our pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · mion on amnni^n rma roiumm,iw^...

Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtMi ver Toi„ WihfBjJy . f f t b •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA tu5SuMr'<i ' ^ J i m s s t fiVlB tf!Mli.fiO«M. i^mni -ooutsutM aud •Wornotii DfcjrUMU U. kpu«m ta utor ^•MWllttfMUVA 4U* bound. - (w ipmfh. «i m. Tk« T Q Joawt, D n. B«UI» ' wltlt<h« Hlstaqr r' Mi«M»Ui«onl4n fellowS onjowia y « ttUMl n«ot.tt* You tt«v« no U]H« >0%. to U»l» Ut(4* b w k o t .VJUUVIM IW n fljr MlbU, »n(J one for omI^ o i i t l d f ' ^ ^ l r ^ iH)«ftit» y«o ptrrohW We Impro"* it* «pp«!m»noe vwry »»«-»• • - ^ nu'wi nUiet uid ttettii ita* book, Mid tM paper o Wttn (ihii taotoau b«aB)ireoia<«i jwtt wi'""**' ^ , bavlof tiew fprnJabSi ihort^B' 'TiSaJia WboiiriM»»«a|n)«tlQlill luu ma W>>» work Iw altnoat lu(li)ii)*ti •'•Otoe01 ««>«< Valno In "' or Ui4 VitrMtlau; Knlaa^W D i w r n n i , anS.. a n i t a w r W f l S Q a « r k a Who b«Ta naod Us W Book tIttmilM W w w a»a M ^ o n 5t Wooma f tma Minle* -much bettar qW. priat Ui iSSa. [e'mtJu^o Ji'tttrto chiwlot^'ort^^'Jl ^.- --jtlex to Bu^ a^n 4 AI „ .. A wtor orrtnATl DJM. -I*™.! IIU iior dmiAil. Ki» k^'ati pajlrtg M welliia anil Tune oopv.or •.JA) wr dwioji.by hiiUKpoitp^d/^; pcKloacn by e»prc»»,i.ttrchiiM-' ' ohargw, Uitt« maltlnjc U the CVapfl.t at Beet ttod UandwniMt Paaim mm JJook In lha mariwt. YMK MJW^ tfAVTUnr PSAUfJNlU. wlUiovt Jfaate. W« rwro ia«n r M u ^ t ^ 01 thU bok to 00 mdm "o j r i i « FniaWr. * J):riUv H HitiVay i an, A bwk a w y itapuit praaober, who leSwi w iwow,bow to b« a good and stam DMtor. tbOBW b a r . . It Ja ao ohaap rwo«.»0«1a. coHMtloa Of nwriy tbrM thotwand f»oU. iti. oldent*. awunpiea, ati^ ifatunonlw, both and aelMtMl. With eo^iou* l^picai iMtMt. Indaxoa. ortMuai and ^ andDMirtptariU Prloa) |>MrMirr«| , BWIUlai:^ Akath tfy I •nwtnoaa.ln raftatatlou of ——- baid Mid, taaabt t ahnrob. ^loalA Ohrlat. Tblaiaa n.^TiSd re^lton. , ^loewota. I.lk«rt|r of OvMolewra awd th« Bap. I Uats. By Star. W. A. Jarral. Tbia la a ^ w Lwd; aWa'fltnlattiUal Tract. o< M p a j i . ** j frioe.iuolotli.a&cia. Tli« MnOlarliis Cimroii. By l(«v. W. n igi^aa. Upagaa. In papsr Ju eta., pJotb - •«r««tiuk Xbe baro m^tyr or tba alx. , twntb Mtttnry, by a U. Jj^onl, u, clotbriW . f>oi.K«ri<}Ai. g Tbt^ttfto aWwt moat laarnod duieu«. "•'t'J'"*- J***" bionaor th« ablart worka on tba nil4«<tt »Ktont No " wiibWlU Mend hy mail lllill b^kk OOntWaaaai *wiv WMU l O UTmiH MX Hew lUptUi IfMlmtiit aud Tune Iiook tor a 8p««linan Ckiiiy, Sontlierii Paalnalat. » uv^ ttud ratrlied coition, in woieb wui In plaoa or tba old index, ono ol I t^, and jOao many new and , btmna, ti^ius the plMie or otbera ware wantlngln meriw Tlia ariSneatnaD unmbennc have Hot boen lOOoUvmna. muiroan,79« only). A coUootloM or 188 or tbe boai. and aw««t«t or our "old-time" bymiSr Tw" work liaa been compiled to meet a want lone (on In Luroaontry oburobe« and tba p w e ? BJble.- Ita notea are brier and mil enough, wltii^i being onnibenome xt la reoommandeu by 'nl*t«i« No library la iwmpl^ wUbonllt. Pno«.ln aheep,«!«» Tb«il>clMt, iho WouMn »n<l tbit Coai* feMilonnl. By KBtherOcilUqdy.lwcntv-flTO SI In the Chnrctf or Rome. The t bok to flo e«Dta iwr cmiv u h . i ii .. V uiuivben ivx Tvrr tnuir'. tfOng <nau«r oooeeming tbe SccreU or the Contiwiilonal. Pi Ice tl.U. BlMlml TiiiHita Dtof deMrMllv I K n o w n ^ A compilation Sir tha uSemi tbt "ga dlMove^ by mafi^ Inreattgatlon and cr" loiiM, Itlab.l«r.bnt(»tupri«)iur tblnganw- ondannan^ln^of the^ibie, I f?"* I**® "Ryw pot beftwo I tbe pnbUe In anab oonvenlent an obrau ' Prleo.lljw ,JP5»«io«i»<t«itf| BIWa DIciUoBMPy, wt Orndeh'a Coiaplete OonooitUunoo. iTie ib- valuable work or Alexander Onden. M.A la preaonted In « Mmpaot torm, embraciug overy pawiage o? %>ptura In tb« large*' ^Itlona: together wltb ftmr tbonaand qnm. ._ . „ Htei^ttr^'' fi „„ ever PiwmloiOTa by tha_aow»aiiad aiotb.iuxi. . Jfl (fiat oan b« tmrtlai. igo^jBpi... , nuMi ui|ar« - SEKUOMS. TC. i^l>Ia£T01ll>H»KR|fOJNK. Kirtyabort ISenupn* on Imporunt anbieeta. bv jm Pendiiton. Tbla7» an lnviSuiS)% work.' Frlea, in elotb, 11.00, HpnirK«OMX<''«''>>>«M~10 vola. Price, per vol. luo. U c l p a l o t h « P R i p i t . cnotb.«!I.OO. l^lpltThiotM^i, Cloth, B-.00. BOOMS VOM OCR CHUUDBBlii. V$tt> H l o r y Af t k a to Bevniatlon,"" tbaYoting. B endeavor or tne antuor. in prepanns t work, to lue anob almplalangiuute and foma or«xpr«MtoiiM(wbtla not nntflgnlllid j P.'MlfJ' oniturad mind*) eball be intaUlgtbie to onildran and nnedoMt^ ttdnlta, wJthotit fturtber axpUniiUon. Prtoe,f.lOD WirmtnUfpator MJttlrn VMt m «imih,i Piilba. A new book by the author ^ ^ a I •'Dioiy ttf iba Bible." anS '^be 8tS^ « tbS Ooape .'* Tbla book baa been pronai^ with ipraat o a n for tha Inatrooiion'^ o H m mua Mea tttba Naraen;, tee In/ant kibSSi " M ' iboKlbtfttrgartaa. iTtUarronge i nponadireh •ntplanfiwmtUbarartheaiilhor'iii.rM^^^ ^ka. inateadol being divide.! inirSwp'' s r s t e i i M r M ^ ^ <i.aMtuS\e4ra»',*itaitantlvrwi^n tbopSi^ "-idjMn a^iil. «Mwar ihbm. uy'X or wvarjaTIadlea, tqaohera or klu. S i i p S I H S ^ than one voiuw;; l^Jf'Si?" • bandwme iraper-royal irvo oi over TOO page*, In CloUi, W fc. ^ r n l p U Cterina. Plana for Mermona by W W. WytliB. larno, unted pap«. cloth, »i.ao. Tbla la not aTSSS or rteleion bnt a book catonlated to aid Ui the preparation ol aer> WOM- Price 11.60. l>*at«r*H finnd Booh. Uompruingaolec- t on» or s o r i p t o ^ Hrrangod n r variona ooca. , Kioni ol clUolal duty togtthor with aelrct I fonnnlaa for luarrlago, eUi., and ralee or onlw ror marriage*, etc,, nud riilea or order r«r cburchea, tccleaiaatieal and other aavemblina by W. W. Byarta. l-rlqa. Tftcbl. Howollon Iba noMouablu. The Uea- "^H'Ji'^/i" <iU!JiiacaHpii», KelHtlona and Uuilea. The mom cOwplne andoompre- tiontlve treatiim extant upon Ihifaahlaot. Ilv K.n.c. HowoU,l>.i>. l5ma, pp:ia.*°oioti.' iOcia. , . Bend for oatalogna. HAPVime lioov MbvHB, liointobla. Tann E ^lUlty ,atc «0l( baa I "m aaiiu UMUVr* •ni, and otliem wbo Ppr the bentflt of tb« WQM avmvinnti'Qver Mim m Ji: $ fif' m W D E R < '^•ntmiiTaiif/^ "Sife. life' Tbla iiowdar nevwr varlM^ A narvai or nn. not boww ineoimMtlUobwlt ttli»MiUUtada fiOTAt BAUII0 rwfotm 00. wi w«ti iMr.ti 8|mb4 I n t b « w i t y i i , a n d m « a n d a « k f b r t h e o ^ d p a t i u , v M o h M m t h » Bnteie* St Uia I W OlBea of alsaarbK w liw^ Old 8etie&~YoI. XL. HSU tmn^, AU0UI5T 82, Our Pulpit. KXPJSRIMKNTAL KVIDBNOE OF THE T I W T U O F T H E G O S P E L . , Br Wty. K . PKWDL«TON. TkxTi "Ho thitt 1«)teTetb on tbn Sou of Uod hath th« wltiteaa In blmatlt."-.! JoMn v. 10. T here aevoral klndi of ovldenua roli«(l on to proro tho trutU of tbo Biblo. The exUruftI eyitioMoe is furnl-Aotl by inlmclo, prophecy, and the rapid difftidon of the gospel In apostolic time*. Tho iuternat ovidenoe, as It is caUed, i; lUppHed by the fact that the BIblo is Just such a book as we would expoot God to give the world. It contains in Itself, aad oarriei with it wherever it goes, cpq- dentlala of its auper^human origia. We may per- sonify it, and consider it as saying, "I am God's book, because men cotdd not make such a book." Th^ is auotiier species of the evidence of the gospdS, not iu conflict with the kinds named, but resulting from, and additional to them. I shall call it the experimental oyidenco. "He that bdliereth on tho Bon of Ck>d hath tho witness in himseif." The testimony Is in the believer. Testimony is that whlob oatahlishes a fact and makes as certain of tho thing proved. Because a believer's consioos- ness makee him sure that tho gospel is true, it Is considered testimony. ""Kxporifflontal evidenoo of the truth of tho gospel is my theme. I. I shall attempt to illustrato this theme hj showing th%t he who believea in ChrUt has tbe evidence in himself. 1. He has the conscloutness of evil and tho de- merit of sin. Such a man knows hlmsolf to bo a sinnor. He feels it in his heart or conscience. He recogDizes his guilt and tho J'lstice ef his exposure to the divine wrath. Ho Justifles God and ap- proves his law. His cousclousness of tho evil and demerit of sin ooincides with the Biblo account of themattor. Why is it so? It is not natural for any one to have these views, of sin. It is not natural for any one tooondemii himself and Justify God by approving his law. How aro we to ex- plain the mystery ? The Holy Spirit convinces of sin, and in so doing makes use of his own word, thus leading the subject of his operation to know and to feel that that word is true. Thero ia such a sense of ain as oonviuces him who feels it that the gospel In whAt it says of sin is true. 2. He is eonsoious of his inabllty to save himself. This follows as a oonsolousness of the evil and de- merit of sin. He sees that self'salvatton is Impos- sible, bscause guilt oannot be expiated by any* thing lie can do. Ho is utterly without strength, helpleis in his ruin and ruinod in his helplessness. This sonw Of inability to save one's self is not a natural feeiiug. By naturo we aro Pharisees and boliovo that we can do a great deal In tho matter of salvation. Our prido makM us nnwilliiig to be saved by graoe. There is nothing more offensive to the natural heart than tho doctrine of gratui- tous salvation. A oonsoiousness of inability is pro- duoodby adlvlu«opBtUion, aadls In perfect ao- oordance with the trath of the gospel. Tho be- liever hag the wttnoss in himself. 3. He is oonsoious of the suitahleaess of Christ as a Saviori He sees that there is nothing laoking in the gospel planof rodemptioU to meet his neoesslties M a guilty, lost, helploii finner. Laboring un der a tniaigoantmoral diMato bo feels that the remedy pifotided and offered Is Just suited to tho diseaw— that it it a powerftif and preoioug ; romedf. Ho kooTT* tb»t JTotna is an lOliattoeient &%rior and tmsta in hitn for aiUvatioo. The Spirit florifaa Cbrist by rvvMUing his abilllr and tuitablaiMa* pa a Savtor, the on<7 Savior. God wo> «NMAa«nltdt theiicbt ie ahlne oator darkaoav •hlaw 1* tlM beartto give the light of Uw knowtedfe of his glory in the fkoe of JewsOhritt tt la tfarooglt Christ that the ^rine glory is in banaoof wltli the salvation of lost glnoera. T h e t>dliev«r*« ctmaeiiMtiK ness ofthe saitableaeM of Chris* as a Savlar agrees with what thiffOspelaayx^Chri^ HeaM tho believer has lu hitastif tbe evldeoee.oC tha truth of the gosj^el. 4. Ho is ooQScious that Im Is a tkew ereafnm. . **If any nan be in Carist he is a new ereatare: old things are passed away; bdiold, all tihinge a n ba* come new." Th«re is a new dkpositiua oC heart. There are new o^JeM of lora, a«w objeou of hatred, new motives oeme into operation. whUe ttMK« are now pursuits, and. sew prospeeta. A radkal change ooours whioh axemptiflee the Sotptaril doctrlott of regeneraUoa. This ehaaga i« aSeotad by the ditine agency, for its. sntyeeta a n t»r« of God. Theydonottrooble thMBsdvee w to the philosophy of this agency;, iMltter a n oonacJoae of U aa a fact. " T h e w i a A W o w a t h w h m i t l M e t h . axid thou hearest the toawA thereof, but eaasi aot tell whence it ooWeth, aad. whither it goMli; lao ia averr one that la hom f l l ^ B l ^ i ^ in Christ, while coBMSious that iMlis a ddld of Qad,- is alM oonseions that the gospal Is tme ia wfiat it leaches concerning rsgeneratioa. Ha has tba wit- ness in himself, for his expeiienoe verifies tba di- vine word. He knows of the doctriae that It Is of God. 11. This experimenul evidence is tttiafiustorj. This will appear if we consider the *f(dlowiog fact/:— ^ 1. Tho whole system ofmsatal philosophy rests on conscionsness. Writers oa this scieaoe fint as- certain certain things hy the testimony of thdr own conscionsness. Thej then find that other porsons teHify that they are ooascious of tbe aama things. AsnfacienfindnotiooofparUealans'' to use a common expression. Justifies the bdief that there are general laws of tbe mind. These laws are accepted as true, and all the teachings of intsl- Isctuai philosophy r^gaige their troth. Bat all these laws rest on a basis of oonsclooaaesB. Thejr have no otber buis. Now if tbe testlaonf of aoa- soiousnessis received in the nalm of meatal scienoe, why may it not be reoeivad la the realoi of Christianity ? Is it not as oonclosiva in the oaa as in the other ? The man who derides tbe experi- mental evidenoo of the text virtually deridas the whole system of mental philosophy. H e w h o ob- jects to an appeal to oonsoiousneM in ra!i|tion,mast, to l>e consistent, object to such an appeal In meatal philosophy. There surely jhould be macb hesita- tion before an attempt <s made, to sabvart tbe foundation of this noble solenes. Bat tbera will ba no attempt. There Is no opposition to aotwokws- ness as tho basis of intelleotnal phlkMophjr. bat some oali in question tho •alldity of tU tesUoiOBj on experimental Christianity. T b e f a n nanasoa- able, and do not g i n the hart pvoof of pbllosopblo minds. The expert mental erideoce of tbe text is satlsfaotoqr and oonoinsLve. 2. It is the best beause tbe onlf tMtlmoar tba case admits. A a appeal to ooosolon«aaBa is obvi- ously the only appeal that can be made as to what ukes plaoe fn the mind or JExtwiiat Jectsan psrooindby tba soases, but It Is not in this w y ^ becomes aoqualnted wltb 114 I t b u t o e n f « | | » t n f 9 i r 4 a i | ^ M ^ : ^— ^ , < alllea to e^tasaoutaais. I^gi^ ft J priaelpH awi it bsn Itel^xtetiHa wyilBlNWN?^!^. 1 neasaMN''!*' tinrt^NiM^a Is latomal, axriMvely so. Its fimits aral bat itsaif to aot. Not ^ttenptin^ o T n ^ i M t e g ^ I o a l y M f t h a t H : fbr «l|[ as eowmiued sgaiaiit God. and. Iiiatr»[i ^otji^', L sla. Wbo«aak]BOWaBythlafor%«KS«ir9rtha baind. ^ b o a t nfbnrlaf io ^y'^T^ anstatasof'.iad or i—labs a( coaaxsioasaaia.' - T h ^ ' who '-»pe>it' ^ ^ Owtijrtpas, bat tbqr caaaot kasar tbat they {u^."' ' : W i w w t i b e s w * e a t a b t i * e t h e I t a L f' to "fidtb. bope» lovr,** the- ihree] liraaes of Use Boly Spirit to be ftonnd in onrr Cbristlaa besuri^'asd aowlun el«e. What bat cansckwiaass has kaowkdga of ^ t b . bo^, aad fana? Witboal tb«se«lnuNW the iaward j^- dpla of Cbrittlaalir has bo exisUHM^ and w|<»n- not. kBOV that ara btdiem^ aad b0f% and lovi^ nn- lass«raawMlto<«raxperisBO(L 1%ase,tb«nGN^- who spaak ligbUy of experimental piety, aniir. Igaanat of j^ifcMopbf a« tboy a n of tba BcHpfw laaiaaniraatbmriMd to say fbat meatal avidaaee of iba tnitb of tba gospslifik factory, aad that Is tbe best wbo oi^oee tba dwstriaa I an antliff It. Tbey an oa tba of tba qaestfoa. aad aecativa evtdeaee Ii pr»wiale«ala W ptasaaee of afflnaaava tM^imoar. For example.^ ifoaewitaess testifies tluti be saw a man kill his mrigkttm, it a baadnd witaesses tastifjr that they did not sse tbe ktlliag tt aaMaais lo nothing. Tha alBrmativa evidence settles tha natter. Kow wUb nffard to tbe point nnder consida ration: Then an la this assembly. I know not bow many, of tbosa wbo a n ooatdoos that they biva axerdsad, and a n stiU cxarelidag repenUaea. faith, bop^aad * lova. This Is tba testimonr of their e^kperieaea. Wbocaalavalldafe it? It U alftrioalive ti^U^ OMMif. How la it posalUa fbr aegatin testimony t o n b a t l t a a d s s A l t a s i d e ? I bava nfetrsd to Cbristlaas pmnit: bat lb«re have been mllilonsof Christiaas wbose coa<donaaais biks heM tb« saua ' aa tbat of Christians iww befon w. Otn tbia; vaskaggTsgataof posiUvaeonidoasne«i beaullifi^ ~ by asor aBMmat of eonrssk bas ao poslUve etstawt In It? JBat tha : ooaonia Is beltsr tbaa tbd abitracL : I may^ ask.' then, oaa tlia nabeltevar fsiaaay what tba believer affinsM Is trae^ aad appeals to bit esMisclOQiiiiii' ia proof of Its tratb? Iftba hus^gtr maii» bavlag aatsM Ibod, says that bis bangto' IS appa ~ knows so wall as be, aad who Oaa di*pr ova {what ~ b a m j t l If tba tbitstr BBaa,aftar drinktalNW^Ii^^ says tbat bis tfalrst is aQayed, who ol aaaM^^ wfll dsnyit? If tba siek man. baviof , aUa resaedlesk d e d s n s bimself w eU. b b i k a i * bte^ weed to be takoa 7 Bat awnigb of tbbsb lllbslfi^ tin qasstkms. - I mar ny. in eoncioskM^ that tiM axperii arUvMi af tba Unitb af tba g o i ^ rap plied by beiONrvai^ eMMRdotuaan U bataaaasivarbalBTalldatsd. "He tbat oa Um 8oa bf Qod bath tba wItaMi la . aaitAaKa.- Lt^lasba tbaaklU that itift iftOMNte witbia tba n u b af ttt all;: 1 B « a o i M t U i d wUbovltt. a a d t a i a r a a l s v i d a w o f tt^ib laiiha ctpsgiMvlaliaa^ , ir- ft- •M

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Page 1: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA

Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^

awucQoa wMtool

nniiii IhrtMi ver Toi„ WihfBjJy . f f t b


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DfcjrUMU U. kpu«m ta utor

^•MWllttfMUVA 4U* bound.

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T k « T Q Joawt, D n . B«UI»

' wltlt<h« Hlstaqr r ' Mi«M»Ui«onl4n


onjowia y « ttUMl

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fljr MlbU, »n(J one for omI^ o i i t l d f ' ^ ^ l r ^

iH)«ftit» y«o p t r r o h W We Impro"* it* «pp«!m»noe vwry »»«-»• • - ^ nu 'w i nUiet uid ttettii ita* book, Mid tM paper o

Wttn (ihii taotoau b«aB)ireoia<«i

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fprnJabSi <» i h o r t ^ B '

' T i S a J i a WboiiriM»»«a|n)«tlQlill luu ma W>>» work Iw altnoat lu(li)ii)*ti •'•Otoe01 ««>«< Valno In "' or Ui4 VitrMtlau;

Knlaa^W Diwrnni, anS.. a n i t a w r W f l S Q

a « r k a Who b«Ta naod Us W Book


W w w a»a M ^ o n 5t Wooma f tma Minle*

-much bettar q W . priat Ui iSSa. [e'mtJu^o J i ' t t t r to ch iwlo t^ ' o r t ^^ ' J l

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ohargw, Uitt« maltlnjc U the CVapfl.t at Beet ttod UandwniMt Paaim mm

JJook In lha mariwt. YMK MJW^ tfAVTUnr P S A U f J N l U .

w l U i o v t J f a a t e . W« rwro ia«n r M u ^ t ^ 01 thU bok to 00 mdm "o

j r i i « FniaWr. * J):riUv H HitiVay i a n , A b w k a w y itapuit praaober, who l e S w i w iwow,bow to b« a good and s t a m DMtor. tbOBW b a r . . It Ja ao ohaap


coHMtloa Of nwriy tbrM thotwand f»oU. iti. oldent*. awunpiea, a t i ^ ifatunonlw, both

and aelMtMl. With eo^iou* l^picai iMtMt. Indaxoa.

ortMuai and ^ andDMirtptariU Prloa)


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I •nwtnoaa.ln raftatatlou of ——-baid Mid, taaabt t

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Ohrlat. T b l a i a a n .^TiSd r e ^ l t o n . , ^ l o e w o t a .

I . lk«r t | r o f OvMolewra awd t h « Bap. I Ua t s . By Star. W. A. Jarral. Tbia la a ^ w Lwd; aWa'fltnlattiUal Tract. o< M p a j i . * * j frioe.iuolotli.a&cia.

Tli« MnOlarliis C imro i i . By l(«v. W. n i g i ^ a a . Upagaa. In papsr Ju eta., pJotb

- • « r«« t iuk Xbe baro m ^ t y r or tba alx. , twn tb Mtttnry, by a U. Jj^onl, u , clotbriW

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gTbt^ttfto aWwt moat laarnod duieu«.

" • ' t ' J ' " * - J***" bionaor th« ablart worka on tba nil4«<tt »Ktont No

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hy mai l lllill b^kk OOntWaaaai *wiv WMUlO UTmiH MX Hew lUptUi IfMlmtiit aud Tune Iiook tor a 8p««linan Ckiiiy,

Son t l i e r i i Paa lna la t . » uv^ ttud ratrlied coition, in woieb wui In plaoa or tba old index, ono ol I t ^ , and jOao many new and , b tmna , t i ^ i u s the plMie or otbera ware wan t lng ln meriw Tlia ariSneatnaD

unmbennc have Hot boen lOOoUvmna. mu i roan ,79«

only). A coUootloM or 188 or tbe boai. and aw««t«t or our "old-time" b y m i S r Tw" work liaa been compiled to meet a want lone (on In Luroaontry oburobe« and tba p w e ?

B J b l e . -

Ita notea are brier and m i l enough, w l t i i ^ i being onnibenome xt la reoommandeu by

'nl*t«i« No library la i w m p l ^ wUbonllt . Pno«.ln aheep,«!«»

Tb«il>clMt, i h o WouMn »n<l tbit Coai* feMilonnl. By KBtherOcilUqdy.lwcntv-flTO

SI In the Chnrctf or Rome. The t bok to flo e«Dta iwr cmiv u h . i ii .. V uiuivben ivx Tvrr tnuir'. tfOng <nau«r oooeeming tbe SccreU or the Contiwiilonal. Pi Ice tl .U.

B l M l m l TiiiHita Dtof deMrMl lv I K n o w n ^ A compilation Sir tha uSemi tbt "ga d l M o v e ^ by m a f i ^ Inreattgatlon and cr" loiiM, Itlab.l«r.bnt(»tupri«)iur tb lnganw-

ondannan^ln^of t he^ ib i e , I f?"* I**® "Ryw pot beftwo I tbe pnbUe In anab oonvenlent an obrau ' Prleo.lljw

,JP5»«io«i»<t«itf| BIWa DIciUoBMPy, wt Orndeh'a Coiaplete OonooitUunoo. iTie ib-valuable work or Alexander Onden. M.A la preaonted In « Mmpaot torm, embraciug overy pawiage o? %>ptura In tb« large*' ^ I t l o n a : together wltb ftmr tbonaand qnm. ._ . „

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. Jfl (fiat oan b«

tmrtlai. igo^jBpi. . .

, nuMi ui|ar«



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V$tt> Hlory Af t k a to B e v n i a t l o n , " " tbaYoting. B endeavor or t ne antuor. in prepanns t work, to lue anob almplalangiuute and foma or«xpr«MtoiiM(wbtla not nntflgnlllid j

P. 'MlfJ ' oniturad mind*) eball be intaUlgtbie to onildran and nnedoMt^ ttdnlta, wJthotit fturtber axpUniiUon.

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m W D E R < ' ^ • n t m i i T a i i f / ^

"Sife. life' Tbla iiowdar nevwr varlM^ A narvai or nn.

not b o w w ineoimMtlUobwlt ttli»MiUUtada

fiOTAt BAUII0 r w f o t m 00. w i w«t i i M r . t i

8 | m b 4 I n t b « wi ty i i , a n d m « a n d a « k f b r t h e o^d p a t i u , v M o h Mm t h »

Bnteie* St Uia I W OlBea of alsaarbK w l i w ^

O l d 8 e t i e & ~ Y o I . X L .


t m n ^ , A U 0 U I 5 T 8 2 ,

Our Pulpit. K X P J S R I M K N T A L K V I D B N O E O F T H E

T I W T U O F T H E G O S P E L . , B r Wty. K. PKWDL«TON.

TkxTi "Ho thitt 1«)teTetb on tbn Sou of Uod hath th« wltiteaa In blmatl t ."- .! JoMn v. 10.

T h e r e aevoral k l n d i of ovldenua roli«(l o n to p r o r o tho t ru tU of t bo Biblo. T h e exUruf t I

eyitioMoe i s furnl -Aot l by inlmclo, p rophecy , a n d the r a p i d d i f f t i don o f t h e gospe l In apostol ic t ime*. T h o i u t e r n a t ovidenoe, a s It is caUed, i ; lUppHed by the f ac t t h a t t h e BIblo is J u s t s u c h a book as w e w o u l d expoot God to g i v e t h e w o r l d . I t c o n t a i n s in Itself, a a d o a r r i e i w i t h i t w h e r e v e r i t goes , cpq-den t l a l a of i t s a u p e r ^ h u m a n o r i g i a . W e m a y pe r -son i fy i t , a n d cons ide r i t a s s a y i n g , " I a m G o d ' s book, because m e n cotdd no t m a k e such a b o o k . "

T h ^ i s auo t i i e r species of t h e ev idence of the gospdS, n o t i u conf l ic t w i t h t h e k i n d s n a m e d , b u t r e su l t i ng f r o m , a n d add i t iona l to t h e m . I sha l l call i t t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l oyidenco. " H e t h a t b d l i e r e t h on tho Bon of Ck>d h a t h tho wi tnes s in h i m s e i f . " T h e t e s t imony Is in t h e be l i eve r . T e s t i m o n y i s t h a t w h l o b oatahl ishes a f a c t a n d m a k e s a s ce r t a in of tho t h i n g p roved . Because a be l iever ' s cons ioos-ness makee h i m s u r e t h a t t ho gospel is t r ue , i t Is cons ide red t e s t i m o n y .

""Kxporifflontal evidenoo of t h e t r u t h of t ho gospel i s m y theme .

I . I sha l l a t t e m p t to i l lus t ra to th is t h e m e h j s h o w i n g th%t h e w h o believea in C h r U t ha s t be ev idence i n h imse l f .

1. H e has the consc loutness of evi l and tho de-m e r i t of s in . S u c h a m a n k n o w s h lmsol f to bo a s innor . H e fee l s i t in h i s h e a r t o r conscience. H e recogDizes h i s g u i l t a n d tho J ' l s t ice e f his e x p o s u r e to t h e d iv ine w r a t h . Ho Just i f les God a n d ap -p roves h i s l a w . H i s cousclousness of tho evi l a n d d e m e r i t of s in ooincides w i t h t h e Biblo accoun t of t h e m a t t o r . W h y is i t s o ? I t is no t n a t u r a l f o r a n y o n e t o h a v e these v i e w s , of s in . I t is n o t n a t u r a l fo r a n y o n e t o o o n d e m i i h imsel f a n d J u s t i f y G o d b y a p p r o v i n g h is l a w . H o w a ro w e t o ex -p l a in t h e m y s t e r y ? T h e Ho ly S p i r i t conv inces of s in , and in so d o i n g m a k e s u s e of h i s o w n w o r d , t h u s l e a d i n g t h e s u b j e c t of h i s ope ra t ion to k n o w a n d to feel t h a t t h a t w o r d is t r u e . T h e r o ia such a sense of a in a s oonviuces h i m w h o feels i t t h a t t h e gospel In whAt i t s a y s of s in is t r ue .

2 . H e i s eonsoious of h i s i n a b l l t y t o save h imse l f . T h i s fo l lows a s a oonsolousness of t h e evil a n d de-m e r i t of s in . H e sees t h a t se l f ' s a lva t ton is I m p o s -sible, bscause g u i l t o a n n o t be exp i a t ed by any* t h i n g lie c an do. H o is u t t e r l y w i t h o u t s t r e n g t h , he lp le i s i n h i s r u i n a n d r u i n o d in h i s helplessness . T h i s s o n w Of i nab i l i t y to s a v e one ' s self is n o t a n a t u r a l fee i iug . B y n a t u r o w e a ro Pha r i s ee s a n d boliovo t h a t w e can d o a g r e a t dea l In tho m a t t e r of sa lva t ion . O u r p r ido m a k M us nnwi l l i i i g t o be s aved b y graoe . T h e r e i s n o t h i n g m o r e of fens ive t o the n a t u r a l h e a r t t h a n tho doc t r ine of g r a t u i -t o u s s a lva t ion . A oonsoiousness of inab i l i ty i s p r o -d u o o d b y a d l v l u « o p B t U i o n , a a d l s In pe r f ec t ao-oordance w i t h t h e t r a t h of t h e gospel . T h o b e -l i eve r hag t h e wt tnoss i n h i m s e l f .

3. H e i s oonsoious of t h e su i t ah l eaes s of C h r i s t a s a Savior i H e sees t h a t t h e r e i s n o t h i n g l a o k i n g in t h e gospel p l a n o f rodempt ioU t o m e e t his neoessl t ies M a gu i l t y , lost, he lp lo i i f i n n e r . L a b o r i n g u n d e r a t n i a i g o a n t m o r a l d i M a t o bo feels t h a t t h e r e m e d y p i f o t i d e d a n d o f fe red Is J u s t s u i t e d t o tho d i s e a w — t h a t i t i t a powerf t i f a n d preoioug ; r o m e d f . H o kooTT* t b » t JTotna i s a n l O l i a t t o e i e n t &%rior a n d

t m s t a in h i tn f o r aiUvatioo. T h e S p i r i t f l o r i f a a C b r i s t by rvvMUing h i s a b i l l l r a n d tu i tabla iMa* pa a Sav to r , t h e on<7 Sav io r . G o d w o > «NMAa«nltdt t h e i i c b t i e a h l n e o a t o r d a r k a o a v • h l a w 1* t lM b e a r t t o g i v e t h e l i g h t of U w k n o w t e d f e o f h i s g lory in t h e fkoe of J e w s O h r i t t t t la t farooglt C h r i s t t h a t t h e ^ r i n e g l o r y i s i n b a n a o o f wl t l i t h e s a lva t i on of los t glnoera. T h e t>dliev«r*« ctmaeiiMtiK ness o f t h e s a i t a b l e a e M of C h r i s * a s a S a v l a r a g r e e s w i t h w h a t t h i f f O s p e l a a y x ^ C h r i ^ H e a M tho bel iever h a s l u h i t a s t i f t b e e v l d e o e e . o C t h a t r u t h of t h e gosj^el .

4. H o is ooQScious t h a t Im Is a tkew e r e a f n m . . **If a n y n a n be i n C a r i s t h e i s a n e w e r e a t a r e : o l d t h i n g s a re passed a w a y ; b d i o l d , a l l tihinge a n ba* come n e w . " T h « r e is a n e w d k p o s i t i u a oC h e a r t . T h e r e a r e n e w o ^ J e M of lo ra , a « w o b j e o u o f h a t r e d , n e w m o t i v e s o e m e in to o p e r a t i o n . w h U e ttMK« a r e now pu r su i t s , a n d . s e w prospeeta . A r a d k a l c h a n g e ooours w h i o h axempt i f l ee t h e S o t p t a r i l doctrlott of r egeneraUoa . T h i s e h a a g a i« aSeo tad by t h e d i t i n e agency , f o r i ts . s n tyee t a a n t » r « o f G o d . T h e y d o n o t t r o o b l e thMBsdvee w t o t h e ph i losophy of t h i s agency;, i M l t t e r a n oonacJoae of U aa a f ac t . " T h e w i a A W o w a t h w h m i t l M e t h . axid t h o u hea re s t t h e toawA t h e r e o f , b u t e a a s i a o t tell w h e n c e i t ooWeth, a a d . w h i t h e r i t goMl i ; lao ia a v e r r o n e t h a t la h o m f l l ^ B l ^ i ^ in Chr i s t , w h i l e coBMSious t h a t iMlis a d d l d o f Qad, -is a lM oonseions t h a t t h e gospal I s t m e i a w f i a t i t leaches conce rn ing r s g e n e r a t i o a . H a h a s t b a w i t -ness i n h imse l f , fo r h i s e x p e i i e n o e ver i f ies t b a d i -v ine w o r d . H e k n o w s of t h e d o c t r i a e t h a t I t I s o f God .

11. T h i s e x p e r i m e n u l ev idence i s tttiafiustorj. T h i s wi l l a p p e a r i f w e cons ide r t h e * f ( d l o w i o g

f a c t / : — ^ 1. T h o w h o l e sy s t em o f m s a t a l p h i l o s o p h y r e s t s

on conscionsness. W r i t e r s o a t h i s sc ieaoe fint a s -ce r ta in ce r t a in t h i n g s hy t h e t e s t i m o n y o f t h d r o w n conscionsness . T h e j t h e n find t h a t o t h e r porsons t eHi fy t h a t t hey a r e ooasc ious of t b e a a m a t h i n g s . A s n f a c i e n f i n d n o t i o o o f p a r U e a l a n s ' ' t o u se a c o m m o n express ion . Jus t i f ies t h e b d i e f t h a t t he re a r e gene ra l l a w s o f t b e m i n d . T h e s e l a w s a re accepted a s t rue , a n d a l l t h e t e a c h i n g s o f i n t s l -Isctuai ph i losophy r ^ g a i g e t h e i r t r o t h . B a t a l l these l a w s res t on a bas i s of oonsclooaaesB. T h e j r have n o o t b e r b u i s . N o w if t b e t e s t l a o n f o f a o a -so iousnes s i s received i n t h e n a l m o f m e a t a l scienoe, w h y m a y i t no t be reoeivad l a t h e r ea lo i o f Chr i s t i an i ty ? I s i t n o t a s oonclos iva i n t h e o a a a s i n the o the r ? T h e m a n w h o de r ide s t b e e x p e r i -men ta l evidenoo of t h e t e x t v i r t u a l l y d e r i d a s t h e w h o l e sys t em of m e n t a l ph i losophy . H e w h o o b -jects to an appea l to oonsoiousneM i n ra!i|tion,mast, to l>e consis tent , ob jec t t o such a n appea l In m e a t a l ph i losophy . T h e r e su re ly j h o u l d b e m a c b hes i t a -t ion be fo re a n a t t e m p t <s made , t o s a b v a r t t b e f o u n d a t i o n of th i s nob l e solenes. B a t t b e r a w i l l b a no a t t e m p t . T h e r e Is n o oppos i t ion t o ao twokws-ness a s tho bas i s of in te l leotna l phlkMophjr . b a t some oali i n ques t ion tho • a l l d i t y o f t U tesUoiOBj on e x p e r i m e n t a l C h r i s t i a n i t y . T b e f a n n a n a s o a -able, a n d d o n o t g i n t h e ha r t pvoof o f pb l losopb lo m i n d s . T h e e x p e r t m e n t a l e r i d e o c e o f t b e t e x t i s sa t l s fao toqr a n d oonoinsLve.

2 . I t i s t h e bes t beause t b e o n l f t M t l m o a r t b a case a d m i t s . A a appea l t o ooosolon«aaBa i s o b v i -ous ly t h e on ly appea l t h a t can b e m a d e a s t o w h a t u k e s plaoe f n t h e m i n d o r J E x t w i i a t J e c t s a n p s r o o i n d b y t b a soases, b u t I t I s n o t in t h i s w y ^ becomes aoqua ln t ed w l t b 114 I t b u t o e n f « | | » t n f 9 i r 4 a i | ^ M ^ :

^— ^ , < al l lea t o e ^ t a s a o u t a a i s . I ^ g i ^ ft J p r i a e l p H a w i i t b sn Itel^xtetiHa w y i l B l N W N ? ^ ! ^ .


neasaMN' ' !* ' tinrt^NiM^a Is l a t o m a l , a x r i M v e l y so . I t s f i m i t s a r a l b a t i t sa i f to a o t . N o t ^ t t e n p t i n ^ oT n ^ i M t e g ^ I o a l y M f t h a t H : f b r «l|[ a s e o w m i u e d sgaia i i t G o d . a n d . Iiiatr»[i ^o t j i ^ ' , L s l a . W b o « a a k ] B O W a B y t h l a f o r % « K S « i r 9 r t h a b a i n d . ^ b o a t n f b n r l a f i o ^ y ' ^ T ^ a n s t a t a s o f ' . i a d o r i — l a b s a ( coaaxsioasaaia.' - T h ^ ' w h o ' - » p e > i t ' ^ Owt i j r t pa s , b a t t b q r c a a a o t k a s a r t b a t t h e y { u ^ . " '

' : W i w w t i b e s w * e a t a b t i * e t h e I t a L f ' t o " f i d t b . bope» lovr,** the- ihree]

l i r aaes of Use B o l y S p i r i t t o b e ftonnd i n o n r r C b r i s t l a a besur i^ ' a sd a o w l u n el«e. W h a t b a t c a n s c k w i a a s s h a s k a o w k d g a o f ^ t b . b o ^ , a a d fana? W i t b o a l tb«se«lnuNW t h e i a w a r d j ^ -d p l a o f C b r i t t l a a l i r h a s b o exisUHM^ a n d w | < » n -not. kBOV t h a t a ra b td iem^ a a d b 0 f % a n d lovi^ n n -l a s s « r a a w M l t o < « r a x p e r i s B O ( L 1 % a s e , t b « n G N ^ -w h o spaak l i gbUy o f e x p e r i m e n t a l p ie ty , a n i i r . I g a a n a t o f j^ i fcMopbf a « tboy a n o f t b a B c H p f w l a a i a a n i r a a t b m r i M d t o s ay f b a t m e a t a l a v i d a a e e o f i b a t n i t b of t b a gospslifik f a c t o r y , a a d t h a t Is t b e bes t

w b o o i ^ o e e t b a d w s t r i a a I a n a n t l i f f I t . T b e y a n o a t b a of t b a q a e s t f o a . a a d a e c a t i v a e v t d e a e e I i p r»wia le«a la W p t a s a a e e o f a f f l n a a a v a t M ^ i m o a r . F o r e x a m p l e . ^ i f o a e w i t a e s s test if ies t l u t i b e s a w a m a n ki l l h i s mrigkt tm, i t a b a a d n d wi taesses t a s t i f j r t h a t t h e y d i d n o t s se t b e k t l l i a g tt a a M a a i s l o n o t h i n g . T h a a lBrma t iva e v i d e n c e se t t les t ha n a t t e r . K o w w U b n f f a r d t o t b e p o i n t n n d e r c o n s i d a r a t i o n : T h e n a n l a t h i s a s s e m b l y . I k n o w n o t b o w m a n y , o f tbosa w b o a n o o a t d o o s t h a t t h e y b i v a a x e r d s a d , a n d a n stiU cxa re l idag r e p e n U a e a . f a i t h , b o p ^ a a d * lova . T h i s Is t b a t e s t i m o n r o f t h e i r e^kperieaea. W b o c a a l a v a l l d a f e i t ? I t U a l f t r i o a l i v e t i ^ U ^ OMMif. H o w la i t p o s a l U a f b r a e g a t i n t e s t i m o n y t o n b a t l t a a d s s A l t a s i d e ? I b a v a n f e t r s d t o C b r i s t l a a s p m n i t : b a t l b « r e h a v e been m l l i l o n s o f C h r i s t i a a s w b o s e c o a < d o n a a a i s biks h e M t b « s a u a ' aa t b a t o f C h r i s t i a n s i w w b e f o n w . O t n t b i a ; v a s k a g g T s g a t a o f p o s i U v a e o n i d o a s n e « i b e a u l l i f i ^ ~ b y asor aBMmat o f

eonrssk b a s a o poslUve e t s t a w t I n I t ? JBat t h a : o o a o n i a Is b e l t s r t b a a tbd ab i t r acL : I m a y ^ a sk . ' t h e n , o a a t l ia n a b e l t e v a r f s i a a a y w h a t t b a bel iever affinsM Is trae^ a a d a p p e a l s to b i t esMisclOQiiiiii ' i a p roo f o f I t s t r a t b ? I f t b a hus^g t r mai i» b a v l a g aatsM Ibod, s a y s t h a t b i s bang to ' IS a p p a ~ k n o w s s o wa l l a s be , a a d w h o Oaa d i * p r o v a { w h a t ~ b a m j t l I f t b a t b i t s t r BBaa,af tar d r i n k t a l N W ^ I i ^ ^ s a y s t b a t b i s t falrst i s aQayed , w h o ol a a a M ^ ^ wf l l d s n y i t ? I f t b a s i e k m a n . b a v i o f , a U a resaedlesk d e d s n s b imse l f w eU. b b i k a i * bte^ w e e d t o b e t a k o a 7 B a t a w n i g b o f tbbsb l l l b s l f i ^ t i n q a s s t k m s . - I m a r n y . i n eoncioskM^ t h a t t iM axperi i a r U v M i a f t b a Unitb a f t b a g o i ^ rap pl ied b y beiONrvai^ eMMRdotuaan U b a t a a a a s i v a r b a l B T a l l d a t s d . " H e t b a t o a Um 8 o a b f Q o d b a t h t b a w I t a M i l a .

aai tAaKa.-L t ^ l a s b a t b a a k l U t h a t i t i f t

i f t O M N t e w i t b i a t b a n u b a f ttt al l ; : 1 B « a o i M t U i d w U b o v l t t .

a a d t a i a r a a l s v i d a w o f t t ^ i b l a i i h a c t p s g i M v l a l i a a ^ ,




Page 2: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA


-- ; PftiNdrPLKs OK I W f a t n o m i n a t i o n a m r t v a n i | a

n e c k b s i i ' y . •

J. W. H. M'ltWlMa. I). U., Jfo.


^ ^ Whut (1o«« tbU INiuft tc«ch?'lfivl.leMUv It

^ u U t r prlnctplct.. DUilnciivo ,„i„clni<,« „,ov m either pH..dptoMhal ..o o t i i . J

. < Wtn.rlaclple. by wi.Icl. w« aro OhrhUa... boUe.o

i r i w h ^ f "y'M.atl.y f«,. the

i m . all 1,1,

1 * m V . . . ^ -^"Vlnce ^ e world ^ M true, would not a goul, or advauco lU piety, or ouhanca iu power for g,.oil. WbUe W® mn$t ^Dfese with fihaino ai,,| co„f„,ion of ftoe before God and-^nsn, that a d«.,oml„allo„, In m»nr thloif« ire offend and coiiif^^hort. yetthoro •re cerUIn Kre«l Scriptnral tnuha, wo, and we only hold ibat osit in no j«,t sonw l.o call,,d more thwrle*, or bobblea, or uon-oMandaU. prlnciulos which mmt te recelml ««d practiced ero (he Wngdom of God can comcv and. "hlg will bo done on .arth M la heaven." Yon will tell me that Is a bold dMl»ratIon. I admit it. But h it not true? I •ubmlt without an argument. Can the kinRdom of God come ? Can his will be done on earth as In hMVen, .o long as the great huw» of iho peonle

• teach and belJere -for doo.rin.«, (ho commaid-menu of men' '? So long a« our Divine Master mnitaUnd in the midst of the chnrchos ana ro-buklngly a«t, "What docxt thou huit)?' Wim hatn Nqaired this at your hand* ?"

Let ui mention some of these. Wo declare tn»t— . BlWe, and the Bible only. Is the supreme

• tandvdof human conduct, creeds and oplmoos, I am aware that all ProtaMants make the same

claim. But we know that in many things they do not rely wholly ujwn the plain teaching of the Sorlpturea; bat must appeal to history, to the ODinlons of the fathers, to the dwlsi ons of councils to the voiee of the church, to loftrned exegetes and

• todonbtftol principles of interpretation, to sustain their opinions. Whereas, we put the Bible in a

; man • hands and say to him, what you find tliere - !• onr faith. Beliere what It (eaches. Do what it • oomtnands. We care not what the fathers believed, t aniesa they are in harmony with &oripturos of the LapMtolio fathers of more ancient date.

nothing about .(he decisions of councils « r 4ho voice of the church, unless they be in har-mamy with the deoisions of The Great Head of the obnmb, and the teaohlu,<s, of inspiration. When-

' ; «v«r I find a Christian, especially a BapUst, draw-ing Inferences, and saying that times have changed and we moat change with themj fcfraid or or

* oaterinir to tho so-called advanced thought of the " i l ? ^ ? - the need of a now

^ ( W upon tho Insplra-t» t tof th« Scriptures; attaching more importance to a pyaiem of theology than to the truth of the Bible; talking about the withotic In our nature, and borrowing from ftomd to meet i t , - ! candldlj o o n ^ I am afraid of tho man, and alarmml at his toaobing*. The others confessedly take tho Bible and Blblo only, aa their o?«od. Wo do so pre-em-

« iSJl l '"•"noUva prin-principle, iind one peculiar

g tp ui^ a ngsnerated church memberaWp. ™ rvj!"- . .'. '..rvi!-.


^wlU'l.H^ft^? Z""'® i»to our ehurches but thosa S l t ' ^ i M ^ f.x».« «Joath unto life.

11 at which Is iwrn of the flesh is flesh." Hy that Wrtir we entered i»io this world, That I. heavo I owu ap,H,i„ted way by which t h t - S i X S We know no other. And we^itiSr think of o ^ . t

Bv tl at ^ of thoSpirUisspi,It," y that birth only c^u we enter into the kinUom of heav.ij. That « God's own appointed way by whioh wo Kalu cllizenshlpln his kingdom. Wo must know no ether, and never thiak oi counting one a member Of his kingdom until he 1. spl, i u S

declare that they aro already fellow-cltl^ens with ilio salcls, and of the household of God, In a word, we receive only those whom we j.ope are

l ive m r Live men „Oi.rlst.re.«s-~not dead men in trcs. paasoH and u, sins. Herein is a marked diflerence between us and others. A . another siKnifloamTy

ITTf 'tonement before the water of baptUm-Christ l,ef.re the church. Pedobaptlsts, as the very tern, put the water b«roi^ the hloo<l, and the chur J . bo

V thechur h is ^ 10 Christ H through ho church. The couHlct is rapidly nar-^ w i u g down to one questiou-salvatlin through the church, or, salvation through tho ChrlsL Every „ep.Huro from the distinctive p..i,^c;pl '

(owanl. thesoul-de.troylng doc trine of salvation through the church.

3 Wth the doctrine of a regenerated church membership is eIose.y ailled a L h e r d i s t S v prine p e,~l^Ilover's baptism.-and that n o S n g U scrip ural baptism but the Imm.rsiou of a saved »ottl in the name of the Trinity.

We baptize those whom we hope are saved-

s essent a to baptism; with many others, baptism

as one of their own ministers has said: "If j, f .„ t baptism, w.th the formula ,u,ed on the occasiSn

I M regeneration, and infant sal-' I vatlon through the sacrament, it has an awful squinting In that airection."

We are tho only people In tho world wl.o stand •quarsly on the Scriptural platform of a rcffoner I Jhn" ' " " T earth •ted church membership, and the b a p t i s m T l o! !vho / " " ^ ^ Hovers anly. In this wo are airalnsf th« 11 , ' consistently, boldly, and succesrf .!^ the world i's against us. J ' t i f I T Z T ' Pt the world,and o f a pure Christianity. If things are Scriptural, then we ought to teach 11.2 f ^ ^ 7 " " Uomanism by " Z •nd train our membe'rs In them 1 thly are noJ rmiiT s l g n / o f X . noM Jln>08 iB the apelug of liomo. Tho countenauw

clftSiecommu«ioHl.,a la thsory, (brail dwlar* the Of prolecMug the purity of t h e H w ; Or!

aome kind .round .heir conmmnioa ufile. Not Oi.o of them ha. o,H)ned a highway. „ d I n v U o d S world, regardless of oreo.1 and ch.;aeter to^a in an I pnrtake with thorn. Henoo i f w h e ^ U u U M i o the communion nnm t J t have beeu co„flnn.d,pr are ready to be conflrmST" Another saya: , , X w ^ V

t t t u ^ r : ; ; ' ' ' " ^ ' ^ ^ tneiaith. Another says; "Let nouo. not metn.

"Tho is g«Uy of any practice for which we would exclude H momlwr of our church.- And w on Nor Ml, wo censure them for this. Every man hw the r i g h t - ^ d H is his d u t y - , o protect t f a rpu r l ^ • fh i sowntsmi ly . It is equally right, and th^ t u y Of oach church, to protect its o w f y We clulm t,jj same right, and acknowledge ' t ? / ! :

the utterance o fa famous P«lobap<istauthor: "Of al absurdities among Christian, his wa. nev«r odvocaied abut one should commune J o ™ h rwa l Z n f ' i" common witS aU

Christians; but ^o are very bold in declsHnL ts-u ^ . o g ia «cri..tura, baptismlut l m t r ^ ^ ^ n ' f '*! holicTor i« the name of the Trinity. T h e r e f L Wo would of all men be the most l..cond.tenTff ^ -nd ted any others to the lord's table than b a p t l ^ '01 overs, and thosa-who .ustain tWs d ^ t r i l e ^

their church relation. It is the . ^ s tablelnTt ours. ^ He has made his own term, for approtThT it, and wc dan, not dcriat^ fro n them. L t m t for ouo, candidly admit, even In the p^senoe o f these tuthers and brethren. If it woreourUble.and we wore froo to iurite whom wo pleased I wouM say "Come in-oomo in all who J e t J ^ r d Jesus Chcls.." But I cannot, Ida™ Boj plr-

7. These distinctive principles make u . so di.-Inctlve and isolated, that we are udthe; Z m t .

ist^ nor Protestants..' - «oman-We never wore in Itomo, therefore we never«ame

outof l lome. Wo never protested against S ! teachings of Rome, in order to secure o u V d ^ s u S denomination. We have nothing in our f.i.h y ice, or coremouiea, that came " J f o m / We ai 0 tho only people on ti.e face

„ . MIOIII. Jll tnoy , Scriptural, then we ought to abandon them

4. Other dlstinctiva principles with us are-fcvery churci> an independent body; every momi bor a fraeman; and every pastor a bishop.

We have no such phrase In our vocabularv

x r t r t r r r c of Rome, by having special roligiou. w r v i e e . ^ Christmas day and Easter. We know t ^ r arJ tomlshlnvo„iioas,a„d where wo thn. Z e Z

these day, wo not only do what the Lord h w T h e B a p t l s V c V u - ^ r ^ r s u ^ h t l t X s t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ « sUstical councll..4o legislate for the chu hes. No' S I S l ^ n ' " r t ' hlgher court thkn a sovereign church. Because of i t ln . „ ? *ndhl . ad . a power thus invented In the people^l. found one of i ? P . ' ' ' ' ' ' ImpHcit the strongest reasons why o u f m o m b e r V . h l 7 b e c,u. ^^^ " . t h e a ^ piou. and Intelligent. ' bo church, deny her right to change the ottMnwoeT

5. WltU .uch principle, we have ever been S r l r a ^ r S earnest advocates of aoul liberty. .the samo time uphold Infant

Every man left ft-ee to-worshlp.God accordiuir to 'f, ' " " " ' " f " a main pillar of thedicute .ofh l .owncou«leace . a o k n o w l S r w r / ' T thi. pUiar the right of none to molest or to mare him t S f d o\or ^'^''Istmas day and Easter. Bow-Wo p««la i« to th . world: No •Illance of c h ^ r l t a n i Z Z t n ' ' " and State; no servile aubmlsslon to the decis ^ ^ f l i K e The moment we ent^r tho TOuncd.; no bowing down to mllred heads- no ground, weakon our JdnglnZk>n bu t Je . a . ; noc reed I« toech ; r chbu t tJo tha to f thc Biblof no church but of r e S r a t e d •^"or ; member.; no bapU.m but the I m m e r s l T of bo Wn t S t n battle In homlsh haw J . Hovers; no order. In t h . mini,try, bttt all w ^ a r e LT.f oxhortaUons "Hold b re thm; .no binding Of th . c -bsUln frem aU ono left free to act for hlnuolf. " "ry or ovu.

0. WltUthofeTlew.,tobocoliil,teht. wo must iK^® T " ? t o prwljce what«,n,omlwali . o o m m n S n , T u t .o7vL C i n ^ ^ which we pr.foiri6o«a ScHpttil-ia c o m m S n I Ml.slonary BapUst..

In thl. wearBp6ouUar a y I n p r « c t l o o ; for It f e a t u r e ^ ' - I n g u i - W n i r


JmbtIM' I i | i « r i i m i m t I>ia«lt of Ihut

wtgM ^ Uhi ftiiMi^ S S S ^ ^

i . f i f w onto «M l« lMav«« • « ! {« awth. r Z tbtfeibn, tm^lmg all bapiWa- t h e n

Holy GlMMt TimAlog th*m t« « b « r w . u tblBw

with ytw alway. The o<n»iBa»! i t to .Uy, »ad n ^ h t h e r m i t . prmmm thm bl«,!d||. of AJI-p«w«<Jbae depwdsopoaourgoiBgl Tlw p^^or or cbutth mu»t to « a o r sp t l a l b k m i n g ^ t k ^

of iheoomai^ lon . The ap^fal , 5 , l.«.e»eeof All pow«fai ^ ^ ^

p ^ to e m y ^ n r e . I t tSe f^img t h u memn, the Wewimr If we star, in ^ r aynipwhle. a»d trlbotion , a« home, g^ug to ngkm* beyond,

I ! '**T t te aad' -For t h i s « « « « « . r an,

weak mad tieklf mmong and manr • le ra ." -I h ^ long ««fced t»Hi ^

b^w^b^OM^ing np^u II, « , « the mt*>^„»rT •pint Is no part of g m^ bat the eoi^ pel It^it; thMt t e h, outorvMpaUiy witfa ^ .us who ha« not the mimi'mMry ^-ririt, Xai If h . •Ui Persia In lay ing n gn^g, he ex-pert t« iUywUbotit Ibe of the

hw Mi; Iclndrg^ to' Dlspemailoni,''

MUi^a.iiftar. «r a aMond.'iaud one? I haven't after r .ball

J ^ M y wicHpof wool, and I would then fc^^Jt to y o t t y o u stand this klud of

V And Bro, Graves. I know you will bo • fcetterjndgeastowhal I ou|ihl to read, and I • " t y o u t o m a r k m e o u t a toutm ^ L ^ a L

I ^ wmemoneyl will purchaae a few dollar.

• - Ot Mte OflBMino.

- ^ o i t e i t i " ' " " doing good,a«a


favored sritli an opportanitr of b^holdiw yoar tko<v y« . ha r i« , t m i f m t wrisLj,^ Mmi t e U w mn«h of TOO, I fe.1 „ , ^ ^ ^ persMtllyallmyllie. Tou

I have read Grave, m f i e r Debatft,* »m1 I am nowpera.ing r w . r ' ^ w G t t ^ l r « WheeL" whicJ, I ihlnk U ^ n t of I te g r« , , ^ 9«r read. It is a living «o,anient of tnith. and IS death and destmcUon to ifetiiodisni. I wa»e«. •er of b.ying read a few pages l« yoar boek, ^ven DHpentaUoM." and I „ ^ h It t t ^ I have ever « « « j ^ ^ s l lo S l U

. ^ u g h . * ^ ^ "

»ow, B ^ Grave., I « « going to « k « f . ror of »»dbefore I proceed, periupa, had be« in-

WW yon as to who I am.

« the duty of pmeh leg npoo i «red logo th iwgh wltb a c o n n . i . tbtiOotr A MM my mean, wonid never admit of mr r tny where to aUead aob^ol, I tave had to aln * t « y p o , t nodl»e««it««t wiU, whMi a n could make by my ow« lualded d l wts.

I " • J " ; m a t w i n * ^ c«lla«.>ad when I wa , down u J i ™

p cWlttood, after havii« be«d ib, at l ir tT m r ' orleo*^ of eomme.^

^ m e 1. now in Kteble eoJoty. •bont one and forty or one handred and fifty mOe.

^J-flvehnndredaheeft limve tbem on the

i ^ I f I l o w i t an it I . qnlet and htunble; nad.

n e aome opportanijy Ibr ataJy.

" A . » JoapuMt Htrald

1 wonld «»• to read iboM .erie. of art icle that are ^ c o m e o n . l a th i , volume, and If yot, can a S

L n ^ K . . ®® three ^ ^ " I 'cave my cmJ

with yoo. Most fmternally, ^ „ FouKTAma ABitnrrcAD.

. . ««• wHirlou. reading for a r o o . ^ minuter. With tbi. one scholar we pn.po ,e ^ a ^ t h r ? ' ^ ' ' " " Texa. Theol.,glc£ Somi

ami the door, .u^. open tor a ,cor« of others,

the®ur«. .bat w^wlll mark out. We Wui p u 2

in o J r n f " " T J " ' quarter in <mr «r,t i«ue In September and mean-

UN OPINION. DRO. G R A V E S : - ! see in the last l«„„ „f t „ . ^ » paragraph by Iter. T. W. Hooper, a ^ b y t . r l a n minister of Selma. Alabam.. a l « ' o f

•Peech. made before the NortJi-I ^ i ^ v t * Assembly at Cincianatl. which I have wltbdeep interest. Bro. 6 r av« .

«rv«^iom and my «,»riction« are with Itev. T.

' "^ifit tn Southeast ever since the close of the war. where

^ ^ ^ ^ war. airf where white., II not more. In fact I am snre't^o

were in the ««eadency Just after the war;

wh le the white, have fncreawM. While it fa true t J r T " " " th iscoantyt i^av

here in the torpenrtne and lumber latere^. They WW breogbt here by c.pitali.t^ and my ob^rva-^ «>»»iMed me that at iea.t one fifth of

A g ^ m r obwrvaUon. have resulted In thi. fact,

^ M® Jtr'J""' wer j ^ S i n ^ ^ ^ ^ than Iu ten ywsw following.

p»«lr We I . one of prwUtntion and debauchery.

^ « » c o w e q o e « « | . t i u y d i e o u t very fLt. I

tlw blaefca fkr iseeed. the birtbc. I thIak I am Mfb In mying that at hast

ibeNegm bable. d i e > iafancr for * u t o r p n | M r c « » a t t d a t t e a U o n . Theware mv

Lord .pare yotir u» f t , | life; my

OMwboionMyoa. More anon.

•b f tho w,*rk that God „aUud hi?utr> mlnutry, Gfld hies, l i^t brother, and. mako hliuj » powerful Instrutuont In turning sinner, to t h r Jbord. . , •.. • • • " I

Forthotl»reoo*usoi ab.r.yo mimti .nni, i herain poitalaoto for two doHit?.; and fltty oeiits one dollar for tho young ministHtf' fnVid, ami one dollar lor tho young glrh at 1 Madoi-o, and fifty Mnt. to help pay for tho»,o liooks Bro. Graves s^d ho would send lo the young Tcxai- broilier, ami ^ t y G<^bles , l t to his glory. Amen. Yours In brotherly love. Gko o! Dicasoir.

HeUsna, Ark., Aug. IS, 1885.

A n o p i n i o n . D B a ^ G I l A V f i S s - A s you request a, »tal«me.it

tnorease or decrease of colored people In each county In the Southern Slates, and tho sun-poaed cause, I will say, we have not one-fourth a . many colohxi iwople in Winston county, Alabatna. as before the war. We have no railroads in our -county, and they sr»m lo bo a people who like Cities, town, and puidic places,>0 nearly all of them have emigralftd and gone to somn other

^ITv' W h t ^ " '' rorry. While we have no inallco agslrtst thOm, knowing that they are human, wo feel God created them our inferiors, henoo wo would rather assooi-ale with tho white racc. I was couufy superln-tendent of (iducation for seven years since the war, and we never had enongh to make a school. Hoping you may live long to disseminate the truth, etc., I remain youR truly, Jamks IJn/rov.

Clear Crook Falls. Afa.. July 18, 1885.

ANOTIEBllONE OF THE OLD GUARD tJONE. Died at Jiis residence in Asliloy county, Arkansas

August sixth, 1886, 8. K. Waldrnp Iu tho sevantyl wveoth year of Ills agi. He was a true friend of Bra Graves, a groat admirwi of his toaohlngs a •trlct Landmark Baptist, «n.l a subjorlber of hi. paper ever .inco Bro. Graven iias boon the editor. He died a . he had lived in tho full triumph i)( a liTlng faith. W.H . HN1.8KV. '

Hamburg, Ark.

A PHOPOSITION. DHO. GRAVES : -Ves , I will bo one in twonly to

• ^ pay thoexpeuRe of one yonng minlstorat Jaok-I «on. You shall have the six dollars and soveuty-flvo ^ut.bytheflrBtofBoptcmber,and the other six dol-Jars and seventy five cents by tho flrst of January; and I would do more if I worn 6|nly able. With many good wishes and oarnest prayers for' you ««d your family, that you may still bo spared to *ork in tho place yoti seem to he ho well fitted »nd called to fill, I am yours as ever, '

Friars Point, Mis», g. B F u l l b r .

o B n o n u i r A T i o i V A L s u n m o N s - r m s T v o i ^ v a i E .

BY J. R. OBAVKB. ThI. first volume conUins Uie six following Do-

nomlnatiohal Sermons : 1. Viae Act o r n a p t l s m . a . j r i i « Bjrittboiiatti d n t a p t i M i u .

^ ^ h e » CTiBMb OrUlMnaee O. W M 1.1. t . . . a C n X S T K *

C O M c l o a c d t W h a t Id I f f ^ n d forawpy for your libraries. Price, 76 oU. Addrew Baptist n-wt fioiiw M.'r„„|,l^ Tenn.



L , unniuia m nave OKMre leiiiii*


F«h>n. I - — 0 « , aau • w w f c " • d l a c

p m ^ y E 8 : - I n a n . w e r toyo«r request on r f . t p?pm»tloo. in Coahoma county Ithlnk,ftt>m the best Informal ion I can gather there U at leaat fifty per cent more Nogroea lb thii wunty ttan before the war, but few of the old •tjKjkl. here; but we havo Immigrant, here ft-om ^ I r »U the Southorn States, and a good many ftom the North. A . for cfilldron, In town, and on

they .warm liko "hiaokMrda". Friar . Point, MUe.. e . B. :


^ ^ U m y r i t h O m work tn Mexico, and I

I » * d o f » y o o j i i g

c . ,

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Page 3: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA

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AN Oi'KN hKri 'Kll . T U B opun teM^r tuslow, Hil<lr«tiKC'4l hy U)SV. ,h

White <o tlio ijiibuiiH of Ljuriiiii, Mo'ta»'d oouiuy, i i by uo lucant iKii«,Mmt i» i n iiui|ii>i' «loiiu;

. Ibro It concorns lu nl^. Thirty Attn wtt pub-H«heil U Hi 0(ir ecyuirjuiloti, fn>)ti Iho tlieii Ml|{riii uf tho UNie<i,' tbttt tviihl|) ii qiiaHor' of u ouunti'y from th t t ttnio It would Ijafadlo for any huii, Baptist or Prolojlniit, tooxpoi-o (ho Ijlasphomoua t«;»ohl«g» ftiid shookitig praoiicos tho H iirnxii. dhui'nli in •uy of the gruAt niMes of our ot»uiiii-y, Mr, W'tilto has domon»trttefl the truth of this pivdlo Ion Ho

• h u boon drlvoH froJn sovoral of tho elites of tho "Wont by «ctbftl or throftt«>ietl iwraontf! violoiioo; Biid tho civil autopUio« have boon so inthioiicod hy Ofttholio pattouKge (h&t thoy have tiut otlorod or grttnted him protBotlon. TA'onty yearn troiu this writing who will daro, in aiiy town of .Vmorlca tw whiob restdo a few huudrud Catholics, to OXPOAO the blaapheniic^, hoathouUh riiot* and thu hidilun tnyatories aud oiiortniiloH ui' tho lioirkitih ohuich!

. I t will bo worth hlajifo to attompt it. And whore will tho nm«g of Pioiositftiits utand lu the light? JuBt where they urtw stand in Mexico,— with the Catholics agalufit Baptlnts. But here 14 the tottor, road and ponder It w«ll: —

" ClTlz«M» OP LIHOOI>N : In conHlderatlon f tho siaaderous falsehoods circulated by irrueponnible aerlbblera, and in coiiglderatlon of or^anizwl mob violence to take iny life to prevent, tins lefe'ltltnato diacustlon of auricular coiii'ossion and kindred subjects, involving virtue, morality, civil and re-ligious liberty, and, in conHlderation of tho oflurlB now being made to screon tho would-be aSHassinB from merited punishment, I esteem It duo to my-self, to truth, to virtue, to morality, to God and my country, to etato a tow fa-ttt.

"1. I have not spoken, nor do I ever s|)oak, a disparaging word of any virtuous f»;n»ale, Protes-tant or Catholic. My mother was a woman, my wife is a wonaan, my daughters arc women, my Bisters are woineu; and, if rt-quisitc, I will, beJore tho going down of the sun, pour out my heart's warmest-blood In defenHO of outraged and insulted female virtue, I here repeal what I have said In form and substiiuce probably a thounand times; vlas., that if virtue has a cltidel on earth it is found in woman's heart, and that it never should be as-saulted by poisonous shafts of Romnn theology in auricular confession,

"2. I stand here to-day within forty miles of my old homestead ID Menard county, whore, more than sixty-four years since, I rested on my mother's arm when n«t two years old. Wittiin twenty-four hours I can produce wUnossns who have known me from the day of my birth, and who, under oath, will ccrtify to the purity of life and language, — except when translating Roman moral theology to meu. I am not respoimibhs for the obaoanlty of Soman theology. My business is to expose auricu-lar confesaion, and protect virtuq.frora insult and outrage, i 'dr this I will dare to do or to die. Thero. are not moii and devils cuough thissidoof perdition to lutlraldato me.

"8. I have been an accredited minister of tho Cumberland Presbyterian ehnreh for more than forty-fotar years, as. some citizem* of Lincoln will

'at test under oath. I have a right to discuss all groat moral questiona, including virtue, morality, oivil and religious liberty. . . '*4. I assert, fearloBs of successful contradiction,

* that auricular confession, as defined and.authorised by Boman theologians, has bean,.and is now, a weapon of intoleranae in (ho hands of the Uoman olergy, and a proliflo source of crime and licentious-nesii. -

"6. I am In your laldst with mora than forty •olnmes of approved Soman theology no w In use as the guldoof tho olergy and the laity, and I de-fiantly ohallOngo tho,resident priests of this oity to disprove either books or facts disclosed in my prl< vate looturo 'to idon last week in the Onmberland PrMbytorian ohuroh of ibis.olty.

"6. I Itave olTorfld, and do hereby offer, ono thoasand dollars reward to any aoereditod Roman priest or bUhop who will disprove the horrible dls-plo«^tM Ih the book Iloino, uxtraotod firom tho

H o t al Theology oft 'oter Dona, and F. iLlairlc?k, tho latter a lato archbishop ofliaUtnioin^

"7. To ietlle this oiattor onoo and forfivar I will submit luf iiuuKsandoxtraots, with acrompaitying docuniunts, to a oomndttM of tw«lvo llDgulsts, chosen at dlsoretlou from this city, and I wlH nUUIe t heir vordlet for the associated press of the Uidtod States.

"Now lot the issue bo fairly Pud «iuareiy m(>t, and let the Roman clergy dWprovo my liooka and Iccturos on auricular cunfes.«in», oth^^rwise let Ihofu for ahamo hid* their faces, and forever ket^) out of the co»rc8Siotial.

" I here agalt} deflautly assert that thobo«k»and facts exiiit now in our midst, tho hooks catalogued and sold by the loading Roman Catholic iKwik publishers In the United States."

Lincoln, 111. .1, 0 . W H I T K .

O R D I N A T I O N OK A W O M A N .

ON the second day of Api;ll a woman, Miss Francis E. Townsloy, was ordainod t« the

work of tho goiipel ministry by a Presbytery of po-callod Baptist ministers at Kairfleld, Nebraska. Wo have no language lu whlch,toex(«resN our disappro-bation, let us rather «>ay, our indignation, at this outrage on Bsptist usHge, apostolic precoilent, and Scripture teaching. Wc have no lotiowshiti with any of the parties to the transaction, ami would recognize none of them as ministers or as Baptl^tfl if they should come among UR. Such a grocm ini-pn»prioty should meet with nc» half-way treatment. A mere protest docs not suDlce. Wo utterly re-pudiate all ecoleslaatlcal relationship to any and all tho parlies concerncd.

Tho New York Examiner, speaking on this sub-ject, says;—

"We shall not disparage the good senf>o of our readers by entering on any argument to show that tho ordination of women is unacriptural. I>et any ono read the Epistles to Timothy and Titus, and decide for himself whether the remotest possibiUtr that a woman evet could bo propoMjd for tho oflico of bishop so much as suggested itself to the in-spired apostle.

We do not believe thero Is a Baptist paper in the United States which will sanctiou this unhappy proceeding, nor can we think t in t there Is a Bap-tist Association in tho world which would recog* nize Miss Townsloy or any other woman as a min-ister of the gospel.—/ru^ftc.

Referring to this caso. Dr. Stone of Omaha has tho following pertinent remarks:

In nspect to the ministry for woman, the silence of tiie New Testament is to mo a prohibition Just as thoroughly as it is of infant baptism. Podobap-tlsts have somotlmes argacQ that becausn it is not forblddan, thoreforo It must be authorized. If it proves Infant baptism, i t proves the baptism of bells or horses Just as well, for there is uo prohibi-bltion of it. Tho book of Acts was givon to teach us the manner of his kingdom, a book of prece-dents. Neither that b'>Qk nor any of the epistles, gives us a hint of tho ordination of female minis-ters, and I dare not supplomont tho ofllccs of the New Testament Tho Commission involves two services, preaching and baptlaing. X presume uo one believes that a woman could be meant for the latter duty, unless some other form than Immer-sion shou Id be intended. The incidonu of tho sex, and especially of maternity, put an authoritatlvo veto upon this invnstmont of woman with minis-terial orders. Her motherhood and her ' regular ministerial duties are Incompatible, contradictory. The natkiro of woman, her instincts, her physical charaeteristios, and hor m%rital duties forbid the idea.

I t needs no leglslatlvo prohibition; tho voice of nature 1| loud enough, aiid prompt enough, for 1800 years, and I okivy not Ihti ^s i t ion of thoso who would "add" a hew mlniatorlal olomeut un> kvown to the'N^ewTestament^and besot with ao tnany natural obstniotlons. 1V> (hose who havo known my mlnlsteria;! habits for 48 yo*" I need not say a word of aelf Tindicatioa f r o a the ohargo of repn^Htng the iwUvmos of woman In ttio work of the kingdom.



Whi(« Utori> aro p s ^ w ^ in tbeopistkiitthat have pcriil^xfril HH WH BibUoAl wsbofars iu regard to tho ianiui of aetlviiteai ndLtehol-ar of awy iv^putatlao taught that the Chris-tian tiiini^r^ «>ao of iho sasrvlflM whtoh Paul in}ei>de.l thetn ts •

M E t H O D l S t PliKACIlliiw NO OHUIiCH.

ItY W. Ju JAURXI., IiJ8 wi'.i i-tfoiiud the ntadcr tijiiit in his debate with Ditider, aod lu Ids Oreat Iron Wheel. Bro.

(iravci* urgetl that Methodist traveling preachers have no m«mbt?r>bip In MetiioJist churches. liltiJef, whPJi a'ik<hl: ' 'What church do you be-long t(»?" %vaK «« silent an the grave, He did not deny that M«tJiodi4t travaliqg preachers are mem-bers *>t no M^-thodUt church, bato}' ooly^^tho An-nHalConf»!r«mcc. Tiio diaclpUiie and ethodist luaituals all poive Methodist .preafthera have no church avo?n»j-jri»hit> Frtim tho Weitern Chn't' lion O«tobdr iwcfity-socond, 1875) ofli'!ai org*n of Northern Methodism—I oopy the following a» it Ik-i before me: 'Thechn«ch-m«m-borship of 'trav.'ling' preachers is merged in their Oont'erencc uieiulHirMhlp, aHd so on t inue i •while their nilattun t i the «hun:h as 'etfijctive' .miuiatera remains, llei.cc cxpuUiou from the ministry carries wfth it the h m of church-membership."* This is frcinau CfHiorial on "juSnliterial excUlon."

Yet. iome U^ptUts admit these clerical arlsto-cratii—liuch ariatocrats thattbey are above 'Sihurch-raemlwr^hlp" und form themselves into a preach-ers society, callcd the "Auaual Conference"—into thdr pulpit-», and call thim ministers! Yet Methodism is calksi a church I If this is no Romish priesthood, llamish aristocracy, the characteristic, of the mother of harlof,—wi-at can it be?

Yet, some iUptii^ts reocirc baptism from the hands of these Mathodist 'preachers'—from "preachcri" who are too "high up" to belong to a church—supposing Methodism i>.church—but must forMi iheiiiselves luio a "preachers church." A aet of men who my : -Slaod yo by; we are better than you are; you are until to belong w'th us; so wo will be «oparaie ami havea"prca«;bor«churchr' "a 'Houth siMsaking great thing*."—liev. xiil.5.




'•t)<«l (to lovwl flio world ttiat he piTe hi* only begotten Son, thttt wbosooTcr l>t!iev«?tb ou dim should notp«rl«h, l>ut have cvcrl»»tin); tifa."—John tU. 10,

T'OVF— the length, and breadth, and hlght, and depth, uud infinity of the divine love—in con-

ceiving, an<l devising, and achieving the scheme of man's mlcniption. Love is the burden of all we say, or hear, or slug, and In all our appeals, love ia tlie all-conlrolling motive. "We lovo hitii because ho first lovotl us."

But assuming that only humanity suflered, will any one, or altogether, ot those who occupy that position, please answer mo just one question: Was it the ;\vhole extent of God's great love to fallen man that he provided an innocent man to sulTortho ponalty line to the guilty race? Or I put the question in another form: If only man en-«t,urud the suffering, how can it be made to appear that it was God who exercised the loving ?

God so l<*vod the world—V> loved me—that ho gave another man to suflbr what I deeerved, does not, 1 confess, como up to the hlght of my faith,nor my,hope, or my gratltndo. * ^

A W O R S N I P I B o r C H B U T . Wc commend the above questiona, flrom a stand-

ard Baptist mitiister, to the consideration of every Chrifitian. To deny that divinity, the Seoond Per-son in tho Godhei^d, the followlng—i. e., equal—of God, suffered for us, is to make the atoneneofc valueless. We care not what tho iohools and school men believe, It was the mighty Maker wb» d i e d -

"For man the crcatnre'a iln."

Ererr oa« wis* will MkawHk* SJaia MMMl m «ny<««i* MlMMnrll^, ateU 1M*« t u a i w w WMywMrllMriafleiit ' •• • "



V . r e • W f f '


A F 1 F T U - 8 U > ' D A Y mUslooary luoutlng will be held with the Ebentzer ohtii'ch, ono mile and

tt Iialf of WlUt8ton, Fay«tto county, Tenn.j OH.the Memphis and Charloston raiUoad, Cijuveidtig ou Saturday, August tho twcuty-ninih. AS pastor, In behalf of tlie church, most cordially do I extend to all ralnlstera and mossengBrs a w«jlt»mo tu their bospita'lty. Broth. Wludos, Mi^Caudlese, Canada, JolmsUni, Anderson, Parrott, Morton^ Ci-awford, Venable, Limar aud tho wcitui- ombrace til tlie ralniaters in this division of tho tllBtrict I bt^lleve. Come, bretiirou, and bring with you Iho appointed messengers from your ohurchfts, Lot each brether select his own thume, bearing of course upon Iho businuss bcTTorn tl»o body,— missions. Let us either attend and iiuike thc<io roeotiDgs profitable or abcll^h Iheni uKogether. Last meeting, though lests tliaii ilva iniitjH IVoni Memphis, nelthtr of our city ptilors ««nu in-eseut, but rciaalned at home. They had goml naaHoas I have uo aoubt. I believe good loaHOiis i;oultl he givan by many of us. I havo to turn away from lui invitation to attend aproiiactcd uieetiiig, where I think I could do more good, is tbl» then ;ho best plan? Lot each pastor prf!ao » on iniislons o Ids own-ehtttch on some special occasion, and take up a collation. This is doclde<ily preferable, it seems tome, as no money would ho wast.d in paying expensos to and from unucccssary con vocal ions. But since this plan has been adopted hit us make iv a success or abandon it. Come ono, conic all, and we will take good care of you. I would sug-gest tlie following subjeots: —

1. The rise of tho opposition to inifislonH; or, tho surroundings which gave birth t-i ilio Aiiti-inlsalonarv Baptists, known iu othui- iocsliti.-s Hardshell Baptists. Pfol. Johnston of ColUerville to lead.

2. Missionary work of tho apostles. Ilev. .1. D. Anderson.

3. The revival of mis^ionH utter a temporary slumber. Rev. Enocli Windos. 4. The success to the pruMcnt date. jtuv. .1. T. McCaudless.

5. The beet way to ralie tii« lllC!ll•^ —money aud men. Eev. J . U. Canada.

6. Shall we continue ttio llfth-Stisuiny ilistrict mcotlugs. Ilev. W. II. Mm ton.

I have had no opportunity to consult vvith brethren as to an appropriate proiiiauiuie, but, as I was appointed last muetluK 'o arrange lor this meeting, 1 submit tho above.


Fttoin county, last night cloned nomo, protraeted meotings of eight days dtiraUoa with this ohafcb [Pleasaiit-hillJ, in wldob, we liavo the ovideiiee, much good has been dono for the cause of'itho Maiiltir. Many sinners were brought to ropotitance, and professing Christians were strenittliuned in their faith In Christ. Eighteen persons came to a knowledge of ttsavlug faith In Christ, aud witness^ that ho bad answered their prayers to the Bavlng of their souls. Si* joined tho ohurcii, one by letter, and the five others were yesterday iBornliig iiuriod with Christ lu baptism by Bro. Norrls. Truly Christ and him eruciflod was presented to the people as the only ground of salvation. Oh that liod would prepare more mon who would, with llfo and spirit from the soul, liko Bro. Norris, teach tho people the answer to Pilate's question, " What is truth ?" L. L. Pnicic.

Plcitsant-hlirChurch, Auj{u8t 10,1885.

rtcoid of funeral, text, eto. Complied'andiJidltc by LausliiglHirrows, D,l). • % ' _

Dr. ilf H.;i'uckep'say* of ' ihl* volume:' " I t ia the best book of Uio ki"d we havo ft^W; and is worth many tlmos lis price to any pfffwr." w

Dr. J . B. Hawthorne J ays i H is a !(ronder tha|^; such a book has not prepared for Baptist mlnistors long since."

Price, fifty ootils, postpaid. Srnd this amount to Grnvws A MahatTv. Memr.hU. Tenn.

M l B H i o n s .




BR O . G R A V E S : — Y O U ask for news of Iho Ikp-tlsts. I will loll you about Hu nlldlr here. Tliis

i , a small station on the L. & N. railroad. Tho most of tho people arc. Bapnsts. The ncnrc^t church was seven miles, so they mnciudeil to havo a c h u r c h of their own. At the samo time there was a bar-room started up in this place, so thny bonght out the bar room, and niado a churca of it. This house Is now too small. Throtigh iho un-tiring energy of Bro. A. l^wory the building of a new housn Is now Koing etckdily forward. Mr. John Mulllna, a well-wlslior lo the raHse, gave tho ground, Mr. Robert Burns, u pioiviiiiuiit Mothodisl, g a v e lun'lier. and othms gave unils and small sums of money; so that each shoulder to tho wheel has helped to push the work along. Wiion the house Is c o m p l e t e d i t will be an orn unent to tho piscp, and a memorial to those whoso'cncrf<les have

cairicd it through. , , . , , We havo a SabbaMi-scliool In progrcHs, which Is

doing very nicely. Wo noe.l rpading iiiallcr, but are not able to afford n library .vet. If your Bchool has any surplus papars send them to us, and they will be duly appreciated. Remumlier n» In your p r a y e r s to the "giver of every good and porfect gift," A Baptist brother, N. PACK.

m i l IS college has Just completed the most proa-porous ytiar since 1861.

Its enrollment reachwl two hundred and ten, rep-vewjiiting fmnilies in every Sobthern State. • Tho motbods and work at Mary Sharpe havo

l)ecn tfstcd, aud distinguished judges have given their verdict!

Uou. A.S . Colyarsays! "It Is without a par-allel in this country I"

Kcv. G. W. Grifflu, D. D. says: "Equal to any school in America for women!"

Hon. A, S. Marks, Ex-Governor of Tonnesseo, says: "Itslacnlty in culture and ability is second to nonet"

a. H. Ford, LL, D., editor Chritlian Ueponilory says: "I t is ono of tho most complete schools for girls deserving to bocome women of high culture 1"

l luv. ' I .T.Eaton, D. D. Louisville, Ky., says: "I know of n^ institution that surpasses it, and in Tfliinessee it stands unrivaled."

(}. W. Jarniaiv, LL 1)., Chairman of faculty Hf.uthvvcst,.rn Baptist University says: "I know of no inftUulion f r r women whcro tlio scholarship of ttic! graduates can compare with that of tho irriKluaios of Mary Shanio College."

R o v . G . Jones, D.D. says: "It Is one of the v.ii y ocst Baptist colleges of our whole laud I Those who havo daughters to educate could send

Vhein to no bettor place. Its location Is admirable, in one of fho healthiest aiid pleasautest towns of the most delightful aud salubrious portions of Tcnnos'ioo"

The standard of Mary Sharpo ia higUor than of any similar Institution in the South. Every patrou who entrusts his daughter to the .-.iiroof Mary Sharpo may fee) sure, not simply that showlll be well iustructod, but also that her con duct and health will bo as tenderly guarded as iu her own homo. All tho training aud discipline of tho college points Ijoyond tho period of youth to thn (uturo woman, bearing tho roBponstollltlrii, and lioldlng the relationships appropriate to hor sex in the society of maturer years.

It is tho solemn duty of every pai-ent who has daughters to educate to examiiio tho claims of tho school to which thoy surrender the tralring of their childron.

T l i o expenses at Mary Sharpo are as follows:— (50 dollars per yoaf for tho literary course. (50 « for instrumental inuslo.

" for special vocal music. 135 i« " for board, washing, fuel,* and

" ^ i l r Btudonts Will bo taught in 9laB8 singing through the) car free. '

Next year will begin September 7tb, 1885. Catalogues olioerfully sent to any aduross upon

application to ' A. T. BAnnKTT, Secretary of Faculty.


MISSlONAiUEii, Ufiy; native asslitaniv" fifty* -seven; uilsslons and*tatlo>is<t?V;rty ; baptized,

[ tw > hundred and thrci^ church.'inombors, 1,823; I p;)|dl«, 505. , - \

L a s t yejr w« had for our work 181,280.59., In , j view of iticfOAMd Jforce and neoi'ssary buHdlug, •idayed for two years, w« must havo this year •

I $100,000. Let the auKtunt bedlvld«4 as follows:— Vlri^lnl^ Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, MlB«iB«lpp i , MUsourl, Texas, Tonnesseo, AlabatiM, Maryland, Arkansas, Loutslun.1, , Floride, • • West Virginia,

i'iedgoi made for Mexican church how««s and (•chobls and chapel at Chin kiaug, say,.

I 12,500 00 12,600 00 12,500 00 8,000 00 8,000 00 8,000 00 8,oyo 00 8,000 00 5,000 00 5,000 00 4,000 0« 1,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00

500 00

I 95,000 00

5,000 00

1100,000 00

P R O M L A M A R C O U N F Y , T 1 5 X A 8 .

DE A R B R O . G R A V E R • — in ordor that yon and the many readers of your paper may know of

our iplritutl welfare I would llko to sfy, through thi^JSld, 4» H. IJorrli Ot Roufif Gfoyo,

MAINUAL FOR FUNERAtS . For «io use of paBtors, oontainlng Iwouty-one

burial serrloai, adaptdd to dlflbrant oondltiow of


It Is made obvious by the reported requlfemenU of our missions, and by the lato painful experlonoe of tho Board lu seeking ineans that thowork which has grown utmn u?, na'uj-ally, iuovltably, and provldoutially U bityond tho supv'^rf oipwfted to" bo given by our people. What mtist be done? Tills question has ai{U«t<id tho Board, and It should deeply coucorn tho churches. Shall thor c l o < ' -trsctlon? Where Shalt It begin? Lot eaoit field

I be narrowly surutlnizod, and i t will bo found that sO far from contraction being admissible, if there isnoteJcpansion.damftgo must befall tho work al-ready in hand. Iu fact, It is of the nature of the missionary spirit to go forward or t»» die; and the very end proposed by • owr ciitciprlio ia to : gradually occupy tho whole world. What then, is to bo done? It thn work ortUnot contract, but must expand, is it iiot plainly eonoluslve thatthoro ; must Wo a oorrcsDondlng oxi)ft>'BU)n of mcana to support t he work ? Ho^ then, sha l l tho nieana bo secutud? This quollon b t longi, : primarily t o ^ tho oonsolenoo of Goti's people, and to the mission-ary spirit imparted to them b/ God's grace, of which spirit and conscionco 001* mission works aro the out growth; and which spirit and consoienco must be qulckoucd and expand Jid by- lhe truth proaohod and studied and .11 atlllcd Into iplritual expt>rlouco of tho Holy Ghost. Lat the|Bapllat8 of the South bo plied with tho whole cou nsel of God,^ by a cohseeralod ministry, and aa suro as thoy pos-ROSS the grace of God, and <Jod is true to his em-phasljied promisoj, thfty will como up to the full mcastiro of their duty In giving tho gospol to man- • kind. No plani, no ugpuo5e>i, ca n tske tho place of this divinely appoUited Instrumentality. iVill the m i n i s t r y commit thomsolvos lu heart and . before God, tomorp oonwcratlon in this regard? WHl ttio poopio say, A men i ; :

H. A. TprrBn. Oo rrrtpondlng Scorefary. ,

For tweuty.flT will tend a of


: A



Page 4: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA





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_ Ckareh r«Uty.

«. Tl. i T '

That Mn ^ •Btfeoctv a w fea

— - I I

m SllHltfJl. BO wMaWiiao* of •eeta •xai^Md aave b j r a j a ^ ^ . ISS ' ——

TUE V A m o v T T ^ i ^ i ^ ; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ; ^ f i c a t i o n .

Br A.J. rwMT. KO. 1.

THE P K I ^ G I A N thwwy.

f i i t o j u m i by tb« w i , TO tluil nwa h«Te TO d

fititiMr ii - . ••'wr, wiilca feema lo Otfkm ii in Btiural ejpotJiory order.

work ra.a«y In «« - M . . wiU not ; L I J S S i J ' L " ' * ' ' " ' ® ^

And •ysioHa ana hje^.

- t i h nato tbei^Veri lv 1

• w of - " J . ? . " " - . ' ? ? " »

l o j t o deepen b ^ ^ e r u icnlng i t w I t

tbe otber. ride of the

mr bourn', ^ f o m ^ tbe i v ^ i ^ ' ^ wrbld that We

god . : for

W o w w from Which

t h , ^ ^ » « k r n u d tb« whole chapter.

J a botb e i u " I wui go.'' ba t went

Umli ln* the Tiaeywd Mrrlce to the g o ^ d l . -

Job» the B«pil« .Bd Chri.t ,he

' « ' • • ' « " •» " C T . W. „ „ PARAULE.

ropenu-d .r,d fro.u which wo i L u Z T c l ^

«ev, r hoJes. the fulh.e.s of ,ho G e u t H e r S t bmoghi into the ,«rvlco «l Gotl "

n u t i t ' l o ' t ' T " co„Mdc. able uumoer, to Imj eoi.vmcrt t» Chrintlai.hu .i

The i T t ' - " " r ' " " ' " ™ • ' ' " " . - b o r u before ^be re«t of h.s uatio.., and yet lu the « m o way h^

pmdlK.1 K.U) reauia . U h o u r a n ; tM

A N N ' t n i L A f l o X OF I ' l lE WICKED.


m . n I . . . rowniained i h a t l ^ ^ ««»« Bnptlu cad Cbrirt and th .

- r ^ , , ' Coa • « " < » . for now rl|,bl««ii Imodnd

feet oonformHy 1,, ibia llfte i . poMlble. u d la ^ the J e w . to obey ihi, call i h .

Bro. j . J . Au-iroivs of SntdiL T^xmm. mnnti^ _ i* ma ^ I I •

Old Bethel. ^ Bra^rattocew Ib^, y e w ; lor l ^ T S ^ Z

NO. II .

{ J j WUATEVEH UM>08l,lvepu„Uht„e„t.up. i l l . the «, the .amo to bo 1„ as . aL ' J Ku..h,Iity,o.hcrwi.o u could uot bo a i t ! but ne^t lvc puoi.h».c,.t. The dearh '^hL, all . d m u .o be the li.al |.uu,.hn.e«tof t ^ S l t$ reprewjBtsd a u j adii.iutd lo be a u Z ' Z l T

•.II..IOU but tonneut ( Z " T w l" ^ «hepu«l8i„neulofiho w l o I ^ M . . . f ^ Therefore but eadle.'. to r^oid ;

conscioua being. ""'"om


lie b . . Br.,. R o b o V u o V l o ' t / ; ; ^^^^^^^^^ «r.ck, thar hi . i..,er.com,«„,.i„„ h a ^ , fer wH|

Kudora, Ml,». ' " " Harhai,.

out or all D»tj."a, i wltneit, and to Mther itiulutuite, called "be /S iSL^ ' tPy 'S ' . f ' ' M m l ^ k Omu M r " F o 7 l Zi iw of the itnoram of thf,

s a p t e f e s l / H S S

— ' '" 'J.:!;'! -

..[. t' 4.

: Wf ' GENERAL ITlSMfJ. Bro. K. q . Faulkuor'of Jllpley, Town' wrUn.

meet wllh Hlpley ohuroh August 28-30. Kvery-. lavltod. All who expect lo CM«e by rati

will ploiue notify IM8 at ouoft." , Eld. W.^ r . Kill., Miwourl, Yo^ .ond u» a lf«t

of flro n6w tiames, uud requoot credit on your p*per, for the wine, but fall to give your po»t. office. Out thU Item out aud «end It tc^ns with your addreaB, and we will gUUly orodlt i o u r «nb. scrlptloti. J 8 '

. .f « lUt of Qve 8ubiiorlbor#, and uddM: « We have a good meeting in progress h«ro, Wo have had uU osnvorsloni and four lenowalH, at.d still thore U a pronpeot for more good to bo done." .Tins U under date of the Boventoenth,

If a iy one dreams that ho Is secure lii the oxor-ol.e W free speech, oven on i-oHglou« sul.Joct., in thU country let him read the open letter of Mr. White In this Issue. Wa have already come lo this. The Catholics of Mexico are calling upun all i rotcsiants tounl le with (hum in putting down Uro. Powell.

Our readers will see thai Jlro. Puller of MIshIs-sippi promptly comts forward, an.l proposes to be

one of ton to support one young minister at Jackson for the nexl solsion often months (thirteen rloliars andHlly cents per month), which will bo thirteen dollars and llfty cents eac,ii, ono-half to bo paid in September next and the otiior In Juauury 1886. Wliere are tlio nine othcria ?

M s

B e a r I n i n l n 4 t h a t t b l * p a p e r w i l l b o • e n t t o a l l m l u l a t e r H o n e j « i « r f o r o n e l o l l a r . W i l l a i l w l . « ««« lUla « u b « c r l b e n o w , i r o n l ) f o r hIx luoiitliN, mo an n u t t o l o t e a n u i u b e r oC t b e i :*po«l l ioo i i o r o l t h e o l b e r t b r e o nvrleN w h i c h w i l l I n i -m e 4 i a t o l j r l o l l o w t h e c o m p l e t i o n o f t h e Bxpoalt looMr

CoRnEoiiON.-Tho j , It. lionin who refused to bo ordained a deacon if required to a^siHIn cele-brating the supper as a denominational ordinance is not a member of Crockett church now, hut Is a member of Pettrs-springs church, eight miles from Ci-ockott; andhe jflappv^inted, by a district meeting, to write an essay upon church-communion the fifth Sunday in tlils ntouth. So says Bro J T Heflin. ' '

The Sunday-school Times nays of our Hible Com-mentary: "It lHono of the best Ulblo commen-tarles extant. I t shows rather tho garnorod re-suits than tho gradual procossos of Blblo criticism and scholarship, and is to bo ranked, for popular and general uses, first among many. It has claims upon general attention because of Its convenient shape, Its clear typo, witli tho text brought out In bold and beautiful relief, ita excollsnt press-work, Us handsome binding, its many maps, Its Bihio dictionary, and its valuable index. And then, to crown all, It is cheap. It Is sorvioi. done lo religion when such a work is seattorod .-roadcast in acorn-monity."

We are offering to our readers an ablo and opiwr-tunoierleeof articles upon sanoMllcation from tho pon of Dr. Frost. Tho sanctlflcalion Or porfect holiness craze is at a white heat In Northern Georgia, and will, llko tho Sam Jonos epIdcmlc, •weep otor the land. As the conductor of a re-ligious paper should, at such a time, we give our rcatlors, iu these series, a peilont untidoto, or remedy, for this craze, whlclj is woroo than a posll-lenco. When Christians and thinking people know UBt what Christian poffoction is fhoy will not bo

likely lo bo deoelvod, or be easily earned away by a mere wind of dootrino, —a counterfeit of tho true. Lot these articles bo carefully studied and thoroughly understood.

U - ^ e ^ r auoUior yean I kn^W U l« lifty oeatt

iTn v ! * P'P'"' worth, ipira ^ y ^ u ^ k f o r l i ; a u d i want you to keep i^" ih i s U the way Bro. J . J . Waller <Jf Konruoky I h I m ' My wife U .W gh ed with the Young South, e,lUod by Aunt Nortt. J . w . N., Oloburne, Texas: Your query ,nu,t ^a i t its turn, snd that i« far p f r , -—~ 8 Sler 8. F. Ayers, South Caroliiw, ,e„d, u« a „ew

' T her pastor made a .ho r t spoeoh for Tub Baptis t after a recent sermon, which was well reoelvcd, and will be hoard from. How e«8y a thing it would be lor every pastor iu Temiossee todo thosama thlng; and it would be won rc-co ved by all tho Baptists in favor of the presentation of Baptist prlnsloles ;m. M Muriy Mars Hill, Ark.: Wo do not know, nor do the AntimUsloi.arlo« thrmwlves know, how many members they now have in tho United Bfale-ihey ihlnk it a sin to number their Israel. They are ashamed lo do it. See Webster for the exact and true moaning ot wormwood. If It Is what it symbolize, |„ iuib place that is quite another quest on Thank you, BrO. J.' V. Gilliam. Wa elioorfuliy advanced tho money you pledged: and

of Khl D. L\ Espy of Somerville, Ga,, •thould bo reail by every minister. Wo give It hero for their benefit: " I have been using one of your Bo<ly and Lung Braces for years, and it has done mo a great deal of good,- i t has done for mo all yon oluim for It. / oannotwell gtt along without onn My tild one {scoen yeura old) IH about worn out, uml I must have another to help md through the protracted mooting season this summer. Send It at once. My meetings will commei.co in a wook from this dato. My wife has worn the Braco 1 have most of tho time this year. It has boon a groat help to her, and without it sho would not U ablo to hold out to attend bor housohold duties. Ihe Braco Is a groat blessing to public speakers a«.l weak Udies." J . a . J . Qox, Texas: Wo Have been a merab..r of a regular Baptist church

• ..-b;

. - - . ..^Kiiiai uniniHl enure for fifty yoars, ami have known Baptisls as gonor-ally in a majority of the Stales, North and South, as any living Baptist, and wo never know, or even hoard of a Misslonarv or Regular Baplist -Bro. VVin. M. Dunn, Colorado: Wo ap,«eclato your k u a InvltHtlon to come out and visit you and draw in tho frso, cool air of your mountains and prairies. We shall remain at the Wells until we return home: wo cannot onduro travel off the railroads.

•From J . II. McLean, St. John, New Bruns

Kn iok iAiMs . "We ilo not know who tho young man was spoken

of in Mark xiv.fiL Hi , name Is not glvon. I^g was doubtless a ,row; and this whs then, aud in now, •umdont. ThlB ii fop Subsoribor at Prakon" Awow, A j ^ r ^ f f i n a two dollarg for tlje oit^

- -- — — u v . ««„„, i^ew uruns-wick, wo receive five dollars toaid us In our travels In Huarcl. of hoaUli, as a small expression of his personal appreciation of the fleasuro and benofit received Irom reading - ur paper and books. Wo thank you, Bro. McLean, and we will so expend it ~ « s a loan, to bo afterward paid over to the young minister's fund. Bro. McLean also sends us a lot-tor received from a mlalstor to whom ho had sent copies of his paper, from which wo copy a few lines to show how this paper und our books are re-garded in Now Brunswick: ."Dear Brother, I am greatly indebted to you for tho kln.lnoss,-.groat klndnoss, I must say, in sending mo Thk Tkkxics SBK Baptist . K has done ine much good. I in. tended lo write aud thank you long ago. I hope you will pardon me for dolJnquonoy In this mat. tor, and ploaso accept my thanks. Tub BAmsr

oolcd bytho luost of our papoi-s, of great danom-nathma Intorest and luiportUcn. 1 find a S

S r " " " ' ! Answer D e p a r t , K e Z i " '1

E t 1 romarkable and valualno I uok hut I have over road." Bro. McLean adds: 'A lady from Biddoford, Maine, Is slopping at mv her. She Inquired where tho papor was pub'lsLd

r. ' i T ^ " ™ " / to \ , , r address I X solid her Bubacrlptlon in with my next list. Sho

able. Our ministers who got Tim Bai-twt. and

iT.'^Jhir oomnare IU f C h Ing with iho word of God, aro mak ng groat i,rn. t r i i thsV'Say C

less you, and restore you to health agalnf ihat vou may long oontiMHo to earnoslly («>ttload " pr tho


SESSION? ^ SV The faeidtios at .lack-ion and Cttrson College will

unltoln the siaioinoHt that threo young ministera lu all rospocts more promliitng,and im>io worthy of assUlunco, ni'vor attended tlio-io colleges. They are in tho midst of thel.- studies. Thoy cannot re-turn without ihe aHsistance of fWends. The question now is, shni! we say to Ihcm return and yon shall have it? Personally It will be loo muoh for us, until wo uro again able to take the field to preach or icclnic. If wo shall receive, in anawer to this appuai, hi.lwec'n now and September thu first, enough to pay ono month^s board for each, thirty-Sevoa dollars ind fifty rents, Irmtlng in G«»d and our br«thi<-n, we will say lo them, "Come baok and finish your courMo," U t every ftiend of mlnlsUuittl educAtlon who roads this decide if he or sho will help this causo this year, 1885-^, and nforni us//ow w«cA, and forward a part oT it be-

fore tho fir«i of Se|.tenjbor noxt. flro. Fuller, we aro satisfied, wilUiHrt iho Hew year with liii old proposition ; 1. P., to l)d ono of twenty trt pay the board and washing of ono young mlnlslor, —thlr-teen doliai-s and fifty cents, six dollars a id sovooty-cents each. Wo bellovo ono brother in California will engage to support ono. And we bolleve the young ladles,' iiiisgictjiary w>cletios In Tonnesiee will engugo lo support anotiter, and (hat the soete-ties in Dyersburg and Jliploy will head the lUt. And wo uro morally certain that the general eon-tribulions will support nnothor. If we are right jn this n o can Mipport four iiistpad of throe for the coming year, 1885-fl. Siiall wo not do i t? I t ' may ho a hard yaar, but listen to tho promise: "Trust in the I^rd, and do good, and verily thou Shalt bo fod." Who will trust In 'tlio Lord, and load off in this grand work ?

If wo can only be Instrumental this year In raising tho moahs to support four young mlnii ten at Jackson and Carson wo shall fool th f t wo are not living In vain;, and the brother or sister who gives ton or five or ono dollar will not live wholly In vain.

Lot us hoar from ovory friend of mlnlstorlaJ odu-cation during this moiith, that wo may lot the brethren know If tlioy can return In Sopfeinbor.

Any amounts in tho malls that have not reached us will bo added to tho Seploinhor fund.

.. " J R . O b a t u , • Kl'l W M Pnrmor. tlo.. l on<

l ' hioo, uu„ « fto. u w liniiiiHii At t Y S V^y.^A^Vr' Ml Kmm^TlmS ArP 1 oS' ' P ' fit .luiuilu 3 D inUan u ' i m

1 m W Orowi, n't'st Vn., 1 (mIi 1IMIJ Huin'i .r win*{, .Vh,., fttinu. ^ Totiii^^afifl;"

•MMimmmmb 'i *

•'TlJPSO who wImIi WmiTuj ttlls lUhiir i»ii.l I. '

aid » oauso will tt^to'

m ure aompeJio.! t|.Bt ttulsad0880^4*0thouianflt .ubM(,rll«,i« ,u« widwl f . our IIhI before tills year olowss'

wo w ll comgnui l^liliul uciual ..xpiinae.,-a„a bo com.-polled to^) „wk to 11.0 ulil prhrn, twoUoIlars iter annud.,, or st«,tP«l.|le«tl.>n . We know il.,u among the thousand: of iHtr i.airoiis on« inoiiHi ,,.,r„o«i MUort will easily add. a few tHuussurts; fur our |m.ion.' .nke, fbr we wish, to kyu|> the imiwr Jit oir' d..llar «,„) mty m„u , we waut It. «lono, m,o UmKtm »U»ll u»«o Us .owmpllslnnont with miusuul p^rglmuiiey. "

Tliere am a tlm«,n„a. frionds iu rfaad, aa well as In

T, , l' ''- at one Uotlur and tlfty oonts. -

, Wm Ilaynps, Unknown fr' 4 IMIi Davia

17 Kolly,

Bond m twdiityflvojonti ibr a paok»go o#i»bfKji-


Page 5: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA





q V B v T f O A S A ^ n AWSWWM. I* Ui« w»ni Mck. lo th« BlMo, ml«-

U«Bfit»tf4 firiiDi,t I met • R«)>Mtt preftoitor a fuvr d*yt «iO wk:>-«flli-jnHl it '

ANflWBK Wo h t r« never found % t)M«tt((e Ju whltih U WM « mlatrtnatkUou,

qesnioN m How cait tho uburch (UAlt. xvi. It) b« U)H>n M •>"no ItkpiUit My, or upon t*et«r,

M Itomoii Ca(S>Ito« whvii t)i» rook (laitM (a pttm) ti In tb* (tem(ii>n» tfvutlor in the Orwk ^abiineot in Uie l>aM«Kv In «)U«iiti(»nt H not bulii ii(>oti tbe >rua ftiUh?

a . o . KstLY. Aksvtkk SSS, For t a .Autawer to thU we' will

only r« pr««*.itit the vlew4 given oo the text la Vol. x v n . N o . « .

TUo uchitoctura) Idet that comparea the oburoh to a bull'ltng t*t of very froqnant ooourrence in the

'word uf God. A bnllding "AU have but one Foun dation. The fbuudattou of tJbU atruoturo I* dhr i i t and him aioiiti.

Our view accords with (he gramiuatioal cou» Amotion or the worda. And hero we notice the change of gender in the original. The apoatle't name (petros) is in tito masouline gender. I t la al-ways 80, even in the hUtoi-y of hi« rocelving this name (John i. 33): Thou art called 0«)pha9, which i» by interpretation [petroa] a atono [or rock}.'' I fever , iu ita origami and proper foroi, pctr« (feminine gender) were kppHed to the apoatie we aiight oxtHwt it ao where h •itu|.ly explalna the import of the name. But in the passage before us there la an abrupt change of gender from tlte mas" CQline to the feminlu<% unnecessary and unaccount-able on the eiip|K>i)iUon that both terms applied are to the same, porton.

Again, there seems evidently to be a special emphaRls in the Savior's wnrds. l ie uses both the demonstrative pronoun and the article in con-nection with the nouu. I t ii> ^ati^a fa this Ikti rock. In the C>n<ok language the article is often addc<1 to the deinonintrattve to express the designatluit more detlnltely or emphatically. It would «e«m u if this were the object here. It is, " I aay to thro that thou art Peter, « »tone, and on this, (Ae rosifc, t will buUd my church." Now why this emphasisf If the pcrscn of Peter was in-tended would not tJie natural expressloQ have been/"Thon art Pistcr, a rock, and on that rock I will build," etc.? On tho supposition that the reference is to bim«it>lf the object of the emphasis Is clear. ChrUt Is the rock hitn>»elf, pre-eminently so, — (he Rook of Age*, —tho Sure Foundation.

Again, tho word petra, in this form, is repeatedly applied to onr Lord, and to him only, and never to tho apostle; as (I Con x .4) , "They drank of the spiritual [petra] rook that followed them, aud that [petra, feminine] rock was C h r i i t " Rom. ix. S3: "Behold I lay In Zlon a stono of stumbling and [petra, feminine] a rock of ofFanso." S Peter 11. 7 : "Thestono which Ui* builders rejected is become . . . . a stoue of stumbling and [petra, femlnlm*] a rock ofreuse." If tho term Is applied, in this form, to onrXord In all other instances, and only to him, are we not warranted In so applying it here? Can.we indecil rightly give it any other apDlleatlon?

This view has the suflVago of the early and ablest Christian fktbers, as Augustine, sermon thirteen on the discourses of onr Lord, qtioted by Turreu-t in: "Thou," says lie, "a r t Peter, a rock, and on this rock which thou hast ooufeased, this rock which thou hast ackitowledged, saying, thou art tho Christ, tho Bon of the Hying <}od, I will build my church, r -upon myself, who am the Son of the living God, will I build," etc. J o h » Hilary, con-cerning the Trinity, days : " This, thereforo, is tho Imniovjtble foundation of faith, — this- one blessed

•-rock confessed by Peter, ' thou art the Bon of the living God. '" To this agnio the marginal glosslsts of tho ninth centnit- TUey explain, OhrUitum in quern credit,' that Is, "Christ In whom ye believe " Sosne even on the sld- of Papacy give thla vliw, as Qr<>gory the. Great and Byrtiuus among tho ancients, Dupin and othera among tho mt^erns.

We know that tho Oampbellltes hold t h a t i t l a the conlbssion of Peter that Cbrist built Uis ohurah upon, so that every one Who w|l^ mako the oo&> ^ i o n ii ft proper luVJwt op ^

into thi> church of Christ. The demon* (hiitt would have been proper subjects; for they cried out, We know thee, who thou art, Chriil ," etc. The gropo^ sitlon tl,slniply abiuti l There is au inoongrulty, aviolaticu of all the rules of figurative lauguage, in representing an abstract truth aa the foundatltm of a material atrueture, such as l« Uie church of Christ A t ruth may be a fouiidatiod principle. I t may be fandamantal to other truth! or prmciples following from or growing out of I t ; but it cannot, w i ^ any propriety of thought or language, bo made the foundation ot a material fabric. And then further, what, In faut, la this confession but the fklth of the individual soul resting upon tho only fbundfttlon 7 The (kith that unites the onUro collective body of his church to hltnself oaii with no more propriety bo styled the foundation than can tho cement that binds the fabric to its basis.

It Is confessed that there Is (tifflculty in the in-terprotatlouof the text; but tho view we have presented agrees with fact, best agrees with tlie construction of tho wordi, is tho vluw of many of the boat commentators, and concurs with the flguro so frequent In the word of God that compares tho church to a building. We therefore are compelled to the conclusion that by these words, " th i s rock," our Lord meant himself, — "tho tried stone, the precious corner-stons, the sure foundation," of whom whosoever believeth shall never bo ashamed.

QtrasTiOH 2M. The fihuroh at A unanimously oxohided an ortlKlued mtulster (br tho oHme Cf adultorjr, — InsuUIng a youog woman with adulterous Intent, and the oinirob St B r«)oalvi>d btm Into hor fellowship without soknowl-cdRoroent, repsnunoe or reform, a simitar osso to that of Eld. T . K. Ilarbin U a iiuery of NoToiulier tho flftcenth,

The churoh at 0 lias excluded a lIcoiiRed mlnlittor (Itro. R,) bcoauio bo would not fullowsblp the action of the o.burrth a t B In receiving the ssid oxoluded adaltoror, Kow what course shoaht Bro. It. pursuer ilo cannot bo restored whore he was oxoludod without fellowshlping tho crime oi adultery. He foels that he has a work tA do tbs t he cannot do Out of a (thvroh, What tbouUi he dor

w. J. p. Akswku 280. Tho churoh at B evidently i«ut

herself in gross disorder by receiving that adul-teroua minlater into her fellowship, and Uro. R. only did his duty in dtsfellowshiping the act. The churcirat C committed a palpable outrage upon the rights, of Hro. R. in exclddlng him fordoing his duty. Bro. R. can appeal to evory other church In his Association for tho restoration of his lost rights; and it la the duty of every one to which ho applies to give his case an impartial hearing, and, if they find him' wronged, to repair his wrong.

Q u u t i o n mi . In behalf of an estesmed fciend I dcsiro to Hsk your opinion on the following points, and would request that your reply be published In your paper, lie-cause they are of general interest to our denomination.

1. Is It In aocordanos with gospel order and Baptist usage to exclude any nombor from churoh fellowship without first notifying suoh nsmberof tho Intended aotlon of the ohtirch and tho reasons therefor, and requiring the accused to a p ^ a r and answer, provided thoro bo no ob-staclo In tho way of giving suub notice f

9. In the case of a minister of good repptatlon and character. Is It in gospel order to oxolude suoh an one without trial liefbre a counoilf And If a ohurch should Ulus exclude a minister what olToot would such exclusion have upon his ministerial status r I n q u i k b h .

Memphis, Tenn; Akswkr 287. 1. I t is the universal oustom of

ail orderly governed Baptist churches to fUrnlsh tho membor arraigned for trial with a copy of the ohargos and spoclflcatlons at least one month be-foro ho it required to appear before tho churoh and mako his answor. Tho custom Is founded not only upon tho word of t-fod but the universally recognized principle of equity.

2. I t is the almost if not universal oustom of tho churches, when a minister of good reputation and oharaoter is a subject of churoh disciplino, to call upon a goodly namber of hor sister churches to send their deacons aud pastors to assist, by their advice, in tho trial of suoh a brother. Thero is no organiaatlqn or ooncolvablo body of men or lalnis-ters on oArth authorised to try and Moludo or dU-olpllne a mlnlitor or member sjivo a local chulroh ofChrlst .

. 8. A ohifroh can, for good f n l sabstentlal reasons, depose ono of her members trqra the tnlnlstry and >«!} F f ' j l f t W » P>9mb«r| })»it If 1)19

him from membership his ofBoe falls with his metnbQrship. : QuMTtaii 918. Has a ohuroh the Scriptural right to forglvo snd retain In her fsilo^blp a msmber who Is n fornluatqr or oovutous or an idolater or a raller or an extortlOHMf who has mads a full and satisfactory oon-(•ssloQ of his sin to the churoli, and given, eridonoe* of sincere mpentanoe, without flrsl exolu^Ung said membsr In aooordanoo with tho Instruction cOntsinod In 1 Cor. v. l lf . •

3. Is there any sin of which tt msmlier oan VS guiity whloh would Horlpturally prohibit the ohureh from ro-tMnln{( said member In her fellowship even «ft<'r a Aill donfeidou and satisfactory evidence of Sincere ropen-tanirer'

». What kind of » oharaoter Is referred to In 1 Oor. v, 11 by tho terra rsllerr Wm. AV.OuAvas.

Bristol, Texas. ' ANSWXR 288. Her duty Is to exclude such a

grosi offendor, and keep tho door of tho church' closed against him until he has given full proof of his ropontance, and fully established his character ae a Christian with tbosq who are without Bee First and Second Corinthians. There was no trial In this case, bucanse It was well known and was admitted by tho ofTender. If upon simple decla-ration of sorrow for gross ofisnses 'ofTendors are retained discipline amounts to nothing, and the churoh booorocs a den of thieves, fornicators, adul-terers, etc., aud no ono will or should rcspoct her.

The second question is answered In our answer to the first Bee 1 Cor. v. and Gal. v. for a list of gross general ofTenses for which exclusion is tho penalty, and which tlie church cannot forgive or condone until slitcero rcpent^nco and reformation have been maulfcstod. ' A railer Is one who uses scofUng and Insulting


i t E n s . Dr. J . B. Hawthorne of Atlanta, Ga., says of

Tho Story of tho Baptists, advertized by us in this Issue: "Evory Baptist family «ught to have U."

Bro. B. C. Harris of Btrawn, Texas, says: " I have worn your hernia brace for years. I t gives . better satisfaction than any other."

SsNtt ten cents to Graves & Mahafiy, Memphis, Tonn., for sample copy of Evehorkrn Hvmks, botind la cloth—Just tho book for country churches. l*rlco $1.60 per dozen, by mall,po8t-pp'''

Tho ordination of Deacons T. W. and W. H. Yates at Newhope church, reported in news fl-oin tho Stated last week, Hppearod In tho Mississippi Hems when It should have boon in Tennessee, ai Nowhopo church is in Shelby county, Tenn., about five miles north of Germantown, in tho neighbor-hood known as "Bangle.'' We got this information from Bro. MahalTy, n ho lately attended services at that church.

Will every Mtlve friend of ihla |in|>«r take |i»ln« n»r It to b« known th<tt onr KxtKMtUons «r tha r«r-Mblrs >u<l PropliMlea of Christ will ««mns«M«« rrom Wo. 1. In the 0rat Isane of this iMiper tii Jnljr, nnd b» oonUnnad nntll tbcy i»re cAmpletod, nnd tlwt tbey will be tolIowMl by «wo otber aerleih-TbeTwa Wltn<as«i,—Who Were nndwho AreVbajrt nnd, The SSnrk of tb« lloiiat, - Wh«* la I t t

One tliousand dollars would not influence tho hundreds who are using tho Lung and Body firaoo for weak lungs, weak back or hernia to .part with it r.ould they not secure another. If you get hoarse or exhausted from speaking road the tostlmonials on another pbgo uf this paper, from tho Governor of Tennosso, atul from Mrs. Wo8tbt;pok of Missis-sippi, and a soore of others. No minister should bo without a Brace, If ho would preserve a good voice, or improve a poor qr fttllingono. Ton dollars will Bocuro ono or twooty stibsarlbers at (1.60 each.

We do not know who Rev. Dr. Pullman Is, but we are sure, from tho words attributed to him, he Is a Protestant. He recently advocated religious tolors0on to tho flillosti^naiiiing Catholici espectally as the objects of toleration. Tho Wtttm Watoh-man, whleb ii » Roman Catholio papar, replies to himasfoUowK " W o would like,to return tho oon^pliih'ent, but we oannot. I f ever the ohuroh gets tho power In any land on earth the ]preaohers, of tbftt luntl doom()4| PKhollo ^ lor iUrq niyfif


yet went to the extent bl toleritlngllhe^preaotier.'*; Yet these same Oiiihoiicis cUlm to bothe ohamploos ol^religions liberty. — i^oi/iftVf CouHer, The Catho-Ilof of the West are dotrioustratlng, as In the ease ofMr. Wblto, aCuniborland Presbyterian minister, that the atrocltlea of the Romish confesslotial shall not be publicly exitoaed. His life has again and again been impm lied.

Some one aska the Mmminar whether a member not present at a previous ineetlng can move u ro-considoralionofan^splutioH already passed, and he Is answerod: *'No person can move a rccou-slderallbii of a resolution |(1oplod at any mestiPg unless ho volotl for it." ThU N not Just corrwit. No person who voted Iti tho negative can move t(» rvconsldcr a motion at the samo meeting thrt paftsod the motion. —C'enfra^ Aa^tisf. Noltherof tlie^e BtateinetitH Is oorreot. No person, according to parllaiuculary law, can move a reconsideration unioss ho voted with tho majority whether this iw tho alllrinMtlvo or the ncgntivo. Robert's Parll^-mentary Guide, followingOusliing'« Manual, pays: "The motion to ruoonsldwr can only Imj made by one voting on the prevailing side, and on lh<> day the vote wan lakon ou the quoHtlou whloh It Is pro-pOHcd to roconsidcr." The house of reprosentatives lias varlo<l this rule, and su may any other body by a Nticciai rule of ita own; but if there Is no spccIal rule psriUmetUary law provails. — Index, •

Dr. John Hall «ayn: " Thoro are a good many kinds of ministers There is tho fossil mlnlstrr, who was cut and dried in sonic setnlHaty, and is ttlwaytt the Hsnio. Tlic gcinhmry does the best for a man when It luaches him the sourccs of Ids llfo, and sols him to developing hiuiself. Then there is tho formal mlnislor. Ho is not likely to l)o tho man to form und preside over a live church. I have myself KOen formal ministers. Il Lo a grca). mistake to suppoito that bccauBo a man is soleinu he is oarncat, or beuauso a man Is mirthful ho is not earnest I do not suy thHl this typo of minister will bo tho best (.uitod to take tho load of a live church. Thou thcro is the fluent man, who can talk to any llatU without saying tnuoh. This is not tho typo I recomtuuod to you. Tho flippant minister degrades religion. Il is one thing to talk natnrslly outot 'u full heart and another to speak lightly and flippantly of saored things. Tho minister should be a live man, a manly man, a foarlesB man, a human man, a strong man, a great man, not necessarily great In intellect, but great In inspiration, —ill his conceptions of truth and duty,—groat li> his alms, In pationco, gentleness,

• forgiveness. He must use groat instrumonlalitlos, Tho groat instruniontiiHly must bo Iho Bible, with its olTors of salvation (roo to all."

N E W S FLTOM THIS S T A T E S . We desire that all our leadors will scnu ns every

item of Uaptist news thAt may conic under thpir observation for thoso coIuuuh, and that, too, while It is fresh.

Bro. Mahaffy requests that all news items bo written on «o|»aralo shecfs of i>apor from business letters. Ploase also give date and State.

M«Mrui8. —Pastors Lamar and Venable aro both absent fiom tho o ty. —^—The churches are simply keeping up tliolr prayor-meatlngs 4nd Sunday-schools during the warm season. The at-tendance upon thoso is very peroeptibly smaller.

TitNNitSBKB. —Bro. Ray 8. Fleming writes from I.icxli7igton 5 " I have Jus; olosoj^ a glorious timo at Union, Henderson county. This is a grand old ohurcli. I never saw so much rejoicing as was thoro. Tho ros.ilts'wore fdrty or more professions Of faith, and twenty-live additions to the «»Jairch»" Bro. O. 0 . Fiazler writes: "Wo hold a series of meetings at Union, Bradley county, and tho results were a general stirring up ot the membership, seven oonvoslons aud suvon additions to tho mem-bership of the ohuroh. Bro. N. Elrod did tho preaobinjf." Tno ohuroh atMorrlstowh has scoured tho servioos of Bro. 8. H. Fleming fbr two Sundays in eadh month. Ho Is said to ha«e a good helper iu Mrs. Fleming, his w i f e . - — T h e Point-ploaiint nhnrob, Oooko oou oty, is ihowlng signs of

f lf i {»l}(l«f fUfl \ n1 im69 S ' P w *

drenr The chnwh hopes to hayi hor newJionseof worship ready for Aie use 'of" the East Tenpessae Assooiallon, which meols with her Beptemljer tho twenty.faurth. — Mossy-croek ohuroh has granted Piutor 0. 0 . Brown a mouth's vacation. r -The Blrds-orook church Has recently beoti much re-h'eshei) by bloflslngs fiom iho Lord.-*——Rev..W. H. Btrlcklaud of Nashvlllo has received a call from the ohurch in Detmlson, Texas.

KwNTUOKYi —Bro. J . H. Sponcer has changed his post.ofllcfi fro n Pleasure-ridge l»ark, JefPsrsoti oountyi lo Eminence, Hdnry isounty.-—-Tlie .lews of Louisville (endoiod the Chestnut-strcot ohuroh, whoie house was destroyed by llro, the use of their temple, which ".vas nccjcptod by the churoh until tho first of t:«pluJHbt r.

A l ahaha . —Eld. S. flondnrson has become as-socitttdd with Iho Alabama BapUH.-—A churcii lu Anicrlcns, Ga., covet . J . J D. ltonfroot>f Talla-aega. 1. F, Purser has been called ua assistant pa»tor iu Biiuilngham.

Texas. —Oi C. l*op« has boon appointed snpenn-tendotu and goMoral a^mit of ilie ciiurcb-odiflce de-pArltuoBt of the Home Mission Society of New York. Bro. A. B. Ingram wrltus August the fourth: " I recently asklst^d Bro. A. J . l l ^ r l s i n nicoUngs at Bloiinitluld, CoOk couuiy. Gotl blp'ssed oui labors. Thoro wero twenty additions to tho church, ten by baptism and ton by letter. Araon« those baptizud were two Ca-npbellltes, two'Meth-udlsts andono Presb) (criau. I thou went to County Lino and asf-iftied Bro. J . M. Harris in a few days meetings wltli good resuUs. Swvcn were converted and seven addod to tho churcli, four by experlouce and baptism and llireo by letter and restoration. To God bo all tho glory. We are having some glorious revivals Iu Toxas. May tho I^rd con-tinue to bleas his people."

MiBsiBSim. —Bro. .1. B. Perkins writes from Okolona on tho ei^htli: " Our meetings arc grow-ing in interest. Four moinbors were rucelvod ye»-tei'day, and nioru arc cx|mcti)d to-day. Tlic meet-ings have betn iu prajfross siuce iMonday last, and during this time Bro. Veuftble h ts coitalnly been giving to each bis portion In due i^cason. He proachcs with iiower and cftVct. ' The church is al-ready much strcnglhoiicd, and^ a result, men aro inquiring tlut way of salvation. Pray for u».;'

Bro J . W. Ooftins of Byhalia.says: " I «>oo In r T h r BAPrisTyou want news lioni tho brelhron-

know ol no bettor news than good revival meet-ings, in whlob Boul» uro led to CliilHt I closed H o m e intiOiitigK the fourth Sunday in .fuly, which had been in pi-ogrcss nine days. The re«ult was nvo ^ore burlt'd wiili Chrii-t in baptlsui. These meutiiigs woiu bold with tfio New-pro»pect church, Rankin c«)nnty. I closed other meetings which were hold with Pelabstchlo nluircli, lasting eleven days. A.S a result of those eight persons followed Ciirlst In tho oidinanco of baptistn, and ono was restored. Unto tho Lord bo all the praise and glory." Bro. G. W. Rainor, Hickory Slation, Nowton county, says: "Tho church at Oakland was rocenily bloised with a precious revival, Br«. T. J . >Vells, tho pastor, was assisled by old Bro. N h . Clark and othms, Bro. Clark doing most of the preaching. Tlio meelings continued tight days, and six happy converts wore burled in baptism, two of them from the Methodists, one an old sister of forty years standing."

SECULAR NEWS. Discouraging crop reports aro hoard only from a

few iooaiitlus. Flattering reports of tlie crops conlinue to be

made from almost all sections ol the South. Tho cholera Is spreading rapidly In Mariolll«»,

owing to the Intensely hot weather Tho English parliament was prorogued on the

fourleontti Instant. Smallpox has been ofll(ilally doclarcd opldomlc

to Montreal, Canada l'ij« ravages pf tho oholerfc GrftHftd*, BR|lti

jkm |?«porto4 M Iwlnjf liQrrlUlOf

. . .

The j M In ward oSteriie.

Mrs. €l(rant will havif au Imwrao o ^ m lhaft Bsvonteou thousand doliaV' i yoW' ^ ^

I t Is reported from Wmhlngtoa that ai^arr«uge* ment Is pending to make Randall oaft of tho warmest advocaie* of Speakeir Oarllrl o's rs-el ootloa,

•The New York World has raised one hundred . . tljt?«s»Bd dollaratp erect a pedestal for tho Bar- ' Iboldl statue of lliiorty.

Tho general maohlne-shops of the Loitlsville, New Orleans and Texas railroad ebmpany ai-o to be located at Vicksburg, Miss.

A competatlvo drill between tho Vlpksburg, Misr., Soutbrous and the West Point Rifles occmrcd In yicksburg on the seven^oeuth instant.

Reports from the cotton crop in all p»rU of Texas I dlcate cousldereablo damage frotn drouth within the last fifteen or twenty days.

The Llvermoro foundry of this city intends to have a splendid exhibit of home-made machinery at the New Orleans exposition next winter.

Tho people ol the cotton States feel tliat an era of prosperity Is close at hand. I t is said tho grow-ing cotton crop bids fair to bo the best that wss over marketed.

I t Is said a scheme Is on foot among prominent labor leaders to have an extra session of oougreali for the enactmoDt of laws to relieve the condition of the working people.

Groat excitement prevails in Madrid over the re-port that Germany has taken possession of tho Oaroliue islands, situated In the Pacific, which aro claimed by Spain.

The while house is now olosr^ to visitors, and will not bo re-oponed until the presldont's return in September. Iu the meantime H will bo over-hauled, and made as clean and comfortable as (possible. .

A BRACE FOR BUU. iiURNS. iRO. GRAVEB:—Inclosed Hud one dollar for a ' year's subcrlption to the Old Banner. I have

read it for moro than thirty years, ancf am not tired of I t I want to bo sure to got the series m commence this month. I am vrfry f«<(ble,. a»d have lost my volco. I am unable longer lo preach, and ooiiMqiiently for some time p a 4 have been dropiwd by the'Board, without a penslof, how-e v e r , after serving since 185». But 1 suppose It Is all r ight Your brother In hope, ^^^^^^ ^^^^^

ludlan Territory, July 0, 1886. Rrmakks.—This old and faithful missionary

could stdl preach no lUtlo could be secure ouo of Baunlng's Lurtg and Body Braces, the price of which Is ten dollars. We will bo ono of ten to ooti-tribute one dollar towards I t If U 1« God's will that Bro. Burns should work a lltUe longc he will put It Into the hearts of lii^ chlldrou to Mslst In this matter. * , . ,

J . R. Graves, I l 00: B. K Wilson, Arkausw, »1 00; J . R. MoL«aii, New Bnm wlok, W W; W. E. Al e s Georgia. 50 cts; A. J . BlankenshIft Ar-kanVas, 1 00; CT W. Bottoms, AakansM, 1 00.

ADDRESSES WANTED. Under this head wo shall from time to «mo

request tho present a d d r e s s ^ parties with whom wo wlih tooommnnieate. Wo will drop the names, rs sTon M found. We give their pos^offlco when last heani from. Any one knowing jthoir pro^o it post-olIlM will confer a favor by reporting he wmo by posui card, If tho parties are dead we wish to know i t

W. M. Cooper, Elba, AU. . _ ^ W. T. Hawkhis, Braeos Point, Texas, Mre. Belle Evans, V „ „ Miss Mollle Molntyre, Union City, Tenn. R. J . Ptilllam, Union City, Tenn. B. P. Barlow, Walnut Ti ee. A i;k. J , W. Jonttings^ BloomJoW. klo.

Te.xas. Ttlnn.

Page 6: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA

T h e Y o u n g 8 o u t h . 3 B a B l S N S S 8 E E


^ Mtw NOIH H. ORavBS. JCnma. Whom au «

• f f . -li, ' t *oanmmi. MM ts« lurrm.


• drink aU mookflr, hut ray oyw wmjW n(.t iwrroH oie to wrlt«i .o 1

IM",?® ihit WMk, .. vk«rc

|.o« oftteh the lowan? I hopo .Oi for It telu

.n, f tbe moectof wlns rlnkliin i ^ l r ^ f " "'r"""*' * 1 of

ibi» fir»t place, 1 um ho ipoke »,« lookoa evory rn h u But I romcmbor

>*Oh,ptoaw.l« not talk «oJ" i ork-d, "Iwt htm who thinketh he Wamleth take „at ho kit.-, jited theM word» l„.UtK,tIveiy. though I oo..fw» I felt I

few Zr?^^ '""I •"""f® Wni. But onlv a riBW ye«ri» have pasted sfaoe then, Hnd wh«t i* thi, proud young man to-day lH lK,«Uh, followed by remT • fortune camo upoh hlinj ma he went lo dr|,.kl..tf/ lu' tornw IVk.«d« foon knew him more. A.id I f«ar h« u Mrrt ,-dto.d.y If living, sino I „evcr hear a yoani ftn_expre« his bel.'t f m hl»<iwn «ren«th t»,»il do »otfte| and know that he U m dan,ter. Aud TiTu with all temptation. While wo feel eoneohnis of our oVn

•trcngth. and feel determined to "Kn alo...," be«o„,e deaf^ alt entreaUo., and, bfluR mortal, wo fHll, younif friend., the ...m of the wbolo leawn h thU: There li only ono Arm strong t.„o,»Ki, to

ohild, and tru.t him day by day for «U your .treuglh, you are not.«f«. i?ea the little child, it the cro deS •trwti, how ItoUnga to its father's side, una will not f.-el happy nor .aft till It feeU lt« hm.d wourely c Uspe,! („ the father'.. 8o the Chr<sHati fteel. (aak mam« If u „ot •0), and ao may each of my readers ftel, ever romeraberlnK our text, is the prayer of aunt Noua.

iJtUj, *

mmsmi V """ help you 10 while a.v«y,ome pfyour time very pleaaantly. Try U? km if wo najr not help each other to bo happy and do gmnl.

Wii i-tiiikanll'

. ^ Miawenxl al«> hy wwi tte«i«

wo® 161*18 lortt

««»«. Uc»<'ttiewi»e |b ttm Ptrnvm.

many letlora mbonl the little niokeU and tfimea I thouuht 1 w>iuld ohlldren seiidtoT

S S H ' " " t e s t ss

ffan^ In LM?.???.'-. kIPT tho "Wful w p , doti MwIoor • " ' " O b

Kl'vmr shadow over your mtna to think of tb poor Ueatbenr It

ft b i i a S ^ H our faulif t, II oeoause we have flailed to do our dutv? Thun im ba up and doing} V for ..tbo clock t|"v; mow aid we

".o'nou'ddoall woonnnow; for thani In tti""®'^ ^ I must close. Aunt Nora ThVtv ?M'r!i l®"J'?" »"<« W t Mnt: wl?hor long and |iro.|M,rou» i. th« «lnoero

T w i i r k r ^ . « e t i d l n g any money thla time.

Toung tlj, and want to loin the llttlo hand of w'rki i? i?e wfll !!/T.««i: you and the T>:L are willing. I aupposd 8t. John •eems to bo nwav nn ViV F® ooiisln. but It Is not Saw Uruoiwlok has the healthiest climate lii the wori.i vh . 5 Uk??hS Sut > 1 » « » < 1 ooa»t In ray baud-

tylZ! " tour Helly Springs, Miss. Auka lUkJuux. ...dhL^r"'' her apprxwIaUon m S ? ® I'e ooal. With such a m. her to onoouraKe her Uoul we can clalm Anna as • llttlo worker, and hope to hear from her a ain ..»n. AN ACRDSTtO. "'0 P.rget thee,

Kt««t «»*nrcd thny will ever love thsc. Olving to their dear young minds nich Ueasures. whloh/h, time to oome, A blessing tor this you will ilnd. -Voices of children from shoro U. shore, bcholog now and evermore

xn boundle« store nolly Springs. JUm FtORKNCK UAnasix. Onr I>lll«w.TMt.

s S - . K ' - T 4 ? " " - 11!;

from you. dear young readers.-aunt XOKA?! "I^t your light so shine before men that tUey may «ee

your good works, hmt glorify your Kaihor whlol, l» m hcAven."

Whore can these words bo foundr AVho spoko them, and where f * "What do you think Is meant hero by " llf|[ht"f How can J OH glorify your father and mother? How oan you nlorlfy your heavenly Father? What kind of -IKfht" have you, youiig reader? Who can give you the only true light?, Have you asked him lor U?

foucinr KVKu: Children, do yoinw »t,B wtoe In tiM ery««j «ia«*> B« not tempted by Its «iiarBi. OUtidreo, hat* ttr Touob U never, Ji'lghtitever, iKi you know what oanwUi wfte Blt r as the bwirt can knowj Tl« tbat AelfMme ruby wine wtiieh would t«mpt that soul t»f ihli>«.

fhlldMn, hatett! Tuoh It mtver. Fight» ever.

Never let It iMkw jtMiriijrt, >ever ev(.n let the tips Of your fln>p«r* touch Uie bowh Hate It from your inmMt tiulv hate uj Touch it never, . right ll «!ver. FIsht It! \t'tih Os i's help«t»nd last l>>ng as llfb or breath shall Usi. Hurl the demon ln>in our land t>h then hai« It! IVurh It ne\er. FlSthtltew.

A WOUD 10 HOYS, you are m«,5e to l»o kind, boy mi-. A nininuma, rf there 1* a Iwy In ajUooJ vho ha a » chili-foot don't let hJu, know you It If

about raffs ii| h<jariug. »r there U t Ume hav a^ KU him »om» »»rt i» the Kme th«t quiro rauulng. if there Unhmwy hS part of your dinner. If <l,cr« Is V duil one K.Z him to yoi h«8 If theit) i a bZhl t^ «ot enTion. «f J,}m; for if «.,o b«y la pSd of W? ! aleuts ami unothfr is e»»iou« of t l , 4 , « a r e It a larger «r stronger t>o.v haa Snju l you. 3 u aorrv for It, for ire him. All ihe w | .hoi

<.IUl«i Workfini Mr UMMi.

5 J K ' & B S V M '

"'0 whoTit li rd »

I the our Aunt XoiU!—since I wrote to you

* PMyer.meeUng. for the pirpwcJ „. """V"'.'™''''"*®™"'"'the memCirs. and to'HavTnw A XnlVHV "T P'"."®' 1 bop Z y wll ft , * know that you wtU pray fbr Ita auol * 12. " "/found In IC?

Uairlson; Urn. " ' Martin:

uaptisi. 1 would llk4 to bo ono of your little workn!.* ' rif'PlP «?HO.to the two Mexldaii gVlaVr miss oS® t M L" will m ™ ^ UlkOsTHll lUPTlBTS aVlS

•^"'"'"otln'o olnne 1 wrot« to the Young South or answered the plllow.texts: but I haw .notiorgouen vouor the dour eouains, as It wou Vwem by my not Wrftlng. But the subsoript on to TaniAMiHT neglooted to aubsorTba again. ""mnoT B|>fng to let that happen any more; for we have rui found out that wn cannot get along without lu l iBn.l K to nay up ray dues to tholitt e Workers. I lto to bo so iHshlna. r will soMd some more money soin

um„ the wino when It la li J'Ai.''® withstand the that the girls might Mke this e boya. . I J«*»IIC|.l.B 8«At.

JHJy lie Cighteeenth oan

red oniib" that "ho"oan "wlthVt «.i'".h« inUtlon nlways.-1 think that the girls mT' • •

^ p i n t l ^ i l s

»» May nlsbelic tKmt«. B^ulTil: "^-'""^ « »«; Ka.ni.

.i"'? xi/!'** ' 'H Moa.

1 jnos. ~ •'ini'eT « wos; May JokMm, i»m« oKtnu«y lU, w Ki;orueUa«.){m<K

mtmt»mmrr rniMi.

among UwirowiitSopIo "^ ^ boeom. ntMiowkrtw

(Oeu: Willie HiMim 10^

Tnsel Cinh. K Canttold.tX«!(».«,. >lohn »r0y,7dojioa. ytou Wall.laosea.

Manule u All. i Ucm. Alguj" ^ubjy, t 4iotm

Si* awj to get tw •^boo^ CM fc had at aa tlHS® amretm^ ^ Md Notarr IWsc. New Vtei»a.CuSwi P ^ ^ In lejtMlv j to t m a i ^ tlttwunnl about o«»e bo«Je and a halt I am almost « new ^ tte luMg. tMT«*t.lNtt can wwMiY I am ahuost W««hi tl«arwv;«»»ad*rt

CoL pFm vr, A.Ma«d. OhiOv

swMsrjioasKiA Kftvwrdtttima aa «rrair b«cft««t ytm

OAoeUKMightlltniilw HetiftHuO, W4,rtdl«oBli!»toB«ite M la hit iMMt Sdf aeokiaelaa dwdir irfurae to UMtaonl, iMuala^ i)IK» tlw urth UHH«

thinga wlikh naJt tta to bftea. At who Ibr allgbi ioJIrinity

{Oiyaic to repair tbelr imdtli do mb«r ioiIMtir ll. to tlwy wbofwererr trifle wm ««f«r to rindlcate their cfaaraeter do nitb«r vcakeu It

l ne charily nak«a oo noise in the world. A pmo« wto doea good out o( pore moUTm wnrtr ftpr««d» U « |o? pare i

bv i'- I daBevfij r nOMuaenSl PimtmA I tl ptibli« Ihroujrh a to all vrto suffier with h«art tnwbk as | »«W«p»i»er. bcn anlnTal«aMetn«didttf»* | ^ , ,, , J. M. Insll-Mfc Altimont. HU I «bJ«>k of knoeWn|r out an.

»«fek« oth«»r persoB-s bra! bnraaM ho dif. tor kjjdttfr da Mgf rt l 'Iife!!!!! ! J f r o m you. ft would

f o " * a i U coti.ME(rtnoKlief ua< I ** ** WheM* t«wmedJcine. liadwe htw Mhe head

I s A S w a i P Y 1.4LTIilllT A!^ i i m WOKK

** cionrm.


^ iMMH4Mr feSM MM.

iMtst «« Mv awana at ».

™ nnuiuuii. 4 (OunctM am SLlZ he did. ami the ooe bottte or and o»« bottteof If Ait-Atni givM him more teUef than all the oUkt inedicin«« he ever towd." Mr, Robert Gritaai RendvSk. Oh». wntea: " Mjr wife ha. been ^ t e o S «u»Ti*r from cbroqfe catarrh, and after JV*:nr htr reiaedj tod foiled she com-Bwnctd to we jrour Pcacxa mad mt. Thejr havts hclr«d mjr d««r wife awre than anvthtn«r ha. wr oicd. She has now taken two fcottkn, and h ao mneh " - - - — ti»e

nal to knoci; ynur«elf on the heaif becauw )-oo dl«fer from

I jroursolf t«a y*Mu» ago. W« aw in the riw.. Chriit the end

fbr which man wa» made, and the a.-•uranco thai ibe end i» within roach.

I Chriit t ^ from the grave chaingnl ind yip-t the .ame; and In him we

[ have ihtt pledge and of our rUing.

eh better that alwrniu | Kt rnlty 1. crviug out foyou louder uaUl^kcnM^w^ IthMwoo- land louder voi Its briafe MH* imnKmst Ttr. I .v. . . ' wriofc. de lljr Intproi her si^t, Wethlak P«w?HA and Mamawi will cunt aav R. Palmer, I»s»tor of tSe A. M, B. Church Xo. t^j Canal Street, \Vttk««K b«tne. IUtM!raeCo.,IVwrite*: -Hav-^used your PxMxAand by cvperimoe b f r^ acquainted with iu value, I write a ii yow toiOeaMfsend me S ebottka of PwotA and ooe,of Maxauv bv ea-^ ^ -rtw humble «r»*5t,1

r.S®*' -?^ Mat»«.C«intT. ^writes: " We haw a good trade « FKacm. .our cuatomcia s{mi welt of It


TRAVfiLEirsOUJDH AMUTAI. ANb 0xrA x-rmmm sr Tiumii. ••MSlavtUeMM Na.)lkeil|« «»»i«mI.

l a s t •l hlaMWi C aelfwtM KatlraMl.

mm* k4<iM> KMW

CMswi s.m«. Wito OifwtiiweMwa • miM aaova a« Mto**; . t,ast ita\ R MMMmodaiioB i •tai

l4Wt« AlVtf* Xlaataatiilil

Teaninaid KKI .U Saiimm. Knakleir ilornMnn At lit*

Riae, be going I Count yonr resources; learn what jnu are uat 111 fw, and giT«np wiahlng for ll; !etr« what you eaa do,a'id d-» it with the uerg «»f a man.

Thott art aeeking thy light in «he di*persio« of the «lo!t I, aiitl all t c ! time thy liteht ia in the cJoud, Thou ait like theoldiMtriarvhof U«. r>i»» ' •rt a»klng Gt»d for an eiplan*! of j thy darkum. and th.»n art esi vtinf an anawer from all qnartcr> but one,' —Uie darkness it»c!f. ;

There are many that "Oivo the ®«railty of tiio New T. (a t v•«»; nover miwi about thcob'gy.' AV*/ but you rannnt get utorallty wiihii«i tlM}»h««logy, unltiwjcM :}ke to have roollea. fl«twir« attd lamp* uiu,t,ut oil. And if )o« watii tu iho a» Pa i enjoins you will bare to leliete IVut pt«aclio<

No legal device can emaneiptia tht" OA tH>r.of money frvmi ihe eiMettiial obligation which God haa plai«d upon him to uw it wisely, beneficently, helpfully. He cannot "boy Into a oorporation," aa the phraM it, and thea be reaponaible merely f«ir bit dlvidendjk He i« t«t))oiisi»>le for •eerylhiug that ia done with hia' money;and if the aonllcea oorponi-tlon ojppreM the hiieling or withhold from the laborer hta wagea, let hitn know that hia aoui ahall antwer for it «t the bar of God,

Many of da fcit down, take our Bible, and read a* though it went,* meh>»tory whld» ia of little coiuw

MtwurrlPfc, THwiFbtttrirb.

ftiait^ baaaJ laViy MMlrl

w.B.iuTta. a.c.eoofc 8. 0 . TOOF & CO, Steam Printers,


Blank Book Manufkctureri 4ttt ftecwiMi mtr««t, M«>wimu«,Tmsm.

Aewtan, ha.

WK W AHV !,«•» MOMUK BOOK A««ltT<i rou TUIC PKKSOXAI. tii!4T<mr or _ U . S . 0 B A K T .

Dr. S O M S T H i I N O N E W I

E l w % H a i r C u t l e r T o o t b B n t d L

' J U i - W S " - " -


' ^^^TlJ^XTr lS l^ r^S l^ N^®"^ Bible aiudy I, mneh more In toreeuMg thtn It tnay aeom to wme. Allowmetoa,,«g«.ttotbe r&dsr to

4 • them earcfUllr, nottog rtiNw*. , knd how beaulifUUr all imriB wiUooir

reap Mid. ll 1. (o ut Ood'a wonl.- o*! Wi " 4

Page 7: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA

• • M m

i m k f mm

i l l C O » T A I X AxilOltfA.

m t E S T j i F j i E e m .

m c s mmm POWBER co» • i > "• M4nw (tW • • '

k . f i l M * ! bptlfai Y t a t t B m s


U I,



M m P E R F E C T M A D E Xatw^ Fnilt tUxtm.

MICE K U a m fOMfOER CO.. auQMMx n.umm.

M E N K E i r S .

MEMPHIS. m k l C A R P E T A R O O R Y H I O O O S

t m H O U S L

S t o r o s i

R M F l V _

wora 1 9 M l c q h M i i ^ i l i

n i k A U t o q U C m ^ M d

h ^ l i w t i K i o i ^

fori ftonlilitxr. OKliiKi;

ftuntU^t.; P r t t t M a l k ^ H r n d

ititiM I n . J « u n


r A U A O U A l ' H S .

Thiii Lord la oaiMible of txtUshhig

bis ovrn limruniouta of »«rvicB, how .

e»er ruHted in.l bliiutad by sin thoy

luar txs-

Voitujf tocu »re apt lo thtuk tbem-

•elven ivi«« otxtugh, drunken mow

at« «pt (n ttiluk themaelvei tober

God Domctimoa wa«b«8 tho evea of

chJIdrou w U h Joirs, lit onler that

ih««y may read aright hU provldoiioB

a«i(] hii commaiidiiiouts,

If a u«t|oii e*i»eot» "(o bo Ignorant

and fipce, iu astat^ot olvlllstatloh, It

t'*t>et!U what Hovor waa and ucvur


Till wo aecopt the/aitAd which

our facuUlei postulate, wo oau nover

kmuf oven tho lonislblo world; and

w b « a w c awopt thorn, wo shall know

much more.

H o w ea*y4i the thought, In certain

moodiv^f tho lovellost, mo»t unsoltlth

devotion. H o w hanl ia tho doing of

(h« thought In tho Aioe of a thousand

unlovely dlfilcuUloe.

men's Uvea «hould bo liko tho days,

more boautind In tho ovoning; or

lIko Uio seasons, aglow with pronilno,

and tlio

antunin rich with goldon

«hc»ve% where gootl doods and words

have riponed oil tho lleld.

• • • • Nrrvous dobllHy, in

either w x . howovor Induciod, spnodlly

thoroughll}' and permi^nently curod,

Addresa, with 10 OOHU in stamps for

wply and book of particulars

World's Dispensary Maitical Assoola

tlon, (56. MalnStreot, BnlWo; N . V .

\Vh«n will you givo your hoart to

Christ ? You havobeon long think-

ing tho inhtter ovcK For a number

of years you have folt it to bo yonr

duty to renouuco sin and accei)t

Christ But yon have hosttated and

flLltorod, and failed to tako the groat

slop. W h e n will you make the de-

cision ?

H N ^ o h j r i n ^ i M -

A I ' ltINTEU'S K I I R O R .

S'wFot are Uie uses of adversity, tho

printor'a copy said; but ho sot it up,

•week are the uses of advortlslug.

6weet, liidce<l, to those who In Blok<

ness aud auffdrlng have seen tho ad-

vertisoment of some sovereign romedy

which upon trial has brought thom

fh>m death's door. " Tho best thing [

ever saw ^ my paper was tho advor-

tisomentofDr. JPieroe'sGoldon Mod

cal Disoovery" ia again and again the

testimony o( those who have been

h(«lod by it of luug disoaso, bronohial

ajETMtiontt, tumors, uioera, livor , ooin-

{daints and the Ills to which the flesh

la heir.

^Onooflhe fathers of tho ohuroh

l^en^askcd, W h a t ia the first virtue

religion ? repiioil, hu

Mrhat is tho seoondP

q u e ^ ^ H k q n O t l l b a o r ; humility, wax

f* bogliining

and t h o ^ ^ H g ^ wlio^^ifqboollng, in


<«:*i;hoJ[<j purpose


1 . WW , I

* - y v'



t>-l< .

•m^at <> can tMtt(;jr ti

ir,^ .. i> , I 1 ' . I

L U t o P H O S -

f ^ r w ^ s i A , ,

i ^mingly


A V A L U A B l i H W O B K O F H B F E J i V B N C E .


liMi ««hblftr«til)> of Biwliituli" aiul muoli At ibl* vftlue r« »rijor woik Jn(fi(>ni>iiiisn»r ' ' duut II hi tltft wnulx of Huo(

. ,n • (llll>w) l|tr «ult4ll--lUMln iMMlf of thH wDi it in priH liMlr M Dr. dtnlUi lituiae

- - . .. _llJ<Ultl-_, miilKBin lha aonU(>Dii<>tinti<i of i« i \nrtor woik tnUionuaiiiHilor yuiiiro«, At Uic r> mi»ti of tti«

J nduut II hi tltft wnulx of Huodajr.scbooi tuaobcA, »ob)itli«r« of this voUnuo, hud Islthfullr MtilesvurtHl to «iniin

i, Th» I 9. Wo h»va luiutw mnan HIIM _ . _

or lu(«rei(lii||t U> lonolior*,v lo miy wSo woulj t.»t o«


miulo It. H(l»r Mot .

Ikoly Vt liAve «laritu lonr-volurae

(be RnWuloa, wt>cr« tb«y bavo

bill »liho»t Mill i/»ijr.>( mH(i»r not »pool»lly b

iflt I 4

edit Urn. t. We Imvcf n(1de<l hII tbti tiropnr nomei us*d lo

(llSarMl from tUi*» In ili« AmborUed Vpwlon, Th«»lkiilll«i»ilou«f lb«i,prop»!rni»«i«iha» InwrUnl from tb»b«)«l uutborltK'S.mBd'

Anion to tu« rutr wbUiU nru />)uu(l lit the rornivr (dUluni. A. Tb«rp«u)Uoi tb« laU«lri*iirarflb,e«ii«Milnllr In iokaM to thu toiwRmpby ol I'atMttuSi

amaraboillettlu VMNoiiiiaMtolHi. ' * ' s, Hou^e MUiiilaot') buvu boon re-arransHl, lo mslio thom oliHrar; And souiaUntCR fuller stid

MORGILFINULTO IBFORMHLLOII HM LIB«N KLV«IN. 7, Tbc It»»»« »t Vhlob iwrwrnn llvrt «na wveois CooJt niuoo bsve b«eit imwrt^d. not baoausa

sbNolate r«<li*Qoe csn Ixi pimwa (,n tholr Ronnrxoy, bnt orUcjr to uliow tho rnlsttva mwltlons ui «aoh,sutibenoo t<i|tivaHtol()m«riaeRorihttbUtoryHudiir'>Krorai)f«vvnu. Tbo imtr* ar« III Moordaiioo vrltn Arehbltihop Unubcr'f nydtoia, iw i.rluied in our nommoh Hililss, Thoaa J.'KIR wbloh l:mfl » Ko<*I <l«t|tn«j of MCUWOT L» obt«tmibl«, sro from MXaiutook una MIroiig'i Cyolouixlm.

Aaimt>urtuntobsit|MKr« marked with ibOBlsuit.tnre of "Kn.," thot Dr.Mnilth may not b« MprdMU M r lfoUiflliTo for Uiom. ' K. N. AWft M. A. rsumHKT,

' TImj iirettt TOluu of aaob » i»utt t*, tlmt itniler enoli woni or h cmhIIus It Katbo • i up «U refer-«no(S sod ftipu iiorUIniiin lo it. und given » photogrspblo »U1« meiit of » ola, onttWlUK ihetenobprUitreco tbe 0(18 lino o»r«ivaltttlon wniwliuMl in Iminwimxiwrlflnoo, OIIIIIk bsflk

"ulvftU(m,i>rovlde>io«, And G<hI. «« n inlfwuifd In ChrUt iTio Hundsy-aobool toaoher «»uu(H in»K« h Nstlcr Invottmont for btrax If, > work and bin cluiut than pHrohww Bumb.t'elouboi'ii miiJ« Wotliiusry.'' Jonw H- iB

8ecr«tary ui <b« HnMiHtb-Mihhool AwooUtlon o H A h K

Cuu I W t ftALK U Y

O R A V E H & M A H A F F Y ,

" v r i i i a i i i K R H AKu nooii-mt.E,Km, tru, itSO Naiii htr««>t,M«m|t|iiM 'r««)in

H O L L E N B E R O ' S M U S I C H O U S E j



O R G A N S .

B e s t O o o d s ,

L i i r g c s t S t o c k ,

L o w e s t P r i e s ,

K i i a l e s t T e r m s .

» M A i n r H T n u R T , •fi5*t»»*if«i r w v v .

iMhtiMnrMM tnwndi f.r • tjum an I

tMI«lill'l((',,t:M(,,,.i „iii| (ii,(„i ClilllfliMj

KK. Cowiliuiiv M'll


WflioitU.KlrcAli WAim.i.V'TKli.

IT mutn

v t u v r m o h A N D

CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC yiiBJ»iihiiiH If nr. iNrtiujli intiruntinn jr. Illilriittioiiliit Miiiir, IMiiiiii nilil Vfnnn nd.

p«tiir.v, iJiiirKtimi, frviicTi, Ornniin, ilnn;«, KiikHMI llruiicliM, O/mnMllM, II s»ii tiv«n mill itHtiii, f M10 sril

n-i- pVriillH'fiut'Hiilite'liitM'f m, ISM. Pui tx-l 111-

ttortii, IWtMlf'

irp, JiHimim

. ^ »«««««m .

I «!'

PiMot a Of all ni»liMdlm:i lu c(i»uimfr« ?r»iui |i«iid.

.«! wtnlnMli iirritii'

ainkfii 111! Iintriimtnfii lu 11 I. . ^ . Atwifirt And fullr .V/il" l 'flr" r'ireh«'iJii«. Aiijiiminiintuf

4 i M « f M i n

iif! (I.


t v M i ' n w m a m

A N T I C U I T I E S , B I O d U A P H Y , 0 1 ? O G J I A P H Y , N A t U B A L H 1 8 I 0 R Y

^ A N D t l K R A T U H B . W I T H , T H E l l l^HKAttOUEH A N D R E K K B E N 0 K 8 T O T H E

W K V I B E D V K U S I O N q t ' T U K N E W I B T r A M B N T. Over elijht hnnurod pn^pw, w tli olgbi- oolorod iind l»»ur hundred

and forty lllustrHtionM. LHrgt) 12mo, ctolh, vt«ry ontque binding in bi(ick HI d gold. IWftil, #2 «0.

I I V W I E . I . I A M S M I T U , I.Ei.11., KFVIBKP A N D B0tTKn

U K V 8 . i-' N . A N D M . A , P I C L O U H K T , Kivery oi . itennnwlcdsuit |ho ,troat vsluo of Dr. WllUsm Hrntth'* BIblo Ui«tlonsry M eon<

latnlntf«ib« frvltof tba riiitNitl Ullcxi snhblftrahlti or Biwliind," and much of ibl, v«tiu« KSln •

t o a l l (liiftisf«r8 f r o m P r o

m s .

i uav tbU mpthod / o w «iothjir rt the o o U b r a ^ J ^ ^ n d Lung

. . the last make it «

log it a far

d r w i #bl(!h 1 have sold

eigbteott years, that I wit

beuiht. vo « f paper by

• I wu briefly my nswtMi to* feeciwusndlBg this Invaluable article to vou, alere olghvoen yoart ago. I was thuroughly b r d W down In voice itom eA^JMlfvejrewhing j I fljald s|»ak

(mveme with I can

the soDM Of tMtigue.' ana w a n i a.baavy, buaky Ydloej-wltli it, - . . . ijMak (pur b o m a day without exhaus-tion or hoanmieia. I now use it

.. manty «<w auy i-uu* to

ion or


r hoimmieia. s p ^ u g , a


and thua p j r ^ e my volefl and and phyflieal «nenri«». i do

let any one would «v«» be

fMlgnMUyt-, heaiMiHlinotu

mjf restoTM'

i^t tteltove that any v^.. - — aiaioted with / m t i t t , or pikt. or weateeso | wvifiiii'Vtonw of w o m b of tho bank jt loins, rtiould he weai U Lmij, and lumbngo they are 1 ordlnwUy loose, ai^ only light w ^ n we . W . O.I4AWBlBrfOB, speaking or putting 6)rth unusual effi>tU { Oi^^rfordvlUf*. Mbn . It is a prworrer o n

but a little while wUhput getting hoarw 5 my throat was generally spie, and easily irriUted, and iu tone became heavy and husky; soon a hacking cough set ta, that increased, antU at toe dose ot a long meeting, mj voice fail^ entirely, under the eBects of a chronic laryngItU that soon superindnoed bronchitis, which seri-ously threaten^ m / life, 1 was now oomMlled to deeist fipm preaching, and, n p ^ b l e , overcome tbost) diffloullles, inif recover the lost treasure,—-the voice, that to a mInUter or lawyer U more valuable than go d or jeweU, — or be silent forever. I applied to the most eminent physicians, and was but little helped; save the excision of an elongated uvuU, they could do nothing but advise rest; and thb 1 was com-pelled to What caused and con* ttoued that oonstant IrriUtlon and hacking cough, they wuld neither ex-nhdn nor prevent. Providence threw Ihe remedy in my way. M y wile w m sttfiering from proUpsus uten, and tho urofesaoret the theory and practice oi S i f i e in tha University oV Nashville Dr. Winston, was her physicl^, and he prcacrlbed for hor this identical Drace, wych speedily relieved her Bhf com Dlained of a "dragging d o w n ; " and m language ooald better express my bolines, and especially after preaching. It occurred to me U it w « g t ^ tor one case ol "dragging down," why not for Mother. Wfttwut oonsultlng any on& I piocared une large enough for mysell and put it on, the first time doubtless it was ever worn by a man for such a reason, and the result was, tho ir-riUtion of my throat soon quieted, and the hacking ere^ long ceased, and the voice commenced building up, until could articalate, which for twelve months, and ve

prMorver o f a good voloe and of a sound physical condition. It shduld be worn V every minister khd, public speaker to oarry tbe energy and vigor ol his youth ilir into old age, w d by every old man assist hlrn to support the growing weakness of age.

Hundreds of old m e n srewly ^ uHing-tbe Braoo for t<w«A owsk$ with Invarlabla eatlfllftctlon. , ,

I do not claim that tho B o l y and L u n g Brace will cure ovety d • - • • • • " it


All th« Bmm w M o h I hav® or« derdd ^ v a the gi«atert satitiraotiofv W w All kton«t of w o m b wii(k>r

Ittvalua . M . © .



S o u t h e r n T r t m k

l i b m a v i L L B j C U N O m N A T L ,


BjaJ|lfi«(W BJM.OJB.-II IS Mte Of urMt^at sr |il*jraie<a btMalRO «« • pnix lte,siHWli«r alMKW. Tlie toetlnsW ot aiuMijr nslMtal«ir»lMi(«ti««rr«it«>'>*ue* { ai w»« l « swrprtae k " ® *

T h e Biaoe 1 received from you I find l8 of great benefit to mei, I waa afraid It waa not what It waa rewm-mended to b e ; but I W M Induced by m y physician to get one. Shortty a l t ^ ^ , the ohuxqh that I waa a

of called m e to serve them ; and I accepted on the con

UAJUTtMOi^ » ' r W f S W Y b x M v ,

A N D A L L B A S t ^ R N OITDBB .

TWa DAIW •M- ••

that fleeh ia heir toi but.lt w i U

iiove, where it d o a not fUUy S e m b S r o f oaUed m e to serve them that great n y of fhi^t g ^ ^ j ^ ^ ' a n d I accepted on the con-Boon break down the ^ t ^ th^y g h W d get m o a tutlona, which are caused by > • lapnu of the mtudet which mpport UU intmwl orgam. Thin la the only mechanical contrivance ever hoanwj o m , w w i covere<l.. that uplllte the Rhdo«ueB {GG^^J^ON, I can speak with per. ratherithan compreasee it, aa a " J ^ ^ S ^ n e f i o u r : an^alterapeak-trU0Hefl|O« ' * V J- finnlmuMinfnoaa

T h i ^ What it does w h o have used it are teatify: It supports the DacK,» men , stomach, lungs and w o m b , it, therefore, prtventa laaaltude. hoawe-

Braoe. I was entirely broken d o w n ftom over speaking. I could not apeak longer than fifteen minutes un-t u i b o c a m e v e r y hoarse5 but, wltlt

would advise all

gue and laaalt — ^ by all means to got them a Brace,

therefore, prtvenw iaasuuuw, U U W J - I (atigue and laaaltudeafter apwking naM,pUt» , hernia, consumption,and" » »

that terrible dlaeaae,—dyaptipela.

It IncreaaCH the breathing cajMoIty, I had to do.

and thereby gives streng^ to the it for any cc


It exapanda and eniargea tlia lungs,

and thua renders breathing free and

easy, and thereby promotes dlndstion.

It relieves chronic coatlveuMjaa and nilea when alt oUier meaayi nave

It Invariably r«ailevea ail uaaes ol

Pullman iiUieepiog cani uu ^ l i K i g h t Trains.

The Short lino to


N D T H E H b R l ? H W K » r

The Direct Bonte from ^

K o n t t t c k y a n d T e n n e s s e e

T O •

Arkansas, Texas, A N D T H E S O U r H W E S T .

Through Ticket on sale over thll Bom at Principal Coupon Offlcss.

f r y t h e T r u n k l i t a e .

IPor further in lormatlon wrlte;to or

call upon B . H . T A L L B Y , Ticket Agent,

Mooaphl: Tsan.

Ing up, _ Iliad not done

lioon loom

It for any consideration. O o l e m u . M o . D A V I D U TT .

a « K O B « I A •VANCIKUUrr.

Having given the Banning Brace a tali trial, I cheerftaUy bear my tosUmrtiy to its value. I can perform my labor with fifty per cent more ease and comfort thax before; I would not be without it fo.

IB. P . B O B S O N , Pawonipjr A g ^ M f m p h l , T e n

B . F . j M T O H E I i L , O . P . A-

xvll. LoulsvlUe. K y ,

like a broken limb. It needs mechanl-1 AOanta, Ga .

m e n ^ t o preach 'again. That Brace I wore nearly ten years without oommuni cattag its wonderful advantages to any oneTTwoaUBe I thought I was using an article that was hivented for the use o femalea only. Privately, to a few special friends who weie sufferhiK as 1 sulferwl. I explained the use ol the Brace, and throocb me they obtahied It, and were l e l i e ^ M I was. I now made known the Mwer of the Brace to restore, strength sen and preserve the voice in public soeaken, and then commenoed offering It aa a premium to ministers for snbscrib-era.

The oauke ofthoanemm. sore throat, lar rncitis. and finelly bronchitis in public n , ^ n , a n d ail these symptoms ef "drag-^ u t d o w n , " goneness, exhaustion after i p S t i M , and woaknesss of the back and l A C r ^ , and uernla. it IM tUght re-aaaiim of the amminal mtuolet. tohioh iUloiot ihe boweU to tink, and l^nown fry ntarked hoUomwer the tu>$ of tM him. Now all know that the linings of the stomach are oonnected ^ h these of the throat and atfect

' organs, and when the stomach a strSoing is brought to bear

It re^vea p U e s a n d p r o t o p w w ^ ,

by uplifting the lower bowels ftom the rectum, ' .

It la being used more and m w e yearly, a« its value la known , by public Bpeakers and singers, M d by those having weak lungs and b M k a t and by thoao having, stooping shoul-dera and hacking coughs, the sure precursors of conaumptlon. A n a m a n y a aufl"erer has been cured of dy8p«i)8la and liver complaint w h o t a d b w n considered In the last stage of consumption.


I could j^roduce tUe tefitlmony ol

rer HoHeOmek Mtflng.

BiyMYER MANUFACTURINC CO " " w t S s g w w i w t m —

Send ton couu to Gravea ^Mahaliy ,

Memphis, Tonn.. for taihple copy. Or

Bvsbobkkm IlTKN8,bonnd I n e l o w ^

lust the book for country ohur<A^

Price 11.60 ^ doaen, by m ^ port-

ItavsUmvsledaorosstbsBUUoflilsiniwpPi j — —



-Jble to; It Is pre-


iiDon the thrMt, and speaBng or talk* Itu will Urrltate It and produce hoarse-i a M , and If oontinui.0, sore throat, and all m train of evils tti*t public spMkers iNWoatto eomjplalnof, and which has aanlBd hundreds to their graves, and whkih yearlvare laying aside as nselem ktudndt of •thers.

BTow, after a penwnai experience oi •aarly twenty yean, and the a d d ^ exp» riftyw of store' than one thousand mmls*

have been laid aalds ftom pnbllo

bavs stood u wltboni the* •utnanUir th® w y to travsl maoh on taorasbMk. Lat all Ta^lt W do aet a BnuM » »

Oamdsn, Mlsa., Jannaiy •• IVH*

O r I will send one Brace froo for

every order for ton Braces at one time,

accompanied by tho cash, $ 1 0 each.

ll*«lee.-AU siass ovsir «D Utohw, bavUig to

I bt exprsaslr umAs. am HUSO soctra. m m t

g l w r f e w Bopthern pracdtlonats, IMO. Bsntbyi«au,post.paw,

w h o are k n o w n or m a y be written to. ^ T h e late Dr. Stone, the g « » t s u r ; '

geon of N o w Orleans, pronwnoed It the perfecUon of mechanical Inven-

of m causa of prolapsus •) the In-

temal organs. „ . I presOTibed one of y o ^ ' B f " " ^

»lady i«Uent of m t a o last I M , She

dollaiB for it, If she oiUd not get an-

other one of the same kind.

8 . T O K N K B , M . D .

Hayneville, ba. , Apr» 19,1877.

( V A t O N V W I V C I I M I ' V Y } ) i

This HUh aobool forbotoMXW^ <Muud MMton Tbttrsaay. A u g ^

I uudor ll.e »wn« <wn>ii of tjjrtjrj. la U»o lasUtutlon W d In Jfl vato « I U to U« per montto. T o l H ^ r " * *

! oirsi-sa in »


llniversity H i g h


Bsnt by mau, post-paid.

D n u M T n o m ron iiKaainHaia.

TMtea imp*, Ur»» iwv« bim • 'tmm

iw« Hiel... M M » W the UiHi f urns Pc inel psl . V ^ w ^ a

IfOORTBKNTII SJpSION ^^^^^ IMiS. H. A. STUODK iM^h, IIJ«slUt U . * ^ mAelpsj: W._ABOHK«. U


SSSmsniSa ol the L S ^ ' g ; Hbie tor maiMat UiDor,j«Ml had ^ n

rears, almosii ' Mvaa

jrblob tb. -

fortbljMson snd ••neral dsbl


auufltMlla avMS mmA emm f

r m o K O F

T h e price ol this Brace brtore the

war W W tiO, and $26 w h e n flttea by

the medical profetelon. , _ , ^ T h e patonrhavlng explral^l

fleouredthe manulaeturo of 1 0 0 0 ol tho Improved B r o ^ u p o n w c h t ^ ^ t I furnish them at the IbUow-ingprloeai—

„ riding eepUou (,, jrouolalm. -

Vb« TeeWBSOHjr of m tmrlsUM WOMSMS

PnlillfibM tar tb* Beneilt «r

n w VelMwi

1 tiava ojrdsri for my f»mai«Lfrl


Inall oases the oaah must a o w ^ pany the order, wltfitte iiaWe of the n a c ^ jOzpMiiii olioe, as none arc J S m t o t t W t o b J T W n ^ . Buj

ia and nsar rnusu' ItMD

iatwii M i saiaraaMi Wltbott It, two n&W.anff'tmnfbv W t o i t amttOPigilMwitt » a d g i w i n e i n^twrni

c h a a g ^ l or nuulai


Mmnphlt , XDui .

N E T L C R E \ ?



4 MJBUBlttDinf ' .

b m i J O H N C t f i m C H C O . , ^ ;

O i N O l N N A t l i p m ^ .

l i M l l i s H U t i n i S t m b l i i Y M k O ^



Page 8: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA

•'if-!'.';• • wtrt. nor »|oe N punish, woH«i. i


Wo^rair* oitrer.

UANOBHUiraMoiV-Kr, Disi. OriDEK.

lert, qboler. .,mrb»^ «lJ,frho«, lowenoi p»l„a f„ ^^ jirepwiront tJI oyer (he counlry It hoow ihB wile (o.lH'lnrea'UiicB

ft>remerKcndM. MJwJs-rippf Dlarrhw Coniir Utb9 stand-

ft h.MWKl fijfl tent by untold Ibouinnda for ihlrly vmw. Wit nevetlcnowa to f«U u, «

i'St^'^ r ^ r ^

"Filbepor airrlos it lu Ita wedfclnfichMt* kQcl }( ..y, cIuriTdy tocur««ii<,lidi»«ra«r«. 0-,o att«8 ortttM iho socrKod f. 'uaI < •lid curc«, aoj « ft,* novae Mi llniro It h»ndv; it U .twys 4„d «'JI«blo. It u the boat remcdv Wml in tba w«rW. golU \,v » dn.jr-S!lu Z'!'""'®' ^ Mtu.floW Medicine Co., Mempht*,'f«ai>.

' xvlil 12 17

^ Cliriit camo not to Mlklu.ut besatKuJUght, but to b« nht-wm to abfint virtue. Hut to b« virtue.


99 §



c i m m


SIIVER-PUTED WARE etc, etg, mr. '

^ ( M i i o i l j A f f l

— rrttatsTitni

"NiP t'lN hlKIUJD!" Sad to a

to nothinjr man iluti a fair l,e-l.mnnhiK. ()a the oihcr )hi,„| h « tn»«t»r for ooii'i-a«ula'i«n .gmwtii of wmo .rl! thhjsfi m, ' b« al«o prouipUy fru«,tr«to.| A !a Irtloaoffhe most ividenprifad f«»»iof dlse*M»(t-coiisuniji'ii„n h»po

^ «C»tarrh k pkii.ai.f •ooUilnif wtiVciroctuiil. Trv t 1,1 »

f ltle« In .orrow for havh.g »tnJB«lfltlMUo uoi in rusoJutJyn lo doaonotncro/

SOMETIuno NEW'. • Dr. 8cot«', Bipc.ric Iliilr Curior and

T th Bru.h will be «eut to „,y part of the world on receipt of |l, and if t ot Mllifactory the monoy will ber®-ninded. UdiM and genUemen who wl«h to quickly bang, crimp or curl tbo litir, beard or moustacho by a

Trunk Line ut. Scott'g Eloolrlo APPH8H.H>8 Iirfs novf wid and well kni n cverr part of thft world, ami aro

the almvo

— • •

nS AWliiilB wr* impprtm

J ia*i

S k k E I a w o s ^ ? ! ? ^ •Mwa jtewitr loKctoat'it tnae. ihnMa


g & MUOKHIMLINOWAMOPUNOOIL S r* "OWOW.WTnaattt CHH,«ao.l4»aMa*«» ^ • 1 Wwi*,«iEiHi«»awie5i2iI»

n».} MntlnKS, warrani'' wu ncwycircoli •r.J.HKt, XWII UK S t a l f l i S s


Bell Foundry

iM o w u m s ^ ^

DMIC ud riMiuJZ!!

or TtlmonliUfc

"TndeubleINIC W*t»r»Uon «mt onlv . i


La. C B E n i r

iMiraonMominmarr rus

UKWKY Mr«HAKK * CO„ Baltinmrv. MtL yyuMxtiuS


GREAT IRON WHEEL bt t , U. OKAvga, M.un.

Illa8lrat«4 and Enlarged.

. PRICE, $1 60.

nSkMSSS' "" "Ths iteMiai

l»i»««tliqr. JVblilii ^ illA


UUSl CUIIdt chiiSSV' .... "'-B-l

--T-' -1-f VMAtM « b«

UoMiiwSi. Jr. tr Una cannot b«r«Ml by the MndWChrirtlan

TtraBlavaMt 8(««| Kacravltag* M tkm A«tlior.


CIRAVBg Jb MAn4FPV, McuplilN, Teaa.

, - I- I

, \


Old and Xe^ Testaments*

Hf Bev. BOB^T JAMIBSON. » <3!M«oir. ScoU . SRev. A. R. FAUSSET. A.M.. Yortt,"Enj{i«id, nod thu

R«v.'DAVID BBOWH, l?ra»mar of Ttmtt^. Abisdenu

IN FOUR URGE 12mo mUM^ of al>ouMOOO Pages eacli, Witfa namerous niaslYattoiu and Mapi.

it Is bur In ADVAKOB of the older trorlCA. ilt l9 CMTICAli, PEACTflGAL and EXPJLANATOBY. Jt ifl OOaCPENDIOUS And OOJCPftBHBNSlVB la ita c uwA. at has « CRITIGAJL INTRODUCnON lowudi tM»ok or8CRIPTUIlB,«Qd

is by FAR the inim PRACTICAL, 8U€K3ESmVjS, SCIENTIFIC and POPULAR work of fiie kind In the Eogtlsh laanMce. . We proiNit this work m oar CiititlAa rewtcn wltii the eonvietion that

lit wlU b« weleomed «• a most valmMe additioa to the Biblleil Utaratar* 4rthed&y. and wQI twkKind t» potMM iidviiMtiigM ov«!r ooy other iJmttor work in the foUowiog imptHtant furticalaT*: —

1. Its th<HOv«i>&ess. This Oomineatjuy b not written bv one writer only, as is the cHsa with Ctaurk. Heaiy, Scott and othm, tnt by three of the ablest scholars of tJie present diur, thus oaablinx each aathor to devote all his skill, time and eneiKF to a limited portkw of the Bibto instead of the whole; and these have qa<Hed extencively tnm the worin of oo leai one hundred and fifty ot the most eminmit Biblioal wxitan the am^ and past.

2. Its n}odeamao8<i. New lisht is oontinoaliy bein«r thrown npoa the Beriplans hv the n>

searches of traveters who have vfanted ercry mgion on the listit of re laUw oritfioalty one, by InwHtifation in adeafle, the exptorr labora of seholan and criUes, and the diwovery and dedphetiiw ofttkeat Inscriptions, monaments and aunnscriptsos xeoderiof iSe oommen. tariesofftMrmerdaysoompartUvdyaMeleaB.

a Its compiictoeM. The text and the oomnaenta are not printed In eeuuate mrta.Mia

usoaiiy the oase, bat are intermingled so tis to fonn one e^nauu l ary Thens are no b l a n k - i . - . .... tions of the " It is liaeraiiy packed

WMMiikad Mantlvimt ^ ika« nfiwus «MiU h» *mt witw»axn pntttam. -^mh


THIRD rrroN. RBVISBM atNi) ivpRovieo. now RBADY. - J? The Story of ttie Baj^^^ all ges ^ d

Countries/ BY BKV.KrCIIAitO B.OOOK, p,D. ' •

Ud M SI mpmn t>l|it «rf wrted mw, adtScMu tOaeai *IM1 MIC ID IMMMtMjr. C>ia«t—wdlat»*awaaTlwdlikttef ta4«t. toauSwam^t^Btemi • ' i^mmtemtm lOttlaMnttiSAttiMiUM

*** <HUf iiWMfana tta BoaUi ainlgwttWMtit*


Aiken's Seven Charaoier Notes. Itamr IWWMW w*M(«* to nmd mmi» mm »MdUr by Uttt «TMMa, tbc ahap* ot tb«t

Ut IB a« awiaMt%M«r«


nn^ rnrnm WM^kM^ Mvmra.

'.a I !• loruditMaalwvijraMu, • mtrtf rm vita the KooimI Mot* cdtuoo. AiMrMN all orImm to ) * MAMAVrr, ••M»lltav«Mla.

r vmf mi iau>ru»ngi«] so tts lo KNtm one continauoi htetory. 10 blank nor is the book tiUed up with nnaecemn aiiy packed," aays Blnbop WUey," foU of good t gs,*'

4. I«abi;pvity. There te no Commentary that wlii help the reader to aniw at the tail

meaning of the Scriptures m easiiy, and In so short a time. Dr Kltehel imys: " It attempts to ezpiiUn only what nee<b explanatkm.'* Dr Hmith editor of the Chicago Standard^ says: •• I have In «ev«tal instanccB aewi a sermon in a aentfflxce,"

6. Its liberal spirit. It is more onsectarian thaa any other Gmnmentary. " The names

ajpUmt any denomioatkiaai tralta In it" These authors are eath of a diflteveat denamination. Ilie iMitv rooommetMaUon of the leadiji men aU denomlnatloos Ktvea Oiia^ greater emphasis.

6. Ita Scripture rdierenoes. . ' . namerons than will be found In any comotnlarr ex-tant. Pw irf paffii aro given wherever they ate oeedaL Seriptm ia thnsexplained by Scripture; and the OamoMNilaiy wiU thas be «mnd to answer the purpose of a OMiowdanee to a veiy gnat eictent.

7.. Its iUnstraUunsand mapt. These ars su JMrnUy nome to decidedly eahanoe its value and at-

traoUveneos; whUe the great minority of eomitariea have no lUiMdrntkioa 8. Its cheaimesB. loomtnentanoflfaiBiand merit was ever aold far aaythlntf like

thepric There is as moch reading matter in this ODmmaSi«rM voa wlU flnd lnthrwvolames of liu s. The price of ttS/ta^r^ ooplOTs illt tions and am .is only fS 00, whiie tttTal an^t S mdliil; matter In Ijuige'k Commentary, not iUostimled. is ooid at ftTw.

The i iled wmmepdat of this Commcntaiy Ikom the hicfavt TOuro^ tegeUier wito its alreadv exteaslva aad Mpid& iacnwriiwiS? have gi^ it a position lo the n oos worid mperfw to Out irfaw limi:

fod provo oondnslvely iBat it wlU aooo be tudvonailyi mM

C 0 1 I ] > I X I 0 N S .

ffisa'sssstf siisg




HEROES OF THE BIBLE ANB BIBLE LANBS, With description of Patriarciu, Jadges, Propheta, Apostles, Women,

Warrion, Poets aid Kinpi, Anci»t Citi-M And B f»ed Piaoes of Esjrpt and the Moljr Land.

By CHARLES W. £LLIOn\ Aathor of New JBngland History, etc, WUk wtlaiM took tbMdon U. Woojaor. U.0.. ttt.

AitUM, jua>H SM.Banrr W«ttiBMNrigMir,«i«., BmwI KtplorUtaii«IB PalMtiM, tib* acMil w liV

CUncae CUir4«a» El naiidl aaed iLorA WMaaley* BY StiV. W. F. D. JApKSOX

lir THX yniantioaoltkte work wMMotivi Mat t>sas a«at toMiBDUalHid MhoUn » aM lM«n attaroHt -wuSuXla'oSMe* lit* IrMk eoauana aanfu aa4 aon*

•riMiwI. a* tte laM* ot eoaiMfii vUt aho w. _ XOpslMOrttptOM to it a wota ot p tai and pwaMuttai Wi^ •ee*t)UMi. to o|d aad lttoiwt»wora«rio«Mof* batotbiuouUte.toU of nmwl

OtUMUvMMSaJuunMtononiM runarkahla ww «)>o bxtm nutda tha Bol]' I<aad — !>• ill llili u. *m AWafeM. Uto WMtOMwr. M»t Mom*, th* l«wMri ct Jioahaa, tha coaqMrar. mmI IMvtd, ilw kwe««a; «< HitMto, Oatonit oiui Kwiwt; U* |Mrop«M o( ot«, tko MOtttoik llcdta ttw BipiiK. »wl Um waaiM vao Mmaw na tatltrt with tM t&woct tM (rMt UmwI, ttaUdlA Md« oad mtmMm «T*ttt« U wuali tt>«]r wwra tta* |»tii«l{Ma aatom: ot thoMMMiiMriNMUMtaoruM h. ir. lUdl Maewot Smy Um Uolf Uutd; Jfoaai Stoat and to, MoMntfa. Tjr*, iMKMBu% ABUooli. AUia&djrta. OCikawwl*U

Uflorjitioaa to rUMta* and UM ntitlraototeoantry knowaaatiw Uw lolutoM wor t* Uw liluod**; ol tito bfoTC iwd eia«alroiu aoi oMt. owtljanlWi COXDmuSS.

Tito bank <• artatoS A«ai naw atoatravpo |4at«a on toaad |Nkp«r. Tba lUcMtnttloao am Ana lta*atoai atari ««od MMnkTlaai. I>jr iu« b arttati la tM ooanUr; and Um riUao of UM work a I laiiiail auMaiibMWttid » eototod awuo. It oeinuMaa naarty claht Itoadrad ootavo Fatw. tMMdiac iwoaty fltil-we Uiittrattaaii aod is foraliiMil la aatworiiMn in a band < •owoond ««*Me aM^ u iho tollav. OS i>rt .wt . «a»ohiooa«aaiM»li,«MI«<ifaa, tS SO 4 8a

ft 5

• naann MMtaatOtk, t«ll «U. wnm mm immw, mm

fc aSa aMaUM* oaw Uuroa«b otu Jtontwud aaaatoM't


•ovnuaur MAPrunr

Theologieil Seminarjrs iMlvriU*, my.

A PBIZEaadm«tva.fk«a.aMM)ytwx otgooAi vlileli wflllialpyotttaBMraMonar Hglitawajr ttiaaaal»«atoalB tUa voiU. AllfOt attbar aai; taiiiiJ turn Am hMor. TBahUMdnwIio toitaaa opww tMfora ttta worfcan, abaiktntoir aora. At aao* addnaa Ti»(niftCo.,AiNPMia[.Mataa. xvUSlxvitlU

VM avu* snrtiasxnuu

Page 9: Our Pulpit.media2.sbhla.org.s3.amazonaws.com/tbarchive/1885/... · Mion on AMnni^n rma roiumM,iw^ awucQoa wMtool nniiii IhrtM ver Toii „ WihfBjJy .fftb •JSQ* " Mtlip ^Utu 'm anrotUiA

TbUlii v«ry iwiwMtt. wiSiikoBi to (JMrtrt.



bkrot <

u «un brlni,

US eUii . mm

Wa Jfonwi,l)a). p y ^ . Jn ololta,


tjttb noot UUTMam pa itt |iabU«h«n^ prin

tcml KUd mniitn • 78 0UI

»M| Uuuoaa,

.IMfWIiWpUl. ^

wOnjpwri* liTt ra, I iitonosot tbVJMDUMf -iiaitn th»«leooinTn».| a S D U A a o i t wui 'n fHy . uv u . ttft*

..Midntbi •ttat lA tiiinji.l. ihiirali flOinmuD'

WoM of UOd )J»# Mtdvs



iSrS ToJnftij*, Mioh 11.76. HMM.Mi ll«lUi<iw;flCwrli,Xn]i^ mmA

MUOdai Hylilw w^ ^ of A N»w n«mony of tUo OonpaiiL eto. f^iww m

arrtn B O O I U .

DBTIt lUMtK^TbW* Rhooia b« - - - . -iiymn and Tuns Book In evwjr temtJ

1« • ohotCM Mleotion of tho vary Mat of liymiu t bat tonoh aoand dootrlu*. Mtd K MIMUOU ot

iwkMl la DOT A r W w R ^ b, uui ttiM u itarnjo m prvrisUiw prHOt * wottid b» nmo^VA or tfr««i>mty tUmngti-

1 ^

l.on,wti> voJ.U.pp.8 I'riw, iJi oli>Hi,cnioli, «.tW.

BmpUtf Jtutmmmlon, Bjf U. U. Jtey

3iire»PtMi«iW Uii^ tu «»i»bmiyu»S«niwiI I oonmt* »«d «ia<v-noteii. Tia»«Utt«ia D« Ito tt»« Jinudauravoiy UMptiM, •ad UiMtt tarojudloM i««Ui«t t ^ m b^ tli« mrr otbtitoify, . Prtoo.T^w.

JuAK nNiiKMMiii»iriii4'riitinFt


J M «»»•«, Ift ttiiii wotit theanthor du-- atM«iMUt4<<iiB(«u|ft,"br IM^ »nd hia.

(orlMl Muuiortty, i l l tbe Old iAodraiU'lu ot UT« KJHMMUO AND prlmlUv* eliarcb«s and detttoiMiniM WOAt kuM bMa the g«n«nt PNUFUUTEOT UIAOHAIOBMOFOBRUITLII AU FUB* ii*iu0ui»ie». Xiii» workl»ri«uU»Horlptttnil ftad iilKtonMa inmna»Uoa,aait u »ooiitplet« Mmi uuiiuvwcrable VladlMitkinor Old IAUIIi*

(UMMI roi O ^ f ttyltK VnUX

m^imt »jr.- Til* ^ By A. O. Ui ytoa. JU-

'ta» »oliiJ«)t Of b«pii«m JB ihor miMd In • popolwTKDdMtrttotiv* p. 434. raesMitly bonad. IW nlnHi.m.jm fniBfMHMiiA B R n n r r i

Vr»T«i Mi VMireb ot th or T«!I» „

« Chnreli

im«rtui>m Intwrtotfivk

JBr«ry iMdnuurkMr abouid u Ui* torcMt p A b i « eirmt*'

PrlMWou. r i i t ^ KeAMvaii fii»r mrnlug m Knitttiit,

•Wd « V M A U M an C«iniiiiUii»a.-~Ttala l» vtUaiOd* lliiie wofk, and luw boea blewed

M itia ooavenuou Ot • BrMi nuuiy to tbe iU|>uMfHitb,iukd«tr»t>gibMi«d maUundwla U. VUpp. £1rl««,euo

UUKVCU M A K V A I H e r l , H.fendl«u>U Dja. XbUlunoiuttrwipeouiaUiavajrybMitot All tb« mtuiy workB ou ibtt •nt^oot, Kbd tb* •atbur'a dlvUloa of oiraoiat into Fanoiml «ud UeiMria i« t u prafMwbl* to Ui» natuki Frtvata luid Fabdo, aluoa itaeaa tarma ara tablvnoait. Pneoiln oloth,80ota.

01rMr«oi7< By Bdvmrd X, aSoox, U.l>. A BtUda to tba dootrlna and miMjuow PI BttpU&t atinnibaa, vn pam.

IWoa Wota. Hapttat Miott li«UMtd<-By CdwanlT.

;lMM»x, o. U. XbaoblMtof ttaiawom i« to ••I m - . . ..

a . Dayton, Vol, li.,pp. isi. TOoe, In elotb, iiiwi.

Ba|»tl*f .Hlatory. By J M lA'ttinp, O D, A aomplata blatonr from Uia fonndittion or tba ObrlMttan ebaron to tbe otoae orttie»lgb t««n t b cantury. Priw.n.JS

TH* tfaiptlata. By T U Jonea, l) I), BeiDg aoomplatalilatoryofttaairorlitia.iwnUDulty. prlnclptaa,aplrmpoUty, poattiou, HUd inQu-•noo i»rlc»,eocU,

T M oBiotfif o r B A m m m , B* S. fl. r«mt JLtfcB.—Yon ORftlit to be ikniUlM' wltb tba Blatorr of your own donomlDatlou, at Itnat tba oatllna of it. Yon bava no time toraadalArga book. In tbia llttia book or IM pagea you bava t: lUUn a nntnihell, Tba antbor oommeneaa and traoea b*«k tba Bap-ttat denomination ftoro the preaent eantnry to daya of the Apoatlaa. t( vrtll ab*rw yon tkat BaptUiia did not Qrixlnattt with Roser WlUlanu, Dor la BnBland, nor wlib tha nuwi wen of tfanater, Monr enamieN ahante, bnt ara oldat tbau tbe Proteatauu or the .Uatboilai,aadar«lo ^ t tba only rellKloni oontmnnfty ttaatbaaitood alnoe tbeapoatlM, and la tbe only Cbnrah deaorvlng to becallix] Tbe Uborob of Cbrbit. Tbla 1* a new and graaUf enlanted edtUou. Price oo ot«.

tboaa Boy

tb« » waatect nevouoiua,It«TlViU And Huuday. aobool BonM yet aad tba muSinij •baped noUis, and can ba naed by " aMuantadwitbtberanndnotaaaaweU.

Bwwt the Ifawl ily Blblo.Hndoueftu-atuihobUd. Thlklsda •tgntHl to takotbe puce of tba old ttonUiarn fMlmlHttiaiaed twenty yearaa«o. Vnumina it batore yon pttrobaae. Wo liava ^prorart lU nripeMnuM very much, by bHvlnf noar plaCca and no w gold i)t»mM m>«da e*praSaly far Oilii bdok, and the pHimroT a much betcar nual. Ity ttmnprav|onilyu«eil. Tbe prlat ia (MM. nnd the mu«lo la Is the oboraeter or ahnMil notiNi tblff » " rtm anrt . . eflta and jkiolrtcttl ltid«x,b.aldea.the eaaral

J ID fiwf — "

I^lahei trabort and thamy nolnttd tr«»t tu« on aoma J«it of Badptttrnlbr ?vanr di» in tliajif4M,v TOera «•« t t t w iinndrad and wilo ntMa a a n a s t l ^ nnd abalytieal hdp. tbia wtiit'E l» Swoat IndUpatialbla, It way a t o b« oi MtaTvalna 1» tlio Hall* teadlnM oftbaCbzutliuii ituiurbeocunabiatraMii-ry. PrleaU^e, ' ^ V I U cmvmcm IU(UOB»>ltOO& 'ta a btanSTiwokwiUi printed Aru<t)«i ol JKaltb. Rnlaa, of Ileooratn, ete., s t a b l e tor Bapturt cUnnhaa. Copiona Index for namM of mtnax bent f t a o i i m n paper, %penmt«siy rolad, aud la (tie matt Mavemeiit and naaftU jtooardiBook e»« oKred ui tbe ohnrqbva. VlarM who bava wM thia Book tor r a o n ^ g

mlnntaa and baalneai trrnaMUODa ttaolr ohurahea pronoooa' tbam perteet In

Uanlr" — avaiy piu^adlar. Tha biudlng la anperb. Pn«a,«100

H <tblii fact oan be appreolatad by our brote-In. tba country e»iuroJieii),poBtaln» «7 hyninji. l«tttuna».«n Alphabctiaal indo* to snb-

miflx t« flrat linoi; , - A * ® ''•*0»LIA«LL BO Wponrft lnj.ropMlB5 tbta New BrtlUon, a S we can now otfor yw uita book with pHde. Not wlth»tan«ng thl* acu'tl-wal exponce, we Safe mlueed (lie prlco to aoventy^Uvu ceati ner i.«r iloiitn.htr inmll ..^...TJTJTi

Book In t.>to market. aud Tdue

_i a^einar, oondaaaad bnt ooniprabenalve, viewol ftoaa polnia of dUttoanda wbleti dla< I iKMtnveaoN Bn»tlM History. Ily Win Ungdi>rta Bftptlatatroinoltaerdenoiuinftttoua,! BWliUama, UI). rrioe,fuS

tboae wbo wbdt to ksowi aud tboae wbo wlab — Bad. Tblit i»» now

o d«faiMt our vlawa, 'Mfii'.' VttlLKHWA h o r YUBBB tfOBVBl , la a UtUe boo]

iMce, Moti. BJBATA BT

B r . S. B. ooktbattia* Ctnty ea, Ub.O'-rTbia la a UtUi proved the dMttt of mniutodea of Jfedobap. iista. It alaya tbem br UtakoUonao^eb own UettOial AiwamMlM and Uoufcreneaa. Tbe'iioaaUoa tbaytl*aaotattawerla,*'Ar«tlia bapt ia^ of tba ttoaoaa Oatbolio olinrob fSRdt" tbey aay " Yea," tbey thereby

Homan (JWbolle obnrott to ba a adiuit tJie

jiikrtgtat to baptlae or u> preaob. tb»« tbuy nuUiiy Iheir own baptl

aluoa all their ordlAaafMM oame Oram Koma Kwtil Uie(;ath*U«UUnrahUUt«Adnlt«mna Womm of itevelauona, than l>rot««Uut aoaiaUa^oua aud all. are bet. • harlot ' dangttttra. ThlaiwokaiaofUreveraetUaathe naMtlouM oi AUan iJumeraiona and Cloaa OoAsanaion.auU urldb In hlatorleal matter Tbe author anowa that tbe baptuma of the tJtttbollaa. tba auU'MUMionariM and tbe Uempbaljltaii, one Hnd all, came fnim Baptiat oharobea, and if tbe bapuama of BapUata are not valid, they ar« on bapUaed, tuad li valid, tben ItapttJitaalonaHre onorobea.


miaiakvary k W a ^ t j a a p i 5 thydSStrtna tmt polity ot the N«w Toatament obanih,

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U T I X B UAWMT./ By J. M. Martin. jMvbMd and oorreotad by M. I>. lowrw. D.u *<4ita la a aliaple bat oharmlng atory I t ii. inntnitaa voiy lully «nd JorolMy tbe (Tootrinaa wbieh Baptiiita uoid aud teaob! and while )a«t tbe book to ptaoe in the handaof Ute

i iiata. By Kev. W. A. Jarrei. „ and able Oentennlal Tract, of <M PRgce

I PrlQe, In cfotb. 85 oti. t M BniTarlnc CMiirob. By ituv. W. O

Cnttlno. 48pagea. In paper I0cia.,in olotb wi Ota.

MflrvMtW. The hero mm tyr «if the alx> teanth oentnry, by i4. U. Vord. In ototh, loi page«,W)ote. _____


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Tho Biiy«I.a«M» itebate-^pu (Mmptmil 1«K>. Prlo#'lli«0

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onlji). A coileotlon of IW or the beat aud awutttcat ot our Mold-time" bymna. Thia work haa boeo compiled to meet a wantlonn (eU In <<ar ueiintry churobaii and tbe pra>w and a'xrial meetlnga of the ohnrcbea in oitiaa and towuR, fur a ainail Aud cheap hymn book cuntHiuinK t>>« b«at approved and moat PODU< liir hymn;, l«)tb old and new. Priae, per o«py^in.ll»;xi<>lo ololh, Mo.; per doien, in {loxible cloth, I1.M. *

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being divided tola chap" pla_ werks, Ihatead of oeiug divided tola chan' t«ra or leaaona, it oanalita oi aepArate paaaaab moat of tbem (|Uite abort, and ench Somprato' in lueir. Kollnwing.eaob paaaage at« prmted ^ueatiuna, ao uluipleln their con AruoUon that

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Maanal J RUIM tor ooniiuotin aaaomblie*

I againat the pemioioua (iBMhinga br ^ Tbe «bar«h---ll« Po l l i r aati oa«il. naJU^ tiettUa l ^ , . r e a d it, aud gel

anneea. By Huv 11 narvey,!) £> Thia book, I vour flamUy Ui niwl(t. Ikia the moat in I, giveatbe omM^ | Mtog UtUaJwky^^^

tt rBoriptliHf Idea land before tha rea. p ro^ tyour AthSily tmMhinga or Bplrlt.

f t -

on aver 01 Wr.JHl hk Inbotauoo ol Ma i ettlolntaaN at Hnmlfl

and pntutofi aiAtawentoi - ij&if - - - I

It all intar. lea. MY H«V H ninrvey,

S P L I L S S It wllTbafimd apaeliluy OUirlatlaii OMtrliliM. A Oompandiuiu

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.Tbla iwwdernever variM, A rlty, atrength and wimUaomi aoonomleallban th** ordlnar»>i™„, "."U* In ooupetltion wlUi tba Miatttada


uiarraloftra' aanaat. Her* klnda.ahd



-^ii. IP-".

1? • k


In WB7B, Bad MB Bad a a k for t h e o ld pa tba , w b i o h a r e t h e «ood wayB, ••.hi'- . ' -rii. fa

Eoterad at the Poat Offlea of ,<fami4>la, Tantt., aa Beeond Ctaaa Matter.'

O l d S e H e e — V o l X L K E B f P U I S . T E N . ^ m A U G U S T 2 9 , 1 8 8 6 . mm mm •. ' - . , . K ' i: L •

T H E N K W 8 0 N G .

UY It. II. BNiai., BBVEloATiON XV.

AU i U m J a c b U f k o d dlatnrbgnca in the aceiio trounil—hut all la ripfliiiog iliat rovollwl aii.l

Kpo«Ut« ra»t?rUI, Ihrough tho ju.lgiueut of wlilcli tUo Lo«U» to lake the kingdom. "Tho heathen rtKed, the kiagdoms wore moved, ho uttered his •oic«, tho oarlh melted." , I t i» M cotiqueror the Lord la to take hU kitigdom

bymud-by, or lifs wcontl 8 Ujbatlu Of old, the Bkbbath waa tha ro»t of one who h u l labored ; but thecomlui t Sabbgth will be fbat of OMO who. hM fought a flght, ar.d won tho day. This "reat that remalueth" will, (herefore, bo putanxl by a rougcer and more difficult p i th than the fo rmer ; lor It U to be reached through the afflictions aud confllcia which iln has occasloued, and through the judgment of Iniquity,

The Lord God of old entercl his rest or Sabbath aa Creator. Ho had dona the work of six 'lays, and one tho aeveiiih he reated. This Sabbath, wo know, has bfion dlaturbe<l, and loat throusth man's sin. But we also know of a coming S*bbat!i, " a rest that romalneth," aa we read. David making way for Solomon is tho type of tUU. Solomon waa the peaceful :» namo which impHog not abstract or more rest, but rest after confl.ct or war. It be-speaks triumphant reel—aomethlng more thances-aatlon of latrar. So <he L»r«l entera tho kiagdom a* "tho L o r ^ stroiig and naiithty, the L-^rd mighty In battle," aa one fresh in victory, "with dyeil gar-menta." (Sae P». xx iv . ; xivl. ; xlvil . ; xcili , ; laa. ix . ; lx l l l . ;Kev . xix.)-

Christ aa conqueror is, however, kaown in dlffar-eut scenes and seasons, and In ditferent for roa and manners, before ho enters tho klngkom. X» soon a t he gave up tbe ghoat, the victory of his d e a t h waa owned lu heaven, earth, and hell; for tho veil 01 the toraplo was ront iu twain, iho rocks apllt, and the graves wore broken up, (Mttu ixv i l . ) As lie entnreil the heavenii, ho w a j received, and xat down aa conqueror. He waa atonce acknowledged there a< fresh from hla conftiol here. Aa th i one who had overcome, ho aat down with the Father upon his throne. When hla sainU risa to moot htm they will, in their own perao.is, display hl< viotory—the victory ho has achieved for ihem:-^ "Thanks bo to Go<l who giveth us tho victory through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. i v . )

In these aeaaona aud forma, the triumph of Christ iacelebrated belore he entera the Kingdom: and animating and happy t ruth this is, Jesus asoended on high aa a conqueror; but never till Joaus a i cendod had heaven knowu a conqueror. Aa disUntreport of hia victory had reached It, I m a y •ay, when the temple'Veil waa ron t j but neyer had heaven been theplaco of a conqueror till the Lord returned there. The L>rd God in hla gloriea had been thore, the Lord God aa Creator and' Buler also; and the angels tha t excel in strength had waited there I Some who kept no t their flrat esUte there may have been oaat down, aud others have •Hng when the fouodatlona of the earth wer e la id; b u t never bad tho preaonoe of a oonqiieror adorned and gladdened it till Jesus aiicende<l. But ' then I t waa 10; he had then overthrown him who had tho power ovdt death \ he had led oapUvity captive J he had made a ahow of prlnolpaHUea;yie had over-come the wor ld ; be had, aa the true Samaon, borne Uie hoitile gates to the top of the bil l ; tho grave clothea had heen left In the empty eepulnhre, aa the epoUaofwar and.trophlea of oonqiieet—and thna

oooqneror Jetua Moended. Heaven had alreadjr

knewn the living God. but never t i l l then the liv-ing G«d In victory; and our aieenslon Seftor blm will only. In other forms, toll of ti l«m,ih, and bo another display of an host of conquerors.'

Now, according to all this, is tho "New 8ong;" nf which wo read In Snriptiiro. For tho songs thoro are oonquerora' soiiga, and there are so many re-hearsals, NO to apeak, of tho kingdom's song. Such waa that ol Moaea and tho cdngicgatloii on the banka Hif tho Ited s^a; auch was Deborah's; such wer0 tho utterauo g, If they miy bo called aonge, of Ilaunah a<id Mary; auoh Is I J bo tho « M< of HOV-elation XV. in Ita season, the haipcrs <n heaven standing thou In victory ovor the beast, and over hia Imago, and over IIIS MABK, and over the num* bor of hia name. .

Thli glvea a new thomo for alngliig or iiiadnoss, and hence tho "New Song." The old song, sung by the morning stara over tho fouodatlo la of the evrth, waa not a conqueror's song, a song cclobrat-ing a divino, victory, either for tlio redemption or ftvoMglng Goil's chosen. There was uo theme of victory then, for no battlo hatt been fought, and won. But sin, since then, has enlored: a great counter-force has been in action, and tbe Lord haa had lo go forth, and is atlll to (fo fonh, as a "Man of war"—the God of battles. And thi<retoro at tbe and, a "New Song—a nong with a now themo or burden—must be awakened to celebrate him in thU new action or character of glory. The song of Moses was a conqueror's song, and so tho so-ig of the Lamb, "O ing unto tha Lord a new song, for he hath done marvoloua t h ln | 9 ; hU right hand and hia holy arm bath gotten him tho victory." Tho apng over creation must give place in compass and mcl'>dy to tho ^ong over t h » t r l u m p h / o l Josus,

What new honors, w j may adoringly and thaiik. fully say, aro preparing for him ihiou^h our h la-tory, and what new Joys for heaven I For his vlo-torlea have been for us, ac iompllahlng our deliver, aaro and vindication in the face of our onomlea. The glory of thoso victories are tiis, tho fruit of thom ours, .

And it la a Joy-oaa thought that the L'>rd is to enter his coming kingdom as a conqueror, taking the throne of Solomon, th e peacoful, after tho wars and victories of David. But thia Jov Implies pro-vious scenes of a trenionflous character. Triumph, of itaclf, ia a bright idea; but it la full of TOCOIIOC-tlons of fields ef batUe, abd scenoa. of bloodehcd. And SO with Jcaua: tho Joy of seeing him hi triumph, and Iho power of hla kingdom, la bright, and gladdening—but the "winepress" has flrat to bo "troddon."

And •till more—though that Is solemn—the treading of Uie wlneprosa, or the exeoution of tho divine Judgment, speaks of previous corruption, or of the ripening of the vine of tho earth. If the Lord in Judgment have to tread tho wlneprosa, the winepreaa has previously to bo fllloil.

And nhe ro are we at this moment standing? Hot in the actual (Mssesslon of tho immovable kingdom—not In the sight of the trkimpb that ig to usher f t forth, or in the audience of the New Song which la lo accompany that triumph, not In tho vlllon of the Bosrah and the garments dyed with blood, the day of the divine Judgment which leads to the triumph—but In a oerUlii alag6 of the ripen* ing of the vine of Sodom, which ia soon t« bo oaat into the winepreaa, or to meet the Judgment of tho Lord.

There wo aland: and the moment la solemn, kvery day, like tbe hea tof auMmor, i i but matur* Ing and mellowing the grapes of gall, oi' tbeolttstera of Qommorrah. Our proepe ct« a n th tu atrangt^—

ful and glorious beyond thbiiklit. W.n If'ok for (inoreaalng gi-owtli of uVll, W the wlUPP'i^'' o ' I wralii of God to tvcelv»rii«fi iiB;^ge U, and then

awful the I „ „ . , . ,, ,, .. ,„ tho wralii of God to ivcel v»> iifjfl and then for tho triumph,and the king loiri{of#«teeu«^ Hucb thlnga we look, a* far flH ,o«r"iyo la (urVtcd to , Iho oarlli j but "wo ataiid at thtt lii ad of (wo wiiy«.". Enoch afood there down Uio way of tho earth, aud tlioro he saw Hiii piatui Ini of i»n-. go<Hloo»s, and the l ^ r d wUh foil tltci'Waii'i of hla aalnta coming lo cxt'outfl JudgrtionU hut lu? hlin»lf waa bnrno upward, i ho way o f | t h e ; ; heavens. (Judo xlv. ; lieh, xt. 5 > ' - ,

OUil DAH.Y lUtJSAD. , MATTHHW VI. 1 0 " ^ . '

HB i t s our hieasod God aiid Fatuer s)>t!>ii k» to us, hla doar children, by his Soil,; eohiioridiig our

present creature nooosdlUei. f o r though we aio ; now new ci-ealurea In Chrlat and children and heirs «f God, yet wo am atlll el'^ilur.is tocord-Ing to tho flrat oroation, and wo have Our cfcatuire wants. Our heavenly Father would take on him-self thn.caro of our creaturo iiecossltlos, aiyl havo u» oaro for bis kingdom, and hU frlglucousnoas? Uo would havo our hearU fixed on the tilings that are pure, aud purifying, aud eternal, thliigfi aullod , to our high and holy calling as new croaturea, and aa his beloved ohlldreu and heirs.

Thbro ia dlvlno wisdom, aa well as bolinosa and ' lovoln this plan ot our bleaaed Father's. Ho would exerelBO faith, and weaken KCIISO. Tie would draw out lovi», and dry up)' aelfl-iiite^s. He ; would Increase prayer, and Kllonco m uTnuringa, He would cullivate obedlenqej jind iiiordfy self-will. In a word, ho would tnakti tis llko Josua, and unlike the Goniilo*.

Oh to what rich account may the«o crett»bra-iicedabo turned If only wo wHI vllafou to our Father's lOTunsel about thoin, and^iit at h i s fetjf, and follow the atepa of Je^ua, whom' lia has sent to . teach us hla wayal Let ui ponder, thou, thcso precioua SoriiHurofi, beloved . In- GhvUt Let u« pray to our Father that th sy may do their proper work lu our heartc,—iSfe?<o<e<f.t; « •

W H A T i s W A S n i D .

PE O P L E want in you a CbirisUanUv that is Christian aci-dBB ibecouiitera, vypr the iidinnor-

tablea, behind the holghbor'a bttck as to hla faoo, They want In you a Christianity, that tiiey can flnd In tho tomperanco of t h i moai; nioilcratloii of drees, in roapeet for Jaiithorlty, I r .aiiilabllHy af home, lu voracity aind alrapiloity fn |iiilxod aoolety. l lowland Hill used to Bay ho give very .little -for tho religion of a man who'sp'^ry.dog an d . oat;; wore not tho hotter for it . 'flib^, a i i t fowcr gos-siping, slandering, glultoue.U9,poeyish. coiicoltcd, bigoted Chrlstiaris. t o iiialtp llioi"H;, offuotual, ail-our public religious measures, lni»t,||utloii«, bohovo-, lent agonolos, mlaslous, need to be /ufiuagcd on , » high'toned,'scrupulous aiid 'uuqqosllonablo annKO ot honor, without evasion or pVtl»'»<i?b'l>» ovor-mueh o f t h e serpent'a c U i i o l n g , ' h a n d that, glvoa away tho Bible must bo u li'apoi i od front tho world. The money tha t a^nds t W qillssl oimry lo the lleathon munrbo hoir^th-

THB OLD PAfcyoa,—Aaron h a d | u old atafl, wllh which ho bad Journdyod maiiy H d a ^ : over ^be desert. I t a dojid, dry old atlck. Btjit he pu t i t tip hi the holy place.dnd In a aliiglo night It budded «Md blosaom^^,^iil|i, wonderful llftf and beauty. Your paator may. Iw a ylry proaoho r, d ry aa a stick, but If you will by jfour prayers bear him up in io the hoir,plao«, bo wIH rooelve n ow Ilfo and bud t a d b]oi>Num in uondroua power Aud beauty.—(7Ar<i«a» j t d f o o a ^ '

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