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Page 1: osha
Page 2: osha



Section 32(1) of OSHA 1994 highlights that: “An employer shall notify the nearest

occupational safety and health office of any accident, dangerous occurrence, occupational

poisoning or occupational disease which has occurred or is likely to occur at the place of


An incident report describes something that happened. Incident reports are commonly used in

the workplace to report the facts about:

• Serious illnesses that result in a 911 call.

• Health and safety issues.

• Situations when someone acts violently.

• Thefts or serious damage to workplace equipment or private property.

• Situations where someone’s rights are being violated.


This article tell that a accident of lift fall off from level 7. The accident was happened at

construction site at Persiaran Tanjung, Tampoi. The accident happened when all the worker

get ready to start their work around 8.15 morning.


There only one imigrant worker was dead. The victim was a indonesian name Paidi and he 40

years old. Other 14 other worker was only injured. 10 of them was seriously injured.


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Lift cable suddenly breaks make the lift fall down at level 7. Normally the lift only can lift

out to the 10 worker only. But in that day, they use for 15 worker. That make the lift cable

breaks because it unable to bear the load.


Resulting in a construction site was stopped immediately and make all the worker have

unable to earn their money. The company may also get summons because of their careless

about worker safety.


The company must change the way of carrying out the construction works with emphasis on

safety for workers , so the worker comfortable to do their works. The company need to guide

the worker to make sure all the workers making a job in safely condition. The company also

should provide a green card if applicable because of it important as guideline for them as well

as insurance. The site supervisor also need to monitor the worker under they to work in safe



Figure 1 the victims

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Figure 1 show the accident happened. All the injured worker are send to Sultanah Aminah

Hospitals for further treatment.


i. how the incident can be prevented.

Installation of machinery must get approval.

Safety and health officer that competent in the workplace should be appoint.

The contruction machinery must be secure, convenient , free defects and safe

to use.

The safety and health committees for the construction works should be


The site supervisor must keep their eye on worker for the safety issues.

ii. how a recurrence can be prevented.

Provide a toolbox talk.

Ensure the machinery was use properly and should not exceed their limit.

Safety and health officer must always at the site when the contruction site.

The all machinery or equipment in good condition.

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iii. Contribution of engineer to prevent incident at the workplace.

The main problem about safety issues is people tend to underestimate longestablished risks,

such as falls, and overestimate the new, for example workplace violence. Both need to be

recognised and controlled. Major socio-economic developments are also changing the scale

and pattern of accidents and risks. Transportation, for instance, is expanding tremendously,

conveying much larger volumes of people and goods. In addition, all systems are getting

bigger and more complicated. Technological advances might have reduced the probability of

accidents in these environments, but if one does occur, the potential scale of a catastrophe is

markedly higher.

Although significant progress has been made in accident prevention, our thinking needs to

evolve to meet the demands of new work practices and settings. Three interesting new ideas

are emerging which practitioners could use:

• Zero-accident vision: Eliminating all accidents is not the direct goal here; instead the

aim is to encourage people to think that all accidents are preventable. Too often

people tolerate hazards and accidents because they believe these are either non-

preventable or that a certain number are inevitable. Higher safety goals in

organisations are a step towards greater adoption of the zero accident vision.

Promoting this vision is an important weapon in the battle against all-too-common


• Integrating safety measures across time segments and communities: Safety efforts in

society are usually organised separately according to life’s time segments, such as

work, leisure, home and travel, with different government departments often covering

different elements. Yet a safe person at work does not become unsafe in traffic. A

more integrated approach to safety management would be more efficient and make

better use of pooled information. The need for this is reinforced by the blurring of the

traditional boundaries of where work is conducted, as more people ‘telecommute’ and

work from home. The Safe Community Program, promoted by World Health, is an

interesting new approach to this issue. The programme, which has produced positive

results, is designed to improve safety across all of a community’s activities, from

travel and leisure to work.

• Globalisation as a platform for accident prevention: Generally, people tend to expect

higher safety and environmental standards from global corporations than from local

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enterprises. In fact, many have already achieved lower accident figures, conscious of

the need to preserve their global brand reputations. In this context, multinationals

could be a valuable channel for exporting good practices to operations in other

countries, or for setting common safety standards. They could also demand that their

suppliers follow equally rigorous standards. The rise of the Internet and Extranet

facilities makes it easier than ever before to rapidly disseminate and update these

standards globally