ougd603 briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015 LCA_OUGD603001_SAC Ampleforth Context St. Albans Centre Ampleforth is a small sport centre attached to the internationally renown Ampleforth Abbey College. Offering free memberships and catering to the students of the boarding school, it also opens it’s facilities; a swimming pool, fitness suite, 4 squash courts and a sports hall to the public. SAC’s branding is rather dated, consisting of a logo and a turquoise colour along with white as the main brand colours. Although, you wouldn’t notice this on site, as the brand guidelines, if they exist have been somewhat ignored. It would benefit the sports centre from the marking standpoint to create a modern visual identity and establish to brand ethics. Which would enhance the look and feel of this fantastic business, held back by it’s image. Audience The audience will be very varied, the brand will have the reflect a unisex look, which doesn’t alienate any ages between 16-70. The gym is often used by 16-35 year old men, approximately 85% of the gym users are men, and 95% of the gym’s free weight users are men. Fitness classes are attended by women 90% of the time - aerobics and zumba. Whereas circuits has a more even split of gender. Swimming classes are attended by 3-11 year olds, primary school, however the marketing would be aimed at the parents, young parents typically, both genders. Tone of Voice Welcoming, concise, professional. Avoiding ‘BSc Sports and Exercise Science’ vocabulary, simple facts which people will understand. For example, using ‘nutrition management’ rather than ‘basso metabolic rate and activity monitoring’ As not to off put customers. For class descriptions, using words which help describe the intensity of the class. Using ‘adrenaline’ or maximum velocity’ for a high intensity spin class or using works such as ‘relaxing’ or soothing’ for yoga. Brief To create a new visual identity and brand ethics for the company, a modern responsive website, along with several marketing elements to promote the company and increase it’s attendance, making it more of a public gym, rather than that of private school’s PE facility. The brand should tie in with Ampleforth Abbey college; upperclass, prestigious - quality. The identity could include the rebranding of the classes within the fitness centre. An overarching theme which could run throughout SAC. Deliverables A new visual identity/branding. A new logo and colour scheme which would then be applied to specific elements such as: fitness guides, nutrition guides, class timetables, modern responsive website prototype (adobe real-flow or Muse), uniforms, way-finding and stationery. Brief Overview: Create a new identity and brand theme for the Ampleforth College Sports Centre, St. Alban’s Centre (SAC).

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Briefs for OUGD603 Extended Practice


Page 1: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015

LCA_OUGD603001_SAC Ampleforth


St. Albans Centre Ampleforth is a small sport centre attached to the internationally renown Ampleforth Abbey College. Offering free memberships and catering to the students of the boarding school, it also opens it’s facilities; a swimming pool, fitness suite, 4 squash courts and a sports hall to the public.

SAC’s branding is rather dated, consisting of a logo and a turquoise colour along with white as the main brand colours. Although, you wouldn’t notice this on site, as the brand guidelines, if they exist have been somewhat ignored. It would benefit the sports centre from the marking standpoint to create a modern visual identity and establish to brand ethics. Which would enhance the look and feel of this fantastic business, held back by it’s image.


The audience will be very varied, the brand will have the reflect a unisex look, which doesn’t alienate any ages between 16-70. The gym is often used by 16-35 year old men, approximately 85% of the gym users are men, and 95% of the gym’s free weight users are men. Fitness classes are attended by women 90% of the time - aerobics and zumba. Whereas circuits has a more even split of gender. Swimming classes are attended by 3-11 year olds, primary school, however the marketing would be aimed at the parents, young parents typically, both genders.

Tone of Voice

Welcoming, concise, professional. Avoiding ‘BSc Sports and Exercise Science’ vocabulary, simple facts which people will understand. For example, using ‘nutrition management’ rather than ‘basso metabolic rate and activity monitoring’ As not to off put customers. For class descriptions, using words which help describe the intensity of the class. Using ‘adrenaline’ or maximum velocity’ for a high intensity spin class or using works such as ‘relaxing’ or soothing’ for yoga.


To create a new visual identity and brand ethics for the company, a modern responsive website, along with several marketing elements to promote the company and increase it’s attendance, making it more of a public gym, rather than that of private school’s PE facility. The brand should tie in with Ampleforth Abbey college; upperclass, prestigious - quality. The identity could include the rebranding of the classes within the fitness centre. An overarching theme which could run throughout SAC.


A new visual identity/branding. A new logo and colour scheme which would then be applied to specific elements such as: fitness guides, nutrition guides, class timetables, modern responsive website prototype (adobe real-flow or Muse), uniforms, way-finding and stationery.

Brief Overview:

Create a new identity and brand theme for the Ampleforth College Sports Centre, St. Alban’s Centre (SAC).

Page 2: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015

LCA_OUGD603002_OAC Photography


Following up from the brand and identity design last year, it would benefit the photography company to expand their presence, and launch a functioning website. Currently OAC Photography uses http://oacphotography.wix.com/oac-photography which is a template site, with limited customisable features. It would be beneficial to have complete control of the design and usability of the website. From a marketing point of view, OAC would create a more professional standpoint with their own website.


New parents with young children. Based on the customers within the last year, all of which have been under 35, both male and female parents, which children under 8, and children as old as a few weeks.

Tone of Voice

A friendly warming tone of voice, professional, yet playful. Speaking relatively standard english, avoiding complex photography jargon, as to not confuse customers. Using dialogue and design which would be appropriate for all ages. Brief

To design create and prototype a website for the York based family photographer known as OAC Photography. The website would be used to host images of pervious shoots in a portfolio format, for new and existing customers to browse and download on request.

The website will be designed in photoshop following the previous theme used in the identity design last year. Mapping out all the pages and using placeholder imagery. The website will then be prototyped in either Adobe Edge Reflow or Adobe Muse. If the website is created in Muse no developer will be needed following the completion of the brief. The website must also be responsive, able to work on any screen size from desktop to mobile.

Mandatory pages within the website

Home (must link to secondary pages)• Portfolio/work (previous shoots) -Must link to tertiary pages for individual shoots. • Contact (contact form for bookings and map) - Must forward all messages to OAC business email. - Include social media profiles and all contact info.• About (information on OAC)• Reviews (taken from Facebook)


OAC Photography website static design and functioning responsive prototype in Adobe Edge Reflow or working responsive website in Adobe Muse. The Muse version would be ready to go live upon client request, or the static and prototype can be used as the guide for a web developer. Along with associated artwork which can be then used for advertising at a later date, if required.

Brief Overview:

Design and prototype/create a website for a small photography company, OAC Photography.

Page 3: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015

LCA_OUGD603003_Personal Rebrand


Off the back of my rebrand in PPP last year. The visiual identity created doesn’t fit my style of design. It functions, but it lacks personality. The name, 11/15 is also no longer relevant. It was based off the positions I play in Rugby Union. However, I now play number 12, inside centre. Steering the brand in a more sustainable direction (moving away from my rugby position) would benefit me in the future.


Potential clients. Small businesses looking to improve their brand as a whole, or with the addition of a website. Developing their professional image with a new visual identity.

Tone of Voice

Confident, inpiring. Using dialogue which will allow the potential clients to put their trust in me to help develop their business. Avoiding technical Graphic Design jargon and clichés.


To re-brand me. Creating a new visual identity which reflects myself as a brand, and it’s ethics. Designing a logo or a symbol to become the signature visual within the brand, and a colour scheme. Creating collateral which can be used, business cards are a must. A stationery range such as a letter head, envelope, invoice slip, and a small publication which showcases my work, produced at a price where I can afford to distribute them to potential clients.

Create a website for myself, using Adobe Muse to code the website through the design. The website must have a contact form and relevant social media links. A portfolio of my ‘strongest’ work, all other work will be avaliable via a link to behance or dribble. Other relevant pages might include an about me page or a blog.


A range of colateral and a website which represents the brand’s ethics and ideas through it’s visual identity. The colateral must include a developed logo and colour theme, supported by a set of identity guidelines which, will set the tone of the rest of the design. Other elements of colateral might include a business card, letter head, envelope, and an invoice. A working website or website proposal.

Brief Overview:

Create a new visual identity for myself as a designer.

Page 4: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015

LCA_OUGD603004_Green Spot


Green Spot is a single pot still Irish whiskey, produced specifically for Mitchell & Son of Dublin, by Irish Distillers at the Midleton Distillery, Cork, Ireland. It is one of the only remaining bonded Irish whiskeys, and is currently the only brand specifically produced for and sold by an independent wine merchant in Ireland.

Green Spot was described by whiskey writer Jim Murray as “unquestionably one of the world’s great whiskeys.”

Green Spot are celebrating their 95th year in 2015, without a website or any promotion, this milestone will go unnoticed.


Whiskey drinkers are changing. The audience is younger, a greater diversity. More women are drinking whiskey, younger people are drinking the single malt. The repackaging should appeal to a unisex audience, with a greater age diversity.

Tone of Voice

As it’s the 95th year of green spot, the tone of voice be educative, wise and sophistocated, being able to tell the story of Green Spot. The manner which the story is told should almost resemble someone who was there, perhaps an elderly person passing on the story like a myth to the younger generation.


Design and create bespoke packaging for Green Spot to celebrate their 95th year. Using the exisiting brand elements or guidelines to create the packaging. The packaging must consist of a bottle label and a sturdy container which must protect the bottle and allow the whiskey to stand upright.

An assosiate website and other additional promotional elements such as social tiles for social media promotion and printed materials sich as flyers. This isn’t a rebrand, so the elements much tie into the exisiting visiual identity which Green Spot use. The website must show the history of the whiskey and link to the distributor’s website to sell the product.


Relabeled and packaged ‘limited edition’ Green Spot whiskey.

Brief Overview:

Repackage Green Spot whiskey and design a assosiated website using their current brand elements.

Page 5: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015



Physiques of Greatness is a small brand lacking in proffesionalism. The current identity following a grunge theme, which was created two years ago by one of the founding members. The company started on YouTube, creating content catered towards the fitness community; tips in terms of exercise and nutrition. The brand has exploded in the short period of two years, and they now have two fitness supplements on the market. However, the identity has remained the same.


16-35 males typically, as the video analylitics suggest. Which also collerlates with the majority of avid gym users. All of which will have an interest in fitness, and will all be at different stages, ranging from beginner to proffesional.

Tone of Voice

Off beat, strong using slang with no limits in terms of profanity - as in-keeping with the videos. Relaxed, casual almost like a one to one, rather than speaking in a professional manner. Avoiding complex fitness jargon, however if it is needed add explanations. An example might be Basio Metabolic rate.


To redesign the existing brand elements in a new professional identity, whilst capturing the brands edgy ‘street’ look. The identity should not follow a corporate theme. A new logo and brand colours are essential, which should then be applied to the exisiting collateral within the brand. YouTube design, video intros and outros, supplement packaging and t-shirts.

The aim is to take the brand to a more professional level through a reworked visual identity. However, this must not alienate the exisiting fan base and customers which POG has worked hard to collect.

An exisiting personal training and nutrition advise programme, currently known as ‘Beast Mode Coaching...’ is a underlying asset of the brand, which would benefit from being redesigned to fit the identity.


Renewed visual identity for Phisiques of Greatness and created or proposed supporting collateral. YouTube design, logo, colour scheme, supplement packaging design, t-shirts and relevant stationery.

Brief Overview:

Rework the exisiting idenity for the YouTube-made brand Phyisques of Greatness.

Page 6: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015



Naoise O’shea is an animation student at the University of Lincoln. He has begun to freelance, as his skills grow. To attract more potential clients he wants to construct a brand within himself. A brand with a strong visual identity which reflects his style of work and personality.


The aim is to attract small companies to invite O’shea to work on projects with them, untilising his experise as a freelancer - fairly standard. So, the brand must appear professional, whilst also conveying the personality.

Tone of Voice

Relaxed, balancing a formal yet informal tone, almost conversational. Using Irish slang on the odd occasion, using ‘grand’ rather than ‘good’. (O’shea is from Kerry). Keeping the subjects and majority of the content professional, and to the point.


To develop a small identity for the animator, Naoise O’shea, including a logo or symbol with approrpiate brand colours and elements such as typefaces and guidelines. Whilst also creating a small range of collateral such as business cards.

The style of animation is typically 2D cartoon animation created in flash, or hand drawn. However, he is not limited to this, he can work in 3D and other styles, when required.


Identity design and appropriate collateral ‘O’mation’

Brief Overview:

Develop the brand identity for the freelance animator Naoise O’shea.

Page 7: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015

LCA_OUGD603007_Coffee Culture


Coffee Culture is a small independant coffee shop, within the York walls. It’s cosy, relaxed atmosphere, along with fantastic coffee makes it a must for tourists in the city. What it lacks is any form of visual identity. Menus and other collateral all appear to have been created in microsoft word, comic sans is everywhere.

They also lack a website, which would certainly help improve business.


Coffee lovers. Coffee Culture is known for it’s fantastic coffee, it’s not a suitable atmosphere for children, so it will be aimed at adults only. Both genders and any age.

Tone of Voice

The identity should have a very handmade feel. Almost rustic. To reflect the interior and the atmosphere within the coffee shop - almost ‘cute’. An informal tone throughout, not using slang or overly formal language. Relaxed.Brief

Using exisiting elements of the coffee shop, such as it’s rustic chalk board menus, and it’s cosy warm appeal develop a visual identity. As it stands, the coffee shop’s logo is fair standard. ‘Coffee Culture’ in a gothic font. This might need tweaking, and perhaps a secondary symbol should be added for web iconography.

A set of brand colours and guidelines are to be created for future reference.

Brand collateral should be created. This includes business cards, and a menu. Wayfinding and advertising will also be a large part of the collateral.


A new visual identity inculding a logo and or a symbol for the overarching brand, as well as brand colours or guidelines and relevant collateral for Coffee Culture, such a stationary - menu, business card, etc. And a proposed for prototype website.

Brief Overview:

Create a visual identity for the best independant coffee shop in York, Coffee Culture.

Page 8: OUGD603 Briefs

Extended Practice _ Anthony White

Programme Title: BA (Hons) Graphic Design Deadline: Thursday 22/05/2015

LCA_OUGD603008_Malton and Norton RUFC


The North Yorkshire based Rugby team, Malton North RUFC, established in 1953 is a multi championship winning Rugby club. Offering team memeberships from junior to seniors - a gateway to professional level Rugby. A club so prestiegious, lacking a website. The team already has exisiting brand colours, red, black, and white, and has a team symbol - which is used throughout the club.


Avid rugby fans and players, part of the traffic to the website comes from fans of the club who want to check results, see upcoming matches and view match reports and photos. Players and fans range in age - young players, older players, parents - both genders.

Tone of Voice

The website must convey an informative tone of voice, being able to deliver information without confusion concisely. Avoiding slang, keeping the language proffesional.


Design a website for Malton Norton RUFC using the exisiting colour schemes and visuals - the team crest. The website must follow a modern responsive format, which works across a range of screen sizes, from desktop to mobile. Displaying fixtures, squats and news as the primary content for the website.

The website has an external shop section - it would benefit the website to make that an internal feature.

The club also has a range of sponsers which must be included on the website, as they are a huge part of the club.


A proposed or prototyped responsive website for Malton and Norton RUFC.

Brief Overview:

Design a website for Malton and Norton RUFC