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  • 8/12/2019 orgn Profole



    Institutions Basic Data1.

    2. (E & A)Complete name of organization and OFFICIAL abbreviation

    Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA)

    3. , D C (D D C, EC.)

    / / / / E / ..

    Type of Organization: Public entity governed by its own law and attached to the President of the Republic of Egypt.

    Date of Establishment: 16 October 2002

    4. A: E + AENGLISH

    Official representative ofthe institution

    D. E ED, D

    B A /

    Address (institut ion) .. B 138 C, A 21526, E . -. , City A Governorate A Country EGYPT . ..

  • 8/12/2019 orgn Profole




    +(203) 4839999 + ( ) Fax (institution) +(203 )4820450 + ( ) 4820450 Email (institution) @.

    Website (institution) ..

    5. () (, , .)

    - Alexandria: The Bibliotheca Alexandrina and its Conference Center, Villa Antoniadis and the Atelier of Alexandria.

    - Cairo: The Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) and the Sennary House.

    - El Minia: The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Embassy of Knowledge, El Minia Branch

    - El Gouna: The Bibliotheca Alexandrina Embassy of Knowledge, El Gouna Branch

    Staff and Specialization6. ( ). (, A ,

    D , D , .)

    The BA staff employs 2363 staff. Out of this number of staff, almost 50% are women (excluding the support and custodialstaff). It is managed by 248 Senior and Junior managers and Consultants, from whom are 113 women and 135 men.

    Among this staff, 7 are professors, and 40 PhD holders.

    7. . ( 10 F7

    + )

    Main Disciplines:


    - Healthespecially Public Health and Prevention Education

    - Information and Communication Technologies focusing on: promoting the importance of libraries and books as a vitalsource of knowledge, ICT Applications to Bridge the Digital Gap, Digitization, Preservation and Management of Heritage

    - Joint Technology Initiative, Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new production technologiesespeciallyincreasing the consciousness about the importance of Science and Technology in addition to Media and Audiovisual

    Applications for Development

    - Environment especially climate change and biodiversity.

    - Socio-economic sciences and Humanities: this includes urban development and working on the sustainabledevelopment of the City, spread of awareness on the issues of reform, good governance, the culture of peace and advocacyof democracy, encouraging the involvement of children and youth in society and nurturing their talents so that they becomethe leaders of the future, providing enhanced facilities to the disabled in addition to endorsing and encouraging intercultural

    dialogue.- People with a special attention given to training and institutional capacity building development, endorsing artisticinvolvement and interaction, and support of cultural activities in Egypt and the World in addition to specialized topicsawareness (Engineering, Agriculture, Irrigation, etc).

    - Capacities: The BA works on building networks and partnerships on the local, regional and international level withinstrumental institutions and organizations in the different fields of research where the BA is active. Manuscripts collectionspreservation and Management Antiquities collections preservation and Management, calligraphy studies and culturalheritage.

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    8.DC D /


    9. / 10 (


    Awards and Prizes acquired by the Bibliotheca Alexandrina

    Below are some of the awards and prizes that were granted to the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA), its Director and its staff:

    I. The Bibliotheca Alexandrina


    - The Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT):

    o The World Summit Award - Best Award in mobile content - Abu Dhabi, UAE

    o AVICOM International Committee for Audiovisual and New Image and Sound Technology Award Medium LengthMovies" Category - Educational Special Mention for "The Temple of Dendera" movie- Shangahi, China

    - The BA Planetarium Science Center (PSC): Two awards in the category of Engineering The Modern Sciences andArts Fair (MSA Science Fair 2010)


    - The Information Communication Technology Sector (ICT):

    o Al-Kindi Informatics Award for the Memory of Modern Egypt website

    o The Kuwaiti Award for Informatics in recognition of the BA achievements in utilizing Informatics in socialdevelopment.

    - PSC: three special awards in the Intel Science and Engineering Fair (Intel ISEF 2009), USA.

    - CULTNAT: The Arab Federation for Libraries and Information (AFLI) Award for Excellence in Libraries andInformation - the distinct project in Libraries and Information Centers Digitization of the National Archives of Egypt Project Qatar


    - The BA Calligraphy Center: Best Book Award 2008 at the Competition organized by the Islamic Republic of Iran forthe book Fatimid Inscriptions by Dr. Farag Hussein Farag.


    - The UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2007 Prize

    - CULTNAT: Patent for the CULTURAMA The Scientific Research Academy.


    - The BA Calligraphy Center: Best Book Prize from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Science in the fieldof Arts, Literature and Humanities, for the translation into Arabic of History of Writing from Ideogram to Multimedia.

    - Information Communication Technology Sector (ICT Sector): The Stockholm Challenge Award for the Descriptionde lEgypte project

    - CULTNAT: Stockholm Challenge Award 2006 Diploma for excellence in the use of IT Stockholm, Sweden

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    - CULTNAT:

    o World Summit 2005, the world best e-content, Tunis

    o Arab e-Content Award - Best e-Content in e-Culture - UAE

    o Best Innovative or Experimental Application - 9th International Conference for Culture and Heritage - Vancouver,Canada


    - The Aga Khan Award for Architecture

    - CULTNAT: The Stockholm Challenge Award for the Archeological Map of Egypt Project.

    - PSC: a special award for its project Children Explain Science to Children in the scientific exposition Exposciencein Marseille, France.


    - The International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) AWARD.- CULTNAT: World Summit Award e-culture category, Special Mention, Geneva.

    II. Dr. Ismail Serageldin, the Director of the BA


    - Millennium Excellence Award for Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize, by the Excellence Awards Foundation, Ghana

    - The Dr. M. S. Swaminathan Award for Environmental Protection by the Rotary Club of Madras East (Chennai, India)


    - Champion of Youth Award by the World Youth Congress, Quebec- Knight of the French Legion of Honor awarded by the President of France

    - The Egyptian Council of Pro- Peace Physicians Scientific Leadership Award

    - Order of the Rising Sun Gold and Silver Star awarded by the Emperor of Japan


    - The Jamnalal Bajaj Award for promoting Ghandian values outside India

    - The Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action of the AUC

    - The TWAS Medal of the 10th general conference of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World for hisscientific achievements in sustainable development

    2003: Officer of the Order of Arts and Letters awarded by the government of France

    1999: First recipient of Grameen Foundation (USA) Award for a lifetime commitment to combating poverty.

    III. BA Staff

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    - Dr. Fathy Saleh, Director of CULTNAT:

    o Tartitsoss Prize from the Spanish Society of Virtual Archeology, Spain

    o The Informatics Expert Award of The Arab Towns Organization, Qatar.

    - Mr. Mohammed Ghonema, Specialist at the Special Projects Department: The first prize in the Geographic

    Information Systems (GIS) Competition.- Dr. Mohamed Awad, Director of the Alexandria Mediterranean Center: Medallion of Honor from the League ofHellenic / Egyptian Friendship and the Cavalier of the Order of the Star of Italian Solidarity (Cavalier dell'Ordine della Stelladella Solidariet Italiana)


    - Dr. Youssef Zidan, Director of the BA Manuscript Center and Museum: The Second International Prize for ArabicFiction (The Arabic Booker) for his novel Azazil (Beelzebub).

    - Dr. Mohamed Awad, Director of the Alexandria Mediterranean Center: The Hassan Fathy Award.

    - Maestro. Sherif Mohie Eldin, Director of the Arts Center: State Incentive Award in Music Composition.

    - Mr. Omar Hazeq, Specialist at the BA Publishing Department, The first award in Love, Justice and Peace in theWorld Festival, Italy.


    - Dr. Khaled Azab Director of the Calligraphy Center and the Media Department and Mr. Dr. Ahmed Mansour, Head ofAncient Egyptian Language Unit: The State Incentive Award in Social Sciences for the Bulaq Press publication.


    - Ms. Hanan Elrakkad, Head of Unit at the External relations Sector: a high level French medal, insignes de chevalier,from the French Cabinet Office.

    - Mr. Ayman Elsherbiny, Head of the Editing Unit at the Media Department: Ibdaa International Media Award inJournalism from Dubai Media City.


    - Dr. Magdy Nagi, Head of ICT Sector, awarded on behalf of the BA, a Diploma for Excellence in the use ofInformation Technology in the Culture Category of the Stockholm Challenge.

    - Dr. Youssef Zidan, Director of the BA Manuscript Center and Museum: The Kuwait Foundation for the Advancementof Sciences (KFAS) Award for the book, al-mil in Medicine by Ibn al-Nafs.

    - Mr. Nagy Anas, Deputy of the Director of the Internal Security Department: The OSHA Certificate

    2005: Dr. Fathy Saleh, Director of CULTNAT: The Arab e-content Award for the website Eternal Egypt.

    2004: Dr. Sahar Hamouda, Deputy of the Director of the Alexandria Mediterranean Center: Alexandria University

    Research Award.

    2002: Eng. Mohamed Attwa, Deputy of the Director of the Engineering Department: President Award StarwoodInternational Corporation (President Award ITT cooperation).

    Involvement and Collaborative Research

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    10. E F / E 11. 5 ( E ),

    F (F6 F7 E), A. F ,

    , , , , .

    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    Education forSustainableDevelopment beyondthe Campus(EduCamp)


    3rd Call for Proposals -EACEA/28/09Project Number:511132-TEMPUS-1-2010-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES

    Action Code: JPHES

    StartingYear: 2010Duration: 36months

    RWTH Aachen University, Karl Franzens-University of Graz, Universityof Limerick, UNESCO, Center ofStudies, Information & Education forthe Environment,INGENIEURGESELLSCHAFT Dr. Ing.NACKENMBH, Cairo University,

    Alexandria Universi ty, Suez CanalUniversity, Fayoum University, ZagazigUniversity, Heliopolis University, FutureGeneration Foundation, Bibliotheca

    Alexandrina, Ministry of HigherEducation, Ministry of Education, WadiEnvironmental Science Center, SEKEM

    Development Foundation, TheAmerican Mideast Educat ion andTraining Service, American Universityin Cairo

    Support of FP7Activities

    ResearchDevelopment& InnovationProgramme in

    Egypt (RDI) -EC

    Grant Agreementnumber: FP/20

    StartingYear: 2009Duration: 18



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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    Tools and Expertisefor 3D CollectionFormation (3D-COFORM)


    Call Identifier: ICT-2007.4.3Project reference:231809

    StartingYear: 2008Duration: 48months

    Breukmann - Germany, Centre forDocumentation of Cultural and NaturalHeritage (CULTNAT-BA) - Egypt,Centre National de la RechercheScientifique UMR171 - Centre deRecherche et de Restauration desMuses de France - France, CMC

    Assoc iates Ltd. - UK, Consig lioNazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto diScienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione,

    Cyprus Institute - Cyprus,Eidgenssische Technische HochschuleZurich - Germany, Foundation forResearch & Technology, Hellas -Greece, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zurFrderung der angewandten Forschunge.V. - Germany, Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, MICC - Belgium, Universit diFirenze, PIN - Belgium, Spheron -Germany, Technische Universitt Graz- Germany, University of Bonn -Germany, University of Brighton - UK,University of East Anglia - UK,University of Glasgow - UK, Victoriaand Albert Museum, PhotographicDepartment - UK

    Documentation of theCultural Heritage ofthe Bedouins ofSouth Sinai

    EuropeanCommission -MEDAProgramme


    StartingYear: 2007Duration: 60months


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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration



    AuthenticationMethodologies forMetal Artifacts basedon MaterialComposition andManufacturingTechniques


    Activity area acronym:FP6-POLICIESProject Reference:44480

    Action Line (spf): FP6-POLICIES

    StartingYear: 2007Duration: 30months

    European Jewellery TechnologyNetwork - Belgium,Conservation &Restoration of Prague Castle RoyalJewellery - Czech Rep, Center forDocumentation of Cultural and NaturalHeritage (CULTNAT-BA) - Egypt,Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche -

    Istituto di Fisica Applicata "NelloCarrara" - Italy, Centro SviluppoProgetti srl - Italy, Centro di Restauro

    Soprintendenza per i BeniArcheologici della Toscana - Italy,Centre de Recherche et deRestauration des Muses de France -France, Nicholaus CopernicusUniversity - Poland, Tajik NIP -Tajikistan, The National Museum of

    Antiquities of Tajikistan - Tajikis tan,University College London, Institute of

    Archaeology - UK

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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    InfrArtSonic FP6

    Action Line: INCO-2003-B2.1 Materials,artifacts, monumentsand sites: newtechnologiesand characterisation

    Project Reference:15338

    StartingYear: 2006Duration: 36months

    Sacred Convent of the Annunciation-IMSP "ORMYLIA" Art Diagnosis Centre(OADC) Ormylia-GREECE, Centre forDocumentation of Cultural and NaturalHeritage (CULTNAT-BA) - Egypt, RoyalScientific Society- Jordan, AristotleUniversity of Thessaloniki - Greece,Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionaleper la Scienza E Technologia DeiMateriali - Italy, Saint John ofDamascus Faculty of Theology -

    University of Balamand - Lebanon,Fraunhofer-Gesellschraft Zur ForderungDer Angewandten Forschung E.V. -Germany , Byzantine Academy ofCyprus - Laboratory of Restoration ofIcons, Painting and Manuscripts -- theHoly Archbishopric of Cyprus - Cyprus

    Climate for Culture


    Project number.226973

    StartingYear: 2009Duration: 60months

    Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Frderungder angewandten Forschung e.V.-Germany, Czech Technical University inPrague, Faculty of MechanicalEngineering - Czech Republic, ConsiglioNazionale Delle Ricerche, Istituto di

    Scienze dell'atmosfera e del Clima -Italy, University of Zagreb, Faculty ofCivil Engineering-Croatia, Foundationfor Research and Technology, Instituteof Electronic Structure and Laser,Holography Lab

    Laser Applications

    Division - Greece, Max Planck Institutefor Meteorology- Germany, TechnischeUniversitt Mnchen, Studiengang frRestaurierung, Kunsttechnologie undKonservierungswissenschaft EindhovenUniversity of Technology, Unit BuildingPhysics and Systems-Netherlands,University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civiland Geodetic Engineering-Slovenia,Gradbeni Institut ZRMK, Centre forIndoor Environment, Building Physicsand Energy-Slovenia, GotlandUniversity / Baltic Sea Region Networkon Indoor Climate in Churches AndreasWei, Freelance conservator restorer /

    Baltic Sea Region Network on IndoorClimate of Churches- Germany,Engineering Consulting & SoftwareDevelopment- Poland, Krah & GroteMeasurement Solutions - Germany TB

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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    Kferhaus GmbH, Consulting engineersfor the preservation of culturalheritage- Austria, Haftcourt Ltd.,UK/Sweden, ACCIONA, S.A - Spain,Bayerische Verwaltung der staatlichenSchlsser, Grten und Seen- Germany,Bayerische Staatsgemldesammlungen

    Doerner Institut -Germany, NationalTrust for England, Wales and NorthernIreland- UK, Kybertec Ltd.- CzechRepublic, Glasgow CaledonianUniversity-UK, Center forDocumentation of Cultural & NaturalHeritage (CULTNAT - BA) - Egypt,

    Jonathan Ashley Smith- UK, InstituteNational du Patrimoine Paris-France,London School of Economics & PoliticalScience, Grantham Research Instituteon Climate Change and theEnvironment-UK, Fondazione SalvatoreMaugeri Clinica del Lavoro e della

    Riabilitazione- Italy

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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration



    ProgrammeInterreg III BMEDOCC


    StartingYear: 2006Duration: 27months

    Centre de Conservation du Livre -France, Biblioteca Berio- Comune diGenova - Liguria - Italy, University ofCagliari - Italy, Research AcademicComputer Technology Institute(Telematics center department) -Greece, Municipalitad di Murcia -

    Spain, GeoCultural Parks of EasternAegean - Athens - Greece, InstitutoAndaluz de tecnologia - Andalousia -Spain, Consorzio NazionalInteruniversitario per leTelecomunicazioni - Toscane - Italy,National Archive of Malta - Malta,Promoci Econmica de Moncada S.A.PEMSA, MONCADA (Comunitat

    Valenciana) - Spain, GEHIMAB -Alger ia, Bibliotheca Alexandrina -Egypt,TULOV- Turkey, DOKUZ EylulUnversity- Turkey

    Gastronomy inAlexandria: ACosmopolitan Flavourin the Mediterranean

    Local andRegionalCultural

    ActivitiesMEDA 2007and the The

    Anna Lindh

    Euro-MediterraneanFoundation forthe DialoguebetweenCultures

    Reference number:2007/147-020

    StartingYear: 2007Duration: 12months


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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    Toward a Euro-MediterraneanMemory: ExpertWorkshop onInformation Systemsfor Arab Manuscripts-INFOMAN


    Action Line:INCO-2002-B2.1 Materials,artifacts,monumentsand sites: newtechnologies andcharacterisation, INCO-2002-B2.2 Simulation-recreation-comparativepreservation

    methodologyProject Reference:26352

    StartingYear: 2006Duration: 18months


    Heritage Retrievaland ObservationUnder Sand (HORUS)

    EuropeanSpace Agency(ESA)/EuromedHeritage


    StartingYear: 2006Duration: 12months

    Rovsing - Denmark, SOGESI - Italy,and Center for Documentation ofCultural and Natural Heritage(CULTNAT - BA) - Egypt

    Quality Principles forCultural Websites(MED-CULT)


    StartingYear: 2005Duration: 12months

    The Italian Ministry of Culture - Italy,La Fondation Maison des Science del'Homme, Ministre de la Culture,Centre d'Inventaire et deDocumentation du Patrimoine (CIDP)-Morocco, Center for Documentation ofCultural and Natural Heritage(CULTNAT-BA) - Egypt, Ministry ofTourism and Antiquities, Department of

    Antiquities - Jordan

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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    Traditional WaterTechniques: CulturalHeritage for aSustainable Future



    Action Line: FP6:INCO-2002-B2.2Simulation-re-creationcomparativepreservationmethodology

    StartingYear: 2004Duration: 36months

    European Jewellery TechnologyNetwork - Belgium, Center forDocumentation of Cultural and NaturalHeritage (CULTNAT-BA) - Egypt,Universite des Sciences et de laTechnologie d'Oran - Algeria, SidataInformation and CommunicationSystems - West Bank And Gaza Strip,

    Via Maris Inc - West Bank And Gaza

    Strip, Universite Moulay Ismail-Morocco, Sarl Societe Sud Timmi -Alger ia, Ipogea P.S.C. - Italy, PetraNational Trust - Jordan, National

    Agricultural Research Foundat ion -Greece

    The Defence Systemson the MediterraneanCoast- HDSMC/SID-LIM

    EuropeanCommission /Euro-MedHeritage IIProgramme


    StartingYear: 2003Duration: 48months

    Centro de Investigacion para elDesarrollo - Spain, University of theAegean - Sociology Department -Social & Cultural Digital DocumentationLaboratory - Greece, Instituto deDesenvolvimiento Social - Portugal,The directorate general of antiquities &museums - Syria, Ministre de laculture - Algeria, Center forDocumentation of Cultural and NaturalHeritage (CULTNAT-BA) - Egypt

    ALEXCINEMA:Multimedia exhibitionon the AlexandrianSchool of Cinema andits relationship withEurope

    EuropeanCommission -MEDAProgramme2005

    Reference Number:MS/yd?2005/1088P

    StartingYear: 2005Duration: 24months


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    Bibliotheca Alexandrina's Participation in EU Funded Research/Education Programs over the past 5 years

    Project Name




    Year andDuration


    Arabic Manuscr iptCataloguing Project

    JISC, UK, TheWellcomeTrust


    StartingYear: 2009Duration: 18months

    The Wellcome Library - UK, BibliothecaAlexandrina - Egypt, King's College -UK

    Reissuing Classics ofArabic and MuslimCulture

    Swiss AgencyforDevelopmentandCooperation(SDC) andother



    StartingYear: 2008Duration: 48months


    Science TV Series

    Swiss AgencyforDevelopmentandCooperation(SDC), OPECFund for

    InternationalDevelopment(OFID) andotherinternationaldonors


    StartingYear: 2008Duration: 38



    Supercourse forScience

    Swiss AgencyforDevelopmentandCooperation



    StartingYear: 2008Duration: 36months

    University of Pittsburgh, United States

    12. EE E EEAC / EDCA EC 5 ( F,

    EE, , , . .

    - Al-Hilal Digital Archive

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    - Anwar El-Sadat Digital Archive

    - Arabic and Middle Eastern Electronic Library (AMEEL)

    - Arabic Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)

    - Arabic Union Catalogue

    - Boutros Boutros Ghali Special Collection

    - Description de l'Egypte

    - Diabetes Supercourse

    - Documentation of - Embassies of Knowledge

    - Gamal Abdel Nasser Digital Archive

    - Holy Books Portal

    - Hyperthrophic Cardiomyopathy Project (HCM)

    - Iraqi Recollection

    - L'Art Arabe

    - Mapping of Donors in the Higher Education Sector in the MENA Region

    - Memory of Modern Egypt

    - Memory of The Suez Canal

    - North Africa and Middle East Science Centers Network (NAMES)

    - Online Access to Consolidated Information on Serials for the Middle East (OACIS)

    - Print on Demand: Espresso Book Machine

    - Revival of lInstitut dEgypte

    - The Arab InfoMall

    - The Arab Reform Observatory (ARO)

    - The Development Gateway

    - The Digital Library of Inscriptions- The Internet Archive

    - The Memory of Arab World

    - The Science Clubs Initiative

    - The World Digital Library

    - Trainings of the Librarians

    - Universal Digital Library

    - Universal Networking Language (UNL)

    - Virtual Immersive Science and Technology Applications (VISTA)

    - Youth for Environmental Sustainability and Better Understanding (YESBU)

    13. E E /

    Virtual Immersive Science and Technology Applications (VISTA) ( reality is oneof the very practical tools of visualization during research that enables researchers to experience 3D simulations of natural orhuman-engineered phenomena.The BA is the first in Africa and the Middle East to provide researchers with such advancedwalk-in visualization tools.

    Internet Archive ( :The Internet Archive (IA) is a recorded memory of the all the web pages onevery website on the Internet since it started in 1996

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    The Supercomputer: For the purpose of educational research and development in multiple scientific fields a highperformance computing cluster, known as the Supercomputer, is available at the BA It is meant to be deployed forspecialized applications that require immense mathematical calculations, thus rendering the cluster a valuable tool forresearchers seeking optimum results at a rate of trillions of calculations per second. There are many domains andapplications in which the use of the Supercomputer cluster can make quite a difference; as in bioinformatics, data mining,computer vision, image processing, physics simulation, weather forecast, finite elements, oil and ground water exploration,astrophysics and cloud computing.

    The Digital Laboratory ( the BA has its own digitallaboratory equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. It digitizes various media, including slides in multi-formats, negatives,books, manuscripts, pictures, and maps. It is also equipped with the necessary tools for indexing, archiving and managingthe digital media. The Digital Lab acts as the corner-stone for digitizing BA collections as well as the collections of otherinternational libraries. Currently, the production rate of the digital lab is 120 books/day.

    The Universal Networking Language (UNL):The mission of the UNL program is to enable all people to generateinformation and have access to cultural knowledge in their native languages. It addresses the obstacle of linguistic diversityamong nations and is considered a new technique towards bridging the linguistic gap among civilizations. UNL is an artificiallanguage attempting to replicate the functions of natural language in human communication. UNL applications will includemultilingual web pages, UNL encyclopedia, etc. Currently, 15 languages have been involved and a number of institutionshave started to work on their respective native languages.

    The Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) Project: The HCM project aims to promote early detection of HCM on thenational level and establish a community-based national (open to all citizens) service relating to a very well-definedneglected group of patients suffering from this genetic disease which can cause sudden death in young adults. An advanced,fully-equipped Molecular Genetics Laboratory is currently operational at the BA Shallalat premises. So far, 50 index patientshave been referred by cardiologists nationwide. A number of presentations and abstracts were presented in national andinternational conferences pointing out the clinical and molecular characterization of HCM in Egypt and early results of BA-HCM national study.

    The Espresso Book Machine ( :it is a machine that canprint and bind any title on the spot within minutes. Is capable of printing and binding books of up to 500 pages in 20minutes.

    The Restoration Laboratory: The Laboratory is equipped with a leaf casting machine for rare book restoration. Since itsestablishment in 1996, the section has restored 166 rare manuscripts, 1102 rare books 67 old maps, and 32 plans.

    External Relations14. E / E / , , F , C, , . F E , , ,

    Ms. Hala Abdelwahab, Director of the Resource Development Department of the BA

    - RDI-FP7 focal point at the BA

    - National Contact Point for Social Sciences and Humanities Theme for the European Commissions FP7

    Tel: + 20 3 4839999 Ext. 1128

    Fax: + 20 3 48 20 473

    Mobile: + 20 12 7141410

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Main responsibilities within the BA:

    - to support the BA departments in mobilizing donor funds for implementation of various departmental projects

    - to establish networking opportunities between Egyptian and European institutions to locate cooperation opportunities

    - to disseminate information about the EU funding opportunities

    15. 56 / , , .

    Please refer to Annex (3)

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    For more photographs of the BA, please refer to the BA Photo Gallery on the following link: