our energy future: energy forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to...

Our Energy Future: Energy Forever Forever is a long time Human beings have lived on the Earth for over two million years in which the use of fire was discovered, but the mass-utilization of energy began only a few hundred years ago. However, the world's resources for the mass-use of energy that our civilization now depends on in the form of coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power, are being rapidly depleted. Our energy reserves are measured in decades now, up to a few centuries in some cases, while the next 90,000-year ice age is already looming on the horizon that we need to prepare for and live through, and aim to live beyond for millions of years to come.

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Page 1: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Our Energy Future:

Energy Forever

Forever is a long time

Human beings have lived on the Earth for over two million years in which the use of

fire was discovered, but the mass-utilization of energy began only a few hundred

years ago. However, the world's resources for the mass-use of energy that our

civilization now depends on in the form of coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power, are

being rapidly depleted. Our energy reserves are measured in decades now, up to a

few centuries in some cases, while the next 90,000-year ice age is already looming on

the horizon that we need to prepare for and live through, and aim to live beyond for

millions of years to come.

Page 2: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

So far all efforts have failed to develop advanced energy options built on a resource

that cannot be depleted, such as windmills, solar panels and solar energy systems,

which themselves become disabled when the next ice age begins under a diminished

Sun. Are we lost then, when our energy resources are depleted? We cannot exist

without large-scale energy production.

Fortunately we are not lost. In fact our potential future is bright. We have the type

of near infinite energy resources within reach that the most optimistic future

civilization would require. This energy resource exists in cosmic space in the form of

plasma electricity. It surrounds us. We are afloat in it. It is the energy resource

that powers the Sun. This energy resource is enormous. It is so enormous that the

Earth becomes a habitable planet by receiving a mere 45 one-billionth of a percent of

the Sun's radiated energy, through the back door, as it were. And this received solar

energy, through the back door, is nevertheless 150,000 times larger than the entire

global electric energy production, including nuclear power. Can you imagine the kind of

energy depth and density we can have by going directly to the front door of the solar

energy cycle?

Can you imagine the amazingly energy-rich future that humanity is able to create for

itself by simply tapping into the electric supply stream for the Sun, - by going to the

front door, instead of receiving a trickle reflected back to us through the back door

as radiated energy. By tapping into the inflowing solar energy source-stream a

complete breakout is possible for us on earth from the current 'prison' of the

unstoppable energy-depletion.

Our tapping into the cosmic electric energy resource is the greatest step for

humanity that lays before its feet - a step from entropic energy resources to an

anti-entropic energy future that can never be depleted.

Unfortunately this path is being blocked by oligarchic control of science. It is being

wilfully blocked with political processes, even while all other pursuits to

undepleatable energy production for humanity have led us into dead-end situations

and wasted efforts, including genocidal projects for the mass-depopulation of our


The unblocking of humanity's science and its creative self-discovery, however,

requires a spiritual process of society's self-recognition of its inherent human

potential that develops the power of our humanity, which is ultimately the creative

engine for all power systems. It is the human genius that enabled us to utilize the

Page 3: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from

there to nuclear power, with dreams of nuclear fusion power. This has been our path

for growing up as a human society. We have shed the diapers as it were. The time is

now to become adults, to reach beyond the limits of our planet and the small-minded

thinking imposed on us that is unbecoming for adults, and to reach for the cosmic

energy resources that power the universe.

Click on the images for a larger view

Do we face a World Energy Crisis, or do we face an endless energy-rich future? The

answer is yes, on both counts. The final answer will be determined by the direction of

our commitment. It determines our action in the present, and with it, our future.

Page 4: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The intentional use of energy to create a civilization has been the hallmark of

humanity from the beginning. The use of fire defines us as being human. No other

form of life on this planet has this capability. Over time, we have learned to use this

capability well. However we have also discovered that the more we use our capability

to use energy, the more we deplete the resources for the production of the energy

that we use.

Page 5: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

We have been big energy users for only a few hundred years. In a sense, we have

barely begun on this path, and already a massive depletion of our resources has

occurred. At the current rate of usage, our energy reserves will be gone in short

order. They will be gone in

300 years for Nuclear power,

250 years for Natural gas,

112 years for Coal,

64 years for Oil, and

30 years for solar and wind power.

Page 6: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

While solar and wind power do not consume their resource, their resource limit is

determined by how long the Sun remains active. That's the point when the ice age

begins. The point may be reached in 30 years. We face a high probability that the

Sun may go inactive in the near future, possibly 30 years from now. I have explored

the details in my video presentation, "Ice Age of the dimming Sun in 30 years." With

this potential on the horizon, the depletion of our energy resources comes a critical

factor in the present, especially as we need to prepare ourselves for the challenging

times to come.

Are we trapped then by the terminal factors of our energy resources?

Page 7: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The answer depends on us, and it depends on what we regard as the human future.

The human species have lived on the Earth for over two million years, but what we

call civilization is relatively new. It developed during the last 6000 years. The large-

scale use of energy to advance our civilization hasn't really started until just a few

hundred years ago, and already, we see the resources being depleted. The known

reserves might last us for two or three more centuries, or maybe five if extreme

conservation measures are applied. But no matter how we slice the pie, stretch the

reserves, and utilize inefficient reserves, our energy future has a terminal quality, as

energy is presently used. Our most optimistic estimates for available energy

resources won't get us far into the next ice age, much less through the next 90,000

years of deep freeze conditions that cannot be avoided. And beyond that we aim to

survive and prosper through many more successive ice ages, until the epoch of the ice

ages ends, and hope to have an infinite future lasting many millions of years into the


If this is how we see our future, we need to have a new type of energy resource that

is not subject to depletion. That's what the future dictates for the present. This is

what we need to develop, or else we won't have a future all. And this is precisely

what we can develop. The resource exists in space.

Page 8: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

All the evidence that stands before us today, that we see and explore, suggests that

a ready-made interface exists between the Earth and the vast cosmic electric

energy resource that surrounds us in space.

The interface exists well within our reach, and exists as a type that is far greater in

scope than our human needs for energy will ever require it to be. And in addition the

amazing promise stands before us even during the coming Ice Age environments.

Page 9: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

We are no longer strangers in space. We have developed great space capabilities and

tools for research. What then would hinder us to develop the most critical resource

on which our future existence depends? What is holding us back?

Page 10: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The reason why we haven't developed the cosmic energy resource already, is fairly

simple. We are trapped into a conflict between two schools of perception, regardless

of the evidence, of which the entropic school is dominant. The conflict is one of

perception. The stage is divided between two contrary views of the nature of the

universe. In one view it is actively powered and developing. In the other view it is

self-consuming, with every sun burning by its own fuel towards its depletion and

eventual death. The conflict is artificial. It keeps churning. And keeps the field of

science in the dark.

For numerous reasons the resulting tragic state of darkness is maintained at great

cost to us all.

Ironically, the key-factor in all that, is a conflict of ideology about the nature of the

universe that has large political and economic implications, especially on the energy

front. Thus astrophysics is maintained with two faces in conflict with each other.

Two schools of perception rule the queen of the physical sciences today. One school

of astrophysics regards the physical universe as a sea of electrically interconnected,

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and electrically powered, elements. On this platform the most perplexing phenomena

become readily understandable, and explorable in the laboratory.

The other school of astrophysics regards the universe as ruled by gravity, with the

electric force playing no role at all as if it didn't exist. This is the entopic view of

the universe where everything is deemed to be decaying by energy depletion, and is

winding down like a wind-up toy is running down as its energy is spent, towards its

inevitable zero-energy 'death' when it stops.

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In the entropic school of astrophysics our sun and every star in the universe is

deemed to be a nuclear fusion furnace that consumes its own resources, whereby it

collapses itself to its death.

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In its self-consuming state, while it shines for billions of years and burns its fuel, our

Sun is regarded as a constant factor that is applied to all the climate equations.

While the observable evidence doesn't support the assumption, great epicycles have

been invented to overcome the paradox of the evidence defying the theory without

having to change the theory in compliance with the evidence.

The existence of the ice ages, and of the Dansgaard-Oeschger oscillations within

them, for example, is impossible to rationalize on grounds of mechanistic theories

that assume the Sun to be an invariable constant.

Whatever rules the schools of entopic astrophysics stands on a platform of thinking

that is purely imaginary and often irrational. For this reason, it is also inherently

dangerous. It is dangerous, because on this default train of thinking, where reality

doesn't matter in the light of fantasy, the real causative elements become

completely omitted in the conclusions as if they didn't exist.

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All this means that the difference between the two schools of thinking, which

appears to be purely philosophic in essence, is far from being trivial in the practical

world. In real terms, the existing difference, which is a difference of opinions, is

central to human living and to the very future of humanity.

If humanity remains trapped inside the school of entropic thinking in astrophysics, so

that it cannot see a sun for what it is, humanity will largely cease to exist in the very

near future, because humanity will die when its entropic energy resources are

consumed and the development of the infinite resources that do exist and can be

utilized - the cosmic, anti-entropic energy resources - remains blocked, as it

presently is.

In the dead-end school where the cosmic-electric energy resources are being denied

to exist, a few irrational attempts are being made to develop 'renewable' energy

resources, as a measure to conserve the dwindling conventional resources. While such

attempts, wise as they seem, like building solar energy collectors, they are too feeble

in energy density to meet the needs of a growing civilization.

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Windmills are slightly more-efficient, and they actually do produce a greater share

of the word's electric energy, but they likewise, are far too feeble to meet the

energy needs of a developing civilization.

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For operating wind farms, the strength of the wind is a key factor. This factor limits

the placement to a few areas that are marginally useful, which are also prime food

producing areas. The best wind conditions are found off-shore. Of course, off-shore

systems are several-times more expensive to build and maintain.

In spite of the cost, the offshore wind farms have become popular for a number of

reasons. While the power production is relatively low in comparison with nuclear

powered generators, the greatest danger inherent in wind powered systems is that

they foster a dangerous illusion.

Both the wind and solar power systems are built on the theory that the Sun is a

constant factor on the global energy scene at all times.

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In reality the solar factor has been a fleeting phenomenon during the last few million

years of the ice ages when the Sun becomes inactive for long periods. When the Sun

turns off, both the wind and solar powered systems become useless junk.

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Whenever the cosmic electric input density falls below the minimal threshold level

that is required for the electric-sun system to function, then the active state of the

Sun can no longer be maintained. In such a case the Sun simply turns off. This off-

state has been the normal state of the Sun throughout much of the ice age glaciation


The dynamics behind the Sun becoming inactive, has been explored in a previous

exploration video. The evidence is convincing that the next ice age transition will

begin with the Sun turning off, becoming dim yellow spot the size of the moon.

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In the face of an inactive Sun, as the Ice Age begins, windmills and solar panels will

simply be of no use.

The danger is that by going the solar-powered path to develop new energy resources,

the cosmic-electric energy resources that have no inherent limits will fall by the

wayside and remain undeveloped.

By the universal nature of cosmic electric energy resources, these resources will

continue to be available to us no matter what the next Ice Age may bring, and

promise to be even stronger then. This is what we should develop, instead of playing

with toys that become a death trap.

Page 21: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

No real imperative is forcing humanity to submit itself to the death of energy

starvation that is assured on the current path, when our world is surrounded by

vastly greater energy resources in the cosmic domain than humanity may ever care to


Page 22: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

In the school of electric cosmology, every galaxy and its hundreds of billions of stars

within them, including our own solar system, are powered by vast electric-energy

streams. The evidence literally is in the stars, in their string-like formations, as was

already noted. But being electric in nature, the cosmic energy streams are affected

by resonance phenomena. The resonances vary by their interaction , and overlap. At

times they vary dramatically by the particular nature of their resonances. But even

while they vary, they will never vanish completely or become consumed. These

electric energy streams are the lifeblood of the universe - the blood that powers

everything. The electric energy carriers in these streams are likely for this reason,

appropriately, named, 'plasma.' The plasma streams in space, all carry an electric


The plasma streams consist primarily of electrons and protons, the stuff that atoms

are made of when they are energetically held together into atomic structures. The

difference between atoms and the plasma that forms them, is, that the plasma

particles are 100,000 times smaller themselves than the atoms they created.

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The plasma particles, therefore, as small and invisible as they are, furnish the entire

mass of an atom, and by implication the entire mass of the tangible universe. Except,

the tangible universe, the part of the universe that we see, no matter how far we

look, contains only a minuscule fraction of the mass that actually exists, which we

cannot see, but can discern by its effects by reading between the lines.

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The researchers recognized that 99.999% of the entire mass of the universe exists

in the unbound, invisible, electrically charged form of matter that is called plasma.

This means that our telescopes can only recognize one thousands of a percent of the

mass that actually exists. The rest is in too small a form to be visible. However, this

invisible portion that looks like empty space between the distant galaxies, contains up

to 99.999% of the mass of the universe.

It is this huge invisible part of the cosmos that carries the electric charge that is

the lifeblood of every galaxy, small or large, near of far, and lights up every star in

the universe.

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Obviously the plasma streams reach far beyond the limits of what our finest

telescopes can see of the cosmos, like the limits of this view across 500 million light

years of space.

This means that there exists plenty electric energy in space.

A minute portion of the cosmic energy streams also flows into and through our solar

system, fed by the great intergalactic cosmic resources streams.

Page 27: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

If the plasma streams that flow through our solar system were dense enough to be

visible we would likely see them in shapes similar to that of the planetary nebula

shown here. While our Sun is just a mediocre star, it evidently attracts enough

plasma to light it up brilliantly, with more than enough plasma flowing through the

solar system unused for meeting our needs too if we care to tap into this readily

available cosmic energy resource that surrounds us. It is a ready-made energy

resource that is available to us as our resource for a boundless energy future.

Page 28: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Without the utilization of the boundless cosmic energy resources, humanity has no


We have tragically limited ourselves, in our small-minded ways, to the use of

consumable resources that diminish by our consumption. However, we don't have to

go this route when other options are available. We have no need to tied ourselves to

diminishing resources that we deplete. We can have a boundless future if we step out

of this trap, a kind of earthbound grave. We have the option to begin today to utilize

the cosmic resources that, unlike oil, nothing in our world can deplete.

Page 29: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The ice age video series that this production is a part of, is designed to demonstrate

that the boundless cosmic electric-energy resources do exist, and that we can have

an inherently bright and rich future with the use of these resources that we have

within our reach right now, and have the capability to develop, even at this 'late'

hour, provided we care enough to reinvigorate our diminishing humanist energy.

If we fail to meet the humanist challenge, the ice age challenge then cannot be met

either. In this case the human presence will diminish from the current seven billion

people, to maybe just a few million.

This means that our meeting the ice age challenge depends entirely on us meeting the

humanist challenge. The ice age challenge is not basically a physical challenge,

because we have the physical and technological resources to make the coming Ice

Age a non-event. But will we do it? This unanswered question renders the ice age

challenge, primarily a human commitment challenge. If we fail to meet the ice age

challenge, we do so purely on the grounds of having lost our qualification to live as

human beings.

Page 30: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

I like to believe that we will not fail in the humanist arena. We will get ourselves off

the ground in this arena, and we will fly. We are after all, the highest form of life on

this planet with great capabilities in creative and productive endeavours. We are the

supreme being on this planet. We are in essence 'the hand of God' - the hand of Love

and Truth - the executors of the 'will of God' that cannot be blocked in principle.

Page 31: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

We are the discoverers, creators and producers in this world, with a scientific genius

that opens the door to the energies of the universe. We are not born to die on the

default train, but we will die there if we don't get off.

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So let us explore almost from the beginning as it were, in this series of videos

related to the dimming Sun ice age, why we are not tied to the ground, but truly have

an open door to infinity before us, and with it the greatest incentive to step away

from the dead-end of energy entropy that would keep us tied to the ground where we

would die in the near future without a resource left for our living.

Page 33: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

This particular video, which is focused on our energy future, has been produced as

the first sequel to the video, 'Ice Age of the dimming Sun in 30 years.' The sequel is

needed now in the present, to lift us out of our small-minded thinking, because we

face a huge crisis on the energy front if we don't snap out of our self-denial in the

short term. We face this energy crisis already, even without the Ice Age coming up,

and its consequences. The coming Ice Age only adds a somewhat more-ominous

dimension to the challenge. We have a severe energy crisis looming on the horizon no

matter how we look at it. We are running out of resources on every front on the

spectrum of energy production.

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We face a severe crisis when the dwindling oil reserves run out. The world's oil

reserves are presently estimated at about 1.3 trillion barrels. This gigantic-seeming

resource, however, adds up to only 64 years of supply at the present rate of


When the resource is used up, then what will power our economy for the remaining

90,000 years of the coming next Ice Age will be upon us without fail?

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In this 'blink of an eye' the development of what we call civilization occurred within

a blink of a blink, spanning the last 6000 years. We learned to use energy in a big

way, in this timeframe, primarily in the last few centuries.

Now we have come to the point were the depletion of the energy resources that we

have learned to use, that civilization depends on, will be upon us in 50 to 200 years.

Where do we go to secure our energy future? We face the task to bring a highly

developed civilization all the way through the next 90,000-years glaciation cycle, and

of course way beyond that too. The power for this absolutely critical feat to be

possible can only be derived from anti-entropic energy resources that do not diminish

with use, which thereby can never be depleted. Not a single energy resource that we

have been using on earth qualifies for that.

Sure, the world has large recoverable oil reserves of a different type that it can

draw on, like oil from oil shale and oil sands. These are large resources sitting on the

ground that have been estimated to yield around to 3 to 4 trillion barrels of oil.

While those resources are somewhat more difficult to recover, whereby the

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depletion takes a bit linger, they will nevertheless give us only an additional 200

years of supply. This means that no matter how we look at it, our greatest resources

are nevertheless insignificant in comparison with the 90,000 years of the next Ice

Age that we need increased energy resources for, which may be upon us in possibly

30 years time.

A 200-year supply, even a thousand-years supply, such as nuclear power might offer,

compares as nothing in the long time frame of the coming Ice Age that will last for

90,000 years, which will impose additional energy requirements.

Since we expect our civilization to survive on this planet far beyond just a single ice

age, or even a few of them, and expect to prosper for millions upon millions of years

yet to come, we need to to recognize that our future history stands in the balance

presently, in the shadow of the unfolding energy crisis that has been left

unaddressed, as if closing one's eyelids would cause the challenge to go away.

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Do we have no hope then? Is humanity going to fizz out into nothing by the death of

our energy resource depletion? Oh yes, we would fizz out into nothing if we continued

on the present course of doing nothing to develop the necessary higher-level energy

resources that cannot be depleted.

Sure, energy applications from oil and gas can be replaced with electric energy

development. Indeed, enormous amounts of electric energy are already being

produced around the world.

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However, while large amounts of electric energy are being produced, the bulk of our

electric energy is derived from oil, gas, and coal, with a small portion coming from

nuclear energy. Since these resources are all of a type that is being depleted by the

utilization of it, the electric energy production that we may hail as the savoir of our

future, especially nuclear power, is nevertheless tied to the same depletion process

that places a finite limit on its availability.

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Of all the resource sectors that are presently utilized for electric energy

production, the nuclear power sector has by far the largest resource-base available.

But even nuclear power is ultimately a resource that is limited by depletion.

Uranium for nuclear power is in relatively short supply, of which only half a percent is

actually fissionable for power production. While breeder reactors can activate the

unusable uranium, the process is messy, highly radioactive, and is likewise limited by

the depletion of the resource for it.

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Activated thorium is ultimately the world's most abundant nuclear fuel available, of

which up to 90% can be made fissionable. The presently known recoverable resource

base is sufficient for the production of two million gigawatt years of energy,

conservatively. The utilization of this resource would offers us almost a thousand

years of nuclear-powered electricity at the current rate of worldwide electricity


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The bottom line, however, remains the same. Even this most gigantic resource for

nuclear power production, stacks up as nothing against the background of the long

sweep of the ice ages and the distant future that we expect humanity to have,

spanning billions of years to come. We simply cannot exist for longer than just a

'blink of eye' in this vast expanse of time on a platform of energy resources that are

depleted by their use, whether they last two hundred years of a thousand years.

Click on the images for a larger view

Page 44: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

On the front of nuclear fusion power, not a single success has been achieved.

The main blocking factor is that it takes a large kinetic force of energy to overcome

the electric repulsion of the nuclei that must fuse for power extraction to become


The extremely strong electric repulsion between the fuel nuclei prevents their atoms

from merging.

While it is possible to force the fuel atoms to merge, with massive external energy

being applied, the output energy that is achieved from the forced fusion is too

feeble to cover the input energy needs for the fusion to happen, much less to

produce a net energy-gain.

Enormous efforts have been made in recent times to develop a workable process to

actually produce usable nuclear fusion energy. A gigantic experimental device is

presently built in Europe, the ITER, that will stand a quarter as high as the great

pyramid in Egypt, to explore ways to overcome the inhibiting problems.

It is deemed that if the process could be made successful, it would create a new

Page 45: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

energy resource of near infinite abundance. The evidence on this front, however,

tells us that this great effort that has been ongoing for decades already, is a dead-

end pursuit.

No naturally occurring nuclear-fusion energy production is happening anywhere in the

universe. The principle for such an energy-production process doesn't exist, nor is it

needed as the universe is flush with electric energy streams.

Page 46: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Natural barriers against nuclear fusion exist instead that protect the universe from

destroying itself. Nuclear fusion is an energy consuming process in the natural world,

by which atoms are formed. Nuclear fusion is not an energy creating process.

Page 47: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The vast flash of energy that is released by a thermonuclear bomb is not the product

of nuclear fusion. It is the product of latent energy being released when two

overbuilt isotopes, deuterium and tritium, are violently forced to fuse in such a

manner that a neutron, which has been previously bound to their nuclei becomes

unbound, because it has no longer a place in the resulting fused product. The energy

that is released in this process is essentially the product of nuclear fission, which

too, merely releases previously invested, talented energy.

Nuclear fusion energy production doesn't work for three reasons. The energy level

of the neutron that is released, which is the usable energy, is 100 times greater than

in normal nuclear reactors. The strong neutron flux destroys the fabric of the

metals that the reactors are made of. It also makes the reactors intensely

radioactive. This hugely damaging effect is great for nuclear bombs that are

designed to kill people, but it makes the process inherently useless for power


Page 48: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Also the required fusion-fuel isotopes, deuterium and tritium, are hard to produce.

Deuterium exists in seawater in a highly diluted ratio so that it takes the processing

of 600,000 tons of sea water to extract enough deuterium for one ton of fusion fuel

that would, if the process was workable, power a one-gigawatt reactor for a year. In

order to replicate the current electricity production by this process, 2,500 times as

much water would have to be processed for the needed fuel each year. This would be

a gigantic requirement, if not a prohibitive one.

Page 49: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

For tritium, the fuel situation is worse. Tritium doesn't exist naturally at all. It

needs to be bred from lithium-6 in nuclear fission reactors, in an extremely slow

process. Also the numbers don't add up for this process to make sense. It takes 1

tritium atom to produce 1 neutron in a fusion reactor, while it takes 1 neutron,

irradiating lithium-6, to produce 1 tritium atom for the new fuel. This means that no

net energy gain is actually produced in this process. Also, lithium-6 is quite rare. A

mere 7.5% of natural lithium is lithium-6. Attempts are made to breed the needed

tritium directly in the fusion reactor itself, from lithium-7, but if one considers the

shielding required for the project to be workable, a reasonable success is near

impossible. Nor will it ever be possible to capture all the fusion-released neutrons for

self-sustained breeding to be realized.

Page 50: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

In addition, it takes more energy input to create the brute force to cause the fusion

to happen, than the fusion process gives back. No net energy gain has yet been


While fusion burns have been achieved in some of the largest reactors, the fusion

process itself has an inherent flaw, which all by itself makes fusion power

impractical. The flaw is that the fusion process blows itself out for reasons that the

fusion fuel is being diluted with the resulting fusion product. The longest burn-time

to date that has been achieved, was about 1 second.

Page 51: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

A different approach to nuclear fusion power utilizes light to compress a tiny sphere

of fusion fuel (image 1) with such immense power that its atoms begin to fuse. The

fuel is placed inside a small hollow capsule made of gold (image 2). It is irradiated

with 192 beams of light inside the hollow capsule (image 3). The irradiation occurs

inside a 30-foot target chamber (image 5), where the capsule is precisely positioned

relative to the light beams (image 4). 500 trillion watts of light is applied to the

target from 48 directions in a gigantic facility, larger than a sports stadium, named

the National Ignition Facility (image 6). The facility contains 192 large lasers that

are designed to compress the fuel sphere at a velocity of 370 Kilometers per


When fusion will be accomplished, which has not been achieved to date, the fusion

power produced will be roughly one tenth of the power input required to cause the

fusion to happen. Should ignition be achieved in the future, the fusion burn will be

extremely short in duration, in the range of nanoseconds, with a 20 hour cooling-off

period required between shots. Actual commercial power production simply cannot be

achieved on this basis. Nuclear fusion power is a concept that started with a dream

and will remain a dream.

Page 52: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The entire concept will remain a dream forever, because even if all the technical

barriers against the power-production process could be overcome by some magic, the

key element in the process, which is its fuel cycle, makes the concept ultimately an

impossible dream.

The entire nuclear-fusion power development project is built on the neutron-heavy

deuterium-tritium fuel. This neutron-heavy fuel is the only fuel that can be made to

fuse with a reasonable amount of energy input.

Page 53: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Since the tritium isotope is double neutron-heavy, it doesn't exist naturally. It can

be artificially created in a fission reactor that produces free neutrons that can be

applied to fission lithium into in helium and tritium.

It is here where the fuel cycle breaks down. A fusion reactor cannot breed its own

fuel. It can breed some of it by the fissioning of lithium-6, but not enough, because

the fission process to produce the tritium requires as many neutrons for its input

than the tritium in the fusion process generates. Because of neutron capture

inefficiencies, uranium fission reactors will always be required for the supplemental

breeding of the fusion fuel.

Page 54: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Uranium-235 is the only natural element in existence on earth that emits free

neutrons. Every nuclear power reactor on earth utilizes the atomic fission

characteristic of uranium that releases free neutrons. No other efficient natural

source for free neutrons exist other than U233, U235, and U239 as are presently

used in nuclear power production, which has a highly limited fuel resource.

Page 55: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

A large nuclear power station with a net electrical capacity of 1,300 MW requires

about 210,000 kg of raw uranium per year as input for the fuel production. At the

current rate of uranium consumption the reserves in presently operating mines will be

exhausted in 20 years. Presently unused economic reserves can extend the uranium

supply for another 80 years. It is assumed that as yet undiscovered resources may

exist that could extend the supply for another 300 years, and it is further assumed

that presently uneconomic ores might extend the supply for possibly as along as

1,500 years. In theory, the uranium supply can never be depleted. The rocks of the

Earth, even sea water contain trace amounts of uranium. But for all practical

purposes, such as for large-scale power production, uranium is a finite resource that

will likely be depleted for practical applications in a hundred years.

Page 56: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

While it is possible to fission lithium-7 to produce tritium, shown as Case 2, high-

energy neutrons are required for the fission to be possible. While a fusion reactor

does produce high-energy neutrons that would fission lithium-7, in practice the two

cannot meet. The shielding that is required of the lithium against the high thermal-

flux of fusion reactions exceeding 100 million degrees, requires shielding materials

that block the fast neutrons that the lithium-7 fission requires. Those materials do

not exist at the present. It might be possible to produce them in the future, though

little hope exists.

And on top of all that, the critical lithium is in short supply, that is required in either

case to produce the fusion fuel.

Page 57: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

If nuclear-fusion power should miraculously become a practical possibility, its future

would be limited by lithium being inherently a finite resource that is also required for

numerous other applications. At the current production rates to meet the supply for

numerous applications, the known worldwide resource of lithium will likely be depleted

in roughly 400 years.

In order to remove the needed lithium from seawater, for one tonne of fusion fuel

that would produce 1 Gigawatt-year of energy under the most ideal circumstances,

the processing of more than 10 million tonnes of seawater would be required. On the

practical scale, this reads: Impossible!

Page 58: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The bottom line is, that nuclear-fusion energy-production will remain an unrealizable

dream for far too many reasons. On almost all fronts fundamental barriers stand in

its way. So, why would we pursue this dream at all then, especially if we don't need

nuclear-fusion power anyway? We don't need it, even if it could be made workable,

because the available cosmic electric energy that evidently exists, and is within our

reach, exists on a scale in comparison that far supersedes all of our present and

future energy-needs.

Page 60: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

On the front of nuclear fusion power, not a single success has been achieved.

The main blocking factor is that it takes a large kinetic force of energy to overcome

the electric repulsion of the nuclei that must fuse for power extraction to become


The extremely strong electric repulsion between the fuel nuclei prevents their atoms

from merging.

While it is possible to force the fuel atoms to merge, with massive external energy

being applied, the output energy that is achieved from the forced fusion is too

feeble to cover the input energy needs for the fusion to happen, much less to

produce a net energy-gain.

Enormous efforts have been made in recent times to develop a workable process to

actually produce usable nuclear fusion energy. A gigantic experimental device is

presently built in Europe, the ITER, that will stand a quarter as high as the great

pyramid in Egypt, to explore ways to overcome the inhibiting problems.

It is deemed that if the process could be made successful, it would create a new

Page 61: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

energy resource of near infinite abundance. The evidence on this front, however,

tells us that this great effort that has been ongoing for decades already, is a dead-

end pursuit.

No naturally occurring nuclear-fusion energy production is happening anywhere in the

universe. The principle for such an energy-production process doesn't exist, nor is it

needed as the universe is flush with electric energy streams.

Page 62: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Natural barriers against nuclear fusion exist instead that protect the universe from

destroying itself. Nuclear fusion is an energy consuming process in the natural world,

by which atoms are formed. Nuclear fusion is not an energy creating process.

Page 63: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The vast flash of energy that is released by a thermonuclear bomb is not the product

of nuclear fusion. It is the product of latent energy being released when two

overbuilt isotopes, deuterium and tritium, are violently forced to fuse in such a

manner that a neutron, which has been previously bound to their nuclei becomes

unbound, because it has no longer a place in the resulting fused product. The energy

that is released in this process is essentially the product of nuclear fission, which

too, merely releases previously invested, talented energy.

Nuclear fusion energy production doesn't work for three reasons. The energy level

of the neutron that is released, which is the usable energy, is 100 times greater than

in normal nuclear reactors. The strong neutron flux destroys the fabric of the

metals that the reactors are made of. It also makes the reactors intensely

radioactive. This hugely damaging effect is great for nuclear bombs that are

designed to kill people, but it makes the process inherently useless for power


Page 64: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Also the required fusion-fuel isotopes, deuterium and tritium, are hard to produce.

Deuterium exists in seawater in a highly diluted ratio so that it takes the processing

of 600,000 tons of sea water to extract enough deuterium for one ton of fusion fuel

that would, if the process was workable, power a one-gigawatt reactor for a year. In

order to replicate the current electricity production by this process, 2,500 times as

much water would have to be processed for the needed fuel each year. This would be

a gigantic requirement, if not a prohibitive one.

Page 65: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

For tritium, the fuel situation is worse. Tritium doesn't exist naturally at all. It

needs to be bred from lithium-6 in nuclear fission reactors, in an extremely slow

process. Also the numbers don't add up for this process to make sense. It takes 1

tritium atom to produce 1 neutron in a fusion reactor, while it takes 1 neutron,

irradiating lithium-6, to produce 1 tritium atom for the new fuel. This means that no

net energy gain is actually produced in this process. Also, lithium-6 is quite rare. A

mere 7.5% of natural lithium is lithium-6. Attempts are made to breed the needed

tritium directly in the fusion reactor itself, from lithium-7, but if one considers the

shielding required for the project to be workable, a reasonable success is near

impossible. Nor will it ever be possible to capture all the fusion-released neutrons for

self-sustained breeding to be realized.

Page 66: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

In addition, it takes more energy input to create the brute force to cause the fusion

to happen, than the fusion process gives back. No net energy gain has yet been


While fusion burns have been achieved in some of the largest reactors, the fusion

process itself has an inherent flaw, which all by itself makes fusion power

impractical. The flaw is that the fusion process blows itself out for reasons that the

fusion fuel is being diluted with the resulting fusion product. The longest burn-time

to date that has been achieved, was about 1 second.

Page 67: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

A different approach to nuclear fusion power utilizes light to compress a tiny sphere

of fusion fuel (image 1) with such immense power that its atoms begin to fuse. The

fuel is placed inside a small hollow capsule made of gold (image 2). It is irradiated

with 192 beams of light inside the hollow capsule (image 3). The irradiation occurs

inside a 30-foot target chamber (image 5), where the capsule is precisely positioned

relative to the light beams (image 4). 500 trillion watts of light is applied to the

target from 48 directions in a gigantic facility, larger than a sports stadium, named

the National Ignition Facility (image 6). The facility contains 192 large lasers that

are designed to compress the fuel sphere at a velocity of 370 Kilometers per


When fusion will be accomplished, which has not been achieved to date, the fusion

power produced will be roughly one tenth of the power input required to cause the

fusion to happen. Should ignition be achieved in the future, the fusion burn will be

extremely short in duration, in the range of nanoseconds, with a 20 hour cooling-off

period required between shots. Actual commercial power production simply cannot be

achieved on this basis. Nuclear fusion power is a concept that started with a dream

and will remain a dream.

Page 68: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The entire concept will remain a dream forever, because even if all the technical

barriers against the power-production process could be overcome by some magic, the

key element in the process, which is its fuel cycle, makes the concept ultimately an

impossible dream.

The entire nuclear-fusion power development project is built on the neutron-heavy

deuterium-tritium fuel. This neutron-heavy fuel is the only fuel that can be made to

fuse with a reasonable amount of energy input.

Page 69: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Since the tritium isotope is double neutron-heavy, it doesn't exist naturally. It can

be artificially created in a fission reactor that produces free neutrons that can be

applied to fission lithium into in helium and tritium.

It is here where the fuel cycle breaks down. A fusion reactor cannot breed its own

fuel. It can breed some of it by the fissioning of lithium-6, but not enough, because

the fission process to produce the tritium requires as many neutrons for its input

than the tritium in the fusion process generates. Because of neutron capture

inefficiencies, uranium fission reactors will always be required for the supplemental

breeding of the fusion fuel.

Page 70: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Uranium-235 is the only natural element in existence on earth that emits free

neutrons. Every nuclear power reactor on earth utilizes the atomic fission

characteristic of uranium that releases free neutrons. No other efficient natural

source for free neutrons exist other than U233, U235, and U239 as are presently

used in nuclear power production, which has a highly limited fuel resource.

Page 71: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

A large nuclear power station with a net electrical capacity of 1,300 MW requires

about 210,000 kg of raw uranium per year as input for the fuel production. At the

current rate of uranium consumption the reserves in presently operating mines will be

exhausted in 20 years. Presently unused economic reserves can extend the uranium

supply for another 80 years. It is assumed that as yet undiscovered resources may

exist that could extend the supply for another 300 years, and it is further assumed

that presently uneconomic ores might extend the supply for possibly as along as

1,500 years. In theory, the uranium supply can never be depleted. The rocks of the

Earth, even sea water contain trace amounts of uranium. But for all practical

purposes, such as for large-scale power production, uranium is a finite resource that

will likely be depleted for practical applications in a hundred years.

Page 72: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

While it is possible to fission lithium-7 to produce tritium, shown as Case 2, high-

energy neutrons are required for the fission to be possible. While a fusion reactor

does produce high-energy neutrons that would fission lithium-7, in practice the two

cannot meet. The shielding that is required of the lithium against the high thermal-

flux of fusion reactions exceeding 100 million degrees, requires shielding materials

that block the fast neutrons that the lithium-7 fission requires. Those materials do

not exist at the present. It might be possible to produce them in the future, though

little hope exists.

And on top of all that, the critical lithium is in short supply, that is required in either

case to produce the fusion fuel.

Page 73: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

If nuclear-fusion power should miraculously become a practical possibility, its future

would be limited by lithium being inherently a finite resource that is also required for

numerous other applications. At the current production rates to meet the supply for

numerous applications, the known worldwide resource of lithium will likely be depleted

in roughly 400 years.

In order to remove the needed lithium from seawater, for one tonne of fusion fuel

that would produce 1 Gigawatt-year of energy under the most ideal circumstances,

the processing of more than 10 million tonnes of seawater would be required. On the

practical scale, this reads: Impossible!

Page 74: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The bottom line is, that nuclear-fusion energy-production will remain an unrealizable

dream for far too many reasons. On almost all fronts fundamental barriers stand in

its way. So, why would we pursue this dream at all then, especially if we don't need

nuclear-fusion power anyway? We don't need it, even if it could be made workable,

because the available cosmic electric energy that evidently exists, and is within our

reach, exists on a scale in comparison that far supersedes all of our present and

future energy-needs.

Page 76: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The answer is NO! Bio fuels, as an energy resource, stand before us in principle as

another unrealizable dream. The dream is essentially a lie.

Bio fuels are typically not a net energy producer. The physical process of distilling

food into a motor fuels, with all the input energy accounted for that goes into the

process, generates no appreciable energy gain, or extremely little, typically when

manual slave type labour is involved.

Page 78: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The biofuels process is in practice an expensive and wastefully energy conversion

process that doesn't even reduce pollution, but doubles CO2 emissions and adds some

substantially dangerous pollution of its own, such as ozone, and a number of

carcinogens that are produced in ethanol combustion. The pollution is killing people in

quiet invisible ways, especially in the cities where the pollution is concentrated.

Of course, the burning of food is also killing people with hunger and starvation.

Page 79: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Bio fuels are highly effective as a tool for inflicting genocide by the mass burning of

food. The amount of food that is presently burnt would normally nourish 220 million

people. Some estimates go as high as 400 million people. By burning vast quantities of

food in a world that has a billion people living in chronic starvation, we are committing

at least a hundred million people to death a year by slow starvation.

Page 80: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

We are not creating energy with the biofuels platform. Instead we are destroying

the most valuable form of energy we have, which is the humanist energy that powers

our industries, farming, science, and civilization as a whole.

Page 81: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

If we let go of this most precious energy, we loose ourselves - we imprison ourselves

and our future with it, and we impose on us the death sentence of silent starvation.

The crisis is knowable. The facts are tragically plain.

Page 83: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

That the biofuels project is not an energy project, but is a politically motivated

genocide project, is evident by the relentless refusal of the leaders of empire to lift

the biofuels mandate in the face of increasing drought conditions, severe food

shortages, and collapse in the farming and the food supply industries.

Massive protests and petitions have been launched by numerous organization, all

aiming to halt the burning of food to protect human nutrition. The petitions have all

been rebuffed.

Page 84: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Nor has the depopulation policy been lifted, which is designed to reduce the human

presence on the Earth from the current 7 billion, to a mere 1 billion people.

Click on the images for a larger view

Page 86: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

We are allowing an energy crisis to be created by default, by our stupidity, by our

refusal to acknowledge the real world. This tragedy is knowable.

While we are facing the undeniable dead-end of resource depletion on everyone of

the default-energy fronts where we just into the Earth and use what we find, we

staunchly refuse to look at the greatest resource we can possibly have that is

greater than anything we dream about.

It is only by the foolish refusal to look at the real world that we have locked

ourselves into s dead-end game where our energy resources are coming to an end no

matter how we slice the pies up.

With this dead-end being committed to behind the near universal denial of the power

of our humanity, the end of the human future literally does stand before us, because

we refuse to step up to higher ground. Nevertheless the development of our power

to access the cosmic electric energy streams, remains standing before us. It is our

future. We remain doomed only by our smallness in thinking, and only for as long as

we cling to it.

The cosmic solution that we seek and need, is knowable too. The solution stares us in

Page 87: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

the face. Our scientific sense as human beings enables us to see what lies outside the

scope of the default visual senses. With the eye of the mind we can see vast streams

of energy surrounding us, even in the small, here on earth. We see evidence of it

every time a lightning bolt strikes, and a tornado revs up, and a hurricane develops.

These are all phenomena powered on earth by cosmic electricity that we can give

ourselves access to.

It has been long believed that lightning and tornadoes are the result of thermal

convection. But the closer one looks, the more it becomes apparent that these

amazingly powerful phenomena, like the hurricanes, result from much more powerful

forces of a magnitude that is typical of the electric force to achieve.

Page 88: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Thermal convection provides the interface for the current-flow from the ionosphere

into the clouds, but the power that unfolds in the giant storms is of a greater

magnitude than simply warm air rising.

Page 89: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

Hurricanes are essentially twisters on a larger scale, which require larger resources

to get going. The hurricanes appear in two bands, north and south of the equator, in

the tropical zones. The hurricane bands are most active in areas where the

electrojets in the ionosphere are located overhead. Since the electrojets are tilted

with the tilt of the Earth's magnetic 'pole,' the electro-jet that crosses South

America is tilted too far south to be in range for the tropical air currents to start

hurricanes. Apparently as a consequence, the seas near South America are free of


When the hurricanes are hooked into the ionospheric currents of the electrojets, a

connection is established that moves with the hurricanes for long distances.

Page 90: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

The strongest storms occur where the node points are the strongest, and appear not

at all where the electric currents are out of range, as on both sides of South

America. The lack of hurricanes there adds one more proof to the hypothesis that

hurricanes are electrically powered.

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Our cosmic electric energy utilization.

The sad fact is that we have not even begun the kind of serious energy production on

earth that we are capable of. We have played with toys so far.

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We have worked our way up the energy-resource ladder. We started with burning

wood. When this became too 'small' for our needs in terms of energy density, we

began to burn coal, then oil and gas, and soon thereafter we learned to use nuclear

fuels. We've advanced up many steps on this ladder. But there remains one last step

to take. This is a giant step that promises to change the entire energy spectrum on

Earth. The step involves the utilization of cosmic energy resources. Those have no

resource depletion limits. They are anti-entropic in nature.

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Let's make a comparison. Let's look at the total electric energy production on the

Earth, and consider it in cosmic terms. The total world electricity production flux is

2,500 gigawatts. This adds up to a mere five one-thousands of a watt per square

meter of the Earth.

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Now let us compare this minuscule amount of the manmade electric energy, with the

energy of the solar energy that the Earth is receiving , which adds up to 773 watts

per square meter. This means that the cosmic energy flux that is radiated from the

Sun is 150,000 times larger than our current world production of electric energy.

This also means that the cosmic electric energy that powers the Sun itself, is many

times greater again. It is this larger cosmic energy flux that is to a lesser degree

accessible by humanity on Earth. It is the resource for our future, if we care to have

a future.

We gain a glimpse, by the comparison presented here, of the gigantic cosmic energy

resources that lay at our feet, which are presently not utilized, and not even being

seriously considered to become utilized as an energy resource. We close our eyes

instead, to this available energy resource. We close our eyes to it while our future

depends on this very resource that we don't want to see.

We have no need, even today while the sun still shines brightly, to depend on radiated

thermal energy that is coming from the Sun, which ends to a large degree when the

Sun becomes inactive. The sunlight we receive today is a secondary effect of the

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cosmic electric-energy being utilized by the Sun, which we have the intelligent

capability to hook ourselves into directly, instead of standing at the back door as


This recognition gives us the freedom to step beyond windmill projects and solar

panels, which render us as impotent beggars at the back door, which is itself subject

to closure. We have the scientific resources as human beings that enable us to utilize

the cosmic energy resources directly, which are available to us in the space around

the Earth, which are the same resources that are powering the Sun itself and also

some rather impressive phenomena on earth.

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The power that powers the hurricanes doesn't flow from the Sun to us as thermal

energy. Hurricanes and tornadoes are electrically powered. They are a tiny part of

the evidence that our world, together with the Sun, is afloat in a vast sea of cosmic

electric-energy - a resource that can never be exhausted.

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Our humanist energy.

While we are running out of many types of 'energy' on this planet, as we consume

their resources, we need to recognize that not all of the energies that we require to

exist as a society, are found in the physical domain.

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Civilization is primarily a construct of humanist energy that reflects the power of a

substance that is spiritual. This means that we cannot be running out of energy in the

sphere of our humanity, reflected culturally, economically, and financially.

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Our humanity is not consumable. It cannot be used up. But it needs to be nurtured,

especially in the dark places. Where there is no beauty, it can be again. Where there

is no love, it can triumph again.

If a loss in civilization and culture occurs, it doesn't mean that what was once

precious has been used up. It only means that we have closed our eyes to our own


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If the loss of our humanist energy occurs in the financial landscape of civilization,

the consequences of keeping our eyes closed come to light with ominous forebodings

and shadows fast falling around covering the landscape with a consuming darkness.

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The loss of attention to society's humanist energy was powerfully illustrated by the

2013 financial bail-in process on the island of Cyprus, with which the economy of

Cypress was recently devastated as if an atomic bomb had hit.

The bail-in process is a form of legal confiscation of a large portion of society's

assets that people assume they own in the form of bank deposits. It was that way

once when honour and humanity were held high, but it is no more. It is now an illusion.

Every bank deposit is play money now that rides the roulette wheels on financial

derivatives casino. The winnings are kept by the banks. If the banks loose, your

money is gone with the wind. It is a kind of bank heist by the banks. Your assets

simply get 'bailed in' to pay for the banks losses. What you thought you had exists no

more, unless you bought insurance for your bank deposits and the insurance is sound.

That's how the game is played.

In Cyprus the grand theft was implemented against people's accounts exceeding the

insured limit of 100,000 Euros. The rest was deemed fair game and was largely

confiscated on orders of the rulers of the European Union to save the gambling

banks owned by the rulers of the game.

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The bail-in scheme, to pay the gambling debts of the bankers on orders from on high,

now stands before society as the universal template for the future. It marks a

turning point towards the end of civilization and of the productive and creative

development of humanity. It also marks the self-surrender of society's humanity. It

marks the end of human values, of society standing up for itself by protecting one


The great bank heist by the banks, applied in Cyprus, was launched officially from

the highest ranks in Europe, from the European Commission, the European Central

Bank, and the IMF, all ganging up against the people.

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The wonderfully 'profitable' game for the masters of it, was designed from the

start to serve as a template to be applied to the rest of Europe, the USA, and the

entire West.

Since the bail-in laws have already been passed in the legislatures of most of the

nations in the West, the template of the great legal bank heist in Cyprus, by the

banks themselves, is now enshrined in law throughout the entire western world. So be

prepared! It's coming soon to the banks near you.

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The grand theft that is now legal is designed as a method for paying off the banks

derivatives gambling losses. The bail-in of the depositors' assets is deemed

necessary as a means to keep 'systemically important financial institutions,' which

means all the big gambling banks, from going bankrupt from their gambling losses,

whereby the gambling casino itself is protected so that the gamblers never

loose. This is what society is agreeing with in the shadow of its waning interest in its

self-protection and self-development. That's what gambling fundamentally is, isn't


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The now legalized wide-open thievery may seem so insane that many say it will never

happen. The reality is that it has already happened in Cyprus. But even years before

it happened in Cyprus, the laws had already been out in place for the grand thievery

to be implemented throughout the Western world at a moment's notice.

One member of the US Congress protested, saying that this wild scheme will never

pass in the house of Congress. He had to be reminded that it has already passed, and

that he himself voted it up in passing the Dodd- Frank bill. Unless the grand-theft

laws are rescinded, the grand-theft bail-in heist may soon be featured at the banks

near you. This is how deeply our society lost its humanity, its humanist energy, its

power to protect and advance itself.

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The bail-in process is an extension of the bailout process. With the bailout process

up to 50 trillion dollars have already been stolen from society by way of the

government 'printing' more money. The increased issuing of currency hyperinflates

the currency. This means that the greater the volume is with which currency is

issued, the less the currency is functionally worth. Society's assets are radically

shrunk by this thievery. It is a hidden kind of theft that is applied with the bailout

process. However, since the bailout process is slow and cumbersome, the bail-in

process has been added to steal another 11 trillion dollars from society in a more

streamlined fashion. In its cultivated small-minded self-centered focus society

utters not as much a whimper, much less the kind of powerful protest that a human

society is capable of.

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The cultivated smallness in society appears to be intentional. It is self-evident that

even the greatest grand thievery will not solve any of the underlying ailments of the

world economies, or even the ailments of the banks. The evidence stands glaringly

before us in the ratio of society's assets in the banks in comparison with the size of

the financial-derivatives casino-scams that the banks are running, to which the

depositors' assets are applied to cover the losses.

The ratio is enormous. With just a few trillion dollars in assets, the banks operate a

casino that carries gambling contracts in the range of 1,500 to 1,700 trillions of

dollars in notional values. Since the banks control the game, they rarely ever loose.

They rake in fantastic fees from the gambling orgies. These the banks consume as

profits and pay out to the thieves.

However, if the banks loose, and this applies to nearly all financial institutions in the

modern world, it only takes a few cases from the enormous bulk of risky gambles, for

the banks to gamble away all the assets that they have, which are typically their

depositors assets. In order to save the banks from going under, the taxpayers were

coerced to step up to the plate and bail the banks out, as an 'emergency' measure to

keep the system afloat.

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In the modern age of the bail-in game has been added, with which the thievery from

society has been streamlined. The process has become so highly automated that the

'death of civilization' can be inflicted in the space of a single day. Naturally, the bail-

in automation can't solve the underlying problem, because it is simply impossible for

all the money in the world to pay off the gambling losses in the horrifically giant

financial-derivatives casino that has become a monster that dwarves everything. Yes,

the monster will kill you. The killing spree serves the depopulation game. The

depopulation target is to shrink the human society on this planet from the present

seven billion to about one billion, all nicely mired in poverty as in the 'golden age' of

feudalism. The wholesale confiscation of society's bank deposits with the bail-in

game, will invariably kill people in large numbers. When the financial interchange that

enables economic actions, stops, then everything stops. The fuel supply stops.

Transportation stops. The food supply stops. And without food, people don't live long.

The bail-in process is by design a process of genocide. That's what the evidence


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The deadly 'colour' of the bail-in game may not appear on the surface. It remains

carefully hidden until the day it is unleashed.

In the case of an ice berg, less than 10% of its volume is visible on the surface. In

the case of the derivatives gambling orgy almost nothing is visible on the surface.

Like the infamous Titanic was sunk by colliding it with the invisible ice below the

surface, so society is set up to be sunk by its impending collision with the

derivatives-gambling orgy that becomes dramatically 'visible' only when the ship


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While the sinking of civilization, and mankind with it, has been prepared to happen,

with or without the ice age ahead, there exists no need for society to follow the

prepared course. Our human energy, which is not a naturally depletable resource, has

been blocked artificially. It has been taken down by political means. It lays useless on

the ground. It has become so lifeless that the entire Western world bows to the

kings of empire and the glitter of its money that has no value in the spiritual heavens

for the fulfillment of the common aims of mankind, which is built on productivity,

creativity, cooperation, good will, care, science, and love.

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Every homeless person, unemployed, and desperately in want, stands before us as an

indictment of our humanity, and an indictment of us for having allowed the most

precious we have, to diminish. Society has been dragged into a war against itself.

For example, in the service of real estate speculation, rent gouging, and so on, the

pricing of homes has taken on such catastrophic proportions that the resulting

depressed living conditions in the society at large depress the value of the greatest

asset a society has, which is itself. This insanity opens the flood gates to ever

greater forms of hell.

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Everything that has been produced on this Earth has been created by human beings

in intelligent, productive processes. If we trash the human landscape with poverty,

manifest in slum living, unemployment, and harassment instead of care, and so on, we

deplete the spiritual strength of the human being by the tragic process of neglect:

by neglecting the intelligence that powers agriculture, industries, scientific

discoveries, creative cultures, music, literature, health care, education, and so on.

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To whatever degree we allow poverty to develop in society, we foster a society that

is destroying itself and is on the path of becoming a terminal society. When the

precious is lost, little but a shell remains.

Poverty, thus isn't a characteristic of the just the poor people and the down-

trodden. Poverty is a symptom of a dying society; a society that is dying at the heart.

It is a measure of the lack of quality in human relationships, and the lack of power in

society to assure its survival.

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The polarization of wealth is a typical syndrome on the face of a dying civilization.

The polarization of wealth is the product of the ever-widening circles of thievery

that is the hallmark of the oligarchic system of private imperial monetarism that is

collapsing civilization.

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The bail-in process and its tragedy is not an isolated phenomenon then, or a new

invention of our times as were. It is instead merely another further-aggravated

symptom of the same disease in society that has been left to fester for far too long,

instead of it being healed. Naturally the tragedies that flow from this relentless

process of empire become increasingly worse.

There was a time in the past, when a protection had been developed against the

thievery and rampages of empire, which had culminated in 1648 in the Treaty of

Westphalia that ended the scourge of the Thirty Years War. This protection has

been removed in many places. It is said that we are now in the Post Westphalian era.

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In the USA, in 1933, the Glass Steagall Act had effectively curbed the wanton

speculation in the banking world. It had protected the nation's currency and

economic development for 60 years. It had protected society quite effectively

against the worst forms of the speculative thievery.

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Then, in 1999, in order to get this protection against thievery removed, the financial

oligarchy had put up a $350 million slush fund to bribe the lawmakers and parties to

repeal the Glass Steagall financial protection act.

With this massive kind of bribery corrupting the small group of lawmakers that

number just over 500 people, and the political parties that control them, the repeal

of the Glass Steagall Act promptly happened as ordered, and with it the protection

of society was repealed.

Society hasn't mustered the humanist strength to date to get its self-protection re-

instated, which, if it was voted up again would block the bail-in process that promises

to have nuclear-war type consequences for society. This impotence in society, to

protect itself, is not natural. It has been carefully cultivated over many years.

The 'nuclear' consequences that will ensue in due course are evidently intended

under the long-promoted depopulation program that aims to eliminate much of the

world population, from the seven billion people living today, to about one billion. This

plan is well under way. It will succeed unless society rebuilds it humanist energy and

claims its humanity back.

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This is a type of the deadly face, of the poverty in modern society in terms of its

lost humanist power. It is the face of a wilful regression that renders society

increasingly unqualified for survival. The disease in society that fosters its giving up

its humanist power, is deadly. It is chronic and terminal. The threat of nuclear war is

merely a facet of this disease become acute, which now threatens to extinct

humanity altogether.

Fortunately, the humanist energy is not built on a finite resource that can be

depleted, like the resources for oil, gas, and nuclear power are being depleted.

Humanist energy is built on an anti-entropic resource that becomes more abundant

the more it is developed.

The most advanced science of Christianity, Christian Science, defines the human

energy resource as our divine resource, expressed in such profound spiritual qualities

as intelligence, love, truthfulness, honesty, creativity, productivity, honour,

generosity, joy, and so on.

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Take love, for example. We cannot see it, weigh it, measure it, but we have learned

from experience that when it is withdrawn from the human landscape civilization

disintegrates. Wars are created that way, and are started for this purpose.

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Inversely, when the divine spiritual qualities that are reflected in our humanity are

developed and used as a foundation to build on, a great renaissance unfolds in

civilization. Every renaissance in history was built on this platform and became a

showcase for the spiritual power of humanity and the rich potentials of its culture.

On this front, the divine, spiritual nature of humanity is our infinite resource for

empowering the grandest renaissance of all times. It has been our resource for ages

past and will be that again for times and times to come.

The small-minded sense and supposed beastliness of mankind is a lie. Famines, and

fascism, and all of the empire wars against humanity, are lies, lies against humanity,

lies rooted in society's degraded self-perception that became a people's self-denial

of its native humanist energy and power.

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We have seen a number of great achievements in history in which humanity began to

heal itself of the disease of oligarchy, empire, wealth, poverty, monetarism, and

fascism, and its quiescence to them.

Since the human energy in society for its self-revival is not naturally depletable, the

apparent loss of it during the ancient and modern dark ages is a purely artificial

effect that can be reversed. And why shouldn't a similar reversal process start now,

and start on the entire front. The process of humanist re-inflation always begins in

the present.

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The development of our humanist energy-resource is an absolutely necessary pre-

condition for the development of the astrophysical electric energy resources that we

require for the survival of civilization.

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The technologies that enable us to access the interface to the cosmic energy-

streams up to 100 Km above the surface of the Earth, are not beyond our reach. Just

as hurricanes and tornadoes are routinely powered by the grand cosmic resources,

the economies of humanity can be powered so likewise. Of course the required

infrastructures need to be developed and built. But those too are not beyond our

reach either once we develop our spiritual humanist power more fully that enables us

to step up to the task.

In this context, the world's future energy development is a function of society's

humanist development. The two happen together as an integrated process, or they

don't happen at all.

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If we do not begin this process soon, and develop our humanist power on all fronts, in

order to be able to 'fly' at ever higher levels on the wide front of our humanity, we

won't have the humanist power created within us to develop the boundless cosmic

electric-energy resources that are within reach, but which we need as an

infrastructure to be able to fly through the long night of the ice age cycles under an

inactive Sun.

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Of course we can also choose to do nothing and remain glued to the easy chair as all

the previous human society apparently have done who have failed to protect their

existence and stopped moving forward.

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We, the homosapiens #8 - the only surviving and the shortest lived of all the the

human species, at barely 200,000 years of age - are roughly the eighth major human

species. The previous seven have all become extinct, possibly as the result of the

many Ice Ages.

Homo erectus #4 had existed for 1.5 million years, but it too became extinct. But

now, for the first time in geologic history, we, as the first species ever, have

developed the capacity to steal the sting off the Ice Age and bypass the tragedy

that other species may have suffered as the result of it. Our challenge, this time

around, is to make it through the next ice age with a seven to 10 billion population and

come out richer at the end. We can do this with the power of developed cosmic

resources on hand and not miss a beat as we move forward.

Shouldn't we act then, to protect the little we have still left of our humanity, and

enrich it as never before, and build on it with our eyes focused on the infinite future

that is due to us as the most advanced species of life on the Earth?

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Transcripts for the video

grouped into 3 sections

are available in 3 formats

#1: Indexed by graphic image

#2: Combined onto a single page

#3: Text only

Title #1 #2 #3

1* The Energy Challenge IDX CMB TXT

2* Alternate Energy IDX CMB TXT

Page 128: Our Energy Future: Energy Forever · 2014. 7. 19. · power of fire, and to step from wood fire to coal, gas, and oil utilization, and on from there to nuclear power, with dreams

3* Humanist Spiritual Energy IDX CMB TXT

Transcript e-books

Entry points:

25:10 - nuclear fusion power (2)

37:00 - biofuels (2)

40:20 - artificial energy crisis (3)

44:00 - cosmic electric energy utilization (3)

47:52 - our humanist, spiritual energy (3)

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