origin psychics connection magazine - september edition 2013

Connections YOUR PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT EXPERTS! ISSUE 103 / SEPTEMBER 2013 THE ORIGIN PSYCHICS MAGAZINE SEPTEMBER OFFERS Extra 10 minutes for free on your next 30 minute reading PSYCHIC ADVICE Create your own medicine wheel! RELATIONSHIPS Should I call or wait for him to call me? HOROSCOPES Happy Birthday Virgo! BOOKINGS UK - Free Call 0808 120 9695 BOOKINGS USA - Free Call 1866 892 9216 BOOKINGS Australia - Free Call 1800 620 446

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Packed full of insight on your personal and psychic development.


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SEPTEMBER OFFERSExtra 10 minutes for free on your

next 30 minute reading

PSYCHIC ADVICECreate your own medicine wheel!RELATIONSHIPSShould I call or wait for him to call me?HOROSCOPESHappy Birthday Virgo!

BOOKINGS UK - Free Call 0808 120 9695

BOOKINGS USA - Free Call 1866 892 9216

BOOKINGS Australia - Free Call 1800 620 446

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Welcome, to the September edition of Connections magazine!Children are great teachers! I experienced this reality frequently during the years in which I worked as a teacher. But I was reminded of it again recently when an almost 12 year old family member of mine to ld me excitedly of meeting a Nobel Prize Winning Astro-Physicist AND going to see Professor Brian Cox in the same week. His exuberance in describing to me (in just a little too much detail!) the telescope he likes to use inspired me to look heavenwards again, to revisit the night sky, now

that the long days are again diminishing here in the far north.

This serendipitous conversation happened almost right on the Full Moon recently, fortunately for me. And there she was - exposed again, out from behind the clouds, and reminding me of just how powerful moonlight can be.

Am I talking about power in a metaphorical sense? Or the brilliance of the Full Moon on a clear night? Well that depends on

you, and how you personally relate to such an idea.

Personally, I believe that some things can only be seen by moonlight - the moon awakens a kind of knowing which goes beyond conceptual thinking. She relates to a part of our mind where dreams emerge, possibilities and inventions are born, and hope awakens for each new day. This is a light which is so gentle, yet persistent - such that it keeps on seeping into and through our dreams, until we are ready to bring that awareness to fullness in our conscious minds.

S o d u r i n g S e p t e m b e r, I ’d recommend you venture out late at night, once the noise and business of the day has subsided, and just gaze at the moon. It can be an incredibly inspiring experience, even without a telescope!


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I’ve collected a considerable number of tarot decks over the years. One of my recent favourites is called ‘The Wild Wood Tarot’ by John Matthews and Mark Ryan, and illustrated by Will Worthington. There are a few cards in this deck which they’ve adapted and renamed from the usual - the beautiful image above is one such. The Seer is a version of ‘The High Priestess’ found in other decks. I’ve written about the High Priestess before - she’s a constant companion to those of us who work in the psychic world. But this one awakens a slightly different understanding - hence her appearance in this edition.

One of the real challenges for anyone seeking to access the intuitive realms is that it really can be like visiting another world - we’re so used to being so constantly in the rational world, and here, the language is different; the rules

Your TAROT of the month

by Cathy Coxare different. The Seer above is dressed a little like a Shaman, someone who knows that a different state of consciousness is required to really access the wealth of that world.

Her eyes are closed - she has left the rational world around her and is ‘seeing’ something else. The real essence of a reading is to be able to understand that which we cannot see. None of us has 360 degree vision in our lives. And our emotional entanglements with others just confuse things further. Enter the Seer! She appears in a reading to point you to a gateway, a gateway to a world which can offer all sorts of understandings and wisdom, which you can then apply in the everyday world.

Find somewhere quiet, and sit comfortably with your feet on the floor. Close your eyes. Slow down your breathing. Take a few moments to relax your muscles, and to become aware of your connection with the earth. You are grounded and peaceful. When you feel relaxed and calm, allow your mind to drift to a beautiful, natural place where you feel safe. There is a soft light all around you - keeping you warm. This is part of your inner world - the realm of the Seer. She is there with you, helping you to navigate and find your way in this world. She will show you what you need to know; she probably won’t use words - she’ll use a different language - a language of images and feelings and stories.

If you have a particular question, you could ask her, and then just watch what happens. See where she takes you - be adventurous. This is your world after all. Some part of your consciousness knows it very well indeed. If you don’t have a particular question, just enjoy some time in this place. It will nourish you, and leave gifts which you’ll find spontaneously and quite unexpectedly on your return to your everyday world in the coming days. When you feel ready to do so, thank the Seer, and slowly but surely bring your awareness back to your everyday reality. Dig your heels into the floor, take a deep breath, and open your eyes.

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The Seer - from ‘The Wild Wood Tarot’ by Mark Ryan & John Matthews, Illustrated by Will Worthington

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Picture this real-life scenario. Your partner comes home from work. They are moody and unsettled. You ask what’s wrong and they don’t want to talk about it. Their response reminds you of the time they left their job and you both got into debt which is a scary prospect. You start thinking the worst: that they will leave their job and you will be in debt again. Suddenly you find yourself spiralling into fear and emotional chaos.

We’ve all been in situations where partners do or say something which triggers past associations, fears and memories. We then start making assumptions about what will happen in the future. Whilst it’s true that unresolved issues can repeat themselves, we need to be careful of not getting drawn into what I call the “Inner Terminator” or “IT” frame of mind.

So what is “IT”? I see IT as a part of our inner psyche; a protective mechanism gone berserk. It was initially designed to protect and defend us from perceived harm but now sees potential threats everywhere. IT is fuelled mainly by past or future fear. Fear in the present is a necessary alert mechanism but it will feel different in an IT space. How do you know when you are operating from an IT space?

I notice that I start making assumptions about myself, others and their behaviour. I expect them to react or behave in a certain way that I can manage or control. I use assumptive and accusatory language

such as “ought to”, “should”, “always”, “never”. I sense interactions between me and the other are defensive, destructive, highly charged and excessively emotional. We yo-yo between past events and future assumptions. IT is the part of me which blows things out of proportion and keeps “poking the bear”, even when I know I’m making it worse. IT sees things in terms of black and white. There is no room for grey and for other possibilities.

So if you do find yourself in an “IT” space, how do you deal with it? I try to tap into my Inner Voice or “IV”. IV is the innate intuitive wisdom within each of us. I see IV as an “intravenous support”. Its guidance aims to fill you up with positive energy; its language is supportive and constructive to both parties. Unlike IT, IV is centred in the present moment and does not make assumptions. IV is calm, flexible and not driven by fear. Whatever the situation, taking a pause and a few slow deep breaths helps me first get into a place of stillness and allows me to hear my own unique Inner Voice. In the above scenario, IV would tell me to “walk away for now” and “table the

Do you recognize the sound of your INNER VOICE?

by Manisha Godbole

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discussion for later” as I would recognise that both of us are in a highly charged place and that we could be scared, tired or perhaps locked into our own Inner Terminators.

You can also access IV by doing the opposite of what IT is urging you to do. You will have your own unique Inner Terminator and the first step is becoming aware of its characteristics or what it sounds like. If you don’t normally speak out, speak. If you think something is “always your fault”, try thinking the opposite “it’s not always my fault”. How does that feel? Try doing something different from your usual behaviour. A client of mine assumed a lot of arguments between her and her partner were a sign that they were incompatible and that something was inherently wrong. It turned out, that both of them really wanted to connect but talking wasn’t doing the trick. Instead of arguing, she suggested they go the bedroom. Sex in this instance, was an instant connector and diffuser of tension for them!

Being aware of your own Inner Terminator and Inner Voice will help you discern a major issue from a minor one and identify what is past and what is present.

Manisha’s readings are founded on her psychic gifts of Tarot, Channeling, Clairsentience and a deep sense of Empathy. She wil l offer you acute and intelligent insight into your life, but coupled with a sensitivity that will leave you feeling uplifted, empowered, and more in touch with yourself and your situation.

Manisha Godbole

It was an unremarkable house,redbrick Victorian terraced,in a street as long as life.A house you’d pass,not fathom what was beyondthe indeterminate number. He opened the doorwith its stained glass panes.I strode across the chessboard  tiles,climbed stairs to a roombusy with Laura Ashley wallpaper,a still air of claustrophobia. He started talking.A torrent of words spun scenesbeyond my imagination.

He saw my dead son,sitting in sneakers and jeans,grown from his tiny coffined frame. I would travel the world, he said,my Dad walking beside me,debate life with those as fearful as me;start a business, write books, be on TV.And I did; a stranger to myselfrecast from the runes that remarkable day. “How did he know?”  I once asked.“That,” he said, “was one of life’s little conundrums.”

Medium with a Message

by Helen Whitten

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Don’t let frustration get the better of you this month Virgo - it’s your birthday month, and there’s much to look forward to! There’s a feeling of expectancy hanging in the air, and even you might feel challenged to keep your feet on the ground. The latter stages of the month will bring you a much needed respite - a time for you to let your hair down a little, and en joy some we l l - ea r ned admiration and attention. This is the time too to give yourself a bit of a break if you haven’t been able to do so during the summer up until now. All the work you’ve been doing in recent months will have pointed you in the right direction. Now it’s up to you to follow through and make the most of what’s being offered to you for the coming year.



Richard Gere - Celebrity Virgo AriesEnjoy the peacefulness around you in the early part of the month Aries, because the latter stages of September will prove to be a strong turning point for you. This will be a period when you experience strong attractions but also the need for deep self-reflection, so that you can recognize your projections. The emotions you feel for others and your reactions to them could say much more about you than them! Try to remember this when the time comes Aries - you don’t want to mistake a frog for a prince. Stay grounded, and question any perceptions you form in the heat of the moment, whether that be in confrontations at work, or after a few drinks socially.

TaurusThe quiet support of the cosmos will be following you around this month Taurus. There will be plenty of gentle little signs appearing here and there if you take the time to look for them. They are paving the way forwards for you, reassuring you, and letting you know that you’re on the right track. Watch out for new friendships, and maybe even the beginning of a new romance! This won’t be a time to grasp after your goals Taurus, but simply to keep on making your way slowly and surely towards what you want to bring into your life in the coming months and years. And your charm will be at an all time high in September - so make sure you make the most of it.

GeminiIt’s time for you to get ready for some action this month, Gemini! September will begin with some planetary poking and prodding, so don’t be concerned if your love life gets off to some false starts here and there. To begin with, you might find that you’re having to change the way you communicate, or people will constantly misinterpret you. Thankfully though, by the end of the month, you’ll feel like you’re flying! There are some great surprises

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and many different options opening up for you this month - you’ll be especially supported by those who love you, and there’s a good probability of a new relationship being born during this time.

CancerThere will be plenty of attention and support for you in the early part of September Cancer, so why not relish in it! The alliances and friendships you make now will help you towards the end of the month, which will be the beginning of a time of great change for you. Be prepared for some tension in the air - Cancerians are rarely big fans of change, especially when it seems as though someone else is holding the reins and directing the action. But the changes coming into your life just now will affect the emotions in others. Naturally there will be some emotional upheaval for those close to you too Cancer. Overall though, September is a time when there will be many new doors opening, and a great sense of well-being once the dust settles.

LeoThat vitality the planets were sharing with you late last month is still around early in September for you Leo - the groundwork you’ve been forced to develop this year will really begin to pay off now, so don’t be discouraged. You are coming in to an especially social time just now - enjoy your time in the limelight, lap up the attention and admiration of others. This will no doubt motivate you to continue with your commitments as we enter the last months of the year, and you really begin to build on your achievements.

LibraSeptember will seem to really accelerate for you Libra, right up until the sun moves into your particular part of the heavens late in the month. This will herald a time for you to enjoy your ‘time in the sun’ - a time for you to enjoy being loved and admired. Your job will be to make sure that you make the most of it! If you’ve been feeling trapped in some particular part of your life, even in your relationships, there’s no better time to get things moving and to make

a breakthrough. Be open to all that the universe has to offer you in the latter stages of this month.

ScorpioDon’t be put off if the early part of September seems to be a little quiet for you Scorpio - this month will bring you a deepening of your closest and especially your intimate relationships. The planets are moving gently around you, and if you can link in with this soft and subtle vibration, you’ll see all the little things in your life go your way. Later in the month will be a better time for more activity, and especially so if you’ve been holding back on revealing your feelings to someone special. What you’ll experience is understanding, and the healing of a situation which has been bugging you for a long time now.

SagittariusTake care not to step on too many toes on your way to success this month Sagittarius! There may be some surprises, especially if you confront people who may appear to be docile, but who in fact are ‘sleeping tigers’, likely to bite your head off if you offend them. The payoff for your patience and care will be worth it though Saggie. You’ll find that all your efforts to be considerate of others’ feelings will be richly rewarded with a wonderful experience of acceptance and acknowledgement by friends and family at the end of the month. In a way, you’ll feel as though you’ve come home and found where you really belong.

CapricornThe big message for you this month Capricorn is to really trust your intuition! Throughout September, you’ll be getting messages through your dreams, and visions about what is to come, especially in the next few months. Take on the role of being an observer and allow others to take on responsibility, especially for themselves. This may even mean that you need to watch someone you love find their own feet, without necessarily jumping in to rescue them. It will be an important rite of passage for them, so stand back if you can. There is the space though for you to channel any frustration you feel in this process into your creativity - you’ll be surprised at the results you achieve!

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AquariusSeptember is when you’ll find that doors are beginning to open for you Aquarius. For some time, you’ve probably been struggling to find what you’re looking for, especially in discovering like minded people. But this month, you’ll find that you’ve hit the jackpot! You’ll discover there are many opportunities for you to express yourself and your ideas, and ‘kindred spirits’ will seem to simply present themselves to you. This is a wonderful time for you - you’ve been lurking away in the shadows for far too long. It’s time to emerge this month Aquarius!

PiscesDon’t allow yourself to be lulled into a false sense of secur ity ear ly in September, Pisces. This is just the lull before the storm. You’ll find yourself feeling more expressive around the middle of the month, and especially so around the Full Moon in your sign on September 19th. You might even feel like bursting into song, or writing a love poem to your ‘significant other’! All joking aside, let this openness carry you forwards, because deepening your bonds this months will support you as the year progresses. Stay with it Pisces if you can, and remember that those closest to you are probably going to be feeling a little unsettled during this time as well.

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CALL US during September and have any of the following discounts:

5 mins extra with any 20 minute reading.

10 mins extra with any 30 minute reading.

15 mins extra with any hour reading.

Call our free numbers to book. Discounts are valid with any reader - you can have each discount once until September 30th, 2013.

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Learning from the Medicine Wheel: What is your medicine?

by Senior Psychic, Natalie ArkinsThe Medicine Wheel can be a visual representation of your energy, and you can make your own. The Different native American tribes (North American) made their own medicine wheels based on the animals and plants that grew in their locality. The medicine wheels that one finds on the internet are not the only medicine wheels, but can be used as a guideline to make your own. There have been between 70 to 150 medicine wheels found, and most of them found in Alberta, Canada. Tailoring or making your own medicine wheel personalizes and energizes it to suit you. The ancient native meaning was for healing, although there are spiritual and ritual medicine wheels. The Medicine wheel brought balance to a person, and it went to the issue that caused the imbalance, instead of dealing with the symptoms. Of course, there is a sacred meaning too, but that is not usually shared with non-native people.

The basic construct of a medicine wheel is as follows: There is a centre stone (cairn) that is the “hub“ of the wheel, and the stones mark the spokes radiating out in the different directions. You can of course do more than four directions, it can be as simple or as complex as you want. It can be a small circle in your garden, it can be drawn on paper, made with twigs, or wood, like a shield. The following information on the colours and meanings are based on the Canadian Native American style, and are just guidelines - you may have whatever element or colour that you want in each position. You can place crystals, feathers, amulets, animal representations, on any of the spokes of the wheel. Dreamcatchers can also be made using the directions and colours, with a hoop and string.

Figure 1. This is a representation found on many internet websites. This is only a guideline.

Figure 2. This is a common colour/direction association that can be used when making your

own Medicine Wheel.

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Parts of a basic Medicine Wheel:

These are just basic guidelines for you to follow in making your medicine wheel. You can change the meaning of the directions to suit your medicine wheel intentions. Since the colours at each direction are very personal, I leave the colour up to you to decide.

✴ The Center Hub: This represents you in your balanced, whole self. You may have a spirit animal, or stone that you want to represent your wholeness.

✴ East Direction: The sun rises in the east, so this is the direction of new beginnings. The sun is a fire energy, so fire is the element usually placed here.

✴ South Direction: As the sun moves towards noon, this is seen as a growing phase, so it associated with childhood/inner child, what needs to be nurtured in you to grow. The element here can be water, earth, it really depends on what you want placed there since it is different for different tribes too.

✴ West Direction: As the sun is setting, the day is getting older, and the energy for this direction is maturity/adult. This is where we manifest what we have been working on. We are able to make balanced decisions in this direction. Earth element may be placed here.

✴ North Direction: The sun has set, and the moon is up. The North is usually associated with elders or ancestors, those that have passed before us, who have guidance and wisdom for us.

Making your own Medicine Wheel:

You have the directions, now gather what you need. It may be you only need paper and markers/crayons. The most important aspect of making your medicine wheel is in setting your intention. Is this for healing a specific issue? Is that issue on the emotional, mental, physical or spiritual plane? Make sure that you have clearly outlined your intention for the medicine wheel. Write your intention out, and keep that intention in your thoughts as you make the medicine wheel. If you are drawing it, you may want to add objects to place on top of the drawing. You can add pictures or if you have totem animal figurines, place them on it. Once you are done, enjoy what you have created! You may put it aside for a while and then decide to add more to it later. If you have an altar already, you may want it placed near or on your altar.

Figure 3. An ancient Medicine wheel.

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Did you know that all of the readers on the Origin Psychic Line must complete a formal interview, as well as complete a reading for one of the leading psychics on our line, before they are considered?

Merle Hurley Natalie Arkins Manisha Godbole


Charli HaynesMarisa MuratoreSandy Johnson

Sheila JonesAmy Adams