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Volume 6, Issue 2 June 2014 Page 1 OUR MISSION Live the Faith! Lift High the Cross! OUR VISION We will grow in faith and numbers by seeing Christ in one another in all we say and do! =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Pastor’s Ponderings Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ; Ministry is alive and active in our congregation! We have kicked off our year of reducing the mortgage principle with two wonder- fully attended events. I want to thank you for bringing in your coins at the end of each month. We also had a great turn out for the 55th anniver- sary celebration and live auction. All funds that have been collected have been applied directly to the principle of our mortgage. Thank you for your faithful service! We have just completed a fabulous week of Vacation Bible School where all who were in- volved learned that Jesus’ love is one of a kind! The week would not have been possible without the volunteers, support and prayers of the con- gregation. Throughout the week over 35 kids had the chance to learn about God’s love and experi- ence that love throughout our time together. Each night stories from the Bible came alive and related to our overall theme that God loves us and made us unique, special, and one of a kind. As we look to the near future, we will continue to plan for the fall when Sunday School will start up again. On September 7, we will kick off the new program year with “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday. We will go out into the community to be help spread the Good News of the Gospel through our service to others. If you have an idea for “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday, please contact Loretta Holmes or myself. Also, if you are interested in leading the adult class for a few weeks of study on a particular topic, please let me know. I would like to set up a number of different classes throughout the year that focus on a number of different ways that we can learn about of faith. Peace and Blessings, Pastor Elizabeth =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= New Members On Mother’s Day, May 11 th Jordan, Autumn & Chris Coleman, Mariam & Orian Atcheson, and Ruth Miller were received into Membership at Resurrection

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Volume 6, Issue 2 June 2014

Page 1

OUR MISSION Live the Faith! Lift High the Cross!

OUR VISION We will grow in faith and numbers by seeing Christ in one another in all we say and do!


Pastor’s Ponderings Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ;

Ministry is alive

and active in our

congregation! We

have kicked off

our year of

reducing the

mortgage principle

with two wonder-

fully attended events. I want to thank you for

bringing in your coins at the end of each month.

We also had a great turn out for the 55th anniver-

sary celebration and live auction. All funds that

have been collected have been applied directly to

the principle of our mortgage. Thank you for your

faithful service!

We have just completed a fabulous week of

Vacation Bible School where all who were in-

volved learned that Jesus’ love is one of a kind!

The week would not have been possible without

the volunteers, support and prayers of the con-

gregation. Throughout the week over 35 kids had

the chance to learn about God’s love and experi-

ence that love throughout our time together.

Each night stories from the Bible came alive and

related to our overall theme that God loves us and

made us unique, special, and one of a kind.

As we look to the near future, we will continue

to plan for the fall when Sunday School will start

up again. On September 7, we will kick off the

new program year with “God’s Work, Our Hands”

Sunday. We will go out into the community to be

help spread the Good News of the Gospel

through our service to others. If you have an idea

for “God’s Work, Our Hands” Sunday, please

contact Loretta Holmes or myself. Also, if you are

interested in leading the adult class for a few

weeks of study on a particular topic, please let me

know. I would like to set up a number of different

classes throughout the year that focus on a

number of different ways that we can learn about

of faith.

Peace and Blessings,

Pastor Elizabeth


New Members

On Mother’s Day, May 11

th Jordan, Autumn & Chris

Coleman, Mariam & Orian Atcheson, and Ruth Miller were

received into Membership at Resurrection

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Page 2

Central States Synod Assembly by Candyce Saxton

June 5 – 7, 2014 at Springfield, MO

The theme of the annual assembly was “Fear and

Hope – Living at God’s Table”.

The assembly opened with a worship service on the

subject of “Do not be Afraid”. Worshipers were asked

to write down their biggest two fears for our church or


From Thursday’s concerns, a top ten list was com-

piled. The top ten concerns were:

10. Power (making mistakes)

9. Diversity

8. Trust

7. Identity (Losing)

6. Conflict (Fear of)

5. Society

4. Future

3. Irrelevance

2. Scarcity (of financial and other resources)

1. Youth (or graying of the pews)

We broke into groups of 8 to 10 people for round

table discussions. We were asked to select one of the

top ten fears. Our assignment was “How might your

future as a member of the body of Christ shape how

you deal with the fear that you identified. Each table

then reported on their fear and the conclusion reached

by their discussion. We closed Thursday with a

“Service of Healing”.

On Saturday Rev. Rafael Malpica-Padilla spoke

regarding faith, hope, and love. His topic was:

Faith – the ability to hear the tune of change

Hope – the courage to dance to that tune today

Love – stubborn, unwavering, commitment

He stressed how where there is fear there is also

opportunity for change. And where there is opportuni-

ty there is hope. He said that we cannot face our fears

by building walls and hunkering down. He said that

we must go out into society. He said that the Church is

not like the “Field of Dreams”. If you build it, they

will not come.

Assembly closed with worship service.


Candyce Saxton

Gerald Yoachum

Candyce Saxton

Baptisms James Cavan Kluesner was baptized April 27, 2014

Parents, Jessica & Caleb, sister, Kaidyn

During the Easter Vigil Service, April 20th

, 2014, Janie &

John Gosser were baptized. Parents Maria Hernandez and

Doug Gosser, Sponsors: Gerald & Alice Yoachum


Welcome Team

Clark Sholts, Welcome Team Chair, displays two designated

visitor parking signs which will soon be placed in out

parking lot.

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Page 3

Who’s That Lutheran?

Matching Test

Match the items below to the Lutherans listed on the right.

(Hint: some people have multiple answers)

1. I have 6 screws in my right foot from a high

school cheerleading injury.

2. I take care of 7 dogs + 1 cat that my family


3. I stood on the counter of the local café and

sang for the customers.

4. I enjoy art, I have done chalk portraits for


5. I competed in the state track meet in the

4x200 and the 4x400.

6. I collect Disney items and own 500+ Disney

movies, 300+ Disney books and numerous

Disney oriented items from stuffed animals

to posters and old records and toys.

7. I shoot archery

8. My senior year in high school, my career

quiz said my top two professions, that

would fit my interests, would be an ac-

countant or an auto mechanic.

9. I was 2nd runner up for Miss Marshall Coun-


10. Growing up in a German speaking home I

was not permitted to speak English and

struggled with English when I started


11. My spouse works for the government/FAA.

12. I love movies and own a copy of every

Academy Award Best Picture.

13. I have been to 9 different countries.

14. I was runner up in an arm wrestling contest.


Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it, nothing is possible. With it, nothing is impossible

Martin Luther

___Lisa Atcheson

___Jacki Chapa

___Evelyn Cherry

___Evelyn Clark

___Patrick DeWitt

___Randy Doll

___Kim Frickey

___Martin Luther

___Lyndsey Hale

___Mykenzie McKusker

___Mickey Mouse

___Maranda Pike

___Pam Porsch

___Hope Tjaden

Keep reading to find the answers.

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Page 4

Vacation Bible School by Pam Porsch

Weird Animals VBS 2014 - VBS was held

June 9-13 from 6-8:30pm. We had 38 children

participate in Weird Animals VBS, where they

learned that Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind.

Each evening began with Sing & Play Stam-

pede with the kids singing their hearts out;

then they watched Dr. Paws and learned

about his interesting animals each night. The

evening continued with the crews participat-

ing in two station rotations; then all crews

went to the Critter Café for the light snack

that was served each night as part of the

program; the evening finished out with the

crews participating in the two remaining

stations; then to Tail End to sing and dance

and finish the evening. At Weird Animals the

kids learned one important Bible Point each

day and had one Bible story reenacted. The

daily Bible Point was reinforced in all seven

daily stations. Leaders for the seven stations

were Pastor Elizabeth, Karolyn Braun, Karen

Vogt, Bert Kirkpatrick, Rory Cummings, Eric

Braun, Rhonda Doll, Lisa Atcheson, Loretta

Holmes, Vicki Larsen, Trisha Clevenger and

many more volunteers helped each night.

Thank you to all the volunteers, the members

that donated items for the week and the

parents for bringing the kids! We had an

AMAZING time!!

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Page 5

Sunday School By Loretta Holmes and Pam Porsch

Praise and thanks for a job well done to

faithful, beloved Sunday school teachers.

During this past school year, teachers pre-

pared lessons for 40+ children, in addition to

adults. 2013-2014 teachers include: Pastor

Elizabeth, and Rhonda and Randy Doll – adults,

Jan Albertin & Karolyn Braun – pre-school, Lisa

Atcheson – K-2nd grades, Hope Tjaden – 3–5th

grades, Pam Porsch & Eric Braun – 6-12th

grades. Special thanks to our ‘over-all’ direc-

tor, Loretta Holmes.

In addition to classroom lessons and applied

craft projects, RLC kids participate in our

worship services. Here at Resurrection we are

blessed with and do treasure the ‘herd’ of

children who gather on Sundays for Pastor

Elizabeth’s children’s sermon. They do listen

and learn as eager hands are raised, correct

answers given to Pastor’s questions about the

Gospel reading! Hurray! Every month, adult

smiles are broad, necks are craned, and camer-

as appear as the spirited (Holy Spirited)

Children’s Choir sings. Our appreciation goes

to the song leaders for this year: Jeanette

Westerhaus, Rhonda Doll, Tressa Vogt, Claudia

Howell, Loretta Holmes, Kim Frickey, Nikki

Christiansen, Vicki Larsen and accompanist,

Marty Gould. Are your ears still ringing? Pam

Porsch arranges for the enthusiastic, sponta-

neous bell choir to lead the congregation in

hymn singing. To end this year, Sunday School

honored dads and moms with a delicious fellow-

ship hour brunch on June 1st.

Looking forward to the next school year,

new Sunday School teachers are Tressa Vogt -

preschool and Rory Cummings – 6-8 grades.

Also, plans for Rally Day, September 7th are

being made. Our church will be busy working

together as we join in a mission project (to be

announced) for the church wide theme, God’s

Work, Our Hands. Heads up for details.


YMT Events July 19, 2014 – Christmas in July/All Saints

Birthday Bingo Event 2-5pm. Come join

the fun, celebrate your birthday and

Christmas in July all while playing bingo

and eating birthday cake. Popcorn and

nachos will be available for purchase.

There will be no less than 50 prizes/gifts

claimed at this exciting event!

August 23 & October 25 – Sandwich Saturday

9:30-noon – The Youth of Haysville Church-

es gather at various Haysville Churches to

prepare 200+ sack lunches and deliver

them to St John’s Episcopal Church in

Wichita. The homeless are very grateful for

this outreach project and the youth con-

tinue to be excited to participate in this

Community Service Project.

October 5 – Bierocks or Lefse anyone?! Mark

your calendars!

December 6 – Need some time to do some

Christmas shopping or wrapping without

staying up until the wee hours of the morn-

ing? Bring the kids to our annual Sitting 4

Shopping for shopping from 10am – 2pm.

The kids always have a wonderful time

making several craft projects and listening

to the Christmas Story. Lunch will be

$3/child and monetary donations will be

accepted for the crafting/babysitting


January 2015 – Be on the lookout for the Third

Annual YMT Chili Cook-Off and Dessert

Auction. Get out your best chili and des-

sert recipes and dust them off - the chal-

lenge will be here shortly!

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Page 6

First Communion During April a group of excited Resurrection

youngsters met with Altar Guild, Pastor Elizabeth

and parents to learn the whys and wherefores of

communion. They listened, read, watched, tasted,

measured, mixed and baked. On Easter Sunday

they received their first communion with the bread

they baked. The entire congregation was blessed

to also receive this ‘quite chewy’ communion

bread. Yes, for more than one week, we had kid

baked communion bread. It was special, and

Resurrection is blessed with the children.

Those taking their first communion on Easter

Sunday: Brynna Christiansen, Allison Clevenger,

Grant Connolly, John Gosser, Janie Gosser,

Anthony Gosser, Kaylee Hampton, Azure Frickey,

Jordan Coleman

New Mission Start Church Pastor Ivan Gonza-

les of the new mission

start church, Partner’s

Ministry Church in the

Planeview area of

Wichita, visited

Resurrection and

conducted services on

March 23rd

. Pastor

Gonzales, formerly a Catholic priest and now an

ordained Lutheran pastor, comes to us from El Salva-

dor to serve this new start church, located at 2760 S.

Roosevelt in Wichita. Lutheran, Methodist and

Episcopalian churches are working to support and help

establish this young church. Our Wednesday evening

Lenten service offerings were given to Partner’s

Church. Pam and Heather Porsch together with Elaine

Harvey from St Paul Lutheran Church, Wichita, are in

early stages of working with Partners Church to

organize and conduct their 1st VBS. More Methodist,

Episcopal and Lutheran churches are being sought to

help with this venture.

Along with hearing the word of God, Partner’s

Church intends to help provide education and job

opportunities for adults and soccer for kids. God bless

Partner’s Church!


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Page 7

Camp Toma Shinga Camper Blessing

Pastor Elizabeth blesses campers MyKenzie McKusker, Emma Atcheson, Natasha Braun, Taeden Marshall and Derick Krueger.

Thanks to WELCA camp scholarships, Resur-rection’s five campers all attended camp the same week this year. Asked what their favorite thing about camp was, Emma quickly responded, “Bible study and worship. I learned new songs and other new things.” Taeden thought swimming was just the best. He liked playing games, especially ‘Johnny-Freddy-Harry’. The food was great, hamburgers and hot dogs, and he liked the coun-selors. Derick and Natasha were sitting together during Fellowship Hour, laughing and singing with motions! Yes, they were singing camp songs and proceeded to sing and giggle together more and more. Derick said he ‘really enjoyed hip-hop dances’. Natasha was beaming when she said she was the only one in her village to climb the 35 foot rock wall. Both agreed the village (group) names with corresponding actions were great fun. They named the ‘Beastly Bible Butterflies, Evan Ele-phants, Pray Panthers, and Godly Gorillas’.

MyKenzie is an experienced, devoted camper. She submitted the following report: “So camp... so many thoughts. As every other year that I have been there, it was an amazing experience - even though there was a bit of rain on the first full day - and I got to share it with several other people from

church this year which is wonderful. I'm glad to know that even when the time comes in 2 years when I can't return as a camper that hopefully someone from Resurrection will be there getting closer to God the way I have each year. I don't think I would be able to pinpoint just one thing to be my favorite activity for the week but the time I got to spend with my village (group) and all the fun we had together. We spent times singing in the chapel and spending the night in the cabin's living for our "sleep-out" since the ground was too wet to sleep on. We also did high ropes and zip-lined and did trust exercises to get to know each, as well as reconnecting with people from last year. We did cook out one day, making pizza sandwiches on bagels. The rest of the food was wonderful as always. The high schoolers had yummy, delicious s'mores one night after evening worship.

A fun project that only the high schoolers got to embark on was bowl making which was interesting to figure out. We each got a section from a cut down tree trunk and with hammers and chisels had to make a hole in the middle big enough to put some coals from a fire in and burn for as long as possible. We had to repeat that over and over again, which sounds boring but it wasn't really. What we didn't know was that it was going to take more than a couple of days to do so we all left with incomplete bowls before we could finish them and then sand them, so it's an ongoing project.

As for the future of the camp I see it continuing to grow and nurture those who pass over all the acres that it encompasses like it has for so many years already. They also wanted us to know that the camp is not just for summer only, but that it is open all year round for things like retreats and those sorts of things for our entire congregation. So that's what I have to say about Camp Tomah Shinga for this year! If anybody has any questions about Camp just come find me!”

The campers enthusiasm is quite contagious, are you ready to sign up for camp?


The incidence of coincidences increases when you pray.

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Women of the ELCA

– Cluster Meeting Cross of Glory Lutheran Church, April 12, 2014

Our church was well represent-

ed at this Spring Cluster Meeting

with Loretta Holmes as Coordina-

tor. An officer on the cluster board

for the past 3 years, Loretta

arranged the speakers for this

interesting meeting.

Our own Evelyn Clark, with a

Germanic heritage and having

travelled to Germany several times,

spoke of ‘Women of the Refor-


A second,

engaging speaker was Stacie

Donaldson from ICT-SOS who

spoke about human trafficking.

Pastor Elizabeth, Lois Hickman, Evelyn Clark, Loretta

Holmes, Betty Batten, Vickie Sample, Evelyn Cherry,

Candyce Saxton, Noreen Sholts, Vicki Larsen


Something to continually remember as we pray is that

we come before the Throne as beggars, not advisors.

Our boldness in asking is provided by the blood of

Jesus – Anonymous


Pastor Joan & Mary Swander

Many folks at Resur-

rection will remember

Pastor Joan and Mary

Swander. Pastor Joan

now serves St Paul

Lutheran Church in State

Center, Iowa and her dear

mom lives with her.

Recently we received a note telling of their plans

for Mary’s 85th


Today, June 18th

, Mother is 85. I had the

family do a 'note shower' for her - she is loving it!

We are going to Door County WI next week

for my continuing ed and she is looking forward

to that. On Monday I am taking her to The

Cookery in Door county for her BD lunch. (We

believe in stretching out the celebrating as much

as possible. Which is good - we have a communi-

ty food pantry and a funeral visitation at church

today, so I am stretched pretty thin!) We will stay

on Washington Island and have a boat trip and

will go to their famous Fish Boil one night. Then

we will meet my sister in Fairfield Iowa for a few

days in that quaint little town.

-Mary and Pastor Joan

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Page 9

2014 Graduates

William Casteel graduated from Campus High School. With a grin, he quickly

lists “lunch” as his favorite subject, followed by Physical Education, especially

basketball. William’s summer plans include a road trip to visit family in Montana

with sightseeing stops along the way. He would like to be a fireman, especially

working as an EMS, in an emergency response unit. William’s advice to friends

and underclass students, “Stay in school, don’t do drugs and get good grades. “

Zach Doll graduated from Norwich High

School. With a total enrollment of 53 students,

there were 14 Norwich graduates in his 2014

class. Science generally and physics specifically

were Zach’s favorite high school subjects,

although he names Miss Poe, a math teacher, as

his favorite teacher. “Everyone likes her. She

teaches algebra up to calculus and makes it

understandable and fun.” This summer, Zach is working at Farrar Corporation as a

metallurgical IT assistant, plus the Norwich Doll family is planning a camping

vacation to Yellowstone National Park. Zach will be attending Kansas State

University’s engineering school this next academic year. We can be very proud and

pleased for Zach as he has been awarded several local scholarships and one wonder-

ful national, Hagans Scholarship, which grants $5000 per semester for four years.

He was impressed to learn that K State conducts an annual Career Outlook Day where visiting employers present job

opportunities and students can match their interests and learning for employment upon graduation. Zach’s advice to

school friends: “Work hard, do what needs to be done, apply for college scholarships, especially local scholarships.”

Lucas Frickey graduated from the University of Kansas with a degree in

Exercise Science and also was commissioned as a Marine 2nd

lieutenant. In

college his favorite subjects were anatomy

and physiology. He said, “I think the

human body is fascinating and obviously

extremely applicable to our lives! My

favorite lab was anatomy lab where we

actually got to learn with cadavers. For

the next four years I’ll be in the Marine

Corps. Right now I am a second lieuten-

ant. In October I will go to TBS (the basic

school) for more training in Virginia.

From there, I will find out my MDS (or

job) and go to additional training for that.”

Asked what advice he would offer under-

classmate friends, Lucas replied, “Make

sure you put your education first while still

maintaining a balanced life.”

Andrew Kaufman graduated from Clearwater High School. He has joined the

Marines and will report for Basic Training at Camp Pendleton, California this fall.

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Worship Assistants List for July - September 2014:

July – Greeters- Ray York, E Clark Welcome- Stan & Lois Hickman Acolyte- Candyce DeWitt Crucifer- Derick Krueger Ushers- Jacki Chapa, Jake Stevenson Sacristans- Karen Vogt & Alice Yoachum Lector- Rory Cummings Counters- Rebecca McKusker, Shari Jordan Hosts: July 6 Bob & Jeanette Westerhaus, Brett & Betty

Batten July 13 Jim & Kim Frickey, Stan & Lois Hickman July 20 Candy Saxton, Darrin & Deanna Deutscher July 27 Lydia Evans, Vicki Sample

August – Greeters- Bob & Jeanette Westerhaus Welcome- Acolyte- Ellie Bock Crucifer- Jayci Gonzales Ushers- Gerald Yoachum, & Jim Frickey Sacristans- Rebecca & MyKenzie McKusker Counters- Kris Atcheson & Jan Albertin Lector- Alice Yoachum Hosts: August 3 Patrick & Lacey DeWitt, Stan & Shari Jordan August 10 Alice Yoachum & Evelyn Cherry August 17 Trisha Clevenger, Don & LaDonna Lawrenz August 24 Candy Saxton & Vicki Nunn August 31 Eric & Karolyn Braun, Pam Porsch

September – Greeters- Terry & Nancy Haskins, Tim & Donelle

Frawley Welcome- Acolyte- Emma Atcheson Crucifer- Natasha Braun Ushers- Loretta Holmes, William Casteel, Hope

Tjaden Sacristans- Loretta Holmes & Noreen Sholts Counters- Joyce Wilson/Brian Christiansen & Candy

Saxton Lector- Kris Atcheson Hosts: September 7 Terry & Nancy Haskins (Rally Day) September 14 Lisa & Kris Atcheson, Don & Patti

Meserve September 21 Randy & Rhonda Doll, Trudy Doll September 28 Tyler & Amy Hampton, Marge Dulaney

Resurrection Turns 55! On Sunday, May 4th, we celebrated the 55th an-

niversary of signing our charter! Special guest,

Bishop’s Associate, Pastor Keith Hohly delivered

the sermon. There was a catered congregational

lunch from Hog Wild – Hurray! WELCA had no

cooking, just serving and clean-up. Then followed a

live auction fundraiser, to reduce the current

mortgage. Rick Clements was our auctioneer for

the many beautiful and delicious items donated.

Rick is a great auctioneer, making us happy to part

with our money!

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Alice Yoachum, Lydia Evans & Candyce Saxton sewed Bible pouches.

A Life Dedicated to Christian Service Meet Linda Gawthorne, a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators. She shares, “Oc-

tober 22, 2013 marked 40 years since my arrival in 1973 as a young, inexperienced and

rather scared missionary to live with the Cassia* people group of northern South America.

I thank God for His help, presence and faithfulness in each of the experiences, trials,

dangers and joys of these 40 years. He who called us is FAITHFUL.” At first, Linda with one

to two co-workers provided medical care, and while learning the native language devel-

oped an alphabet so they could read and write it. As soon as they had learned enough of

the language to communicate well they shared the good news of Jesus. They also devel-

oped primers and school textbooks so the Cassia people could learn to read and write.

Terrorists displaced Linda and later forced native believers from their farms, yet God used

this time to allow Linda to take young Cassia students into her home and provide elementary and then higher education,

two men have now have M. A. degrees in education. Cassia villages now want education for their children so although

the Christians are persecuted, they are seen as the best resources for education.

Despite many Satan led obstacles, with prayers and persistence, translation of the New Testament has been complet-

ed, revised, checked and rechecked and now, Linda exclaims, “It's time for the final typesetting of the Cassia New

Testament!” She shares, “Revelation was ‘interesting’ to check as there are so many things the Cassia people aren't

familiar with that had to be described. They don't grow up with stories about dragons so have no word for one. An iguana

looks somewhat like a small version of a dragon, but never hurts anyone or causes fear so that wasn't a good choice to

describe the dragon. We ended up saying he was like a BIG snake that really scares you, as snakes are to be feared and do

harm. The beasts also had to be handled with a descriptive phrase. Scrolls and seals are also unknown and required

wording carefully. They do however know about something similar to the book of life so that's great!”

“We are delighted that the native language New Testament has been recorded by "Faith Comes by Hearing" so that it

will be available in audio format. Many of the Cassia cannot read so we thank God that they will have the New Testament

available in audio form on solar powered players. A large number of Cassia people participated in this dramatized audio

version of the Scripture with each NT person (Jesus, Peter, Paul, Mary, etc.) being read by a different person.”

Locally Resurrection’s Altar Guild sewed and mailed 20 Bible pouches at Linda’s request: “It rains a LOT in the South

American mountains so we'd like to distribute each New Testament in a vinyl protective pouch in order to help protect

them from getting wet as well as pages getting rumpled as they are carried over mountain trails in the typical hand-woven

bags. The Cassia people will be so thankful for your help.”

Linda asks for continued prayer support as persecution does continue. “One of our

greatest concerns currently is how Cassia Christians are denied their rights in the area

of education. Please pray with us that some needed changes will be made to the way

the school on the Christian farm functions and for the teachers to be open to an

improved way of teaching the precious children of believers as well as students from

several villages.

Also pray that the Cassia people will embrace God's Word as the Thessalonian

believers did: When you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you

accepted it not as a human word, but as it actually is, the word of God. (1Th 2:13)

Thank you for standing in prayer with us through the years as we worked on the

translation of the Cassia New Testament and for continuing to stand with us as it

nears publication. We appreciate you.”

Linda for your Cassian brothers and sisters

*pseudonyms used due to security concerns

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Spot Light on Lydia and Keith Evans

Keith was born near White City, KS at home on the family farm, the

fourth child in the family of nine children. He attended country school

for 6 years, and then the family moved and he attended the town school.

There the kids laughed at his bib overalls and so Keith got to wear jeans.

Growing up on the farm, Keith’s dad would hire out some of the kids for

chores and odd jobs helping neighbors. Keith was allowed to keep

whatever he earned, but he had to pay for his own clothes, shoes, etc.

Fun times growing up included playing in the barn, hide and seek,

chasing pigs, riding horseback. Keith recalls one kid-proof horse that

they would ride double or triple and one time, they loaded seven kids

onto that horse! With a chuckle, Keith says, “One thing hasn’t changed,

we used to hide from our dad to avoid the tasks he would assign.”

Keith went to White City High School

where he tried out for several sports, but he

was too short. In 1951, just after high school, Keith joined the US Navy and

promptly grew 3 or 4 inches in boot camp! Stationed in San Diego, CA, he

served on an attack cargo ship which hauled supplies, even tanks, on three

trips to Korea. Keith was a machinist mate assigned specifically to service

pumps and valves on the main engine. At sea, he stood watches on the main

engine, “four hours on, 8 hours off”. Travel with the Navy took Keith to Point

Barrel, Alaska, Hawaii and Japan. He states, ‘I liked the Navy.” In 1954, he

was discharged and returned home to White City. In 1955, Keith and a buddy

were driving around on a Sunday and came to Tampa, about 60 miles away.

They noticed a group of girls walking by, and began a conversation. Enter


Lydia was the last baby of nine children, born in the Hillsboro hospital. The

family lived and worked a farm near Tampa. Although she admits to being

spoiled as the youngest, Lydia says she had to help her mom in the house and do

chores with the cows and chickens. At play, she was a tomboy, climbing fences,

riding cows, playing school was most fun as their home had been a school and

‘real’ books and supplies remained. The family attended a nearby country

church, St John, which was later moved into Tampa. Lydia attended a country

school, walking down the road and sometimes riding on the running board of the

mail truck. Graduating 8th

grade, Lydia earned money to contribute to her dad

by babysitting, ironing, and sewing, but she had plans and saved back money to

enroll in Tampa High school. The family’s only child to attend high school, she

enrolled first and then had to tell her parents, a bold and frightening act. In high

school, Lydia became a cheerleader, edited the school paper, sang in a trio and took acting parts in plays.

After Lydia’s graduation, one Sunday while waiting for her dad who was in a church meeting, she was

strolling with girl friends when they noticed some boys driving by and began a conversation. Enter Keith.

He asked her for a date and the following Wed. they attended the movies in the big town of Herrington.

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They were married in 1959 by a judge at the Junction City Court House. Keith paid him $10. They cele-

brated at a dance In Herrington and then it was back to work on Monday. Last Dec they celebrated their 55th

wedding anniversary. Unchurched as a child, Keith was baptized and confirmed in Salina with their son,

Ron. They also have 2 daughters, Vicki and Diana, and now count 11 grandchildren and 10 great grandchil-


Lydia and Keith had lean years, but Lydia says they were the happiest, “We didn’t know better.” The

first years together, Keith worked road construction and “We starved in the winter. I would hunt rabbit and

pheasant, but many times had to hock my shot gun. There were no jobs.” Lydia sold Avon products. Lydia

says, “We had lots of friends in the same situation so we would play cards, Pitch, snack on popcorn and

Kool Aid.” They moved from Herrington to Salina where Keith worked as a time keeper on a missile base

and at ‘a terrible job’ in a flour mill. Later, in Wichita, Keith drove a truck for Graves as a city driver for 26

½ years. While Keith worked in Wichita, they moved to Haysville, on Van Arsdale St. where they live

today. They joined a new church, Resurrection, with Pastor Freeberg in the 1960’s. Lydia taught Sunday

School for many years. With a lay-off in 1991, hardworking Keith bought mowers and mowed lawns,

including our church. He also drove a school bus in Haysville. He especially enjoyed driving special needs

children. While their children were in school, Lydia cooked in Haysville schools, doing salads and baking

bread. Later she did electrical wiring in aerospace at Cessna, Beech and retired from Learjet one year ago in

March. Through the years, they recall dancing at the Cotillion to country and big bands.

In retirement, Keith, a life member of the VFW, enjoys spending time with 2 other vets. He has complet-

ed an application, hoping to be accepted for an Honor Flight to Washington, DC. His hopes and dreams also

include good health and happiness for his family and continued fellowship with our church family. Since

her retirement, Lydia enjoys gardening, decorating and kids, “I enjoy having lots of time to kid & babysit.”

Her hopes and dreams for family are happiness and good health. For our church, Lydia is helping to develop

a prayer garden and says, “I would really like to have bricks on the sides and back of Resurrection’s build-



Altar Guild An ongoing project of Altar Guild is to replace our

faded and aging paraments. They have noted that our

green paraments were especially in need of replace-

ment as they are used for the longest church year

season ‘Sundays after Pentecost’. It was a lengthy

process for Altar Guild to discuss options, then order

and purchase the new paraments. On their arrival,

they were entrusted to Candy Saxton, a most talented

sewer. She completed the delicate hand stitching of the ‘real gold’ emblems with ‘real gold’ thread. Job

well done! On Sunday, June 22nd

, crucifer Natasha Braun presented the new green paraments for a blessing

and first placement.

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3850 W 71ST



Church Staff

Pastor ..................... Elizabeth Cummings

Office Administrator .. Cathleen Ramirez

Financial Secretary ............. Evelyn Clark

Nursery Supervisor ......... Holly Gonzales

Music Director .................... Evelyn Clark

Sexton .................... David & Jessie Cook

Church Council

President ...................... Darrin Deutscher

Vice President ....................... John Larsen

Secretary .............................. Shari Jordan

Treasurer ............................. Robert Nunn

Lydia Evans

Pam Porsch

Barry Schroeder

Ray York

Contact us! Phone: 316-522-1091

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.rxluth.com

Facebook: Resurrection Lutheran Church


Live the Faith! Lift High the Cross!


We will grow in faith and numbers by seeing Christ in one another in all we

say and do.

Summer Worship: