original webinar> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with...

<THIS FIRST PART SHOULD BE A FACE CAM LIKE YOUR ORIGINAL WEBINAR> Hello Beautiful Soul! My name is Melody Ross and today I want to share something really special with you. But first, I have a few gentle questions for you - so just nod your head if these resonate with you. Do you ever wish you could more fully express yourself (even if you’re totally not the creative type)? Are you tired of feeling like you’re trapped in your own head always trying to be someone you’re not? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to finally overcome your uncertainty, anxiety and self-doubt? Well, a little over 5 years ago I discovered an amazing tool to help me deal with self-doubt, uncertainty and anxiety . In fact, I still use it to this day along with my husband, our friends and hundreds of women, men, kids and teens all over the globe. Would you like me to show you what changed their lives? Well, it’s actually… this! *Show off your SoulBook - Preferably live on camera in your hands*

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Post on 17-Jul-2020




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Page 1: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

 <THIS FIRST PART SHOULD BE A FACE CAM LIKE YOUR ORIGINAL WEBINAR>  Hello Beautiful Soul!  My name is Melody Ross and today I want to share something really special with you.  But first, I have a few gentle questions for you - so just nod your head if these resonate with you.  Do you ever wish you could more fully express yourself (even if you’re totally not the creative type)?  Are you tired of feeling like you’re trapped in your own head always trying to be someone you’re not?  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to finally overcome your uncertainty, anxiety and self-doubt?  Well, a little over 5 years ago I discovered an amazing tool to help me deal with self-doubt, uncertainty and anxiety .  In fact, I still use it to this day along with my husband, our friends and hundreds of women, men, kids and teens all over the globe.  Would you like me to show you what changed their lives?  Well, it’s actually… this!   *Show off your SoulBook - Preferably live on camera in your hands* 

Page 2: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

 It’s my super popular SoulBook and I’ve used it to discover who I really am. It’s a daily reminder I use to create a new practice of self-care, self-discovery and self-growth. In fact, my Grandmother was the one who inspired me to create SoulBook.  <END FACE CAM: Begin SLIDES>  My Grandmother was amazing at life. She had a special talent for inspiring and bringing people together, and making us feel like our individual contributions to the world were important.  The way she lived her life and inspired friends and family was always really incredible to me.  Now, I’m going to make this a “no-fluff” call and I promise I’m going to tell you how to make a SoulBook in a few minutes...  ...plus by the end of this call you’ll also know how to get family and friends together for a magical SoulBook gathering.  But first let me tell you a quick story about my Grandmother because she was the inspiration for SoulBook.  

  One summer day, she came to visit. As we sat in my living room I was genuinely curious to learn more about her - what was she really like and how did she truly want others to see her? I had a feeling there were a lot of things she wanted others to know about her...  Have you ever felt that way too? 

Page 3: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

 She was this funky, cool, stylish woman who wore fur collars and lipstick in the nursing home until the day she died…  But I always wondered who she REALLY was.  Like, have you ever felt that way about someone? Where you just wanted to know more about another person in your life? Someone you just want to connect with on a deeper level?  Even if that “someone” is you?  I wanted to know - What were the stories she never got to tell anyone? What amazing things did she keep to herself? Experiences, struggles and silent victories… I could tell there was so much more to her than what I knew about.  So, I asked her if she could possibly document her life’s story somehow.  She smiled and got some books together and strung together words that resonated with her. Words from music lyrics, magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life.  When it was done, I knew so much about her that I never knew before, and I could feel she wanted me to know her that way. She wanted me to know the real her, who she actually was. It was an amazing and magical bonding experience that deeply changed both of us.  

Page 4: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

How would you like to have an incredible, magical experience like that with someone special in your life?  I based SoulBook (which is what I’m about to teach you) on that experience with my grandmother and expanded on it. I made it so anyone could have the same magical experience I did - regardless of age, gender or anything else.  I know I’m making some pretty big claims with SoulBook here, but if you just give me a few minutes I’ll show you how they’ve changed thousands of lives (and how to make them for yourself).  

   For example, one of my students is a mother who was having trouble communicating with her teenage daughter. At first, she had to convince her daughter to give SoulBook a chance - but when the books were done, both of their lives changed profoundly.  The mother was finally able to understand some of the things her daughter was going through - the things that were causing her stress and anxiety issues that, in turn showed up at home…  And the daughter was able to better understand what it was like to be a mom and why she did the things she did.  Aren’t you starting to see how *BIG* of an impact this could have on the relationships with your loved ones?  We also had this precious picture sent to us randomly.  

Page 5: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

I don’t know them personally, but these daughters made their own SoulBooks and asked their dad to read them their SoulBooks kind of like story books.   So as the dad was reading through these SoulBooks, he could see what was deepest on his daughter’s hearts. The level of understanding and the daughters being able to hear what was most important to them in their father’s voice must have been a magical bonding experience and their SoulBooks have become family treasures since that day.  Even with my own husband  My own husband… We’ve been married for over 30 years and he’s very particular about things. He’s the type that’s super capable and knows how to do everything. So it’s REALLY hard to buy things for him.  So, a couple years ago at christmas, I made this SoulBook for him. I already love my husband deeply, but creating a SoulBook for him reminded me of all the things we’d done throughout our lives together. When I gave it to him it bonded our relationship even deeper as we sat and talked together for hours going through the SoulBook I made for him.  It’s something he treasures to this day and he takes it wherever he goes.  

  So, if you’re looking for a fun activity that will help you:  ● Bring your family and friends closer together 

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● Understand your deepest self (even if you can’t find the words on your own) 

● Build your confidence and reaffirm what an amazing person you are 

 Then I want to help you by showing you how to make SoulBooks!  So pay close attention, because I know you’re going to love this.  And just in case you don’t already know me, my name is Melody Ross!  And don’t worry, I’m not one to brag about my credentials, but it’s important for you to know this comes from a solid source.  ● I’ve been teaching thousands of women how to live their best 

lives for over 30 years. ● The founder of two worldwide brands. Chatterbox Inc. and 

“The Brave Girls Club.” ● Created and authored over 20 books and 50 courses ● Artist, author and entrepreneur known all over the world. 

 Now that you know a bit more about my background, let’s dive right into how you can make your very own SoulBook!  I promise, this will be one of the most important videos you watch this year.   

  Secret #1 

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● What a SoulBook is and how it’s helped thousands of women discover their true selves and bond with loved ones. 

 So, you may be asking yourself: “Melody, what IS a SoulBook?”  Great question! A SoulBook is a collection of photographs, images and specially designed words and phrases. It’s everything that represents you and your deepest self (a self you might not even be fully aware of yet).  Think of your SoulBook like a canvas where you can put things that represent who you are in it…  You can use a notebook, paper, old books… you can use just about anything to make your SoulBook!  I personally like making bigger, “chunky” SoulBooks, but almost anything will work. This definitely doesn’t have to be expensive.  Now, the secret that makes SoulBooks so much more accessible than any other project out there is how I create them.  Instead of you having to worry and stress about “finding the right words and emotions...”  There’s a much simpler way. A way where you don’t actually need to come up with any of the words or emotions yourself.  When it comes to making SoulBooks, having words, phrases and quotes to pick from makes everything so much easier!  

Page 8: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

Why reinvent the wheel?  It’s kind of like how…  You might not know how to make a cake scratch…  (If you do, pretend you don’t for a second!)  So you could decide to just… try looking at a finished cake and guess what went into it.  But that’s hard. You wouldn’t do that. You’d probably either look up a recipe online or get a cake mix at the store!  You’d take something someone already made and you could use that as a base. Now that you have the cake all baked, you can start adding on frosting, sprinkles, decorations and maybe even a flower or two!  But what a lot of women do when it comes to “discovering your true self” is they try things like meditating or take advice like “follow your passion.” And that’s a lot like trying to look at a finished cake to learn how to make a cake.  Meditation is amazing, don’t get me wrong… but it’s like trying to run before you can walk.   Meditation is perfect once you’ve already discovered a few parts of yourself. Think of meditation like watering a seed - it only works if there’s already a seed to water!  

Page 9: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

And when you simply try to “follow your passion”, it will work for some women... but for most of us it just feels like you don’t know what your “passion” really is… which is super frustrating!!!  ...and then most people give up and feel like there’s something wrong with them (which is so NOT TRUE! If that’s you don’t beat yourself up - it’s totally normal!)  So why not “grease the wheels” and make the hardest part of self-discovery fast, easy and FUN?!   And the fact that you don’t have to come up with the words or emotions yourself is what makes SoulBook such a great tool for everyone - men, women, teens, kids and adults.  Imagine how much easier it will be to simply pick the words, quotes and phrases that resonate most with you. It’s almost like going to a clothing store and just picking out the outfits you like the most (without worrying about what anyone else thinks!)  You don’t have to design the dress yourself. You don’t have to sew it, measure it or find the fabrics…  All you need to do is spot a dress you love and take it off the rack!  That’s why I’ve gathered a huge collection of words, phrases, quotes, pictures and tons of other meaningful things to share with you. I’ll show you how you can get them closer to the end!  And once you’ve found the words that resonate with you, just like the cake example - you might even start to get inspiration from 

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within. If you do, write down the words that come to you and put them into your SoulBook as well!  Don’t worry if nothing comes - that can take time, so please respect your soul and be patient with yourself.  Also, a SoulBook isn’t something you’ll finish in an afternoon. So definitely go in knowing this could be a project you work on a little bit each day. It can even become a “practice” or a “discipline”, something you do regularly for self-care, like how some people work out or do yoga. So, like I said, it’s not going to be finished in an afternoon.  But once you’ve got your beautiful SoulBook all done - that’s when the magic really happens.  

“It reminds me of truths about life and myself that I tend to forget. It reminds me how I want to live.”  

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Jodene Shaw  You’ll always have it with you as a tool to remind you of the person you are and who you’re becoming.  When you’re having a bad day (and yes, we all have them), all you need to do is pull out your SoulBook as a reminder of who you are and the amazing things you’ve done. All the untold stories, silent 

Page 12: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

victories (large and small) and the things you wish other people could see about you…  You’ll have it all in one place. It’s like a book about you and all the great things that make you who you uniquely are.  And like me, when you’re done with one SoulBook, you can start another. I have a whole shelf of them I’ve made and every one of them means the world to me.  Imagine being able to pull out a book dedicated to you full of the beautiful things that resonate most deeply with you… How amazing would it be to get something like that as a gift?  And once you have the loved ones in your life make their SoulBooks, you’ll be able to see the things they wished you knew about them. You’ll be able to really understand the people in your life (maybe even better than they understand themselves).  Remember the mother and daughter I told you about earlier?  The reason they were able to understand each other so much more deeply was because their SoulBooks revealed the struggles they were going through. Their SoulBooks represented the things weighing deepest on their hearts - the things they’d never normally get to talk about. Things they’d normally have to keep bottled up…  SoulBook makes it so much easier to share your feelings without it being “scary” or “intimidating” unlike a lot of other projects out there that rely on you having very specific artistic skills and abilities or require you to think of the words yourself…  

Page 13: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

And if you decide to make a SoulBook for someone else, you can let them know how you see them. You can give them the gift of knowing how you see them - which is often so much better than the views they have of themselves.  You could really lift up your loved ones no matter where they live. Imagine how amazing it would be to get a SoulBook in the mail from a loved one… It’s almost like having your own personal cheerleader you can bring with you anywhere you go.  In fact, Lisa loves making SoulBooks for the precious people in her life.  

“I have since made other Soul Books for people I love, to help them remember how unique, how strong and how beloved they are. This is a process you do not want to let pass you by. This will be a treasure that you will keep forever.” 

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Lisa Watson Leavell 

 Don’t let the fact that it’s a fun and easy project fool you, SoulBooks are powerful tools. Best of all, you don’t need to spend 

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lots of money to make one - all you need is a little time, some words and photos that resonate with you.  ...but I know you might still be worried that you’re not “creative enough” or “good at art.” If you’re still worried that SoulBook might be too hard for you, stick around because that’s what I’m going to cover next.   

  Secret #2 ● The secret to expressing yourself even if you believe you’re 

not creative. In fact, the “less creative” you think you are, the better it works! 

 Now, we all know that sometimes expressing yourself isn’t the easiest thing to do. Sometimes you just get trapped in your own head, or the words just won’t come…  It might even be hard to really even know what’s resonating with you in some cases.  In my experience, the problem is most women think they have to be creative, super talented or have everything figured out already when that’s so not the case! The problem for almost every woman I’ve ever spoken with is that she believes she has to understand herself completely before she can express herself - and she ends up feeling lost because of it.  When she feels like everyone around her has things “figured out” already, she just ends up feeling like a failure and her confidence suffers… 

Page 16: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

 ...and that makes it even harder for her to trust herself and discover who she truly is. It becomes a vicious cycle.  But in reality, no one understands themselves at first. The only way you can start to understand yourself is by listening to your beautiful heart and your brilliant gut. The things that resonate with YOU are clues most women ignore or don’t even hear… but those messages coming from your heart and your gut are the little clues that will guide you to discovering your true self!  And I know it’s a lot easier to say than it is to do.  So that’s why I’m such a huge fan of “Cut and Paste” journaling. It’s also why I encourage it when making SoulBooks. You don’t NEED to have the words already. All you need is a little time and an openness to listen to your heart. For example…  *SHOW A LIST OF WORDS/PHRASES* (Preferably a selection of 3-5 words/phrases that will resonate with a large number of people. I can also borrow some from the sheets in SoulBook, but I thought you might have some words or phrases in mind that would resonate with just about anyone on the webinar.)  Just pick any one of these phrases. Pick the one that resonates most with you. Even if none of them resonate, you’ve still learned something about yourself. You’re one step closer to understanding who you are and how you want others to see you.  Even if you don’t know the words or can’t come up with them yourself, with a little help the words will come. 

Page 17: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

 I realized you can either stress trying to find words that may never come… or you can simply pick from a list! The trick is to just use “cut and paste” as a springboard. Once you have somewhere to start, it gets a lot easier.  

“SoulBook is a gift to your authentic self. Melody knows we all have the tools inside, she just helps us remember.” 


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Kathleen Braasch  

 It’s like trying to design a dress from scratch versus buying something that’s 80% of what you envisioned and then modifying it.  

Page 19: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

You’ll basically end up with the same result, but one option is a lot faster and easier than the other.  That’s actually the reason I designed SoulBook the way I did. I wanted to make sure it would be accessible to everyone, which brings us to:  

   Secret #3 ● The exact steps to gathering your friends and family for an 

amazing and fulfilling bonding experience - even if you live far apart and can’t physically get together 

 Gathering people together isn’t as hard as you might think.  But I know that can sound like a big claim, so let me show you how I’d put together a SoulBook gathering in 3 steps.  First off, we need to invite people! But make sure you DON’T tell your guests “we’re going to get together and talk about our feelings!” because that will scare them away.  Instead, I would just tell everyone “I’ve got a super fun activity I want us all to do together! I promise you’ll love it, it will be really relaxing and there will be plenty of snacks and beverages.”  Something like that. Make sure it’s non-threatening and sounds like fun!  Now, I know that your teenagers out there might not quite go for it based on that alone. Don’t be afraid to offer them a little 

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something for just doing this with you. Tell them how much it means and maybe offer them some more time on social, or let them pick the snacks and music.  Usually the snacks will be enough to entice the men and boys to join in. You’d be surprised though. Most of the time, they’ll be very receptive like my husband’s friends were - especially when you let them know they won’t have to come up with the words or the feelings for their SoulBooks.  A lot of men really do just want to get closer to their wives and will be more than willing to join in.  Step 2 is the logistics. Will this be something in person or over video (or some other method)? We really can have meaningful gatherings even if it’s just over video!  Having good snacks and drinks will work well when you can all physically get together, but if you have to have a gathering over video - the only thing that really changes is they’ll need their own supplies and you’ll have to email them a list of words and phrases they can use along with you.  The last step is just to either gather the supplies or let everyone know what to bring! You can do this any way you want to, but what I recommend is having lots of scrap fabrics, papers, books, photos, quotes and phrases and lots of fun things around that your guests can use in their SoulBooks! You can also invite your guests to bring fun supplies like this to share if they want to. Ask them to bring photos of themselves (just make sure they’re copies, not the originals!) and what’s important to them if possible too.   

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If you’re hosting a gathering in your own home, just make sure you lay down ground rules for everyone, like where in the house is “off-limits” (like the master bedroom for example) and the essentials like where the bathrooms are.  There are some other details that I usually go over (like handing out copies of my “Red Carpet Rules” to make sure that everything goes smoothly and everyone gets along), but in general all you need to do is let everyone know when to show up and you could have a gathering like Marie did.  

“So much laughter and love and stories came from this experience. It was beautiful.”  

<PICTURE OF MARIE>  Marie Christie 


 We’ve covered a lot of ground today, so let’s do a quick recap.  We covered:  ● What a SoulBook is and how it’s helped thousands of women 

discover their true selves and bond with loved ones.  ● The secret to expressing yourself even if you believe you’re 

not creative.  

● The exact steps to gathering your friends and family for an amazing and fulfilling bonding experience - even if you live far apart and can’t physically get together. 

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 So if you wanted to, you’d be able to go out and make your very own SoulBooks! You’d even be able to have a gathering of family and friends where everyone gets together to make SoulBooks.  You, your family and your friends will create beautiful SoulBooks like these:  <SHOW SoulBooks>  

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..”My experience with soulbook moved me to tears, because I had never created something just for my soul to remember, we give much to others and bypass our own soul sometimes... 🤗I’m blessed by this work. Thank you”  

Blanca Pauliukevicius  

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   This experience has been life changing for me in an introspective therapeutic way. (And at just the right time too). I shared it with my neighbor, who is in her 70's, and she is making a SoulBook! She said she's never done anything like this before.  <insert pic of Laura>  Laura Kearney 


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I have absolutely loved making my two SoulBooks (I have attached two pictures of the covers)  “I was lost and in total joy making these two books which gave me respite from my anxiety. Making them was a perfect opportunity for me to think about my soul and my journey and it filled my heart with love... I cherish these two books. They hold deep and wonderful blessings and when I open them up 

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to have a look inside, that in itself feels like a great adventure and just makes my heart light up.”   With so much love and gratitude Bhavna Mistry  

  And if you’re ready to experience what they did…  ...or even if you just want to learn how exactly I make my super popular chunky SoulBooks out of cardboard - something you can create with all of those Amazon boxes! - and if you want to see the quotes, pictures, prompts and phrases that I use…  Then I’ve got a really special offer for you today.  But first, I want to let you know that it’s ok to say no if the timing just isn’t right for you. There’s no pressure here. So I’ll quickly explain the offer I’ve got for you here...  SoulBook is just one of the many amazing projects and proven methods I’ve developed to help you:   ● Find your own sense of peace and finally let go of the things 

that aren’t right for your life anymore.  

● Learn how to protect that sense of peace once you’ve found it.  

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● Heal and thrive by moving into a place of wholeness, joy and thriving. I’ll help you heal your life wounds with real and practical tools (like SoulBook) to finally get out from under what’s been weighing you down.  

● I’ll show you how to get back up, ask for what you need, establish boundaries and take flight with restored wings.  

● Live in your Power by being the magnificent heroine in your own story (even if you don’t think you can). I’ll help you discover the grit and bravery hidden inside of you to be your most mighty self.  

● I’ll work with you to help you face any challenges in your life right now so you can find the courage and inspiration to flourish.  

● Discover yourself and step into your own unique path. Living a life of authenticity is so rewarding and I’m going to show where to find the courage to step onto your own path.  

● With tools like SoulBook, I’ll show you how to find and embrace who you are while getting to know yourself better and finding the courage to be who you really are.  

  And I’ve also got a whole bunch of other courses and tools specifically designed to help you as well.  So if you love the idea of SoulBook, then pay attention for a few more minutes because I know you’re going to love this.  

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I’ve spent decades learning how to overcome all sorts of things, from stress and anxiety to finding my purpose in life (one of which is to help you!)  I don’t want to see you spend years of your precious life learning the lessons I did the hard way when you can learn without experiencing them yourself.  That’s why I created SoulSchool.  And yes, SoulSchool includes everything you’d ever need to know about SoulBook too.  But first, let’s cover exactly what you’re going to get with SoulBook.  ● I’ll show you exactly how to make my super popular Chunky 

SoulBooks - from binding them together, to decorating them and organizing your supplies--Even giving you 4 Different “Cut and Paste” Prompt Packets to kickstart the creation process of your own soulbook. I’ll cover everything. ($60 Value) 

 ● How to do everything you’ll need to have a successful 

SoulBook Gathering with Family and friends OR as a community activity you can organize. Plus how to set the atmosphere, prevent awkwardness and get people to actually show up. ($10 Value)  

And as a bonus, you’ll also get:  <We’re just showing off samples of each of the themes>  

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● Collage Sheets for kids full of letters and images for their SoulBooks ($5 Value) 


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Page 31: ORIGINAL WEBINAR> · magazines, books… anywhere she could find something that resonated with her. She created something really special - it was almost like a poem of her life. When

  ● The “Life is beautiful” theme sheets ($5 Value) 


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  ● The “Friends” themed sheets ($5 Value) 


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  ● An exclusive Melody Ross theme ($5 Value) 


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  ● The “Be True to You” theme pack ($5 Value) 


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  That’s a total value of $95!  And that’s just for SoulBook.  SoulSchool includes SoulBook and you’ll get   SoulSchool 

- Full access to all of my 43 Courses (more are added every month!) 

- 27 SoulSchool Courses ($2619 Value) - 16 Art Courses ($1552 Value) - Exclusive Monthly Meditations ($120 Value) - Monthly Pep Talks (Priceless) - Monthly Journaling Prompts ($50 Value) - Exclusive Facebook Community (Priceless) - Melody’s private monthly emails ($50 Value) - Monthly live FB meetings ($250 Value) 

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- 10% off all merchandise - 10% off Signature Series courses - Early access to new courses and content! 

 That’s at least $4,641 worth of content from SoulSchool alone for a combined total value of $4,776!  

  So let me ask you, if all this did was help you finally understand yourself, would that be worth it?  If I could help you just take some of the edge off of your stress and ease the anxiety for good, would that be worth it?  If all I could do was help you feel more comfortable in your own skin, would that be worth it?  Think about it…  How much better would life be if you could experience it joyfully instead of just trying to make it through the day?  Imagine how much easier things would be if you knew more about yourself, who you really are and what gives you a true sense of purpose.  One of my students, Cat Haplin held a SoulBook gathering and here’s what happened…  

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“I held a SoulBook Gathering here in Maryland a few years ago. This was after creating several SoulBooks for myself. The power it gave me was incredible and knew other women needed this experience. It was time for them and only them. So many women need time to reflect renew and realize their truth, goodness, value and strength! And guess what? THEY CAME AND.... 

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They honored their time !  The day was full! Laughter, tears, quiet moments, shared insight - all while wielding scissors & modge podging! I think the mission was accomplished as they to step away from the heaviness of the world and gave goodness & grace to each other! A truly phenomenal day with Phenomenal women!  Our books are still treasured and turned to- reminding us of ourselves and our souls! “ 

 Honestly, there’s really only two ways to gain this kind of insight and understanding. 

1) You live life and learn the lessons as they come - or repeat them until you learn them. 

2) Or I can show you the lessons I’ve already had to learn during the course of my life (and some of those lessons took me 3 or more tries to finally learn!) 

 And I don’t want to see you suffer through the same lessons I did.  Now, normally something like this could easily cost $4,776 (Or more like $6,750 if you tried to buy similar products from some of the other “big names” out there where each course could cost $250 each)  But because you stuck with me, I want to make this a total no brainer for you.  You’re not going to pay anywhere near $4776.  

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 You won’t even pay $2000.  My mission is to help you, so you aren’t even going to pay $500. Not even close.  For today only, I’m offering 1 full year of SoulSchool (and some awesome bonuses) for just $197.  And yes, that includes SoulBook for Women, Men, Kids and Teens.  You get everything.  But now you might be asking yourself…  “If it’s worth so much, why are you making it so cheap?”  Honestly, it’s because I want to help you. I’m looking to “pay it forward” because I know what it’s like to be in your shoes. But I do still need some financial commitment from you - A ton of time and effort went into creating SoulBook and SoulSchool. I know they can change your life forever, but the fact is… when people pay, they pay attention.  Think about how much differently you’d treat a $30 pair of shoes versus an $500 pair of shoes.  Not to mention I’m going to be getting on monthly meetings and calls with you. I want to make sure that everyone in SoulSchool is committed to positivity and self improvement like Lisa-Courtney Heim.  

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“My experience of making my SoulBook was amazing!! The beautiful self love affirming words and images were really inspiring! The process was healing, and self nurturing- and each page was something special for me to focus on❣ I cherish my SOULBOOK! I was SO inspired!! I recommend it for everyone to make!! I want to make another one😉👏🏼” 

 So, now you’ve got 2 choices… 

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 Option 1: You can do nothing with what you’ve just learned and try to figure everything out on your own…  Or...  Option 2: You can have me help you get through it all without all the pain, stress, anxiety and frustration. I’ve already been there, done that and I’ve shown thousands of women how to skip all the stress and anxiety.  Honestly, we’re talking 54 cents a day or $16.42 a month.  Which is already a steal…  But I know you might be going through some hard times…  ...and honestly, I’m not here for just the sake of money. I really do just want to help you.  So, if you act fast before this call ends…  I’m going to do something really special for you because I don’t want to leave anyone out that truly needs help and is willing to raise her hand and ask for it.  I’m going to give you SoulSchool (which includes SoulBook) 100% FREE.  There’s just so much inside of SoulSchool that I can’t cover it all.   So instead I just want to give you access to everything absolutely free for 14 days. 

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 I’m going to give you the chance to judge SoulSchool for yourself.  If you love SoulSchool, then don’t do anything and after 14 days you’ll have the option to commit to soul school for a full year at $197.  If you want to take it month by month, it's a simple monthly subscription of just one small payment of $24/mo.   ...but because I promised some awesome bonuses...  ...and because you stuck with me through this call and you know there’s something here that can help change your life….  ...I’m going to offer you an exclusive discount on SoulSchool in addition to your free trial.  But I do want to let you know, the discount expires after this call.  You won’t pay $197 (which is already super low).  If you join SoulSchool today, I’m going to take another $47 off.  You could have SoulSchool and SoulBook all for just $150 and you’re set for the year.  Just sign up for SoulSchool by clicking the button below and lock in your 14-day trial as well as your $47 discount.  You’ve got nothing to lose.  

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If for whatever reason you’re not 100% satisfied, then I don’t want your money. All you’d need to do is email my support team and your card won’t be charged.  There’s no way you can go wrong with this (unless you don’t give SoulSchool a fair chance).  <PULL TESTIMONIALS FROM SOUL SCHOOL’S PAGE TOO FOR THE SLIDE>  Just don’t wait too long. The deal is only good until the end of this call because it wouldn’t be fair to all the others signing up now. Keeping this deal up for too long wouldn’t be fair to the thousands of women who already signed up at full price either.  And be honest with yourself on this one…  If your life was completely the same 6 months from now, would you be ok with that? I’m not going to try and answer for you. That’s a question only you can answer.  And to sweeten the pot one last time…  If you join SoulSchool before the end of this call, you’ll get my soul to soul connection cards. Think of them like hand picked conversation prompts you can use anywhere.  You’ll get 60 of them in total. (Normally 48 of them, but you get 12 more as a bonus today). These are perfect for road trips, dinners, vacations… anytime you want to inspire more meaningful conversations with family, friends and loved ones. They’re also 

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perfect journaling prompts and great tools for discovering more about yourself and your loved ones.  These questions make it easier for everyone to really open up and can really add to a SoulBook gathering.  

  So let’s quickly recap what you’ll get:  ● I’ll show you exactly how to make my super popular Chunky 

SoulBooks - from binding them together, to decorating them and organizing your supplies. I’ll cover everything. ($60 Value) 


● How to do everything you’ll need to have a successful SoulBook Gathering with Family and friends OR as a community activity you can organize. Plus how to set the atmosphere, prevent awkwardness and get people to actually show up. ($10 Value)  

And as a bonus, you’ll also get:  ● Collage Sheets for kids full of letters and images for their 

SoulBooks ($5 Value) ● The “Life is beautiful” theme sheets ($5 Value) ● The “Friends” themed sheets ($5 Value) ● An exclusive Melody Ross theme ($5 Value) ● The “Be True to You” theme pack ($5 Value) 

 You’ll also get full access to SoulSchool for an entire year 

- All of my courses, where just ONE could potentially change your entire life + more added every month! 

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- You’ll get direct access to me with live calls! - 10% off all merchandise - 10% off Signature Series courses - Early access to new courses and content! 

 Plus 60 Soul to Soul Connection Cards ($50 Value)  You’re getting $4,826 worth of content for just $150. Not to mention you get to try SoulSchool 100% risk free for 14 days.  All you need to do now is click the button that’s just appeared below your screen. If you’re in full screen mode, you’ll need to exit that first to see the button.  <EXACT INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO BUY  (Literally walk them through the buying process)>  Now, I’m going to run a quick little Q&A session to address any last questions about SoulBook and SoulSchool.  <Q&A> Q: If I just want SoulBook, what can I do?  A: You can email my support team and purchase SoulBook by itself for just $47.  Q: How exactly do you make a SoulBook?  A: You can create a SoulBook a ton of different ways! All you need is pages bound together - whether that be a notebook, construction paper or anything else… and then you cut and paste words, phrases and quotes that resonate with you on them. 

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Decorate your SoulBook however you want! If it makes you happy and it resonates with you - add it to your SoulBook!  If you want the prompts I use for myself, my husband and our children - that’s all included in the SoulBook course.  Q: Teens distracted by cellphones?  A: Sometime you’ll just have to offer them something. Let them pick the music, tell them it’s going to be a fun activity with snacks they can pick themselves. The hard part can be getting them to start, but once you get them started they’ll love it! You can even tell them it’s something they can share on Social Media if you’re both comfortable with that.  Q: How do you gather your family and friends? Do you need a certain amount of people?  A: You become the gatherer. I outline this more in depth inside the SoulBook course, but the short answer is just to ask! And no, there’s no specific number of people you need. You can make a SoulBook on your own, with one other person or with a big group!  Q: How can I get men and boys to participate?  A: You can bribe them, beg them or just simply show them. But in most cases it’s not that hard. It’s a lot less scary for them when they don’t have to come up with the words and feelings.  I include prompts specifically for men and boys in the SoulBook course that you can have them use as well which takes all the stress off.  

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Q: How do I get started?  A: All it takes is something to use as the base of your SoulBook and a collection of pictures, words and phrases. You can use scrap fabrics you have around the house along with tons of other things!  I cover this more in depth inside of the SoulBook course.  Q: Is there a separate kit for men, boys, teens, kids?  A: No, you get EVERYTHING inside of the SoulBook Course. There’s a ton of downloads for you inside. You’ll get all 8 prompts. 4 for women, men, teens and kids to use for themselves and 4 for you or anyone else to make a SoulBook for a woman, man, teen or child.  Q: How can I organize a SoulBook gathering? Can I print enough copies for everyone?  A: I outline this in more depth inside of the SoulBook Course. You are allowed (and encouraged!) to print copies of the prompt packets for everyone!  Q: Does SoulSchool include SoulBook?  A: Yes! When you join SoulSchool, you’ll get everything we talked about. You’ll get SoulBook kits for Women, Men, Teens and Kids. You’ll get all the prompts, the checklists and Red Carpet rules. You’ll get everything.  Q: What’s in SoulSchool?  

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A: You’ll get full access to all of my 43 courses with more being added every month!   27 of these courses are focused on self-growth, self-care and self-discovery.  16 of them are courses designed to walk you through projects just like SoulBook to help you grow as a person and discover more about who you really are while being extremely therapeutic and healing.  You’ll also get exclusive monthly gifts like pep talks, exclusive meditations you can’t get anywhere else, journaling prompts, emails and monthly Facebook meetings.  

- Full access to all of my 43 Courses (more are added every month!) 

- 27 SoulSchool Courses ($2619 Value) - 16 Art Courses ($1552 Value) - Exclusive Monthly Meditations ($120 Value) - Monthly Pep Talks (Priceless) - Monthly Journaling Prompts ($50 Value) - Exclusive Facebook Community (Priceless) - Melody’s private monthly emails ($50 Value) - Monthly live FB meetings ($250 Value) 

- 10% off all merchandise - 10% off Signature Series courses - Early access to new courses and content! 

 So, it looks like those were all the main questions I got about SoulBook and SoulSchool. If you still have any questions, feel free to reach out to my support team at:  

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<Slide with the support team’s email>  Feel free to write that email down and send me a quick little love letter if you have any questions at all for me.  Ok! I’m about to wrap up this webinar.  I’ll leave this slide with my support team’s email and the exact instructions to join SoulSchool up for you. I just want to thank you for sticking with me and I really hope to see you on our next monthly Facebook Live call!