osnovna vezba prezent simple potvrdni pitanja odricni oblik a1

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  • 8/12/2019 Osnovna Vezba Prezent Simple Potvrdni Pitanja Odricni Oblik A1


    Simple Present Tense

    1. Dodaj do ili does da napravi pitanje I do, don't, does ili doesn't da napravi kratke odgovore:

    1.__________________ she live with her parents? Yes, she _____________.

    2.__________________you like your jo? !o, I___________________.

    ". _____________________ I speak Italian well? Yes, you _________________.#. ________you drive to work? !o, I __________________.

    $. _____________ they work hard at the university? Yes, they ________________.

    %. ________________ &lan s'oke? !o, he_____________________.

    (. _______________________ your sister visit you very o)ten? Yes, she ______________.

    *. ________________________ we usually give her a irthay present? !o, we ______________.

    +. ___________________ you write to your parents very o)ten? !o, I__________________.

    1. ____________________ he help you very 'u-h? Yes, he _______________________.

    2. retvori slede/e re0eni-e u pitanja:

    1.he shop -loses at $ o-lo-k.


    2. hey go swi''ing every weekend.


    ". 3he speaks 4nglish well.


    #. It rains a lot here.


    $. You drink a lot o) tea.


    %. I eat too 'u-h.


    (. ony always plays gol) at the weekends.


    *. 5is )riends visit hi' 'ost evenings.


  • 8/12/2019 Osnovna Vezba Prezent Simple Potvrdni Pitanja Odricni Oblik A1


    ". !apii pitanja u 3i'ple resent ense 6 u:

    1.7here8 you8 work?


    2. 7hat8 she8 do?


    ". 7here8 he8 live?


    #. 7hat 'usi-8your husand 8ike?


    $.7hen8she8 do her ho'ework?


    %. 7hy 8we 8learn 9atin?


    (. 7ho8 she 8tea-h?


    *. 5ow8I8turn on the ?


    #. retvori slede/e potvrdne re0eni-e u odri0ne:

    1. 3he works very hard.


    2. It usually snows here in the winter.


    ". I like a ig reak)ast every 'orning.


    #. he )il' starts very early.


    $. 5e swi's every 'orning.


    %. hey always open the windows at night.


    (. 7e o)ten see our neighours in the garen.


    *. ;hris goes on holiday every year.


  • 8/12/2019 Osnovna Vezba Prezent Simple Potvrdni Pitanja Odricni Oblik A1


    +. You drive very hast.


    1. hese young -hildren learn very a:

    &: 5ello. !i-e to see you. ______ you ______ work@ here?

    A: Yes, I do. I' the head waiter.

    &: Bh good. &nd ______________ you ____________________ like@ it?

    A: Bh yes, I____________ love@ it here. Its an eC-ellent restaurant.

    he -he) _____________ -ook@ wonder)ul )ood and the waiters all _______________ work@

    ery hard. he only prole' is that I ______________ not8go out@ in the evenings any 'ore

    e-ause I' always usy here.

    &: &h, thats why we ___________________ not8see@ you now at the -lu.

    A: hats right. I only ______________________ have@ one evening )ree and I usually ___________

    stay@ at ho'e then. ________________aria ________________ go@ to the -lu now?

    &: Bh yes, she does. 3he __________________ talk@ aout you so'eti'es.

    ________________you________________see@ her?