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Post on 10-Jan-2016




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Intro for comic story


Our world is called Orilandia, a magical place where everything is made out of folded paper. It came into existence when our Elders creativity and imagination reached their peak. They surrounded it with a magical force, thus producing a variety of paper folded creatures that would dwell in it. It is the reason why we came into being. It is the source of all life here in Orilandia. Civilization began and 5 regions emerged in Orilandia: La Majika (the City of Magic), Creaseville (the Peaceful Villlage), Paperwood Forest (home of the Fairies and Dwarves), Foldingsburg ( the Might of the Kingdom) and Lumina (the City of Light). Peace and unity reigned throughout Orilandia for al long time Until one day the magical force surrounding Orilandia started to weaken. We thought this might be the end of us. Instead the magical force broke into two. One radiated good energy, the same magical force that gave us life. The other radiated dark & evil energy. It almost tried to consume all of Orilandia like a storm but luckily, the good magical force protected us and kept the dark magical force outside Orilandia. Time passed & we thought it might have been gone forever. But we were wrong

SCENE 1: The Flight from Orilandia [Trees from the Paperwood Forest are burning. Fairies and Dwarves started to flee]


[A Minotaur breaks an oak tree and smashes houses. It roared]

[Chaos] We are now under attack by creatures that were alien to our kingdom. They might have sprung from the same dark magical force that attacked us long ago.

[Creature roars] Beasts with sharp claws, muscular arms, fangs and horns.all hungry for bloodlust. The King of Orilandia, King Kabuse, ordered all people to flee to the two adjoining regions : Foldingsburg& Lumina.

[People running]

General Icarus : Everybody move fast! We dont have much time until the enemy approaches!

Dwarf : [interrupts Icarus] Sir Icarus, is it safe for everyone to be here? The enemys number is greater than the number of our people.

General Icarus : All you have to do is to trust the Warriors of Foldingsburg. Now go!

Warrior 1 : [shouting orders] : Men, gather in front of the wall of Lumina!!

[Warriors shuffling]

Warrior 2 : Sir Icarus

General Icarus: What is it?

Warrior 2: Im sorry to bother youbut the King wanted to talk to you.

General Icarus: Take me to the Royal Palace.

(General Icarus & King Kabuse were at the upper terrace of the Royal Palace facing the horizon)

General Icarus : Why did you brought me up here Your Majesty?

King Kabuse : To inform you that the enemys approaching fast Icarus. We dont have much time.

General Icarus : I know your Majesty. Im doing my best to prepare our troops to battle.

[Monsters in armor with spears & shields marching toward the wall of Lumina]

King Kabuse: The dark magical force really didnt stop messing with us. It produced an army of ferocious monsters, yes. But somehow I can feel theres a leader behind all of thisa leader created by the same magical force.

General Icarus : Couldnt it be their king?

King Kabuse: I fear it could bebut you have to leave Orilandia right now.

General Icarus : Leave, my lord?

King Kabuse : You have a special mission to fulfill Icarus.

General Icarus : But what about my men Your Majesty? They need me especially in situations like this. This war will not be won by us if I did not join them in the fight.

King Kabuse : Your Winged Warriors will take care of themselves. They will do fine in the battlefield. Besides, Colonel Metatron volunteered to be the temporary leader of the Winged Warriors while you are gone. They understood why youre excused from the war.

General Icarus : Its the Kings orders Sigh

King Kabuse : Your mission will be for the good of Orilandia, I promise. Just make sure you will pick the right one for me Icarus.

General Icarus : ...

King Kabuse : Go & fly away from Orilandia. Find the safest path where your enemies cant detect you. Go to the world where our Elders live. You dont have to ask for the help of onebut do find one who possess the same folding skills as our Elders had. He could be our only hope in restoring peace back here in Orilandia and defeat the dark magical force with his help.

General Icarus : I will do as you order Your Majesty, but I might not come back here in a short period of time in search of a person who had the capabilities of an Elder.

King Kabuse : Yes, it might took you long to find one, but its worth the try. (reaches from his robe) Here take this Flasher with you. This serves as your vehicle to the world of the Elders. Activate it when youve reached the outer borders of Orilandia. Let no other of our kind follow you through this portal.

[Person shouting]


General Icarus: Its starting

[Thunder crackled]

[Monsters clashed their weapons, shouting for blood]

[Loud beats echoed inside the room where the evacuees stayed]

Little Girl : Mommy, Im scared.

Mother : (whispers) Shhh. Everything will be fine out there

Colonel Metatron : (drawing out his sword) Archers! Draw your arrows!! Swordsmen! Phalanx Formation!!

[Bowstring are being taut][Swords, shields & spears clashed]

Wizard : People of La Majika! Spells ready!!

[Glowing Eyes][Elemental Magic][Aura Blazing]

King Kabuse : Go Icarus & good luck to your journey.

General Icarus : I dont know if this will be my last chance to see my home, now swimming in a sea of deadly monsters that will later ransack the entire city. But I still hope that if I come back, it will still remain the same. Strong. Brave.

Balrog : (pointing at the sky) Ug arig tu fa! Mi koslovak fa! (Look up there! Attack the fleeing enemy!)

[Monsters about to throw their spears at Icarus][An arrow being fired & pierced through the head of the balrog]

[The balrog collapsed. The monsters faced Lumina, enraged, and charged]

SCENE 2: The Flight from Orilandia