osgi experiments


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Post on 13-May-2015




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Introduction to OSGi, modularity & proof of concept in Apache Karaf with Hibernate persitsence


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OSGi ExperimentsLadislav Gažo / [email protected] / @ladislavGazo

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Restart container

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Pleeeenty of projects=

Long time

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Something was wrong

• start-up time long

• hot redeploy is fail

• restart takes long

• multiple wars? maybe

• JRebel? maybe

• one big bunch of bitter jars?

• YES – this needs a solution

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• old Alliance

• different class loading

– dependency hell no more

• modules a.k.a. bundles

• redeploy

• not clear what to choose

• but still small enough

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Eclipse Equinox

Apache Felix

Oracle Glassfish

Eclipse Virgo

Apache Karaf

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• which runtime to choose

• how to properly structure

• inter/intra module


• deployment model

• redeployment in dev

• database access

• Karaf

• Maven already helped a lot

• Blueprint, CDI

– optionally Spring, Guice

• e.g. from local m2 repo

• bundle:watch

• ehm... Hibernate is hard

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Layers & Bundle & Lifecycle

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Karaf PoC - https://github.com/lgazo/karaf-poc

fis-database fis-persistenceunitfis-database customer-domain event-domain


fis-shell fis-web

otherapp-persistenceunitotherapp-database order-domain


• independent domain modules,

orchestrated persistence units

• multiple DBs

• service separated from view/access


• multiple versions of a bundle

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<plugin> <groupId>org.apache.felix</groupId> <artifactId>maven-bundle-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3.7</version> <extensions>true</extensions> <configuration> <instructions> <Bundle-SymbolicName>${project.artifactId}</Bundle-SymbolicName> </instructions> </configuration> </plugin>

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Interesting commands

• ./karaf debug

• bundle:watch

• log:tail

• bundle:list

• feature:repo-add + feature:install

• install -s wrap:mvn:postgresql/postgresql/9.1-901-1.jdbc4

• bundle:tree-show

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Notable buzzwords + properties

• Blueprint

• Whiteboard

• Apache Aries, Eclipse


• Distributed OSGi

• Pax

• SSH console, web console

• Features

• Language agnostic – bundles

can be in Java, Scala,


• HttpService, Configuration

service, Activator, Logging

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Thank you for your patience

[email protected]@ladislavGazo

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• Karaf PoC - https://github.com/lgazo/karaf-poc

• Apache Karaf – http://karaf.apache.org

• Apache Aries - http://aries.apache.org/

• Hibernate OSGi - https://github.com/brmeyer/HibernateOSGi