our service to you free gas safety checks

Our service to you Free gas safety checks

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Page 1: Our service to you Free gas safety checks

Our service to youFree gas safety checks

Page 2: Our service to you Free gas safety checks

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Our service to you


Introduction 4

Our service to you booklets 5

Free gas safety checks 6

Gas meter safety inspections 8

Carbon monoxide 9

What to do if you smell gas 10

Customer service 12

Free gas safety checks

How to contact us

If you would like more information on any of the services described in this booklet, please contact us.

Interpreting serviceIf you tell us English is not your first language, we can talk to you in any language with the aid of a translator. Ask someone to call us on your behalf to tell us that you need to speak to us in your preferred language.

Os byddwch chi’n dweud wrthym nad Saesneg yw eich mamiaith, gallwn siarad â chi mewn unrhyw iaith gyda help cyfieithydd. Gofynnwch i rywun ein galw ar eich rhan i ddweud wrthym eich bod angen siarad â ni yn eich dewis iaith.

For details of how to contact us see the back cover of this booklet.

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Introduction Our service to you booklets

This booklet covers the free gas safety check service for which you, as an npower gas customer, may qualify.

If you would like any more information on any of the services mentioned in this booklet, please contact us. All customer service staff have been trained on the services described in this booklet and will do everything they can to help.

We want to ensure that all our customers are treated fairly and receive a service that meets their needs. The following booklets are available:

• Payingforgasandelectricity

• Prepaymentmeters

• Usingelectricityandgasefficiently in your home

• WarmResponseService

• Freegassafetychecks

• Visitingyourhome

If you ask us, we will send you any of these booklets in large print, in Braille, on CD or in another language.

For details of how to contact Customer Service please see the back cover of this booklet.

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Free gas safety checks

If you’re an npower customer you may be eligible for a free gas safety check. To qualify you must own your own home, have not had a gas safety check carried out in the last 12 months, are on a means-tested benefit and either you:

live in a household where at least one of the occupants is under five years old;orof pensionable age, disabled or chronically sick and either you:Live alone; orLive with others all of whom are either of pensionable age, or disabled, or chronically sick, or under 18 years.

If you live in rented accommodation, it’s your landlord’s duty to ensure an annual gas safety check is done - for further details visit: www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg285.pdf

If you qualify we will carry out a free gas safety check on your gas appliances and other gas fittings on request every year. This does not replace the need for regular servicing, but will give you additional peace of mind about the safety of your gas appliances.

ThecheckwillbeconductedbyaGasSafeRegisterengineer. This will check if your gas appliances are safe to use and are not giving out harmful carbon monoxide. We will also give you advice on the options available for repairing or replacing any appliances that are found to be unsafe.

Quick reference guide

If you think you qualify for a free gas safety check, please contact Customer Service.

To help keep you safe, we advise you to fit an audible carbon monoxide alarm that complies with the relevant British or European safety standards.

To buy a carbon monoxide alarm, please call npower hometeam on

0800 980 3356 (free from most landlines)


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Gas meter safety inspections Carbon monoxide

Your gas meter must be inspected by a qualified operative every 2 years to ensure that it is kept in a safe and useable state.

If you are not sure when your meter was last inspected, or believe that it may soon be due for inspection, please call us on

0800 073 3000 (free from most landlines)

to check when your next inspection is due, or to book an appointment.

Carbon monoxide is poisonousEvery year around 30 people die from carbon monoxide poisoning caused by gas appliances that have not been properly installed or maintained. When gas does not burn properly, too much carbon monoxide is produced.

You can’t see it. You can’t taste it. You can’t smell it. But carbon monoxide can kill without warning in just a matter of hours. You are particularly vulnerable when you are asleep. The early symptoms of poisoning include tiredness, drowsiness, headache and pains in the chest and stomach.

You are at risk from carbon monoxide poisoning if:• Yourappliancewaspoorlyinstalled• Yourapplianceisnotworkingproperly• Yourappliancehasnotbeencheckedor

maintained regularly• Thereisnotenoughfreshairintheroom• Yourchimneyorfluegetsblockedup• Youallowunqualifiedpeopletoinstallor

maintain your appliance

NEVER use a gas appliance if you think it is not working properly. Signs to look out for include yellow or orange flames, soot or stains around the appliance and pilot lights which frequently blow out.

NEVER cover a gas appliance or block the air vents.

NEVER block or obstruct any fixed ventilation grilles or airbricks.

NEVER cover or block outside flues.

An npower gas safety check can help to make sure your appliances are safe, but if you have any concerns about the safety of your appliances you should contact a GasSafeRegisterserviceengineer.

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What to do if you smell gas

If you smell gas:

• Callthe24hournationalgasemergencyservicefreeon0800 111 999 but do not use a phone near a gas leak. You should use a neighbour’s phone, or take a mobile phone outdoors, to call the emergency services.

• Opendoorsandwindowstoclearthegas.

• Checktoseeifthegashasbeenlefton,orifapilotlight has gone out.

• Turnthemaingastaponthepipeleadingintothemeter to the ‘OFF’ position. The supply is off when the ridged line on the spindle is across the pipe.

• Donotturnanyelectricalswitchesonoroff.

• Donotuseelectricalentrysystemsandintercoms.

• Donotsmoke.

• Donotusematchesornakedflames.

• Donotleaveittosomeoneelsetocall–youcould be putting yourself or others at risk.

If in doubt call the national gas emergency service free on

0800 111 999Textphone

0800 371 787

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Phone calls: We may monitor and/or record calls for security, quality or training purposes. Calling us on an 0800 number is normally free when you call from a landline but charges may vary if you use a mobile. Calling us on a 0330 number will cost you no more than 01 or 02 numbers from landlines or mobiles. If you get ‘inclusive minutes’ with your package, calls on a 0330 number will be part of these.npowerisaregisteredtrademarkandthetradingnameofNpowerLimited(RegisteredNo3653277)anditsassociatedcompanies,includingNpowerGasLimited(RegisteredNo2999919),NpowerYorkshireLimited(RegisteredNo3937808)andNpowerNorthernLimited(RegisteredNo3432100).RegisteredinEnglandandWales,registeredoffice:WindmillHillBusinessPark,WhitehillWay,SwindonSN56PB.npm5962/RF13684/05.13

Customer Service

If you need to get in touch with us, you can call us on

You can visit our website

And if you have a textphone our number is

You can write to us at


Customer ServicenpowerPO Box 93PeterleeSR8 2XX

0800 073 3000

We’re here to help you 8.00am - 8.00pm Monday to Friday, 8.00am - 6.00pm Saturday

(free from most landlines) or

(included in any ‘inclusive minutes’ from mobiles)

0330 100 3000

0800 413 016