our relaonship with jesus. truth, and the life.” · 2018-08-19 · retreat celebration: the...


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Page 1: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy
Page 2: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


August, 2018 Dear Parents, As we begin a new year in our Religious Educa on Program, I want to welcome all our returning families and those who are new to our program. We thank you for entrus ng this signifi-cant part of the faith forma on of your children to us. This year Religious Educa on will be guided by the competent leadership of Kim Duda. She succeeds Colleen Walery who re red a er twenty years as Director of Religious Educa on at Our Lady of the Woods. Kim brings a wealth of experience and ideas and is commi ed to strengthening our rela onship with Jesus. Over fi y years ago, the Second Va can Council reminded us that, “the task of impar ng our faith is primarily the task of parents.” This means that we must work with you in strengthening your child’s faith life and assist you in strengthening your own. This is why we have opportuni es throughout the year for parent and family enrichment. Our rela onship with Jesus should be our most valued treasure. As Jesus himself reminds us in the Gospel of John, Jesus is “The Way, the Truth, and the Life.” It is in the family where each child learns most about the importance of Christ in his or her life. Your own example of prayer, compassion, worship, and faith are the most important means of deepening his or her rela onship with God. It was the promise you made in bap sm and your con-

nued efforts on behalf of your children that are a witness to your faithfulness. This year, we are excited to provide addi onal ways for our children to grow in their faith. We will begin with a family experience to assist us in apprecia ng and loving the Eucharist. In the win-ter, we will have a na onally renowned speaker, Mike Patan, to guide us. As your pastor, I look for-ward once again to working with your children in this coming year. Our Parish is named a er Mary, the Mother of God. In the Gospel of John she tells us, “Do whatever He asks of you.” As Catholics, the heart of our faith is a living rela onship with Jesus. In order to do what he asks of us we must remain close to him through prayer, especially Sunday wor-ship, through service, and through learning about his teachings. The Religious Educa on Program here is designed to assist our children in the growth of that rela onship. We look forward to an ex-ci ng year. In Christ,

Father Mike Foley

Page 3: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


As an integral part of this parish community, the Religious Education Program staff, catechists and volunteers are united in the common goal to live the mission of Je-sus and to serve the children and families of Our Lady of the Woods. We endeavor to participate in the mission of Jesus by realizing the threefold purpose of Catholic edu-cation: 1. To proclaim Jesus’s MESSAGE both in word and action. 2. To help develop a faith COMMUNITY that is nourished by God’s word through the celebration of liturgy, instruction, and socialization. 3. To call forth the gifts of others in mutual SERVICE to the parish, community and world.

Religious Education Program (REP) (708)361-9435

Pastor Reverend Michael Foley

Associate Pastor

Reverend Andrew Wawrzyn

Coordinator of Religious Education Kimberly Duda

REP Administrative Assistant

Doreen Dawson

Youth Minister Christine Collins

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1. An original Baptismal certificate must be presented at the time of registration.. 2. Age requirements are the same as local school districts’ policies. For example children in our 5 year old Children of the Lord program must be five on or before Sept. 1, 2018, special exemptions have been exercised. First graders must be six on or before Sept. 1, 2018. 3. Transfer students are asked to provide a letter from the previous program that includes the attendance records, grades completed and sacramental information. 4. Class size is limited to approximately 12 children. This allows each catechist to establish a personal relationship with every student.

We provide our students with a well-rounded educational experience that is de-signed to develop within each child, not only a strong foundation in our Catholic faith, but a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide all materials need-ed, including Bibles, study guides, workbooks, creative art supplies, videos, and re-treats. We cannot make this happen without your financial support. Therefor we ask that all families with children in the Religious Education Program pay their tui-tion and fees in a timely manner but also support the church weekly donations.

One Child $230

Two Children $400

Three or more Children $565

Children of the Lord $60

Reconciliation/Eucharist $50

Confirmation *Includes Confirmation Gown


IMPORTANT: If tuition or fees present a financial problem for your family, please contact the Religious Education Office before the first session to apply for a grant. Let us know how we can help you!

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Parent Participation

The most effective religious formation happens when parents and the catechet-ical staff work together. We ask parents to participate with their children by accepting the following responsibilities: 1. Attend Mass with your children regular ly on Sundays and Holy Days. 2. Have your child attend their REP sessions. 3. Work on their prayers and assignments with them. 4. Attend Family Formation Sessions for REP. 5. Contact the CRE (Coordinator Religious Education)with any concerns you

may have. Talk directly to us. 6. Attend Parent meetings pertaining to your child’s grade. 7. Review Progress Reports with your child. Praise their good work and help them

develop a plan for improvement when needed. 1. Regularly attend sessions and participate in group activities and discussions. 4 or

more absences may result in ineligibility for participation in OLW sports games. 2. Bring REP books and mater ials to each class session. Lost text books are to be replaced at the cost of $16.00. 3. RESPECT yourself, others and proper ty at all times.

4. Be open to personal prayer, group prayer and parish liturgies.

Child Participation

Page 6: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


Expectations will be discussed at the first session by all catechists. We have instituted a dress code based on the policies of school districts in this area. Candy, gum and drinks are not allowed in the rooms to protect the parish’s equipment. *Cell phone policy Upon entering the building, we ask that cell phones remain in the children’s bags, pock-ets etc. for the duration of the session. Cell phone use of any kind will result in confis-cation of the phone for that session. 2 or more infractions of this rule will result in a phone call to the parent to discuss further consequences.


We will be handing out a box of children’s envelopes to each student in REP at registra-tion. We ask families to work on teaching stewardship to their children by encouraging them to use their own resources and allowances to help the parish.


Sacraments are ritualized celebrations for the parish family. They celebrate the presence of God in our daily lives, in ritual and with our faith community.

Policies We must have a Baptismal certificates on file for each child receiving a sacrament. Children must attend two consecutive years of religious education classes to be eligible for a sacrament. Transfer forms must be presented from the parish program you attend-ed last year. Parents’ involvement in sacramental preparation is essential. We ask parents to attend parent meetings and to help their students with lessons, projects and prayer. If parents are concerned that their child is not ready to receive a sacrament, contact the REP office to set up a conference with the parish staff.

Page 7: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


Reconciliation: Grade 2 Preparation begins with an understanding of making good choices and bad choices, then saying “I’m sorry.” for bad choices (sin.) PARISH CELEBRATION: Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Grades 3—8 Class celebrations during the season of Lent at regular REP sessions. Grade 8 Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT—Holy Fire: Friday, October 26th, 2018

Eucharist: Grade 2 The Eucharist, Jesus’ presence with us and among us in our celebration of Mass. PARISH CELEBRATION: Sunday, April 28, 2019 at 2:00 PM

or May 5, 2019 at 2:00 PM Confirmation: Grade 8

Confirmation is a Sacrament of Initiation, with Baptism and Eucharist. The focus is on the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to use them in service to others. PARISH CELEBRATION: Sunday, April 7, 2019, 2:00PM

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When attending REP, your children are visiting the Lord at His house, our church. the following guidelines have been established as reference for dressing to attend REP sessions: No sleepwear such as pajama pants, slippers, tank tops No exposed undergarments No spandex/bike shorts No low cut neck lines No backless or strapless tops No hats or other head coverings No holes in pants above fingertip length Tank tops should have straps as wide as three fingers Skirts and shorts must reach down to the tips of your fingers Midriffs should not be exposed when standing or sitting. No “Heelies” or any type of wheels on shoes Items that pose a danger are prohibited (studs, chains) Items with pictures, labels or symbols must be appropriate for church. If a child wears clothing deemed inappropriate or distracting to REP, par-ents will be notified and asked to bring a change of clothes. These guide-lines were developed based on our local school districts policies and are not intended to cover all the constantly changing styles. School appropriate, and the general rule that a child’s body should be covered from their shoulders to mid-thigh, are good general expectations for our children to follow to provide a sense of respect and comfort at our sessions.

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Athletics Our Lady of the Woods Parish has an active athletic program. The majority of the leagues in which our teams participate, require the children on a parish team to attend that parish’s school or religious education classes. The Athletic Board and parish staff have worked together to formulate an at-tendance policy for REP students who want to participate on our parish teams. A student is required to maintain an 80% attendance rate to maintain eligi-bility for participation on a sports teams.

The Athletic Association was established with the understanding that no games would be played during REP class time and during Mass times on Sunday mornings. There are no excused absences for practices or games dur ing REP class time. If you choose not to have a child attend REP because of a game, whether regular season, tournament or championship, your child will be marked absent. Please know if children arrive tardy or leave early, the time is recorded so that they do receive credit for all time spent at REP.

Class Attendance: 1. For absences please call the REP Office at 361-9435.

2. Give the student’s name, grade, day of attendance and the reason for the absence. 3. REP volunteers call the homes of any absent children who have not been reported ab-sent. We want to make sure every child is accounted for.

Medications Except in extraordinary circumstances, with prior approval of the REP staff, medications are not to be dispensed during religion classes. We do ask to be kept informed if your child is on medication that can affect their participation in class-room activities.

4. No child will be released early without a parent coming to the office area and signing out the child.

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Custody Issues In situations of divorce or separation, REP presumes both parents share custody unless a parent or guardian provides documentation that they have sole custody. If you need two sets of materials, please ask. If custody changes occur, please notify REP and provide the necessary documentation. Cell Phones Upon entering the building, we ask that cell phones remain in children’s bags, pockets tec. For the duration of the session. Cell phone use of any kind will result in confisca-tion of the phone for that session. Two or more infractions of this rule will result in a phone call to the parent to discuss further consequences. Emergency Closing If inclement weather or any major problem should force the staff to cancel religion clas-ses, you will be informed by phone and email blasts. To receive this information by text please text YES to 67587. Please do not call Our Lady of the Woods to inquire if classes are being cancelled due to weather conditions. We will contact you. Those calls tie up the phone lines preventing emergency calls from getting through. Thanks for your cooperation. Medications Except in extraordinary circumstances, with prior approval of the REP staff, medications are not to be dispensed during religion classes. We do ask to be kept informed if your child is on medication that can affect their participation in class-room activities. Field Trips If the children are taken on any trip, a signed parental permission slip including a waiver will be required. Policy on Non Discrimination Our Lady of the Woods Parish does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color or national and ethnic origin in administration of its policies, supplementary programs or parish functions.

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Please call the office and make a change if you have moved recently or if you have gotten a new phone number

or a new e-mail address.

1) We are currently using School Messenger as our e-mail system to communicate with our REP families.

Please keep your email address updated with us to include your family in these mailings.

2) Fund raising information and some general requests will be sent home via email.

3) Progress Reports and registration information will

continue to be sent in the mail.

4) Phone blasts will be used to remind families of special events and in case of an emergency closing or situation. Text blasts will continue to only be used in an

emergency situation.

5) Parish information can be located at the following web site: www.ourladyofthewoods.org

Catechetical Staff The parish staff for Religious Education Program (REP) includes the Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE), the Administrative Assistant, Parish Outreach Coordinator, and the Youth Minister. They are supported by more than 120 volunteers, who serve as Grade Level Leaders, catechists, aides, office help and traffic control. It is with the service of these volunteers that the REP continues to expand.

Page 12: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


Parking Lot The parking lot is a source of potential accidents. PLEASE NOTE THE MAP INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKET THAT DETAILS PICK-UP AND DROP-OFF ROUTES. These have been designed to provide the safest and quickest routes in and out of the lot. Follow the maps and the directions provided by our traffic volunteers. A Cook County officer is provided to keep traffic moving safely.

SAFETY IS OUR MAIN CONCERN Please give directions to first time people picking up for you.

Car pooling is recommended.

Religious Education Board Under the direction of the Parish Pastoral Council and its Education Commis-sion, a Religious Education Board has been established. The purpose of this board is to provide the staff of the parish with input from parents, catechists, students and other in-terested parishioners who have ideas and concerns about REP programs. The Religious Education Board consists of the pastor, the CRE, the REP Admin-istrative Assistant and eight parishioners. Parishioners serving this year on the board are as follows: Danielle Arquilla MaryEllen Krammer Indre Balchunas Therese Potempa Debra Brown Courtney Dudek The Board meetings are scheduled and open to everyone in the parish. All are wel-come to attend.

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Page 14: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


Page 15: our relaonship with Jesus. Truth, and the Life.” · 2018-08-19 · Retreat Celebration: The eighth graders will celebrate Rec-onciliation during their CONFIRMATION RETREAT — Holy


Sadlier Inspired by the Spirit Grade 8 Benzinger Sacramental Series: Grade 2 Loyola Press: Finding God: Our Response to God’s Gifts Grades 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 Curriculum designed by OLW Grade 7

Grade 1 Finding God First grade students’ content is based on developing their relationships with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. They are invited to take a special Church tour. Personal prayer, the Our Father, Hail Mary and Sign of the Cross are emphasized. Grade 2 The Gift of Reconciliation/The Gift of Eucharist In second grade the emphasis shifts to studying and preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconcilia-tion and Eucharist. The idea of sacraments as gifts is the main focus. Reconciliation is approached as an op-portunity to receive the gift of forgiveness. The preparation for First Communion looks at the gift of Jesus’ love for each of us and for the community. Grade 3 Finding God Third grade students focus on God created us and calls us to live in community. They explore what it means to be a faithful disciple of Jesus. They will explore Our Lady of the Woods Church and learn about be-ing part of a parish. Grade 4 Finding God Fourth graders are invited to look at how God calls us all to live a moral life. Emphasis is on the Ten Commandments, living out God’s Law of Love and the Beatitudes. Grade 5 Finding God Fifth grade students knowledge will be strengthened in the sacramental life of the Church. The Sacra-ments of Initiation will be highlighted. They will have a special emphasis on their relationship with the Holy Spirit. Grade 6 Finding God Sixth grade is a year spent learning to use and read the Bible. They will explore the History of our faith beginning with the Creation and through Pentecost, with special emphasis on the Old Testament. Grade 7 Learning to Be Catholic Seventh grade looks at the meaning of Catholic faith as outlined in the Creed and the tradition of Chris-tian prayer. Emphasis is on becoming more committed disciples of Jesus and active members of his Church. It is the beginning of Confirmation preparation. No textbook, a three ring binder will be provided. Grade 8 Inspired by the Spirit Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, with emphasis on service to the church, community and family is the focus in eighth grade. Studies include Confirmation as a continuation of the students’ Baptismal promises and a review of basic Catholic vocabulary. Eighth grade has many activities highlighted in a red Confirmation Booklet. Parent Meeting: Monday, September 24, 2018, 7:15 PM or Wednesday, September 26, 2018, 7:15 PM