otl tutor's pack 2012-13 final

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  • 7/30/2019 Otl Tutor's Pack 2012-13 Final


    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 1

    Tutor GuidanceTo Lesson Observation


    Workers EducationalAssociation

    Workers Educational Association

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 2


    1. Purposes of the Scheme for Observation of Teaching and Learning (OTL) ......................... 3

    2. What does the Scheme involve? .......................................................................................... 4

    3. Observing and grading the session ...................................................................................... 6

    4. Preparing for observation ...................................................................................................... 7

    5. Giving feedback .................................................................................................................... 8

    6. We welcome your feedback .................................................................................................. 9

    Appendix 1: Forms and guidance for observation ................................................................... 12

    Appendix 2: Ofsteds Common Inspection Framework ........................................................... 27

    Appendix 3: Standard Contents for Tutor Course File ............................................................ 33

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 3

    1.Purposes of the Scheme for Observation of Teaching andLearning (OTL)

    Essentially OTL is a key aspect of the Associations Quality Improvement Framework andmeets a range of needs in the Association.

    The Scheme will:

    provide us withconfirmation that learning is happening

    confirm the quality of the learning experience including the quality of information andadvice, and support that learners receive and the extent to which learners feel safe in theirlearning situation

    support tutors to improve their approaches to teaching and learning through linking theScheme to performance management

    identify and enable the sharing of good practice in the delivery of teaching and learning

    identify access, suitability and use of accommodation, resources and equipment

    enable regional and association strategic development and improvement of learning andteaching

    focus the development of quality on the curriculum,subject sectors and educationalstrands

    provide systematic evidence for external scrutiny of the quality of WEA provision

    inform self assessment.

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 4

    2. What does the Scheme involve?

    Every tutor in the WEA will have one of his/her teaching sessions observed regularly and noless than once every two years by a member of the Associations Lesson Observation Teamfrom your Region. If you are a tutor new to the WEA, this is likely to happen during the firstcourse you teach for us. The Regions OTL Co-ordinator will draw up a plan for observationseach year.

    Minimum standards

    The WEA plans work through three educational strands:

    Second Chance to Learn

    Community Involvement

    Cultural Studies

    Second Chance to Learn strand includes all provision leading to recognisedqualifications and non-accredited provision in SSA14 (Preparation for Life and Work). OTLwill cover 100% of this provision annually. This includes the TUC learning repscourses, Initial Teacher Training and Helping in Schools. All provision in SCTL shouldhave Individual Learning Plans.

    All Community Involvement and Cultural Studies tutors to be observed every twoyears.

    Each region observes no less than 50% of all tutors in any one year.

    New tutors to WEA to be observed in their first term of teaching.

    At least 5% of OTLs in regions to be a first or last session. This will be monitored andreviewed annually with aim of increasing to 10%.

    A revisit following the award of a Grade 3 will take place the following year as a minimum.Earlier revisits will be at the discretion of the region, depending on the OTL report andimpact.

    Where a tutor receives a Grade 4 and actions for improvement, that tutor should be re-visited no later than four months after the first observation or during the next taughtcourse, whichever comes sooner.

    All the observers are experienced in adult education and will have been trained by theAssociation in observation and grading.

    The Observation process can be divided into four parts: Pre-observation arrangements

    Observing and grading the session

    Giving feedback

    Follow-up arrangements

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    Pre-observation arrangements

    The observer will agree arrangements and fully brief you about the observation process atleast two weeks before the session. This will often be done over the telephone. Theobserver will want to see you at your best so try to avoid a session where you may beorganising administration for a trip or where you expect there may be lower attendance

    (e.g. school half-term).

    The observer will confirm dates/times etc. in writing and ensure you receive this TutorGuidance to Lesson Observation at least one week before the observation.

    To help the observer carry out the observation, s/he will need:

    Location map/directions to the venue/room

    Your Course Outline

    Your Scheme of Work for the whole course

    Your up-to-date register

    Your SessionPlan for the session to be visited A Course Profile[you may be asked to help complete the information for this-either

    on the telephone or by completing it by hand or e-mail the information helps theobserver get to know a little about the course]

    Course records (see Course File list Appendix 1)

    Before the observation, the observer may send you a WEA Pre-OTL Questionnaire forTutors and an Equality and Diversity self assessment check list for tutors (seeAppendix 1). Note: these documents are being piloted by some regions. Wherecompleted, return to the observer in advance of the observation.The aim of these pilotdocuments are to help both you and the observer prepare for the observation.

    It will be useful for you to tell the group of learners that the session will be observed and ofany adjustments you will be making to accommodate the visit. The observer will almostcertainly request some time to talk to learners about their experience of the course. Buildtime for this into the session to minimise disruption.

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    3. Observing and grading the session

    The observer will want to sit somewhere where s/he can be unobtrusive but have a goodview of the activities during the session. You will want to arrange this before the sessionstarts to avoid any disruption.

    Do introduce the observer to the group before starting the session.

    Have your up-to-date Register and Course File available for the observer to look at duringthe session. The Course File Standard Contents List is included at the end of thisguidance as Appendix 1.

    The observer may not stay for the whole session, depending on the length of the session,although the observer will stay for at least 40 minutes. The observer will discuss this withyou beforehand and if you think it important for the whole session to be observed, then tellthe observer this. We do find, however, that with some kinds of sessions, it really isnt

    necessary to stay the full time to be able to make a sound judgement and it has to besaid, if the session is outstanding, this can normally be recognised within quite a shorttime!

    The observer may want to clarify one or two points with you. If there is time, this willhappen during or straight after the visit otherwise the observer will arrange a good time totalk further with you.

    The observer will be taking notes and compiling an Evaluative Commentary (copy inAppendix 1). This will provide an outline of what has been observed and contextualisethis in respect of WEA expectations. Feedback from observation of the Course File andfrom discussion with learners may be included. This will enable the judgements of

    strengths and areas for development to be located and provide opportunity forprofessional discussion. This discussion will also help identify where further generaldevelopment can be made.

    The observer will complete a Session Observation Report Form (copy in Appendix 1).This will take the form of key bullet-point judgement statements of strengths / areas forimprovement drawn from the evidence in the evaluative commentary. This is animportant document for you and for the Association, and contributes to our overall self-assessment of the quality of our work.

    Your session will be allocated a grade. The grades are 1-4 and reflect the quality of thesession in the following way:

    In line with the new Ofsted Common Inspection Framework from September 2012, grade3 satisfactory will be renamed requires improvement.

    Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4Outstanding Good Requires


    The observer will discuss and agree with you the actions you will take to address, inparticular, any improvement areas identified.

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    4. Preparing for observation

    The emphasis of observation is on the learners and the extent to which they achieve theirlearning goals.

    It is important to remember that it is the session that is being graded and not the tutor. Theobserver can only make judgements where there is evidence either observed ordocumented - and the comments made on the Session Observation Report Form, and in turnthe grade awarded, will be based on the evidence seen.

    Observers will use Ofsteds Common Inspection Framework as the basis for judgements ofthe effectiveness of an observed session. This same framework is used by all providers ofadult education and is based on key questions with the focus on the learner.

    The Common Inspection Framework is included in Appendix 2.

    To help our observers to make judgements consistently, we have provided them with anObserver Pack. Some pages from the Observers Pack are reproduced at the end of thisguidance in Appendix 1 so that you are aware of what observers will be looking for duringobservation, and some of the sources of evidence they may look for. Do read this as it willhelp you to feel more confident about the observation.

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    5. Giving feedback

    After the observation, the observer will feedback to you about his/her findings and tell youthe grade awarded. The observer will arrange a time convenient to you both to do this

    but normally this will be no longer than one week after the observation.

    Feedback should enable you to build on what you are doing well and feel confident aboutintroducing any changes. The observer will highlight where there were particularly strongand satisfactory aspects of the session, as well as identify any areas that need particulardevelopment.

    The observer will be encouraging you to reflect on the key messages and discuss whatactions might be taken to improve the experience of the learners.

    There may also be areas identified where the WEA needs to make improvements keeping you up-to-date with new developments, changing a venue or providing you with

    better equipment.

    Follow up arrangements

    The observer will discuss and agree a few actions with you to address any improvementareas. This may involve you trying out different materials or making adaptions to teachingmethods. You may decide to shadow another tutor in your curriculum area or go ontraining in the Region or enrol for a teaching qualification (which can sometimes be fundedby the Association). The observer will discuss the possibilities and agree the actions.

    A timescale will be agreed with you to achieve the actions.

    The agreed actions will be recorded on the form and a member of the WEAs staff willsupport you to achieve them.

    If you are awarded a grade 4, you will be re-visited at an early stage perhaps later in thecourse. You will be expected to have carried out at least some of the actions and showimprovement.

    Many of our tutors demonstrate very good practice that we would want to be able to sharewith other tutors. The observer may, therefore, also ask whether you are willing tocontribute a particular element of good practice to the regional tutor network.

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    6.We welcome your feedback

    There are two kinds of feedback that it is useful for the Association to collect:

    1. General Feedback

    General feedback from tutors about your experience of the observation can help us toimprove and develop the Scheme, as well as highlighting areas for further development ofobservers. A Tutor Feedback Form will be sent to you completion is up to you. (A copy ofthe form is at the end of this section).

    2. Formal AppealWhilst Regions will do everything they can to ensure the Association Scheme for OTL is runin accordance with the guidelines and procedures contained in this Management Pack, theremay be occasions when a more formal Appeals Procedure may need to be applied.

    There is the opportunity through the Tutor Feedback Form for tutors to formally appeal if thereis concern about the conduct or judgement of the observation.

    Formal Appeal - Tutorsa) A tutor may appeal against the outcome of an observation the grade awarded orrecommended actions. Appealsin respect of an awarded grade or recommended actionsshouldin the first instance bereferred to the Regional Co-ordinator for OTL. The Co-ordinator will, with others as appropriate, review the observation and judgements made.Where agreement cannot be reached, re-observation should be considered, possibly by or inconjunction with the Co-ordinator for OTL. If agreement can still not be reached then theRegional Co-ordinator may involve an appropriate Education Strategy Manager. The

    decision of the Education Strategy Manager will be final.

    b) A tutor may appeal about the conduct of an observation.A tutor with the WEA who is subject to an observation of teaching and learning canreasonably expect that the following arrangements for the preparation and conduct of theobservation will apply:

    (i) The tutor should receive adequate notice of the visit (no less than two weeks).(ii) An opportunity should be made available for the tutor to discuss the parameters of thevisit in advance of the proposed date.(iii) The tutor should receive prompt feedback on the visit.

    (iv) At all times the tutor should be treated with courtesy and respect.(v) The tutor should be treated fairly and without discrimination in accordance with WEAEquality & Diversity Policy and practice.

    Appeals in respect of the conduct of a visit should in the first instance be referred to theRegional Co-ordinator for OTL. Where concerns arise from the way in which the observationhas been prepared and/or conducted and if these cannot be immediately and amicablyresolved, the Regional Co-ordinator for OTL may wish to involve appropriate othersdepending upon the nature of the concern.

    c) Every effort should be made to resolve appeals locally. If the tutor is still not satisfied,and the concern falls within the parameters of the Grievance Procedures contained in theEmployment Handbook, then those procedures will come into effect.

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    Appeal - ObserversObservers with the WEA may also have concerns which arise in relation to the preparationand organisational delivery of an observation. In the first instance, any appeal should bereferred to the Regional Co-ordinator for OTL. If the concern cannot be immediately andamicably resolved, the Regional Co-ordinator for OTL may wish to involve appropriate others

    depending upon the nature of the concern. If the Observer is still not satisfied, and theconcern falls within the parameters of the Grievance Procedures contained in theEmployment Handbook, then those procedures will come into effect.

    Appeal - LearnersLearners who are members of a class that has been observed may occasionally haveconcerns in relation to the preparation and/or conduct of the observation. Such concernsshould in the first instance be raised with the Programme Area Manager. If the ProgrammeArea Manager cannot immediately resolve the concern, he/she will liaise with the Co-ordinator for OTL. The Co-ordinator for OTL will resolve the issue or decide what furtheraction, if any, is required.

    Any appeal should be made within a period of one month of the observation taking place.

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    We welcome your feedback on the organisation, conduct and experience of session observation.

    Please use the space below if you have any comments to make.

    Details of the observed session:Observer: Course ID:

    Tutor: Date:

    Your comments:

    Please complete the section below ONLY if you wish to make a formal appeal about the conductand/or outcomes of a particular OTL session.

    I wish to make a formal appeal about the conduct/outcome of Observation Please use the space below to outline the reason(s) for your appeal(continuing on a separate sheet if necessary) and

    send it to the OTL Co-ordinatorwithin one month of the observation taking place. The OTL Co-ordinator will normally provide the observer with a copy of your comments to help resolve any issues. Yourcomments will also contribute to the improvement and development of the OTL process.

    Tutor Signature Date

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    Appendix 1: Forms and guidance for observation

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 13

    WEA Pre-OTL Questionnaire for Tutors This form is optional

    Name of tutor:Name of observer:Observer contact details Tel: E-mail:You are scheduled to have an observation of your course on

    Please complete this questionnaire and return it to the observer named above so that youcan get maximum value from the time spent.

    1. Please check & confirm or add your tutor profile

    2. What developments/activities relating to your teaching have you made since last OTL

    3. Is there any particular aspect of your teaching that you would like the observer tofocus on?

    4. Please complete and return the Equality & Diversity self assessment checklist (seeseparate sheet).

    5. Are there any issues relating to the safe learner environment (eg safeguarding; Health& Safety; Access issues)that you wish to raise?

    6. If you would like to make any additional comments, please do so.

    Thank you

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    Prompts Tutors notes(Provide examples or cross re

    be found in your course file).1/ Planning and Course ContentUsing initial assessment, have you produced a group profile(including each learners prior knowledge, preferred learning style,personal goals, additional needs) so that you can check that yourplanning addresses individual learners needs?

    In your planning do you ensure that examples and illustrations to beused are widely drawn rather than being only fromwhite/British/middle class/non-disabled/heterosexual culture?

    Do you record in your scheme of work and session plans evidenceof your promotion of equality and diversity?

    2/ Teaching and Learning ResourcesDo your resources reflect the fact that the UK is a diverse society byproviding positive images of older/ younger people, minority ethnicgroups, people with disabilities, differing family structures etc?Do you design materials using scenarios that challenge

    stereotypes: e.g. 2 men going on holiday together rather than afamily, wheelchair users playing sports etc?

    Do you provide hand outs in advance for any learner that may havedifficulties coping with reading material or following verbalinstructions in the session?

    Equality and Diversity Self-Assessment Checklist for Tutors This form i

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    3/ Classroom Activities and ManagementDo you consult with all learners about room set up to ensure thateveryone is involved, including those with physical or sensoryimpairment?During induction do you negotiate ground rules with the group thatcover learners rights and responsibilities and do you have a copy ofthe ground rules in your course file?

    Do you give your learners opportunities at induction and on courseto disclose a disability and do you make reasonable adjustments tosupport additional learning needs?On a regular basis do you set up small group and pair workactivities yourself in order to facilitate differentiated learning and toencourage learners to mix with people from different backgrounds?Do you involve the existing knowledge and experience of learnersfrom different backgrounds and cultures and make it clear thatthese contributions are valued and that learners do not feelpatronised?Do you exploit naturally occurring opportunities, for example, during

    group discussions, to promote an understanding of equality anddiversity issues?Do you ensure that learners listen to each others views, even ifthey are different from their own?

    During whole group discussions and activities do you make surethat no one person dominates?Do you challenge offensive or inappropriate language or behaviour?

    Do you promote peer support, team work, learner responsibility and

    other skills that help create a safe, supportive and collaborativerather than competitive learning environment?Do you ensure that assessment of learning is adapted to suitindividual needs?

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    Evaluative Commentary to demonstrate how well learners are learning.Please use bullet points for each separate comment

    Care, guidance and support

    Planning & preparation

    Teaching and learning methods

    Learning & achievement

    Attention to individual needs (inc. E&D and Safeguarding- see guidance in OTL pack)

    Managing the learning process

    Assessment & feedback including use of RARPA

    Resources, venue and equipment


    Additional comments including feedback from learners

    General development points:These suggested developmentswill be in addition toactions addressing areas for improvement

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 17

    Evaluative Commentary Prompt Sheetto demonstrate how well learners are learningCare, guidance and support:

    provision of clear and impartial information about the course and its requirements or suitable alternatives

    learners receive Support for Learners and have all support areas explained(eg. financial/learner support etc.)

    additional and individual learner support needs identified and acted upon swiftly

    Information kept confidential without permission

    the provision of impartial and effective advice and information on future learning

    learners encouraged to provide feedback on the course and the WEA and its servicesPlanning and preparation-evaluate the impact on learning of:

    the Scheme of Work and Lesson Plan

    learners negotiated goals and what they intend to achieve during the course/session clear and appropriate session aims and objectives which the tutor explains to the learners

    previous learning built on

    study skills and/or literacy, language, numeracy identified, cross-referenced and included as appropriate in learning outcomesTeaching and learning methods- evaluate the impact on learning of:

    the tutors up-to-date subject knowledge

    the clarity of explanations and guidance

    the extent to which the tutors style and communication skills engages and enthuses all the learnersLearning and achievement- evaluate the impact on learning of:

    learners clearly demonstrating progression towards or achievement of the Learning Outcomes

    the variety and range of learning methods

    learning activities that are effective and challenging for learners, and completed successfully

    opportunities for learners to work independently and collaboratively

    the acquisition of knowledge, skills and understanding appropriate to the aims of the programme and learners own aims

    Attention to individual needs (inc. E&D and Safeguarding):- evaluate the impact on learning of: how effectively activities take account of the range of learners needs and abilities

    the inclusiveness of learning strategies and resources

    the handling of equality and diversity issues (all the new areas of equality)

    learners own experiences being valued and drawn upon

    the role of support staff and effectiveness of support for learners

    attention to learners safety and the safety of others using the same premises

    the environment is safe and welcoming for learnersManaging the learning process- evaluate the impact on learning of:

    prompt start to the session

    the pace and structure of learning for the level of the course and learner group

    the learning environment and extent to which it promotes good working relationships enabling

    learning to take place

    learners interest engaged and sustained - participation and productive work enrichment of learning through tasks and activities outside the learning session

    (where used) what is the impact volunteers or Learning Support Workers on teaching and learningAssessment and feedback including use of RARPA- evaluate the impact on learning of:

    identification of starting points and responsive course planning

    clear criteria to assess the quality of students work and their progress

    the timeliness and process of review and assessment of learners work

    how regular, appropriate and effective opportunities are for checking learners progress

    the feedback to learners on their progress and achievement

    learners previous learning built on and developed with evidence of distance-travelled for each individual learner

    the keeping of up-to-date records of learners progressResources, venue and equipment- evaluate the impact on learning of:

    provision and use of resources

    fit for purpose accommodation and equipment and their use

    safe working practices access to and use of appropriate ILT learning resourcesAttendance- evaluate the impact on learning of:

    regularly attendance* and punctuality* Observers will use the attendance on the Session Observation Report Form to inform judgement.Normally, a session with attendance below 75% would not be eligible for a grade above good and attendance below 50% wouldnot be eligible for above a grade 3.If attendance is particularly low on the day of observation, then the attendance record on the whole register would be used toinfluence judgement and this recorded in evaluation.If the type of course is one where regular attendance/punctuality is in itself an outcome of the course, then the effectiveness ofactions taken by the tutor to encourage this would be used to influence judgement and this recorded in evaluationAdditional comments including feedback from learners:

    General development pointsThese suggested developments WILL BE IN ADDITION TO Actions to address significant areas for improvement

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 18

    Session Observation Report Form Report No:Tutor: Date: Course Title:


    Course ID: Venue:

    Observer: Course Organiser:

    Number of learners: Session: of

    Course length: hrsOn register: Present: Attendance: %

    Date & grade of tutors last observation:


    Course and learner context:Please provide brief context for the learners and course eg. Specific target learners? Safeguarding are there anyvulnerable adults attending the course? Support arrangements? Is it accredited or non-accredited? What is the level? Isthis the first year for the learners? Add anything about the course you think is relevant.

    Regional OTL spotlight:

    List learning outcomes (all courses)

    Tutor profile

    Overall summary of session:


    Areas for improvement (written in relation to outcomes for learning):

    Grades Learning & Teaching: Please put a cross in the box provided for the grade awarded1. (outstanding) 2. (good) 3. (requires

    improvement)4. (inadequate)

    Actions agreed to address AfI : Using bullet points for each action By who: When: Tick1.



    Observer name: Signature: Date:

    Tutor name:

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 20

    (Nb % ratesareindicative,providersshould setcleartargets)

    punctuality). Highly effectivestrategies in developing / maintaininghigh standards of behaviour andparticipation.

    range of strategies todevelop / maintain goodstandards of behaviour andparticipation.

    Appropriate range ofstrategies to develop /maintain adequatestandards of behaviour andparticipation.

    Standard oflearning

    Outstanding standards of work. Alllearners demonstrating excellentknowledge and skills which illustrate

    working above standard for level andstage of programme. Learners staysafe and healthy and enjoy theirlearning.

    Young learners develop skills andpersonal qualities very well tocontribute to communities and extendtheir capacity for social and economicwell-being.

    Good standards of work.Learners using good skillsworking at and beyond

    standard for level and stageof programme. Learners staysafe and healthy and mostenjoy their learning.

    Young learners developskills and personal qualitieswell to contribute tocommunities and extendtheir capacity for social andeconomic well-being.

    Satisfactory standard ofwork. Majority of learnersworking appropriately for

    standard and stage ofprogramme. Learners staysafe and healthy and someclearly enjoy their learning.

    Young learners developskills and personal qualitiesappropriately to contribute tocommunities and extendtheir capacity for social andeconomic well-being.

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    identified and linked tolearner targets.


    Professional learning environment,wholly relevant, fit for purpose,accessible and excellently and safelyequipped. Inspires learners. Learnersconsulted to ensure highly effectiveadjustments made to include alllearners.

    Good accommodation, fit forpurpose, well-laid out andresourced, accessible andsafely equipped. Anyadjustments have beenmade to ensure all learnerscomfortable and able to

    participate effectively.

    Satisfactory accommodation,fairly basic but safe. Doesnot hinder learning. Alllearners able to participate

    Introduction,aims andobjectives

    Comprehensive introduction aimsand objectives explained, shared anddisplayed, Learners demonstrateclear understanding about learningpurpose

    Clear aims and objectivesshared with learners atbeginning of session.Learners clear aboutlearning purpose

    Brief, general introduction.Leaning aims/objectivesbasic but realistic in lessoncontext. Learners generallyknow what they will be doing

    Pace andstructure oflearning

    Pace clearly matches subject andlearner level. Activities very well-structured and timed to maintaininterest and stimulate learning for alllearners. (buzz) Learners make veryproductive use of time

    Pace matches subject andmost learners needs andlevel. Most activities well-timed and structured.Effective use made of timeby learners.

    Overall pace promotes somelearning and interest. Someactivities insufficientlymatched to learner/subjectlevel. Some time wasting bylearners.

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    enhances learning progress.Review/recap/summary oflearning

    Highly effective review of learning atintervals throughout lesson and veryclear (and creative) summary linkedto learning aims/objectives and tonext lesson

    Good review/recap at pointsin the lesson and clearsummary of learningprogress at end of lessonwith reference to next

    Some review of learning andbrief summary at end oflesson and brief reference tonext lesson

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    OTL Tutors Pack 2012-13 FINAL 29

    COMMON INSPECTION FRAMEWORKKey Questions Criteria for evaluationTeaching and learning develop English, mathematics andfunctional skills, and support the achievement of learninggoals and career aims

    teaching and learning supports learners to develop tskills they need to achieve their main learning goals

    learners progress in literacy, numeracy, language areviewed, and their work is marked carefully

    learners appreciate the importance of improving theiskills as appropriate, in the context of their learning g

    Appropriate and timely information, advice and guidancesupports learning effectively

    timely information, advice and guidance provided to education and employment

    the providers pre-course information and advice andrelevant organisations

    guidance and induction to introduce learners to the sand their rights and responsibilities as a learner

    planning to provide coherent progression routes for lEquality and diversity are promoted through teaching andlearning

    teaching, learning and assessment promote equalitydiscrimination, victimisation, harassment, stereotypin

    staff use materials and teaching methods that foster promote equality of opportunity

    staff are aware of and plan for individual needs in tea

    4 In this handbook, bullying includes cyber-bullying and prejudice-based bullying related to special educational need, sexual orien

    gender reassignment or disability.

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    Common Inspection FrameworkKey questions Evaluation criteriaLeaders and managers safeguard all learners safeguarding arrangements are in place and regula

    18 safe

    staff, leaders, governors and supervisory bodies (wappropriate training on safeguarding, which is regu

    leaders, governors and supervisory bodies (where such as those for disability, safeguarding, and hea

    appropriate arrangements for health and safety pro

    those in need, or at risk of significant harm, are effetaken.

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    Appendix 3: Standard Contents for Tutor Course File

    Tutor to initialwhen entered

    1 Course Outline

    2 Scheme of Work for the whole course

    3Session Plans and any other notes kept by the tutor(these may be put in week-by-week but should bekept up-to-date)

    4Register (to be completed each week and kept up-to-date)

    5 Details of accreditation (where applicable)

    6Induction check-list and completed risk assessment(s)(where applicable eg.H&S; safeguarding)

    7Records of individual learner starting points + initialand/or diagnostic assessments where appropriate

    8Records of group and individual learningaims/outcomes

    9Records of on-course assessing and monitoringprogress and achievement

    10Records of individual end-of-course assessing andmonitoring of progress and achievement

    11 Examples of resources used (handouts/OHTs/worksheets etc.)

    12Statement of What next? + other progressioninformation

    13Records of support provided to individual learners bythe tutor or referred to the Region

    14Records of advice and/or guidance provided toindividual learners by the tutor or referred to theRegion

    15Records of Internal/External Moderation (whereappropriate)

    16 End of Course Learner Evaluation

    17End of Course Tutor Evaluation Report (includingstatistical report)