our parish vision

Our Parish Vision We are committed to growing a healthy church. We want to grow in our relationship with God’s family, and we want to grow out into our local community as we seek to share our faith in words and actions. Webmasters Jack Robinson/Pamela Duddy [email protected] December/January 2018 Magazine deadline 1pm Monday 20th November 2017 by email to: [email protected] November 2017 Parish Magazine

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Our Parish Vision

We are committed to growing a healthy church. We want to grow in our relationship with God’s family, and we want to grow out into our local community as we seek to share our

faith in words and actions.

Webmasters Jack Robinson/Pamela Duddy

[email protected]

December/January 2018 Magazine deadline 1pm Monday 20th November 2017

by email to: [email protected]

November 2017

Parish Magazine

Rector: Revd Mark Loney

The Rectory, 14 Main Street, Dungiven, County Londonderry BT47 4LB Telephone Rectory: 028 777 41226 Mobile 07720 321283 Parish Office (based at Bovevagh): 028 777 41394 (open Wednesdays during term time 10am-12 noon) E-mail: [email protected] Rector’s Day off is THURSDAY

Parish Readers Cecil Ross (Diocesan), Janette Morrow, Cathy Clyde, David Wilson A full list of current members of both select vestries may be found on our church website www.dungivenbovevaghparishes.com Dungiven Church Wardens Mervyn Scott and Derek Morrow 777 41361 Dungiven Glebe Wardens Alfie Canning 777 41896 and Russell Moore

Christian Solidarity Worldwide are having a month of prayer for the persecuted church. You may find this prayer helpful as you remember those who are suffering and enduring for their faith. More details at www.csw.org.uk

in Bovevagh Parish Centre

Bovevagh Church Wardens David Steele 777 41533 and Billy Mullan 777 42094 Bovevagh Glebe Wardens Jonathan Wilson 777 40682 and David Wilson 777 41541 Dungiven Treasurer Sandra Smyth 777 42210 Bovevagh Treasurer Pamela Duddy 777 41284 Dungiven Secretary Alan Keys Bovevagh Secretary Jonathan Wilson 777 40682 Dungiven Organist Cecil Keys 777 41203 Bovevagh Organist Joan Robinson 777 41425 Dungiven Catering & Hospitality Jean Hill 777 64643, Vacant Also details of the Dungiven Meal Run Scheme can be obtained from the catering team

Bovevagh Catering & Hospitality Daphne Quigley 777 41405, Athline Simpson 777 41871 Flower Rota Administrators Dungiven Chris Ross 777 41428, Elizabeth Canning 777 41952 Bovevagh Beverly Steele 777 64863 Dungiven Sunday School: 10am in the Parish Hall (first 15 minutes in church) Contact - Violet Morrow 777 42307 Bovevagh Sunday School: 10.30am in the Parish Centre Contact - Judith Mullan 07740983590

Dungiven Children’s Church: Sundays at 10am in the Parish Hall (first 15 minutes in church) Contact - Anita Hill 777 40179 Bovevagh Children’s Church: Sundays at 12noon in the Parish Centre (first 15 minutes in church) Contact – Pamela Hutton 07513806457 Puppets on a Mission – Contact - Jo Loney 07752 012217 / 028 777 41226 Email: [email protected]

Bovevagh Girls ‘ Brigade: Mondays in Bovevagh Parish Centre from 6pm Contact - Angie Young 07843224771 Bovevagh Scout Troop: Wednesdays in Bovevagh Parish Centre from 6.15pm Contact - Pamela Duddy 777 41284 Dungiven and Bovevagh Mothers’ Union: 1st Tuesday of the month Contact - Hilda Dalzell (Branch Leader)

Bovevagh Prayer Group: Sunday mornings in Bovevagh vestry at 10.45am Contact - Rosemary Robinson 777 41403 or David Steele 777 41533

Dungiven Prayer Group: Sunday mornings in Dungiven Church at 9.15am Contact - Revd Mark 777 41226

‘My Story’ Jo Loney has recently put

together her own Christian story and some reflections on her journey with God. If you

would like a copy there will be some in the church porches

or have a word with Jo.

...to stir the heart and soul

WHERE CAN I GO from your Spirit? Or where can I flee from your presence?

WHEN I LOOK at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them?

TO WHOM then will you compare me, or who is my equal? says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high and see: Who created these?

WITH WHAT shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? … He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

JESUS … asked his disciples, "Who do people say that I am?" … He asked them, "But who do you say that I am?"

Admission by tickets only - available from the school

Parenting Teenagers Care For the Family.

If anyone would like to go to this event but is prevented from doing so due to child care shortage please speak to Jo. If anyone is able to mind children on this evening to allow others to go, please see Jo.

Youth Focus for details see elsewhere in the magazine and church notices.

Bovevagh Indoor Bowling Club: Tuesdays & Thursdays in the Parish Centre at 8pm Contact - Sammy Caldwell 07593357151

Dungiven Indoor Bowling Club: Mondays & Thursdays in the Parish Hall at 8pm Contact - Captain James Semple

Parish Bible Study (Wednesdays) Contact Revd Mark Loney 028 777 41226

Ladies Rectory Fellowship Contact - Jo Loney 07752 012217 / 028 777 41226

Communications Magazine production, reprographics, general administration – Kaye Nesbitt Email: [email protected] Joint Parish Website – Pamela Duddy Email: [email protected] ‘Dungiven Church of Ireland’ Facebook Administrator - Julie Keys ‘Bovevagh Church of Ireland’ Facebook Administrator - Carol Starrett

Revd Mark writes…. Remembered no more

As far as the east is from the west,

so far has he removed our transgressions from us. As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust. Psalm 103 verses 12-14 The two minute silence on Remembrance Sunday is about more than the horrors of war and the ultimate price of freedom. This pause in a crazy world is a symbol of our spiritual need to be still, a prompt to the memory which helps us mourn our losses, and an acknowledgement of our limitations without God. Of course the world is still not free of tyrants and dictators, our lives are still broken. Believers long for the day when God’s new dawn will appear. The Lord has a memory as we discover in Psalm 103:12-14. He remembers our human limitations, but better still, with our true repentance, He removes our sins and forgets them, for the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him. Love is more than words… it's more than a feeling… more than doing what's easy and convenient. Love means getting stuck in. It means getting dirty and inconvenienced, and it sometimes means "laying down your life for a friend" (John 15 verse 13). In the Book ‘Miracle On The River Kwai’ (Ernest Gordon) there is s story about Scottish soldiers, forced by their Japanese captors to work on a jungle railroad. One afternoon something happened. A shovel was missing. The officer in charge flew into a rage. He demanded that the

any crèche date does not suit you, could you please contact another

leader and swap with them. Many thanks for your help. It is very much



Bovevagh Flower Rota.


5th & 12th Lily Wallace & Louise Wilson.

19 & 26th Athline Simpson.

Bovevagh Cleaning Rota. November Sandra Logan & Elaine Devine.

Dungiven Flower Rota

5th November Elizabeth Canning

12th and 19th November Chris Ross

26th November and 3rd December Ann Canning

3rd December Ann Canning

10th, 17th 24th and 31st December Louie Meenagh.

Dungiven Cleaning Rota Team Leader to organise time and date November Ruth December Paula January Jean February Ruth

Dungiven Grounds Maintenance Team Team Leader to organise time and date November Sidney Canning December Cecil Keys

Bovevagh Children’s Church

Rota for November 5th November Pamela, Noeleen, Hilary, Sarah, Jane, Carol 12th November Jo, Jackie, Angie, Olivia, Hazel, Pamela 19th November Family Service / Scouts Investiture 26th November Irene, Emma, Melanie, Cody There is always opportunity for new parents to join the rota. If anyone on the rota is not able to make their date, please contact me and let me know by the Friday evening before, so that a replacement can be arranged. Please also note that Children’s Church is intended for children of pre-school and primary school age. Thank you, Pamela 07513806457

Bovevagh Sunday School 10.30am until 11.15am in the hall. All children from P1 upwards are very welcome!!

Dungiven Rotas

Middle Class 5th Nov - Gillian McDaid 12th Nov - Elizabeth Hill 19th Nov - Family Service 26th Nov - Paula Boyle Junior SS class Anita Hill and Jenna Boyle


29th Oct Paula

5th November Maureen

12th November Doreen

26th November Sandra If

missing shovel be produced, or else. When nobody budged, the officer got his gun and threatened to kill them all on the spot. He meant what he had said. Then, finally, one man stepped forward. The officer put away his gun, picked up a shovel, and beat the man to death. When it was over, the survivors picked up the bloody corpse and carried it with them to the second tool count. This time, no shovel was missing. There had been a miscount at the first check point. The word spread like wildfire through the whole camp. An innocent man had been willing to die, and did, to save the others. That’s how through the death of His Son on the cross, God deals with our sin. Jesus takes our place. He is our substitute. He lays down his life for you and for me. So as we remember the fallen and with them our own mortality, we remember that in Christ, the self-giving God has remembered us, but not our sin. May we never lose the wonder of the cross. May we see it with the eyes of a sinner lost, and yet at the same time see the outstretched arms of a Jesus who saves. Every blessing Rev Mark

Hospital Visiting If any church member or parishioner is in hospital, or expecting to be in hospital, please do ensure that the minister knows, so that he can visit to offer prayer and support if desired. Deuteronomy 31 v 7-8 says: “Be strong and brave… The LORD himself will go before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forget you. Don’t be afraid and don’t worry.”

Wednesday 15th November 2017 (note:

Permanent change to 3rd Wednesday of the month)

Early Birds Prayer Breakfast @ the Rectory 6am until 7.30am. A Bible reading, a time of open prayer, followed by a basic breakfast. Even if you cannot make it to the meeting, you are very welcome to send us your prayer requests

through email on [email protected] or by calling 028 777 41226 / mobile 07720 321283, no later than the Tuesday evening before.We would love to see you, pray and share fellowship, believing the Lord for changed hearts, healing and revival. Revd Mark, Jo, Reuben & Jem

Our Parishes are committed to the Church of Ireland Safeguarding Trust policy which is constitutionally in place to safeguard and protect children and young people who are part of our ministry programmes, and to enhance the church’s overall ministry amongst them.

Bovevagh—Thank the Lord for the harvest.

A sincere thank you to everyone who donated fresh flowers, fruit and

vegetables for our Harvest in Bovevagh. We even had a life size cow!

To the ladies who so tastefully decorated our church, it was very much

appreciated. You will agree the church looked beautiful, with all the glory

going to God.

Thank you.

We even had time on the

Saturday to sample some

apple tart, thanks Noeleen


BOVEVAGH GIRLS’ BRIGADE A big thank you to all the girls and parents for the brilliant turnout at the Enrolment Service. A big thank you to Ardnariff Flute Band for leading us to the church and back. The weather held up well. The loose collection from the service will be going to The Butterfly Lodge. GB Christmas Coffee Evening The GB will be holding their annual coffee evening on Monday 4th December in the church hall from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. There will be craft for sale made by the girls and leaders and tray bakes. Admission £3.00 per adult and children £1. Proceeds to our GB funds. Operation Christmas Child There are boxes in the church and also in the hall for donations of items and if you wish to make a donation towards the postage of the boxes, please give to one of the GB leaders or Sunday school teachers. This is a worthwhile cause and your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Angie and team

Poppy Appeal As usual the Poppy collectors will be calling at our

homes shortly. Please give generously as many are

still suffering from the results of conflict both at

home and abroad. Also on Remembrance Sunday

the loose collection at the Morning Service will go

towards the Earl Haig Fund.

Present and ex-Servicemen/woman please assemble in the foyer of the

Parish Centre prior to the Service on Remembrance Sunday.S

The parish safeguarding panel to whom any concerns can be brought is : Revd Mark Loney (777 41226) David Wilson (777 41541) Kathleen Canning (777 41556) Sharon Canning (07762 015111) Yvonne McGrotty (777 42051)

Wednesday mornings during term time @ Bovevagh Parish Office from 10am until 12 noon Need to discuss a wedding or baptism? Need to talk about a pastoral concern and receive prayer? Need a reference for work etc? Need to discuss something else that concerns you? The door is open. Come on in! This is in addition to other times when I am very happy to call with you at home as part of the routine rounds of visiting. Revd Mark.

CLOSED on Wednesday 1st November

from the registers in October……... Baptisms

No baptisms were conducted in the parishes


Emma Louise Wilson and Justine Lee O’Neill were married in Dungiven Parish Church on Saturday 14th October at 1pm.

Funerals No funerals were conducted in the parishes

Youth Focus for P7 upwards

Some dates for the diary, ipad or gadgety thing…..

26th November Green Pastures Praise, worship and teaching event, Ballymena 16th December Christmas Social including a champion speed stacker and games night. Dungiven Parish Hall. Transport from The Rectory…..more details to follow.

5th November Café Church, Dungiven Hall @ 7pm. With Largy praise group and guest

speaker. All ages welcome!!

Select Vestry Meetings for the remainder of 2017

Dungiven 14th November

Bovevagh 28th November

(please note new date, changed from 21st Nov)

Rides, Target Paintballing and a Climbing Wall. Lots of fun was had and they all came home very wet and mucky! The Cubs have been planning for their very busy year ahead; they enjoyed an evening of team challenges and are preparing for their 1st camp at half term. Some of the Cubs attended a sixers & seconders day at Crawfordsburn, where they made lego woggles, tried bouldering, played games involving team work and got involved in the ‘youthshape’ event that was organised by young leaders – it was a very fun educational day. The Scouts have been learning map reading skills in preparation for their upcoming expedition; they made breakfast flapjacks, learned some knots & did some challenging team games. Some Scouts took part in a ‘Mud Run’ organised by Scout NI, it was a tough, wet, mucky but fun 5km race through Parkanaur Forest – Well Done to everyone.

We had a visit from a gentleman from the Charity Mary’s Meal who talked to us about how they help Children in Malawi get the most out of their education by providing them with a meal and a packpack bag filled with items for their education. We as a Scout group are hoping to send out bags to Malawi, to do this we are asking all Scouts, along with their friends & family, to donate the following items: Back pack Bag, Notebooks, Pencils, Crayons, Eraser/rubbers, Sharpener, Pens, Pencil Case, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Towel, Soap, Spoon, Flip-flops/Sandals/PE Shoes, Shorts or Skirts and T-Shirt or dress or old school uniforms. These items do not have to be new, good second hand stuff is fine.

Scouts will be closed on Wed 1st & Fri 3rd November for half term.

Our Investiture Service will be held on Sunday 19th November. All children should be at the Community Hall for 10.45am in full uniform. The Scouts are holding a short Carol Service on Wednesday 29th November at 7pm in Bovevagh Parish Church. This service will be tailored for the young people where they will be given the chance to leave their filled backpacks for the Mary's Meals Project under the Christmas Tree. Everyone is invited to come and join in the celebration.

WATCH THIS SPACE * MORE DVD NIGHTS IN THE NEW YEAR The Hiding Place The Shack I Don't Know How She Does It. more details to follow in a future magazine!

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday 3rd March 2018 On UK Creative Ministries

are coming to Bovevagh Church for the weekend. There will be a special emphasis on gospel illusion training for solo workers as well as advanced puppet training. (ordained and lay people) More details to follow.

Dungiven and Bovevagh Mothers’ Union Our October meeting was our visitors’ evening, with Canon Derek Kerr as our guest Speaker. This was a very entertaining evening with lots of fun and laughter. Next Meeting of the Mothers’ Union is Tuesday 7th November @ 8.00pm in Bovevagh Parish Centre. One of own members, Wendy Wilson, will be our Guest Speaker for the evening, preparing us for Icing our Christmas Cakes and showing us now to make some decorations for them. This should be very interesting. Diocesan Autumn Council on Thursday 9th November at 7.30pm Thank you Daphne.

Bovevagh Scouts

What a busy few weeks – we have had outings, visitors, been making stuff, learning new things and having lots of fun.....

The Squirrels had lots fun learning about the seasons, play-ing snakes & ladders, ten pin bowling and enjoyed a colour party.

The Beavers learn learned about the seasons, made baked apples and chocolate bananas. They also attended a Beaver NI event ‘Rumble in the Jungle’ at Jungle NI, where they got to try Segways, Fun Zorbing, Quad

November - mid December 2017

Sunday 5th November For the first time we welcome those newly confirmed to the

Lord’s Table today 10am Dungiven Holy Communion,

11.30am Bovevagh Holy Communion

7pm Café Church – Dungiven Parish Hall (see ‘up and coming’ notices)

Sunday 12th November

10am Dungiven Morning Worship and Act of Remembrance

11.30am Bovevagh Morning Worship and Act of Remembrance

Sunday 19th November 10am Dungiven Family Service

with the Baptism of Beth Georgia Starrett 11.30am Bovevagh - Scouts Investiture Service

7pm Café Church – Bovevagh Parish Centre

with Bishop Ken (Fanta) Clarke (DV)

Sunday 26th November 10am Dungiven Morning Worship

11.30am Bovevagh Morning Worship with the Baptism of Heath Ty Glenn Moore

Sunday 3rd December (Advent 1) 10am Dungiven Holy Communion

11.30am Bovevagh Holy Communion

Sunday 10th December (Advent 2) 10am Dungiven Morning Carol Service & Gift Sunday

11.30am Bovevagh Morning Carol Service & Gift Sunday 7pm Bovevagh Lessons and Carols

Sunday 17th December (Advent 3)

10am Dungiven – Children’s Christmas Presentation (details tba)

11.30am Bovevagh – Children’s Christmas Presentation (details tba)

7pm Dungiven Lessons and Carols

Confirmation Service We had a wonderful service on Sunday 22nd October, witnessing 9 young people and 1 adult being confirmed by Bishop Ken in front of a congregation of almost 160 in Bovevagh Church. The Bishop gave a great sermon based on John 6 verses 1-14, the feeding of the 5000, with a special focus on the boy who gave his five loaves and two fish, in trust and faith. The service was followed by a very well received dessert party in the parish centre, during which presentations of devotionals were made to each of the newly confirmed. Thank you to all who made the evening such

Please see Jean Hill, May Wilson, Sandra Ross or Jo Loney for further details of when we are next due to meet.

The Ladies Bible CD Teaching Lunch Fellowship The ladies Group will be meeting as usual every alternate Friday( term time only, generally) @ The Rectory 11 am to 1pm, finishing with a light lunch. We are starting a new, 8 part, series on 24th November so perhaps this would be a good time to join us...you are welcome. Please speak to Jo if you are feel transport or other issues are preventing you being part of the group. 10th November 2017 Finishing off Walking in Healing and role play of sharing words of Testimony. 1 Peter 3:15 and Ex 23:20-33 24th November 2017 New Series Ellel Ministries Restoring The Human Spirit- Introduction. Jim Murdock 8th December 2017 Understanding Damage to The Human Spirit 1 Irene Murdock 15th December 2017 Christmas social/dvd, to be confirmed 5th January 2018 Understanding Damage to The Human Spirit 2 Hilda O'Brien

A VERY BELATED THANK YOU! I would like to say a huge thank you to all the young people, and the not so young amongst us, who made the CODA fun and games day run so smoothly on 26th August. Thank you also to the puppet team and those who came out of their way to make the sketch and song be heard outdoors! I was seriously overcome by the generosity of people’s time and effort. Thank you. Jo Thank you to Emma Riley who has produced some great looking labels for the Meal Run Scheme to make us look more pro! Look out for them from November meals on wards!


Next meeting 11th November 2017

8:45 am to 10.15 am Practice @Bovevagh Hall to tidy up and sort prompts and scripts (be prepared to get a job to do) More puppetry skills, please bring diaries! We appreciate that this is Armistice Day and we will ensure that we will finish by 10:15 am as a mark of respect.

SAVE THE DATE 21st November 2017 @ c.6pm (exact time to be confirmed) FOR WHAT? Paddington Bear 2 MEET WHERE? At the Rectory for car pooling CARERS/PARENTS: Responsible for their own chil-dren please! VENUE: To be confirmed will be Coleraine, Maghera or Londonderry, pending show time.

DUNGIVEN MEAL MINISTRY-- As a group we have come to realise that at times it’s very helpful to receive a meal at the door for you...at other times it may just bring some cheer to your day...let us continue to be a Believing community who is growing in love and compassion for one another. It would be lovely to have more people turn up to our meal making times...maybe you 'just' want to do some food prep and/or wash up. Or you may want to get more stuck in over the stove!! God is no bully, He leads people to serve and obey Him. It would be great to have some feedback (no pun intended) of how those who have received meals enjoyed them or not. We won’t be offended we would just like to know!

an encouragement and blessing. We look forward to continuing our journey with Jenna, Kayla, Joseph, Julie, Hannah (McClean), Cain, Jack (McCloskey), Emma, Jack (Robinson) and Hannah (Steele), as they receive communion in their own churches for the first time in November. Revd Mark.

Up and coming…. Alan Keys has produced a massive history of Dungiven Parish and it is hoped this can be launched mid to late November, depending on last minute revisions and printing schedule falling into place. Keep an ear to the church notices for that. The Sunday school are planning to bury a history time capsule in the church grounds on the same day.

Bible Study

‘Bright Faith in a Dark Hour’ The Book of RUTH

On the following Wednesdays @ 8pm – 9.15/9.30pm

1st November – no meeting 8th November (Bovevagh) Ruth 3 15th November (Dungiven) Ruth 4

(please note date is changed from 22nd Nov)

29th November (Bovevagh) Prayer Meeting & Recap on Ruth 3 and 4

Note - Advent begins on Sunday 3rd December

Advent Services @ 8pm on Wednesdays 6th 13th and 20th December. Further details in church notices, website, facebook

and the December magazine.

BOVEVAGH PRAYER GROUP Bovevagh Prayer Group meets at 10.30 am each Sunday morning in the Vestry and concludes at 11.10am in time for the Church Service. For more information please contact Rosemary Robinson. For your Prayers… · Revd Mark, Jo, Reuben and Jem

· The housebound, lonely and bereaved.

· For all the Parish Organisations as they enter a new season

· For all preparing for Marriage or Baptism

· For growth in faith and discipleship

· For the Meal Run Ministry

· For our province and the lack of government

· Good counsel for our global leaders . The guidance of the Holy Spirit concerning The Ladies Bible CD Lunch Fellowship


THE CLOTHING COLLECTION raised £405. Thank you to everyone from

both our Parishes who donated items of clothing. Your generosity and

loyalty is very much appreciated once again. The money will be allocated

soon to our regular Missionary Societies and I know they will be

delighted as always.

I would also like to thank everyone who donated knitted garments

throughout the year. These lovely garments will put smiles on the faces

of many children. I don't like to single out anyone, but I am sure you will

agree that a special thanks goes to Mary Mullan for the amazing number

of hat, scarf and mitten sets she has donated to the shoe box appeal.

Rosemary Robinson

The Seniors’ Christmas Dinner will be hosted this year by Bovevagh Church, and is open to both parishes. A date and time has yet to be finalised.

Fliers and Information coming out soon.

Advance notice…Glenshane Care Association Annual Christmas Craft Fair

When: Saturday 4th November from 11am - 3pm

Where: Glenshane Care Centre, Glenshane Business Park, 50 Legavallon Road, Dungiven

Pick up unique Christmas gifts for your loved ones

made by local crafters. Contact: Stephanie Hilditch on 02877742948 /

Email- [email protected]

Admission: £2 Please support this local charity. NI Charity Reg No: 101802


The prayer group meets every Sunday morning from 9.15am-9.40am in the church to pray for God’s anointing upon our worship, that there might be a move of His Spirit. We also pray for those in need whom the Lord has placed on our hearts. We would love you to join us for prayer. We are reading through the Book of Hosea at present. Please speak to the Rector for more information. Revd Mark 777 41226

Bible Marathon…next steps Some time ago I floated the idea of a Bible Marathon – a continuous full reading of the Bible over a period of time in our two churches. I firmly believe this would be an enriching and uplifting experience as we read aloud the story of salvation, God’s purposes and plan. That said, to avoid an unhealthy frenzy of activity from now up to Christmas this has been squarely set in place for Lent 2018, so it is very much still on the landscape, and preparations will begin shortly. Revd Mark

Sunday 5th November

Café Church A very informal time of modern worship with guest speaker, interspersed with food and

fellowship. The first of these will take place on Sunday 5th November in Dungiven Parish Hall at 7pm. Our guest speaker

has been booked. X is a high profile professional who will be

giving his testimony and speaking about his challenging work in the province. Our friends from the Largy Praise Group will be leading our praise. The invitation will be open to other churches round about us as well. Put the date in your diary. Not to be missed!! In this 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 theses, there will be a special Reformation Service in St Columb’s Cathedral, Londonderry, on Tuesday 7th November 2017 at 8pm. The Bishop of Kilmore, Rt. Revd Ferran Glenfield, will be the preacher. Please speak to Revd Mark if you plan to go.

With your parish magazine this month you should find a giving envelope for the annu-al Bishops’ Appeal. What is that you may ask?

Well here is a brief summary of what your donation would support.

Bishops’ Appeal is the Church’s World Aid and Development Programme. It was set up by the Bishops of the Church in response to the commands in the Bible to bring good news to the poor and relief to the suffering. The programme does this by

-educating the Church at home about the needs and concerns of people in the less developed world and the causes of poverty; -encouraging Church members to examine the reasons for the problems facing the less fortunate in the world and to consider what we can do to change conditions; -reaching out in God’s name to those who need our help; -encourage prayer and action aimed at strengthening the poor; to raise the funds needed to allow Bishops’ Appeal to support development projects and alleviate the suffering caused by disasters, both natural and man-made.

Bishops’ Appeal works through partner Non-Governmental Organisations and Mission Agencies to live out Christ’s “Mission Statement” to feed the hungry, lift the burden of poverty from the poor and bring freedom and hope to the oppressed. It does not fund development and emergency work directly. Partners have the local knowledge and resources to ensure that projects for which they apply for funding are of maximum benefit to the peoples and areas in which they work.

Bishops’ Appeal enables people to have more control over their own lives and futures so that they are less dependent on others than they are today.

Half the world’s population live on less than two dollars a day; over 300 million people in sub-Saharan Africa live on less than one dollar a day. It is estimated that 30,000 people die every day from poverty related diseases. The Christian Church cannot remain silent in the face of this ongoing tragedy and injustice. Bishops’ Appeal is the Church of Ireland’s voice calling for an end to this suffering and working with others to make a difference where it can. Please pray and offer your support to this very worthy work carried out in Jesus’ name.

Any donations should be returned in the envelope provided via the Sunday offering, no later please than Sunday 3rd December 2017. If for some reason the envelope has not been enclosed, and you would like one, please let the minister know.

Time to stock up….logs in abundance for sale at the Rectory. Limited offer until 30th November £3 per bag or £25 for 10 bags. All bagged and ready to go! Proceeds to Parish Funds.