our position even if we’re - razor planet...as i raised my head and pro-nounced the expected...

www.JourneyChurchSite.org am not normally the kind of guy who “counts their chickens before they hatch.” I can however, occasionally get ahead of myself. Once in a church service I was pray- ing an eloquent pastoral prayer for a lady and her long nine months of pregnan- cy ahead. As I raised my head and pro- nounced the expected “Amen,” the entire audience began to snicker and laugh out loud. I quickly discovered my blunder. The mom-to-be I was praying for was actually in the crowd and already a mom. She had delivered a healthy baby nearly 6 months earlier. I had misread the folded piece of paper with the morning prayer requests on it. I was praying the wrong prayer. Ooops. We all make mistakes; no one gets it right all the time. We share this in common with every other person on the planet. Some mistakes are bigger than others for sure. People often have to start things over. Aren’t you glad for second chances? I sure am. That day in church I just laughed right along with the audience. People can make mis- takes, even a praying pastor. Even worse than getting ahead of ourselves, though, is getting ahead of God. Once, Jesus in- vited a hated tax man, Zac- chaeus down from a tree. He not only was a tax collector but a crooked one who took more than was owed. Yet Jesus gave him a chance to redeem him- self. You can read the whole story for yourself in Luke 19:1-9. Zacchaeus became a real and forever Jesus follower. What are the odds of that happening? Aren’t you glad for second chances? Everybody gets one; even you and me. We should never get ahead of God and assume it’s too late for anyone. No one is without hope; God can do anything. That is some- thing we say often at Journey. It’s not just talking points and rhetoric. I really believe this to be true. The Bible is filled with example after example of peo- ple who begin to follow Jesus against all odds. Can I be very honest with you? When I blew it in the morning prayer time it wasn’t my imme- diate reaction to just be trans- parent and accept my embar- rassing mistake. If we’re honest, sometimes we tend to defend M ISSION : To create an irresisble passion for God and for people seek- ing Him. our position even if we’re somehow mistaken. We all need a second chance be- cause we all make mistakes. I am grateful for God who gives grace in spite of our mis- takes. We all make mistakes, but God never does! Moving Forward.. God is good . “10 pm Walmart—diaper run. Exit store to find my car bumped into another car. I forgot to put it in park .” Everyday stresses of life challenge us all. A relationship with Jesus is easy. Join us for this 3-week series “It’s not Complicated.” October 11 & 12 BELIEVE October 18 & 19 LISTEN October 25 & 26 SOAR and November 1 & 2 RIPPLE One little drop can cause a ripple in your community... But God is not like that.

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Page 1: our position even if we’re - Razor Planet...As I raised my head and pro-nounced the expected “Amen,” the entire audience began to snicker and laugh out loud. I quickly discovered

www.JourneyChurchS i te .org

am not normally the kind

of guy who “counts their

chickens before they hatch.”

I can however, occasionally

get ahead of myself. Once in

a church service I was pray-

ing an eloquent pastoral

prayer for a lady and her

long nine months of pregnan-

cy ahead.

As I raised my head and pro-

nounced the expected

“Amen,” the entire audience

began to snicker and laugh

out loud. I quickly discovered

my blunder. The mom-to-be I

was praying for was actually

in the crowd and already a

mom. She had delivered a

healthy baby nearly 6 months

earlier. I had misread the

folded piece of paper with

the morning prayer requests

on it. I was praying the wrong

prayer. Ooops.

We all make mistakes; no one

gets it right all the time. We

share this in common with

every other person on the

planet. Some mistakes are

bigger than others for sure.

People often have to start

things over. Aren’t you glad

for second chances? I sure

am. That day in church I just

laughed right along with the


People can

make mis-

takes, even

a praying


Even worse than getting ahead

of ourselves, though, is getting

ahead of God. Once, Jesus in-

vited a hated tax man, Zac-

chaeus down from a tree. He

not only was a tax collector but

a crooked one who took more

than was owed. Yet Jesus gave

him a chance to redeem him-

self. You can read the whole

story for yourself in Luke 19:1-9.

Zacchaeus became a real and

forever Jesus follower. What are

the odds of that happening?

Aren’t you glad for second

chances? Everybody gets one;

even you and me. We should

never get ahead of God and

assume it’s too late for anyone.

No one is without hope; God

can do anything. That is some-

thing we say often at Journey.

It’s not just talking points and

rhetoric. I really believe this to

be true. The Bible is filled with

example after example of peo-

ple who begin to follow Jesus

against all odds.

Can I be very honest with you?

When I blew it in the morning

prayer time it wasn’t my imme-

diate reaction to just be trans-

parent and accept my embar-

rassing mistake. If we’re honest,

sometimes we tend to defend

M ISS ION : To create an

i r res i stible pass ion for God and for people seek-

ing Him.

our position even if we’re

somehow mistaken. We all

need a second chance be-

cause we all make mistakes.

I am grateful for God who

gives grace in spite of our mis-

takes. We all make mistakes,

but God never does!

Moving Forward..

God is good


“10 pm Walmart—diaper run. Exit store

to find my car bumped into another car.

I forgot to put it in park .”

Everyday stresses of life challenge us all.

A relationship with Jesus is easy. Join us

for this 3-week series

“It’s not Complicated.”

October 11 & 12 BELIEVE

October 18 & 19 LISTEN

October 25 & 26 SOAR


November 1 & 2 RIPPLE

One little drop can cause a ripple in your community...

But God is not like that.

Page 2: our position even if we’re - Razor Planet...As I raised my head and pro-nounced the expected “Amen,” the entire audience began to snicker and laugh out loud. I quickly discovered

J o u r n e y C o m m u n i t y C h r i s ti a n C h u r c h 1050 US Hwy 27 South, Suite 8 Cynthiana, KY 41031 (office) 859.235.8449 [email protected] Bobby Duncan, Lead Minister (cell) 859.588.6642 [email protected]

Randy Roberts, Worship Director (cell) 859.298.1062 [email protected]


Join us for Worsh ip

Saturday nights 6:00 p.m. / Sunday 10:30 a.m.

Located in Harrison Square next to AutoZone

Nursery and Children’s classes for ages Pre-K thru 5th available during worship services.

Missed a sermon?

You can listen on the website or on iTunes podcast.


Visit Journeychurchsite.org to:

subscribe to Bobby’s Blog Find out your Next Step at Journey

Read Bobby’s weekly e-news article

View our Xchange Ministries

Listen to our weekly podcast (and archived messages)

…..and many more things– check it out!!

Warehouse Ministry: Chris Hill 859.588.6567

25:35 Service Group: Mike Roberts 859.298.1061

[email protected]

Tide Jug Ministry: Pam Martinez 859.588.8907

Shawnia Beagle 859.298.9326

Whiz Kids Tutoring: Amanda Morris 859.707.8443

[email protected]

Journey Medical Mission: Janie Whitehead 859.235.0063

[email protected]

Creative Arts Ministry: Crystal Prather 859.806.4354

[email protected]

www.JourneyChurchS i te .org

Xchange Ministry Contacts

November 1 (Trick-or-Treat night)

Free face and hair painting, games and food. Volun-

teers needed to make this happen– as well as dona-

tions of candy and supplies. For more info, see or call

Crystal Prather at 859-806-4354

Small Groups [ we are not a church with small groups, we are a church of small groups]

Like us on facebook JourneyChurchsite

And follow us on twitter @bobbyduncan10 @randyguitar55

For more

info, see

or call





Starbucks Georgetown

In gods at war, Kyle Idleman helps readers recognize and battle the false gods at war with-in each of us, the things that keep us from truly fol-lowing Jesus.

Questions? Contact Bobby D. 859.588.6642

WHIZ KIDS is a literacy– based, one– on –one tutoring and

mentoring program for 2nd and 3rd graders. We meet at

Eastside School each Wednesday from 3:30 - 5 pm. Please call or text Amanda Morris for more information or to volunteer 859.707.8443

J groups are small groups

designed to grow and

deepen our relationship

with God and with a few

other people (Usually 8-

12 in a group). If you’d

like more info about J

groups, and why you

should consider joining

one, click here or go to:



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change the life of a child?