our motherland legend

Our motherland Our motherland legend legend Legend about Maciej Legend about Maciej Matysowski who was looking Matysowski who was looking for an unusual place for an unusual place

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Our motherland legend. Legend about Maciej Matysowski who was looking for an unusual place. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Our motherland  legend

Our motherlandOur motherland legend legend

Legend about Maciej Legend about Maciej Matysowski who was looking Matysowski who was looking

for an unusual placefor an unusual place

Page 2: Our motherland  legend

When our country was ruled by dignified Piastowie, there was a very brave warrior called Maciej. He was also called Matysowski. He was known for his bravery in numerous battles and jousts waging on border grounds with neighboring countries.

Page 3: Our motherland  legend

This knight was famous not only for bravery in battles but in times of This knight was famous not only for bravery in battles but in times of peace he was becoming wanderer and adventures seeker. He hided then peace he was becoming wanderer and adventures seeker. He hided then

his armor, shield and his sword and only little armed he set out on his his armor, shield and his sword and only little armed he set out on his wandering. He was traveling in this way the length and breadth of the wandering. He was traveling in this way the length and breadth of the country admiring beautiful places and looking for the most beautiful country admiring beautiful places and looking for the most beautiful

place for himself, in which owing to the goodwill of Prince he would be place for himself, in which owing to the goodwill of Prince he would be able to settle down.able to settle down.

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By visiting different corners of the country, he was meeting new people By visiting different corners of the country, he was meeting new people and experiencing their customs and traditions. He was offered living and experiencing their customs and traditions. He was offered living

space in many mansions and castles but he still wanted something more. space in many mansions and castles but he still wanted something more. He wanted to have something on his own, something close to his heart, He wanted to have something on his own, something close to his heart,

he was longing for something unique…he was longing for something unique…

Page 5: Our motherland  legend

But time was passing by and knight Maciej still did not have his own But time was passing by and knight Maciej still did not have his own place. One day he was riding through a beautiful area. Picturesque hills place. One day he was riding through a beautiful area. Picturesque hills overgrown with virgin forests surely full of wild game were spreading in overgrown with virgin forests surely full of wild game were spreading in

front of him. Valleys with streams were covered with meadows colorful of front of him. Valleys with streams were covered with meadows colorful of millineries flowers. There was also fertile land but overgrown with lush millineries flowers. There was also fertile land but overgrown with lush

greenery… greenery…

Page 6: Our motherland  legend

This place seems to be left by people This place seems to be left by people but the same time it is perfect for me thought the knight. but the same time it is perfect for me thought the knight.

He decided to get this area for himself at any price. He decided to get this area for himself at any price. The next day he turned back his way and went to the nearby burg city to The next day he turned back his way and went to the nearby burg city to ask for this land. Due to the fact that he was very famous and honored ask for this land. Due to the fact that he was very famous and honored

man, the land was given to him. The castellan was very glad that such a man, the land was given to him. The castellan was very glad that such a distinguished warrior was going to settle down in the neighborhood. distinguished warrior was going to settle down in the neighborhood.

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Knight Maciej called Matysowski as a legal owner of his dream land had Knight Maciej called Matysowski as a legal owner of his dream land had to name it. It was used to name the land after its owner at those times. to name it. It was used to name the land after its owner at those times. Therefore the knight decided to call this area Matysówka which derived Therefore the knight decided to call this area Matysówka which derived from his nickname not because he wanted to aggrandize his own fame from his nickname not because he wanted to aggrandize his own fame

but because he wanted to be faithful to the tradition.but because he wanted to be faithful to the tradition.

Page 8: Our motherland  legend

And so warrior Maciej finally found his unusual place. Since that time be And so warrior Maciej finally found his unusual place. Since that time be seldom traveled unless he was called to serve his country. After a while seldom traveled unless he was called to serve his country. After a while

Matysówka became populated with people who changed the empty fields Matysówka became populated with people who changed the empty fields into ripe farmland. The famous knight experienced many happy moments into ripe farmland. The famous knight experienced many happy moments

there and he never regretted his choice. there and he never regretted his choice.

Page 9: Our motherland  legend

Legend about Maciej Legend about Maciej Matysowski who was looking Matysowski who was looking

for an unusual placefor an unusual place