our 9/5 gsf moderate cltic. prices. largest variety e/s imillinery …secure site...

Refined I Enthusiasm runs high in the Juliet Salon because of rlie* hundreds of indescribably beautiful creations that greet the eve of the patron, who, whether in quest of a Tailored. * Semi-dress or Elaborate Dress Hat. finds the Ladies' Quality Shop amply prepared to serve them. Our millinery pre-eminence is more forcibly sustained this season than ever before. The sales records prove it.and the ; public expression and approval evidence it. OUR a* r\n cn <t * > TRIMMED HA1 Excel in style, quality and individuality any $15.00 Hat shown in Washing-ton. uUntrimii fy- Beavers, Hatters' I f"3* Paradise Bi OSTRICH CAPES Among the m approval is a most finfl IiPst in rlinirp «U\* ty vkjv import every ounc i IP H Have Y our ilranchi's: ^M iruok.v^' / S ^aclies, Quality Shop, Philadelphia. 9 \ 5 G Street N.W. ~ ~ ~ / ~ t i ! 1222 F Street * * .> WKwX"!"KK"XwH^XK"HmXwX"5mH,< Have in Readiness Th V I Most Exclusive Displc for Women < v *s* Original. Unusual and Exclusive Styles, Reprc > Erlebacl Women's Tailored am !> From the Most Practical ! $25.00, $29.75, $35.00, $40.0( Typically Youthful and S $25.00, $29. Street, Auto, Sport a * Of Chinchilla, Montagnac<. Angora, Boucle, \ Black Vicuna. For \ | $15,00, $18.50, $22.50, ! { We Arc Showing Complete Lines of Gowns f< ERLEB/ Bf»t Quality «hite 4»b Stove COAL,$7.00 PERTON. | _ sp,>x',iL I'lrsr Furnace, Xut. S7.13 per tun. 5 J ^llOFS flp W. A. lull, **.75; Pea, W,5tt per tua. £ _ # SPOT CASH ONLY. 1 mflKPFS Deliven-d past of 171U ami south of W streets. 8 IllvUVCw S. 1 rovi.lt-«J streets are clear of sauw and ice. lie- |K /- » /'l 1 veru. within o s^uar. s of N. Cat». and It « V«HIV«1S CO »-ree«s l«»c off. Deliveries south of Park road, « an si I'tc additional. We handle only the best jrtaile Al<L> 1 «.f eoal that ran 1«- Uniifht. and (rnarantee 2.2UO V* FfV* ' 1 oii'ls to every ton. Kstat>. "Mi years. is . . JOHN MILLER & CO., I $i oo, : ' "" H VnX.'.xK mv.x'SJ.1 VK- I Buttons Mad . ^ Pictorial Revn Young's Wagons. 1f, Freedman, A -They nr>' tie kind you m i-.l fur your | :d - . . . «.L a. buamets. ttjlUb. «.-;i t ult-iurtyeneive. i \ 1 1 ill bL. I T.E.Young,c"r,^T|^'PITu7v,e. n.ir. » N 9/5 G Sf_ / Millinery of Paradise and Aigrettes are made in our 1 means a saving to you of 25%. Largest f New York city. AND MARABOU BOAS, MUFFS & SCARFS any interesting features we have for your comprehensive showing of all that is latest first quality OSTRICH AND MARABOU UFFS AND SCARFS. urpass in these lines, as we are producers and e of the fine feathers from which we make ng direct with consumer, we can and do save Plumes Dyed and Renovated )y Plume Experts Iveing and cleaning establishment where the tch plumes is only a side issue.where the are dyed'in one vat.but we are ostrich plume e and have been producing plumes for the years, knowing every branch of the industry our corsetiere or dressmaker knows her busi' FOR THIS WEEK We Feature Our $15.00 French Plume at $10 ZC/i&/L& I ; .j. Nil/ 3 Doors > A ¥* Below 13th V A ieir Selections of the I iy of Outergarments | and Misses. I y )duced from Foreign Models Expressly for % ler's. 4* i Novelty Cut Suits. f 1 to the Most Elaborate. £ ), $45.00 and $50.00 and Up. | mart Models for Misses, 1 75, $35.00. | nd Limousine Coats | "clour de Laine, Imported Tweeds and Fancy *:* Vomen and Misses. 4* 525.00, $35.00, $40.00. | Dr All Occasions. We Ask Your Inspection. f ry STORE." y id Dress- % Supplies. I Reconstructed Rubies and at Fronts I Sapphires, $3 per Carat. ^ IWl reconstructed (ems that have the - jg beauty and laater of tie natural gems and jp Rnr v* defy the testa of the experts. / V J re 1-carat 6toae. set lo a 14k. r r\r\ i ~r\ 5 gold Tiffany ring or 6carfpin V5°; , I A. KAHN, 935 F St. e to Order. ^ evv Patterns. § .~ . Of Sr I"1 ^ WATCH REPAIRS A SPECIALTY, .aron A LO., » We have Installed an electric dyuamo for do* Rhone re magnetising watches. Prices most reasonable. l.W. Main 0u9. *5 Watches cleaned and demagnetised #1.00 tK Main springs #1.00 mkmkkmmnjka. kahn. »w v n.w. oed Millinery selves on our showing in J. shape in Velours, Velvets, /p /§$ Mush and French Felts. L | c/Jff rrds $7 Aforpttpci 'I SOCIETY. ~ (Continued from First Page.) Bakhmeteff, for the most of the past summer. The marriage is announced from. Seattle. Washington state, of Miss Jessie Tutt Riggs of Washington, D. C., and Mr. I»veil Ortmes of Boseman, Mont. The ceremony took place September 18 at 3 o'clock in the Episcopal Church In that city. They will make their home in Bozeman. Mrs. James EL Blackwell of Seattle, a sister of the bride, attended the wedding. * The invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Helen Corinne Chandler and Dr. Samuel Joy Turnbull, t n a *-* r _j ..l ..r.m.mrv .< f c . ,'nl r>,' L* i . ft. a., >v eanesuay cvtruuif; u>. o u nu. » at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. The bride will be attended by Miss Dorothy Holbrook as maid of honor, and the ushers will be classmates of the groom. Drs. Upshur. Kennard and Creighton of the Walter Reed Hospital and. Dr. Coulton of Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Mr. Barton P. Tumbull of Florida will be best man for his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll, whose home has been in Paris since their marriage, arrived in New York yesterday, and intend to make their homo on the old Carroll estate. Doughoregaii Manor, Md. Mrs. Carroll was Miss Suzanne Bancroft, granddaughter of the late George Bancroft, the historian, and minister to France. She has spent most of her life in Europe, and her visit to this country last winter was the first in many years. She was a great belle in this city, during the brief interval which elapsed between the conclusion of her school life abroad and her marriage to Mr. Carroll. She lived with her grandfather. and when they appeared together at social entertainments, notably White House events, they made an unusual looking couple, he with all the signs of old age about him, and she with the charm and vivacity of youth, being regarded as one of the most striking beauties of that time. The couple has one son, Charles Carroll, too, whose profession will be that of an engineer. The new owner of the manor, .In which much of social grandeur reaching back to colonial times is associated, bought out the shares held in it by his brother and sisters, and has in the past year put in many modern eomfofts in the spacious house. The manor is approached by a drive through the woods, nearly a mile long, and is surrounded by 800 acres. The Carrolls have given up their Paris house, and some of its most cherished belongings are now at the manor. The former governor of Maryland, John L. Carroll, the last owner of the property, kept a winter residence in this city for many years, and it may be that his son will do the same. Miss Agnes Pauline Hanley and Mr. J. Walter Sale of Marysvllle, Kan., were principals at a home wedding last Wednesday, Rev. Mgr. Mackin officiating. Mrs. Ann McMahon was matron of honor, and Mr. Shelby of Marysvllle, Kan., was best man. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Sale left for Atlantic City. They will be home after November 15 at the Carlisle. '"Fairfield," Chevy Chase was the scene Wednesday night last, of a farewell reception given Mrs. Maude Gardner, by her cousin, Mrs. Hugo Loental, on the eve of her departure, October 7, for Miles City. Mont., at which place she intends making her home indefinitely. The rooms were tastefully decorated with autumn leaves, potted plants and cut flowers. In the reception hall stood a large vase filled with La. France rnses. While several tables of cards were, in progress, others were dancing. Refreshments were served, after wli'ch ^rs. Gardner, encircled by her many friends, opened and expressed her appreciation of a great many attractive and useful gifts. Dancing was again resumed and kept up until a late hour. Mrs. Mary E. Alcorn announces the marriage, of her daughter. Anna Eleanor, to Mr. Francis Berkley McCathran, Wednesday, October 2, 1912, by the Rev. W. L. De Vries, D. C. H.t in the little sanctuary, Mount St. Alban. Maj. and Mrs. Henry Romeyn of 1736 P street have returned from Clifton Springs, where they have been for several months, and have taken an apartment at The Dupont, 1717 20th street. Mrs. Charles A. Romeyn and young son are guests of Major and Mrs. Romeyn at the Dupont. A very pretty wedding was that of Miss Myrtle Sellner and Mr Aubrey Rvon Padgett, which took place Wednesday evening, at 6 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George G. Sellner, the ceremony being performed by Rev. C. Cockren. pastor of Belle's Methodist Church, their attendants being Miss Waunetta Padgett and Mr. John Sellner. The bride was attired In a blue satin gown, and carried a bouquet of bride roses. Miss Padgett wore a dainty dress of pink siik. Mr- and Mrs. Padgett will reside on their farm, in Camp Springs, Md. Mr. and Mrs. M. Solomon announce the engagement of their daughter. Rena, and Mr. Myer J. Loeb of this city. Miss Tillie Blrkenfeld of Xew York is flip n f Allsc P on a ftnlAmAn Mrs. X. IT. Thissell, after several months' sojourn at Atlantic Oity, has returned, and will spend the winter at her Mount Pleasant residence, where she will he pleased to see her friends Wednesdays at 341.1 Brown street northwest. A kitchenshower was given Thursday evening by Mrs. Charles C. Wenrich of Manassas, Va., at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, '{,'53 8th street northeast, in honor of Miss Emma Grieb, who is to become the bride of Mr. Fred U. Hanks ne.xt Wednesday. Among those present were the Misses Emma Grieb, Minnie Grieb, Vivian Hanks, Pauline Holer, Marion Burgess, Eleanor Schwartz, Marian Sammis, Reva Sammis, Matilde Rochon, Frelda Gerner, Freida Seibert, Margaret Smith, Elsie Faust, IWinnie Potter, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Weber, Mrs. Lewis Grieb, Mrs. C. A. Hanks, Mrs. Sammis. Mr. Fred Hanks, Mr. V. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wenrich. Col. and Mrs. Thomas W. Symons are now in their house on New Hampshire avenue. With their family they have been all summer In Europe, a large part of which was spent in a motor trip through England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. Col. and Mrs. Symons will have at home with them this winter their eldest son. Thomas, jr., who has returned from taking a year's law course in Christ Church, Oxford, after graduating at Yale in 1011. He has entered the second yeai» of the George Washington University Law School, and expects to continue to graduation. HERNDON. | 41 1,1,1 < >ki-kOPial pAProfinftrulonoA nf Tka Qiao 1.1 -A. V1U1 VV((1 opwuuvu«.V "4 A UV t'<Ul HERNDOX, Va., October 5, 1912. Mrs. Ernest L. Robey was hostess Tuesday afternoon at a meeting of the Home Interest Club, "Oysters and Pickles'' being the subject under discussion. Miss Alice Ball of Norfolk is the house guest of Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mrs. C. E. Higdon and Miss Nellie Higdon of Tayloretown, Mr. and Mrs. George Iden of Washington and Mr. Edgar Fulton of Paeonian Springs were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaael Fulton, on Eldon street. Mrs. Charles S. Cooper has returned from a brief visit to Washington. Miss Belle Simondfi is the guest of Mrs. William S. Blanchard of Washington. Miss Anna Mason of Washington, formerly of llerndon, spent the week end with friends here. Mrs. Columbus Choate and Miss Dorothy Choate left this week to spend some time at Mrs. Frank Reed's, at Hamilton. Mrs. Alice Mus'3elman McClean of Gettysburg, Pa., left this week for a short stay In Baltimore, and was accompanied to Washington by Miss Maude Yount, whose guest she has been while here. Miss Maaie McFarland of Hamilton is spending some time with Miss Selina Hutchison at Rock Ledge. Mrs. Alpheus Winters, Messrs. Max C. J. Wiehle. Louie and C. Wiehle of Washington have been here this week, called by the illness of their mother, Mrs. L. Wiehle of Washington, a guest of Mrs. James Cockerille. Mrs. B. A. Beale of Newport News is the house guest of Misses Edith and Leila Fitz Hugh. Mrs. Harlan Waite has returned from a visit to Fauquier county, her former home. Miss Victorine Johnson of Washington * I The Big House | Of Fashion. j Ql/b K^pA Style Center ^__ 0/ the City. jj H' Largest Variety of Mod Unequaled Values in Dresses and Gowns j Fourth Floor I Here you will marvel at the beautiful display. Tailored Cloth Dresses, (T* j C1CT jP <FO/T smart and tasty *pl (/> %pJO OC %p£0 ij Stunning Velvet Dresses, <7*0/1 CZfl very special showing at .Of/ CharmeuseSilk Dresses, <7* 7 r ± CO H special at %pl.O tO %p%jQ Handsome Evening Gowns of Brocade Silk, Special at $35 has been the guest for a few days of rmym 'ifjuijiiijm jmTHnnrrnoiii jjui ii. . Mies Margaret Russell. Mr. and Mrs. David W. Adams were given a surprise gs Sarty by a few friends Saturday evening. ^ \ T T VTTT^ lr. and Mrs. Adaams have sold their fs? mm m m m lj home here and after a visit to their /*| f y| y m m m m former home, in New York, will spend 5$ m. m. m m 4 J the winter in Florida. sr Miss Anne Darlington entertained the g& ^ 1 Fortnightly Club Saturday afternoon, & M /% i the summer course in nature study being g? # / w continued with short articles on bees, gt * * w butterflies anjl fruits. Miss Mildred gs _ Davis played Grieg's "Butterfly." Miss g? /I l</}lfl/f C Annie Singleton of Washington also g< /If C jljl&llhj Oi rendered instrumental selections. Mrs- gf ** Grace Stephenson White and Miss Cecil g? Stfgail sang. Those present were Misses I rx \V ^l-iflPC ^ t iThornton. Mrs. Lynn, Mrs. Richard Cole- gt r |^.V.\ MlU-Lb lor ladies, ai man, Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. White, Mrs. j& I aild provides lor every < Mooney. Mrs. Orrison* Miss Breudy gc M. , , . J o »w1 A-fiuts Hovla \l r (1ljLivnPH AI. I Rf MlaJJC^ ****** mtoo « «l'. « . ____ _ Walker left Monday for a stay at _ Vl^iirc n-i x- i Southern Pines. Mrs. Walker and Mas- S V -AtHiiS White AllDUCK a ters Paul and Melville will be guests dur- I of attention Thev liave ing October of Dr. and Mrs. William I. gi * y , . , , Robey on Monroe street. 5[ tile highest character. Mrs. Hugh Mitchell of Chantilly was a H? m i i i; r atpct v/m recent guest of Mrs. Harry B. Mitchell tjsl | L«-A I L.> I A r_ \\ i Ol and is now spend'ng some time in Wash- W , iugton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Foster Orri- ^ Jl We 31'C rcaU3r Wltll a C01 son and small son left this week for Otis gt street, Washington, where they Willi 5| spend the winter. .Mr. Sebisco L. Chapin I g? has returned from several months' travel g< f j U II 11 f Vf |L f through the western states. Mrs. George 5s II 1 \ Y I JLl l\I I I |\l W. Bauclimaif of Ashburn spent Sunday ^^ A 1 A/ An KJ with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M Trail. Mr. p | y \ f y 1T T/"t f**f and Mrs. Harry Lang of Anacostia spent ^ H Y I -* j P [M |( SHf In the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. gftj 111 U1 Ivij Lang. Maj. and Mrs. Bushrod Washing- gf ton Lynn are in Newport, and were re- g? cent dinner guests of Gov. and Mrs. a ATTAIIKY are absolllteh* llVf'h Grout, and were also entertained at din- Rf . . , * 45 - * n-..t esi I soltest imported (lennai ner by Airs. Kouinson, «iuu» Ui , .j.. Gov. Rob'nson. * find these shoes is soft Miss Minnie Cliapin was hostess Tues-i J-J " ^ * day afternoon at a delightfu, meeting I DDI/~*E? cnn iipm of the Methodist Ladies' Aid Society ||| rlvlV'C rL/lv /VIeIaI, , those present being Mrs. W. C. Harden & Mrs. Jonah Crippen. Mrs. Roscoe S. Crip- Ef *>e*i. Mrs. Enos Garrett. Mrs. Charles F. gi Cummins, 'Mrs. Robert Schneider. Airs. 0 1 # i C. C. Stevens, Mrs. Annie Albaugh ^ ff tg ^ ym « V ^ 1 Bready, Mrs. Maynte Wilkifis. Mrs. Harry gji .K M W Y ..wa*. « \ Tinsman. Mrs. Wahl. Miss Marsteller and H m lc\*|||||flHI H Mrs. James. Miss McLedge Moflfott is §5 H J. %lllffllVlv m mm spending the winter in New York and is g v f f 1 * V M l\/1 a student at Columbia University. Mrs. S a 'mf J U / » 1 Walter Palmer of Washington spent Fri- g? ^ ^ ft * * * day of the past week with friends here gi ^ I # Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Church are visiting ^ Jg T relatives in Falls Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bp ajM M m Russell A. Lynn entertained over Sun-! 9| V. M V W day Mr. Edmund Belfort of Baihia, Bra- j IS! ^TRADEMARK f V zil. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgar Little ! g? ^ . , . 4...an4- MnnHav with relatives. Btl Slg'lltl til mi:uia DHt»« « * * * here. Miss H. E. Pettybone of Washing- g ^515^ Uet 1( ton is spending s*ome time with Mrs. [ |? hreierrBrA 1 n Buell Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. E. Godfrey S BLGlSTERtH J dee d of Washington were over Sunday guests j of Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Walker. Miss g? Hattie Robey had with her for the week i St! . . Oui end her brothers. George and Frank! §! f |115|||TVr , . , Robey, and Mr. Dale Venable, all of, gj> best for Washington Dr. and Mrs. Foss and! ' cnp daughter of Washington and Mrs. W. J g, HnCfPfV -P*Handy of Barcroft have been recent j §8 * IvJOlWI V light an guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis at: g the Heights. Mrs. Benjamin Saumenig ^ and daughter of Baltimore are guests of gl Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Harden. Mrs. John I A M W W McLaughlin was a luncheon guest M011- gs H ^ /m ll/l II day of Mrs. T. E. And on Monroe street. eJ M . / T I I I Mr. and Mrs. W. Leith spent Sunday at Hi A A JL T ML Mi JLm Willard with Mr. and Mrs. Shear. Miss , W Agnes Summers of Sterling was a re- El H * cent guest of relatives here. Mr. and 3 J Mrs. R. II. Powell Summers and Master w MM*. * William Summers were dinner guests I © IAQ CTDACRVTI Sunday of Mrs. Summers at Sterling 3 OWO* o 1 lyaoUUI Misses Elsie and Bertha Money of Vienna R(j » spent Saturday with Miss Pauline Wiley, tea Misses Woods of Station street had as a I recent guest Miss Martha Woods of J ' Loudoun county. I 1 " * ' " '11 . I ^Mart el and* son. Rennie, of Washington, i VI If MM A I w«re dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and I VIUjJXJIA. J m,-s> Edwin Wiley at Inglehurst. Dr. and <8>- . «> Mrs. George B. Corey arid family left Special Correspondence of Tbe Star. Tuesday to spend the winter in \\ ashV ,XT, ington. Misses Carlotta and Frances vi£.a^a, \ a., October o, 191«. Corey were tendered a surprise partyMrs. Franklin Williams, jr., has re- Friday before their departure by thcir tumed from a fortnight's visit with re'.a- young friends here. Dancing and games tives at Nashville, Tenn. Miss Nettie ln the eVen'ng hours. and refreshPlh.in m/. ^ . 0. S _* ° ments were served. Mrs. F. A. Naylor Gibson, who has been the guest of her an(j jfiss Fannie Naylor, who have been sister, Mrs. Joseph Berry, for several spending the summer with relatives here, weeks, has returned to Baltimore. Mrs. have returned to the city for the winter. C. Edward Mower entertained the young The Whist Club was entertained Baturpeople of .her Sunday school class Friday g^V$.nSaS Mrs." Webster "sill^were evening. Di. and Mis. Benjamin . dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mis. Summy of Washington spent the week James Francis Zimnier. Mrs. C. W. B. end at their summer home here. Mrs. F. Smith and sons spent Monday with A. Naylor. Mrs. George B. Corey and the friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Misses Corey were luncheon guests Sat- Carbaugh, who have been spending the urday of Mrs. Edwin Wiley* Mr. Charles summer with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wil4 Our NeW MllllUCr\\ j j mExclusive and Cltic. Astonishing!x Moderate 06 G St. z?\°lth - = Prices. I e/s Sow//i of New York Women's and Misses' Apparel and Millinery If the Most Exclusive Type No Charge tor Alterations v mmense Suit Department.Second Floor Over One Thousand Styles an you find such an endless variety of smart sf vies fe fabrics At $25 and $35 r could be easily sold at $35 and $30 as good valuc> j 1 give the best possible. f19.75 We Show Exceptional Suit Values Suits Are Most Exclusive and Distinctive Floor.Styles and Materials for All Occasions owing of Moderate-Priced Evening Coats and Smart. Snannu Efforts in Full-Lenath and II LATEST NOVELTIES i r FOOTWEAR j hown at the Family Shoe Store. I tid gentlemen are extremely popular. Our showing anticipates m iemand. Complete stock of button and lace in the smartest M nd Canvas Boots and Fancy Cloth-top Boots have their share p been in big demand here. Our stock is comprehensive and of H # RK FAD is Ladies' Patent Leather Boots with white kid tops. |j| nplete line. Prices range from $3 50 to $5.00. p LI For Men and Women 1 . enic and the very essence of ease and comfort. Made of the lig lia kid, with medicated felt inner soles; kid lined. You will ^ is a glove and as flexible as a slipper. w $5 ~ PRICE FOR WOMEN, $4 g union Shoes for \ en and Women f JALITY FOOTWEAR that promotes foot comfort. Built on orthopedic lines that provide .absolute freedom for the joints and tendons of the feet, and at the same time have the iness ot the most tashionable shoes. They afford perfect re3r bunions and sensitive feet. Made of soft surpass kid, in ';:ind congress styles. Price, $4.00. Hosiery Department is a store in itself. It contains the ^ eign and domestic creations. £ cial.The Best Silk Hose for men and women, in ,ig d heavy weights. Black, tan and white. Pair.... -;r.Y SHOE STORE [ Three-Quarter Coats II id Back, Chinchilla Two-Tone Effect 1 Diagonals, Broadcloths and other nobby man.a showing second to none. Ill Honal Coats at $15 and $25 I Reliable Furs At Reasonable Prices. a i_ j i t n i i .III us ncunowieagea oy averyooay.ine Largest Waist Department in the City and the Best Showing of Styles and Values We offer Real Dressy Chiffon Silk Waists, in all the season s popular col ors, at $3 98, $5.98 & $7.98 At These Prices We Have No Competition. Our $1 & $1.98 Tailored and Lingerie Waists Are here in over one hundred styles. These are i really $2 and $2.50 Waists ice sell at above prices. I I Fifteen Hundred Silk Messaline Underskirts In colors to match an y suit.splendid qualities at ,1 $1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $5 I SHOES AND HOSIERY I tQER CO. 310*312 Seventh St.N.W. § Hams. at Woodlord. have returned to E. Ward of Washington is spending a their home in the city. Mrs. Rose Gra- at the home of her brother, Mr. H. ham is recover!R« from her recent ill- " Miss Marie Dekker spent ness. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brandt and Mr family, who have been spending the sum- n f yt.l lin' x if mer at their home here, left this week uakfJn The' lidteL' Aid to spend the winter In the cit^. Mn ^Nii- Tuesday next with Mrs. Dekker. Mrs. dinnei^ guest Sunday *o^ Mr. Robert £. and^Mr" Edward* dJnnS ^ and .M^..-!^T.a^ his home here.' Mr. and Mr.. .Toho fcUtMSlS 1 urnuu^ V*. .UI. auu uit|/ani i u. ... j 7 . . Conrad Stuntz. ?*ii!lps t?d 1ona ***?}. Su**«*y «1th Mi s. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wiley and sons Arthur M. Lewis. Miss Doris CoumU> were guests this week of Mr- and Mrs.! 'lil3, returned from a, visit of several Wells Woodward in Washington. Mr.' w.f. s 0 r!' Joel Barben in Phi lad eland Mrs. B. V. King una family of Ross- P''ia. lyn are occupying their new home at > Oakton. Mrs. R. A. "V^torbury spent this week in Washington with her par- Prospective Purchaser.Is there % ents. Mrs. A. Ridgeley and nephew, mortgage on the place? Milton Dean of Washington, were guests Real Estate Agent.Certain Jy. Didn t Friday of Mrs. H. W. HerrelU Mrs. A you observe the garage?.Chicago New*. w

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Page 1: Our 9/5 GSf Moderate Cltic. Prices. Largest Variety e/s IMillinery …Secure Site chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1912... · 2017. 12. 26. · Refined I Enthusiasm runs

Refined IEnthusiasm runs high in

the Juliet Salon because ofrlie* hundreds of indescribablybeautiful creations that greetthe eve of the patron, who,whether in quest of a Tailored. *

Semi-dress or Elaborate DressHat. finds the Ladies' QualityShop amply prepared to serve


Our millinery pre-eminence is more

forcibly sustained this season than ever

before. The sales records prove it.and the; public expression and approval evidence it.

OURa* r\n cn <t * >

TRIMMED HA1Excel in style, quality and individuality any

$15.00 Hat shown in Washing-ton.

uUntrimiify- Beavers, Hatters' I

f"3* Paradise Bi


Among the m

approval is a mostfinfl IiPst in rlinirp«U\* ty vkjv

import every ounc

i IPH Have Your

ilranchi's: ^Miruok.v^' /S ^aclies, Quality Shop,Philadelphia. 9 \ 5 G Street N.W.

~~ ~ /



i! 1222 F Street* *

.> WKwX"!"KK"XwH^XK"HmXwX"5mH,<

Have in Readiness ThV

I Most Exclusive Displcfor Women <

v*s* Original. Unusual and Exclusive Styles, Reprc

> ErlebaclWomen's Tailored am

!> From the Most Practical

! $25.00, $29.75, $35.00, $40.0(Typically Youthful and S

$25.00, $29.Street, Auto, Sport a

* Of Chinchilla, Montagnac<. Angora, Boucle, \Black Vicuna. For \

| $15,00, $18.50, $22.50, !{ We Arc Showing Complete Lines of Gowns f<

ERLEB/Bf»t Quality «hite 4»b Stove

COAL,$7.00 PERTON. | _ sp,>x',iLI'lrsr Furnace, Xut. S7.13 per tun. 5 J ^llOFS flpW. A. lull, **.75; Pea, W,5tt per tua. £ _

# SPOT CASH ONLY. 1 mflKPFSDeliven-d past of 171U ami south of W streets. 8 IllvUVCw S.

1 rovi.lt-«J streets are clear of sauw and ice. lie- |K /- »/'l1 veru. within o s^uar. s of N. Cat». and It « V«HIV«1S CO»-ree«s l«»c off. Deliveries south of Park road, «an siI'tc additional. We handle only the best jrtaile Al<L> 1

«.f eoal that ran 1«- Uniifht. and (rnarantee 2.2UO V* FfV* '

1 oii'ls to every ton. Kstat>. "Mi years. is .

. JOHN MILLER & CO., I $i oo, :'

"" H VnX.'.xK mv.x'SJ.1 VK- I Buttons Mad.^ Pictorial Revn

Young's Wagons. 1f, Freedman, A-They nr>' tie kind you m i-.l fur your | :d - . . . «.L a.buamets. ttjlUb. «.-;i t ult-iurtyeneive. i \ 1 1 ill bL. I

T.E.Young,c"r,^T|^'PITu7v,e. n.ir.



9/5 GSf_/


of Paradise and Aigrettes are made in our1 means a saving to you of 25%. Largestf New York city.


any interesting features we have for yourcomprehensive showing of all that is latestfirst quality OSTRICH AND MARABOUUFFS AND SCARFS.urpass in these lines, as we are producers ande of the fine feathers from which we makeng direct with consumer, we can and do save

Plumes Dyed and Renovated)y Plume ExpertsIveing and cleaning establishment where thetch plumes is only a side issue.where theare dyed'in one vat.but we are ostrich plumee and have been producing plumes for theyears, knowing every branch of the industryour corsetiere or dressmaker knows her busi'

FOR THIS WEEKWe Feature Our $15.00French Plume at $10

ZC/i&/L& I; .j.

Nil/ 3 Doors > A¥* Below 13th V A

ieir Selections of the Iiy of Outergarments |and Misses. I y)duced from Foreign Models Expressly for %ler's. 4*i Novelty Cut Suits. f1 to the Most Elaborate. £), $45.00 and $50.00 and Up. |mart Models for Misses, 175, $35.00. |nd Limousine Coats |"clour de Laine, Imported Tweeds and Fancy *:*Vomen and Misses. 4*525.00, $35.00, $40.00. |Dr All Occasions. We Ask Your Inspection. f

ry STORE." yid Dress- %Supplies. I Reconstructed Rubies andat Fronts I Sapphires, $3 per Carat.

^ IWl reconstructed (ems that have the-jg beauty and laater of tie natural gems and

jpRnr v* defy the testa of the experts./V J re 1-carat 6toae. set lo a 14k. <£ r r\r\

i ~r\5 gold Tiffany ring or 6carfpinV5°; , I A. KAHN, 935 F St.e to Order. ^evv Patterns. § .~.Of Sr I"1 ^ WATCH REPAIRS A SPECIALTY,.aron A LO., » We have Installed an electric dyuamo for do*

Rhone re magnetising watches. Prices most reasonable.l.W. Main 0u9. *5 Watches cleaned and demagnetised #1.00

tK Main springs #1.00mkmkkmmnjka. kahn. »w v n.w.

oed Millineryselves on our showing in J.shape in Velours, Velvets, /p /§$Mush and French Felts. L | c/Jffrrds $7 Aforpttpci 'I


(Continued from First Page.)

Bakhmeteff, for the most of the pastsummer.

The marriage is announced from. Seattle.Washington state, of Miss Jessie TuttRiggs of Washington, D. C., and Mr.I»veil Ortmes of Boseman, Mont. Theceremony took place September 18 at 3o'clock in the Episcopal Church In thatcity. They will make their home inBozeman. Mrs. James EL Blackwell ofSeattle, a sister of the bride, attendedthe wedding.


The invitations have been issued forthe wedding of Miss Helen CorinneChandler and Dr. Samuel Joy Turnbull,t n a *-* r _j ..l ..r.m.mrv .< f c . ,'nl r>,' L*i . ft. a., >v eanesuay cvtruuif; u>. o u nu. »

at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church. Thebride will be attended by Miss DorothyHolbrook as maid of honor, and theushers will be classmates of the groom.Drs. Upshur. Kennard and Creighton ofthe Walter Reed Hospital and. Dr. Coultonof Fort Leavenworth, Kan. Mr.Barton P. Tumbull of Florida will bebest man for his brother.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll, whosehome has been in Paris since their marriage,arrived in New York yesterday,and intend to make their homo on theold Carroll estate. Doughoregaii Manor,Md. Mrs. Carroll was Miss SuzanneBancroft, granddaughter of the lateGeorge Bancroft, the historian, and ministerto France. She has spent most ofher life in Europe, and her visit to thiscountry last winter was the first inmany years. She was a great belle inthis city, during the brief interval whichelapsed between the conclusion of herschool life abroad and her marriage toMr. Carroll. She lived with her grandfather.and when they appeared togetherat social entertainments, notably WhiteHouse events, they made an unusuallooking couple, he with all the signs ofold age about him, and she with thecharm and vivacity of youth, beingregarded as one of the most strikingbeauties of that time.The couple has one son, Charles Carroll,too, whose profession will be that

of an engineer.The new owner of the manor, .In which

much of social grandeur reaching backto colonial times is associated, boughtout the shares held in it by his brotherand sisters, and has in the past yearput in many modern eomfofts in thespacious house. The manor is approachedby a drive through the woods,nearly a mile long, and is surroundedby 800 acres.The Carrolls have given up their Paris

house, and some of its most cherishedbelongings are now at the manor. Theformer governor of Maryland, John L.Carroll, the last owner of the property,kept a winter residence in this city formany years, and it may be that his sonwill do the same.

Miss Agnes Pauline Hanley and Mr.J. Walter Sale of Marysvllle, Kan., wereprincipals at a home wedding last Wednesday,Rev. Mgr. Mackin officiating.Mrs. Ann McMahon was matron of honor,and Mr. Shelby of Marysvllle, Kan.,was best man. After the ceremony, Mr.and Mrs. Sale left for Atlantic City.They will be home after November 15at the Carlisle.

'"Fairfield," Chevy Chase was the sceneWednesday night last, of a farewell receptiongiven Mrs. Maude Gardner, byher cousin, Mrs. Hugo Loental, on theeve of her departure, October 7, forMiles City. Mont., at which place she intendsmaking her home indefinitely. Therooms were tastefully decorated withautumn leaves, potted plants and cutflowers. In the reception hall stood alarge vase filled with La. France rnses.

While several tables of cards were, inprogress, others were dancing. Refreshmentswere served, after wli'ch ^rs.Gardner, encircled by her many friends,opened and expressed her appreciation ofa great many attractive and useful gifts.Dancing was again resumed and kept upuntil a late hour.

Mrs. Mary E. Alcorn announces themarriage, of her daughter. Anna Eleanor,to Mr. Francis Berkley McCathran, Wednesday,October 2, 1912, by the Rev. W.L. De Vries, D. C. H.t in the little sanctuary,Mount St. Alban.

Maj. and Mrs. Henry Romeyn of 1736P street have returned from CliftonSprings, where they have been for severalmonths, and have taken an apartmentat The Dupont, 1717 20th street.Mrs. Charles A. Romeyn and young sonare guests of Major and Mrs. Romeyn atthe Dupont.A very pretty wedding was that of Miss

Myrtle Sellner and Mr Aubrey RvonPadgett, which took place Wednesdayevening, at 6 o'clock, at the home ofthe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeG. Sellner, the ceremony being performedby Rev. C. Cockren. pastor of Belle'sMethodist Church, their attendants beingMiss Waunetta Padgett and Mr. JohnSellner. The bride was attired In a bluesatin gown, and carried a bouquet ofbride roses. Miss Padgett wore a daintydress of pink siik.Mr- and Mrs. Padgett will reside on

their farm, in Camp Springs, Md.

Mr. and Mrs. M. Solomon announce theengagement of their daughter. Rena, andMr. Myer J. Loeb of this city.Miss Tillie Blrkenfeld of Xew York is

flip n f Allsc Pona ftnlAmAn

Mrs. X. IT. Thissell, after severalmonths' sojourn at Atlantic Oity, has returned,and will spend the winter at herMount Pleasant residence, where she willhe pleased to see her friends Wednesdaysat 341.1 Brown street northwest.

A kitchenshower was given Thursdayevening by Mrs. Charles C. Wenrich ofManassas, Va., at the home of her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber, '{,'538th street northeast, in honor of MissEmma Grieb, who is to become the brideof Mr. Fred U. Hanks ne.xt Wednesday.Among those present were the Misses

Emma Grieb, Minnie Grieb, Vivian Hanks,Pauline Holer, Marion Burgess, EleanorSchwartz, Marian Sammis, Reva Sammis,Matilde Rochon, Frelda Gerner, FreidaSeibert, Margaret Smith, Elsie Faust,IWinnie Potter, Mr. and Mrs, RobertWeber, Mrs. Lewis Grieb, Mrs. C. A.Hanks, Mrs. Sammis. Mr. Fred Hanks,Mr. V. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. C. C.Wenrich.

Col. and Mrs. Thomas W. Symons arenow in their house on New Hampshireavenue. With their family they havebeen all summer In Europe, a large partof which was spent in a motor tripthrough England, Scotland, Wales andIreland. Col. and Mrs. Symons will haveat home with them this winter their eldestson. Thomas, jr., who has returnedfrom taking a year's law course in ChristChurch, Oxford, after graduating at Yalein 1011. He has entered the second yeai»of the George Washington UniversityLaw School, and expects to continue tograduation.

HERNDON. |41 1,1,1 <

>ki-kOPial pAProfinftrulonoA nf Tka Qiao1.1 -A.V1U1 VV((1 opwuuvu«.V "4 A UV t'<Ul

HERNDOX, Va., October 5, 1912.Mrs. Ernest L. Robey was hostess Tuesdayafternoon at a meeting of the Home

Interest Club, "Oysters and Pickles'' beingthe subject under discussion. MissAlice Ball of Norfolk is the house guestof Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mrs. C. E. Higdonand Miss Nellie Higdon of Tayloretown,Mr. and Mrs. George Iden of Washingtonand Mr. Edgar Fulton of PaeonianSprings were recent guests of Mr. andMrs. Isaael Fulton, on Eldon street. Mrs.Charles S. Cooper has returned from abrief visit to Washington. Miss BelleSimondfi is the guest of Mrs. WilliamS. Blanchard of Washington. Miss AnnaMason of Washington, formerly of llerndon,spent the week end with friendshere. Mrs. Columbus Choate and MissDorothy Choate left this week to spendsome time at Mrs. Frank Reed's, atHamilton. Mrs. Alice Mus'3elman McCleanof Gettysburg, Pa., left this weekfor a short stay In Baltimore, and wasaccompanied to Washington by MissMaude Yount, whose guest she has beenwhile here. Miss Maaie McFarland ofHamilton is spending some time withMiss Selina Hutchison at Rock Ledge.Mrs. Alpheus Winters, Messrs. Max C.J. Wiehle. Louie and C. Wiehle of Washingtonhave been here this week, calledby the illness of their mother, Mrs. L.Wiehle of Washington, a guest of Mrs.James Cockerille. Mrs. B. A. Beale ofNewport News is the house guest ofMisses Edith and Leila Fitz Hugh. Mrs.Harlan Waite has returned from a visitto Fauquier county, her former home.Miss Victorine Johnson of Washington


I The Big House |Of Fashion. j Ql/b K^pAStyle Center

^__0/ the City. jj H'

Largest Variety of ModUnequaled Values in

Dresses and Gowns jFourth Floor

IHere you will marvel at the beautiful display.Tailored Cloth Dresses, (T* j C1CT jP <FO/T

smart and tasty *pl (/> %pJO OC %p£0 ijStunning Velvet Dresses, <7*0/1 CZfl

very special showing at .Of/CharmeuseSilk Dresses, <7* 7 r ± CO H

specialat %pl.O tO %p%jQHandsome Evening Gowns of Brocade Silk,

Special at $35has been the guest for a few days of rmym 'ifjuijiiijm jmTHnnrrnoiii jjui ii.


Mies Margaret Russell. Mr. and Mrs.David W. Adams were given a surprise gs

Sarty by a few friends Saturday evening. ^ \ T TVTTT^lr. and Mrs. Adaams have sold their fs? /§ mm m m m ljhome here and after a visit to their /*| f y| y m m m m

former home, in New York, will spend 5$ m. m. m m 4 J

the winter in Florida. srMiss Anne Darlington entertained the g& ^ 1

Fortnightly Club Saturday afternoon, & M /% ithe summer course in nature study being g? # / w

continued with short articles on bees, gt * * w

butterflies anjl fruits. Miss Mildred gs_Davis played Grieg's "Butterfly." Miss g? /I l</}lfl/f CAnnie Singleton of Washington also g< /If C jljl&llhj Oirendered instrumental selections. Mrs- gf**Grace Stephenson White and Miss Cecil g?Stfgail sang. Those present were Misses I rx \V^l-iflPC ^

t iThornton.Mrs. Lynn, Mrs. Richard Cole- gt r |^.V.\ MlU-Lb lor ladies, ai

man, Mrs. Stephenson, Mrs. White, Mrs. j& I aild provides lor every <Mooney. Mrs. Orrison* Miss Breudy gc M. ,

, .


o »w1 A-fiuts Hovla \l r (1ljLivnPH AI. I Rf MlaJJC^****** mtoo « «l'. « . ____ _

Walker left Monday for a stay at _ Vl^iirc n-i x- i

Southern Pines. Mrs. Walker and Mas- S V -AtHiiS White AllDUCK a

ters Paul and Melville will be guests dur- I of attention Thev liaveing October of Dr. and Mrs. William I. gi * y , . ,,

Robeyon Monroe street. 5[ tile highest character.Mrs. Hugh Mitchell of Chantilly was a H? m i i i; r atpctv/m

recent guest of Mrs. Harry B. Mitchell tjsl | L«-A I L.> I A r_ \\ i Oland is now spend'ng some time in Wash- W,

iugton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Foster Orri- ^ Jl We 31'C rcaU3r Wltll a C01

son and small son left this week for Otis gtstreet, Washington, where they Willi 5|spend the winter. .Mr. Sebisco L. Chapin I g?has returned from several months' travel g< f jU II 11 f Vf |L fthrough the western states. Mrs. George 5s II 1\ Y I JLl l\I I I |\lW. Bauclimaif of Ashburn spent Sunday ^^A 1 A/ AnKJwith Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M Trail. Mr. p | y \ f y 1T T/"t f**fand Mrs. Harry Lang of Anacostia spent ^ H Y I -* j P [M |( SHf Inthe week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. gftj 111U1 IvijLang. Maj. and Mrs. Bushrod Washing- gfton Lynn are in Newport, and were re- g?cent dinner guests of Gov. and Mrs. a ATTAIIKY are absolllteh* llVf'hGrout, and were also entertained at din- Rf . . ,


- * n-..t esi I soltest imported (lennainer by Airs. Kouinson, «iuu» Ui , .j..Gov. Rob'nson.

* find these shoes is softMissMinnie Cliapin was hostess Tues-i J-J " ^ *

day afternoon at a delightfu, meeting I DDI/~*E? cnn iipm

of the Methodist Ladies' Aid Society ||| rlvlV'C rL/lv /VIeIaI, ,

those present being Mrs. W. C. Harden &Mrs. Jonah Crippen. Mrs. Roscoe S. Crip- Ef*>e*i. Mrs. Enos Garrett. Mrs. Charles F. giCummins, 'Mrs. Robert Schneider. Airs. 01#iC. C. Stevens, Mrs. Annie Albaugh ^ ff tg ^ ym «V^ 1Bready, Mrs. Maynte Wilkifis. Mrs. Harry gji .K M W Y ..wa*. «\

Tinsman. Mrs. Wahl. Miss Marsteller and H m lc\*|||||flHI H

Mrs. James. Miss McLedge Moflfott is §5 H J. %lllffllVlv m mm

spending the winter in New York and is g v f f 1 * V M l\/1a student at Columbia University. Mrs. S a 'mfJ U / » 1Walter Palmer of Washington spent Fri- g? ^^ ft * * *

day of the past week with friends here gi ^ I #Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Church are visiting ^Jg Trelatives in Falls Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bp ajMM m

Russell A. Lynn entertained over Sun-! 9| V.M V W

day Mr. Edmund Belfort of Baihia, Bra- j IS! ^TRADEMARKfVzil. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Edgar Little ! g? ^ . , .

4...an4- MnnHav with relatives. BtlSlg'lltltil mi:uia DHt»« « * * *

here. Miss H. E. Pettybone of Washing- g ^515^Uet1(ton is spending s*ome time with Mrs. [ |? hreierrBrA1nBuell Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. E. Godfrey S BLGlSTERtH J dee d

of Washington were over Sunday guests jof Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Walker. Miss g?Hattie Robey had with her for the week i St! . .Ouiend her brothers. George and Frank! §! f |115|||TVr , . ,

Robey, and Mr. Dale Venable, all of, gj> best forWashington Dr. and Mrs. Foss and! ' cnpdaughter of Washington and Mrs. W. J g, HnCfPfV -P*Handyof Barcroft have been recent j §8 * IvJOlWI V light anguests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis at: gthe Heights. Mrs. Benjamin Saumenig ^and daughter of Baltimore are guests of glRev. and Mrs. W. C. Harden. Mrs. John I A M W WMcLaughlin was a luncheon guest M011- gs H ^ /m ll/l I Iday of Mrs. T. E. And on Monroe street. eJ M ./ T I I IMr. and Mrs. W. Leith spent Sunday at Hi A A JL T ML Mi JLmWillard with Mr. and Mrs. Shear. Miss , WAgnes Summers of Sterling was a re- El H*cent guest of relatives here. Mr. and 3JMrs. R. II. Powell Summers and Master w MM*.*William Summers were dinner guests I © IAQ CTDACRVTISunday of Mrs. Summers at Sterling 3 OWO* o 1 lyaoUUIMisses Elsie and Bertha Money of Vienna R(j »

spent Saturday with Miss Pauline Wiley, teaMisses Woods of Station street had as a Irecent guest Miss Martha Woods of J


Loudoun county. I 1 " * ' " ' 1 1 .


^Mart el and* son. Rennie, of Washington,iVI IfMM A I w«re dinner guests Sunday of Mr. andIVIUjJXJIA. J m,-s> Edwin Wiley at Inglehurst. Dr. and

<8>-. «> Mrs. George B. Corey arid family left

Special Correspondence of Tbe Star. Tuesday to spend the winter in \\ashV,XT,ington. Misses Carlotta and Francesvi£.a^a, \ a., October o, 191«. Corey were tendered a surprise partyMrs.Franklin Williams, jr., has re- Friday before their departure by thcir

tumed from a fortnight's visit with re'.a- young friends here. Dancing and gamestives at Nashville, Tenn. Miss Nettie ln the eVen'ng hours. and refreshPlh.inm/. ^ .

0.S_* ° ments were served. Mrs. F. A. Naylor

Gibson, who has been the guest of her an(j jfiss Fannie Naylor, who have beensister, Mrs. Joseph Berry, for several spending the summer with relatives here,weeks, has returned to Baltimore. Mrs. have returned to the city for the winter.C. Edward Mower entertained the young The Whist Club was entertained Baturpeopleof .her Sunday school class Friday g^V$.nSaS Mrs." Webster "sill^wereevening. Di. and Mis. Benjamin . dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mis.Summy of Washington spent the week James Francis Zimnier. Mrs. C. W. B.end at their summer home here. Mrs. F. Smith and sons spent Monday withA. Naylor. Mrs. George B. Corey and the friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. EarlMisses Corey were luncheon guests Sat- Carbaugh, who have been spending theurday of Mrs. Edwin Wiley* Mr. Charles summer with Mr. and Mrs. HerbertWil4

Our NeW MllllUCr\\ j jmExclusive and Cltic.

Astonishing!x Moderate06 G St. z?\°lth -



e/s Sow//i ofNew YorkWomen's and Misses'

Apparel and MillineryIf the Most Exclusive Type

No Charge tor Alterations v

mmense Suit Department.Second FloorOver One Thousand Styles

an you find such an endless variety of smart sf viesfe fabrics

At $25and $35r could be easily sold at $35 and $30 as good valuc> j1 give the best possible.f19.75 We Show Exceptional Suit ValuesSuits Are Most Exclusive and Distinctive

Floor.Styles and Materials for All Occasionsowing of Moderate-Priced Evening Coats andSmart. Snannu Efforts in Full-Lenath and II

LATEST NOVELTIES irFOOTWEAR jhown at the Family Shoe Store. Itid gentlemen are extremely popular. Our showing anticipates miemand. Complete stock of button and lace in the smartest M

nd Canvas Boots and Fancy Cloth-top Boots have their share pbeen in big demand here. Our stock is comprehensive and of H#

RK FAD is Ladies' Patent Leather Boots with white kid tops. |j|nplete line. Prices range from $3 50 to $5.00. p LI

For Men and Women 1.enic and the very essence of ease and comfort. Made of the liglia kid, with medicated felt inner soles; kid lined. You will ^

is a glove and as flexible as a slipper. w



union Shoes for \en and Women fJALITY FOOTWEAR that promotes foot comfort. Builton orthopedic lines that provide .absolute freedom for thejoints and tendons of the feet, and at the same time have theiness ot the most tashionable shoes. They afford perfect re3rbunions and sensitive feet. Made of soft surpass kid, in ';:indcongress styles. Price, $4.00.

Hosiery Department is a store in itself. It contains the ^eign and domestic creations. £cial.The Best Silk Hose for men and women, in ,igd heavy weights. Black, tan and white. Pair.... -;r.Y


Three-Quarter Coats IIid Back, Chinchilla Two-Tone Effect1 Diagonals, Broadcloths and other nobby man.ashowingsecond to none. IllHonal Coats at $15 and $25 I

Reliable Furs At Reasonable Prices.a _» i_ j i t n i i .III

us ncunowieagea oy averyooay.ine LargestWaist Department in the City and the Best

Showing of Styles and ValuesWe offer Real Dressy Chiffon Silk Waists, in all

the season s popular colors, at

$3 98, $5.98 & $7.98At These Prices We Have No Competition.

Our $1 & $1.98 Tailored and Lingerie WaistsAre here in over one hundred styles. These are i

really $2 and $2.50 Waists ice sell at above prices. I IFifteen Hundred Silk Messaline UnderskirtsIn colors to match an y suit.splendid qualities at ,1

$1.98, $2.98, $3.98 and $5 I

SHOES AND HOSIERY ItQER CO. 310*312 Seventh St.N.W. §Hams. at Woodlord. have returned to E. Ward of Washington is spending atheir home in the city. Mrs. Rose Gra- at the home of her brother, Mr. H.ham is recover!R« from her recent ill- " Miss Marie Dekker spentness. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brandt and Mrfamily, who have been spending the sum- n f yt.l lin' x ifmer at their home here, left this week uakfJn The' lidteL' Aidto spend the winter In the cit^. Mn ^Nii- Tuesday next with Mrs. Dekker. Mrs.dinnei^ guest Sunday *o^ Mr. Robert £.and^Mr" Edward* dJnnS^and .M^..-!^T.a^ his home here.' Mr. and Mr.. .TohofcUtMSlS 1 urnuu^ V*. .UI. auu uit|/ani i u. ... j 7 .


Conrad Stuntz. ?*ii!lps t?d 1ona ***?}. Su**«*y «1th Mi s.Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wiley and sons Arthur M. Lewis. Miss Doris CoumU>

were guests this week of Mr- and Mrs.! 'lil3, returned from a, visit of severalWells Woodward in Washington. Mr.' w.f. s 0 r!' Joel Barben in PhiladelandMrs. B. V. King una family of Ross- P''ia.lyn are occupying their new home at >Oakton. Mrs. R. A. "V^torbury spentthis week in Washington with her par- Prospective Purchaser.Is there %ents. Mrs. A. Ridgeley and nephew, mortgage on the place?Milton Dean of Washington, were guests Real Estate Agent.CertainJy. Didn tFriday of Mrs. H. W. HerrelU Mrs. A you observe the garage?.Chicago New*.
