warren fixed my bike that was broken for three months. He fixed it when I was sleeping. No one even knew he fixed it right away. We thought my dad took it into the shop to get fixed. Warren fixes everything on my bike from the crank to the tires. I loved him for what he did for me. I rode my bike every day after he fixed it. He was my Hidden Hero. Warren came bike riding with me and helped me learn to jump because he is better than I am at jumping. After that he taught me some ground tricks but I never could figure them out. Warren kept on trying to teach me and I still couldn’t do the tricks. After thirty minutes we went street riding for a bit and then went home. Not too long ago my bike broke on me again and I gave up on it. Now I am riding a scooter until I can figure out why my bike keeps getting flats. If I fix my bike, or if my bother fixes it again and it breaks, I am going to sell it.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Do you think Warren is a Hidden Hero? Why? Why not? • Do you think there anything about Adam that might make him a Hidden Hero? Why do you think that?

Page 57

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Javen

Grade 6 - SD 78

Today I’m going to talk about a very special person. That special person is my best friend Chelsea. That person is the ONLY Hidden Hero I have.

This person has helped me twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. She helps me at school and after school. I sometimes ask her why she helps me and she says that after she helps me she feels good. When I’m talking about her I am writing or saying things I really feel about her deep down inside.

Now I’m going to tell you all the things she’s done for me. First, if my class is doing an activity she comes over and starts to help me if I am stuck. Then sometimes when we hang out we will do homework. She then checks my homework and, if something is wrong, she will tell me it is wrong and that I should try again, think about it, and write the right answer.

Chelsea is the most important person I know and will always know. I will always remember her and the things she did and she will too. I am always curious to know why she helps me, but I will never know because she always says she likes helping me. That is why she is my Hidden Hero!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• List at least 10 characteristics from the list of Hidden Heroes descriptors (page 98) you feel good friends might have?

• How is Chelsea a good friend to Javen? • Has a friend or relative ever helped you overcome something with which you were struggling?

• Have you ever helped someone in a similar way? What did you do? How did it make you feel? Would you do it again?

Page 58

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Chelsea

Grade 6 - SD 78

If someone ran up to me one day and asked, “Who is your Hidden Hero?” I would say, “My cousin Brianna.” Many people I know said their mom or dad, but when I asked them why, they did not know. Others would say, “Because they give me food and stuff”.

A Hidden Hero is someone that does little things that help out people or other living organisms. Not people that stop bombs or save the world but those who help people find their lost dog or cat. My cousin Brianna fits the description of a Hidden Hero very well inside and out.

Brianna is not an ordinary seven-year-old she is very special. When we walk through the mall or other stores the first thing she does is put her money in the donation bins and boxes. Once I even saw her give an apple to a family that lived on the street.

Brianna is trying to grow her hair ten inches then cut it off and donate it to charity to make wigs. She also donates stuff like toys, books, food, clothes and money but so do lots of other people. Do you know any kids that tell their parents I want to donate my hair to charity?

Brianna still does fun kid stuff, like games and parties, but even while doing those things she helps others out. Brianna is in swimming, soccer, girl guides, piano and she is in French Emerson grade two. She is so hard working that

she even asks for extra French books from her mom. I think Brianna is a great Hidden Hero and I love my cousin!

See questions on next page

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 59

Artist Drayden: My Hidden Hero is Bruce because he always plays with me when I am alone.

• Brianna seems to have made it a habit of thinking of others, no matter where she is or what she is doing. She also tries to be the very best person and student she can be. How do you think she came to be that way?

• Challenge yourself to think of someone else once a day. What one thing could you do on a daily basis to help someone else, and how would that affect them?

Page 60

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Rachel

Grade 6 - SD 68 My Hidden Hero is my best friend Nicole. Nicole is my Hidden Hero, because when her grandma had cancer just over two years ago, Nicole cut her hair and donated it for cancer. She also raised over one thousand dollars all on her own and donated it all to cancer research. Just this past year on February twelfth, Nicole and a few of the boys in her class, shaved their heads and donated their hair for cancer. I think Nicole has also done a lot for the community, such as sending shoeboxes filled with some essentials and toys to kids in Africa at Christmas; donating food to the food bank; and if she ever has a friend in need, they know they can always count on her.

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Nicole became a Hidden Hero to Rachel when she started raising donations for cancer. She also got other people she knew to help her fundraise.

• Why do you think the boys in Nicole’s class were willing to join her and shave their heads too? Do you think she had to keep asking them until they agreed, or might there have been another reason?

• What could you do to help others, and how could you get people you know to help you do that?

Page 61

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Nathan

Grade 6 - SD 68 I am nominating my MOM, Twila Konynenbelt, as my Hidden Hero. She is a grade seven teacher at Uplands Park School, as well as a student at VIU with her masters and a five day a week mother. She is a big part of my choir, and is part of the choir committee. Normally, someone would give up, but not my Mom. She is the most hardworking, most determined person I have ever known. She helps me with my homework, and when I forget my homework, she always has a solution. She has a big heart and uses it for everything she does. They say that when you stress, you get gray hair. If any other person would live the hectic life my Mom does, they would have grey hair all over their head! My Mom doesn’t have any gray hair. You know why? She knows how to handle stress. She is fun, strict, and overall, a good mother. She is nice to everyone around her and is a good role model towards other people. She also has a lot of friends because of her attitude. So, thank you for reading about my mother, Twila Konynenbelt, a teacher, a student, a mother, and an all around great person!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Nathan says that his mother, Twila, knows how to handle stress. How do you think she does that?

• Think of a time you felt stressful. What did you do to deal with that stress?

• What do you think you could do to improve how you handle these situations?

Page 62

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Youngmin

Grade 6 - SD 68 Hidden Heroes are those who help others and make a difference in the world. They do not boast about what they do. My Mom is my Hidden Hero. My Mom is the most important hero in my life. My family is apart and living in two groups. My Mom and I are in Canada and my Dad and brother are in South Korea. Even though we cannot see each other every day, my Mom takes care of my Dad and brother by checking if they are doing their hobbies, if they have eaten their meals and so on. I thought that this was easy to do, but apparently it is not. My brother is having a hard time with no parents in his house, because my Dad is at work a lot. My Mom makes sure that he does his homework and eats his breakfast. By only talking to our family, she is doing quite a lot of work. I often describe my Mom as a ‘talker’, or ‘problem solver’. Most people who have met my Mom and have known her for quite a long time agree with me. The reason she is a ‘talker’ or a ‘problem solver’ is because she solves other people’s problems, such as relationship problems, by talking to them. She also cheers me up when I am feeling blue, by having an hour-long conversation with me after dinner. Two of my friends’ Moms in Korea are not close right now because my Mom is not there! My Mom is trying to figure out how to make them be close again.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 63

I really admire my Mom, and respect her. She is truly a Hidden Hero, and she is also my role model. She makes a huge difference in my life, and in other’s lives. I wish I could be like her, helping others and making them better, secretly.

Artist Jesse: My Hidden Hero is my cat because he snuggles up to me and protects me.

• If you have a friend or family member living at a distance, what could you learn from Youngmin’s mother to help maintain a strong relationship with them?

• How could spending more time talking strengthen your relationship with your parents?

• How could you start a conversation today?

Page 64

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Kailey

Grade 6 - SD 68

Shelise is my Hidden Hero because she keeps working even when she’s tired. She watches other people’s kids all day, in daycare, and gives up her nights to watch other people’s kids too. She does not spend money on things she does not need and she helps her family when they need it.

Let me tell you a little more about her. Shelise is my step mom. She has five kids: a twenty three year old son, a nineteen year old son, a twelve year old daughter, a four year old son and a two year old son.

We all live in B.C., including my Dad. My step Mom stays at home all day and runs a daycare by herself with my little brothers, while my Dad is at work all day. Shelise also cooks and cleans while she is watching kids. We have a dog so she has to take care of him too. When I am sad, all I have to do is talk to her and she makes me feel better, or when one of us is hurt she makes us feel better.

My family does not always get along, so my step Mom always tries her best to help us get over our problems. My oldest brother is nineteen and he is having a hard time finding a job so my step Mom helps him and encourages him when he needs help. My step Mom is my Hidden Hero because she is special to me and a great Mom and friend to me to and everyone.

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Kailey’s Hidden Hero, Shelise, works very hard taking care of kids and running a household. What small thing could Kailey do on a daily basis to help make her step mom’s life a little bit easier?

• What small thing could you do every day to help someone in your home or school? Will you do it?

Page 65

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Eric

Grade 6 - Northern BC*

One day I wanted to play hockey but my parents told me that I was not allowed to go out. I just went and my brothers told my mother that I was in bed when I was actually playing hockey.

I played the complete game and we were victorious. I went home and sneaked in the back door. Then I went to bed so my parents would think that I had been in bed the whole time.

I have two Hidden Heroes. The heroes are my brothers because I love to play hockey and they helped me to play hockey.

(*Editor’s note: Student’s name and school district have been changed for privacy reasons.)

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Eric sees his brothers as Hidden Heroes because they helped him sneak out of the house to play hockey when he had been grounded. Do you think his brothers are Hidden Heroes? Why? Why not?

• Did Eric’s brothers make a good or a bad choice? Explain.

Page 66

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Kyra

Grade 6/7 - SD 42 This woman helps and inspires many young girls. She helps these girls to grow up to be amazing members of the community. You can see her in her Guider shirt, or with her Guide poncho on. She is just your average, ordinary 39 year old hero. Her name is Christine Mainer. Christine is an amazing Girl Guide leader, and a fantastic Spark leader. Sparks and Guides are a part of a huge organization called Girl Guides. Girl Guides is an organization that helps girls ages 5 and up grow and mature into well behaved, responsible young women. There are many Girl Guide Levels: Sparks (ages 5-6), Brownies (ages 7-8), Guides (ages 9-12), Pathfinders (ages 13-15), and Rangers (ages 16-18). Then you can become a strong leader for younger girls. When asked “Do you enjoy what you do?” Christine replied quickly, “Of course I do, I love it!” Christine enjoys “her Sparks” as she calls them. Sparks is her favorite level to lead, but she also leads one of her older daughters’ Guide groups. Christine has been a Spark leader since 2005. She loved it so very much that even now that none of her daughters are at Spark level, she continues to enjoy leading a group of Sparks at St. George's church in Maple Ridge. Christine helped her Sparks earn 9 badges; which teaches them about being kind to each other and to understand Girl Guides and themselves. “My fellow leaders and I want to make Sparks extremely fun so we play games, make crafts, and sing songs…” Christine told young reporter Kyra.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 67

Guides, on the other hand, are different. Since the girls are older, the activities are more difficult, there are more badges to earn, and the girls are more independent. “We must still supervise, approve badges (which are usually done alone), give advice, and help the girls become good citizens, as well,” explains Christine calmly.

Yes, she finds it very stressful organizing two groups, but Christine hugely adores these commitments anyway. She says that she is not sure if she wants to organize both groups next year; she may only lead one.

Christine, a Guide and Spark leader, does not think of herself as a hero, but she is because of her hard work in helping young girls strive to be heroes themselves.

• Christine loves being a Spark and Guide leader. How does her positive attitude contribute to the success her groups have earning badges and learning new skills?

• Think about an activity that you find difficult or challenging, and describe how you feel when you are doing that activity.

• How might your feelings change if you focused on thinking positive thoughts when you are doing that activity?

Page 68

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Simon

Grade 6/7 - SD 42 Every day my hero wakes up and does the same routine. She makes lunches, cleans up the kitchen, makes the huge commute to Coquitlam, in traffic, and has to deal with a late immersion grade seven class that can be kind of explosive, due to some people. My hero is my Mom. I think my Mom is a hero because she is always thinking of other people’s pleasures before herself. When asked how she feels when she does something nice for her school, Martine replied, "I feel amazing. Just last Thursday I helped a student named Mandy*. I asked Mandy what was wrong and she started crying. Of course I was shocked at how fast it all happened, but I handled the situation calmly and told her to go for a walk to calm down. Unfortunately she never came back. I checked all the bathrooms and found her on the floor crying in one of them. I stayed with her for thirty minutes calming her down. Later that week I got an e-mail from Mandy that said, 'Thank you, Madame'. I felt so amazing!” I also asked, “How do you feel when someone thanks you for doing something nice?” She replied, "I feel great that what I did made a difference! It reminds me of the importance of relationships in my job as a teacher," said Martine. And just who are some of my mom’s heroes? "Well, for one, Denise Harris.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 69

(That’s Mom’s mother-in-law.) She raised six kids all by herself. My second heroes are the doctors who help people in poor countries as volunteers. My last would have to be people who give up their time to work in orphanages." `My last question for Mom was: what is your definition of a hero? "Well, somebody who does a completely unselfish act," she said. Looking at this interview, I think we can all agree that my mom is someone who we can all look up to. This is why I believe my Mom is a hero. *Name changed for privacy.

Artist Bruce: My Hidden Hero is Drayden because he helps me learn.

• Simon’s mom, Martine, defines a hero as someone who does unselfish acts. Think of a small unselfish act that you could do at home or school, and describe how you could become a Hidden Hero by doing it.

• Is thinking or talking about doing something enough to make a difference?

• Martine described how good it made her feel to have someone thank her for doing something nice for them. Can you think of someone who has done something nice for you? Have you thanked them? If not, will you? When?

Page 70

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Rosie

Grade 6/7 - SD 42 Do you know someone who rarely does anything for himself? Do you know anyone who is a coach for basketball, track, and two soccer teams, not to mention, a father of three children? My dad, Ken Elphick, is that guy. Ken Elphick is a coach for four different teams. He coaches my sister Charlotte’s soccer team, my brother Edward’s basketball team, the Maple Ridge Senior Secondary track team, and, most importantly, my soccer team. When I asked Ken why he likes being coach for so many different teams, he replied, “I enjoy helping the young. I also believe in community work. I use my time to help others so maybe they’ll spend time on our family.” Ken is not only a coach; he’s also the best father imaginable! He spends all his extra time with his family. Sometimes he helps us kids with our homework and other times he reads to us children instead of watching the hockey game! Since he inspires me a lot, I asked him what inspired him when he was younger and he answered, “My mom inspired me. She was very hard working, and although she skipped two grades she never went to university.” 12 year old Taylor Forsyth, a grade six student who has friends in Ken’s grade 8 English Honors class told me that some of her friends told her that “Mr. Elphick rocks. He’s a great teacher!” Did I mention that Ken is a teacher for English 8 Honors and English 12, and he is a literacy teacher? And I, Rosie Elphick, would adore being in Ken’s

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 71

class, but he’s going to make sure that doesn’t occur; he lovingly teases me that he has enough of me in his life already! Ken is a hero, but he doesn’t think that. “I help people because it’s the right thing to do,” he says. I would and could love to write much more about Ken. He is a superb man and will always be in the eyes of Rosie Elphick.

Artist Liam: My hidden hero is my baby brother Eli.

Eli helps me clean up my room. He helps me with my bed and my laundry. This makes me feel good when he helps me.

• Ken Elphick is a Hidden Hero to his daughter, Rosie, because he inspires her. Who inspires you to do well in your life and why?

• Write a brief thank you note to that person and mail it to them? Many people believe that a letter or card means a lot more than sending an email. Do you agree? Why? Why not?

Page 72

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Jesse

Grade 6/7 - SD 42 My hero is prepared to save lives and tend to injuries every second that he is on the job. His name is Darin Shearer and he's my dad. He works at a wood remanufacturing mill, and besides his regular duties, he is responsible for the safety of all the people on the site. When I questioned him: "How long does it take to become a first aid attendant?" He responded with: "It depends on what level you train for. In my case, I'm a level three first aid attendant which is the highest attainable. It takes about a month and a half of training five days a week, and it has to be renewed every two years. You also need to pass a very difficult test to get your certificate." Darin mainly deals with minor injuries like sprains, wounds, pulled muscles, and lots of slivers. I asked him if he'd ever dealt with any major injuries. "Yes, I had a truck driver fall from the top of the trailer of his semi-truck. He was bleeding from his head and had several broken ribs and a broken ankle. I got someone to call an ambulance and I had to stabilize all of his injuries and apply a bandage and pressure to his head wound. Then I covered him with a blanket and gave him an oxygen mask to prevent him from going into shock, which can lead to death. The ambulance picked him up and he survived." he responded. I wanted to know a hero’s definition of a hero, so I asked Darin. "What is your definition of a hero?" Darin: "I think a hero is someone who is a good role model and someone who goes out of their way to help someone else." He responded.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 73

In my opinion, I think Darin Shearer is a great role model and I would feel safe working at his wood remanufacturing mill with him as the first aid attendant.

Artist Seth:

My hidden hero is my Mom. My Mom makes me breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. My Mom drives me to school, hockey and lacrosse. My Mom even plays hockey with me.

• It was hard work for Darin, Jesse’s Hidden Hero, to become a first aid attendant. What do you think might have motivated him to do all of that training to learn first aid?

• Darin explained a situation in which he gave first aid to a man who fell from the top of his semi-truck. Describe how the man who Darin helped might have felt when he learned how Darin helped him survive his injury.

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Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Nathan

Grade 6/7 - SD 42 One Halloween, Andrew and his little sister, Lucy, went to a festival at the community centre with their parents. At the festival, there was a contest to win a pot. In the pot, there were lots of candies. To enter the contest you had to guess how many candies there were in the pot. Andrew entered the contest. He guessed that there were 170 candies in the pot. There were also lots of other games. After Andrew and Lucy had played all the games, they decided which game they like the best. Andrew decided that he liked the Fun Wheel the best. Lucy decided that she liked the Chicken Search the best. After that, they returned home. The next day, Mother heard the phone. DING! DING! Mother said hello. A person who worked at the community centre said: “Hello! Your child, Andrew, won the Candy Pot Contest. Please come pick it up today. Goodbye. Have a good day.” “Thank you. Goodbye,” said Mother. Mother went to get the candies. When she came back to the house, she went to find Andrew. When she found Andrew, she told him: “Guess what?!” “What?” asked Andrew. “You won the Candy Pot Contest!” exclaimed Mother. “Really?!” asked Andrew.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 75

“Yes,” said Mother. Andrew said: “That’s too much candy for me to eat. I will ask the principal if I can sell these candies at school and give the money to a hospital.” “Good idea,” said Mother. So at school the next day, Andrew asked the principal if he could sell the candies at school and give the money to the hospital. The principal said yes. At the assembly that morning, Andrew explained his ideas to the students. He said they would sell the candies to the other students at lunch. The next day, Andrew and his family gave the money to the hospital. He was happy that he did something for others.

Artist Madison:

My Mom and Dad are my hidden heroes. They always take good care of me. They help me when I need help. My Mom drives me for all of my school field trips.

• Do you think Andrew is a Hidden Hero? Why? Why not? • Andrew could have had all of that candy for himself or he could have shared it with a just a few really good friends. What do you think of his choice?

• How many “gifts” might he have received in return when he sold the candy to raise money for the hospital?

Page 76

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Amy

Grade 7 - SD 68 Lately, I have been trying to figure out who I am inside. I know I am growing up and becoming more mature, with more responsibilities. I was listening to the radio recently, and when I heard that by grade seven, a child needs a positive role model, I realized that I had one myself. I met her last summer at Camp Qwanoes, a Bible camp in Crofton, BC. When I first met her, I had no idea that she would change my life.

Justine Blackman, my counselor, was eighteen, and there was something about her that shone as bright as the sun - it was her uniqueness. That is what I admired most about her; by example, she taught me how to be my own person.

At my new school, I was scared of being judged, but I thought of Justine, and how she was her own person, and right then, I ‘shined my own light’! I became the person I wanted to be, sharing my faith and beliefs with others, and trying to treat others as I want to be treated. I felt so good about myself, and proud!

I know most kids try to be like celebrities, people they will never become, and I am just glad I am who I want to be. I wear the clothing I like, listen to the music I like, and though others do not always like it, I do! Justine has been such an inspiration to me because she is the person she wants to be! She helped me connect with God, and with many problems. She taught me so much; I know I could trust her with anything.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 77

I know I will grow up to be someone unique, someone people look up to, and all of this is thanks to my Hidden Hero, Justine Blackman.

Artist Isabelle: My Hidden Hero is me.

• Amy describes her Hidden Hero, Justine, as a good role model, someone who helped her learn how to be who she wanted to be by setting a good example and mentoring her.

• Can you think of someone for who you could be a good role model? What do you think that person might learn from you?

• Think of at least one thing you could do to set a good example for that person.

Page 78

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Kirsten

Grade 7 - SD 68

I think I may be a Hidden Hero, not to humans, but to the animals.

I went to the SPCA every Saturday to clean out the cat cages. I had to take a year off though because I got too busy with piano and swimming before noon. Now I am going back. I can now walk the dogs because I am old enough and clean out the cat cages again. I have also participated in the Paws for a Cause three years in a row and I am going for a fourth year.

In the first year I did not raise any money because I did not know you could, so the next year I raised one hundred and fifty dollars and this past year I raised four hundred and twenty dollars. I have contributed time, effort and money to a worthy cause.

I am not done yet I also help out at school. I help in the office by answering phones, photocopying, and getting the mail. I also run the book fair with my mom. I come to school at eight fifteen AM, and stay until school starts, during recess for thirty minutes and after school for an hour.

Did I mention that I am also the chair of the students’ council, am on the green team, and the scrapbooking team?

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Kirsten is a busy young lady who has contributed to her community in several ways by volunteering.

• Why do you think it is important to her to help out wherever she can?

• What do you think she is learning by volunteering? • Can you think of some place you could volunteer to help make a difference? Describe what you would do.

Page 79

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Carra

Grade 7 - SD 68 Every day my Hidden Hero is with me, trying to prevent me from making the same mistakes she did. She smiles at me even now when she is sick in her bed. She tries to make me smile even though she is in pain. My Hidden Hero is my best friend, and my sister, Catia. Catia is a thirteen year old, eighth grader who involves herself in anything she can to brighten someone else’s day. She is a real friend and I would not trade that for the world! She puts out positive energy even when everyone around her is mad. My sister is a compassionate young woman who loves helping out whenever she can. Her teachers and fellow classmates all say, “She is like an angel here to help out the world and everyone in it.” In her spare time, she takes Ukrainian dancing, swimming and skating. She has accomplished all levels in Red Cross swimming, and her Bronze star. In skating she has completed all levels. She has decided not to become a lifeguard but a junior lifeguard, so that she can still help people but not full time. I have many reasons for Catia to be my Hidden Hero, and believe me if I were to list them all, there would be a lot of pages. She is only thirteen months older than me, but she is my age on the inside. I know she thinks that I could use some guidance. In some ways she is right. Everyone in intermediate school should have someone like her to help them get through their years of high school.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 80

My sister is my Hidden Hero because she never is acknowledged for her achievements, her smiles, or even brightening someone’s day. She does it because she knows in some little way her small actions can make a big impact on people around her.

Artist Justin: My Hidden hero is my Mom. My Mom drives me to school every day.

My Mom cooks me supper. She works hard so that she can buy our family the things we need.

• Carra explains that everyone in intermediate school should have a Hidden Hero like Catia to help them get through school. Can you think of someone who might be willing to help you through your intermediate and high school years? Would you be willing to ask them to help you? If not, why not?

• Would you consider mentoring a student younger than you?

• How could mentoring that student help you?

Page 81

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Yousaf

Grade 8 - Durham SD Ontario

My Hidden Hero is my brother Mostafa who was born in Cairo, Egypt on February 25th, 1987. He’s my oldest brother and he is an amazing artist. When he was a kid, he would always make a mess by painting the walls. When Mostafa grew up and started school, he was the best artist in his class.

Later on, when my other brother, Yassin, and I were born, Mostafa showed us how to draw and encouraged us to do our best to learn different styles of art. This was important to me because most of members of my family are artists and I want to be one too. He made me an artist and now I am on my way to being as good as him.

I think Mostafa is admirable because he’s very mature and loving. He shows these traits by taking care of me when my parents are away, and by teaching me different styles of art. Mostafa is very important to me and someone to be admired.

Mostafa is my Hidden Hero because he has been really caring to me. Not many people know him, but not many other people are as special as him. Because of him, I am famous for my art at my school.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Yousaf’s brother, Mostafa, is his Hidden Hero because he encourages him to be an artist, and he takes care of him.

• Have you ever had a chance to help someone learn something you really enjoy and are good at doing? If so, how did you feel when you helped that person?

• If not, can you think of someone you could help to learn something you really enjoy?

Page 82

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Gloria

Grade 8 - SD 78

My Hidden Hero is my mother, who is always beside me. Before I write anything, I would like to clarify that I am a foreigner, not Canadian. My mother and I moved into Canada for better education, leaving my dad behind in South Korea, my homeland. It was a very hard decision because immigrating to another country is not a matter that you can do just because you want to. Furthermore, my family has lived in Canada before, and my parents' reply was that they never want to return to this place again. But we are here, in Canada all because of me.

I think my Hidden Hero is my mother, who gave up almost everything for me. She decided to live separately and leave her husband, friends, family and country behind. Now, she helps my grandmother in the restaurant that she owns. After work, at night, my mother's hands become very sore that she can barely move her finger the next day. I feel sorry for her as I see her thick and hardened hands. This stimulates me a lot too. I know that she will feel better when I study hard.

To me, my Hidden Hero is my mother, who gave up many things for me. I see a shiny nimbus behind my mother. I believe that all I can do to make her cheer up is to be a great person who can be a Hidden Hero to someone else. She is my mother, my hero and my love.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Gloria’s mother gave up most of her family and friends to return to Canada so Gloria could get a good education.

• Gloria is working very hard to be a good person and a good student so her mother’s sacrifice will be worthwhile.

• What do you think is the most important lesson you could learn from Gloria’s mother? What is the most important lesson you could learn from Gloria?

Page 83

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Janelle

Grade 8 - SD 78 I’m sure everyone has had one good neighbour or another, but my neighbours are exceptional. There is not anything they cannot do. My neighbours are the Jones’. Mrs. Jones can cook very well, is very caring, and has the most beautiful backyard and garden in the world. She has a pond with little goldfish and lily pads. Whenever I need advice, I am all ears and listen to Mrs. Jones. Mr. Jones is your ideal handyman. He has fixed our lawnmower at least four times this year! When he was younger, Mr. Jones was a logger. He even dug out his own basement with a single shovel and his bare hands. When the Jones’ liner caved in last summer, they bought a brand new one just for my family so we could continue swimming! The June that my family and I moved in, the Jones’ welcomed us with open arms. Almost everyday, they would invite us over for a swim in their pool. When we did accept the invite, which was very often, my brother, sister, and I would break things, lose balls in the creek nearby, and stain their lawn furniture with juice. Nevertheless, we would be forgiven and invited back the next day. Six months of the year, November to April, the Jones take their fifth-wheel down to Arizona. During those six cold months, we miss them very much, but still wish them a good time. In mid April, when they return, the Jones’ always bring back gifts and treats. This year I got a bear, a few nice rings, and some candies.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 84

Even though summer is barely here, I got to have the first swim of the year in their pool today. It was beautiful! But, as fall arrives, it will be time to say goodbye once again and wait for them to come back next spring. My family and I are so very lucky to have the Jones’. Nobody could have asked for better neighbours, friends, and family than the Jones’.

Artist Elizabeth:

My Hidden Hero is my bunny because my bunny snuggles me and loves me.

• Janelle described why her neighbours were Hidden Heroes to her. In what way could you be a good neighbour, either at home or to the person sitting beside you at school?

• Give an example of how you have been a good neighbour to someone and how that impacted that person.

Page 85

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Holly

Grade 8 - Western Quebec SD Today I am a pretty good student in school and a good person; I would not be that good of a student or a good person if it was not for my Hidden Hero. My Grandma is my Hidden Hero for me because she is strong, hardworking, and calm. My Grandma always did my homework with me or if I had studying to do she would always help me. My Grandma showed me to be strong because a few years ago she had a battle with breast cancer and she never stopped fighting or never backed down and she won her battle with breast cancer. My Grandma is always there for us if we need something or we need help for something. She is always so caring toward my sister, brother, and me. My Grandma will always be there for me in the good times and bad. I know I can count on her! I thank her for everything and that is why my Grandma is my Hidden Hero.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

• Holly says she would not be such a good student or person if it were not for the help she got from her Hidden Hero, her grandma.

• Do you have any Hidden Heroes in your life; people who helped you by do well at school or be a good person? How did they help you do this?

Page 86

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Austen

Grade 4/5 - SD 68 My name is Austen. My Hidden Hero is my Aunt Noni who is helping the world. In February, my Mom past away from cancer. Noni started up a team called ‘Our Lady Di’ a few months later. It consists of My Mom’s family and friends. Now the ‘Our Lady Di’ team has raised over two hundred thousand dollars for cancer research. Every year they have a fundraiser with silent auctions, auctions, early bird prizes, and much more! They even gave away a trip to Vegas! There are always prizes like electronic cars, electronic boats, signed photos, cushions, and window alarms. Everything sums up to a pretty fun night for a good cause. My Aunt always invites my brother and me to help, but we do a lot more than set up tables. Noni inspired us to help make money for cancer research. We made gift cards and started selling them to raise money for breast cancer research. We have currently fundraised over one thousand five hundred dollars. Noni and her crew go in the ‘Walk to End Breast Cancer’. They enjoy doing it and it earns a lot of cash too. I go in the miniature one at Qualicum where I have lots of fun. My Aunt is great to show so much determination to stop cancer and when I grow up I’m going to be just like her!

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 87

Written by: Sydnie

Grade 4/5 - SD 69 One day my Mom came home with a picture of a child. I studied her. Her shirt was too small and her pants and flip–flops too. She was also very skinny. I asked, “Who is this child?” My Mom answered, “She is your sponsor child.” She has been talking about getting one for a long time. I soon found out that her name is Jothica. My birthday was coming up soon and I thought of something I could do. A roof over your head, food to eat, clothes to wear, they may be small things to us, but in other countries they are big things. I decided that instead of gifts for my birthday I would raise money to help her. I raised a lot of money. I assisted her by getting her things her family could not afford. I hope now that you have read this story you will go and do the same thing.

• Both of these stories describe situations where someone has made personal sacrifices to help someone else or to help a charity.

• How might the actions of the Hidden Heroes in these stories affect people who are complete strangers to them?

• What do you think of Sydnie’s idea? Is it something you would like to do? Why? Why not?

Page 88

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Micah

Grade 6 - SD 91

Mrs. McGladdery is my hero because she is an amazing speech arts teacher. She knows how to make a piece better and gives me just the right mix of criticism and praise. She has great resources. Mrs. McGladdery is a great teacher.

She knows how to improve a piece, a poem, a part from a book, or a scene, etc…, because of the years of experience she had being taught by a teacher herself. She improves a piece by adding actions, helping you project your voice, and helping you get rid of distracting motions. She helps me color the text by suggesting how to say things and using facial expression. Mrs. McGladdery does not make me feel discouraged because she praises me as well as criticizing my piece. She suggests ways it could be better and also says good things about my effort and my attitude. After working with Mrs. McGladdery, my pieces are much better.

Mrs. McGladdery’s students are very successful. Last year in the RCM (Royal Conservatory Music Exams) for speech arts, five of the nine grades were won by her students. This year, in provincial competition, I recently won the Junior Competition (ages eleven to thirteen) at eleven years old and the Intermediate Competition (ages fourteen to sixteen) was also won by one of her students. The runner-up in the Intermediate Competition was one of her students as well.

Mrs. McGladdery has great resources. Over the years, Mrs. McGladdery has collected books and binders of poems, stories and scenes. She uses those resources to help us find pieces we want to perform. She herself is a resource because she is so knowledgeable about speech arts.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 89

Mrs. McGladdery knows how to make a piece the best it can be. She is a great teacher and even though many people do not know about her, she is my “Hidden Hero.”

Written by: Lauren

Grade 4/5 - SD 69 I think my teacher [Miss. Tickell] is a Hidden Hero, and you are about to find out why. My teacher Miss. T is a Hidden Hero because she sends money, shoes, skirts, shirts, and blankets, to a Mayan family. It helps the family out a lot. You may have noticed that one person can make a difference to a whole family. If you ever need help with a math question, go up and ask because she will always be open, and she does not expect an award for helping, that is her job and she loves doing it. If you were to play checkers and she won, she would not rub it in your face; she would give you a pat on the back and say, “Great job.” Every day Miss. T comes to school and works hard. Even if she is sick she comes to school, which really stinks for us because we usually want to get away from her, now you know why we love recess so much! Just kidding! Oh and did you know that all the work that we do in class has to be marked and written down as a mark for report cards? Well, if there are twenty seven kids and they each had three pages in each booklet then she would have to mark eighty one pages, and for me, that is a lot of pages to be marked in one night. Well, that is just about it for Miss T.; I have a whole bunch more that I would love to share, but for now this is the end!

See questions on the next page

Page 90

Artist Emily: My Hidden Hero is my dog because she helps me.

• Both of these Hidden Heroes use a combination of criticism and praise to encourage their students to do well.

• How might the outcome of these stories have been different if the Hidden Heroes had chosen to help their students by focusing only on their weaknesses and how they could overcome them?

• How would you feel if someone focused only on your weaknesses and ignored your strengths?

• How might your relationships with friends and family change if you focused on finding the best in others and talked only about their strengths rather than their weaknesses?

Page 91

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Sophia

Grade 6/7 - SD 42 After only two years of fundraising, she has raised over two thousand five hundred dollars. She went from incredibly needle phobic, to willing to give herself injections of insulin. This brave little girl’s name is Rose. On October sixth, two thousand and six, Rose was taken to her family doctor. Her mother, Stasia, thought she had a bladder infection. When they discovered it was type 1 diabetes, she had to stay at the hospital for over two weeks. “It was really scary at first, but now it’s not that bad,” Rose explains. At the time she was diagnosed she was only six, and terrified of needles. Now, Rose can give herself her own shots of insulin. Rose is now eight-years-old, and when asked what gave her this great amount of confidence, she simply replied, “Diabetes camp was really helpful.” She then continued, “When I came back from camp the first year, I wanted to go back for two weeks the next year!” “When Rose came home from camp the first year,” her mom explained, “she was checking her own blood sugar.” For Rose, this was a great triumph, and after another year at camp she can do her own shots. Every year since Rose was diagnosed, her family and friends have participated in the ‘Telus Walk to Cure Diabetes’ at the Greater Vancouver Zoo. “Our team is called Rose’s Runners, and last year there were about twenty of us!” Rose explains excitedly. “And we were the only ones in bright yellow,” she continued.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 92

Even though it has only been two years, Rose has raised over two thousand five hundred dollars to find a cure, and the total is still rising. She has raised this money in numerous ways, such as selling magnets and key chains at her school, and she will be selling hot dogs outside of Cooper’s Foods on May thirtieth. “In a few weeks, my friend Emmalene and I will be selling magnets and key chains at another school too!” Rose concluded. Rose has enthusiastically done a huge amount of fundraising to help find a cure. Anyone can help, by donating to Rose’s Runners at JDRF.com. This auto-immune disease affected my whole family and thousands of others in Canada as well. I encourage anyone to donate!

Written by: Shailee

Grade 5 - SD 68 My name is Shailee and my Hidden Hero is my younger brother Iain. His birthday is in four days. He will be six-years-old. But that is not why he is my hero. He is my hero is because he has epilepsy, asthma, and a heart murmur and he is never down about it. Iain has to go over to Children's Hospital a lot and he sees more doctors in two months than most people see in a year! If I could have his illnesses for him, I would. He is my Hero because he is always strong about it and never has a bad word to say about going to the hospital, except when he gets poked a lot with needles! Iain is an outgoing, energetic and active boy and determined to be the best he can be. When he was born he had a huge hole in his heart but by some miracle his life was spared, which is awesome because my other sister died of a heart problem at birth. This inspires me to always pull through hard times. Iain is usually ready to listen and always comes up with compassionate and humorous stories to make everyone laugh. The word that best describes my brother is inspiring. That is why my brother is my Hidden Hero.

Page 93

Written by: Channel

Grade 6 - Peace River North SD To be a Hidden Hero to me is to be a role model. That is what my brother Adam is to me. Adam was born on February twenty ninth, nineteen eighty four. He was born with a webbed hand. He was supposed to write with his right hand, but because of his disability, he had to learn to write with his left hand. In two thousand and five, Adam turned seventeen. He got his level one welding in Dawson Creek. All welding gloves have a separate space for each finger. So, my mom had to take the seams out and sew all the finger spaces together with only one space for each finger. In the same year Adam was finishing grade twelve, and then going to college. He was also playing for the Fort St. John Huskies. He was number twenty four. With his hockey glove the same way as his welding glove, he had to get used to a lot of fingers in the same spot. Adam is now an oil field operator in Prespatou/Buick Creek area. He is a role model to me because he did everything anybody could do, except with a webbed hand.

• Do you think all three of these people are Hidden Heroes? If you do, describe why you think each of them qualifies.

• Also describe one important lesson you could learn from each one of them.

• If you think one or more of them is not a Hidden Hero, state your reasons clearly.

• Is there a connection between having a positive attitude and being successful even in the face of difficult challenges?

• List some of the characteristics from the Our Hidden Heroes descriptors list or the Virtues program that the heroes in these three stories might share – See page 98.

Page 94

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Andrew

Grade 8 - Western Quebec SD My hidden hero is my grandmother Marie Sallafranque. I am nominating her because she comes to our house every morning and helps clean up our house. She knows how hard it is for my mother to have four kids. My Nanna is very caring, kind, cooperative, loving and helpful. She has a problem with her muscles and she can barely move. Sometimes when my mother is not feeling well, or has something else to do, my grandmother will go to my mother's second job for her. That is the reason why I nominate my Nanna as my hidden hero. I will always love her.

Written by: Selena

Grade 4/5 - SD 69

A Hidden Hero that I know of is a guy that is living with me at my home. His name is Todd, well his real name is Daniel and he has been helping my mom, me, and my sister by giving us money when we need it. Before when he wasn’t with us we didn’t have some of the things we needed. Daniel paid for a lot of the things I needed for school like my school pictures, my book orders, and even some of my school supplies too.

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 95

Daniel puts food in our fridge so that I will get more healthy snacks in my lunch, “Yummy.” It’s also nice to have him with us because he helps pay the rent for our house. I like Daniel because when I’m really sad he cheers me up and I really like it. It’s nice to have him around because he makes my mom happy and I like it when my mom is happy because it makes me happy. Whenever I get home from school he always greets me with a warm smile and it feels like he’s part of the family, well, I guess he is. That is one of the people who has changed my life and made it so easy for me to live. My Fabulous Hidden Hero is Todd or should I say, Daniel.

• Andrew explains how his Hidden Hero, Marie, helps his mother by cleaning the house and even going to work for her when she is ill. Selena’s Hidden Hero Daniel’s actions affect everyone he lives with when he helps them out or cheers them up.

• How have the two Hidden Heroes in these stories been positive role models through their actions? How are their actions similar and how are they different?

• What positive things did the Hidden Heroes in these stories do that made them Hidden Heroes to Andrew and Selena?

• Describe a situation when your actions at school, at home or in your community affected several people in a positive way

Page 96

Name:_____________________ Date:________________

Written by: Mathew

Grade 4 - Western Quebec SB My Grandma Jean Hartwick is my Hidden Hero. She is always so kind to me. She keeps on going and still worries about me and she had three heart attacks and is in the hospital because her lungs are failing. She always tried to be the best person she could be. She is one of my inspirations to be a good person. She taught me to be a good person. She cares for others more than herself. She is one person the Lord sent to make earth a better place.

Written by: Natasha

Grade 8 - Western Quebec SB I would nominate my dad, Robert Godin as a Hidden Hero ... my positive role model. There are many reasons why I would choose him. First of all, he was always supportive. He would never let anyone think that they were not good enough. Even when he was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, and was in a great amount of pain, he smiled even knowing he did not have long to live. He always took us skating, sledding and he would go on rides with us at fairs. Even though all those things hurt him, all he wanted was our happiness. He

Read the story below, keeping in mind what the important points of the story are while you read. When you have finished reading, answer the questions that follow.

Page 97

always put his family first and he treated my cousins as if they were his own. He was a great man. `The thing that I admired most about him was his will to hang on. When he was first diagnosed the doctors gave him three months but he lived another four years. During his last weeks, all he wanted was his family to be happy and he would shield his pain in order to do so. The most important thing he did was teach me to be strong. He taught me not to give up and to live the way I want to. He was the perfect dad and the perfect positive role-model for me.

Artist Adam:

My Hidden Hero is my dog. My dog growls at my sister when she is mean to me. My dog would always protect me, and that makes me feel safe.

• Name one important lesson you feel you could learn from Mathew’s grandma and from Natasha’s dad.

• Can you think of any other important life lessons their stories have taught you?

• Describe a challenge you have (or make one up if you would like) and describe how you might use the lessons you have learned from these Hidden Heroes to overcome that challenge.

Page 98

• Caring • Committed • Compassionate • Confident • Considerate • Cooperative • Courteous • Creative • Curious • Dedicated • Determined • Empowering • Empathetic • Energetic • Enthusiastic • Exuberant • Fair • Family-

oriented • Focused • Forgiving • Friendly

• Generous • Gentle • Goal-

oriented • Good

listener • Happy • Hard

working • Healthy • Helpful • Honest • Honourable • Humorous • Innovative • Inquisitive • Inspiring • Integrity • Involved • Joyful • Kind • Loyal • Motivated • Optimistic

• Organized • Passionate • Patient • Persistent • Positive • Principled • Reliable

(Integrity) • Resourceful • Respectful • Responsible • Self-confident • Self-disciplined • Self-motivated • Sensitive • Sincere • Solves problems

peacefully • Team player • Tolerant • Trustworthy • Truthful

(Integrity) • Understanding