orginal lesson plan

I am here to help kid who has problem on addition Or to help kid how is Interesting to be good at addition.

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Post on 10-Jun-2015




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  • 1. I am here to help kid who has problem on addition Or to help kid how is Interesting to be good at addition.

2. Asking questions to warm up With their own stuff 3. Lets counting things How many toys do you have?How many sister do you have?How many brothers do you have?How many teacher do you have? 4. compared what kids have with their classmates 5. Ali has 2 brothersPeter has 1 brotherHow many 2 and 1 ? 6. The definition of addition Add Plus Equal 7. What does meanand Put together MoreAdd 8. 1 add 2 add 9. 1 plus 21 + +2 10. A way that help kids to count Let us count1 + 2 is 3 1 + 4 is 5 2 + 3 is 5 11. How many 1+21+2isis=3 12. 1+2equal 31 + 2 = 3 += 13. Give kids activates Hand paper example voluptuous Quizzes Tell story Drawing picture 14. How many frogs are there all together?=+ 15. HOM MANY2 + 11 + 1 16. Once upon a time There were 1 frogThen 1 more frog came to join him 17. How many frog were there all togetherLet us see we can count all frogs 18. Learn additionListening to music TUhEStory play 19. -What mean add, put together on math? -What the best way to count?