oscar yildiz, bully zero australia foundation - bystander intervention – taking steps towards a...

BULLY ZERO AUSTRALIA FOUNDATION A Safer Nation For Every Generation Copyright © 2013 BZAF. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of Bully Zero Australia Foundation.

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Oscar Yildiz, CEO, Bully Zero Australia Foundation delivered this presentation at the Inaugural Workplace Bullying Conference. This event brings together HR, WHS Managers, Workplace Psychologists and Academics to discuss policy and practices for combatting workplace bullying. Find out more at http://www.informa.com.au/workplacebullying_13


Page 1: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia




A Safer Nation For Every


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Page 2: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia




Counsellors & Psychologists,

Police officers,


IT specialists,

Cyber safety Experts & Families,

Why the Foundation?

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Page 3: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


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Page 4: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


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Page 5: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


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Page 6: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

Bad things happen

when good people

stay idle

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Page 7: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

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Page 8: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


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Page 9: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


Safer Nation For Every Generation

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Page 10: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

MISSION Build a community of Zero Tolerance,

Raise awareness - effects of bullying - via schools & workplaces,

Offer awareness training seminars,

Develop resources & tools,

24 hour hotline - immediate support, assistance - someone to talk/vent to,

2014 - reach out to Australians & offer support.

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Page 11: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


To protect & empower

Australians to live a

fulfilling life free from

all forms of Bullying

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Page 12: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

IMPACT Energy into helping the young but

we also cater to employees & employers,

Duty of care & emotional wellbeing,

Bullying = negative impacts on psychological wellbeing, stress, depression & inability to function,

Leads to negative outcomes:

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Page 13: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

IMPACT Productivity, motivation, reputation & potential legal


Potential loss of good staff, (bullied, or bystanders that

cannot tolerate a toxic workplace - irreparable damage

to reputation),

Advent of technology means bad

press & negative information is

instant – hard to hide from

stigma of running a workplace

that is considered to be passive

against bullying.

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Page 14: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

PERSONAL IMPACT Unimagined misery:

Disruption to career,

Devastate family life,

Relationships deteriorate,


Significant risk to Occupational health & safety.

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Page 15: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

IMPACT “Employees health & well-being maybe severely affected in situations where they’re persistently exposed to tyrannical, offensive or intimidating behaviours by their superiors or colleagues, some develop symptoms such as PTSD, a diagnosis commonly used to describe the symptom pattern displayed by victims of highly traumatic events such a natural disasters, violent assaults, rape & torture”. (Bjorkqvist, Lemann & Gustafsson)

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Page 16: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


Anxiety, fatigue & panic attacks,

Clinical depression,

Shame, guilt, self worth, hatred & doubt,

Feelings of injustice,

Isolated, alienated & alone,

Insecurity & suspicious.

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Page 17: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


Physical health & loss of strength,

Confidence personality/mood change, bipolar & eating disorders,

Stress - major recognised cause, (symptoms include: low self-esteem, sleep problems, anxiety, concentration, chronic fatigue & anger).

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Page 18: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

IMPACT Concentration/memory impaired, vulnerable & limited right to express feelings & opinions,

Aches, pains, headaches, sweating, palpitations, tiredness, nausea, ulcers, skin rashes, digestive problems, musculoskeletal disorders, numbness, loss of interest in sex, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome & illnesses affecting organs & kidneys.

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Page 20: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

ADULTS & BULLYING Most perceive adults to be immune,

Misconception - adults are resilient & bullying doesn’t affect them as it would a child,

Like schoolyard bullies - most obvious & easiest-to-detect (swearing, taunting, put-downs & physical abuse),

Most common is insidious form of subtle intimidation: i.e. silence/rolling of eyeballs when target walks into room, negative comments/spreading malicious gossip to co-workers, not being invited to crucial meetings/events, stripped of critical duties & constantly set up to fail).

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Page 22: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

BYSTANDER EFFECT Most instances are witnessed by?

Reality 25 % of people are bullied,

50% have witnessed bullying.

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Page 24: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

HELPFUL BYSTANDER Some directly intervene - discouraging bully,

defending victim & redirecting situation away,

Others seek help - rallying support from peers to

stand up – report to management,

Approach victim - empathy & validation of the bullied

person’s feelings are reassuring,

Bystander is the catalyst for victim to speak up, lets

victim know they’re not alone, in most cases bullied

person does have overwhelming feelings of isolation,

alienation & loneliness.

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Page 25: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


Less than 20% More than 80% of the time

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Page 26: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


If Bystander intervenes or says

something, bullying will cease in

less than 10 seconds,

Nobody likes to see someone being

bullied, but more than 80% of the

time, they will not act.

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Page 27: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia




Powerless Fear


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Page 28: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

BYSTANDER Bystanders who don’t intervene or don’t report suffer

negative consequences.

May experience:

Pressure to participate,

Anxiety about speaking to someone about the bullying,

Powerlessness to stop bullying,

Fear of associating with victim or bully,

Guilt for not having defended victim.

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Page 29: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia


Instigate Encourage Participate Passively


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Page 30: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

HURTFUL BYSTANDER Instigate by prodding bully to begin,

Encourage by laughing & make comments that

further stimulate the bully,

Join in once it’s begun, most commonly through

exclusion of victim,

Passively accept by watching & doing nothing -

without realising - these bystanders contribute to the


Passive bystanders provide an audience (the bully

craves on this & the silent acceptance allows bully

to continue hurtful behaviour).

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Page 32: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

HURTFUL BYSTANDER Greater no of bystanders, less likely anyone will help?

Programmed to shy away from confronting situations & tell ourselves or even believe that:

“Someone else will do it”, “someone else will intervene”, “someone else will find a solution”,

Why don’t we step up & BE that “someone else”? Doesn’t take a lot of effort, doesn’t need to be direct intervention - all it takes is:

Empathy & see what they’re going through, this affects their ability to function, do their jobs & will cast dark shadow over personal lives with their kids, partners & friends.

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Page 33: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

POWER OF 1 If you’re passive - almost as bad as being the bully?

Stretching the mark but importance of bystander is

enormous - support or direct intervener,

Power of 1 isn't to be underestimated, makes difference

between how the victim perceives the situation & actual

reality of the unacceptable behaviour going on,

Can make difference between them continuing to suffer

or speaking out & having issue handled.

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Page 35: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

BULLY ZERO Can’t be in every school, workplace, or online

space, but we will continue to speak out &

step up & stand up,

Have made it 1 of our greatest missions to

inform Australians about the importance of

the bystander,

Looking out for each other & speaking out

when we see something that isn’t right, we are

making the world a better place, one person at

a time.

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Page 36: Oscar Yildiz, Bully Zero Australia Foundation - Bystander Intervention – Taking Steps Towards a Bully Free Australia

“The world is a dangerous place,

not because of those who do evil,


because of those who look on

& do nothing”.

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1800 0 BULLY (28559)

Oscar – 0413 850 357


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