origin of the dark lords of the sith

Dialogues: Darth Mortis Rakiko Lowtide Daana Kira Images: Daana Kira Darth Mortis Darth Knave Editing: Daana Kira The CitADel of Byss, Capital of the Sith Empire 1

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In Second Life


Page 1: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

Dialogues: Darth Mortis Rakiko Lowtide Daana Kira

Images: Daana Kira Darth Mortis Darth Knave

Editing: Daana Kira

The CitADel of Byss, Capital of the Sith Empire


Page 2: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

Greetings you two

Greetings Sir

Greetings Darth Mortis, we're Glad you

accepted to receive US

Your visits are always a pleasure.

What Can I do for You?

I recall once, Darth Validus said you

were an expert in the history of the Sith. We would like you to tell us the early history

of the modern Sith Empire.

A man who has lived through that history, hardly an expert my dear. What

questions do you have, I will do my best to answer

them for you


Page 3: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

How did this modern Sith

Empire begin?

Darth Padar was founder of the Sith Empire was

he not? Did you know him? How did the Sith tradition continue on from him, and why did he want

to form a Sith Empire?

Darth Padar, even though popular belief says otherwise... did not form the Sith Empire. The

Empire as we know it was formed many years later by Darth Validus on the planet Byss. We still however continue many traditions from the old reign of Darth Padar, we still have a ranking

structure, a study curriculum, a full archive, rank insignias and standards. I knew Padar well as he taught me the ways of the Sith when I was among

the first to enter the order, and these traditions will continue to be carried on.

However my master Darth Padar formed the order, Dark Lords of the Sith a little past 30 years ago in a small fortress on an uninhabited planet.

After our numbers began to rapidly grow, we knew we needed a larger venue as it were.

We spoke many nights on this idea, deciding where to go and what to look for - but the answer was right in front of us... Korriban. Korriban is the planet of the sith, a place of strong dark side power, a place that holds many secrets. It is there we decided to rebuild and carry on our teachings.


Page 4: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

And there are Sith still there. How long were you there and how did it come to pass you

all left there?

Yes there are sith that still occupy the planet but nothing of our histoRy

remains. In the final days before Darth Padar named me his successor and went mad destroying everything,

we began to see potential in expanding our teachings elsewhere.

After Darth Padar's rampage and long after

the conflict between ourselves, the GAR and

the Jedi Alliance, we began transporting our artifacts, records, and other items of value off

the planet as many of our enemies were

beginning to take a greater interest in our activities since padar

was gone.

AFter the decision was finalised, we moved everything to separate temples on separate planets, all smaller temples

than the last. The sith that currently occupy the surface are of no relation to

our order nor do we have much interest in them any how. Now it is just a vast desert

surface with crumpled ruins and dust.

How did you find your way

to Byss? Wasn't the planet almost

destroyed at one time?

Or if you didn't come here directly

the journey you took, I think you were

elsewhere before


Page 5: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

During our occupation of separate planets in

what I guess you can say was exile, we had a large

conflict on a planet called Dantooine.

Very few remain who remember the "Great war of Dantooine," and others just chose to forget. This conflict although a victory for the Sith, opened

a lot of doors for us.

During that said time we had other Sith orders springing up and we had our differences, however during the war on Dantooine it was really the first time we had all come together as one to fight a common enemy.

After little negotiation it was decided DLotS would be the umbrella alliance for all sith. We again found ourselves in the same position that Darth Padar and myself found ourselves in during the search for a new world.

We needed a larger place to occupy and train. However due

to many conflicts in the Galaxy I was called away for an extended period of time.

thats when Darth Validus came in to the

scene and took the sith to Byss


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During the rebuilding of Byss is when I was summoned by

those I knew to return to the sith homeworld and assist in the ever growing order that

was again taking shape.

During this time I was away on Dathomir in seek of knowledge and a more vast understanding of

the dark side as it has always fascinated me.

After I was contacted I made my way to Byss with believe it or not, a warm welcome waiting

for me. I saw no threat in Validus to the order, nor any ill intention...in fact we

practicly saw eye to eye on almost everything.


Page 7: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

So the leadership of Dark Lords of the Sith went

from Darth Padar to you, Darth Mortis, to Darth Validus. Was this

change of power easy going, or was there conflict?


Not conflicting at all in fact. I was away not only learning many things on Dathomir but I had other work that needed my

special attention in the war effort of that time.

The order needed a leader to see them through their

teachings and expansion of the order. As my military duties and other areas in

knowledge being of greater interest than teaching at the time, I chose to let Validus continue his role as I kept to the shadows as it were.

We have never really had much conflict among ourselves apart from one or two rotten blums in the bunch. Our only issue were that of the other orders rubbing elbows in territory conflicts, fighting over the spoils of war.

Page 8: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

What was the great war of

DANTOOINE over and who was it against?

The war of Dantooine was the greatest

conflict this galaxy has seen thus far.

It was a result of the Galactic Alliance as they called

themselves, barring all sith from their system and

harboring/supporting enemies of ours including jedi.

We fought for 7 days and 7 nights over the surface,

until we were surrounded in the planet's capitol.


However this was when myself and other leaders of individual orders came to

speak and agree on working together.

As the jedi and supporting forces closed in, we faught back wave after wave until there was

nothing left besides a few jedi and the Governor...all were disposed of.

Page 9: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith

Were the Dark Lords

of the Sith located on other planets, I

think I recall seeing temples


Was it when you were studying in Dathomir that

Darth Validus founded the Empire in Byss?

Very few had names, and those who had names you are aware of. Korriban, Byss, Dromund Kaas,

and temporarly on Vjun. Others were placed in far away planets who had not been named as they

were deemed uninhabitable.


To answer your question yes. During my time in other systems, Darth Validus made the decision

to further expand sith control and formed the first full fledged Sith

Empire of our time.

Page 10: Origin of the Dark Lords of the Sith


It... is a bit yes. Unity though useful can prove troublesome

among the sith. We do have allies as you well know but we find it hard to keep sith allies as they

are always wanting to go in different directions.

An agreeable and wise decision I must add

And it has treated us well

as you can see.

Oh.. yes, of course. What was

the rationale behind of the Empire? Is it the

sequel of the war in Dantooine where the Sith understood they were stronger united

against their opponents?

After the war we began again growing once again, and as many other orders fell or

were disbanded we seems to be the only one still moving

forward. Until of course we began to slow down until

Validus came into the picture, but we never did die.

So, you're in Byss since that time and still looking to


More or less I suppose, we are comfortable where we are and we feel we are here to stay.

Many orders are still out there but they do not...

and I say this with confidence... do not offer

the knowledge or rich history as the Dark Lords of

the Sith does.

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Yes, that is possible, even other faction still certainly have

their own traditions. I do not have any more questions to ask, however do you have anything to add on the story you have

shared with us?

Not much to add, you just would have to have lived

through all that to understand. I must say something that needs to

be said however...


Heed these words citizens of the


For many years we have taken and lost

so much, we have slain, we have died

but we have not perished.

For many years Dark Lords Of The Sith have been in your galaxy, we have survived the

trials of war, betrayal, deception

and failure.