otireyah and raj presentation

Track Runner There is this boy named Trey, its his senior year in high school and he has never done a sport before. He wants at least one good thing to put on his college application… But what?

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Post on 09-Apr-2017




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Track Runner

There is this boy named Trey, its his senior year in high school and he has never done a sport before. He wants at least one good thing to put on his college application… But what?

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One day the Track & Field coach approached him, and asked him had he ever run track before. Trey’s reply was no, and he walked away.

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The coach caught up with him and let him know he had seen him running around the gym and thought he would be a good runner for the upcoming season.

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Trey wasn’t really feeling the whole idea, but he knew in the end it would be a good opportunity, and an easy ticket into college.

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Eventually Trey weighed his options which weren’t many and decided he would give it a try. So he approached the coach and let him know his game plan, but that was just the beginning.

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When training had started it was hard on Trey. He had never been an athletic person before so it was nothing like he had expected.

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Trey knew he had to prove to his family and friends that he could do it, and to his coach who constantly stayed on his case but what he didn’t know was that the coach had only seen in him, what he didn’t see in his self.

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To prove this point and become satisfied with himself, Trey went hard. He started to train day in and out. Outside of practice he was even training.

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By the time the first track meet had come he was more than prepared. His coach wasn’t caught by surprise, but the team was shocked!

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Second track meet the same thing had happened, and he started to notice the change in his self. It was the best feeling he had ever felt.

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The next few track meets were only better, and by that time different colleges had started to notice him. That only made Trey strive to be even better.

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Trey was so caught up with track he started to forget the most important factor, school. His grades were okay but nothing like they should have been. His teachers started to take notice and weren’t happy.

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What Trey didn’t know was that his grades was what mattered the most, even to the college recruits. He was thinking with him developing and becoming better in track that, that would be a easy way into college.

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Once his coach and a couple recruits sat down and explained the situation to him he understood. He had great opportunities at his footsteps but if he wanted them he had a lot to do.

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Trey eventually got it together though and learned how to juggle one thing he started to love, Track. And one thing that was absolutely needed, school. So at the end of the day this is a lesson well learned.